(A) Describe The Concepts of User Requirements and System Requirements and Why These Requirements May Be Expressed Using Different Notation

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Name Aye Thida

Roll No EMCS-980

(a) Describe the concepts of user requirements and system requirements and why these
requirements may be expressed using different notation.

The concepts of user requirements and system requirements can be describe as follow:

 User requirements are statements, in a natural language plus diagrams, of what services
the system is expected to provide and the constrains under which it must operate.
 System requirements set out the system’s functions, services and operational constraints
in detail. The system requirements document (sometimes called a functional
specification) should be precise. It should define exactly what is to be implemented. It
may be part of the contract between the system buyer and the software developers.

Different types of readers use them in different ways these requirements may be expressed using
different notation.

Readers of different types of specification are:

User Requirements Client managers

System end-users
Client engineers
Contractor managers
System architects

System Requirements System end-users

Client engineers
System architects
Software developers

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(b) When the system is being tested to check whether or not the system has met its non-
functional requirements, which metrics for specifying non-functional requirements should
be used.

Metrics for specifying non-functional requirements should be used are as followed table:

Property Measure

Speed Processed transactions/second

User/Event response time
Screen refresh time

Size K bytes
Number of RAM chips

Ease of use Training time

Number of help frames

Reliability Mean time to failure

Probability of unavailability
Rate of failure occurrence

Robustness Time to restart after failure

Percentage of events causing failure
Probability of data corruption on failure

Portability Percentage of target-dependent statements

Number of target systems

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