2019 UST Golden Notes POLITICAL LAW
2019 UST Golden Notes POLITICAL LAW
2019 UST Golden Notes POLITICAL LAW
Academics Committee
Faculty of Civil Law
University of Santo Tomas
Españ a, Manila 1008
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Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, the Catholic University of the
2019 Edition.
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No. ____________
Justice Oswaldo D.
For being our guideposts in understanding the intricate sphere of Political Law.
-Academics Committee 2019
I. Preliminary Provisions and Basic Concepts...............................................................................................................1
A. National Territory.....................................................................................................................................................1
1. Archipelagic doctrine 1
B. Declaration of principles and state policies.....................................................................................................2
C. Separation of powers.............................................................................................................................................10
D. Checks and balances..............................................................................................................................................12
E. State immunity 13
V. Constitutional Commissions.........................................................................................................................................93
A. Common Provisions................................................................................................................................................93
B. Powers and functions of the CSC, COMELEC and COA.................................................................................94
C. Composition and Qualifications of Members.................................................................................................94
D. Prohibited Offices and Interests........................................................................................................................97
E. Review of final orders, resolutions and decisions.......................................................................................97
1. Rendered in the exercise of quasi-judicial functions............................................................................................ 97
2. Rendered in the exercise of administrative functions.......................................................................................... 97
F. Jurisdiction of Each Constitutional Commission..........................................................................................98
X. Election Law.....................................................................................................................................................................227
A. Suffrage.....................................................................................................................................................................227
B. Qualification and disqualification of voters................................................................................................228
C. Registration of voters..........................................................................................................................................229
D. Inclusion and exclusion proceedings............................................................................................................230
E. Detainee voting......................................................................................................................................................232
F. Candidacy.................................................................................................................................................................232
1. Qualifications and disqualifications of candidates............................................................................................. 232
2. Filing of certificates of candidacy.............................................................................................................................. 234
a. Effect of filing............................................................................................................................................................ 234
b. Substitution of candidates................................................................................................................................... 235
c. Nuisance candidates............................................................................................................................................... 236
d. Ministerial duty of COMELEC to receive certificates................................................................................ 237
G. Remedies and jurisdiction in election law...................................................................................................237
1. Petition not to give due course to or cancel a certificate of candidacy...................................................... 237
2. Petition for disqualification......................................................................................................................................... 237
3. Failure of election, call of special election............................................................................................................. 239
4. Pre-proclamation controversy................................................................................................................................... 240
5. Election protest................................................................................................................................................................ 242
6. Quo warranto............................................................................................................................................................................. 244
Political Law
1. Political Law
2. Constitutional Law
3. Administrative Law
4. Law on Municipal Corporations
5. Law on Public Officers
6. Election laws
7. Public International Law
it, there would be provisions of this
A: NO. William is not correct. The premises occupied “pockets of high Convention applicable to
by the United States Embassy do not constitute seas” between some other land territory. Rocks
territory of the United States but of the Philippines. of our islands and which cannot sustain
Crimes committed within them are subject to the islets, thus foreign human habitation or
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines. Since vessels would be economic life of their own
William has no diplomatic immunity, the Philippines able to pass through shall have no exclusive
can prosecute him if it acquires custody over him. these “pockets of economic zone or
(UPLC Suggested Answers) seas” and would continental shelf.
have no jurisdiction
NOTE: Foreign embassies retain their status as native over it. Spratlys Group of Islands
soil. They are still subject to Philippine authority. Its (SGI) is not part of the
jurisdiction may be diminished, but it does not Effect of RA 9522 Philippine Archipelago
disappear. So, it is with the bases under lease to the “Archipelagic because it is too far to be
American armed forces by the military base’s Baselines Law” on included within the
agreement of 1947. They are not and cannot be our sovereignty archipelagic lines encircling
considered as foreign territory. over our national the internal waters of
territory Philippine Archipelago. The
Also, if an attaché commits an offense within the SGI, however, is part of the
precincts of an embassy, his immunity from RA 9522 amends RA Philippine territory
prosecution is not because he has not violated the 3046, which defines because it was discovered
local law, but rather because the individual is exempt the baselines of the by a Filipino seaman in the
from prosecution. If a person not so exempt, or territorial sea of the name of Tomas Cloma who
whose immunity is waived, similarly commits a crime Philippines. The later renounced his claim
therein, the territorial sovereign, if it secures custody Kalayaan Island over it in favor of the
of the offender, may subject him to prosecution. It is Group as constituted Republic of the Philippines.
not believed, therefore, that an ambassador himself under PD 1596 and Subsequently, then Pres.
possesses the right to exercise jurisdiction, contrary Bajo de Masinloc, Marcos issued a
to the will of the State of his sojourn, even within his also known as Presidential Decree
embassy with respect to acts there committed. Nor is Scarborough Shoal is constituting SGI as part of
there apparent at the present time any tendency on determined as the Philippine territory and
the part of States to acquiesce in his exercise of it. “Regime of Islands” sending some of our armed
(William C. Reagan v. CIR, G.R. No. L-26379, December under the Republic forces to protect said island
27, 1969) of the Philippines and maintain our
consistent with Art. sovereignty over it.
Archipelagic Doctrine 121 of the United
Nations Convention SGI and Scarborough
The waters around, between, and connecting the on the Law of the Shoal as part of the
islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth Sea which states: National Territory
and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of
the Philippines. An island is a The SGI and Scarborough
naturally formed Shoal fall under the 2nd
Under the Archipelagic Doctrine, we connect the area of land, phrase of Art. II, i.e. “and all
outermost points of our archipelago with straight surrounded by other territories over which
baselines and consider all the waters enclosed water, which is the Philippines has
thereby as internal waters. The entire archipelago is above water at high sovereignty or jurisdiction.”
regarded as one integrated unit instead of being tide. It is part of our national
fragmented into so many thousand islands. (Cruz and territory because the
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 24) Except as provided Philippines exercise
for in par. 3, the sovereignty (through
Purposes of the Archipelagic Doctrine territorial sea, the election of public officials)
contiguous zone, the over the Spratly Group of
1. Territorial Integrity exclusive economic Islands. Moreover, under
2. National Security zone and the the
3. Economic reasons continental shelf of
an island are
NOTE: The main is to protect the territorial determined in
purpose of the interests of an archipelago, its accordance with the
archipelagic doctrine territorial integrity. Without
the Executive existence of war
bases his and enact All existing treaties working
assumption of measures to or international conditions,
power is a support it, the agreements which taking into
legitimate actual power to have not been account their
expression of the engage in war is ratified shall not be maternal
people’s will and lodged, renewed or functions, and
if the Executive nonetheless, in extended without such facilities
who assumes the executive. the concurrence of and
power received at least two-thirds opportunities
his office through Independent of all the Members that will
a valid election by Foreign Policy of the Senate. (Sec. enhance their
the people. and a nuclear- 4, Art. XVIII, 1987 welfare and
free Constitution) enable them
State policy on Philippines to realize
war After the expiration their full
The State shall in 1991 of the potential in
The State pursue an Agreement the service of
renounces war as independent between the the nation."
an instrument of foreign policy. In Republic of the
national policy. its relations with Philippines and the 2. Ecology –
(Sec. 2, Art. II, other states, the United States of 1987
1987 paramount America Constitution,
Constitution) consideration concerning military Sec. 16, Art. II:
shall be national bases, foreign “The State
NOTE: The sovereignty, military bases, shall protect
Philippines does territorial troops, or facilities and advance
not renounce integrity, shall not be the right of
defensive war national allowed in the the people
because it is duty interest, and the Philippines except and their
bound to defend right to self- under a treaty duly posterity to a
its citizens. Under determination. concurred in by the balanced and
the Constitution, (Sec. 7, Art. 2, Senate and, when healthful
the prime duty of 1987 the Congress so ecology in
the government is Constitution) requires, ratified by accord with
to serve and a majority of the the rhythm
protect the The Philippines, votes cast by the and harmony
people. consistent with people in a national of nature."
the national referendum held
Voting interest, adopts for that purpose, Q: The residents
requirements to and pursues a and recognized as a of Taguig City
declare the policy of treaty by the other brought a
existence of a freedom from contracting State. complaint
state of war nuclear weapons (Sec. 25, Art. XVIII, before Laguna
in its territory. 1987 Constitution) Lake
1. 2/3 vote (Sec. 8, Art. II, Development
of both 1987 Policies of the State Authority
Houses Constitution) on the following: (LLDA) about an
2. In joint open garbage
session NOTE: This 1. Working dumpsite in
3. Voting pertains to use women – 1987 their city and
separatel of nuclear Constitution, sought its
y weapons and Sec. 14, Art. closure due to
not nuclear XIII: "The State its harmful
NOTE: Even source of shall protect effects on health
though the energy. working and the
legislature can women by pollution it
declare an providing safe brings to the
and healthful lake. Upon
investigation, LLDA operations. Then, Lands of
discovered that the LLDA, under RA Indigenous Develop
Taguig City 4850, issued a Communities. ment of
Government has “cease and desist” (1987 national
been maintaining order against the Constitution, Art. talents
the said dumpsite City Government XII, Sec. 5) consistin
without an to completely stop g of
Environmental the dumping of Application of Filipino scientists,
Compliance any form or kind Principles of entrepre
of waste matter to Agrarian Reform neurs,
Certificate the dumpsite. and Stewardship professio
Does the LLDA to Indigenous nals,
from the have the power Communities manager
Environmental and authority to and Landless s, high-
Management issue a “cease and Farmers. (1987 level
Bureau of the DENR, desist” order Constitution, Art. technical
and also found the under RA 4850 XIII, Sec. 65) manpow
water to have been enjoining the er and
directly dumping of Preservation skilled
contaminated by garbage in Taguig and workers
the dumpsite City? Development of and
the Culture, craftsme
A: YES. In the exercise, carries the correlative duty of Traditions, and n. (1987
therefore, of its non-impairment. Hence, the Institutions of Constitut
express powers under issuance of the cease and Indigenous ion, Art.
its charter as a desist order by the LLDA is a Communities. XII, Sec.
regulatory and quasi- proper exercise of its power (1987 14)
judicial body with and authority under its Constitution, Art.
respect to pollution charter and in consonance XIV, Sec. 17) Mandate
cases in the Laguna with the declared policy of on
Lake region, the the state to protect and 5. Science and educatio
authority of the LLDA promote the right to health of technology – nal
to issue a “cease and the people and instill health Priority to institutio
desist” order is consciousness among them. Education, ns. [1987
implied and need not (Laguna Lake Development Science and Constitut
necessarily be Authority v. CA, G.R. No. Technology, ion, Art.
express. Moreover, the 110120, March 16, 1994) Arts, Culture, XIV, Sec.
immediate response and Sports. 3(4)]
to the demands of "the 3. The symbols of statehood (1987
necessities of – Flag of the Philippines. Constitution, Art. Priority
protecting vital public (1987 Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 17) to
interests" gives XVI, Sec. 1) (1992, 1994 research
vitality to the Bar) and
statement on ecology Name of the country, develop
embodied in Art. II, National Anthem, and ment,
Sec. 16 of the National Seal. (1987 invention
Constitution which Constitution, Art. XVI, Sec. ,
provides: The State 2) innovatio
shall protect and n of
advance the right of 4. Cultural minorities – science
the people to a Recognition and and
balanced and healthful Promotion of Rights of technolo
ecology in accord with Indigenous Cultural gy. (1987
the rhythm and Communities. (1987 Constitut
harmony of nature. As Constitution, Art. II, Sec. ion, Art.
a constitutionally 22) (1994, 1996 Bar) XIV, Sec.
guaranteed right of 10)
every person, it Protection of Ancestral
s, groups, o Stateme
tax local f nt of
ded governmen t Assets,
ucti ts, and h Liabiliti
ons, organizatio e es, and
and ns in the C Net
sch generation o worth.
olar and n (1987
ship utilization g Constitu
s to of science r tion,
enc and e Art. XI,
our technology. s Sec. 17)
age (1987 s. 5. Access
priv Constitutio ( to
ate n, Art. XIV, 1 informa
part Sec. 12) 9 tion on
icip 8 foreign
atio Constitutional 7 loans
n in provision on C obtaine
pro transparency o d or
gra in matters of n guarant
ms public s eed by
of concern (2000 ti the
basi Bar) t govern
c u ment.
and The 1987 ti (1987
appl Constitution o Constitu
ied provides for a n tion,
scie policy of , Art. XII,
ntifi transparency in A Sec. 21)
c matters of r
rese public interest: t. NOTE: These
arch V provisions on
. 1. Policy of I, public
(19 full public S disclosures
87 disclosure e are intended
Con of c. to enhance
stit governme 2 the role of
utio nt 0 the citizenry
n, transactio ) in
Art. ns. (1987 ( governmenta
XIV, Constituti 2 l decision-
Sec. on, Art. II, 0 making as
11) Sec. 28) 0 well as in
2. Right to 0 checking
Enc informatio B abuse in
our n on a government.
age matters of r (Valmonte v.
men public ) Belmonte,
t of concern. 4. S G.R. No.
wid (1987 u 74930,
est Constituti b February 13,
part on, Art. III, m 1989)
icip Sec. 7) is
atio 3. Access to si Right of Parents to Rear
n of the o their Children
priv records n
ate and books o The natural
of account f and primary
effectively given 2. Exclusive; 3. Comprehensive
unfettered authority ;
over their children's
conduct during 4. Absolute; expressly or impliedly as a
curfew hours when 5. Indivisible; member of the family of
they are able to NOTE: The fact that 6. Inalienable; and nations.
supervise them. the international 7. Imprescripti
Thus, in all actuality, law has been made ble. (Laurel The sovereignty of a state
the only aspect of part of the law of v. Misa, G.R. therefore cannot in fact and
parenting that the the land does not by No. L- 409, in reality be considered
Curfew Ordinances any means imply Jan. 30, absolute. Certain
affects is the parents' the primacy of 1947) restrictions enter into the
prerogative to allow international law picture: (1) limitations
minors to remain in over national law in Sovereignty: imposed by the very nature
public places without the municipal Imperium vs. of membership in the
parental sphere. (Philip Dominium family of nations and (2)
accompaniment Morris, Inc. v. CA, limitations imposed by
during the curfew G.R. No. 91332, July BASIS IMPERIUMtreaty stipulations. (Tañada
hours. (SPARK, Et. al. 16, 1993) The v. Angara, G.R. No. 118295,
vs. Quezon City, GR authority May 2, 1997)
No. 225442, August 8, Sovereignty govern
2017) embraced in Principle of Non-
Supreme and concept Intervention
Incorporation Clause uncontrollable power sovereignty;
inherent in a State by includes The United Nations has
Definitio repeatedly clarified that
The Philippines which the State is passing
n and
adopts the generally governed. governing states are strictly
Extent prohibited from
accepted principles territory,
of international law Characteristics of maintaining intervening in the domestic
as part of the law of Sovereignty peace and affairs of other states, most
the land. (1987 over it, famously in Article 2.4 of
Constitution, Art. II, 1. Permanent; defeating the UN Charter, which
Sec. 2) (See against foreignprohibits the threat or use
discussion under invasion. of force against the
Public International (Lee Hong Hok v. territorial integrity or
Law) David, G.R. No. L- political independence of
30389, Dec. 27, 1972) another state. The non-
Doctrine of intervention principle,
Incorporation vs. NOTE: Sovereignty is however, is
Doctrine of deemed absolute,
Transformation subject to
restrictions and
INCORPORATION Doctrine of Auto
Generally Limitation
principles While sovereignty
International Law has traditionally
form part of the been deemed
law of the land; absolute and all-
legislative action encompassing on the
is required domestic level, it is
Definition make however subject to
applicable restrictions and
country. limitations
voluntarily agreed to
by the Philippines,
supreme One cannot rights.” “Register,
over the avoid after
military. compulsory 2. Art. VI, Sec. sufficient
(2003, military service 5[2]: “The publicati
2006, by invoking party-list on,
2009 one’s religious representa political
Bar) convictions or tives shall parties,
by saying that constitute organizat
Mandat he has a sick twenty per ions, or
ory father and centum of coalitions
renditi several the total which, in
on of brothers and number of addition
military sisters to representa to other
service support. tives requirem
s to Accordingly, including ents,
defend the duty of those must
the government to under the present
State defend the party list. their
State cannot be For three platform
consecutiv or
performed except Church and e terms program
through an army. State: after the of
To leave the ratification governm
organization of an 1. Art. III, Sec. of this ent; and
army to the will of 5: “No law Constitutio accredit
the citizens would shall be n, one-half citizens'
be to make this made of the arms of
duty to the respecting allocated the
Government an to party- Commissi
excusable should establishm list on on
there be no ent of representa Elections.
sufficient men religion, or tives shall Religious
who volunteer to prohibiting be filled, as denomin
enlist therein. The the free provided ations
right of the exercise by law, by and sects
Government to thereof. selection shall not
require The free or election be
compulsory exercise from the registere
military service is and labor, d. Those
a consequence of enjoyment peasant, which
its duty to defend of religious urban seek to
the State and is profession poor, achieve
reciprocal with its and indigenous their
duty to defend the worship, cultural goals
life, liberty, and without communiti through
property of the discriminat es, women, violence
citizen. (People v. ion or youth, and or
Zosa, G.R. No. L- preference, such other unlawful
45892-93, July 13, shall sections as means, or
1938) forever be may be refuse to
allowed. provided uphold
Separation of No by law, and
Church and State religious except the adhere to
test shall religious this
Provisions of the be required sector. Constituti
Constitution that for the on, or
support the exercise of 3. Art. IX-CI, which are
principle of civil or Sec. 2[5]: supporte
separation of political
d by any the use, wards
foreign be an benefit, or belong,
government additional support of any without
shall ground for the sect, church, additional
likewise be cancellation of denomination, cost to the
refused their sectarian Government.
registration. registration institution, or ”
Financial with the system of
contribution Commission, religion, or of 4. Art. XIV, Sec.
s from in addition to any priest, 4[2]:
foreign other preacher, “Educational
governments penalties that minister, or institutions,
and their may be other religious other than
agencies to prescribed by teacher, or those
political law.” dignitary as established
parties, such, except by religious
organization XPNs to the when such groups and
s, coalitions, principle are the priest, mission
or following preacher, boards, shall
candidates provisions of the minister, or be owned
related to Constitution: dignitary is solely by
elections, assigned to citizens of
constitute 1. Art. VI, Sec. the armed the
interference 28[3]: forces, or to Philippines
in national “Charitable any penal or
affairs, and, institutions, institution, or corporations
when churches and government or
accepted, parsonages or orphanage or associations
shall convents leprosarium.” at least sixty
appurtenant (1992, 1997 per centum
thereto, Bar) of the capital
mosques, non- of which is
profit 3. Art. XIV, Sec. owned by
cemeteries, 3[3]: “At the such citizens.
and all lands, option The
buildings, and expressed in Congress
improvements, writing by the may,
actually, parents or however,
directly, and guardians, require
exclusively religion shall increased
used for be allowed to Filipino
religious, be taught to equity
charitable, or their children participation
educational or wards in in all
purposes shall public educational
be exempt elementary institutions.”
from taxation.” and high
schools within Theories on
2. Art. VI, Sec. the regular the
29[2]: “No class hours by separation
public money instructors of church
or property designated or and state:
shall be approved by
appropriated, the religious 1. Separation
applied, paid, authorities of Standard -
or employed, the religion to May take the
directly or which the form of either
indirectly, for children or (a) strict
separation or (b) neutrality, or NOTE: Based on the
the tamer what Justice foregoing, and after based on
version of strict holding that the religious
Philippine belief, it shall
Carpio refers accommodation of Constitution upholds adopt the
to as the secular programs to the Benevolent Strict-
second theory religious belief. Neutrality Doctrine Compelling
of governmental which allows for State
neutrality. 2. Benevolent Neutrality accommodation, the interest test
Approach (2016 Bar) – Court laid down the because it is
a. Strict The “wall of separation” rule that in dealing most in line
Separationist is meant to protect the with cases involving with the
– The church from the State. It purely conduct benevolent
establishment believes that with respect neutrality-
clause was to governmental actions, accommodati
meant to accommodation of on.
protect the religion may be allowed,
State from the not to promote the Difference between
church, and government’s favored Mandatory
the State’s form of religion, but to accommodat
hostility allow individuals and ion,
towards groups to exercise their Permissive
religion religion without accommodat
allows no hindrance. (Estrada v. ion and
interaction Escritor, A.M. No. P-02- Prohibited
between the 1651, June 22, 2006) accommodat
two. ion
NOTE: In the Philippine
b. Strict context, the Court MANDATORY PERMISSIVE PROH
Neutrality categorically ruled that, “the ACCOMMODA ACCOMODA ACCO
Approach – It Filipino people, in adopting TION TION T
is not hostility the Constitution, manifested Basis and Action Taken
towards their adherence to the When Means that Resul
religion, but a benevolent neutrality religious the state the c
strict holding approach that requires conscience may, but is no ba
that religion accommodations in conflicts with not mand
may not be interpreting the religion a required to, accom
used as a clauses.” (Estrada v. Escritor, government accommoda on,
basis for ibid.) obligation or te religious deter
classification prohibition, interests. that
for purposes Kinds of accommodation the legisl
of that result from free government accom
governmental exercise claim sometimes on ru
action, may have to of
whether the 1. Mandatory – Those which give way. estab
action confers are found to be This or
rights or constitutionally accommodat exerc
privileges or compelled, i.e. required ion occurs claus
imposes by the Free Exercise when all case,
duties or Clause; three finds
obligations. 2. Permissive – Those which conditions of estab
Only secular are discretionary or the conce
criteria may legislative, i.e. not compelling preva
be the basis of required by the Free state interest poten
government Exercise Clause; and test are met. accom
action. It does 3. Prohibited – Those which on in
not permit; are prohibited by the
much less religion clauses. NOTE: The
purpose a Roman denomination, expressly
of Catholic sectarian mandating
accomm Chapel, institution, or that judiciary
odations complete with system of employees
is to offertory religion? attend the
remove table, images Catholic
a of Catholic A: masses at the
burden religious a) NO. Allowing basement.
on, or icons, a the citizens to Second, when
facilitate canopy, an practice their judiciary
the electric organ, religion is not employees
exercise and a equivalent to a attend the
of, a projector. fusion of Church masses to
person’s Valenciano and State. The profess their
or believed that State adopts a faith, it is at
instituti such practice policy of their own
on’s violated the accommodation initiative as
religions constitutional as a recognition they are there
. provision on that some on their own
the separation governmental free will and
Q: In his of Church and measures may volition,
letters State and the not be imposed without any
address constitutional on a certain coercion from
ed to prohibition portion of the the judges or
Chief against the population for administrative
Justice appropriation these measures officers. Third,
Puno, of public are contrary to no
Valenci money or their religious government
ano property for beliefs. As long funds are
reporte the benefit of as it can be being spent
d that a sect, church, shown that the because the
the denomination, exercise of the lightings and
baseme or any other right does not air-
nt of system of impair the conditioning
the Hall religion. public welfare, continue to be
of Valenciano the attempt of operational
Justice also prayed the State to even if there
of that rules be regulate or are no
Quezon promulgated prohibit such religious
City had by the Court to right would be rituals there.
been put a stop to an Fourth, the
convert the unconstitutional basement has
ed into encroachment. neither been
converted into
holding of principle of
The holding of a Roman
Catholic masses, separation of
Catholic masses Catholic chapel
or any other Church and
at the basement nor has it been
religious rituals, State?
of the QC Hall of permanently
at the QC Hall of (b) Was
Justice is merely appropriated
Justice and in all there a
a case of for the
other halls of violation
accommodation. exclusive use
justice in the against
First, there is no of its faithful.
country. appropriation
law, ordinance Fifth, the
of public
or circular allowance of
(a) Does the money or
issued by any the masses has
holding of property for
duly not prejudiced
masses at the QC the benefit of
constitutive other
Hall of Justice any sect,
authorities religions.
violate the church,
19-SC, March 7, be effective.
b) NO. The committed when 2017) These provisions
basement of the the subject would be
QC Hall of Justice basement is Self-executing subordinated to
is not allowed to be provision the will of the
appropriated, temporarily used lawmaking body,
applied or by the Catholics to A provision which which could make
employed for the celebrate mass, as is complete by itself them entirely
sole purpose of the same area can and becomes meaningless by
supporting the be used by other operative without simply refusing to
Roman Catholics. groups of people the aid of pass the needed
and for other supplementary or implementing
The basement is purposes. Thus, the enabling statute. (Manila
also being used as basement of the QC legislation, or that Prince Hotel v.
a public waiting Hall of Justice has which supplies GSIS, G.R. 122156,
area for most of remained to be a sufficient rule by Feb. 3, 1997)
the day and a public property means of which the
meeting place for devoted for public right it grants may XPN:
different use because the be enjoyed or 1. When it is
employee holding of Catholic protected; nature expressly
organizations. The masses therein is a and extent of the provided that a
use of the area for mere incidental right conferred and legislative act is
holding masses is consequence of its the liability necessary to
limited to lunch primary purpose. imposed are fixed enforce a
break period from by the Constitution constitutional
twelve (12) What the law itself. mandate; and
o'clock to one prohibits the use of 2. Provisions
(1) o'clock in the public money or GR: All provisions merely
afternoon. The property for the of the Constitution expressing
masses run for sole purpose of are self- executory. general
just a little over benefiting or principles like:
thirty (30) supporting any Rationale: A a. Art. II:
minutes. It is, church. The contrary rule "Declaration of
therefore, clear prohibition would give the Principles and
that no undue contemplates a legislature State Policies"
religious bias is scenario where the discretion to b. Art. XIII: "Social
being appropriation is determine when, or Justice and
primarily intended whether, they shall Human Rights"
for the furtherance
of a particular c. Art. XIV: of judicial review, and by
church. It does not "Education the legislature in its
inhibit the use of Science and enactment of laws. (Tondo
public property for Technology, Medical Employees
religious purposes Arts, Culture Association v. CA, G.R. No.
when the religious end Sports” 167324, July 17, 2007)
character of such (Manila Prince
use is merely Hotel v. GSIS, XPN to the XPN:
incidental to a G.R. 122156,
temporary use Feb. 3, 1997) 1. Sec. 16, Art. II: Right to a
which is available balanced and healthful
indiscriminately to NOTE: Such ecology (Oposa v.
the public in provisions are not Factoran, G.R. No.
general. (Re: Letter ready for 101083, July 30, 1993)
of Tony Q. enforcement 2. Sec. 17, Art. III: Right to
Valenciano, Holding through the courts information (Manila
of Religious Rituals but are used by the Prince Hotel v. GSIS, G.R.
at the Hall of Justice judiciary as aids or No. 122156, Feb. 3,
Building in Quezon guides in the 1997); and
City, A.M. No. 10-4- exercise of its power 3. Sec. 10, Art. XII: Filipino
A: YES. The opposition a dent
is correct because the should shy d prepar
Court cannot modify away from m es the
the said range of encroaching i budget
penalties because that upon the n which
would constitute primary i serves
judicial legislation. function of a s as the
What the legislature's co-equal t basis
perceived failure in branch of the r of the
amending the Government; a bill
penalties provided for otherwise, this t adopte
in the said crimes would lead to i d by
cannot be remedied an inexcusable v Congre
through this Court's breach of the e ss;
decisions, as that doctrine of c. Amnes
would be encroaching separation of p ty
upon the power of powers by e grante
another branch of the means of r d by
government. judicial s the
legislation. o Preside
Verily, the primordial (Corpuz v. n nt
duty of the Court is People, G.R. No. n require
merely to apply the 180016, April e s the
law in such a way that 29, 2014) l concur
it shall not usurp ; rence
legislative powers by Principle of Blending of b. G of the
judicial legislation and Powers e majorit
that in the course of n y of all
such application or Refers to an e the
construction, it should instance when r membe
not make or supervise powers are not a rs of
legislation, or under confined l the
the guise of exclusively Congre
interpretation, modify, within one A ss; and
revise, amend, distort, department but p d. Power
remodel, or rewrite are assigned to p of the
the law, or give the or shared by r COMEL
law a construction several o EC to
which is repugnant to departments. p deputi
its terms. Succinctly r ze law-
put, the Court Examples of the Blending of i enforc
Powers a ement
t agenci
a. Power of i es and
appoint o instru
ment n mental
which s ities of
can be the
exercised L govern
by each a ment
departm w for the
ent and purpos
be – e of
rightfully ensuri
exercised P ng free,
by each r orderly
departm e ,
ent over s honest,
its own i peacef
o on i
. ey n R
cla e
3 im c j
0 s o e
8 ari u c
3 sin r t
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C act e f
A s t
wh C h
3 ich O e
2 co A c
7 uld l
ser m a
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as s m
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ba a
a sis
m a u
of t
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civ h
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il o
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e u r
ion i
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we e
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S e
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e pa c
c rti l
s es c
. to l
be a
4 firs i
9 t m
- file t
5 d w t
0 wit i o
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D bef n v
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4 t t
5 ma d h
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– be y m
file s a
M d . t
bility Mendiola the State having r
for incident waived its an
death instituted an immunity from d
or action against suit. The u
injur the Republic of President's act ne
y or the Philippines of joining the q
dama before the trial marchers, days ui
ge to court. after the vo
prope Respondent incident, does ca
rty. Judge Sandoval not mean that l,
dismissed the there was an an
NOTE: The complaint on admission by d
express consent of the ground of the State of any an
the State to be state immunity liability. ex
sued must be from suit. Moreover, pr
embodied in a Petitioners petitioners rely es
duly enacted argued that the on President s
statute and may State has Aquino's speech w
not be given by a impliedly promising that ai
mere counsel of waived its the government ve
the government. immunity from would address r
(Republic v. suit with the the grievances
Purisima, G.R. No. recommendati of the rallyists.
L- 36084, Aug. 31, on of the By this alone, it
1977) Commission to cannot be
indemnify the inferred that the
Q: Kilusang heirs and State has
Magbubukid ng victims of the admitted any
Pilipinas (KMP) Mendiola liability, much
members incident by the less can it be
clashed with the government inferred that it
anti-riot squad and by the has consented
which resulted public to the suit.
to 13 deaths and addresses (Republic v.
several made by then Sandoval, G.R.
casualties. President No. 84607,
Thereafter, Aquino in the March 19, 1993)
President aftermath of
Corazon C. the killings. Is b. Special
Aquino issued the argument law
AO 11 creating meritorious? i. By
the Citizens’ virt
Mendiola A: NO. The ue
Commission to actions of of
conduct the President PD
investigation Aquino cannot 162
about the be deemed as a 0,
incident. The waiver of State the
commission immunity. gra
recommended Whatever acts nt
compensating or utterances of
the victims. The that then im
petitioners President mu
(Caylao group) Aquino may nity
together with the have done or to
military said, the same IRR
personnel are not I is
involved in the tantamount to clea
government Definition in its favor. affected
agency suit is portion by
performing determined by deed of sale
propriety the character of to the ATO
functions; and the objects for for
3. The suit is on its which the Q: consideratio
face against a entity is Spous n, which
government organized. es ATO failed
officer but the When the David to pay. In an
case is such that government and action for
ultimate liability enters into a Elisea collection of
will belong to the commercial Ramo money
government. business, it s against ATO,
(Republic v. abandons its discov the latter
Sandoval, G.R. sovereign ered invoked
No. 84607, March capacity and is that a Proclamatio
19, 1993) to be treated portio n No. 1358
like any other n of whereby it
Q: Spouses Sison corporation. In their reserved
sued the Philippine this case, the land certain
National Railways State divested in parcels of
for damages for the itself of its Bagui land,
death of their son sovereign o City including
who fell from an capacity when was the subject
overloaded train it organized the being portion
belonging to the PNR which is used herein, for
PNR. The trial court no different as the use of
dismissed the suit on from its part the Loakan
the ground that the predecessors, of the Airport.
charter of the PNR, the Manila runwa They
as amended by PD Railroad y and asserted
741, has made the Company. runni that RTC did
same a government (Malang v. ng not have any
instrumentality, and PNRC, G.R. No. shoul jurisdiction
thus immune from L-49930, der of to entertain
suit. Is the dismissal August 7, 1985) the the action
proper? Loaka without the
Unincorporate n State’s
A: NO. PNR is not d government
Airpo consent. The
immune from suit. It agency rt RTC and CA
did not remove itself performing being dismissed
from the operation of governmental opera the petition.
Arts. 1732 to 1766 of function vs. ted by Can the ATO
the Civil Code on one Air be sued
common carriers. Not performing Trans without the
all government proprietary portat State’s
entities, whether functions ion consent?
corporate or non- Office
(ATO). A: YES. An
immune from suits. ATED The unincorporat
Spous ed
BASIS AGENCY es government
PERFORMING Ramo agency
s without any
AL FUNCTIONS agree separate
d to juridical
Immunity has notconve
been upheld personality of
been upheld in its
y favor
the its own
judgment by capacity, from file a petition for Art. III of the 1987
himself without liability mandamus to Constitution that private
the State having arising from compel the property shall not be taken
to do a positive acts legislative authority for public use without just
act to assist committed in to enact a law. compensation will be
him; or bad faith; or (Municipality of rendered nugatory.
5. Where the 2. The public Makati v. CA, G.R. (Ministerio v. CFI, G.R. No. L-
government official is Nos. 89898-99, 31635, August 31, 1971)
itself has clearly being October 1, 1990)
violated its own sued not in his Q: Sps. Benigno sought to
laws because official The government register their lot. The RTC
the doctrine of capacity but in cannot be made to granted their petition.
State immunity his personal pay interest in Arguing that the lot is
cannot be used capacity, money judgments inalienable, the Republic,
to perpetrate an although the against it, except in through the OSG,
injustice. acts the following appealed before the CA
complained of instances but moved four times to
GR: The true test in may have been extend the period for
determining whether committed 1. Exercise of the filing its appellant’s brief.
a suit against a public while he power of CA dismissed the OSG’s
officer is a suit occupied a eminent appeal. The OSG filed its
against the State is public domain brief after moving to
that, if a public officer position. 2. Erroneous reconsider the CA’s
or agency is sued and (Lansang v. collection of denial of its appeal.
made liable, the State CA, G.R. No. taxes However, CA stood its
will have to 102667, 3. Where ground on its original
perform an February 23, government decision. Does the OSG’s
affirmative act of 2000) agrees to pay failure to file the
appropriating the interest Republic’s appeal brief
needed amount to Garnishment of pursuant to law bind the State?
satisfy the government funds
judgment. If the Q: Keanu Lazzer A: NO. As a matter of
State will have to do GR: Whether the filed an action doctrine, illegal acts of
so, then, it is a suit money is deposited directly in court government agents do not
against the State. by way of general against the bind the State, and the
or special deposit, government Government is never
XPNs: they remain seeking payment estopped from questioning
1. The public government funds for a parcel of land the acts of its officials, more
official is and are not subject which the national so if they are
charged in his to garnishment. government
official capacity utilized for a road
for acts that are XPN: Where a law or widening project.
unlawful and ordinance has been Can the
injurious to the enacted appropriating government invoke
rights of others. a specific amount to the doctrine of
Public officials pay a valid non- suitability of
are not exempt, the state?
in their personal
A: NO. When the
government and are deposited with a government
obligation, then the bank, can be garnished. (PNB expropriates
money can be v. Pabalan, G.R. No. L-33112, property for public
garnished. June 15, 1978) use without paying
just compensation, it
NOTE: Funds If the local legislative cannot invoke its
belonging to authority refuses to enact a immunity from suit.
government law appropriating the money Otherwise, the right
corporations, which judgment rendered by the guaranteed in Sec. 9,
can sue and be sued court, the winning party may
us, let
r. This
in land
y, the
will not
y over
lands of
t in the
ance of
c v. Sps.
LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT b. On Appropriations [1987 Constitution,
Art. VI, Secs. 25 and 29(1&2)]
LEGISLATIVE POWER c. On Taxation (1987 Constitution, Art. VI,
Secs. 28 and 29, par. 3)
d. On Constitutional appellate jurisdiction
SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS of SC (1987 Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 30)
e. No law granting a title of royalty or
The following may exercise legislative power nobility shall be enacted (1987
1. Congress Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 31).
2. Regional/Local Government Units f. No specific funds shall be appropriated
3. The People through initiative and or paid for use or benefit of any religion,
referendum. (2002 Bar) sect, etc., except for priests, etc., assigned
to AFP, penal institutions, etc. (1987
Limitations on the legislative power of Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 29[2])
b) Implied:
The Constitution itself provides limitations on the a. Prohibition against irrepealable laws
exercise of legislative powers. b. Non-delegation of powers
1. Substantive: limitations on the content of XPNs to Non-Delegation Doctrine:
laws. i. Delegation to the President [1987
2. Procedural: limitations on the manner of Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 23(2)
passing laws. Sec. 28(2)]
3. Congress Delegati
cannot on to the
pass people
irrepealabl P (1987
e laws. r Constitut
4. Congress, o ion, Art
as a c VI, Sec.
general e 32)
rule, d
cannot u
delegate r
its a
legislative l
XPN: See of
L 1. General 1. Only one Representati
plenary subject, to be ves. (1987
e power (Art. stated in the Constitution,
VI, Sec. 1) title of the bill Art. VI, Sec.
g 2. Specific [1987 24)
power of Constitution,
i appropriati Art. VI, Sec. Classes of
on 26(1)]. legislative power
s 3. Taxation 2. Three (3) 1. Original:
and readings on Possessed
l expropriati separate days; by the
on printed copies people in
a 4. Legislative of the bill in their
investigatio its final form sovereign
t n to be capacity i.e.
5. Question distributed to initiative
i hour its members 3 and
days before referendum.
v Doctrine of its passage, 2. Delegated:
Shifting except if the Possessed
e Majority President by Congress
certifies to its and other
For each House immediate legislative
of Congress to enactment to bodies by
p pass a bill, only meet a public the
the votes of the calamity or Constitution.
o majority of those emergency; 3. Constituent:
present in the upon its last The power
w session, there reading, no to amend or
being a quorum, amendment revise the
e is required. shall be Constitution.
allowed and 4. Ordinary: The
r Limitations on the vote power to pass
Legislative thereon shall ordinary laws.
The power or Powers be taken
competence to immediately PRINCIPLE
propose, enact, Substantive and the yeas OF NON-
ordain, a) Express: and nays DELEGABILITY
amend/alter, a. Bill of entered into
modify, abrogate Rights the Journal
or repeal laws. It (1987 [1987
is vested in the Constitu Constitution,
Congress which tion, Art. VI, Sec.
shall consist of a Art. III) 2(2)].
Senate and a 3. Appropriation
House of bills, revenue
Representatives, bills, tariff
except to the bills, bills
extent reserved to authorizing
the people by the the increase
provision on of public debt,
initiative and bills of local
referendum. application
and private
Legislative bills shall
powers of originate
Congress exclusively in
the House of
GR: What has been delegated cannot be delegated. may be provided NOTE: Congress itself
by law). may by law increase
It is based upon the ethical principle that such the composition of the
delegated power constitutes not only as a right, HoR through the
but also as a duty to be performed by the delegate creation of new
through the instrumentality of his own judgment provinces,
and not through the intervening mind of another. redistricting, and
A further delegation of such power, unless attendant adjustments
permitted by the sovereign power, would in number of party-list
constitute a negation of this duty in violation of representatives.
the trust reposed in the delegate. (Cruz, supra at Qualifications
160) (1993, 1999 Bar)
1. Natural-born
XPNS: citizen of the
1.) Delegations to the People at large; 2. At least 25 years
(a) R.A. 6735 – The Initiative and Referendum of age on the day
Act as authorized by the constitutional of election
mandate for the creation of a system of XPN: A youth sector
legislation by initiative and referendum nominee must be at
(b) A plebiscite is required in the creation, least twenty-five
division, merger, abolition of province, city, (25) but not more
municipality, or barangay or the than thirty (30)
substantial alteration of its boundary. 1. Natural-born
years of age on the
citizen of the
day of the election.
NOTE: These are more of reservations of power Philippines;
Once he attains the
by the people than delegations considering the 2. At least 35 years
age of thirty (30)
fact that the people are repositories of all of age on the day
during his term, he
governmental powers. of election;
shall be allowed to
3. Able to read
continue in office
2.) Emergency powers of the President; and write;
until the expiration
3.) Tariff powers of the President; 4. A registered voter;
of his term. [RA No.
4.) Delegation to Administrative bodies of the 5. Resident of the
7941, Sec. 9 (2)]
power of subordinate legislation. Philippines for not
3. Able to read
less than 2 years
and write;
4. Except the party-
preceding the day
Composition of Congress of election. (Art.
representatives, a
VI, Sec. 3)
registered voter in
The Philippine Congress is bicameral in nature, the district in
composed of: NOTE:
which he shall be
1. Senate Enumeration is
2. House of Representatives exclusive.
5. Resident thereof
a. District representatives for a period of not
b. Party-list representatives less than 1 year
Composition, qualifications, and term of office preceding the day
of members of Congress of the election.
(Art. VI, Sec. 6)
Composition Enumeration is
24 Senators Not more than 250 exclusive.
(elected at large members, unless Term of office
by qualified otherwise fixed by (2001 Bar)
voters of the law.
Philippines as
Disqualifications of members
6 years, of Congress
which shall 3 years, which shall
commence, unless begin, unless
otherwise provided by otherwise provided by
law, at noon on the law, at noon on the SENATE
30th day of June next 30th day of June next
following their following their No Senator shall serve Shall not serve for more
election. election. for more than two (2) than three (3)
consecutive terms. consecutive terms.
Term limit: Not more Term limit: Not more Voluntary Voluntary renunciation
than 2 consecutive than 3 consecutive renunciation of the of the office for any
terms. terms. office for any length length of time shall not
of time shall not be considered as an
Note: Senators have a be interruption in the
term of office of six considered as an continuity of his service
years on a staggered interruption in the for the full term for
basis - each set of continuity of his which he was elected
twelve senators end service for the full (Art. VI, Sec. 7). (2001
term for which he was Bar)
their term three years
apart. elected (Art. VI, Sec.
In Imelda Romualdez-Marcos v. COMELEC, the One who has been declared by competent
Court upheld the qualification of Mrs. Imelda authority as insane or incompetent
Romuladez- Marcos (IRM) despite her own One who has been sentenced by final
declaration in her certificate of candidacy that she judgment for: (SIR-18-M)
had resided in the district for only seven (7)
months, because of the following: a. Subversion;
b. Insurrection;
1. A minor follows the domicile of his parents; c. Rebellion;
Tacloban became IRM’s domicile of origin by d. Any offense for which he has been sentenced
operation of law when her father brought to a penalty of not more than 18 months; or
the family to Leyte; e. A crime involving Moral turpitude, unless
2. Domicile of origin is lost only when: given plenary pardon o granted amnesty
a. there is actual removal or change of Expulsion of members of Congress
b. a bona fide intention of abandoning
the former residence and establishing
a new one
c. acts which correspond with the
purpose Expulsion by the Expulsion by the House
Senate with the with the concurrence
3. The wife does not automatically gain the concurrence of 2/3 of of 2/3 of all its
husband’s domicile because the term all its members. (1987 members. (1987
“residence” in Civil Law does not mean the Constitution, Art. VI, Constitution, Art. VI,
same thing in Political Law; when IRM Sec. 16, par. 3) Sec. 16, par. 3)
married Marcos in 1954, she kept he
domicile of origin and merely gained a new NOTE: The Congress cannot validly amend or
home, not a domicilium necessarium otherwise modify these qualification standards,
(necessary domicile); as it cannot disregard, evade, or weaken the force
4. Even assuming that she gained a new of a constitutional mandate, or alter or enlarge
domicile after her marriage and acquired the the Constitution. (Social Justice Society v. DDB and
right to choose a new one only after her PDEA, G.R Nos. 157870, 158633, 161658, Nov. 3,
husband dies, her acts following her return 2008)
to the country clearly indicates that she
chose Tacloban, her domicile of origin, as her Rule on voluntary renunciation of office
domicile of choice. (Imelda Romualdez-
Marcos v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 119976, Sept. Voluntary renunciation of office for any length of
18, 1995) time shall not be considered as an interruption in
the continuity of his service for the full term for
which he was elected. (1987 Constitution, Art. VI, months prior to to election prohibits
Secs. 4 and 7) election does not the party-list
prevent a district representative from
Composition of the HoR (2002, 2007 Bar) representative from listing as
running under his representative under
DISTRICT PARTY-LIST new party. his new party or
As to who will vote
Elected by the Elected nationally DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES AND
constituents of his (those garnering at QUESTIONS OF APPORTIONMENT
respective district. least 2% of all votes
cast for the party-list District representatives
system are entitled to 1
seat, which is increased Those who are elected from legislative districts
according to apportioned among the provinces, cities and the
proportional Metropolitan Manila area.
representation, but is in
no way to exceed 3 Apportionment of legislative districts
seats per organization.)
Residency requirement Legislative districts are apportioned among the
Must be a resident of No special residency provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan Manila
his legislative district requirement. area. They are apportioned in accordance with
for at least 1 year the number of their respective inhabitants and on
immediately before the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio.
the election. (1987 Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 5)
Name in the ballot
Elected personally, Voted upon by party or Apportionment is the determination of the
by name. organization. number of representatives which a State, country,
Effect of change in party affiliation or other subdivision may send to a legislative
Does not lose seat Loses his seat, in which body. It is the allocation of seats in a legislative
case he will be body in proportion to the population; the drawing
substituted by another of voting district lines so as to equalize
qualified person in the population and voting power. (Bagabuyo v.
party or organization COMELEC)
based on the list
submitted to the Each city with a population of at least 250,000
COMELEC. shall have at least one representative. Each
As to vacancy province, irrespective of the number of
A special election A substitution will be inhabitants, shall have at least one representative.
may be held made within the party,
provided that the based on the list While Sec. 5(3) of Art. VI requires a city to have a
vacancy takes place submitted to the minimum population of 250,000 to be entitled to
at least 1 year COMELEC. one representative; it does not have to increase
before its population by another 250,000 to be entitled
the next election.
to an additional district. (Senator Aquino III v.
Effect of defeat in the election
COMELEC, G.R. No. 189793, April 7, 2010)
A district A party-list
representative is not representative cannot
NOTE: When one of the municipalities of a
prevented from sit if he ran and lost in
congressional district is converted to a city large
running again as a the previous election.
enough to entitle it to one legislative district, the
incidental effect is the splitting of district into
representative if he
two. The incidental arising of a new district in this
lost in the previous
manner need not be preceded by a census.
(Tobias v. Abalos, G.R. No. L-114783, Dec. 8, 1994)
Effect of change in party affiliation
to the upcoming elections
Essence of apportionment
A change in A change in affiliation
affiliation within within 6 months prior
5. Legislative districts shall be reapportioned A: NO. Congress cannot establish a new legislative
by Congress within 3 years after the return district based on a projected population of the
of each census. (Senator Aquino III v. National Statistics Office (NSO) to meet the
COMELEC, G.R. No. 189793, April 7, 2010) population requirement of the Constitution in
the reapportionment of legislative districts.
Manner of reapportionment
A city that has attained a population of 250,000 is
Reapportionment is the realignment or change in entitled to a legislative district only in the
legislative districts brought about by change in “immediately following election.” In short, a city
legislative districts brought about by changes in must first attain the 250,000 population, and
population and mandated by the constitutional thereafter such city shall have a district
requirement of equality of representation. representative in the immediately following
(Bagabuyo v. COMELEC) election. There is no showing in the present case
that the City of Malolos has attained or will attain
a population of 250,000, whether actual or
No plebiscite is required for the apportionment or
projected, before May 10, 2010 elections. Thus, reapportionment of legislative districts. A
the City of Malolos is not qualified to have a
legislative district of its own under Sec. 5(3), Art.
VI of the 1987 Constitution and Sec 3 of the
Ordinance appended to the 1987 Constitution.
(Aldaba v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 188078, January 25,
2. Regi regional, G.R. No. 203766,
onal and April 2, 2013) To require all
parti sectoral national and regional
es or parties or National and parties under the
orga organizatio Regional parties party-list system to
nizat ns,” had need not represent the
ions; the represent the “marginalized and
and framers of “m underrepresented” is
3. Sect the 1987 arginalized and to deprive and
oral Constitutio underrepresented exclude, by judicial
parti n intended ” sectors fiat, ideology- based
es or national and cause-oriented
orga and parties from the
nizat regional party- list system. To
ions. parties to exclude them from
be at the the party-list system
National and same time is to prevent them
regional sectoral, from joining the
parties or they would parliamentary
organization have stated struggle, leaving as
s are “national their only option
different and armed struggle. To
from regional exclude them from
sectoral sectoral the party-list system
parties or parties.” is, apart from being
organization They did obviously senseless,
s. National not, patently contrary to
and regional precisely the clear intent and
parties or because it express wording of
organization was never the 1987
s need not their Constitution and RA
be intention 7941. (Atong
organized to make Paglaum v. COMELEC,
along the party- ibid.)
sectoral list system
lines and exclusively NOTE: Major
need not sectoral. political parties
represent National cannot participate in
any sector. and the party-list
regional elections since they
The party- parties are neither lack “well-
list system separate defined political
is not solely from constituencies” nor
for the sectoral represent
benefit of parties and “marginalized and
sectoral need not underrepresented”
parties be sectors. (Atong
organized Paglaum v.
Sec. 5(1), along COMELEC, ibid.)
Art. VI of the sectoral
Constitution lines nor However, the
is crystal- represent participation of
clear that any major political
there shall particular parties may be
be “a party- sector. through their
list system (Atong sectoral wings, a
of registered Paglaum v. majority of whose
national, COMELEC, members are
c. Sectoral pre l nly
parties sent pa through
or any rt its
organizat "ma y, sectoral
ions. rgin w wing
aliz he that must
2. Na ed th separatel
tio and er y register
nal und m under
par erre aj the
tie pre or party-list
s sent or system.
or ed" no The
org sect t, sectoral
ani or. th wing is
zat at by itself
ion 3. All fie an
s polit ld independ
an ical s ent
d part ca sectoral
reg ies nd party; it
ion mus id is linked
al t at to a
par regi es political
tie ster in party
s und le through
or er gi a
org the sl coalition.
ani part ati (2015
zat y- ve Bar)
ion list di
s syst st 4. Sectoral
do em ri parties or
no and ct organization
t do el s may either
ne not ec be
ed fiel ti “marginaliz
to d on ed and
or can s underrepre
ga did ca sented” or
niz ates n lacking in
e in pa “well-
alo legi rti defined
ng slati ci political
sec ve pa constituenc
tor dist te ies.” It is
al rict in enough that
lin elec pa their
es tion rt principal
an s. y- advocacy
d lis pertains to
do A t the special
no p el interests
t o ec and
ne li ti concerns of
ed ti on their sector.
to c s
re a o NOTE: Those
memb districts × to 189600, June 29, the total number
ers of 0.20 = available 2010) of
their party-
respect representatives.
ive NOTE: If he Accordingly, we
parties changes his political compute the
or party or sectoral number of seats
0. list
organi 8 affiliation within 6 available to party-
zations repre months before an list
. ( sentat
election, he shall representatives
not be eligible for from the number
8. Nation ) nomination as of legislative
al, party-list districts.
region representative
al, and under his new party
sectora or organization.
l (Amores v. HRET,
parties Ibid.)
organi seated or Vacancy in the
zations elected seat reserved for
shall into office, party-list
not be not their representatives
disqual parties or
ified if organizatio It shall be
some ns. automatically
of their (Abayon v. occupied by the
nomin HRET, G.R. next representative
ees are No. from the list of
disqual 189466, nominees in the
ified, Feb. 11, order submitted by
provid 2010) the same party to
ed that the COMELEC and
they Effect of such representative
have the shall serve for the
at change in unexpired term. If
least affiliation the list is
one of any exhausted, the
nomin party- list party, organization,
ee represent or coalition
who ative concerned shall
remai submit additional
ns Any nominees.
qualifi elected
ed. party-list Formula
(Ibid.) representa mandated by the
tive who Constitution in
NOTE: It is changes determining the
the parties his party- number of party-
or list group list
organization or sectoral representatives
s which are affiliation
voted for, during his The number of
not their term of seats available to
candidates. office shall party-list
However, it forfeit his representatives is
is the party- seat. based on the ratio
list (Amores v. of party-list
representati HRET, G.R. representatives to
ves who are No.
6. It declares strikes it Immunities
untruthful Its basic out from
statements defect our ruling It is not for the
in its lies in its case law. benefit of the
petition; character (PGB v. officials; rather, it
7. It has ceased ization of COMELEC is to protect and
to exist for the non- , G.R. No. support the
at least one participa 190529, rights of the
(1) year; tion of a April 29, people by
8. It fails to party-list 2010) ensuring that
participate organizat
two (2) election DISQUALIFICATIONS
preceding as similar their
elections; to a Immunity from Arrest representatives
9. It fails to failure to are doing their
obtain at garner Grants jobs according to
least 2% of the 2% the the dictates of
the votes threshold legislator their conscience
cast under party-list s the and to ensure the
the party- vote. privilege attendance of
list system from Congressman.
in the two The arrest
(2) Court while Legislative Privilege
preceding cannot Congress
elections for sustain is “in No member shall
the PGBI’s session” be questioned or
constituenc delisting with held liable in any
y in which it from the respect to forum other than
has roster of offenses his respective
registered registere punishabl Congressional
d parties, e by NOT body for any
The Minero organizat more debate or speech
Ruling is ions or than 6 in Congress or in
erroneous coalition years of any committee
s under imprison thereof. (1987
The Minero the ment, Constitution, Art.
Ruling provides party-list (1987 VI, Sec. 11; Pobre
that a party list system. Constituti v. Sen. Santiago,
organization Clearly, on, Art. August 25, 2009)
which does not the Court VI, Sec.
participate in an cannot 11), Limitations on Legislative
election, allow whether Privilege
necessarily gets, PGBI to or not he
by default, less be is 1. Protection
than 2% of the prejudice attending is only
party-list votes. d by the the against the
Said ruling isan continuin session. forum other
erroneous g validity (People v. than the
application of of an Jalosjos, Congress
Sec. 6(8) of RA erroneou G.R. Nos. itself. Thus,
7941 [Party-List s ruling. 132875- for
System Act]. Thus, the 76, defamatory
Court February remarks,
now 3, 2000) which are
abandon otherwise
s Minero Purpose of privileged, a
and Parliamentary member
function of detrimental as Congress “in recess”
any not a compared to the denial
lawmaker; it legislative act, or withdrawal of such If the recess was
is not but “political privilege. called for in between
demanded in nature,” a regular or special
by his sworn outside of the The senator-lawyer’s session, the Congress
duty nor is it ambit of the privilege speech is not is still considered in
a immunity actionable criminally session. But if the
component conferred or be subject to a recess was the 30-
of the under the disciplinary day compulsory
process of Speech or proceeding under the recess, Congress is
enacting Debate Clause Rules of Court. The not in session. (1987
laws. A in the 1987 Court, however, would Constitution, Art. VI,
lawmaker Constitution. be remiss in its duty if Sec. 15)
may well be The privilege it let the Senator’s
able to arises not offensive and Prohibitions
discharge because of the disrespectful language attached to a
his duties statement that tended to degrade legislator during
and legislate made by a the institution pass-by. his term
without lawmaker, but It is imperative on the
having to because it is Court’s part to re-
communicat uttered in instill in Senator/Atty.
e with the furtherance of (Santiago) her duty to
press. A legislation. respect courts of
lawmaker’s (Sen. Antonio justice, especially this
participatio Trillanes vs. Tribunal, and remind
n in media Hon. her anew that
interviews Evangeline parliamentary non-
is Castillo- accountability thus
Marigomen, granted to members of
G.R. No. Congress is not to
223451, protect them against
March 14, prosecutions for their
2018) own benefit, but to
enable them, as the
Purpose of people’s
legislative representatives, to
privilege perform the functions
of their office without
To ensure the fear of being made
effective responsible before the
discharge of courts or other forums
functions of outside the
Congress. congressional hall. It is
intended to protect
NOTE: The members of congress
purpose of the against government
privilege is to pressure and
ensure the intimidation aimed at
effective influencing the
discharge of decision-making
functions of prerogatives of
Congress. The Congress and its
privilege may members. (Pobre v.
be abused but Sen. Defensor-
it is said that Santiago, A.C. No. 7399,
such is not so August 25, 2009)
damaging or
1st sentence of Sec. 2nd sentence of Ethics, Page 34)
13, Art.VI Sec. 13, Art. VI
Senator or any member of HoR 2. Upon assumption of office, all members of
May not hold any Cannot be appointed the Senate and HoR must make a full
other office or to any office which disclosure of their financial and business
employment in the have been created, or interests. They shall notify the House
Government, during the emoluments concerned of a potential conflict in interest
his term without thereof increased that may arise from the filing of a proposed
forfeiting his seat during the term for legislation of which they are authors. (1987
which he was elected Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 12) (2004, 2010
NOTE: After such Bar)
term, and even if he is
re- elected, the Disqualifications attached to Senators and
disqualification no Representatives and their applications
longer applies and he
may therefore be
appointed to the office
Automatically Even if he is willing to
forfeits seat forfeit his seat, he may
upon the not be appointed to
member’s said office
assumption of such Purpose: to prevent
other office trafficking in public
XPN: holds other office.
office in ex-officio
More of an More of a
inhibition prohibition
Rule on increase in salaries of members of Legal
XPN: The certification of the President, due to the NOTE: The purposes of such rule are:
necessity of its immediate enactment to meet a public
calamity or emergency, dispenses with the reading 1. To prevent hodgepodge or log-rolling
on separate days and the printing of the bill in the legislation;
final form before its final approval (Tolentino v. 2. To prevent surprise or fraud upon the
Secretary of Finance, G.R. No. 115455, October 30, legislature; and
1995). 3. To fairly apprise the people of the subjects
of legislation. (Central Capiz v. Ramirez, G.R.
Instances when a bill becomes a law (1991, 1993, No. 16197, March 12, 1920)
1996 Bar)
Determination of the sufficiency of the title
1. Approved and signed by the President
A: YES. The supermajority (2/3) While a supermajority is not a total ban against
voting requirement required under repeal, it is a limitation in excess of what the
Sec. 1, Art. XVII of RA 9054 (second Constitution requires on the passage of bills and
Organic Act of ARMM) must be is constitutionally obnoxious because it
struck down for giving said law the significantly constricts the future legislators’
character of an irrepealable law by room for action and flexibility. (Abas Kida v.
requiring more than what the Senate, G.R. No. 196271, Oct. 18, 2011)
Constitution demands.
NOTE: Every legislative body may modify or
Sec. 16(2), Art. VI of the abolish the acts passed by itself or its
Constitution provides that a predecessors. This legislature cannot bind a
“majority of each House shall future legislature to a particular mode of repeal. It
constitute a quorum to do cannot declare in advance the intent of
business.” In other words, if subsequent legislatures or the effect of
majority of the members of the subsequent legislation upon existing statutes.
House of Representatives or the (Abas Kida v. Senate, ibid.)
Senate are present, these bodies
have the quorum needed to conduct The Bicameral Conference Committee
business and hold session. Within a
quorum, a vote of majority is In a bicameral system, bills are independently
generally sufficient to enact laws or processed by both Houses of Congress. It is not
approve acts. unusual that the final version approved by one
House differs from what has been approved by
In contrast, Sec. 1, Art. XVII of RA the other.
9054 requires a vote of no less than
2/3 of the Members of the House of The “conference committee,” consisting of
Representatives and of the Senate, members nominated from both Houses, is an
voting separately, in order to extra-constitutional creation of Congress whose
Congressional override
Mandatory recess
An interval between the session of one Congress 2. The President shall have the power to veto
and that of another. any item/s in an ART bill, but the veto shall
not affect the item/s to which he does not
APPROPRIATION AND RE-ALIGNMENT object. [1987 Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 27(2)]
Primarily made for the appropriation of a sum of The spending power, also called the “power of
money from the public treasury. the purse”, belongs to Congress, subject only to
the veto power of the President. It carries with it
NOTE: A bill creating a new office, and the power to specify the project or activity to be
appropriating funds for it is not an appropriation funded under the appropriation law.
Appropriation law
Revenue bill
A statute enacted for the specific purpose of
Specifically designed to raise money or revenue authorizing the release of public funds from the
through imposition or levy. treasury.
A bill limited to specific localities, such as the 1. General appropriation law – Passed annually,
creation of a town. Hence, it is one involving and intended for the financial operations of
purely local or municipal matters, e.g. the charter the entire government during one fiscal
of a city. period;
remain in force and effect until the general as a special discretionary fund of the Governor, to be spent
appropriations bill is passed by the Congress by him in leading a pilgrimage of his
[1987 Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 25(7)].
Budget proposal
1. It violates Art. VI, Sec. 29(2) Q: Daraga Press filed with COA a money claim
which prohibits the for the payment of textbooks it allegedly
appropriation of public money delivered to DepEd-ARMM. COA denied the
or property, directly or money claim because it found no
indirectly, for the use, benefit appropriation for the purchase of said
or support of any system of textbooks. Is COA’s denial correct?
2. It contravenes Art. VI, Sec. A: YES. There was no appropriation for the
25(6) which limits the purchase of the subject textbooks as the Special
appropriation of discretionary Allotment Release Order (SARO) in the amount of
funds only for public purposes; P63,638,750.00, upon which Daraga Press
and anchors its claim, pertains to the payment of
3. It constitutes a clear violation personal services or salaries of the teachers, not
of the Non- establishment for the purchase of textbooks. Since there was no
Clause of the Constitution. appropriation for the purchase of the subject
textbooks, the respondent COA had reason to
NOTE: The use of discretionary deny the money claim as Section 29(1), Article VI
funds for a purely religious purpose of the 1987 Constitution provides that: "No
is unconstitutional, and the fact that money shall
be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance appropriations law for their respective
of an appropriation made by law." (Daraga Press, offices. (Araullo, et.al v. Aquino III, et. al.
Inc. G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014)
v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 201042, June 16,
2015) Q: The Disbursement Acceleration
Program (DAP) was instituted by the
Requisites for the valid transfer of Department of Budget and Management in
appropriated funds 2011 to ramp up spending after sluggish
disbursements had caused the growth of
The transfer of appropriated funds, to be valid the gross domestic product (GDP) to slow
under Art. VI, Section 25(5), must be made upon a down. It allowed the Executive to allocate
concurrence of the following requisites, namely: public money pooled from programmed
and unprogrammed funds of its various
1. There is a law authorizing the President, the agencies notwithstanding the original
President of the Senate, the Speaker of the revenue targets being exceeded. In a
House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of petition, the constitutionality of the DAP
the Supreme Court, and the heads of the was challenged, claiming that it
Constitutional Commissions to transfer funds contravened Section 29(1), Art. VI of the
within their respective offices; 1987 Constitution under the guise of the
2. The funds to be transferred are savings President exercising his constitutional
generated from the appropriations for their authority under Section 25(5) of the 1987
respective offices; and (3) The purpose of the Constitution to transfer funds out of
transfer is to augment an item in the general savings to augment the appropriations of
offices within the Executive Branch of the
Government. Is the DAP constitutional? were being transferred to the Legislative and
other non-Executive agencies.
A: NO. The transfers made through the DAP were
unconstitutional. It is true that the President (and Further, transfers “within their respective offices”
even the heads of the other branches of the also contemplate realignment of funds to an
government) are allowed by the Constitution to existing project in the GAA. Under the DAP, even
make realignment of funds, however, such though some projects were within the Executive,
transfer or realignment should only be made these projects are non-existent insofar as the GAA
“within their respective offices”. Thus, no cross- is concerned because no funds were appropriated
border transfers/augmentations may be allowed. to them in the GAA. Although some of these
But under the DAP, this was violated because projects may be legitimate, they are still non-
funds appropriated by the GAA for the Executive existent under the GAA because they were not
provided for by the GAA. As such, transfer to such
projects is unconstitutional and is without legal
Congress through the convenient ploy of privilege speech, Senator urged the Senate “to
instituting a criminal or an administrative immediately conduct an inquiry, in aid
complaint. Thus, the Vice Chairman of SCB is not of
correct in refusing to attend the investigation
proceeding on the ground that criminal and civil
cases involving the same issues are pending in
courts. (Standard Chartered Bank v. Senate, G.R.
No. 167173, December 27, 2007)
are terminated upon the expiration of that jurisprudentially referred to as judicial privilege as implied
Congress at the final adjournment of its last from the exercise of judicial power expressly vested in one
session. Hence, as the legislative inquiry ends Supreme Court and lower courts created by law. [Agcaoli v.
upon that expiration, the imprisonment of the Farinas, GR No. 232395, July 3, 2017]
detained witnesses likewise ends. (Balag vs.
Senate, G.R. No. 234608, July 03, 2018) Legislative contempt vis-à-vis pardoning power of the
Q: Can Congress issue a subpoena to compel
attendance of Justices of the Court of Appeals Legislative contempt is a limitation on the President’s power to
in its investigation in-aid of legislation, and pardon by virtue of the doctrine of separation of powers.
cite them in contempt should they refuse to
appear? Question Hour
A: NO. Congressional powers cannot be used to Where the heads of departments may, upon their own initiative,
deprive the Supreme Court of its Constitutional with the consent of the President, or upon the request of either
duty to supervise judges of lower courts in the House, as the rules of each House shall provide, appear before
performance of their official duties. The fact and be heard by such House on any matter pertaining to their
remains that the CA Justices are non-impeachable departments. Written questions shall be submitted to the
officers. As such, authority over them primarily President of the Senate or the Speaker of the HoR at least 3 days
belongs to the Supreme Court and to no other. before their scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not be
The principle of separation of powers also serves limited to written questions, but it may cover matters related
as one of the basic postulates for exempting the thereto. When the security of the State or the public interest so
Justices, officials and employees of the Judiciary requires and the President so states in writing, the appearance
and for excluding the Judiciary's privileged and shall be conducted in executive session. (1987 Constitution, Art.
confidential documents and information from any VI, Sec. 22)
compulsory processes which very well includes
the Congress' power of inquiry in aid of
legislation. Such exemption has been
Scope of the power of oversight
Question hour vs. Legislative investigation
1. Monitor bureaucratic compliance with
LEGISLATIVE program objectives;
INVESTIGATION 2. Determine whether agencies are properly
(SEC. 22, ART. VI)
(SEC. 21, ART. VI) administered;
As to persons who may appear 3. Eliminate executive waste and dishonesty;
4. Prevent executive usurpation of legislative
Only a department
Any person authority; and
5. Assess executive conformity with the
As to who conducts the investigation congressional perception of public interest.
Committees/Entire (Opinion of J. Puno, Macalintal v. COMELEC,
Entire body Ibid)
As to subject matter Bases of oversight power of Congress
Matters related to the Any matter for the
department only purpose of legislation 1. Intrinsic in the grant of legislative power
Oversight power of Congress 2. Integral to the system of checks and
balances; and
Embraces all activities undertaken 3. Inherent in a democratic system of
by Congress to enhance its government.
understanding of and influence
over the implementation of Categories of Congressional Oversight
legislation it has enacted. It Functions
concerns post-enactment measures
undertaken by Congress. (Opinion 1. Scrutiny — to determine economy and
of J. Puno, Macalintal v. COMELEC, efficiency of the operation of government
G.R. No. 157013, July 10, 2003) activities.
A: YES. The Rules must be published before the Steps in the impeachment process (2012 Bar)
Rules can take effect. Thus, even if publication is
not required under the Constitution, publication Constitution provides that the House of
of the Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole Representatives shall have the exclusive power to
is required because the Rules expressly mandate initiate all cases of impeachment. (1987
their publication. To comply with due process Constitution, Art XI)
requirements, the Senate must follow its own
internal rules if the rights of its own members are 1. Initiating impeachment case
affected. (Pimentel v. Senate Committee of the a. Verified complaint filed by any member
Whole, ibid.) of the House of Representatives or any
citizen upon resolution of endorsement
Senate is no longer a continuing legislative by any member thereof;
NOTE: If the verified complaint is filed by
The present Senate under the 1987 Constitution at least 1/3 of all its members of the
is no longer a continuing legislative body. It has House of Representatives, the same shall
24 members, 12 of whom are elected every 3 constitute the Articles of Impeachment,
years for a term of 6 years each. Thus, the term of and trial by the Senate shall forthwith
12 Senators expires every 3 years, leaving less proceed. [1987 Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 3
than a majority of Senators to continue into the (4)]
next Congress since the Rules of Procedure must
be republished by the Senate after every expiry of b. Inclusion in the order of business within
the term of the 12 Senators. (Garcillano v. HoR 10 session days;
Committee on Public Information, G.R. No. 170338, c. Referred to the proper committee within
December 23, 2008) 3 session days from its inclusion;
d. The committee, after hearing, and by
Senate as an INSTITUTION is continuing (2014 majority vote of all its members, shall
Bar) submit its report to the House of
Representatives together with the
There is no debate that the Senate as an corresponding resolution;
institution is "continuing", as it is not dissolved as e. Placing on calendar the Committee
an entity with each national election or change in resolution within 10 days from
the composition of its members. However, in the submission;
conduct of its day-to-day business the Senate of f. Discussion on the floor of the report; and
each Congress acts separately and independently g. A vote of at least 1/3 of all the members
of the Senate of the Congress before it. of the House of Representatives shall be
necessary either to affirm a favorable
Undeniably, all pending matters and proceedings, resolution with the Articles of
i.e. unpassed bills and even legislative Impeachment of the committee or
investigations, of the Senate of a particular override its contrary resolution. [(1987
Congress are considered terminated upon the Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 3 (2-3)]
expiration of that Congress and it is merely
optional on the Senate of the succeeding Congress 2. Trial and Decision in impeachment proceedings
to take up such unfinished matters, not in the a. The Senators take an oath or affirmation;
same status, but as if presented for the first and
time. The logic and practicality of such a rule is
readily apparent considering that the Senate of NOTE: When the President of the
the succeeding Congress (which will typically Philippines shall be impeached, the Chief
have a different composition as that of the Justice of the Supreme Court shall
previous Congress) should not be bound by the preside, otherwise the Senate President
acts and deliberations of the Senate of which they shall preside in all other cases of
had no part. (Neri v. Senate Committee, GR. No. impeachment. (Senate Resolution No.
180643, September 4, 2008) 890)
b. A decision of conviction must be
concurred in by at least 2/3 of all the charged and determinative of the jurisdiction of
members of Senate. the committee.” (Gutierrez v. House of
Representatives Committee on Justice, ibid.)
NOTE: The power to impeach is essentially a non-
legislative prerogative and can be exercised by Limitations imposed by the Constitution upon
Congress only within the limits of the authority the initiation of impeachment proceedings
conferred upon it by the Constitution. (Gutierrez
v. House of Representatives Committee on Justice, 1. The House of Representatives shall have the
G.R. No. 193459, February 15, 2011) exclusive power to initiate all cases of
impeachment; and
The Senate has the sole power to try and decide 2. Not more than one impeachment proceeding
all cases of impeachment [1987 Constitution, Art. shall be initiated against the same official
XI, Sec. 3(6)]. Hence, judgment in an impeachment within a period of one year (One-year bar
proceeding is normally not subject to judicial rule).
NOTE: An impeachment case is the legal
XPN: Courts may annul the proceedings if there is controversy that must be decided by the
a showing of a grave abuse of discretion or non- Senate while an impeachment proceeding is
compliance with the procedural requirements of one that is initiated in the House of
the Constitution. Representatives. For purposes of applying
the one-year bar rule, the proceeding is
Determination of sufficiency of form and initiated or begins when a verified complaint
substance of an impeachment complaint is filed and referred to the Committee on
Justice for action. (Francisco v. House of
An exponent of the express constitutional grant of Representatives, et. al., G.R. No. 160261,
rulemaking powers of the HoR. November 10, 2003)
In the discharge of that power and in the exercise The power to impeach is essentially a non-
of its discretion, the House has formulated legislative prerogative and can be exercised
determinable standards as to form and substance by Congress only within the limits of the
of an impeachment complaint. Furthermore, the authority conferred upon it by the
impeachment rules are clear in echoing the Constitution (Francisco v. House of
constitutional requirements in providing that Representatives, ibid). It is, by its nature, a sui
there must be a “verified complaint or resolution” generis politico-legal process. (Gonzales III v.
and that the substance requirement is met if Office of the President, G.R.196231, January 28,
there is “a recital of facts constituting the offense 2014)
charged and determinative of the jurisdiction of
the committee.” (Gutierrez v. House of Impeachment is deemed initiated
Representatives Committee on Justice, G.R. No.
193459, February 15, 2011) A verified complaint is filed and referred to the
Committee on Justice for action. This is the
Power of the HoR to determine the sufficiency initiating step which triggers the series of steps
of form and substance of an impeachment that follow. The term “to initiate” refers to the
complaint filing of the impeachment complaint coupled with
Congress’ taking initial action of said complaint.
It is an exponent of the express constitutional (Francisco v. House of Rep., G.R. No. 160261, Nov.
grant of rulemaking powers of the HoR. In the 10, 2003)
discharge of that power and in the exercise of its
discretion, the House has formulated One-year bar rule (2014 Bar)
determinable standards as to form and substance
of an impeachment complaint. Furthermore the Initiation takes place by the act of filing of the
impeachment rules are clear in echoing the impeachment complaint and referral to the
constitutional requirements in providing that House Committee on Justice. Once an
there must be a “verified complaint or resolution” impeachment complaint has been initiated in the
and that the substance requirement is met if foregoing manner, another may not be filed
there is “a recital of facts constituting the offense against the same official within the one-year
period. (Gutierrez v. HoR Committee on Justice,
Q: Liwayway Vinzons-Chato renewed her bid the election, returns and qualifications" of its
in the May 2010 elections as the members. By employing the word "sole", the
representative of the 2nd Legislative District Constitution is emphatic that the jurisdiction
of Camarines Norte but was eventually of the HRET in the adjudication of election
defeated by Elmer Panote. Aggrieved, Chato contests involving its members is intended to
filed an electoral protest before the HRET be its own full, complete and unimpaired.
assailing the results in all the There can be no challenge, therefore, to such
160 clustered precincts in 4 municipalities. exclusive control absent any clear showing, as
Chato designated forty (40) pilot clustered in this case, of arbitrary and improvident use
precincts, in which revision of ballots shall be by the Tribunal of its power that constitutes a
conducted. After the initial revisions of the denial of due process of law, or upon a
designated clustered precints, Chato moved demonstration of a very clear unmitigated
for the revision of ballots in all of the error, manifestly constituting such grave
protested clustered precincts. The motion was abuse of discretion that there has to be a
initially denied, but a resolution was remedy therefor. (Liwayway Vinzons-Chato
eventually issued by the HRET directing the v. HRET, G. R. No. 201350, January 22, 2013,
continuation of the revision of ballots in the PER J. PERLAS-BERNABE)
remaining seventy- five percent (75%)
protested clustered precincts, or a total of 120 Q: Wigberto and Angelina and Alvin were
precincts. Such was opposed by Panote, contenders for the position of Member of
ascribing grave abuse of disctretion on the the House of Representatives for the 4th
part of HRET. Is the opposition of Panote District of Quezon Province on the May 13,
correct? 2013 National Elections. Wigberto filed
before the COMELEC two separate
A: NO. The Constitution mandates that the HRET petitions: to cancel Alvin’s CoC and to
"shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to declare him as a nuisance candidate. The
COMELEC cancelled Alvin’s CoC but did not
declare him to be a nuisance candidate. petition was pending, Wigberto initiated the
Despite the cancellation of Alvin’s CoC due to instant certiorari case against the COMELEC
his material misrepresentations therein, his En Banc Resolution declaring Alvin not a
name was not deleted from the ballot. nuisance candidate. Is the petition tenable?
Subsequently, Angelina was proclaimed as the
winning candidate. It appears that Wigberto A: NO. The petition must fail. Section 17, Article
had filed with the COMELEC a Petition to VI of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides
Annul the Proclamation of Angelina and while that the HRET is the sole judge of all contests
such relating to the election, returns, and qualifications
of its respective members. Case law states that
the proclamation of a congressional candidate
following the election divests the COMELEC of
jurisdiction over disputes relating to the election,
returns, and qualifications of the proclaimed
representative in favor of the HRET. Considering
that Angelina had already been proclaimed as
Member of the House of Representatives for the
4th District of Quezon Province on May 16, 2013,
as she has in fact taken her oath and assumed
office past noon time of June 30, 2013, the Court
is now without jurisdiction to resolve the case at
bar. As they stand, the issues concerning the
conduct of the canvass and the resulting
proclamation of Angelina as herein discussed are
matters which fall under the scope of the terms
election and return and hence, properly fall under
the HRET’s sole jurisdiction. (Wigberto Tañada,
Jr. vs. COMELEC, G.R. Nos. 207199-200, October
petitioner Reyes to speak of. Here, the question of 1. Expiration of Congressional term of office
whether petitioner Lico remains a member of the 2. Death or permanent disability
House of Representatives in view of his expulsion 3. Resignation from the political party he
from Ating Koop is a subsisting issue. Finally, in represents in the tribunal
Reyes, We found the question of jurisdiction of 4. Formal affiliation with another political
the HRET to be a non-issue, since the recourse of party
the petitioner to the Court appeared to be a mere 5. Removal from office for other valid
attempt to prevent the COMELEC from reasons. (Bondoc v. Pineda, G.R. No.
implementing a final and executory judgment. In 97710, September 26, 1991)
this case, the question on the validity of petitioner
Lico's expulsion from Ating Koop is a genuine NOTE: Unlike the Commission on
issue that falls within the jurisdiction of the Appointments, the ET shall meet in
HRET, as it unmistakably affects his qualifications accordance with their rules, regardless of
as party-list representative. (Lico v. COMELEC, whether Congress is in session or not.
G.R. No. 205505, September 29, 2015)
Q: Can the Senators-members of the Senate
Valid grounds or just causes for termination Electoral Tribunal be disqualified because
of membership to the tribunal an election contest is filed against them?
Members of the Electoral Tribunal enjoy the A: NO. The Supreme Court held that it cannot
security of tenure. However, they may be order the disqualification of the Senators-
terminated for a just cause such as: members of the Electoral Tribunal simply
because they were themselves respondents in
the electoral protest, considering the specific
mandate of the Constitution and inasmuch as all Remedy from an adverse decision of the ET
the elected Senators were actually named as
respondents. (Abbas v. SET, G.R. No. 83767, A special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65
October 22, 1988) of the Rules of Court may be filed. This is based
on grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
ET decisions are not appealable excess of jurisdiction. This shall be filed before
the Supreme Court.
Art. VI, Sec. 17 provides that the SET/HRET is the
sole judge of all contests. Hence, from its decision, NOTE: Under the doctrine of primary
there is no appeal. Appeal is not a constitutional administrative jurisdiction, prior recourse to the
right but merely a statutory right. House is necessary before the petitioners may
bring the case to the Supreme Court. (Pimentel vs.
House of Representative Electoral Tribunal, G.R.
No. 141489, November 29, 2002)
Membership in the CA
disobey or disregard the rule on proportional Chairman or a majority of all its members.
representation; otherwise, the party with a
majority representation in the Senate or the HoR
can by sheer force of numbers impose its will on
the hapless minority. By requiring a proportional
representation in the CA, Sec. 18 in effect works
as a check on the majority party in the Senate and
helps maintain the balance of power. No party can
claim more than what it is entitled to under such
rule. (Guingona, Jr., et al., v. Gonzales, et al., G.R.
No. 106971, March 1, 1993)
Rules on voting
Remedy from an adverse decision of the CA NOTE: Sec. 3 (b) of RA 6735 provides for:
It is the power of the people to Under the said law, initiative on the Constitution is
confined only to proposals to amend. The people
Qualifications of the President The President is immune from suit during his
1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
2. A registered voter; Rules on executive immunity
3. Able to read and write;
4. At least forty years of age on the day of A. Rules on immunity DURING tenure (not term):
the election; and
5. A resident of the Philippines for at least 1. The President is immune from suit during
ten years immediately preceding such his tenure. (In re: Bermudez, G.R. No. 76180,
election. (1987 Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 2) October 24, 1986)
2. An impeachment complaint may be filed
Term of office of the President against him during his tenure. (1987
Constitution, Art. XI)
1. The President shall be elected by direct vote 3. The President may not be prevented from
of the people for a term of 6 years which instituting suit. (Soliven v. Makasiar, G.R. No.
shall begin at noon on the 30th day of June 82585, November 14, 1988)
next following the day of the election and 4. There is nothing in our laws that would
shall end at noon of the same date, 6 years prevent the President from waiving the
thereafter. privilege. He may shed the protection
2. The President shall not be eligible for any afforded by the privilege. (Soliven v.
re- election. Makasiar, ibid.)
NOTE: The Vice-President cannot serve for 5. Heads of departments cannot invoke the
more than 2 successive terms. President’s immunity. (Gloria v. CA, G.R. No.
3. No person who has succeeded as President 119903, August 15, 2000)
and has served as such for more than four
years shall be qualified for election to the B. Rule on immunity AFTER tenure:
same office at any time. (1987 Constitution,
Art. VII, Sec. 4) Once out of office, even before the end of the
6-year term, immunity for non-official acts
NOTE: Vice-President shall have the same is lost. Immunity cannot be claimed to shield
qualifications and term of office and be elected a non-sitting President from prosecution for
with, and in the same manner, as the President. alleged criminal acts done while sitting in
He may be removed from office in the same office. (Estrada v. Desierto, G.R. Nos. 146710-
manner as the President. (1987 Constitution, Art. 15, March 2, 2001)
VII, Sec. 3.
PRIVILEGES, INHIBITIONS AND When a non-sitting President is not immune
DISQUALIFICATIONS from suit for acts committed during his tenure
Privileges of the President and Vice-President A non-sitting President does not enjoy immunity
from suit, even though the acts were done during
her tenure. The intent of the framers of the
Constitution is clear that the immunity of the
president from suit is concurrent only with his
tenure and not his term. Former President Arroyo
cannot use the presidential immunity from suit to
shield herself from judicial scrutiny that would
1. Official residence; 1. Salary shall
2. Salary is not be
determined by law decreased
and not to be during his
decreased during tenure;
assess whether, within the context subordinates for failing to prevent or punish the perpetrators
of amparo proceedings, she was responsible or (as opposed to crimes he ordered). (Rubrico v. GMA, G.R. No.
accountable for the abduction of Rodriguez. 183871, February 18, 2010)
(Rodriguez v. GMA, G.R. Nos. 191805 & 193160,
November 15, 2011)
Elements of command responsibility circumstantial evidence. In the Philippines, a
more liberal view is adopted and superiors may
1. The existence of a superior- be charged with constructive knowledge.
subordinate relationship
between the accused as Knowledge of the commission of irregularities,
superior and the perpetrator crimes or offenses is presumed when:
of the crime as his
subordinate; 1. The acts are widespread within the
2. The superior knew or had government official’s area of jurisdiction;
reason to know that the crime 2. The acts have been repeatedly or regularly
was about to be or had been committed within his area of responsibility;
committed; or
3. The superior failed to take the 3. Members of his immediate staff or office
necessary and reasonable personnel are involved.
measures to prevent the
criminal acts or punish the
perpetrators thereof.
(Rodriguez v. GMA, G.R. Nos.
191805 & 193160, November
15, 2011)
EO 464 requiring all Rooted in
Executive Kinds of executive privilege BASIS PRESIDENTIA the
department heads to L constituti
secure the consent 1. State secret privilege– COMMUNICA onal
of the President Invoked by Presidents TIONS principle
before appearing in on the ground that the PRIVILEGE of Root
Pertains Foun
Question Hour is information is of such separatio comm
to dati
valid nature that its n of law
communi on
disclosure would powers privi
The requirement to subvert crucial military cations, and the
secure presidential or diplomatic objectives. documen President
consent, limited as it 2. Informer’s privilege– ts or ’s unique
is only to appearances Privilege of the other constituti
in the question hour, government not to materials onal role
is valid on its face. For disclose the identity of that
unlike inquiries in aid persons who furnish reflect Presidential
of legislation under information in president
Scope of
Sec. 21, Art. VI of the violations of law to ial Communicati
Constitution where officers charged with decision-
such appearance is the enforcement of the making ons Privilege
mandatory, under Sec. law. and
22, the appearance of 3. Generic privilege for deliberati Elements:
department heads in internal deliberation– ons that
the question hour is Said to attach to intra- the 1. The
discretionary on governmental President protected
their part. documents reflecting believes communi
advisory opinions, should cation
Dictated by the basic recommendations and remain must
rule of construction deliberations confident relate to
that issuances must be comprising part of a ial a
interpreted, as much process by which Applies “quintess
as possible, in a way governmental decisions To to ential and
that will render it and policies are whom decision- non-
constitutional, the formulated. applic making delegable
said provision must be 4. Presidential able of the president
construed as communications President ial
applicable only to privilege; power.”
appearances in 5. Deliberative process
2. The President.
question hour under privilege (In Re: Sealed
communicat 3. The
Sec. 22, not in Case No. 96-3124, June
ion must be presidenti
inquiries in aid of 17, 1997).
authored or al
legislation under Sec.
“solicited communic
21. Congress is not Test to determine the
and ations
bound in the latter validity of a claim of
received” by privilege
instance to respect the privilege: Whether the
a close remains a
refusal of the requested information falls
advisor of qualified
department head to within one of the traditional
the privilege
appear in such privileges and whether that
President or that may
inquiry, unless a valid privilege should be honored
the be
claim of privilege is in a given procedural setting.
President overcome
subsequently made,
himself. The by a
either by the Presidential
judicial test showing of
President herself or communications privilege
is that an adequate
by the Executive vs.
advisor need, such
Secretary (Senate v. Deliberative process
must be in that the
Ermita, G.R. No. privilege
“operational informatio
169777, April 20,
proximity” n sought
2006) .
with the “likely
for the disclosure of positions Government, appointed to the judiciary
the desired are ex- including GOCCs and as ambassadors and
information, strong officio and 6. Shall avoid consuls.
enough to overcome they do not conflict of
its traditionally receive any interest in Q: Joey, the Chief
privileged status salary or conduct of office Presidential Legal
(AKBAYAN v. Aquino, other 7. Shall avoid Counsel (CPLC), was also
ibid.). emolument nepotism(1987 appointed as Chairman of
s therefore Constitution, Art. the PCGG. May the two
Prohibitions (e.g. Sec. of VII, Sec. 13). offices be held by the
attached to the Finance as same person?
President, Vice- head of the NOTE: The spouse
President, Cabinet Monetary and relatives by A: NO. When the Chief
Members, and their Board) consanguinity or Presidential Legal Counsel
deputies or affinity within the 4th was also appointed as
assistants, unless NOTE: This civil degree of the Chairman of the PGCC, the
otherwise provided prohibition President shall not, Court held that the two
in the Constitution must not, during his tenure, be offices are incompatible.
(1996, 1998, however, be appointed as: Without question, the PCGG
2002, 2004 Bar) construed as is an agency under the
applying to a. Members of Executive Department.
1. Shall not receive posts occupied the Thus, the actions of the
any other by the PCGG Chairman are subject
emolument from Executive Constituti to the review of the
the government officials onal CPLC(Public Interest Group
or any other without Commissi v. Elma, G.R. No. 138965,
source (1987 additional ons; June 30, 2006).
Constitution, Art. compensation b. Office of the
VII, Sec. 6). in an ex-officio Ombudsman Q: The President
2. Shall not hold capacity, as ; appointed Kimberly as
any other office provided by c. Secretaries; the Acting Secretary of
or employment law and as d. Undersecret Justice. After a couple of
during their required by the aries; days, the President
tenure unless: primary e. Chairmen designated her as the
a. Otherwise functions of the or heads Acting Solicitor General in
provided in said official’s of a concurrent capacity.
the office (National bureaus Julie contested the
Constitution Amnesty or offices, appointment of Kimberly
(e.g. VP can Commission v. including on the ground that the
be appointed COA, G.R. No. GOCCs appointment violated Sec.
as a Cabinet 156982, and their 13, Art. VII of the
Member September 2, subsidiar Constitution which
without the 2004). ies. expressly prohibits the
need of President, Vice-
confirmation 3. Shall not If the spouse, etc., President, the Members
by practice, was already in any of of the Cabinet, and their
Commission directly or the above offices at deputies or assistants
on indirectly, any the time before from holding any other
Appointmen other his/her spouse office or employment
ts; Sec. of profession became President, during their
Justice sits in during their he/she may continue
the Judicial tenure in office. What is
and Bar 4. Shall not prohibited is
Council) participate in any appointment and
b. The business reappointment, not
continuation in
5. Shall not be contract with, or in any office.
financially franchise, or special
interested in any privilege granted by the Spouses, etc., can be
tenure designation of itself. the language
unless Kimberly as In of Sec. 13,
otherwi the Acting other Art. VII is
se Secretary of words, prohibitory
provide Justice, Sec. 7, so that it
d in the concurrently Art. IX- must be
Constit with his B is understood
ution. position as meant as intended
On the Acting to lay to be a
other Solicitor down positive and
hand, General, the unequivocal
Kimber violate the genera negation of
ly constitutional l rule the privilege
claims prohibition applica of holding
that against dual ble to multiple
accordi or multiple all government
ng to offices for the electiv offices or
Sec. 7, Members of e and employment.
par. (2), the Cabinet appoin
Art. IX- and their tive The phrase
B of the deputies and public "unless
Constit assistants? official otherwise
ution, s and provided in
her A: YES. There is emplo this
appoint violation of the yees, Constitution"
ment to Constitution in while must be given
such case an Acting Sec. a literal
positio Secretary of 13, interpretatio
ns is Justice is Art. VII n to refer
outside designated as is only to those
the Acting Solicitor meant instances
coverag General to be cited in the
e of the because while the Constitution
prohibi all other excepti itself, to wit:
tion appointive on
under officials in the applica a. The Vice-
Sec. 13 civil service are ble President
of Art. allowed to hold only to being
VII as it other office or the appointe
falls employment in Presid d as a
into the ent, member
one of government the of the
the during their Vice- Cabinet
excepti tenure when Presid under
ons as such is allowed ent, Sec. 3,
being by law or by and par. (2),
allowed the primary Memb Art. VII;
by law functions of ers of or acting
or by their positions, the as
the members of Cabine President
primar the Cabinet, t, their in those
y their deputies deputi instances
functio and assistants es and provided
ns of may do so only assista under
her when expressly nts. Sec. 7,
positio authorized by pars. (2)
n. Does the On its and (3),
the Constitution face, Art. VII;
and Council by Scope of power
b. The virtue of executive (1987
Secr Sect. 8 (1), power Constitut
etar Art. VIII ion, Art.
y (Funa v. 1. Executive VII, Sec.
of Agra, G.R. power is 16)
Justi No. vested in 2. Power of
ce 191644, the control
bein February President over all
g 19, 2013). of the executive
ex- Philippines departm
offic Sec. 13, Art. VII . (1987 ents,
io undoubtedly Constitutio bureaus
me covers the n, Art. VII, and
mbe Acting Sec. 1). offices
r of Secretary of 2. It is not (1987
the Justice as being limited to Constitut
Judi concurrently those set ion, Art.
cial designated as forth in the VII, Sec.
and Acting Solicitor Constitutio 17)
Bar General; n 3. Comman
therefore, (Residual der-in-
powers) Chief
he could not VII, Sec. 17). (Marcos v. powers
validly hold any Manglapus (calling-
other office or Faithful , G.R. No. out
employment Execution 88211, power,
during his tenure Clause October 27, power to
as the Acting 1989). place the
Solicitor General, The power to 3. Privilege of Philippin
because the take care that immunity es under
Constitution has the laws be from suit is martial
not otherwise so faithfully personal to law, and
provided. executed makes the power to
the President a President suspend
dominant figure and may the
in the be invoked privilege
POWERS OF THE administration by him of the
PRESIDENT of the alone. It writ of
government. may also habeas
IN GENERAL by the (1987
The law he is President, Constitut
Executive Power supposed to as when he ion, Art.
enforce himself VII, Sec.
Power vested in includes the files suit 18)
the President of Constitution, (Soliven v. 4. Pardonin
the Philippines. statutes, judicial Makasiar, g power
The President decisions, G.R. No. (1987
shall have control administrative 82585, Constitut
of all executive rules and November ion, Art.
departments, regulations and 14, 1988). VII, Sec.
bureaus and municipal 19)
offices. He shall ordinances, as Specific powers
ensure that laws well as treaties of the
are faithfully entered into by President
executed (1987 the government.
Constitution, Art. 1. Appointing
transmittal; or ss of the
NOTE: igi office.
NOTE: It is not The na Howe
enough that the incumben l ver, in
President signs the t must ap case of
appointment paper. first be p loss of
There should be legally oi the
evidence that the removed, nt original
President intended or his m appoint
the appointment appointm en ment
paper to be issued. ent validly t paper,
Release of the terminate pa the
appointment paper d, before pe appoint
through the one could r, ment
Malacañ ang Records be validly w must be
Office (MRO) is an installed hi evidence
unequivocal act that to succeed ch d by a
signifies the him. co certified
President’s intent of ul true
its issuance. 4. Receipt of d copy
the be issued
3. A Vacant position appointm br by the
at the time of ent paper o proper
appointment; and ug office, in
Acceptanc ht this case
e of the ab the
appointm o Malacañ
ent by the ut ang
appointee by Records
who ne Office.
possesses gli
all the ge NOTE:
qualificati nc Accepta
ons and e, nce is
none of ac indispen
the ci sable to
disqualific de complet
ations nt e an
, appoint
NOTE: fr ment.
The au Assumin
possessio d, g office
n of the fir and
original e taking
appointm or the oath
ent paper th amount
is not ef to
indispens t, acceptan
able to co ce of the
authorize rr appoint
an es ment. An
appointee p oath of
to assume o office is
office. If it n a
were ds qualifyin
indispens to g
able, then a require
a loss of lo ment for
a as a single (1987 whose
pub process. There Constitution, Art.
lic is no valid VII, Sec. 14). appointm
offi appointment if ents
ce, the process Designation are
a lacks even one not
pre step. And there The imposition otherwis
req is no need to of additional e
uisi further duties on a provided
te distinguish person already by law;
to between an in the public 3. Those
the effective and an service. It is whom he
full ineffective considered only may be
inv appointment as an acting or authorize
esti when an temporary d by law
tur appointment is appointment, to
e of valid (Velicaria- which does not appoint;
the Garafil v. Office confer security and
offi of the President, of tenure on the 4. Those
ce. G.R. No. person named other
203372, June (Binamira v. officers
Concurr 16, 2015). Garrucho, G.R. lower in
ence of No. 92008, July rank
all these Non-justiciability of 30, 1990). whose
element appointments appointm
s should NOTE: The ent is
always Appointment is President has vested by
apply, a political the power to law in the
regardle question. So temporarily President
ss of long as the designate an alone
when appointee officer already (1987
the satisfies the in the Constituti
appoint minimum government on, Art.
ment is requirements service or any VII, Sec.
made, prescribed by other competent 16).
whether law for the person to
outside, position, the perform the Presidential
just appointment functions of an appointments
before, may not be office in the that need
or subject to executive prior
during judicial review. branch. recommendat
the Temporary ion or
appoint Rule on the designation nomination
ment effectivity of cannot exceed by the
ban. appointments one year. Judicial and
These made by an Bar Council
steps in Acting Appointments
the President made solely by 1. Mem
appoint the President bers
ment Shall remain of the
process effective unless 1. Those Supre
should revoked by the vested by me
always elected the Court
concur President Constitutio and
and within 90 days n on the all
operate from his President lower
alone; court
assumption/re- assumption 2. Those s
(1987 tion, appointments
Constitut Art. VIII, the Congress
ion, Art. 2. Ambassadors, Sec. may by law
VIII, Sec. other public 8(2)] vest in the
9). ministers and President
2. Ombudsman consuls– NOTE: The alone (Manalo
and his 5 Those enumeration is v. Sistoza, 312
deputies connected exclusive. SCRA 239,
with the August 11,
BY-PASSED Appointing 1999, En
and consular
APPOINTMENTS procedure for Banc).
services of the those that need
Appointments country. Commission’s Procedure for those
where 3. Officers of confirmation that do not need the
confirmation of AFP from the Commission’s
the Commission rank of 1. Nomination by confirmation
on colonel or the President 1. Appointment
Appointments is naval captain 2. Confirmation by 2. Acceptance
required (HA2O) NOTE: PNP of the CA
equivalent 3. Issuance of AD
1. Heads of ranks and the commission INTERIM
executive Philippine 4. Acceptance by APPOINTMENTS
departments Coast Guard is the appointee
not included. Ad interim
GR: 4. Other officers NOTE: At any time, Appointment
Appointm of the before all four steps
ent of government have been complied
cabinet whose with, the President
secretarie appointments can withdraw the
s requires are vested in nomination and
confirmat the President appointment
ion. in the (Lacson v.
Constitution Romero,.R. No. L-
XPN: (1987 3081, October 14,
Vice- Constitution, 1949).
president Art. VII, Sec.
may be 16), such as: Appointments
appointe where
d as a a. Chairme confirmation of
member n and the Commission
of the member on Appointments
Cabinet s of the is NOT required:
andsuch CSC,
appointm COMEL 1. All other officers
ent EC and of the
requires COA Government
no [1987 whose
confirmat Constitu appointments
ion [1987 tion, are not
Constituti Art. IX- otherwise
on, Art. B, C, D, provided for by
VII, Sec. Sec. law
3(2)]. 1(2)] 2. Those whom the
b. Regular President may
member be authorized
s of the by law to
JBC appoint
[1987 3. Officers lower in
Constitu rank whose
s is in
Power of the President to make appointments
during the recess of Congress, but such or not
appointments shall be effective only until
Require Does not
disapproval by the Commission on Appointments As to
s require
or until the next adjournment of the Congress confirm
confirm confirm
(Matibag v. Benipayo, G.R. No. 149036, April 2, ation of
ation of ation of
2002). the
the the
Commis Commis
Purpose of ad interim appointment ion sion sion
Ad interim appointments are intended to prevent Permanent in Temporary in
a hiatus in the discharge of official duties. nature nature
Obviously, the public office would be immobilized Appoint Appoint
to the prejudice of the people if the President had ee ee does
to wait for Congress and the Commission of As to
enjoys not
Appointments to reconvene before he could fill a security
security enjoy
vacancy occurring during the recess (Guevara v. of
of security
Inocentes, G.R. No. L-25577, March 15, 1966). tenure
tenure of
Nature of ad interim appointment
Permanent Appointment vs. Temporary
Ad interim appointments are permanent
appointments. It is permanent because it takes
effect immediately and can no longer be
withdrawn by the President once the appointee
qualified into office. The fact that it is subject to BASIS
confirmation by the CA does not alter its
permanent character. In cases where the term of NT
said ad interim appointee had expired by virtue of Extende Given to
inaction by the Commission on Appointments, he d to persons
may be reappointed to the same position without persons without
violating the Constitutional provision prohibiting As to possessi such
an officer whose term has expired from being re- persons ng the eligibility;
appointed (Matibag v. Benipayo, G.R. No. 130657, appointe requisit
April 1, 2002). d e
NOTE: Being a permanent appointment, an ad
Not Revocable
interim appointee pending action by the
revocab at will
Commission on Appointments enjoys security of
le at will without
tenure (Marombhosar v. CA, G.R. No. 126481,
February 18, 2000).
of just
Ad interim appointment vs. Appointment in an As to
cause or a
Acting Capacity acts of
NT IN AN tee
has full
Made at
any time
to change
Made during there is
When made the recess of vacancy,
(See further discussion under Law on Public
Congress i.e.,
President may appoint Acting Secretaries without the consent of the Commission
while the Congress is in session
Congress, through a law, cannot impose on the Prohibited appointments under Sec. 15, Art.
President the obligation to appoint automatically VII of the Constitution
the undersecretary as her temporary alter ego.
An alter ego, whether temporary or permanent, 1. Those made for buying votes– Refers to those
holds a position of great trust and confidence. The appointments made within two months
office of a department secretary may become preceding the Presidential election and are
vacant while Congress is in session. Since a similar to those which are declared election
department secretary is the alter ego of the offenses in the Omnibus Election Code; and
President, the acting appointee to the office must 2. Those made for partisan considerations–
necessarily have the President’s confidence Consists of the so-called “midnight”
(Pimentel v. Ermita, G.R. No. 164978, October 13, appointments (In Re: Hon. Valenzuela and
2005). Hon. Vallarta, A.M. No. 98-5-01-SC, November
9, 1998).
NOTE: Acting appointments cannot exceed one
year [EO 292, Book III, Title I, Chapter 5, Sec. 17 Q: Does the prohibition against appointments
(3)] provided under Sec. 15, Art VII of the
Constitution apply to appointments to the
Limitations on the appointing power of the judiciary?
A: NO. Art. VII is devoted to the Executive
1. The spouse and relatives by consanguinity Department. Had the framers intended to extend
or affinity within the 4th civil degree of the the prohibition contained in Sec. 15, Art. VII to the
President shall not, during his "tenure" be appointment of Members of the Supreme Court,
appointed as: they could have explicitly done so. They could not
have ignored the meticulous ordering of the
a. Members of the Constitutional provisions. They would have easily and surely
Commissions; written the prohibition made explicit in Sec. 15,
b. Member of the Office of Ombudsman; Art. VII as being equally applicable to the
c. Secretaries; appointment of Members of the Supreme Court in
d. Undersecretaries; Art. VIII itself, most likely in Sec. 4 (1), Art. VIII.
e. Chairmen or heads of bureaus or offices, That such specification was not done only reveals
including government-owned or that the prohibition against the President or
controlled corporations and their Acting President making appointments within
subsidiaries (1987 Constitution, Art. VII, two months before the next presidential elections
Sec. 13[2]). and up to the end of the President’s or Acting
President’s term does not refer to the Members of
2. Appointments made by the acting-President the Supreme Court (De Castro v. JBC, G.R. No.
shall remain effective unless revoked within 191002, March 17, 2010).
90 days from assumption of office by elected
President (1987 Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. Q: President Arroyo appointed Atty. Velicaria-
14). Garafil as State Solicitor II on 5 March 2010.
3. GR: Two months immediately before the The appointment paper was transmitted on 8
next Presidential elections (2nd Monday of March 2010 and was received by the
May), and up to the end of his "term" (June Malacañang Records Office (MRO) on 13 May
30), a President (or Acting President) shall 2010. Atty. Velicaria-Garafil, on the other
not make appointments. hand, took her oath of office on 22 March 2010
and assumed thereto 6 April 2010. The cut-off
XPN: Temporary appointments, to executive date for valid presidential appointments was
positions, when continued vacancies therein on 10 March 2010 or two months preceding
will prejudice public service (1987 the 10 May 2010 elections. Upon assumption
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 15), e.g. of President Aquino III, he issued E.O. No. 2
Postmaster; or endanger public safety, e.g. recalling, withdrawing, and revoking all
Chief of Staff. (1991, 1997 Bar) midnight appointments of President Arroyo
which includes all appointments bearing
MIDNIGHT APPOINTMENTS dates prior to 11 March 2010 where the
appointee has accepted, or taken his oath, or
public office on or after 11 March 2010. Atty. appoint; it is still the same power to appoint. In
Velicaria-Garafil asserts the validity of her
appointment and now questions the
constitutionality of E.O. No. 2. Decide.
government. Without the power to remove, Sec. 8(2) of RA 6770 vesting disciplinary
it would not be always possible for the authority on the President over the Deputy
President to exercise his power of control. Ombudsman violates the independence of the
Office of the Ombudsman and is, thus,
NOTE: Members of the career service of the Civil unconstitutional.
Service who are appointed by the President may
be directly disciplined by him. (Villaluz v. Subjecting the Deputy Ombudsman to
Zaldivar, discipline and removal by the President,
G.R. No. L-22754, Dec. 31, 1965) provided that the whose own alter egos and officials in the
same is for cause and in accordance with the Executive Department are subject to the
procedure prescribed by law. Ombudsman's disciplinary authority, cannot
but seriously place at risk the independence
Members of the Cabinet and such officers whose of the Office of the Ombudsman itself. The law
continuity in office depend upon the President directly collided not only with the
may be replaced at any time. Legally speaking, independence that the Constitution
their separation is effected not by the process of guarantees to the Office of the Ombudsman,
removal but by the expiration of their but inevitably with the principle of checks and
term(Aparri v. CA, G.R. No. L-30057, January 31, balances that the creation of an Ombudsman
1984). office seeks to revitalize. What is true for the
Ombudsman must be equally and necessarily
The President has no disciplinary authority true for her Deputies who act as agents of the
over the Ombudsman Ombudsman in the performance of their
duties (Gonzales III v. Ochoa, G. R. No.
196231; Barreras-Sulit v. Ochoa, G.R. No.
196232; February 26, 2014, PER J. PERLAS-
BERNABE). Q: Clarence sued PGA Cars before the DTI
pursuant to the Consumer Act (R.A. 7394) due
POWER OF CONTROL AND SUPERVISION to the defect in the BMW he bought from the
latter. DTI sided with Clarence. PGA Cars
The President shall have control of all executive appealed before the Office of the President
departments, bureaus and offices. (1987 (OP) which reversed the DTI’s decision.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 17) Clarence elevated the matter before the CA
through Rule 65 and argued that the OP had
Power of Control no appellate jurisdiction over DTI’s decision.
The OP countered that it has an appellate
The power of an officer to alter or modify or jurisdiction over DTI on the ground that the
nullify or to set aside what a subordinate has President’s power of control over the
done in the performance of his duties and to executive department grants him the power to
substitute one’s own judgment for that of a amend, modify, alter or repeal decisions of the
subordinate. department secretaries. Decide.
NOTE: Once revoked by Congress, the President 1. It does not suspend the operation of the
cannot set aside the revocation. Constitution;
2. It does not supplant the functioning of the
civil courts or legislative assemblies;
3. It does not authorize conferment of
jurisdiction over civilians where civil courts
are able to function;
that there was probable cause that the crime of proclamation of martial law. [Padilla v. Congress, 25 July 2017]
rebellion was and is being committed and that
public safety requires the imposition of martial
law and suspension of the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus. Section 18, Article VII of the
Constitution itself sets the parameters for
determining the sufficiency of the factual basis for
the declaration of martial law and/or the
suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus, namely (1) actual invasion or rebellion,
and (2) public safety requires the exercise of such
power. Without the concurrence of the two
conditions, the President's declaration of martial
law and/or suspension of the privilege of the writ
of habeas corpus must be struck down. A review
of the aforesaid facts similarly leads the Court to
conclude that the President, in issuing
Proclamation No. 216, had sufficient factual bases
tending to show that actual rebellion exists. The
President's conclusion, that there was an armed
public uprising, the culpable purpose of which
was the removal from the allegiance of the
Philippine Government a portion of its territory
and the deprivation of the President from
performing his powers and prerogatives, was
reached after a tactical consideration of the facts.
In fine, the President satisfactorily discharged his
burden of proof. After all, what the President
needs to satisfy is only the standard of probable
cause for a valid declaration of martial law and
suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus. (Lagman v. Medialdea, G.R. No. 231658,
July 4, 2017).
Court may strike Congress may revoke the
down the proclamation/suspension,
presidential which revocation shall not
proclamation in be set aside by the
an appropriate President.
proceeding filed
by any citizen on
the ground of lack
of sufficient
factual basis.
Court considers May take into
only the consideration not only
information and data available prior to, but
data available to likewise events
the President supervening the
prior to or at the declaration.
time of the
declaration; it is
not allowed to
undertake an
beyond the
Does not look into Could probe deeper and
the absolute further; it can delve into
correctness of the the accuracy of the facts
factual basis. presented before it.
Review power is Review mechanism is
passive – only automatic in the sense
initiated by the that it may be activated by
filing of a petition Congress itself at any time
“in an appropriate after the proclamation of
proceeding” by a suspension was made.
the President, it led him to believe that there was ng grave possible Review
PROBABLE CAUSE that the crime of rebellion was abuse of nullifica- and
and is being committed and that the public discretio tion by the possible
safety requires it. After all, only the standard of n. SC nullifica-
probable cause is what the President needs to tion by
satisfy. But the SC
Power of Judicial Review vis-à-vis Military president
Powers of the President has full
The power of judicial review does NOT extend to n
calibrating the President’s decision pertaining to
which extraordinary power to avail given a set of Subject Actual YES. YES.
facts or conditions. to use to Limited to Limited
judicial which the to the
review? President determina determin
puts the -tion of a-tion of
armed whether whether
forced the the
NOT President President
subject to had had
judicial sufficient sufficient
factual factual
basis. basis.
Charact Most Involve Involve
er benign curtailmen curtailme
and t and nt and
involves suppressio suppre-
ordinary n of civil ssion of
police rights and civil
action individual rights
freedom and
l freedom
Purpose of pardon
a. Plenary pardon– Extinguishes all
Executive Clemency Requirement the
Commutatio Requires
ns conviction
by final
Remission of
and Forfeitures
ce of
Kinds of pardon
As to presence of condition:
a. Absolute pardon– One extended without any
conditions; totally extinguishes criminal
liability (See: RPC, Art. 89[4]).
b. Conditional pardon – One under which the
convict is required to comply with certain
petitioners tenable?
penalties imposed upon the offender, including Q: Former
accessory disabilities President Estrada A: NO. Former President
b. Partial pardon– Does not extinguish all the was convicted of Estrada, who was convicted
penalties; partially extinguishes criminal liability the crime of for the crime of plunder by
[See: RPC, Art. 94(1)]. plunder by the the Sandiganbayan, was
Sandiganbayan. He granted an absolute
NOTE: A judicial pronouncement that a convict who was granted an pardon that fully restored
was granted a pardon subject to the condition that executive clemency all his civil and political
he should not again violate any penal law is not by Former rights, which naturally
necessary before he can be declared to have violated President includes the right to seek
the condition of her pardon (Torres v. Gonzales, G.R. Macapagal-Arroyo. public elective office. The
No. L-76872, July 23, 1987). In 2013, he ran for wording of the pardon
the position of extended to him is
Effects of the grant of pardon Mayor of Manila, complete, unambiguous and
and won the unqualified. He is therefore
The grant of pardon from the President: election. eligible for the post of
Mayor of Manila.
1. Frees the individual from all the penalties and Atty Risos-Vidal,
legal disabilities imposed upon him by the and, former Mayor The pardoning power of the
sentence, and of Manila, Alfredo President cannot be
Lim question the limited by legislative
NOTE: RPC, Article 36. Pardon; its effect: A eligibility of action. It is a presidential
pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from Estrada to hold an prerogative, which may not
the payment of the civil indemnity elective post. They be interfered with by
contend that the Congress or the Court,
2. Restores to him all his civil and political rights. pardon granted by except when it exceeds the
Pres. Arroyo to the limits provided by the
NOTE: RPC, Article 36. Pardon; its effect: A latter was a Constitution. Articles 36
pardon shall not work the restoration of the conditional pardon and 41 of the RPC should
right to hold public office, or the right of as it did not thus be construed in a way
suffrage, unless such rights be expressly expressly provide that will give full effect to
restored by the terms of the pardon. for the remission of the executive clemency
the penalty of instead of indulging in an
Options of the convict when granted pardon perpetual absolute overly strict
disqualification interpretation that may
1. Conditional Pardon– The offender has the especially the serve to impair or diminish
right to reject it since he may feel that the restoration of the the import of the pardon
condition imposed is more onerous than the right to vote and be which emanated from the
penalty sought to be remitted. voted for public Office of the President, and
2. Absolute Pardon– The pardonee has no option office, as required duly signed by the Chief
at all and must accept it whether he likes it or by Articles 36 and Executive herself.
not. 41 of the Revised
Penal Code. The third preambular
NOTE: In this sense, an absolute pardon is clause is not an integral
similar to commutation, which is also not They further part of the decree of the
subject to acceptance by the offender. contend that the pardon and therefore, does
third preambular not by itself operate to
Pardon does not ipso facto restore former office clause in the make the pardon
and his rights and privileges pardon, which conditional or to make its
states that Estrada effectivity contingent upon
Pardon does not ipso facto restore a convicted felon had publicly the fulfillment of the
neither to his former public office nor to his rights committed to no commitment nor to limit
and privileges, which were necessarily relinquished longer seek any the scope of the pardon.
or forfeited by reason of the conviction although elective position or
such pardon undoubtedly office, disqualifies
him from the post
restores his eligibility (Monsanto v. Factoran, G.R. of Mayor. Is the
to that office No. 78239, February 9, 1989). contention of the
Estrada had The not have to
publicly reducti be in any
Thus, committed to on or particular
Atty. no longer seek mitigat form. Thus,
Risos- any elective ion of the fact that a
Vidal position or the convict was
and office, penalt released after
former disqualifies y, from 6 years and
Manila him from the death placed under
Mayor post of Mayor penalt house arrest,
Lim’s are untenable y to which is not a
contenti (Risos-Vidal v. life penalty,
ons that Estrada, G.R. impris already leads
the said No. 206666, onmen to the
pardon January 21, t, conclusion
granted 2015) remitt that the
was a ances penalty has
conditio Forms of Executive and been
nal Clemency fines. shortened.
pardon Comm
as it did 1. Reprieve utation Judicial
not 2. Commutations is a power to
expressl 3. Remission of fines and pardo pass upon
y forfeitures n in the validity
provide 4. Probation form of the
for the 5. Parole but not actions of
remissio 6. Amnesty in the
n of the substa President in
penalty Reprieve nce, granting
of becaus executive
perpetu The e it clemency
al postponement does
absolute of sentence to a not
disquali date certain or affect
fication stay of his
especial execution. guilt; it
ly the merely
restorat NOTE: It may reduce
ion of be ordered to s the
the right enable the penalt
to vote government to y for
and be secure reason
voted additional s of
for evidence to public
public ascertain the interes
office, as guilt of the t
require convict or, in rather
d by the the case of the than
RPC and execution of for the
that the the death sole
third sentence upon benefit
preamb a pregnant of the
ular woman, to offend
clause prevent the er.
in the killing of her
pardon, unborn child. NOTE:
which Comm
states Commutation utation
that does
The SC is not deciding a political question in e
reviewing the correctness of the action of the
President in granting executive clemency by Parole
commuting the penalty of dismissal to a
dismissed clerk of court. What it is deciding is The suspension of the sentence of a convict
whether or not the l
Pre po
sid we
ent r
has to
the pa
po ss
wer up
to on
co th
mm e
ute va
the lid
pen ity
alty of
of th
the e
sai ac
d tio
cler ns
k of of
cou th
rt. e
As ot
stat he
ed r
in de
Daz pa
a v. rt
Sin m
gso en
n ts
(G. of
R. th
No. e
877 Go
21- ve
30, rn
Dec me
em nt.
21, Re
198 mi
9), ssi
it is on
wit of
hin fin
the es
sco an
pe d
of for
jud fei
icia tu
res possess the granted rs o
disqualifications by a T either r
Merely prevents under P.D. No. Parole h after i
the collection of 968, as Board e convic t
fines or the amended. after tion or y
confiscation of Likewise, the serving g even
forfeited Probation Law is the r before o
property. It not a penal law minimu a the f
cannot have the for it to be m term n charge a
effect of returning liberally of the t s is l
property which construed to indeter filed. It l
has been vested in favor the minate o is the t
third parties or accused sentence f form h
money already in (Maruhom v. penalty, of e
the public People, G.R. No. without g executi
treasury. 206513, October granting ve m
20, 2015). cleme e
a n
NOTE: The power ncy m
pardon, e
of the President to Probation vs. Pardon which b
prescribi r
remit BASIS
fines and PROBATIO e
PARDON ng the a under
forfeitures may N terms l the
not be limited by Judicial Executiv upon p Constit
Natureact of in e in which a ution
Congress. But a nature nature the r may
statute may May be Requires sentence d be
validly authorize granted convictio shall be o grante n
When officers, after n by final suspend n d by g
applicabl as actual judgmen ed. the r
e heads service t t Presid e
or bureau chiefs, of Par o ent s
to remit sentenc ole only s
administrative vs. a with (
fines and Par the 1
forfeitures. don c concur 9
l rence 8
Probation a of the 7
s legislat
A disposition s ure. C
under which a o
defendant after o Requisite n
conviction and f s of s
sentence is amnesty t
released subject p i
to conditions o 1. C t
imposed by the l o u
court and to the i n t
supervision of a t c i
probation officer. i u o
Nature c r n
NOTE: It is not a a r ,
right granted to a l e A
convicted o n r
offender; it is a f c t
special privilege f e .
granted by the e o V
State to a penitent Am n f I
qualified offender, nes d a I
who does not ty e m ,
Sec. 19); and The total s
2. A previous extinguishment of Sour d a
admission of the criminal ces ind s c
guilt (Vera v. liability and of the of ep h
People, G.R. No. penalty and all its the en H i
L-18184, effects. Amnesty Presi de e e
January 31, reaches back to the dent’ nc a f
1963). past and erases s e d
whatever shade of diplo a
Effects of the grant of guilt there was. In mati N o r
amnesty the eyes of the law, c O f c
a powe T h
rs E S i
person granted NOTE: The right to the : t t
amnesty is considered benefits of amnesty, once 1. T a e
a new-born child. established by the evidence h B t c
presented either by the e y e t
Amnesty vs. Pardon complainant or prosecution, ,
or by the defense, cannot be C r o
BASIS AMNESTY waived, because it is of o e h f
Addressedpublic interest that a person n a e
Nature of the
to Politicalwho is regarded by the s s o
offense offenses Amnesty Proclamation t o i r
As to Granted towhich has the force of a law, i n s
whom a class of not only as innocent, for he t s
granted persons stands in the eyes of the law u o t p
Requires as if he had never committed t f h o
concurrencany punishable offense i e k
As to (Barrioquinto v. Fernandez, o t
e of e
majority ofG.R. No. L-1278, January 21, n h l s
e of 1949). 2. T e
all o m
Congress h
members g a
which the s e a i
Nature of s
court may t l n
the act i
take judicial a
notice of t d c f
Looks u e h o
backward s n o r
and puts to t i e
As to oblivion the o ' c i
perspectiv offense f s e g
e itself n
s u a
o n s r
v i e
May be e q t l
granted r u h a
When before or e e e t
granted after i i
conviction g p n o
n o a n
Need t s t s
As to not be y i i .
acceptance accepte t o T
d a i n h
n o ' e
Senate, ement r o e n
on the requires e . e t
other the q m e
hand, is concurrenc u 1 e r
granted e of the i 5 n n
the right Senate, r 9 t a
to share (Art. VII, e 6 t
in the Sec. 21) 1 i i
treaty- which may l 8 s o
making opt to do e , n
power of the g a a
the following: i F l
Presiden s e “
t by a. Approve with 2/3 l b t l
concurri majority; a r r a
ng with b. Disapprove outright; t u e w
him with or i a a
the right c. Approv v r t a
to e e y y n
amend. conditi ” d
onally, c 1
Scope of with o , w c
the sugges n i o
foreign ted c n
2 t
relation amend u s
0 h
s ments r t
1 i
powers which r i
1 n
of the if re- e ) t
Preside negotia n . t u
nt (N- ted and c h t
ARC- the e ( e e
DP- Senate’
2 s
Reco) s ( 0 m
sugges B e
1. Neg 1 e
tions a n
otiat 5 a
are y f
e n
incorp a o
treat orated, B i
n a n r
ies the
and r g c
treaty M e
othe )
will go u a
r into o
inter n A f b
effect a l
nati n
withou e
onal t need t
agre v e h
eme . x a d
nts. R e t o
How o c m
ever m u w e
, u t o s
such l i r t
treat o v d i
y or , e c
inter G
agreeme i
nati . a l
nts, n
onal R g a
agre . r w
, do not i
(N hina
ic Nati
ol onal
as Mac
v. hine
Ro ry
m and
ul Equi
o, pme
G. nt
R. Corp
N orati
o. on v.
17 Sta.
58 Mari
88 a,
, G.R. No. 185572,
Fe February 7, 2012).
ua Role of the Senate
11 The role of
, the Senate,
20 however, is
09 limited
). only to
giving or
Requisites of withholdin
Executive g its
Agreement consent, or
(under Vienna concurrenc
Convention): e, to the
a) The It should
agreement be
must be emphasize
between d that
states; under our
b) It must be Constitutio
written; and n, the
c) It
executory (Tan Tong v. Deportation Board, In case of failure to The Vice-President
G.R. No. L-7680, April 30, 1955). elect the President shall act as the
(i.e. Presidential President until the
6. Decide that a diplomatic officer who has elections have not President shall have
become Persona non grata be recalled. been held or non- been chosen and
7. Recognize governments and withdraw completion of the qualified.
recognition. canvass of the
Rules to be applied if the vacancy occurs during Instances when there is presidential inability
the incumbency of the President to discharge powers and duties of his office
(1987 Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 11)
In case of : (DPR2) The Vice President
a. Death; shall become the When the President The powers and
b. Permanent President to serve the transmits to the Senate duties of his office
Disability; unexpired term. President and to the shall be discharged
c. Removal from Speaker of the HoR his by the Vice-
office; or written declaration President as Acting
d. Resignation of the that he is unable to President.
President discharge the powers
In case of : The Senate and duties of his office.
a. Death; President, or in case
b. Permanent of his inability, the
Disability; Speaker of the HoR,
c. Removal from shall act as President
office;Uor until the President or
2 0 1 9 G O L D E N NVice
d. Resignation of both OTES
President shall
the President and have ben elected and
the Vice-President qualified.
When a majority of all The Vice-President
the members of the shall immediately
Cabinet transmit to the assume the powers
Senate President and to and duties of the
the Speaker of the HoR office as Acting
their written President.
declaration that the
President is unable
to discharge the
powers and duties of
his office .
Judicial inquiry
assigned to it by the Constitution to controversy. The Court cannot speculate on the
determine conflicting claims of constitutionality or unconstitutionality of a bill
authority under the Constitution that Congress may or may not pass. It cannot rule
and to establish for the parties in an on mere speculations or issues that are not ripe
actual controversy the rights which for judicial determination. Filing of bills is within
that instrument secures and the legislative power of Congress and is "not
guarantees to them. This is in truth subject to judicial restraint" (In the Matter of Save
all that is involved in what is the Supreme Court v. Abolition of JDF, UDK-15143,
termed as ‘Judicial Supremacy’, Jan. 21, 2015)
which properly is the power of
judicial review under the 2. Proper party– One who has sustained or is
Constitution. (Angara v. The in immediate danger of sustaining an injury
Electoral Commission, G.R. No. L- as a result of the act complained of. (People
45081, July 15, 1936) v. Vera, G.R. No. 45685November 16, 1937)
Effect of the expanded definition of judicial NOTE: Judicial power presupposes actual
power on the political question doctrine controversies, the very antithesis of mootness. In
(1995, 1997, 2004 Bar) the absence of actual justiciable controversies or
disputes, the Court generally opts to refrain from
The 1987 Constitution expands the concept of deciding moot issues. Where there is no more live
judicial review. Under the expanded definition, subject of controversy, the Court ceases to have a
the Court cannot agree that the issue involved is a reason to render any ruling or make any
political question beyond the jurisdiction of the pronouncement. (Suplico v. NEDA, G.R. No.
court to review. When the grant of power is 178830, July 14, 2008)
qualified, conditional or subject to limitations, the
issue of whether the prescribed qualifications or Q: PSBank filed a Petition for Certiorari and
conditions have been met or the limitations Prohibition seeking to nullify the order of the
respected is justiciable—the problem being one Senate, sitting as an Impeachment Court, to
of legality or validity, not its wisdom. Moreover, issue a subpoena duces tecum and ad
the jurisdiction to delimit constitutional testificandum to PSBank and/or its
boundaries has been given to the SC. When representative requiring them to testify and
political questions are involved, the Constitution produce documents relative to the foreign
limits the
currency upon the may be left agencies has to be
accounts merits of undisturbed as a complied with
that were this case matter of equity because it has the
alleged to where and fair play. It is a force and effect of
belong to legal relief rule of equity. law. The term
then SC is no (League of Cities v. “executive act” is
Chief longer COMELEC, G.R. No. broad enough to
Justice needed no 176951, November encompass
Renato called for. 18, 2008) decisions of
Corona. The administrative
Pending superveni In another case, the bodies and
the ng Court held that to agencies under
resolution conviction return the amounts the executive
for such of CJ received to the department
petition, Corona respective taxing which are
supervenin has authorities would
g events rendered certainly impose a
have taken the heavy, and possibly
place such present crippling, financial
as the petition burden upon them
conviction moot and who merely, and
of CJ academic. presumably in good
Corona as (Philippin faith, complied with
well as his e Savings the legislative fiat
execution Bank v. subject of this case;
of a waiver Senate hence the doctrine
against Impeahc of operative fact
confidentia ment shall be applied.
lity of all Court, G. (Film Development
his bank R. No. Council v. Colon
accounts. 200238, Heritage Realty,
Did the November G.R. No. 203754,
Impeachme 12, 2012, June 16, 2015)
nt Court act PER J.
arbitrarily PERLAS- NOTE: The
when it BERNABE invocation of this
issued the ) doctrine is an
assailed admission that the
subpoena law is
to obtain unconstitutional.
informatio OPERATIV Further, as an
n E FACT exception to the
concerning DOCTRINE general rule, the
the subject doctrine only
foreign Under this applies as a matter
current doctrine, of equity and fair
deposits the law is play.
notwithsta recognized
nding the as Applicability on
confidentia unconstitu executive acts
lity of such tional but
deposits? the effects The Operative Fact
of the Doctrine also
A: The Court unconstitu applies to executive
finds it tional law, acts subsequently
appropriate prior to its declared as invalid.
to abstain declaratio A decision made by
from n of the president or the
passing nullity, administrative
subsequently adjudication, appellate
revoked by the is open to jurisdiction (1987
agency in inquiry and Constitution, Art
question of investigation VIII, Sec. 2);
nullified by the in the light of appellate
Court. changed jurisdiction may
(Hacienda conditions. not be increased
Luisita v. (Central without its advice
Presidential Bank or concurrence.
Agrarian Employees (1987
Reform Council, Association, Constitution, Art.
G.R. No. 171101, Inc. v. Bangko VI, Sec. 30)
November 22, Sentral ng
2011) Pilipinas, NOTE: The
G.R. No. 148208, Congress shall
Doctrine of December 15, have the power to
Relative 2004) define, prescribe,
Constitutionality and apportion the
A statute valid Constitutiona jurisdiction of the
at one time may l safeguards various courts (all
become void at that courts below the
another time guarantee SC) but may not
because of the deprive the
altered independenc Supreme Court of
circumstances. e of the its jurisdiction
The judiciary over cases
constitutionalit enumerated in
y of a statute 1. The SC is Section 5 (express
cannot, in every a powers of the SC)
instance, be constituti hereof. (1987
determined by a onal Constitution, Art.
mere body and VII, Sec. 2)
comparison of may not
its provisions be 4. The SC has
with applicable abolishe administrative
provisions of d by the
supervision over
the legislatur
all inferior courts
Constitution, e.
and personnel.
since the statute 2. Members
may be are only
Constitution, Art.
constitutionally removab
VIII, Sec. 6)
valid as applied le by
5. The SC has
to one set of impeach
exclusive power
facts and invalid ment.
to discipline
in its (1987
judges/justices of
application to Constitut
inferior courts.
another. ion, Art.
XI, Sec.
Constitution, Art.
Thus, if a 2)
VIII, Sec. 11)
statute in its 3. The SC
practical may not
operation be
becomes deprived
arbitrary or of its
confiscatory, its minimu
validity, even m
though affirmed original
by a former and
sector A. Regula
represe r B. Other Members powers causing a
ntative Memb 4. Representati vivid dichotomy that
ers ve of the the Court cannot
NOTE: JBC 1. Chie Integrated simply discount. This,
does not fall f Bar – 4 years however, cannot be
within the Justi 5. A professor of said in the case of JBC
scope of a ce – law – 3 years representation
tribunal, 4 6. A retired because no liaison
board, or year member of the SC between the two
officer s – 2 years houses exists in the
exercising 2. Secr 7. Private sector workings of the JBC.
judicial or etar representative – Hence, the term
quasi- y of 1 year. “Congress” must be
judicial Justi [1987 taken to mean the
functions. ce – Constitution, Art. entire legislative
However, 4 VIII, Sec. 8(2)] department. The
since the year Constitution
formulation s Rationale: continuity mandates that the
of 3. Repr and preservation of the JBC be composed of
guidelines esen institutional memory seven (7) members
and criteria tativ only. (Chavez v. JBC,
is necessary e of Representative of G.R. No. 202242, July
and Cong Congress in the JBC 17, 2012)
incidental to ress
the exercise –4 Only one. The word
of the JBC’s year “Congress” used in Sec.
constitution s 8(1), Art. VIII is used in POWERS OF JBC
al mandate, its generic sense. Only
a a singular Functions of the JBC
determinati representative may be (2000 Bar)
on must be allowed to sit in the JBC
made on from either the Senate The principal
whether the or HoR. The seven- function of the JBC is
JBC has member composition to recommend
acted with of the JBC serves a appointees to the
grave abuse practical purpose, that judiciary. It may,
of discretion is, to provide a solution however, exercise
amounting should there be a such functions as the
to lack or stalemate in voting. SC may assign to it.
excess of (1987 Constitution,
jurisdiction It is evident that the Art. VIII, Sec. 8)
in issuing definition of “Congress”
and as a bicameral body NOTE: The duty of
enforcing refers to its primary the JBC to submit a
the said function in government list of nominees
policy. – to legislate. In the before the start of
(Villanueva passage of laws, the the President’s
v. JBC, G.R. Constitution is explicit mandatory 90-day
No. 211833, in the distinction of the period to appoint is
April 7, role of each house in ministerial, but its
2015) the process. The same selection of the
holds true in Congress’ candidates whose
Staggered non-legislative powers. names will be in the
Terms of An inter- play between list to be submitted
members of the two houses is to the President lies
the JBC necessary in the within the discretion
realization of these of the JBC. (De Castro
Unanimity rule
on integrity
Under Sec. 2, Rule 10 of JBC-009, an applicant must
obtain the unanimous vote of the JBC members in
order to be included in the shortlist of nominees
to be submitted to the President whenever a Of proven competence, integrity, probity and
question of integrity is raised against him. independence. [1987 Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec.
Composition of the SC
Constitutional guarantee of fiscal autonomy
A. Chief Justice
In Bengzon v. Drilon (G.R. No. 103524, April 15, B. 14 Associate Justices
1992), the SC explained that fiscal autonomy
contemplates a guarantee of full flexibility to Divisions of the SC
allocate and utilize resources with the wisdom
and dispatch that the needs require. It may sit en banc or in its discretion, in divisions
of three, five, or seven members. [1987
It recognizes the power and authority to deny, Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 4(1)]
assess and collect fees, fix rates of compensation
not exceeding the highest rates authorized by law Qualifications for appointments to the SC
for compensation and pay plans of the
government and allocate and disburse such sums 1. Natural born citizen of the Philippines;
as may be provided by law or prescribed by it in 2. At least 40 years of age; and
the course of the discharge of its functions. 3. A judge of a lower court or engaged in the
practice of law in the Philippines for 15 years
Q: The Court received two letters requesting or more. [1987 Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec.
for copies of Statement of Assets, Liabilities, 7(1)]
and Net worth (SALN) and the Personal Data
Sheet (PDS) or the Curriculum Vitae (CV) of its The members of the judiciary are appointed by
justices for the year 2008 for the purposes of the President of the Philippines from among a list
updating their database of information on of at least three (3) nominees prepared by the
government officials. Other requests for Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) for every vacancy.
copies of SALN and other personal documents
of the Justices of the Court, Court of Appeals NOTE: The appointment shall need no
(CA), and Sandiganbayan (SB) were filed. Can confirmation from the Commission on
the Court allow the release of copies of SALN Appointments. (1987 Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 9)
and other personal documents of the
incumbent Justices? Rules on vacancies in the SC
A: The Court may deny request for certified 1. Vacancies in the SC should be filled within
copies of Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net 90 days from the occurrence of the vacancy.
Worth (SALNs) of all incumbent justices of the SC (1987 Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 4(1))
and Court of Tax Appeals if it is lacking sufficient 2. Vacancies in lower courts should be filled
basis. It should not be forgotten that invoking within 90 days from submission to the
one’s constitutional right to information must not President of the JBC list.
set aside the need to preserve the integrity and 3. The filling of the vacancy in the Supreme
independence of the judiciary. It must be invoked Court within the 90-day period is an
if under the circumstances it would not result in exception to the prohibition on midnight
endangering, diminishing or destroying the appointments of the president. This means
independence and security of the members of the that even if the period falls on the period
judiciary in the performance of their judicial where the president is prohibited from
functions or expose them to revenge for adverse making appointments (midnight
decisions. (RE: Request for Copies of the SALN and appointments); the president is allowed to
Personal Data Sheet or Curriculum Vitae of the make appointments to fill vacancies in the
Justices of the Supreme Court and Officers and Supreme Court.
Employees of the Judiciary, A.M. No. 09-8-6-SC,
June 13, 2012) Otherwise stated, the prohibition of the
President to make appointments two (2)
months prior the immediate presidential difference in their origin and nature, quo
election is limited to appointments to the warranto and impeachment may proceed
lower courts. (De Castro v. JBC, G.R. No. independently of
191002, March 17, 2010)
of the JBC cannot be used to restrict or limit the him, and thereafter, the JBC released the short list of four
President's power to appoint as the latter's nominees, which did not include Jardeleza. Jardeleza
prerogative to choose someone whom he/she resorted to judicial intervention, alleging the illegality of
considers worth appointing to the vacancy in the his exclusion from the short list due to the deprivation of
Judiciary is still paramount. As long as in the end, his constitutional right to due process.
the President appoints someone nominated by
the JBC, the appointment is valid. This does not a.
Is the right to due process available in JBC
violate Article VIII, Section 9 of the 1987 proceedings?
Constitution. To meet the minimum requirement b. Was Jardeleza denied his right to due process?
under said constitutional provision of three A:
nominees per vacancy, there should at least be 18 a. YES. An applicant’s access to the rights afforded under the
nominees from the JBC for the six vacancies for due process clause is not discretionary on the part of the
Sandiganbayan Associate Justice; but the JBC. While the facets of criminal and administrative due
minimum requirement was even exceeded herein process are not strictly applicable to JBC proceedings, their
because the JBC submitted for the President's peculiarity is insufficient to justify the conclusion that due
consideration a total of 37 qualified nominees. process is not demandable. The fact that a proceeding is sui
(Aguinaldo v. Aquino, G.R. No. 224302, November generis and is impressed with discretion does not
29, 2016) automatically denigrate an applicant’s entitlement to due
process. Notwithstanding being “a class of its own,” the
Q: Upon the retirement of Associate Justice right to be heard and to explain one’s self is availing. The
Roberto Abad, the Judicial and Bar Council Court subscribed to the view that in cases where an
(JBC) announced the opening for application objection to an applicant’s qualifications is raised, the
or recommendation for the position. Francis
H. Jardeleza (Jardeleza) was nominated for
the said position and upon acceptance of the
nomination, he was included in the names of
candidates. However, Chief Justice Sereno
invoked Sect. 2, Rule 10 of JBC-009 against
observance of due process more conspicuous to JBC members.
neither negates nor renders (Jardeleza V. Sereno, et al., G.R. No. 213181,
illusory the fulfillment of the 19 August 2014)
duty of JBC to recommend.
This holding is not an
encroachment on its EN BANC DECISIONS
discretion in the nomination
process. Actually, its Cases that should be heard by the SC en banc
adherence to the precepts of (TRuP-DE-PreJ)
due process supports and
enriches the exercise of its 1. All cases involving the constitutionality of a
discretion. Treaty, international or executive
agreement, or law;
b. YES. Even as Jardeleza was 2. All cases which under the Rules of Court
verbally informed of the may be required to be heard en banc;
invocation of Section 2, Rule 3. All cases involving the constitutionality,
10 of JBC- 009 against him and application or operation of Presidential
was later asked to explain decrees, proclamations, orders, instructions,
himself during the meeting, ordinances, and other regulations;
these circumstances still 4. Cases heard by a Division when the required
cannot expunge an immense majority in the division is not obtained;
perplexity that lingers in the 5. Cases where the SC modifies or reverses a
mind of the Court. What is to doctrine or principle of law Previously laid
become of the procedure laid either en banc or in division;
down in JBC-010 if the same 6. Administrative cases involving the discipline
would be treated with or dismissal of Judges of lower courts;
indifference and disregard? To 7. Election contests for president or vice-
repeat, as its wording president.
provides, any complaint or
opposition against a candidate Cases that may be heard by division
may be filed with the
Secretary within ten (10) days Other cases or matters may be heard in division,
from the publication of the and decided or resolved with the concurrence of a
notice and a list of candidates. majority of the members who actually took part
Surely, this notice is all the in
No law shall be passed increasing the appellate 1. It should provide a simplified and
jurisdiction of the SC as provided in the inexpensive procedure for the speedy
Constitution without its advice and concurrence. disposition of cases.
(1987 Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 30) 2. It should be uniform for all courts of the
same grade.
PROCEDURAL RULE-MAKING POWER 3. It should not diminish, increase, or
modify substantive rights.
Scope of the rule-making power of the SC.
(1991, 2000, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015 Requirements for the decisions of the SC
1. The conclusions of the Supreme Court in
1. The protection and enforcement of any case submitted to it for decision en
constitutional rights banc or in division shall be reached in
2. Pleadings, practice and procedure in all consultation before the case is assigned
to a Member for the writing of the opinion of
the Court. When change of venue is permitted
2. A certification to this effect signed by the
Chief Justice shall be issued. Where there are serious and weighty reasons
3. A copy thereof shall be attached to the present, which would prevent the court of
record of the case and served upon the original jurisdiction from conducting a fair and
parties. impartial trial, the Court has been mandated by
4. Any Member who took no part, or dissented, Sec. 5(4), Art. VIII to order a change of venue to
or abstained from a decision or resolution, prevent a miscarriage of justice.
must state the reason thereof. (1987
Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 13) In this case, that fact that the respondent filed
several criminal cases for falsification in different
NOTE: No decision shall be rendered by any court jurisdictions, which unduly forced Navaja to
without expressing therein clearly and distinctly spend scarce resources to defend herself cannot
the facts and the law on which it is based. (1987 be considered as compelling reason which would
Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 13) prevent the MCTC from conducting a fair and
impartial trial. (Navaja v. de Castro, G.R. No.
182926, June 22, 2015)
Authority to create
statutory courts. (1987
Constitution, Art. VIII,
Sec. 1)
1. The original members of the Commission 3. Any decision, order or ruling of each
shall begin their terms on a common date; Commission may be brought to the SC on
2. Any vacancy occurring before the expiration certiorari by the aggrieved party within
of the term shall be filled only for the thirty
balance of such term. (Republic v. Imperial, (30) days from receipt of a copy thereof.
G.R. No. L- 8684, March 31, 1995)
NOTE: When the Court reviews a decision of the
NOTE: The members of the Constitutional COMELEC, it exercises extraordinary jurisdiction
Commissions have staggered terms: thus, the proceeding is limited to issues involving
grave abuse of discretion resulting in lack or
a) To minimize the opportunity of the excess of jurisdiction and not factual findings of
President to appoint during his own the Commission. (Aratuc v. COMELEC, G.R. No. L-
term more than one member or group 49705-09, February 8, 1979)
of members in the Constitutional
Commissions; and The appropriate remedy to invalidate disputed
COMELEC resolutions (i.e. final orders, rulings
b) To ensure continuity of the body and its and decisions of the COMELEC rendered in the
policies. exercise of its adjudicatory or quasi-judicial
powers) is certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules
POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE CSC, of Court. (Loong v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 93986,
COMELEC AND COA December 22, 1992)
e rc in
d is connec NOTE: The
e tion COMELEC
b th with may issue
y is its writs of
p purely certiorari,
c o executi prohibition,
o w ve or and
u er minist mandamus
r o erial in exercise of
t nl functio its appellate
s y ns. functions.
in ii. If it is a
re pre- 3. Decide, except
la procla those involving
ti mation the right to vote,
o contro all questions
n versy, affecting
to the elections,
it COMEL including
s EC determination of
a exercis the number and
dj es location of
u quasi- polling places,
di judicial appointment of
j election officials
c /
u and inspectors,
r and registration
o admini
i of voters.
ry strativ
o e
d NOTE: Questions
r power
i involving the
q s.
c right to vote fall
u iii. Its
t within the
as jurisdi
i jurisdiction of
i- ction
o ordinary courts.
ju over
di contest
. 4. Deputize, with
ci s (after
al procla the concurrence
c. Con of the President,
fu mation
tem law enforcement
n ), is in
pt agencies and
ct exercis
pow e of its instrumentalities
ers judicial of the
i. C functio government,
O ns. including the
M AFP, for the
E exclusive
L purpose of
E ensuring free,
C orderly, honest,
e peaceful and
c x credible
a er elections.
n ci 5. Registration of
se political parties,
e th organizations, or
x is coalitions and
to disqualify a (30) days t 35 years
Member of the during from old at the
Senate on the the prosteste time of
ground of responde e’s appointmen
ineligibility or nt’s proclama t;
disloyalty to the tenure; if tion. 3. Certified
Republic of the the Public
Philippines must ground is Under Accountant
file a petition for loss of the 2013 with not
quo warranto the Rules of less than
within ten required the ten years of
(10) days from qualificat Tribunal, auditing
therespondent’s ions, the joint experience,
proclamation. petition election or member
However, if the may be protests of the
basis of filed at are not Philippine
ineligibility is on any time allowed, Bar who
citizenship, the during but for has been
petition may be the good and engaged in
filed any time responde sufficient the practice
nt’s reasons, of law; and
tenure, the 4. Not a
as soon Tribunal candidate
as the may in any
required order the election
qualificat consolida immediatel
ion is tion of y preceding
lost. The individua the
petitione l appointme
r may not protests, nt.
be a hear, and
candidat decide NOTE: At no
e, unlike them time shall all
in an jointly. Members of the
election Commission
protest, belong to the
which is same profession.
filed only COMMISSION ON [1987
by a AUDIT Constitution, Art.
candidat IX-D, Sec 1(1)]
e who Composition of the
duly filed COA Powers and duties of COA
certificat A. Chairman 1. Examine,
e of B. Two (2) audit and
candidac Commissioners settle all
y and accounts
had been TERM pertaining
voted for to revenue
the office Seven years without and
of reappointment receipts of,
Senator. and
In an Qualifications expenditure
election s or uses of
protest, 1. Natural-born funds and
the filing citizen; property
period is 2. At owned or
thirty leas held in
i under Rule 45 of 65.
jurisdiction or excess the Rules of Court. 2. Decisions,
over of 3. COMELEC: Only orders or
jurisdicti decisions of rulings of the
decisions on, may COMELEC en banc CSC should be
the the SC may be brought to appealed to the
Commissio entertain the Court by CA under Rule
ns a petition certiorari since 43.
for Art. IX-C provides
1. COA: certiorar that motions for
Judgm i under reconsideration of Power of the CSC to
ents or Rule 65. decisions shall be hear and decide
final 2. CSC: In decided by the administrative
orders the case Commission en cases
of the of banc. (Reyes v.
Commi decisions Mindoro, G.R. No. Under the
ssion of the 108886, May 5, Administrative Code
on CSC, 1995) of 1987, the CSC has
Audit Administ the power to hear
may be rative Procedural requisite and decide
brough Circular before certiorari to administrative cases
t by an 1-95538 the Supreme Court instituted before it
aggriev which may be availed of directly or on appeal,
ed took including contested
party effect on Sec. 1 of Rule 65 appointments.
to the June 1, provides that certiorari
Supre 1995, may be resorted to Body which has the
me provides when there is no other jurisdiction on
Court that final plain or speedy and personnel actions,
on resolutio adequate remedy. But covered by the civil
certior ns of the reconsideration is a service
ari CSC shall speedy and adequate
under be remedy. Hence, a case CSC. It is the intent of
Rule appealab may be brought to the the Civil Service Law,
65. le by Supreme Court only in requiring the
Only certiorar after reconsideration. establishment of a
when i to the grievance procedure,
COA CA Rule on appeals that decisions of
acts within 15 lower officials (in
withou days 1. Decisions, orders cases involving
t or in from or rulings of the personnel actions) be
excess receipt of COMELEC/COA appealed to the
of a copy may be brought agency head, then to
jurisdi thereof. on certiorari to the CSC. The RTC
ction, From the the SC under Rule does not
or with decision
grave of the CA, have jurisdiction over
abuse the party personnel actions. Proceedings are limited to
of adversel (Olanda issues involving grave abuse of
discret y v. Bugayong, G.R. No. discretion resulting in lack or
ion affected 140917, October 10, excess of jurisdiction and do
amoun thereby 2003) not ordinarily empower the
ting to shall file RENDERED IN THE EXERCISE OF
for Court to review the factual
review Certiorari jurisdiction findings of the Commissions.
on of the SC over these (Aratuc v. COMELEC, G.R. No. L-
certiorar Commissions 49705-09, February 8, 1979)
Cas over a division regulate
es petition thereof.
tha to correct 1. The
t manifest Acts that enjoyment
fall errors in fall or
un the under utilization
der tallying the of all
the of results COMELE franchises
juri by Board C’s or
sdi of power to permits for
cti Canvasse supervis the
on rs. e or operation of
CO NOTE: transportatio only to
ME Any n and other elections
LEC decision, public but also to
EN order or utilities, plebiscites
BA ruling of media of and
NC the communicatio referenda.
Mot C in the information. Jurisdiction of
ion exercise 2. Grants, special the COMELEC
for of its privileges or before the
Rec quasi- concessions proclamation
ons judicial granted by the vs. its
ide functions government jurisdiction
rati may be or any after
on brought subdivision, proclamation
of to the SC agency or
dec on instrumentalit OVER PRE-
isio certiorari y thereof, PROCLAMATION
ns under including any CONTROVERSY
ma Rules 64 GOCC or its Due process im
y and 65 of subsidiary. COMELEC’s
be the (1987 jurisdiction is
dec Revised Constitution, administrative or
ide Rules of Art. IX-C, Sec. quasi-judicial and is
d Court 4) governed by the less
by within 30 stringent requirements
CO days Instances when of administrative due
ME from COMELEC can process (although the
LEC receipt of exercise its SC has insisted that
En a copy constitutional questions on
Ba thereof. powers and “qualifications” should
nc. functions be decided only after a
It These full-blown hearing).
ma decisions 1. During
y or rulings election NOTE: Hence,
als refer to period – 90 even in the case
o the days before of regional or
dir decision the day of the provincial or city
ectl or final election and offices, it does
y order of 30 days make a difference
ass the thereafter. In whether the
um COMELE special cases, COMELEC will
e C en banc COMELEC can treat it as a pre-
juri and not fix a period. proclamation
sdic of any 2. Applies not controversy or as
3. Public of rans
safety; and 2. L t Bank,
4. Public a h 192
welfare. w e SCRA
f p 257,
Requisites for a u u Decembe
valid exercise of l r r 10,
police power m p 1990)
1. Lawful e o
subject – a s Q: President
The n e Rodrigo Duterte
interests s a issued
of the – n Proclamation
public T d No. 475
generall h n formally
y, as e ot declaring a
distingui m u state of calamity
shed e n in Boracay and
from a d ordering its
those of n ul closure for six
a s y (6) months. On
particula e o account of this,
r class, m p Boracay
require p p residents Mark
the l r Anthony Zabal
exercise o e and Thiting
of the y ss Jacosalem filed
police e iv the present
power; d e petition alleging
and a u that they would
r p suffer grave and
e o irreparable
r n damage as their
e in livelihood
a di depends on the
s vi tourist activities
o d therein. They
n u attacked the
a al order on the
b s. ground that it is
l ( an invalid
y necessary N exercise of
f T legislative
o C powers. Is the
r the v. order invalid?
a P
c h A: NO. That the
c il assailed
o i governmental
m p measure in this
p p case is within the
li i scope of police
s n power cannot be
h e disputed. Verily,
m V the statutes from
e e which the said
n t measure draws
t e authority and the
police power?
due process clause. The Ordinance requires
the clients of hotels, motels and lodging house
to fill out a prescribed form in a lobby, open to
public view and in the presence of the owner,
manager or duly authorized representative of
such hotel, motel or lodging house. The same
law provides that the premises and facilities
of such hotels, motels and lodging houses
would be open for inspection either by the
City Mayor, or the Chief of Police, or their duly
authorized representatives. It increased their
annual license fees as well. Is the ordinance
It must be strictly
construed against the
taxpayer, because the
law frowns on
exemption from
taxation; hence, an
exempting provision
should be construed
strictissimi juris.
(Acting Commissioner
of Customs v. Manila
Electric Company,
G.R. No. L- 23623,
June 30, 1977)
answering and argued it was not their duty to any court at any particular time, will be well guided, instead of
know if a contractor is registered. Since they being merely confined strictly to a precise definition which may
were not made to comment prior to, or during or may not apply in every case.
the preliminary of fact-finding investigation,
they argued that it violated their right to Not all situations calling for procedural safeguards call for the
administrative due process. Is there a same kind of procedure. This requires a reasonable degree of
violation against their right to administrative flexibility in applying procedural due process.
due process?
A determination of the precise nature of the government
A: NO. They expressly waived their rights to a function involved as well as of the private interest that has been
formal hearing when they denied answering the affected by governmental action must be considered in
issuance given to them. In administrative determining the application of the rules of procedure. (Cafeteria
proceedings, where opportunity to be heard, & Restaurant Workers Union v. McElroy, 367 U.S. 886, June 19,
either through oral arguments or pleadings, is 1961)
accorded, there is no denial of procedural due
process. (Ebdane vs. Apurillo , G.R. No. 204172, To say that the concept of due process is flexible does not mean
December 09, 2015, PER, J. PERLAS-BERNABE) that judges are at large to apply it to any and all relationships.
Its flexibility is in its scope once it has been determined that
Relativity of due process some process is due; it is a recognition that not all situations
calling for procedural safeguards for the same kind of
Relativity of due process arises when the procedure. (Morrisey v. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471, June 29, 1972)
definition of due process has been left to the best
judgment of our judiciary considering the Due process in judicial proceedings
peculiarity and the circumstances of each case. In
a litany of cases that have been decided in this
jurisdiction, the common requirement to be able
to conform to due process is fair play, respect for
justice and respect for the better rights of others.
In accordance with the standards of due process,
(See discussion under Administrative Law,
Whether in civil or criminal judicial Administrative Due Process)
proceedings, due process requires
that there be: Administrative vs. Judicial due process
Parties are bound by the rules governing Ambassador to Germany that the
academic requirements and standards of respondent had police records and
behavior prescribed by the educational financial liabilities in Germany. The Board
institutions. Resort to courts is available to of Commissioners (BOC) thereafter issued
parties. (Vivares and Suzara v. St. Theresa’s a Summary Deportation Order. It relied on
College, G.R. No. 202666, September 29, 2014) the correspondence from the German Vice
Consul on its speculation that it was
Due process in deportation proceedings unlikely that the German Embassy will
issue a new passport to the respondent; on
Although a deportation proceeding does not the warrant of arrest issued by the District
partake of the nature of a criminal action, Court of Germany against the respondent
however, considering that it is a harsh and for insurance fraud; and on the alleged
extraordinary administrative proceeding illegal activities of the respondent in
affecting the freedom and liberty of a person, the Palawan. The BOC concluded that the
constitutional right of such person to due process respondent was not only an undocumented
should not be denied. Thus, the provisions of the but an undesirable alien as well. Is the
Rules of Court of the Philippines particularly on Summary Deportation Order is valid?
criminal procedure are applicable to deportation
proceedings. (Lao Gi v. CA, GR. No. 81789, A: NO. Section 37(c) of Commonwealth Act No.
December 29, 1989) 613, as amended, provides that no alien shall
be deported without being informed of the
Q: Scheer, a German, was granted permanent specific grounds for deportation or without
resident status in the country. In a letter, Vice being given a hearing under rules of procedure
Consul Hippelein informed the Philippine to be prescribed by the Commissioner of
Immigration. Under paragraphs 4 and 5 of Office
Memorandum Order No. 34, an alien cannot be without due process of law as required by the Bill
deported unless he is given a chance to be heard of Rights of the Constitution. (Domingo v. Scheer,
in a full deportation hearing, with the right to G.R. No. 154745, January 29, 2004)
adduce evidence in his behalf .The respondent
was not afforded any hearing at all. The BOC Instances when hearings are not necessary
simply concluded that the respondent committed
insurance fraud and illegal activities in Palawan 1. When administrative agencies are
without any evidence. The respondent was not exercising their quasi-legislative
afforded a chance to refute the charges. He functions;
cannot, thus, be arrested and deported 2. Abatement of nuisance per se;
3. Granting by courts of provisional
4. Cases of preventive suspension;
5. Removal of temporary employees in the
government service;
6. Issuance of warrants of distraint and/or
levy by the BIR Commissioner;
7. Cancellation of the passport of a person
charged with a crime; and
8. Suspension of a bank’s operations by the
Monetary Board upon a prima facie
finding of liquidity problems in such
1. Age;
2. Gender;
3. Religion;
4. Economic Class;
5. Ethnicity;
6. Race;
7. Sexual Orientation;
8. Residence;
9. Disability; and
10. Date of filing / Effectivity of the law.
likely than men to be victims of violence and the all medical practitioners without distinction whether they
widespread gender bias and prejudice against belong to the public or private sector. After
women all make for real differences justifying the
classification under the law. The classification is
germane to the purpose of the law. The
distinction between men and women is germane
to the purpose of R.A. 9262, which is to address
violence committed against women and children.
1. Rational Basis Test – The traditional test, It is applied when the challenged statute
which requires "only that government must either:
not impose differences in treatment except
upon some reasonable differentiation fairly a. Classifies on the basis of an inherently
related to the object of regulation." Simply suspect characteristic; or
put, it merely demands that the classification b. Infringes fundamental constitutional
in the statute reasonably relates to the rights; that all legal restrictions which
legislative purpose. (Concurring Opinion of curtail the civil rights of a single racial
Justice Leonardo-De Castro in Garcia v. Drilon, group are immediately suspect. That
G.R. No. 179267, June 25, 2013) is not to say that all such restrictions
are unconstitutional. It is to say that
2. Strict Scrutiny Test – This refers to the courts must subject them to the most
standard for determining the quality and the rigid scrutiny. The presumption of
amount of governmental interest brought to constitutionality is reversed; that is,
justify the regulation of fundamental such legislation is assumed to be
freedoms. Strict scrutiny is used today to test unconstitutional until the government
the validity of laws dealing with the demonstrates otherwise. (Central
regulation of
RATIONAL speech, gender,
race as well Bank Employees Association Inc. v.
as other
TEST fundamental rights as expansion BSP, GR. No. 148208, December 15,
from its earlier applications
Applies to legislative Applies to legislativeto equal 2004)
classifications (White in classifications v. City of
Light Corporation
Manila, G.R. No. 122846,
general, such as those affecting Januaryfundamental
20, 2009) Rational Basis Test vs. Strict Scrutiny
pertaining to rights or suspect
economic or social classes.
legislation, which do
not affect
fundamental rights of
suspect classes; or is
Right against unreasonable searches and
not based on gender seizures
or illegitimacy.
Legislative purpose Legislative purpose Right of the people to be secure in their persons,
must be legitimate. must be compelling. houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable
Classification must be Classification must be searches and seizures of whatever nature and for
rationally related to necessary and any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search
the legislativenarrowly tailored to warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except
purpose. achieve the legislative upon probable cause to be determined personally
purpose. by the judge after examination under oath or
(Central Bank Employees Association Inc. v. BSP, GR. affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses
No. 148208, December 15, 2004) he may produce, and particularly describing the
place to be searched and persons or things to be
3. Intermediate Scrutiny Test –It requires that the seized. (1987 Constitution, Art. 3, Sec. 2)
classification (means) must serve an important
governmental objective (ends) and is Essence of privacy
substantially related to the achievement of such
objective. A classification based on sex is the The right to be left alone. In context, the right to
best-established example of an intermediate privacy means the right to be free from
level of review. (Concurring Opinion of Justice unwarranted exploitation of one’s person or from
Leonardo-De Castro in Garcia v. Drilon, G.R. No. intrusion into ones’ private activities in such a
179267, June 25, 2013) way as to cause humiliation to a person’s
ordinary sensibilities.
Search warrant vs. Warrant of arrest
Neither a criminal action nor a commencement of cause is based only on the likelihood, or
a prosecution. It is solely for the possession of probability, of guilt. (Estrada v. Office of the
personal property. (United Laboratories, Inc. v. Ombudsman, et al., G.R. Nos. 212140–41,
Isip, G.R. No. 163858, June 28, 2005) January 21, 2015, cited in ABS-CBN Corporation
v. Gozon, G.R. No. 195956, March 11, 2015)
Probable cause
Q: LPG Dealers Association and Total Gaz
Probable cause, as a condition for the issuance of LPG Dealers Association filed a letter-
a search warrant, is such reasons supported by complaint before the NBI-IRO, requesting
facts and circumstances as will warrant a assistance in the surveillance,
cautious man to believe that his action and the investigation, apprehension and
means taken in prosecuting it are legally just and prosecution of respondents for alleged
proper. It requires facts and circumstances that illegal trading of LPG products and/or
would lead a reasonably prudent man to believe underfilling, possession and/or sale of
that an offense has been committed and that the underfilled LPG products. The NBI-IRO -
objects sought in connection with that offense are through its agent De Jamil and undercover
in the place to be searched. (HPS Software and NBI asset Antonio conducted surveillance
Communications Corp. and Yap v. PLDT, G.R. Nos. and test- buy operations and thereafter
170217 and 170694, December 10, 2012) they filed two Applications for Search
Warrant to conduct a search of the
Such facts and circumstances antecedent to the Magsingal LPG refilling plant. Can the
issuance of a warrant that in themselves are personal knowledge of the witnesses of the
sufficient to induce a cautious man to rely on commission of the illegal trading and
them and act in pursuance thereof. underfilling of LPG products be a basis for
determining probable cause in search
The evidence necessary to establish probable warrant applications?
A: YES. A finding of probable cause needs only to The judge, in determining probable cause, is to
rest on evidence showing that, more likely than consider the totality of the circumstances made
not, a crime has been committed and that it was known to him and not by a fixed and rigid
committed by the accused. Probable cause formula, and must employ a flexible, totality of
demands more than bare suspicion; it requires the circumstances standard. Facts discovered
less than evidence which would justify conviction. during surveillance - on the basis of information
and evidence provided by petitioners - constitute
personal knowledge which could form the basis
for the issuance of a search warrant. (Petron LPG
Dealers Association v. Ang, G.R. No. 199371,
February 3, 2016)
Personal knowledge
committed in his presence or within his for a beach party they were about to attend,
view.” In Burgos, the authorities obtained
information that the accused had forcibly
recruited one Cesar Masamlok as member of the
New People’s Army, threatening the latter with a
firearm. Upon finding the accused, the arresting
team searched his house and discovered a gun as
well as purportedly subversive documents.
(People v. Tudtud, G.R. No. 144037, September 26,
Searching questions
Based on the testimonies, it was discovered reveals that the policemen involved in the
that: (a) Bulauitan was not in his residence search of Bulauitan's residence — as shown in
when the search was conducted; (b) his their own testimonies - did not conduct the
daughter, Maria, was not able to witness SPO2 search in accordance with Section 8, Rule 126
Baccay's search of Bulauitan's room as PO3 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Tagal kept her in the living room and even Worse, the search team even instructed Maria
instructed her to leave the house to contact to contact her father via telephone, which she
her parents; and (c) Kgd. Jerry and Kgd. could only do by leaving their residence and
Herald neither witnessed the search as they going to the house of a certain Dr. Romeo Bago
remained outside Bulauitan's residence. The (Dr. Bago) to use the telephone therein. It was
RTC finds Balauitan guilty and was affirmed only after her return to their residence that
by the CA. Should the SC uphold the decision? SPO2 Baccay announced that they have
allegedly found shabu in Bulauitan's room.
A: NO. Section 8, Rule 126 Search of house, room, The search conducted therein by the search
or premises to be made in presence of two team fell way below the standard mandated by
witnesses, provides that a search under the Section 8, Rule 126 of the Revised Rules of
strength of a warrant is required to be witnessed Criminal Procedure, and thus deemed
by the lawful occupant of the premises sought to unreasonable within the purview of the
be searched. It must be stressed that it is only exclusionary rule of the 1987 Constitution.
upon their absence that their presence may be (Edmund Bulauitan Y Mauayan vs. People of
replaced by two (2) persons of sufficient age and The Philippines, G.R. No. 218891, September
discretion residing in the same locality. 19, 2016, PER, J. PERLAS-BERNABE)
In this case, a judicious perusal of the records Absence of the required witnesses
The absence of the required witnesses does not and photography were done before any
per se render the confiscated items inadmissible. representative from the DOJ and the media.
However, a justifiable reason for such failure or a Hence, the Court is impelled to conclude that the
showing of any genuine and sufficient effort to integrity and evidentiary value of the items
secure the required witnesses must therefore be purportedly seized from Feriol – which constitute
adduced. In this case, while the, inventory and the the corpus delicti of the crimes charged – have
photography of the seized items were made in the been compromised. (People of The Philippines
presence of Feriol and an elected public official, vs. Benjamin Feriol Y Perez, G. R. No. 232154,
the records do not show that the said inventory August 20, 2018; People of The Philippines vs.
Christopher Baptista Y Villa, G. R. No. 225783,
August 20, 2018; People of The Philippines vs.
Maricel Patacsil Y Moreno, G. R. No. 234052,
August 6, 2018, PER, J. PERLAS-BERNABE)
8. Exigent and emergency circumstances. A: NO.The law enforcement officer must lawfully make an
(People v. De Gracia, 233 SCRA 716, July 6, initial intrusion or properly be in a
Motorists and their vehicles passing through only reason why they asked petitioner to get
checkpoints may also be stopped and out of the vehicle was not because he has
extensively searched committed a crime, but because of their
intention to invite him to Station 9 so he could
While, as a rule, motorists and their vehicles rest before he resumes driving. But instead of
passing through checkpoints may only be a tactful invitation, the apprehending officers,
subjected to a routine inspection, vehicles may be in an act indicative of overstepping of their
stopped and extensively searched when there is duties, dragged the petitioner out of the
probable cause which justifies a reasonable belief vehicle and, in the process of subduing him,
among those at the checkpoints that either the pointed a gun and punched him on the face.
motorist is a law offender or the contents of the None of the police officers, to note,
vehicle are or have been instruments of some categorically denied the petitioner’s allegation
offense. (People v. Vinecario, G.R. No. 141137, about being physically hurt before being
January 20, 2004) brought to the Ospital ng Maynila to be tested
for intoxication. What the policemen claimed
Checkpoint rules under LTO Code (R.A. 4136) was that it took the three (3) of them to
subdue the fifty-five year old petitioner. Both
There is, to stress, nothing in R.A. 4136 that actions were done in excess of their authority
authorized the checkpoint-manning policemen to granted under R.A. 4136. (Sydeco v. People,
order petitioner and his companions to get out of G.R. No. 202692, November 12, 2014)
the vehicle for a vehicle and body search. And it
bears to emphasize that there was no reasonable Q: Star was a lady frisker whose duty is to
suspicion of the occurrence of a crime that would frisk departing passengers, employees, and
allow what jurisprudence refers to as a "stop and crew and check for weapons, bombs,
frisk" action. As SPO4 Bodino no less testified, the prohibited drugs, contraband goods, and
explosives. When she frisked Rochelle, a
boarding passenger, she felt something hard A: NO. Persons may lose the protection of the
on Rochelle’s abdominal area which was later search and seizure clause by exposure of their
found to be three packs of shabu. Can Rochelle persons or property to the public in a manner
invoke a violation of the search and seizure reflecting a lack of subjective expectation of
clause? privacy, which expectation society is prepared to
recognize as reasonable. Such recognition is
implicit in airport security procedures. With
increased concern over airplane hijacking and
terrorism has come increased security at the
nation’s airport. (People v. Leila Johnson, G.R.
No.138881, December 18, 2000)
to the Declaration did not intend it as a legally the immediate control of the accused. The accused may not
binding document, being only a declaration, the successfully invoke the right against a
Court has interpreted the Declaration as part of
the generally accepted principles of international
law and binding on the state. The revolutionary
government did not repudiate the Covenant or
the Declaration during the interregnum. It was
also obligated under international law to observe
the rights of individuals under the Declaration.
(Republic v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 104768, July
21, 2003)
pocket. It turned out, the rider has in his for this reason, arrested.
possession two plastic sachets of suspected
shabu. The RTC convicted him of illegal Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in
possession of dangerous drugs since he had order that he or she may be bound to answer
been lawfully arrested for a traffic violation for the commission of an offense. It is effected
and then subjected to a valid search, which led by an actual restraint of the person to be
to the discovery on his person of two plastic arrested or by that person’s voluntary
sachets of shabu. On appeal, the CA affirmed submission to the custody of the one making
the RTC’s Decision. the arrest. Neither the application of actual
force, manual touching of the body, or physical
In his appeal to the SC, the rider claims that restraint, nor a formal declaration of arrest, is
there was no lawful search and seizure, required. It is enough that there be an
because there was no lawful arrest since he intention on the part of one of the parties to
was not even issued a citation ticket or arrest the other, and that there be an intent on
charged with violation of the city ordinance. the part of the other to submit, under the
Even assuming that there was a valid arrest, belief and impression that submission is
he claims that he had never consented to the necessary.
search conducted upon him. Should the rider-
appellant’s contention be upheld? At the time that he was waiting for the police
officer to write his citation ticket, appellant
A: YES. There was no valid arrest of appellant. could not be said to have been under arrest.
When he was flagged down for committing a There was no intention on the part of the
traffic violation, he was not, ipso facto and solely former to arrest him, deprive him of his
liberty, or take him into custody. Prior to the
issuance of the ticket, the period during which failure to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle
appellant was at the police station may be is penalized by a fine only. Under the Rules of
characterized merely as waiting time. In fact, as Court, a warrant of arrest need not be issued if the
found by the trial court, the only reason they information or charge was filed for an offense
went to the police sub-station was that appellant penalized by a fine only. It may be stated as a
had been flagged down almost in front of that corollary that neither can a warrantless arrest be
place. Hence, it was only for the sake of made for such an offense.
convenience that they were waiting there. There There being no valid arrest, the warrantless
was no intention to take him into custody. search that resulted from it was likewise illegal.
(Rodel Luz vs. People, G. R. No. 197788, February
It also appears that, according to City Ordinance 29, 2012)
No. 98-012, which was violated by appellant, the
Waiver of Unlawful Arrests and Illegal
at any time after such entry, is so convicted of violating the provisions of Commonwealth Act
convicted and sentenced more than once; No. 653 (Philippine
4. Any alien who is convicted and
sentenced for a violation of the law
governing prohibited drugs (As amended
by Republic Act No. 503, Sec. 13);
5. Any alien who practices prostitution or is
an inmate of a house of prostitution or is
connected with the management of a
house of prostitution, or is a procurer;
6. Any alien who becomes a public charge
within five years after entry from causes
not affirmatively shown to have arisen
subsequent to entry;
7. Any alien who remains in the Philippines
in violation of any limitation or condition
under which he was admitted as a non-
8. Any alien who believes in, advises,
advocates or teaches the overthrow by
force and violence of the Government of
the Philippines, or of constituted law and
authority or who disbelieves in or is
opposed to organized government, or
who advises, advocates or teaches the
assault or assassination of public officials
because of their office, or who advises,
advocates, or teaches the unlawful
destruction of property, or who is a
member of or affiliated with any
organization entertaining, advocating or
teaching such doctrines, or who in any
manner whatsoever lends assistance,
financial or otherwise, to the
dissemination of such doctrines;
9. Any alien who commits any of the acts
described in Sec. 45 of CA 613,
independent of criminal action which
may be brought against him: Provided,
that in the case of alien who, for any
reason, is convicted and sentenced to
suffer both imprisonment and
deportation, said alien shall first serve
the entire period of his imprisonment
before he is actually deported: Provided,
however, that the imprisonment may be
waived by the Commissioner of
Immigration with the consent of the
Department Head, and upon payment by
the alien concerned of such amount as
the Commissioner may fix and approved
by the Department Head. (Paragraph
added pursuant to Republic Act No. 144,
Sec. 3);
10. Any alien who, at any time within five
years after entry, shall have been
Alien Registration Act alienating properties to prevent them
of 1941) [now Alien from being attached or executed. (Added
Registration Act of pursuant to Republic Act No. 503, Sec. 13;
1950, Republic Act No. Philippine Immigration Act of 1940)
562, as amended] or
who, at any time after Power of the Commissioner of Immigration
entry, shall have been The Commissioner of Immigration is also given,
convicted more than by legislative delegation, the power to issue
once of violating the warrants of arrests.
provisions of the same
Act. (Added pursuant NOTE: Sec. 2, Art. III of the Constitution does not
to Republic Act No.
11. Any alien who engages MECHANICAL ACT
in profiteering, require judicial intervention in the execution of a
hoarding, or black-marketing, final order of deportation issued in accordance
independent of any with law. The constitutional limitation
criminal action which contemplates an order of arrest in the exercise of
may be brought judicial power as a step preliminary or incidental
against him. (Added to prosecution or proceedings for a given offense
pursuant to Republic or administrative action, not as a measure
Act No. 503, Sec. 13); indispensable to carry out a valid decision by a
12. Any alien who is competent official, such as a legal order of
convicted of any deportation, issued by the Commissioner of
offense penalized Immigration, in pursuance of a valid legislation.
under Commonwealth (Morano v. Vivo, G.R. No. L-22196, June 30, 1967)
Act No. 473 (Revised
Naturalization Laws of
the Philippines) or any The constitutional right of an accused against self-
law relating to incrimination proscribes the use of physical or
acquisition of moral compulsion to extort communications from
Philippine citizenship. the accused and not the inclusion of his body in
(Added pursuant to evidence when it may be material. Purely
Republic Act No. 503, mechanical acts are not included in the
Sec. 13); and prohibition as the accused does not thereby
13. Any alien who speak his guilt, hence the assistance and guiding
defrauds his creditor hand of counsel is not required. The essence of
by absconding or the
right against self-incrimination is testimonial Constitution. (People vs. Anacleto Q. Olvis G.R.
compulsion, that is, the giving of evidence against No. 71092, September 30, 1987)
himself through a testimonial act. (Dela Cruz vs.
People G.R. No. 200748 July 23, 2014) Example of purely mechanical acts:
1. a woman charged with
NOTE: No person shall be compelled to be a adultery may be compelled to
witness against himself. This constitutional submit to physical
privilege has been defined as a protection against examination to determine her
testimonial compulsion, but this has since been pregnancy; (Villaflor vs.
extended to any evidence “communicative in Summers, 41 Phil. 62 [1920])
nature” acquired under circumstances of duress 2. an accused may be compelled
essentially, the right is meant to avoid and to submit to physical
prohibit positively the repetition and the examination and to have a
recurrence of essentially inhuman procedure of substance taken from his
competing a person, in a criminal or in any other body for medical
case, to furnish the missing evidence necessary determination as to whether
for his conviction. Thus, an act, whether or he was suffering from
passive, that would amount to disclosure of any gonorrhea which was
incriminatory facts is covered by inhibition of the contracted by his victim; (U.S.
vs. Tan Teng, 23 Phil. 145
3. to expel morphine from his
mouth; (U.S. vs. Ong Siu Hong, 36 GR: Right to privacy of communication and
Phil. 735 [1917]) correspondence is inviolable. (1987 Philippine
4. to have the outline of his foot Constitution, Sec. 3, Art. III).
traced to determine its identity
with bloody footprints; (U.S. vs. XPNs:
Salas, 25 Phil. 337 [1913]; U.S. 1. By lawful order of the court; and
vs. Zara, 42 Phil. 308 [1921]) 2. Public safety or public order as prescribed by
5. to be photographed or law.
measured, or his garments or
shoes removed or replaced, or to NOTE: Any evidence in violation of this right or
move his body to enable the the right against unreasonable searches and
foregoing things to be done. seizures shall be inadmissible for any purpose in
(People vs. Otadora, 86 Phil. 244 any proceedings.
Anti-Wire Tapping Act (R.A. No. 4200)
CORRESPONDENCE A special law prohibiting and penalizing secret
recording of conversations either through wire-
tapping or tape recorders. It provides penalties
for specific violations of private communication.
1. Treason;
2. Espionage;
3. Provoking war and disloyalty in case of
4. Piracy and mutiny in the high seas;
5. Rebellion (conspiracy and proposal and
inciting to commit included);
6. Sedition (conspiracy, inciting included)
7. Kidnapping; and
8. Violations of CA 616 (punishing
espionage and other offenses
against national security).
1. Letters;
2. Messages;
3. Telephone calls; and
4. Telegrams and the like.
1. Freedom of speech;
2. Freedom of the press;
3. Right of assembly and to petition the
government for redress of grievances;
4. Right to form associations or societies
not contrary to law;
5. Freedom of religion; and
6. Right to access to information on matters
of public concern.
3. Freedom of access to information regarding Q: Social Weather Station (SWS) questions COMELEC
matters of public interest – Official papers, Resolution 9674 requiring them to
reports and documents, unless held
confidential and secret by competent
authority in the public interest, are public
records. As such, they are open and subject to
regulation, to the scrutiny of the inquiring
reporter or editor. Information obtained
confidentially may be printed without
specification of the source; and that source is
closed to official inquiry, unless the
revelation is deemed by the courts, or by a
House or committee of the Congress, to be
vital to the security of the State.
4. Freedom of circulation – Refers to the
unhampered distribution of newspapers and
other media among customers and among the
general public. It may be interfered with in
several ways. The most important of these is
censorship. Other ways include requiring a
permit or license for the distribution of media
and penalizing dissemination of copies made
without it, and requiring the payment of a fee
or tax, imposed either on the publisher or on
the distributor, with the intent to limit or
restrict circulation. These modes of
interfering with the freedom to circulate have
been constantly stricken down as
unreasonable limitations on press freedom.
(Chavez v. Gonzales G.R. No. 168338, February
15, 2008) (2014 Bar)
Political Speech
The result of which is the reduction of the has clipped its wings.
allowable minutes within which candidates
and political parties would be able to It is also particularly unreasonable and
campaign through the air. Did COMELEC whimsical to adopt the aggregate-based time
commit grave abuse of discretion in issuing limits on broadcast time when we consider
said resolution? that the Philippines is not only composed of so
many islands. There are also a lot of languages
A: YES. The assailed rule on “aggregate-based” and dialects spoken among the citizens across
airtime limits is unreasonable and arbitrary as it the country. Accordingly, for a national
unduly restricts and constrains the ability of candidate to really reach out to as many of the
candidates and political parties to reach out and electorates as possible, then it might also be
communicate with the people. Here, the adverted necessary that he conveys his message
reason for imposing the “aggregate-based” through his advertisements in languages and
airtime limits – leveling the playing field – does dialects that the people may more readily
not constitute a compelling state interest which understand and relate to. To add all of these
would justify such a substantial restriction on the airtimes in different dialects would greatly
freedom of candidates and political parties to hamper the ability of such candidate to
communicate their ideas, philosophies, platforms express himself – a form of suppression of his
and programs of government. And, this is political speech.
specially so in the absence of a clear-cut basis for
the imposition of such a prohibitive measure. In COMELEC itself states that “[t]elevision is
this particular instance, what the COMELEC has arguably the most cost-effective medium of
done is analogous to letting a bird fly after one dissemination. Even a slight increase in
television exposure can significantly boost a
candidate's popularity, name recall and serve the governed, not the governors. The
electability.” If that be so, then drastically Government's power to censor the press was
curtailing the ability of a candidate to effectively abolished so that the press would remain forever
reach out to the electorate would unjustifiably free to censure the Government. The press was
curtail his freedom to speak as a means of protected so that it could bare the secrets of
connecting with the people. government and inform the people. Only a free
and unrestrained press can effectively expose
Finally on this matter, it is pertinent to quote deception in government.” (GMA Network v.
what Justice Black wrote in his concurring COMELEC, G.R. No. 205357, September 2, 2014)
opinion in the landmark Pentagon Papers case:
“In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers Q: Members of the faculty of the University of
gave the free press the protection it must have to the Philippines College of Law published a
fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The statement on the allegations of plagiarism and
press was to misrepresentation relative to a certain Court’s
decision. Essentially, the faculty calls for the
resignation of Justice Mario Pascual in the face
of allegations of plagiarism in his work.Does
this act of the faculty members squarely fall
under the freedom of speech and expression?
precludes governmental acts that required Committee did not actually enjoin the Philippines to
approval of a proposal to publish; licensing or decriminalize libel. It simply suggested that
permits as prerequisites to publication including
the payment of license taxes for the privilege to
publish; and even injunctions against
publication. Even the closure of the business and
printing offices of certain newspapers, resulting
in the discontinuation of their printing and
publication, are deemed as previous restraint or
censorship. Any law or official that requires some
form of permission to be had before publication
can be made, commits an infringement of the
constitutional right, and remedy can be had at the
courts. (Chavez v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 168338,
February 15, 2008)
1. Pornography;
2. False or Misleading Advertisement;
3. Advocacy of Imminent Lawless Actions;
4. Danger to National Security. (Soriano v.
Laguardia, G.R. No. 165636, April 29,
Thus, when Congress enacts a penal Q: Nestor posted on Facebook that Juan Dela
law affecting free speech and Cruz, a married person, has an illicit affair
accordingly imposes a penalty that with Maria. Dexter liked this post and
is so discouraging that it effectively commented: “Yes! This is true! What an
creates an “invidious chilling immoral thing to do?!” This post was likewise
effect,” thus impeding the exercise liked by 23
people. Juan Dela Cruz filed a case for online Section 4(c)(2) on Child Pornography, cannot
libel against Nestor, Dexter and 23 other stand scrutiny. (Ibid.)
people who liked the post using as his basis
Sec. 5 of the Cybercrime law which penalizes Freedom from subsequent punishment
any person who willfully abets or aids in the
commission of any of the offenses enumerated A limitation on the power of the State from
in the said law. Is this provision of the law imposing a punishment after publication or
constitutional? dissemination. Without this assurance, the
individual would hesitate to speak for fear that
A: NO. Section 5 with respect to Section 4(c)(4) is he might be held to account for his speech, or
unconstitutional. Its vagueness raises that he might be provoking the vengeance of
apprehension on the part of internet users the officials he may have criticized. (Nachura,
because of its obvious chilling effect on the Outline Reviewer in Political Law, p. 152)
freedom of expression, especially since the crime
of aiding or abetting ensnares all the actors in the This second basic prohibition of the free
cyberspace front in a fuzzy way. What is more, as speech and press clause prohibits systems of
the petitioners point out, formal crimes such as subsequent punishment which have the effect
libel are not punishable unless consummated. In of unduly curtailing expression.
the absence of legislation tracing the interaction
of netizens and their level of responsibility such NOTE: Freedom from subsequent punishment
as in other countries, Section 5, in relation to is not absolute; it may be properly regulated in
Section 4(c)(4) on Libel, Section 4(c)(3) on the interest of the public. The State may
Unsolicited Commercial Communications, and validly impose penal and/or administrative
sanctions such as in the following:
function. (Pita v. CA, G.R. No. 80806, October 5,
1. Libel – A public and malicious imputation of a 1989)
crime, vice or defect, real or imaginary or any 3. Criticism of Official Conduct – In New York
act omission, status tending to cause Times v. Sullivan, 376 US 254, March 9, 1964,
dishonor, discredit or contempt of a natural the constitutional guarantee requires a
or judicial person, or blacken the memory of federal rule that prohibits a public official
one who is dead. (Art 353, Revised Penal from recovering damages for a defamatory
Code) falsehood relating to his official conduct
2. Obscenity – In Pita v. Court of Appeals, the unless he proves that the statement was
Supreme Court declared that the made with actual malice.
determination of what is obscene is a judicial 4. Rights of students to free speech in school
premises not absolute – The school cannot
suspend or expel a student solely on the basis
of the articles he has written except when
such article materially disrupts class work or
involves substantial disorder or invasion of
rights of others. (Miriam College Foundation
v. CA, GR 127930, December 15, 2000)
Q: Is facial challenge to a penal statute NOTE: A litigant cannot thus successfully mount a
allowed? facial challenge against a criminal statute on
either vagueness or overbreadth grounds.
A: NO. Facial challenges are not allowed in penal
statutes. Criminal statutes have general in The rule established in our jurisdiction is, only
terrorem effect resulting from their very statutes on free speech, religious freedom, and
existence, and, if facial challenge is allowed for other fundamental rights may be facially
this reason alone, the State may well be challenged. (Southern Hemisphere Engagement
prevented from enacting laws against socially Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, G.R. No.
harmful conduct. In the area of criminal law, the 178552, October 5, 2010)
law cannot take chances as in the area of free
speech. (KMU v. Ermita, G.R. No. 17855, October 5, Overbreadth Doctrine (2010, 2014 Bar)
The overbreadth doctrine decrees that a
governmental purpose to control or prevent
activities constitutionally subject to state
regulations may not be achieved by means which
sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade
the area of protected freedoms. (Southern
Hemisphere Engagement Network, Inc. v. Anti-
Terrorism Council, G.R. No. 178552, October 5,
Q: Can an offensive and obscene language The question in every case is whether the words
uttered in a prime-time television broadcast used are used in such circumstances and are of
which was easily accessible to the children be such a nature as to create a clear and present
reasonably curtailed and validly restrained? danger that they will bring about the substantive
evils that Congress has a right to prevent.
A: YES. In Soriano v. MTRCB, G.R. No. 165636, (Schenck
April 29, 2009, the Court, applying the balancing v. United States, 249 U.S. 47, March 3, 1919)
of interest doctrine, ruled that the government’s
interest to protect and promote the interests and NOTE: The test can be applied with regard to the
welfare of the children adequately buttresses the Freedom of Religion when what is involved is
reasonable curtailment and valid restraint on religious speech as this is often used in cases of
petitioner’s prayer to continue as program host freedom of expression.
of Ang Dating Daan during the suspension period.
Soriano’s offensive and obscene language uttered STATE REGULATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF
on prime-time television broadcast, without MASS MEDIA
doubt, was easily accessible to the children. His
statements could have exposed children to a TYPES OF MASS MEDIA
language that is unacceptable in everyday use. As
such, the welfare of children and the State’s Live Media Coverage of Court Proceedings
mandate to protect and care for them, as parens
patriae, constitute a substantial and compelling The propriety of granting or denying permission
government interest in regulating Soriano’s to the media to broadcast, record, or photograph
utterances in TV broadcast. court proceedings involves weighing the
constitutional guarantees of freedom of the
press, the right of the public to information and adverse public opinion which live media
the right to public trial, on the one hand, and on
the other hand, the due process rights of the
defendant and the inherent and constitutional
power of the courts to control their proceedings
in order to permit the fair and impartial
administration of justice. Collaterally, it also
raises issues in the nature of media, particularly
television and its role in society, and of the impact
of new technologies on law.
NOTE: In his dissenting opinion, Justice Carpio 1. Must not be false or misleading; and (Friedman v.
cited Action for Children's Television v. FCC Rogers, 440 US 1, February 21, 1979)
which establishes the safe harbor period to be 2. Should not propose an illegal transaction. (Pittsburgh
from 10:00 in the evening to 6:00 in the morning, Press Co. v Human Relations Commissions, 413 US 376,
when the number of children in the audience is at June 21, 1973)
a minimum. In effect, between the hours of 10:00
p.m. and 6:00 a.m., the broadcasting of material NOTE: However, even truthful and lawful commercial speech
considered indecent is permitted. Between the maybe regulated if:
hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., the broadcast
of any indecent material may be sanctioned.
1. Government has a months old or beyond, and forbids the use of
substantial interest to health and nutritional claims. Were the
protect; labeling requirements and advertising
2. The regulation directly regulations under the RIRR valid?
advances that interest;
and A: YES. Sec. 13 on “total effect” and Sec. 26 of Rule
3. It is not more than VII of the RIRR contain some labeling
extensive than is requirements, specifically: a) that there be a
necessary to protect that statement that there is no substitute to
interest. (Central Hudson breastmilk; and b) that there be a statement that
Gas & Electric Corp v. powdered infant formula may contain pathogenic
Public Service Commission microorganisms and must be prepared and used
of NY, 447 US 557, June 20, appropriately. Sec. 16 of the RIRR prohibits all
1980) health and nutrition claims for products within
the scope of the Milk Code, such as claims of
Q: EO 51 (Milk Code) was issued increased emotional and intellectual abilities of
by President Val Anton is on the infant and young child. These provisions of
October 28, 1986 by virtue of the the Milk Code expressly forbid information that
legislative powers granted to the would imply or create a belief that there is any
President under the Freedom milk product equivalent to breast milk or which is
Constitution. On May 15, 2006, humanized or maternalized, as such information
the DOH issued Revised would be inconsistent with the superiority of
Implementing Rules and breastfeeding. Thus, the RIRR is a reasonable
Regulations (RIRR) which was to means of enforcing the Milk Code and deterring
take effect on July 7, 2006. The circumvention of the protection and promotion of
Association of Healthcare breastfeeding as embodied in the Milk Code.
Workers claimed that the Milk (Pharmaceutical and Health Care Association of
Code only regulates and does not the Philippines v. Duque, G.R. No. 173034, October
impose unreasonable 9, 2007)
requirements for advertising and
promotion while RIRR imposes Heckler’s Veto (2014 Bar)
an absolute ban on such activities
for breast milk substitutes Occurs when an acting party's right to freedom of
intended for infants from 0- 24 speech is curtailed or restricted by the
Non-Establishment Clause
1. In Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers Union, constitutional provision "does not inhibit the use of public
the Court upheld the exemption of members of property for religious purposes when the
Iglesia ni Cristo from the coverage of a closed
shop agreement between their employer and a
union, because it would violate the teaching of
their church not to affiliate with a labor
2. In Ebralinag v. Division Superintendent of
Schools of Cebu, the petitioners, who were
members of the Jehovah's Witnesses, refused to
salute the flag, sing the national anthem, and
recite the patriotic pledge for it is their belief that
those were acts of worship or religious devotion,
which they could not conscientiously give to
anyone or anything except God.
3. In Re: Request of Muslim Employees in the
Different Courts in Iligan City (Re: Office Hours),
the Court recognized that the observance of
Ramadan as integral to the Islamic faith
and allowed Muslim employees in the Judiciary to
hold flexible office hours from 7:30 o'clock in the
morning to 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon without
any break during the period.
1. Right to believe, which is absolute; and However absurd his beliefs may be to others,
even if they be hostile and heretical to the
The individual is free to believe (or majority, he has full freedom to believe as he
disbelieve) as he pleases concerning the pleases. He may not be required to prove his
hereafter. He may indulge his own theories beliefs. He may not be punished for his
about life and death; worship any god he inability to do so. (Iglesiani Cristo v. CA, G.R.
chooses, or none at all; embrace or reject any No. 119673, July 26, 1996)
religion; acknowledge the divinity of God or
of any being that appeals to his reverence; 2. Right to act on one’s belief, which is subject to
recognize regulation.
Benevolent Neutrality
Conscientious Objector
non-discriminatory laws like the saluting of expulsion. The expulsion of the students by
flag and the singing of the national anthem. To reason of their religious beliefs is also a
allow otherwise would violation of a citizen’s right to free education.
disrupt school discipline and demoralize the The non- observance of the flag ceremony
teachings of civic consciousness and duties of does not totally constitute ignorance of
citizenship. Is the expulsion justified? patriotism and civic consciousness. Love for
country and admiration for national heroes,
A: NO. Religious freedom is a fundamental right civic consciousness, and form of government
of highest priority. The two-fold aspect of right to are part of the school curricula. Therefore,
religious worship is: 1.) Freedom to believe which expulsion due to religious beliefs is
is an absolute act within the realm of thought. 2.) unjustified. (Ebralinag v. Division
Freedom to act on one’s belief regulated and Superintedent of Cebu, G.R. No. 95770, March
translated to external acts. The only limitation to 1, 1993)
religious freedom is the existence of grave
and present danger to public safety, morals, LEMON AND COMPELLING STATE
health and interests where State has right to INTEREST
prevent. The expulsion of the petitioners from the
school is not justified. Lemon Test
In the case at bar, the students expelled are only
standing quietly during ceremonies. By observing A test to determine whether an act of the
the ceremonies quietly, it doesn’t present any government violates the non-establishment
danger so evil and imminent to justify their clause.
To pass the Lemon test, a government act or
policy must: 1. Has the statute or government action
created a burden on the free exercise of
1. Have a secular purpose; religion? – Courts often look into the
2. Not promote or favor any set of religious sincerity of the religious belief, but
beliefs or religion generally; and without inquiring into the truth of the
3. Not get the government too closely belief since the free exercise clause
involved (“entangled”) with religion. prohibits inquiring about its truth;
(Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602, June 2. Is there a sufficiently compelling state
28, 1971) interest to justify this infringement of
religious liberty? – In this step, the
Compelling State Interest government has to establish that its
Used to determine if the interests of the State are purposes are legitimate for the State
compelling enough to justify infringement of and that they are compelling; and
religious freedom. It involves a three-step 3. Has the State in achieving its legitimate
process: purposes used the least intrusive means
possible so that the free exercise is not
infringed any more than necessary to
achieve the legitimate goal of the State?
– The analysis requires the State to
show that the means in which it is
achieving its legitimate State objective
is the least intrusive means, or it has
chosen a way to achieve its legitimate
State end that imposes as little as
possible intrusion on religious beliefs.
so that she may be able to seek medical grants the DOJ the power to investigate the commission of
attention abroad. Before the resolution of her crimes and prosecute offenders. It does not carry the power to
application for ADO, GMA filed a petition with indiscriminately devise all means it deems proper in
prayer for the issuance of a TRO seeking to performing its functions without regard to constitutionally-
annul and set aside DOJ Circular No. 41 and protected rights.
WLOs issued against her for being
unconstitutional. A TRO was issued but GMA DOJ cannot justify the restraint in the liberty of movement
was prevented from leaving the country. Is imposed by the circular on the ground that it is necessary to
DOJ Circular No. 41 unconstitutional for being ensure presence and attendance in the preliminary
a violation of the right to travel? investigation of the complaints. There is no authority of law
granting it the power to compel the attendance of the subjects
A: YES. The DOJ has no authority to issue DOJ of a preliminary investigation pursuant to its investigatory
Circular No. 41 which effectively restricts the powers. Its investigatory power is simply inquisitorial and,
right to travel through the issuance of WLOs and unfortunately, not broad enough to embrace the imposition of
HDOs (Hold Departure Orders). There are only restraint on the liberty of movement. (Genuino v. De Lima, G.R.
three considerations that may permit a restriction No. 197930, April 17, 2018)
on the right to travel: national security, public
safety or public health. Further, there must be an Q: President Rodrigo Duterte issued Proclamation No. 475
explicit provision of statutory law or Rules of formally declaring a state of calamity in Boracay and
Court providing for the impairment. ordering its closure for six (6) months. On account of this,
Boracay residents Mark Anthony Zabal and Thiting
DOJ Circular No. 41 is not a law. It is not a Jacosalem filed the present petition alleging that they
legislative enactment, but a mere administrative would suffer grave and irreparable damage as their
issuance designed to carry out the provisions of livelihood depends on the tourist activities therein. They
an enabling law. DOJ is not authorized to issue
WLOs and HDOs to restrict the constitutional
right to travel. There is no mention of the
exigencies stated in the Constitution that will
justify the impairment. The provision simply
attacked the order on the ground period of time or merely temporary. (Zabal v.
that it violates the right to travel. Duterte, G.R. No. 238467, February 12, 2019)
Are they correct?
Return to one’s country
A: NO. This case does not actually
involve the right to travel in its Q: Ferdinand Marcos, in his deathbed, has
essential sense. Any bearing that signified his desire to return to the
Proclamation No. 475 may have on Philippines to die. But President Corazon
the right to travel is merely Aquino barred the return of Marcos and his
corollary to the closure of Boracay family. The Marcoses invoke their right to
and the ban of tourists and non- return. Is the right to return a constitutionally
residents therefrom which were protected right?
necessary incidents of the island's
rehabilitation. There is certainly no A: NO. The right to return to one’s country is not
showing that Proclamation No. 475 among the rights specifically guaranteed in the
deliberately meant to impair the Bill of Rights, which treats only of the liberty of
right to travel. The questioned abode and the right to travel. Nevertheless, the
proclamation is clearly focused on right to return may be considered as a generally
its purpose of rehabilitating accepted principle of International law, and under
Boracay and any intention to the Constitution, is part of the law of the land.
directly restrict the right cannot, in However, it is distinct and separate from the right
any manner, be deduced from its to travel and enjoys a different protection under
import. the International Covenant of Civil and Political
Publication of regulations
NOTE: Mere technical change which One, in case of franchises, privileges, licenses, etc.
does not change the substance of
the contract, and which still leaves NOTE: These are subject to amendment,
an efficacious remedy for alteration or repeal by Congress when the
enforcement does NOT impair the common good so requires.
obligation of contracts. A valid
exercise of police power is superior Two, there is neither public interest involved nor
to obligation of contracts. a law that supports the claim.
prevail. A later law which enlarges, abridges,
or in any manner changes the intent of the
NOTE: It can only be invoked if it is against the parties to the contract necessarily impairs the
government or when the government intervenes contract itself and cannot be given retroactive
in contract between the parties. (Pacific Wide effect without violating the constitutional
Realty and Development Corp. v. Puerto Azul Land, prohibition against impairment of contracts.
Inc., G.R. No. 180893, November 25, 2009) (Sangalang v. IAC, G.R. No. 71169, December
22, 1988)
NOTE: The non-impairment clause always yields
to the police power of the state–and even to the XPN: Enactment of laws pursuant to the
power of taxation and eminent domain–for as exercise of police power because public
long as the subject matter of the contract is welfare prevails over private rights. It is
imbued with paramount public interest. Into deemed embedded in every contract a
every contract is deemed written the police reservation of the State’s exercise of police
power of the State. Also, the police power may not power, eminent domain and taxation, so long
be bargained away through the medium of a as it deals with a matter affecting the public
contract, or even that of a treaty. welfare. (PNB v. Remigio, G.R. No. 78508,
March 21, 1994)
Mutuality of contracts
Q: While still being a GOCC, PAL entered
GR: Valid contracts should be respected by the into a Commercial Agreement and Joint
legislature and not tampered with by subsequent Services Agreement with Kuwait Airways
laws that will change the intention of the parties in 1981 establishing a joint commercial
or modify their rights and obligations. arrangement whereby PAL and Kuwait
Airways were to jointly operate the Manila-
NOTE: The will of the parties to a contract must Kuwait (and vice versa) route, utilizing the
planes and services of Kuwait Airways. In that
Agreement, PAL may collect royalties from CMU terminates the agreement concerning
Kuwait Airways. Subsequently, the the royalties effective April 12, 1995.
government lost control over PAL and became However, PAL insists that the agreement
a private corporation. After 14 years, could only be effectively terminated on 31
delegations from the Philippine government October 1995, or the last day of the then
and Kuwait government met. The talks current traffic period and therefore the
culminated in a Confidential Memorandum of provisions of the agreement shall continue to
Understanding (CMU). The be enforced until such date. Can the execution
of the CMU between Kuwait and Philippine
Governments automatically terminate the
Commercial Agreement?
This right is the basis for Sec. 17, Rule 5 of the New
Rules of Court allowing litigation in forma pauper
is. Those protected include low paid employees,
domestic servants and laborers. (Cabangis v.
Almeda Lopez, G.R. No. 47685, September 20, 1940)
sources of income sufficient for their support his sworn statement that he had no income. Under the standard
aside from their own labor though self- set forth inAcar v. Rosal as well as the recent legislations
supporting when able to work and in heretofore adverted to, it is the
employment. (Acar v. Rosal, G.R. No. L-21707,
March 18, 1967)
These are the rights to which a RIGHTS
person under custodial
investigation is entitled. At this NOTE: Even if the person consents to answer
stage, the person is not yet an questions without the assistance of counsel, the
accused as there is yet no case filed moment he asks for a lawyer at any point in the
against him. He is merely a suspect. investigation, the interrogation must cease until
an attorney is present.
The following are the rights of suspects:
The “Miranda Rights” are available to avoid
1. Right to remain silent; (2013 Bar) involuntary extrajudicial confession.
2. Right to competent and
independent counsel, The purpose of providing counsel to a person
preferably of his own choice; under custodial investigation is to curb the police-
3. Right to be reminded that if he state practice of extracting a confession that leads
cannot afford the services of appellant to make self-incriminating statements.
counsel, he would be provided (People v. Rapeza, G.R. No. 169431, April 3, 2007)
with one
4. Right to be informed of his rights; Availability
5. Right against torture, force,
violence, threat, intimidation 1. During custodial investigation;
or any other means which As soon as the investigation ceases to be a
vitiate the free will; general inquiry unto an unsolved crime and
6. Right against secret detention direction is aimed upon a particular suspect,
places, solitary, as when the suspect who has been taken into
incommunicado, or similar police custody and to whom the police would
Rights that may be waived
A: NO. Nowhere in Sec. 15, Rule 119 of the Rules, The right to a speedy disposition of a case, like
specifically in criminal proceedings, permits the the right to a speedy trial, is deemed violated only
taking of deposition outside the Philippines when the proceedings are attended by vexatious,
whether the deponent is sick or not. The capricious, and oppressive delays; or when
conditional examination of a prosecution witness unjustified postponements of the trial are asked
cannot defeat the rights of the accused to public for and secured; or even without cause or
trial and confrontation of witnesses. (Harry Go justifiable motive, a long period of time is allowed
vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 185527, to elapse without the party having his case tried.
July 18, 2012, PER J. PERLAS-BERNABE) (Roquero v. Chancellor of UP-Manila, G.R. No.
181851, March 9, 2010)
Criminal due process
In determining whether the accused has been
deprived of his right to a speedy disposition of the
case and to a speedy trial, four factors must be
considered: (a) length of delay; (b) the reason for they have observed. The accused’s right to a public trial should
the delay; (c) the defendant's assertion of his not be confused with the freedom of the
right; and (d) Prejudice to the defendant.
(Angelito Magno vs. People Philippines, G.R No.
230657, March 14, 2018, PER, J. PERLAS-
1. Trial must be public in order to prevent
possible abuses which may be committed
against the accused; and
2. The attendance at the trial is open to
all, irrespective of their relationship to
the accused.
A penalty is cruel and inhuman if it involves An ex post facto law is any law that makes an
torture or lingering suffering (e.g. being drawn action, done before the passage of the law, and
and quartered). which was innocent when done, criminal, and
punishes such action. (United State v. Vicente Diaz
Degrading penalty Conde and Apolinaria R. De Conde, G.R. No. L-
18208, February 14, 1922) (1990 Bar)
A penalty is degrading if it exposes a person to
public humiliation (e.g. being tarred and Kinds of ex post facto law
feathered, then paraded throughout town).
It can be a law that:
NOTE: The power to re-impose the death penalty 1. Makes an act, which was innocent when
for certain heinous crimes is vested in the done, criminal and punishes such action;
Congress; not in the President. After all, the 2. Aggravates a crime or makes it greater
power to define crimes and impose penalties is than when it was committed;
legislative in nature. 3. Changes the punishment and inflicts a
greater punishment than the law
NON-IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBTS annexed to the crime when it was
Basis 4. Alters the legal rules of evidence and
receives less or different testimony than
No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non- the law required at the time of the
payment of a poll tax. (1987 Constitution, Sec. 20, commission of the offense in order to
Art. III) (1993, 1997, 2000, 2002 Bar) convict the defendant;
5. Assumes to regulate civil rights and
Debt remedies only. In effect imposes penalty
or deprivation of a right for something
It is any civil obligation arising from contract. which when done was lawful; and
6. Deprives a person accused of a crime of
Poll tax some lawful protection to which he has
become entitled, such as the protection of a proclamation of amnesty. (Nuñez v.
former conviction or acquittal, or a
Sandiganbayan and People, G.R. Nos. L- Accordingly, if these Orders are to be considered the bases
50581-50617, January 30, 1982) of charging respondents
WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS illegally detained (In the Matter of the Petition
for Habeas Corpus of Datukan Malang Salibo,
It is an order from the court commanding a
detaining officer to inform the court: It may be availed of as a post-conviction
remedy or when there is an alleged violation
1. If he has the person in custody; and of the liberty of abode (Ibid.).
2. State his basis in detaining that person.
It may not be used as a means of obtaining
Privilege of the writ evidence on the whereabouts of a person, or
as a means of finding out who has specifically
It is that portion of the writ requiring the abducted or caused the disappearance of a
detaining officer to show cause why he should not certain person. When forcible taking and
be tested. It is the privilege that is suspended, not disappearance–not arrest and detention–have
the writ itself. The duration of the suspension been alleged, the proper remedy is not habeas
shall not exceed 60 days unless extended by the corpus proceedings, but criminal
Congress. investigation and proceedings. Habeas corpus
generally applies to all cases of illegal
When available confinement or detention by which any
person is deprived of his liberty or by which
For a person deprived of liberty due to mistaken the rightful custody of any person is withheld
identity. In such cases, the person is not under from the person entitled thereto (Martinez v.
any lawful process and is continuously being Mendoza, G.R. No. 153795, August 17, 2006).
If the detainee’s incarceration is by virtue of a The writ applies only to persons judicially
judicial order in relation to criminal cases charged for rebellion or offenses inherent in or
subsequently filed against them, the remedy of directly connected with invasion and anyone
habeas corpus no longer lies (Ilagan v. Enrile, G.R. arrested or detained during suspension must be
No. 70748, October 21, 1985). charged within 3 days. Otherwise, he should be
Requisites for the valid suspension of the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus WRIT OF KALIKASAN
1. There must be an actual invasion, This writ is a remedy available to any person
insurrection or rebellion; and whose constitutional right to a balanced and
2. Public safety requires the suspension. healthful ecology is violated, or threatened with
violation by an unlawful act or omission of a
public official or employee, or private individual
or entity, involving environmental damage of
such magnitude as to prejudice the life, health or
property of inhabitants in two or more cities or
provinces. (Rule 7, Rules of Procedure for
Environmental Cases)
The Writ of Kalikasan may be availed of by any of adequately show that there exists a nexus between the right to
the following: privacy on one hand, and the right to
Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data, A. M. No. 08-1-16- at P500 per sq.m., which was awarded to
SC, Sec. 1, January 22, 2008) FJI Property Developers, Inc. However, in
the Report of the Commission on Audit, it
However, in cases of extralegal killings and was found that the proper fair market
enforced disappearances, the petition may be value for said lot should have been P878.26
filed by: per sq. m. The COA Report, as a supplement
to such, concluded that the Municipality
a. Any member of the immediate family suffered undue injury when it was
of the aggrieved party, namely: the deprived of income. Hence, a Complaint
spouse, children and parents; or was filed against the members of the MAB.
b. Any ascendant, descendant or The Office of Ombudsman Luzon finds that
collateral relative of the aggrieved members of the MAB are guilty of Grave
party within the fourth civil degree of Misconduct. Are the members of the MAB
consanguinity or affinity, in default of administratively liable for Grave
those mentioned in the preceding Misconduct?
paragraph. (The Rule on the Writ of
Habeas Data, A. M. No. 08-1-16-SC,Sec. A: No. There is no substantial evidence to hold
2, January 22, 2008) respondents administratively liable for Grave
Misconduct. Substantial evidence is such
Q: The Municipal Appraisal Board (MAB) of relevant evidence as a reasonable mind may
Kawit Cavite issued a Resolution decreasing accept as adequate to support a conclusion. In
the assessed fair market value of the subject cases before the Office of the Ombudsman,
lands from P700.00 per sq. m to P500.00 per jurisprudence instructs that “the fundamental
sq. m. Thereafter, a parcel of lot was auctioned rule in administrative proceedings is that the
complainant has the burden of proving, by
substantial evidence, the allegations in his Cement Corporation v. Mingson Mining Industries
complaint. In this case, records are bereft of any Corporation, G.R. No206728, November 12, 2014)
showing that respondents
wrongfully intended to transgress some
established and definite rule of action. The It is a remedy available to any person whose right
passage of MAB-Resolution was merely done, so to life, liberty and security is violated or
that lands within the municipality which have the threatened with violation by an unlawful act or
same attributes will be assessed uniformly. (Apo omission of a public official or employee, or of a
private individual or entity. The writ shall cover
extralegal killings and enforced disappearances
or threats thereof. Its constitutional basis is found
on Art. VIII, Sec. 5 of the Constitution which states
that “The Supreme Court shall have the following
powers: xxx (5) Promulgate rules concerning the
protection and enforcement of constitutional
rights, xxx. Such rules shall provide a simplified
and inexpensive procedure for the speedy
disposition of cases, shall be uniform for all courts
of the same grade, and shall not diminish,
increase, or modify substantive rights. xxx
Extralegal killings
Enforced disappearance
standard of diligence required of the Amparo established to related the subject OB List
Rule is substantial evidence or that amount of either to the threatening visits received by
relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might petitioners from unknown men or to the
accept as adequate to support a conclusion. In violent deaths of the three
this case, a mere inclusion of one’s name in the (3) mentioned personalities which could
OB List, without more, does not suffice to strongly suggest that the inclusion of one’s
discharge the burden to establish actual threat to name in the OB List would eventually result to
one’s right to life, liberty and security by enforced disappearance and murder of those
substantial evidence. The Court holds that the persons tagged therein as militants. (In
existence of the OB List could not be directly Matter of Petition for Issuance of a Writ Of
associated with the menacing behavior of Amparo in Favor of Lilibeth O. Ladaga, G. R.
suspicious men or the violent death of certain No. 189689, November 13, 2012, PER J.
personalities. The adduced evidence showed that, PERLAS-BERNABE)
except for Celso Pojas, the names of the supposed
victims of extrajudicial killings are manifestly Q: After arriving at the Ninoy Aquino
absent in the subject OB List. International Airport, spouses Rozelle
Raymond Martin (Raymart) and Claudine
Only actual threats, as may be established from Margaret Santiago (Claudine) waited for
all the facts and circumstances of the case, can their baggage but they were eventually
qualify as a violation that may be addressed. In informed that it was transferred to another
this case, no substantial evidence of an actual flight. While making a formal complaint,
threat to petitioners’ life, liberty and security has the spouses noticed a man, later identified
been shown to exist. No link has been sufficiently as Ramon Tulfo, taking pictures of
Claudine. A brawl thereafter ensued.
petitioners' amparo petition does not allege any
Days after the incident, Raffy, Ben, and Erwin case of extrajudicial killing and/or enforced
Tulfo, brothers of Mon, aired on their TV disappearance, or any threats thereof, in the
program comments against the spouses and senses above-described. Their petition is merely
threatened to retaliate. Terrified, the spouses anchored on a broad invocation of respondents'
filed before the RTC a petition for the issuance purported violation of their right to life and
of a writ of amparo against them. Will the security, carried out by private individuals
petition prosper? without any showing of direct or indirect
government participation. (Spouses Rozelle
A: NO. The Rule on the Writ of Amparo was Raymond Martin and Claudine Margaret
intended to address cases involving extralegal Santiago vs. Raffy Tulfo, Ben Tulfo, And Erwin
killings and/or enforced disappearances, or Tulfo, G.R. No. 205039, October 21, 2015, PER J.
threats thereof. In this case, it is undisputed that PERLAS-BERNABE)
CITIZENSHIP A: There are public offices/government positions
that requires a Filipino citizen to be a natural-
Citizenship born.
(1) Those who are Filipino citizens at the 2. By naturalization – The legal act of
time of the adoption of the 1987 adopting an alien and clothing him with
Constitution; the privilege of a citizen.
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are 3. By marriage – When a foreign woman
citizens of the Philippines; marries a Filipino husband, provided, she
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of possesses all qualifications and none of
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine the disqualifications for naturalization.
citizenship upon reaching the age of
(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance CITIZENSHIP
with law. (Art. IV, Sec. 1, 1987
Constitution) Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired
in the manner provided by law. (Sec. 3, Art. IV,
Caram rule 1987 Costitution)
because Philippines election of such
under the from birth citizenship by one perfect it. (Poe-
Constitutio without born of an alien Llamanzares v.
n averring having to father and a COMELEC, G.R. No.
that the perform Filipino mother 221697, March 8, 2016)
process to any act to under the 1935
determine acquire or Constitution, which Foundlings are
that a child perfect is an act to
is a their likewise
foundling Philippine
leading to citizenship. citizens under
the " In the international law
issuance of first place,
a foundling "having to All of the
certificate perform an international law
under these act" means conventions and
laws and that the act instruments on the
the must be matter of nationality
issuance of personally of foundlings were
said done by designed to address
certificate the citizen. the plight of a
are acts to In this defenseless class
acquire or instance, which suffers from a
perfect the misfortune not of
Philippine determinat their own making.
citizenship ion of We cannot be
which make foundling restrictive as to their
the status is application if we are
foundling a done not a country which calls
naturalized by the child itself civilized and a
Filipino at but by the member of the
best. Thus, authorities. community of
Poe- Secondly, nations.
Llamanzare the object
s is not a of the The common thread
natural- process is of the UDHR, UNCRC
born citizen the and ICCPR is to
since she determinat obligate the
performed ion of the Philippines to grant
an act to whereabou nationality from
acquire or ts of the birth and ensure that
perfect parents, no child is stateless.
Philippine not the This grant of
citizenship. citizenship nationality must be
Is Atty. of the child. at the time of birth.
Elamparo Lastly, the
correct? process is Universal Declaration
certainly of Human Rights
A: NO. not (UDHR) Article 15 of
Under analogous the UDHR states that:
Article IV, to “Everyone has the
Section 2 naturalizati right to a nationality”
"Natural- on and that “No one shall
born citizens proceeding be arbitrarily
are those s to acquire deprived of his
who are Philippine nationality nor denied
citizens of citizenship, the right to change his
the or the nationality.”
Covenant on
Civil and
Political Rights
Article 24 of ICCPR
thereof provide for
the right of every
child "to acquire a
Article 2 thereof provides that a foundling found
in the territory of a Contracting State shall, in the
absence of proof to the contrary, be considered to
have been born within the territory of parents
possessing the nationality of that State.
NOTE: However, right to a public office is
Public office
XPN: Acceptance, however, is necessary to enable XPN: If it is for purposes of defense of the State
the appointee to have full possession, enjoyment, under Sec. 4, Art. 2 (also an XPN to the rule
and responsibility of an office. (Borromeo v against involuntary servitude). (Lacson v. Romero,
Mariano, G.R. No. L-16808, January 3, 1921; Lacson No. L- 3081, Oct. 14, 1949)
v. Romero, G.R. No. L-3081, October 14, 1949)
NOTE: An appointee cannot impose his own In ad interim appointments, steps 1, 3 and 4
conditions for the acceptance of a public office. He precede step 2.
may only either accept or decline it. (De Leon, For appointments which do not require
2014) confirmation, step 2 is skipped.
However, if the appointment is for a specific 4. Regular appointment – One made by the
period, the appointment may not be revoked President while Congress is in session, takes
until the expiration of the term. effect only after confirmation by the CA and,
once approved, continues until the end of the
NOTE: Acquisition of civil service eligibility term of the appointee.
will not automatically convert the temporary
appointment into a permanent one. (Prov. Of 5. Ad interim appointment– One made by the
Camarines Sur v. CA, G.R. No. 104639, July 14, President while Congress is not in session,
1995) which takes effect immediately, but ceases to
be valid if:
3. Provisional appointment – One which may be a. Disapproved by the CA or
issued, upon the prior authorization of the b. Upon the next adjournment of Congress,
Commissioner of the CSC, to a person who has either in regular or special session, the
not qualified in an appropriate examination CA has not acted upon it. (1990, 1994
but who otherwise meets the requirements for Bar)
appointment to a regular position in the
competitive service, whenever a vacancy Difference between Regular appointment, Ad interim
occurs and the filling thereof is necessary in appointment, Temporary appointment and
the interest of the service and there is no Designation
appropriate register of eligibles at the time of
appointment. (Jimenea v. Guanzon, G.R. No. L- TEMPO- DESIGNAT
24795, January 29, 1968) RARY or ION
Temporary Appointment vs. Provisional Made Made Lasts Mere
Appointment (1994 Bar) when when until a imposition
Congres Congress perm- of new or
TEMPORARY PROVISIONAL s is in is NOT in anent additional
APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT session. session. appointm duties to be
Issued to a person to Issued upon to the ent is performed
a position needed prior authorization of issued. by an
only for a limited CSC. [Sec 24(e), Civil officer in a
period not exceeing Service Act of 1959] special
twelve months. [Sec manner
24(d), Civil Service while he
Act of 1959] performs
Necessary in the Vacancy occurs and the
public interest to fill the filing thereof is function of
the vacancy. necessary in the his
interest of the service permanent
& there is no office.
appropriate register of Made Made Cannot The officer
eligible at the time of only before be validly is already
appointment. after the confirmat confirme in service
nominat d by the by virtue of
ion is ion of the CA an earlier the first instance by the Department Head, subject to
confirm CA. because appointme appeal to the CSC.
ed by there was nt
CA. no valid performing The protest must be for a cause (i.e. appointee is
nominati other not qualified; appointee was not the next-in-rank;
on functions. unsatisfactory reasons given by the appointing
Continu Shall May be Maybe authority in making the questioned appointment).
es until cease to terminat terminate The mere fact that the protestant has the more
the be valid if ed at the d anytime. impressive resume is not a cause for opposing an
expira dis-app- pleasure appointment. (Aquino v. CSC, G.R. No. 92403, April
-tion of -roved by of 22, 1992)
the CA or appointin
term. upon the g power Revocation vs. Recall of appointment
next without
adjourn- hearing Where an appointment requires the approval of
ment of or cause. the CSC, such appointment may be revoked or
Congress. withdrawn by the appointing authority any time
before the approval by the CSC.
Acting Appointment (2003 Bar)
After an appointment is completed, the CSC has
An acting appointment is merely temporary. the power to recall an appointment initially
(Sevilla v. CA, G.R. No. 88498, June 9, 1992) A approved on any of the following grounds:
temporary appointment cannot become a
permanent appointment, unless a new 1. Non-compliance with procedures/criteria in
appointment, which is permanent, is made. merit promotion plan;
(Marohombsar v. Alonto, G.R. No. 93711, February 2. Failure to pass through the selection board;
25, 1991) 3. Violation of existing collective relative
agreement to promotion;
However, if the acting appointment was made 4. Violation of CSC laws, rules and regulations.
because of a temporary vacancy, the temporary (Debulgado v. CSC, G.R. No. 111471, Sept. 26,
appointee holds office until the assumption of 1994)
office by the permanent appointee. In such case,
the appointing authority cannot use the acting Term vs. Tenure
appointment as a justification in order to evade
or avoid the security of tenure principle provided TERM TENURE
for under the Constitution and the Civil Service Fixed and definite period The period during
Law. (Gayatao v. CSC, G.R. No. 93064, June 22, of the time which the law which the
1992) prescribes that an office incumbent actually
may hold an office. holds the office.
Q: Can the CSC revoke an appointment by the It is not affected by It may be shorter
appointing power and direct the appointment holding over of the than term.
of an individual of its choice? incumbent after
expiration of the term for
A: NO. The CSC cannot dictate to the appointing which he was appointed
power whom to appoint. Its function is limited to or elected.
determining whether or not the appointee meets
the minimum qualification requirements NOTE: Term of office is different from the right to
prescribed for the position. Otherwise, it would hold office. The latter is the just and legal claim to
be encroaching upon the discretion of the hold and enjoy the powers and responsibilities of
appointing power. (Medalla v. Sto. Tomas, G.R. the office. (Casibang v. Aquino, G.R. No. L-38025,
94255, May 5, 1992) August 20, 1979)
NOTE: The qualifications for public office are DISABILITIES AND INHIBITIONS OF PUBLIC
continuing requirements and must be possessed OFFICERS
not only at the time of appointment or election or
assumption of office but during the officer’s Disqualifications attached to civil service
entire employees or officials
1. Losing candidate in any election
a. Cannot be appointed to any office in the
government or GOCCs or their Prohibitions imposed under the Constitution
subsidiaries; and against the holding of two or more positions
b. Period of disqualification: One year after
such election. A. Members of Congress shall not:
XPN: Losing candidates in barangay 1. Appear as counsel before any court, electoral
elections tribunal, or quasi-judicial and other
administrative bodies;
2. Elective officials: 2. Be interested in any contract with, or in any
GR:They are not eligible for appointment or franchise, or special privilege granted by the
designation in any capacity to any public Government, or any subdivision, agency or
office or position during their tenure. instrumentality thereof, including GOCCs, or
its subsidiary; or
XPN: May hold ex officio positions. 3. Intervene in any matter before any office of
E.g. The Vice President may be appointed as a the Government for his pecuniary benefit or
Cabinet member. where he may be called upon to act on
account of his office.
3. Appointive officials:
GR: Cannot hold any other office in the B. The President, Vice President, Members of the
government. or any agency or Cabinet, and their deputies or assistants, unless
instrumentality thereof, including GOCCs and otherwise allowed by the Constitution, shall
their subsidiaries. not:
1. Directly or indirectly practice any other
XPN: Unless otherwise allowed by law, or by profession; or
the primary functions of his position. 2. Participate in any business, or be financially
interested in any contract with, or in any
NOTE: The exception does not apply to franchise, or special privilege granted by the
Cabinet members, and those officers Government, or any subdivision, agency or
mentioned in Art. VII, Sec. 13. They are instrumentality thereof, including GOCCs, or
governed by the stricter prohibitions its subdivisions; shall avoid conflict of
contained therein. interest in the conduct of their office.
NOTE: “Specifically authorized” means a specific D. Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the
authority particularly directed to the officer or primary functions of his position, no
employee concerned. appointive official shall hold any other office or
employment in the Government or any
Pensions and gratuities, per diems and allowances subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof,
are not considered as additional, double, or including GOCCs or their subsidiaries. (1987
indirect compensation. (1987 Constitution, Art. IX- Constitution, Art. IX – B, Sec. 7; Flores v Drilon,
B, Sections 7-8) G.R. No. 104732 June 22, 1993)
E. No member of the armed forces in the active
3. Shall not collect any fee for their appearance activities. [1987 Constitution, Art. IX(B),
in administrative proceedings involving the Sec. 2(4)]
LGU of which he is an official; and
4. May not use property and personnel of the NOTE: Partisan political activity is an act
Government, except when defending the designed to promote the election or defeat
interest of the Government. of a particular candidate/s to a public
office. It is also known as “electioneering”.
Other prohibitions imposed on public officers (OEC, Sec. 79)
1. Prohibition against solicitation of gifts. [R.A. Officers or employees in the Civil Service
6713, Sec. 7(d) ] including members of the Armed Forces
cannot engage in such activity except to
NOTE: Public officers, however, may accept vote. They shall not use their official
the following gifts from foreign governments: authority or influence to coerce the
a. Gifts of nominal value received as political activity of any person. (1987
souvenir or mark of courtesy; Administrative Code, Book V, Title I,
b. Scholarship or fellowship grant or Subtitle A, Sec. 55)
medical treatment; or
c. Travel grants or expenses for travel Officers and employees in the Civil Service
outside the Philippines. [RA 6713, Sec. can nonetheless express their views on
7(d)] current political issues and mention the
names of the candidates they support.
2. Prohibition against partisan political
Q: De Vera, a Court Stenographer deliberately
and fraudulently, and for a consideration, understanding that such gift, favor or benefit shall
misrepresented her ability to assist the influence their official actions. De Vera thus
complainant in the adoption of her niece and violated her sacred oath as a court employee to
nephew. The Office of the Court Administrator serve the Judiciary with utmost loyalty and to
equated those acts as Grave Misconduct and preserve the integrity and reputation of the
dismissed De Vera from office. Is the OCA Judiciary as an institution dispensing justice to all.
correct? Her violation was made worse by her committing
it in exchange for easy money. She was thereby
A: YES. Section 2, Canon 1 of the Code of Conduct guilty of corruption. She compounded her guilt by
or Court Personnel has enjoined all court disobeying the orders of the Court requiring her
personnel from soliciting or accepting any gift, to explain herself. Under the circumstances, she
favor or benefit based on any or explicit committed grave misconduct which is punishable
by dismissal from service. (Galindez v. Susbilla-De
Vera, A.M. No. P-13-3126, February 4, 2014)
Rights and privileges of public officers NOTE: Absent of any showing of bad faith or
malice, every public official is entitled to the
Right to: presumption of good faith as well as
1. Office; regularity in the performance or discharge of
2. Compensation/salary; official duties. (Blaquera v. Alcala, G.R. No.
3. Appointment; 109406, September 11, 1998)
4. Vacation and sick leave;
5. Maternity leave; 4. Liability on contracts entered into in excess
6. Retirement pay; or without authority; and
7. Longevity pay; 5. Liability on tort if the public officer acted
8. Pension; beyond the limits of authority and there is
9. Self-organization; and bad faith. (USA v. Reyes, G.R. No. 79253, March
10. Protection of temporary employees. 1, 1993)
DE FACTO vs. DE JURE OFFICERS 3. The de facto officer is subject to the same
liabilities imposed on the de jure officer in the
De jure officer discharge of official duties, in addition to
whatever special damages may be due from
A de jure officer is one who is in all respects him because of his unlawful assumption of
legally appointed or elected and qualified to office; and
exercise the office. 4. The acts of the de facto public officer, insofar
as they affect the public, are valid, binding
De facto officer (2000, 2004, 2009, 2010 Bar) and with full legal effect.
A de facto officer is one who assumed office under Manner by which challenge to a de facto office
the color of a known appointment or election but is made
which appointment or election is void for reasons
that the officer was not eligible, or that there was 1. The incumbency may not be challenged
want of power in the electing body, or that there collaterally or in an action to which the de
was some other defect or irregularity in its facto officer is not a party;
exercise, wherein such ineligibility, want of 2. The challenge must be made in a direct
power, or defect being unknown to the public. proceeding where title to the office will be
the principal issue; and
De jure officer vs. De facto officer 3. The authorized proceeding is quo warranto
either by the Solicitor General in the name of
DE JURE OFFICER DE FACTO OFFICER the Republic or by any person claiming title
Has lawful title to Has possession of and to the office.
the office. performs the duties
under a colorable title Q: Ross ran as congressman of Cagayan
without being province. His opponent, Paulo, however, was
technically qualified in the one proclaimed as the winner by the
all points of law to act. COMELEC. Ross filed seasonably a protest
Holding of office Holding of office rests on before the HRET. After two years, the HRET
rests on right. reputation. reversed the COMELEC’s decision and Ross
Officer cannot be Officer may be ousted in was proclaimed finally as the duly elected
removed through a a direct proceeding Congressman. Thus, he had only one year to
direct proceeding against him. serve in Congress.
(quo warranto).
1. Can Ross collect salaries and allowances
Effects of the acts of de facto public officers from the government for the first two
years of his term as Congressman?
1. The lawful acts, so far as the rights of third 2. Should Paulo refund to the government
persons are concerned are, if done within the the salaries and allowances he had
scope and by the apparent authority of the received as Congressman?
office, are considered valid and binding; 3. What will happen to the bills that Paulo
2. The de facto officer cannot benefit from his alone authored and were approved by the
own status because public policy demands HoR while he was seated as Congressman?
that unlawful assumption of public office be Reason and explain briefly.
1. NO. Ross cannot collect salaries and
allowances from the government for the first him, and appropriated for the payment of his
two years of his term, because in the debts, because of the following reasons:
meanwhile Paulo collected the salaries and
allowances. Paulo was a de facto officer while 1. While it is still in the hands of the disbursing
he was in possession of the office. To allow officer, it belongs to the government;
Ross to collect the salaries and allowances 2. Public policy forbids such practice since it
will result in making the government pay a would be fatal to the public service; and
second time. 3. It would be tantamount to a suit against the
2. NO. Paulo is not required to refund to the State in its own court, which is prohibited,
government the salaries and allowances he except with its consent.
received. As a de facto officer, he is entitled to
the salaries and allowances because he De facto officer vs. Usurper
rendered services during his incumbency.
3. The bills which Paulo alone authored and
were approved by the House of
Representatives are valid because he was a
de facto officer during his incumbency. The
acts of a de facto officer are valid insofar as
the public is concerned. (Rodriguez v. Tan,
G.R. No. L-3913, August 7, 1952)
Where there is no
de jure public
officer, the officer 1. For members of SC and judges of lower courts
de facto who in – 70 years old
good faith has had 2. Gov't officers and employees – 65 years old
possession of the 3. Optional retirement – 60 years old and must
office and has have rendered at least 20 service years
discharged the
duties pertaining Resignation (2000 Bar)
thereto, is legally
entitled to the It is the act of giving up or declining a public office
emoluments of the and renouncing the further right to use such
office, and may, in office indefinitely. In order to constitute a
an appropriate complete and operative act of resignation, the
action, recover the officer or employee must show a clear intention
salary, fees and to relinquish or surrender his position
other accompanied by an act of relinquishment.
compensations Resignation implies of the intention to surrender,
attached to the renounce, relinquish the office. (Estrada v.
office. (Gen. Desierto, G.R. No. 146738, March 2, 2001)
Philippine Ports It must be in writing and accepted by the accepting
Authority v. authority as provided for by law.
Monserate, G.R.
No. 129616, April Accepting authorities for resignation
1. For appointed officers, the tender of
resignation must be given to the appointing
Modes of terminating official relationships
2. For elected officers, tender to officer
authorized by law to call an election to fill the
1. Expiration of term or tenure;
vacancy. The following authorized officers
2. Reaching the age limit for retirement;
3. Resignation;
4. Recall;
a. Respective chambers – For members of
5. Removal;
6. Abandonment;
b. President – For governors, vice-
7. Acceptance of an incompatible office;
governors, mayors and vice-mayors of
8. Abolition of office;
highly urbanized cities and independent
9. Prescription of the right to office;
component cities;
10. Impeachment;
c. Provincial governor – For municipal
11. Death;
mayors and vice-mayors, city mayors and
12. Failure to assume office;
vice-mayors of component cities;
13. Conviction of a crime; or
d. Sanggunian concerned – For sanggunian
14. Filing of a COC
members; and
e. Municipal/city mayors – For barangay
NOTE: Appointive officials, active members
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and
officers and employees of the GOCCs, shall be
Courtesy Resignation
resigned from his office upon the filing of his
COC. (Quinto v. COMELEC, February 22, 2010,
It cannot properly be interpreted as resignation
G.R. No. 189698)
in the legal sense for it is not necessarily a
reflection of a public official's intention to
Elective officials shall continue to hold office,
surrender his position. Rather, it manifests his
whether he is running for the same or a
submission to the will of the political authority
different position. (Fair Elections Act, Sec. 14
and the appointing power. (Ortiz V. COMELEC,
expressly repealed B.P. Blg. 881, Sec. 67)
G.R. No. 78957, June 28, 1988)
Age limit for retirement
Q: During the May 1998 election, petitioner
Sabrina was elected President while Limitations on recall
respondent Immaculate was elected Vice-
President. From the beginning of her term, 1. An elective official can be subjected to recall
petitioner was plagued by jueteng issues that only once; and
slowly eroded her popularity. Afterwards, the 2. No recall shall take place within one year
impeachment trial started and the people from the assumption of office or one year
conducted a 10-kilometer line holding lighted immediately preceding a regular local
candles in EDSA Shrine to symbolize their election. [R.A. No. 7160, Sec. 74 (b)]
solidarity in demanding Sabrina’s resignation.
On January 19, Sabrina agreed to the holding NOTE: For the time bar to apply, the
of a snap election for President. On January approaching local election must be one
20, Chief Justice Valentin administered the where the position of the official to be
oath to respondent Immaculate as President recalled is to be actually contested and filled
of the Philippines. On the same day, Sabrina by the electorate. (Angobung v. COMELEC,
issued a press statement that she was leaving G.R. No. 126576, March 5, 1997)
Malacañang Palace for the sake of peace and
in order to begin the healing process of the Effect of recall on the three-term limit rule
nation. It also appeared that on the same day, (2010 Bar)
she signed a letter stating that she was
transmitting a declaration that she was The three-term limit for local elected officials is
unable to exercise the powers and duties of not violated when a local official wins in a recall
his office and that by operation of law and the election for mayor after serving three full terms
Constitution, the Vice-President shall be the as mayor since the recall election is not
Acting President. Are the acts of Sabrina considered an immediate re-election, it is not
constitutive of resignation? counted for purposes of the three-term limit.
Term limits should be construed strictly to give
A: YES. Resignation is not a high level legal the fullest possible effect to the right of the
abstraction. It is a factual question and electorate to choose their leaders. (Socrates v.
its elements are beyond quibble: there must be an COMELEC, G.R. No. 154512, November 12, 2002)
intent to resign and the intent must be coupled by
acts of relinquishment (totality test). The validity Abandonment (2000 Bar)
of a resignation is not governed by any formal It is the voluntary relinquishment of an office by
requirement as to form. It can be oral, written, the holder with the intention of terminating his
express or implied. As long as the resignation is possession and control thereof.
clear, it must be given legal effect. (Estrada
v.Desierto, G.R. No. 146738, March 2, 2001) Q: Does the acceptance of an incompatible
office ipso facto vacate the other?
Removal A: GR: Yes.
It refers to the forcible and permanent separation XPN: Where such acceptance is authorized by law.
of the incumbent from office before the expiration
of the public officer's term. (Feria, Jr. v. Mison, G.R. NOTE: It is contrary to the policy of the law that
No. 8196, August 8, 1989) the same individual should undertake to perform
inconsistent and incompatible duties. He who,
Recall while occupying one office, accepts another
incompatible with the first, ipso facto, absolutely
It is an electoral mode of removal employed vacates the first office. That the second office is
directly by the people themselves through the inferior to the first does not affect the rule.
exercise of their right of suffrage. It is a political
question not subject to judicial review. It is a Q: Does the acceptance of an incompatible
political question that has to be decided by the office pertain to its physical impossibility?
people in their sovereign capacity. (Evardone v.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 94010, December 2, 1991) A: NO.The incompatibility contemplated is not
the mere physical impossibility of one person’s
NOTE: Recall only applies to local officials. performing the duties of the two offices due to a
lack of time or the inability to be in two places at
the same moment, but that which proceeds from
the nature and relations of the two positions to
each other as to give rise to contrariety and Propriety of Quo Warranto as a mode to
antagonism should one person attempt to remove an Impeachable Officer
faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of
one toward the incumbent of the other. The language of Section 2, Article XI of the
(Canonizado v. Aguirre, G.R. No. 133132, February Constitution does not foreclose a quo warranto
15, 2001) action against impeachable officers. The provision
uses the permissive term "may" which, in
Prescriptive period for petitions for statutory construction, denotes discretion and
reinstatement or recovery of public office cannot be construed as having a mandatory effect.
We have consistently held that the term "may" is
It must be instituted within one year from the indicative of a mere possibility, an opportunity or
date of unlawful removal from the office. Such an option. The grantee of that opportunity is
period may be extended on grounds of equity. vested with a right or faculty which he has the
option to exercise. An option to remove by
Period to take the oath of office to avoid impeachment admits of an alternative mode of
failure to assume office effecting the removal.
Failure to take the oath of office within six We hold, therefore, that by its tenor, Section 2,
months from proclamation of election shall cause Article XI of the Constitution allows the
the vacancy of the office UNLESS such failure is institution of a quo warranto action against an
for a cause beyond his control. (OEC. 881, Sec. 11) impeachable officer. After all, a quo warranto
petition is predicated on grounds distinct from
Termination of official relationship through those of impeachment. The former questions the
conviction by final judgment validity of a public officer's appointment while
the latter indicts him for the so-called
When the penalty imposed carries with it the impeachable offenses without questioning his
accessory penalty of disqualification. title to the office he holds. (Republic vs. Sereno,
G.R. No. 237428, May 11, 2018)
Quo Warranto
NOTE: The courts should be able to inquire into
It is a proceeding or writ issued by the court to the validity of appointments even of impeachable
determine the right to use an office, position or officers. To hold otherwise is to allow an absurd
franchise and to oust the person holding or situation where the appointment of an
exercising such office, position or franchise if his impeachable officer cannot be questioned even
right is unfounded or if a person performed acts when, for instance, he or she has been
considered as grounds for forfeiture of said determined to be of foreign nationality or, in
exercise of position, office, or franchise. offices where Bar membership is a qualification,
when he or she fraudulently represented to be a
NOTE: It is commenced by a verified petition member of the Bar. Unless such an officer
brought in the name of the Republic of the commits any of the grounds for impeachment and
Philippines or in the name of the person claiming is actually impeached, he can continue
to be entitled to a public office or position discharging the functions of his office even when
usurped or unlawfully held or exercised by he is clearly disqualified from holding it. Such
another. (Rules of Court, Rule 66, Sec. 1) would result in permitting unqualified and
ineligible public officials to continue occupying
Nature and purpose of quo warranto key positions, exercising sensitive sovereign
functions until they are successfully removed
It literally means “by what authority” and the from office through impeachment. This could not
object is to determine the right of a person to the have been the intent of the framers of the
use or exercise of a franchise or office and to oust Constitution. (ibid.)
the holder from its enjoyment, if his claim is not
well-founded, or if he has forfeited his right to Prescription does not lie against the State in
enjoy the office. (Tecson v. Comelec, G.R. No. Quo Warranto Proceedings
161434, March 3, 2004)
When the Solicitor General himself commences
the quo warranto action either (1) upon the
President's directive, (2) upon complaint or (3)
when the Solicitor General has good that (a) a person usurps,
reason to believe that there is proof
intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or exercises· a behind the rule providing a prescriptive
public office, position or franchise; (b) a public period for the filing of an action for quo
officer does or suffers an act which is a ground for warranto, reveals that such limitation can be
the forfeiture of his office; or (c) an association applied only against
acts as a corporation without being legally
incorporated or without lawful authority so to
act, he does so in the discharge of his task and
mandate to see to it that the best interest of the
public and the government are upheld. In these
three instances, the Solicitor General is mandated
under the Rules to commence the necessary quo
warranto petition.
The issue is legality of The issue is eligibility
the occupancy of the of the person elected.
office by virtue of a
legal appointment.
Grounds: usurpation, Grounds: ineligibility
forfeiture, or illegal or disqualification to
association. (Rules of hold the office. (OEC,
Court, Rule 66, Sec. 1) Sec. 253)
Presupposes that the Petition must be filed
respondent is already within 10 days from
actually holding office the proclamation of
and action must be the candidate.
commenced within one
year from cause of
ouster or from the time
the right of petitioner NOTE: Appointment to any vacancy shall be only
to hold office arose. for the unexpired term of the predecessor. In no
Petitioner is person Petitioner may be any case shall any Member be appointed or
entitled to office. voter even if he is not designated in a temporary or acting capacity.
entitled to the office. [1987 Constitution, Art. IX-B, Sec. 1(2)]
Person adjudged Actual or
entitled to the office compensatory Qualifications
may bring a separate damages are
action against the recoverable in quo 1. Natural-born citizen;
respondent to recover warranto proceedings 2. At least 35 years old at the time of
damages. (Rules of under the OEC. appointment;
Court, Rule 66, Sec. 11) 3. With proven capacity for public
administration; and
NOTE: If the dispute is as to the counting of votes or 4. Not a candidate in any election immediately
on matters connected with the conduct of the preceding the appointment. [1987
election, quo warranto is not the proper remedy but Constitution, Art. IX-B, Sec 1(1)]
an election protest. (Cesar v. Garrido, G.R. No. 30705,
March 25, 1929) Disqualifications
2. Closed Career positions are those which are The Non-Career Service shall be characterized by
scientific or highly technical in nature; these (1) entrance on bases other than those of the
include the faculty and academic staff of state usual tests of merit and fitness utilized for the
colleges and universities, and scientific and career service; and (2) tenure which is limited to
technical positions in scientific or research a period specified by law, or which is coterminous
institutions which shall establish and maintain with that of the appointing authority or subject to
their own merit systems; his pleasure, or which is limited to the duration of
a particular project for which purpose
3. Positions in the Career Executive Service (CES), employment was made.
namely Undersecretary, Assistant Secretary,
Bureau Director, Assistant Bureau Director, The Non-Career Service shall include:
Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director,
Chief of Department Service and other officers of 1. Elective officials and their personal or
equivalent rank as may be identified by the confidential staff;
Career Executive Service Board, all of whom are 2. Department Heads and other officials of
appointed by the President; Cabinet rank who hold positions at the pleasure
of the President and their personal or confidential
NOTE: For a position to be considered as CES, staff;
a. The position must be among those 3. Chairman and members of commissions and
enumerated under Book V, Title I, boards with fixed terms of office and their
Subtitle A, Chapter 2, Section 7(3) of the personal or confidential staff;
Administrative Code of 1987 or a 4. Contractual personnel or those whose
position of equal rank as those employment in the government is in accordance
enumerated and identified by the CESB to with a special contract to undertake a specific
be such position of equal rank; and work or job, requiring special or technical skills
b. The holder of the position must be a not available in the employing agency, to be
presidential appointee. (Seneres v. accomplished within a specific period, which in
Sabido, G.R. No. 172902, October 21, no case shall exceed one year, and performs or
2015) accomplishes the specific work or job, under his
own responsibility with a minimum of direction
Requisites for a CES employee to acquire and supervision from the hiring agency; and
security of tenure: 5. Emergency and seasonal personnel.
Security of tenure
It is the nature of the appointment that characterizes Security of tenure for Career Executive Service
security of tenure and not the nature of one’s duties (CES)
or functions.
Security of tenure in the CES is thus acquired with
Where the appointment is permanent, it is protected respect to rank and not to position. The guarantee
by the security of tenure provision. But if it is of security of tenure to members of the CES does
temporary or in an acting capacity, which can be not extend to the particular positions to which
terminated at any time, the officer cannot invoke the they may be appointed a concept which is
security of tenure. applicable only to first and second-level
employees in the civil service but to the rank to
NOTE: The holder of a temporary appointment which they are appointed by the President.
cannot claim a vested right to the station to which Within the CES, personnel can be shifted from one
assigned, nor to security of tenure thereat. Thus, he office or position to another without violation of
may be reassigned to any place or station. (Teotico v. their right to security of tenure because their
Agda, G.R. No. 87437, May 29, 1991) status and salaries are based on their ranks and
not on their
Attachment of security of tenure
jobs. (Seneres v. Sabido, G.R. No. 172902, October that his reassignment/transfer was not oftener than every
21, 2015) two years, among other conditions. (Seneres v. Sabido, ibid.)
Illustration: The position of NCC (National Security of tenure for non-competitive positions
Computer Center) Director General is a CES
position equivalent to Career Executive Service 1. Primarily confidential officers and employees hold office
Officer (CESO) Rank I. Seneres is already CES only for so long as confidence in them remains. If there is
eligible, but no President has yet appointed him genuine loss of confidence, there is no removal, but merely
to any CES rank (despite the previous the expiration of the term of office.
recommendation of the CESB for his 2. Non-career service officers and employees’ security of
appointment to CESO Rank I). Therefore, tenure is limited to a period specified by law, coterminous
Seneres's membership in the CES is still with the appointing authority or subject to his pleasure, or
incomplete. Falling short of one of the which is limited to the duration of a particular purpose.
qualifications that would complete his 3. Political appointees in Foreign Service possess tenure
membership in the CES, Seneres cannot coterminous with that of the appointing authority or
successfully interpose violation of security of subject to his pleasure.
tenure. His appointment to the position of NCC
Director General could only be construed as Instances where a transfer may be considered violative of
temporary, and he could be removed any time employee’s security of tenure
even without cause. Even assuming that he was
already conferred with a CES rank, his When the transfer is a preliminary step toward his removal, or
appointment would be permanent as to his CES a scheme to lure him away from his permanent position, or
rank only but not as to his position as NCC when it is designed to
Director General. As member of the CES, he
could be reassigned or transferred from one
position to another from one department,
bureau, or office to another provided that there
would be no reduction in his rank or salary and
indirectly terminate his service, or Q: May the courts determine the proper
force his resignation. Such a classification of a position in government? Is
transfer would in effect circumvent the position of corporate secretary in a GOCC
the provision that safeguards the primarily confidential in nature?
tenure of office of those who are in
the Civil Service. (CSC v. PACHEO, A: YES. The courts may determine the proper
G.R. No. 178021, January 25, 2012) classification of a position in government. A strict
reading of the law (E.O. 292) reveals that
NOTE: Acceptance of a temporary primarily confidential positions fall under the
appointment or assignment non-career service. The tenure of a confidential
without reservation or upon one’s employee is coterminous with that of the
own volition is deemed waiver of appointing authority, or is at the latter's pleasure.
security of tenure. (Palmera v. CSC, However, the confidential employee may be
G.R. No. 110168, August 4, 1994) appointed or remain in the position even beyond
the compulsory retirement age of 65 years.
Rules applicable to temporary
employees vis- a-vis security of Jurisprudence establishes that the Court is not
tenure bound by the classification of positions in the civil
service made by the legislative or executive
1. Not protected by security of branches, or even by a constitutional body like
tenure – can be removed the CSC. The Court is expected to make its own
anytime even without cause; determination as to the nature of a particular
2. If they are separated, this is position, such as whether it is a primarily
considered an expiration of confidential position or not, without being bound
term. But, they can only be by prior classifications made by other bodies.
removed by the one who
appointed them; and In fine, a primarily confidential position is
3. Entitled to such protection as characterized by the close proximity of the
may be provided by law. [1987 positions of the appointer and appointee as well
Constitution, Art. IX-B, Sec. 2(6)] as the high degree of trust and confidence
inherent in their relationship.
In the light of the instant controversy, the Court's and responsibilities as authorized by law
view is that the greater public interest is served if and usually accompanied by an increase
the position of a corporate secretary is classified in pay; [Revised Administrative Code of
as primarily confidential in nature. (CSC v. Javier, 1987, Title I-A, Book V, Chapter 5, Sec.
G.R. No. 173264, February 22, 2008) 26(2)]
3. Transfer – A movement from one position
PERSONNEL ACTIONS to another which is of equivalent rank,
level or salary without break in service
involving issuance of an appointment;
Any action denoting movement or progress of 4. Reinstatement – A person who has been
personnel in the civil service. (City Mayor permanently appointed to a position in
Debulgado v. CSC, G.R. No. 111471, September 26, the career service and who has, through
1994) no delinquency or misconduct, been
separated therefrom, may be reinstated
Personnel actions include to a position in the same level for which
he is qualified;
1. Appointment through Certification – It is 5. Reemployment – Persons who have been
issued to a person who has been selected appointed permanently to positions in
from a list of qualified persons certified by the career service and who have been
the Commission from an appropriate register separated as result of reduction in force
of eligible and who meets all other and or reorganization shall be entered in
requirements of the position; [Revised a list from which selection for
Administrative Code of 1987, Title I-A, Book V, reemployment shall be made; (The
Chapter 5, Sec. 26(2)] Revised Administrative Code of 1987,
2. Promotion – It is the movement from one Chapter 5, Book V, Title I-A, Sec. 26[5])
position to another with increase in duties 6. Detail – A movement of an employee from
one agency to another without issuance of an
appointment and shall be allowed, only for a such reassignment shall not involve a
limited period in the case of employees reduction in rank, status or salary; [Revised
occupying professional, technical and Administrative Code of 1987, Title I-A, Book V,
scientific positions; (The Revised Chapter 5, Sec. 26(7)]
Administrative Code of 1987, Chapter 5, Book 8. Demotion – A movement from one position to
V, Title I-A, Sec. 26[6]) another involving the issuance of an
7. Reassignment – An employee may be appointment with diminution in duties,
reassigned from one organizational unit to responsibilities, status or rank which may or
another in the same agency, provided that may not involve reduction in salary;
9. Secondment – It is the movement of an
employee from one department or agency to
another which is temporary in nature. It may
or may not require the issuance of an
appointment, and may involve an increase in
compensation and benefits. Acceptance of a
secondment is voluntary on the part of the
employee. The payment of salaries of a
seconded employee shall be borne by the
receiving agency and the seconded employee
shall be on leave without pay in his mother
agency for the duration of his secondment.
(Señeres v. Sabido, G.R. No. 172902, Oct. 21,
Disciplinary Action
1. Dishonesty;
2. Oppression;
3. Neglect of duty;
4. Misconduct;
5. Disgraceful and immoral conduct;
6. Discourtesy in the course of official duties;
7. Inefficiency and incompetence in the
performance of official duties;
8. Conviction of a crime involving moral
turpitude; Decisionfinding petitioner guilty of grave
9. Being notoriously undesirable; misconduct. Is the petitioner correct when it
10. Falsification of official documents; contended that the CA failed to appreciate
11. Habitual drunkenness; that there was no substantial evidence to
12. Gambling; warrant the meting out of the extreme penalty
13. Refusal to perform official duty or render of dismissal from service?
overtime service;
14. Physical or mental incapacity due to immoral A: NO. Misconduct generally means wrongful,
or vicious habits; and improper or unlawful conduct motivated by a
15. Willful refusal to pay just debts or willful premeditated, obstinate or intentional purpose. It
failure to pay taxes. is a transgression of some established and
definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a
Q: The Office of the Court Administrator dereliction of duty. Qualified by the term
recommends that Cesare Sales be dismissed “gross,”it means conduct that is“ out of all
from service in the Judiciary despite his 17 measure beyond allowance; flagrant; shameful;
years length of service on the ground of such conduct as is not to be excused.” We find
habitual tardiness. The Report submitted that the evidence on record demonstrates a
shows that Sales had always been tardy in pattern of negligence and gross misconduct on
going to the office for the months of January to the part of the petitioner that fully satisfies the
September 2011. In addition, he was on standard of substantial evidence. Substantial
several sick leaves, forced leaves, and evidence is such amount of relevant evidence that
vacation leaves. On the days he was on leave, a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
he indicated in his DTRs "sick leave applied," support a conclusion. (Hallasgo v. Commission on
"vacation leave applied" or "forced leave Audit, G.R. No. 171340, September 11, 2009)
applied." In his comment, Sales admitted his
frequent tardiness in going to the office but Q: In 1993, Macario Catipon filed an
pleaded that he be given consideration by the application to take the Career Service
Court. Should Sales be dismissed from service Professional Examination (CPSE), believing
on the ground of habitual tardiness? that the CSC still allowed applicants to
substitute the length of their government
A:YES. Under CSC Memorandum Circular No. 04, service for any academic deficiency which
s. 1991, an officer or employee shall be they may have. When he passed, he was later
considered habitually tardy if he is late for work, promoted to Senior Analyst and Officer-in-
regardless of the number of minutes, ten (10) Charge Branch Head of the SSS Bangued. In
times a month for at least two (2) months in a October 1995, he finally eliminated his
semester, or at least two (2) consecutive months deficiency of 1.5 units in Military Science.
during the year. In the case of Sales, he had
continuously incurred tardiness during the In 2003, he was charged with Dishonesty,
months of January to September 2011 for more Falsification of Official documents, Grave
than 10 times each month, except during the Misconduct and Conduct Prejudicial to the
month of March when he only came in late 10 Best Interest of the Service by the CSC-CAR for
times. (Re: Habitual tardiness of Cesare Sales, MTC making deliberate false entries in his CSPE
Office of Clerk of Court, Manila, A.M. No. P-13- application. The CSC exonerated Catipon from
3171, January 28, 2014) the offense charged but found him guilty of
Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of
Q: Hallasgo was the Municipal Treasurer of Service. Catipon appealed the judgment
the Municipality of Damulog, Bukidnon and directly to the Court of Appeals, but the
was accused before the Office of the Deputy petition was dismissed for violating the
Ombudsman for Mindanao of unauthorized doctrine of administrative remedies.
withdrawal of monies of the public treasury
amounting to malversation of public funds by 1. Is the CA correct?
outgoing and incumbent officials of the 2. Should Catipon be exonerated of the latter
municipality. The Office of the Ombudsman offense?
for Mindanao determined that it could not
make a complete evaluation of the issues A: 1. YES. It is the Civil Service Commission
without conducting an extensive audit. The Proper, which shall have jurisdiction over
Deputy Ombudsman for Mindanao issued a decisions of Civil Service Regional Offices. It is
the decision of the Commission Proper that may that tarnish the image and integrity of the
be brought to the CA on petition for review, under public office, even if it not be related or
Section 50 of MC 19. Indeed, the administrative connected to the public
agency concerned is in the "best position to
correct any previous error committed in its
instrumentalities, and agencies, including The Disciplining Authority is the President of the Philippines,
government-owned or -controlled corporations whether acting by himself or through the Executive Secretary.
with original charters. It has the authority to hear The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government is the
and decide administrative disciplinary cases Investigating Authority, who may act by himself or constitute an
instituted directly with it or brought to it on Investigating Committee. The Secretary of the DILG, however, is
appeal and to enforce or order execution of its not the exclusive Investigating Authority. In lieu of the DILG
decisions, resolutions or orders. (De Leon, 2014) Secretary, the Disciplining Authority may designate a Special
Investigating Committee.
Supreme Court upheld the authority of the Civil
Service Commission to hear and decide a The President as Disciplinary Authority
complaint filed by the CSC itself against
petitioners. In this case, the acts complained of The power to discipline evidently includes the power to
arose from cheating allegedly committed by the investigate. As the Disciplining Authority, the President has the
petitioners in the civil service examination. The power derived from the Constitution itself to investigate
examination was under the direct control and complaints against local government officials. A.O. No. 23,
supervision of the Commission. The culprits were however, delegates the power to investigate. The President
government employees over whom the remains the Disciplining Authority. What is delegated is the
Commission undeniably has jurisdiction. (Cruz v. power to investigate, not the power to discipline.
Civil Service Commission, G.R, No. 144464,
November 27, 2001) Note: A Presidential appointee is under the direct disciplinary
authority of the President (Villaluz v. Zaldivar, G.R. No. L-22754,
Jurisdiction over administrative disciplinary December 31, 1965)
actions against elective local officials.
1. Appeal is available if the penalty is: NOTE: In the second case, the decision becomes
a. Demotion; final and executory by express provision of law.
c. Suspension for more than REINSTATEMENT AND BACK SALARIES
30 days or fine equivalent
to more than 30 day salary. Availability of the services of the Solicitor
[P.D. 807, Sec.37(a)] General
NOTE: Decisions are initially If the public official is sued for damages arising
appealable to the department heads out of a felony for his own account, the State is
and then to the CSC. Only the not liable and the Solicitor General is not
respondent in the administrative authorized to represent him therefore. The
disciplinary case, not the Solicitor General may only do so in suits for
complainant, can appeal to the CSC damages arising not from a crime but from the
from an adverse decision. The performance of a public officer’s duties. (Vital-
complainant in an administrative Gozon v. CA, G.R No. 101428, August 5, 1992)
disciplinary case is only a witness,
and as such, the latter cannot be The Office of the Solicitor General can represent
considered as an aggrieved party the public official at the preliminary investigation
entitled to appeal from an adverse of his case, and that if an information is eventually
decision. (Mendez v. CSC, G. R. No. filed against the said public official, the said Office
95575, December 23, 1991) may no longer represent him in the litigation.
(Anti-Graft League v. Ortega, G.R. No. L-33912,
2. Appeal is NOT available if the penalty is: September 11, 1980)
a. Suspension for not more than 30 days;
b. Fine not more than 30 day salary;
c. Censure; Nature of preventive suspension
Preventive suspension pending investigation Not a penalty but only a Punitive in character
vs. preventive suspension pending appeal means of enabling the
disciplinary authority
an unhampered
After the lapse of If exonerated, he
90 days, the law should be reinstated
provides that he be with full pay for the
automatically period of suspension
During such preventive If during the appeal
suspension, the he remains
employee is not suspended and the
entitled to payment of penalty imposed is
salaries only reprimand, the
suspension pending
appeal becomes
illegal and he is
entitled to back
corresponding to the
period of
Impeachable officers
1. President;
2. Vice-President;
3. Members of the Supreme Court;
4. Members of the Constitutional Commissions;
5. Ombudsman.
g. A vote of at least 1/3 of all the members G.R. No. 193459, February 15, 2011)
of the House of Representatives shall be
necessary either to affirm a favorable The Senate has the sole power to try and decide all cases of
resolution with the Articles of impeachment. [1987 Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 3(6)] Hence,
Impeachment of the committee or judgment in an impeachment proceeding is normally not
override its contrary resolution. [(1987 subject to judicial review.
Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 3 (2-3)]
XPN: Courts may annul the proceedings if there is a showing of
4. Trial and Decision in impeachment a grave abuse of discretion or non- compliance with the
proceedings procedural requirements of the Constitution.
a. The Senators take an oath or affirmation;
and Determination of sufficiency of form and substance of an
impeachment complaint
NOTE: When the President of the
Philippines shall be impeached, the Chief An exponent of the express constitutional grant of rulemaking
Justice of the Supreme Court shall powers of the HoR.
preside, otherwise the Senate President
shall preside in all other cases of In the discharge of that power and in the exercise of its
impeachment. (Senate Resolution No. discretion, the House has formulated determinable standards as
890) to form and substance of an impeachment complaint.
Furthermore, the impeachment rules are clear in echoing the
b. A decision of conviction must be constitutional requirements in providing that there must be a
concurred in by at least 2/3 of all the “verified complaint or resolution” and that the substance
members of Senate. requirement is met if there is “a recital of facts constituting the
offense charged and determinative of the jurisdiction of
NOTE: The power to impeach is essentially a non-
legislative prerogative and can be exercised by
Congress only within the limits of the authority
conferred upon it by the Constitution. (Gutierrez
v. House of Representatives Committee on Justice,
the committee.” (Gutierrez v. House Constitution upon the initiation of
of Representatives Committee on impeachment proceedings
Justice, G.R. No. 193459, February
15, 2011) 1. The House of Representatives shall have the
exclusive power to initiate all cases of
Power of the HoR to determine impeachment; and
the sufficiency of form and 2. Not more than one impeachment proceeding
substance of an impeachment shall be initiated against the same official within a
complaint period of one year (One-year bar rule).
initiating step which triggers the series of steps functions and duties. Similarly, Congress
that follow. The term “to initiate” refers to the should run only one impeachment proceeding
filing of the impeachment complaint coupled with so as not to leave it with little time to attend to
Congress’ taking initial action of said complaint. its main work of law-making. (Gutierrez v. The
(Francisco v. House of Rep., G.R. No. 160261, Nov. House of Representatives Committee on Justice,
10, 2003) ibid.)
One-year bar rule (2014 Bar) Purpose of the one-year bar rule
Initiation takes place by the act of filing of the 1. To prevent undue or too frequent
impeachment complaint and referral to the harassment; and
House Committee on Justice. Once an 2. To allow the legislature to do its principal
impeachment complaint has been initiated in the task of legislation. (Francisco v. House of
foregoing manner, another may not be filed Representatives supra.)
against the same official within the one year
period. (Gutierrez v. HoR Committee on Justice, The consideration behind the intended
ibid.) limitation refers to the element of time, and
not the number of complaints. The
NOTE: The limitation refers to the element of impeachable officer should defend himself in
time, and not the number of complaints. The only one impeachment proceeding, so that he
impeachable officer should defend himself in only will not be precluded from performing his
one impeachment proceeding, so that he will not official functions and duties. Similarly,
be precluded from performing his official Congress should run only one impeachment
proceeding so as not to leave it with little time to
attend to its main work of law- making. The Effects of conviction in impeachment (2012
doctrine laid down in Francisco that initiation Bar)
means filing and referral remains congruent to
the rationale of the constitutional provision. 1. Removal from office;
(Gutierrez v. The House of Representatives 2. Disqualification to hold any other office
Committee on Justice, supra) under the Republic of the Philippines; and
3. Party convicted shall be liable and subject to
NOTE: Congress may look into separate prosecution, trial and punishment according
complaints against an impeachable officer and to law. [1987 Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 3 (7)]
consider the inclusion of matters raised therein,
in the adoption of the Articles of Impeachment. Q: Can a Supreme Court Justice be charged in a
(Francisco v. House of Representatives, et. al., criminal case or disbarment proceeding
supra) instead of an impeachment proceeding?
1. The Ombudsman;
2. One overall Deputy;
3. At least one Deputy each for Luzon, Visayas
and Mindanao; and
4. One Deputy for the military establishment.
(1987 Philippine Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 5)
Term of office
5. The Ombudsman has been conferred rule without its advice and concurrence. (Carpio- Morales v.
making power to govern procedures under it; Binay, Jr., ibid.)
(Buencamino v. CA, GR 175895, April 12,
2007) Delegability of the powers of the Ombudsman
6. A preventive suspension will only last 90 The power to investigate or conduct a preliminary investigation
days, not the entire duration of the criminal on any Ombudsman case may be exercised by an investigator or
case; (Villasenor v. Sandiganbayan G.R. No. prosecutor of the Office of the Ombudsman, or by any Provincial
180700, March 4, 2008) or City Prosecutor or their assistants, either in their regular
capacities or as deputized Ombudsman prosecutors. (Honasan
7. Sec 14, first paragraph, of the Ombudsman II v. Panel of Investigators of the DOJ, G.R. No. 159747, June 15,
Act, which says, “No writ of injunction shall be 2004)
issued by any court to delay an investigation
being conducted by the Ombudsman under NOTE: While the Ombudsman’s power to investigate is primary,
this Act, unless there is a prima facie evidence it is not exclusive and, under the Ombudsman Act of 1989, he
that the subject matter of the investigation is may delegate it to others and take it back any time he wants to.
outside the jurisdiction of the Office of the (Acop v. Ombudsman, G.R. No. 120422, September 27, 1995)
until SC issues a procedural rule on the Power of the Ombudsman to directly dismiss a public
matter; and (Carpio-Morales v. CA, G.R. No. officer
217126-27, November 10, 2015)
Under Sec. 13(3) of Art. XI, the Ombudsman can only
8. Sec 14, second paragraph, of the Ombudsman recommend to the officer concerned the removal of a public
Act, which says, “No court shall hear any officer or employee found to be administratively liable.
appeal or application for remedy against the (Tapiador v. Office of the Ombudsman, G.R. No. 129124. March
decision or findings of the Ombudsman, except 15, 2002) Be
the Supreme Court, on pure question of law” is
UNCONSTITUTIONAL for it attempts to
effectively increase SC’s appellate jurisdiction
that as it may, the refusal, without power of the Military Deputy to investigate
just cause, of any officer to comply members of the civilian police has also been
with such an order of the affirmed. (Acop v. Ombudsman, G.R. No. 120422,
Ombudsman to penalize erring September 27, 1995)
officer or employee is a ground for
disciplinary action. Thus, there is a The Ombudsman may still investigate even if
strong indication that the the private complainants lack sufficient
Ombudsman’s recommendation is personal interest in the subject matter of
not merely advisory in nature but grievance
actually mandatory within the
bounds of law. This should not be Sec 20 of R.A. 6770 has been clarified by the Rules
interpreted as usurpation of the of Procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman.
Ombudsman of the authority of the Under, Sec 4, Rule III thereof, even if the ground
head of office or any officer raised is the supposed lack of sufficient personal
concerned. It has long been settled interest of complainants in the subject matter of
that the power of the Ombudsman the grievance under Sect 20(4) [R.A. 6770], the
to investigate and prosecute any dismissal on that ground is not mandatory and
illegal act or omission of any public is discretionary on the part of the Ombudsman
official is not an exclusive authority, or Deputy Ombudsman evaluating the
but a shared or concurrent administrative complaint. The Ombudsman
authority in respect of the offense cannot be faulted for exercising its discretion
charged. (Ledesma v. CA, G.R. No. under Sec 20 of R.A. 6670, which allows the
161629, July 29, 2005) Ombudsman to decide not to conduct the
necessary investigation of any administrative act
Power of the Military Deputy or omission complained of, if it believes that the
Ombudsman to investigate complainant has no sufficient personal interest in
civilian police the subject matter of the grievance. (Bueno v.
Office of the Ombudsman, G.R. No. 191712,
Since the power of the Ombudsman September 17, 2014)
is broad and the Deputy
Ombudsman acts under the Q: Can the claim of confidentiality prevent the
direction of the Ombudsman, the Ombudsman from demanding the production
of documents needed for their investigation?
A: NO. In Almonte v. Vasquez, G.R. No. 95367, May 1. Are contrary to law or regulation;
23, 1995,the Court said that where the claim of 2. Are unreasonable, unfair, oppressive or
confidentiality does not rest in the need to protect discriminatory;
military, diplomatic or the national security 3. Are inconsistent with the general course
secrets but on general public interest in of an agency's functions, though in
preserving confidentiality, the courts have accordance with law;
declined to find in the Constitution an absolute 4. Proceed from a mistake of law or an
privilege even for the President. arbitrary ascertainment of facts;
5. Are in the exercise of discretionary
Moreover, even in cases where matters are really powers but for an improper purpose; or
confidential, inspection can be done in camera. 6. Are otherwise irregular, immoral or
devoid of justification.
PROCEEDINGS In the exercise of its duties, the Ombudsman is
given full administrative disciplinary
Authority of the Ombudsman in reviewing authority. His power is not limited merely to
Administrative proceedings receiving, processing complaints, or
recommending penalties. He is to conduct
Sec. 19 of the Ombudsman Act further enumerates investigations, hold hearings, summon
the types of acts covered by the authority granted witnesses, and require production of evidence
to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman shall act on and place respondents under preventive
all complaints relating, but not limited to acts or suspension. This includes the power to
omissions which: impose the penalty of removal, suspension,
demotion, fine, or censure of a public officer
or employee. (Ombudsman v. Galicia, G.R. No.
NOTE: Appeals from resolutions of the Office of Authority of the Ombudsman in reviewing
the Ombudsman in administrative disciplinary penal proceedings
cases should be taken to the Court of Appeals via
Petition for Review under Rule 43 of the Rules of In the exercise of its investigative power, the
Court . (Fabian v. Desierto, G.R. No. 129742, Court has consistently held that courts will not
September 16, 1998) interfere with the discretion of the fiscal or the
Ombudsman to determine the specificity and
adequacy of the averments of the offense charged.
He may dismiss the complaint forthwith if he
finds it to be insufficient in form and substance or
if he otherwise finds no ground to continue with
the inquiry; or he may proceed with the
investigation of the complaint if, in his view, it is
in due and proper form. (Ocampo v. Ombudsman,
G.R. No. 103446-47, August 30, 1993)
this instance) is exercised not by the Secretary of members of the sangguniang panlalawigan and
Justice but by the Tanodbayan because the provincial
offense/s charged were allegedly committed by a
public functionary in connection with her office.
(De Leon, 2014)
to the government or bribery arising from the Determination of the jurisdiction of the
same or closely related transactions or acts in an Sandiganbayan
amount not exceeding One million pesos
(P1,000,000.00). (R.A. 10660, Sec. 2) It shall be determined by the allegations in the
information specifically on whether or not the
NOTE: In case private individuals are charged as acts complained of were committed in relation
co-principals, accomplices or accessories with the to the official functions of the accused. It is
public officers or employees, they shall be tried required that the charge be set forth with
jointly with said public officers and employees. particularity as will reasonably indicate that
(PD 1606, Sec. 4) the exact offense which the accused is alleged
to have committed is one in relation to his
Private persons may be charged together with office. (Lacson v. Executive Secretary¸ G.R. No.
public officers to avoid repeated and unnecessary 128096, January 20, 1999)
presentation of witnesses and exhibits against
conspirators in different venues, especially if the Jurisdiction over the violation of R.A. No.
issues involved are the same. It follows therefore 9165 committed by a public official with
that if a private person may be tried jointly with Salary Grade 31 during incumbency
public officers, he may also be convicted jointly
with them. (Balmadrid v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. A plain reading of R.A. 9165, as of R.A. 6425,
L-58327, March 22, 1991) will reveal that jurisdiction over drug-related
cases is exclusively vested with the Regional
Trial Court and no other. The clear intent of the
legislature not only to retain the "exclusive committed in relation to office. The power of the
original jurisdiction" of the RTCs over violations Sandiganbayan to sit in judgment of high-ranking
of the drugs law but to segregate from among the government officials is not omnipotent. The
several RTCs of each judicial region some RTCs Sandiganbayan's jurisdiction is circumscribed by
that will "exclusively try and hear cases involving law and its limits are currently defined in R.A.
violations of [R.A. 9165)." If at all, the change 10660.
introduced by the new phraseology of Section 90,
R.A. 9165 is not the deprivation of the RTCs' Section 4(b) of P.D. 1606, as amended by R.A.
"exclusive original jurisdiction" but the further 10660, is the general law on jurisdiction of the
restriction of this "exclusive original jurisdiction. Sandiganbayan over crimes and offenses
The exclusive original jurisdiction over violations committed by high-ranking public officers in
of R.A. 9165 is not transferred to the relation to their office; Section 90, R.A. 9165 is the
Sandiganbayan whenever the accused occupies a special law excluding from the Sandiganbayan's
position classified as Grade 27 or higher, jurisdiction violations of R.A. 9165 committed by
regardless of whether the violation is alleged as such public officers. In the latter case, jurisdiction
is vested upon the RTCs designated by the
Supreme Court as drugs court, regardless of
whether the violation of R.A. 9165 was committed
in relation to the public officials' office. (De Lima
v. Guerrero, G.R. No. 229781, October 10, 2017)
Voting requirement
Administrative Law
Scope of Suffrage
Scope of Suffrage
Components of an election
foregoing, the member of an XPN: No registration
irregularities accredited shall be conducted
surrounding citizen’s arm during the period
Xander’s using the data starting 120 days
application for supplied by before a regular
registration the applicant. election and 90 days
eloquently The fact of before a special
proclaims that illiteracy or election. (R.A. 8189,
he did not disability shall Sec. 8)
comply with the be so
minimum indicated in Q: Kabataan Party-
requirements of the List assailed the
RA 8189. This application constitutionality of
leads to only (R.A. 8189, RA 10367, which
one conclusion: Sec. 14). directs COMELEC to
that Xander, not implement a
having NOTE: R.A. mandatory
demonstrated 9369 (The biometrics
that he duly Poll registration system
accomplished Automation for new voters and
an application Law) now those registered
for registration, defines a voters whose
is not a disabled voter biometrics have not
registered as “a person been captured shall
voter. Hence, he with impaired submit themselves
must be capacity to use for validation. In
disqualified to the Automated compliance,
run for Mayor. Election COMELEC
(Gunsi Sr. v. System” implemented rules
COMELEC, G.R. [Sec.2(1)]. and regulations
No. 168792, prescribing the
February 23, procedure for
2009) Kinds of validation,
registration deactivation, and
Illiterate and system reactivation of voters’
disabled voters
1. Continuing;
Any illiterate and
person may 2. Computerize
register with d.
the assistance
of the Election System of
Officer or any continuing
member of an registration
citizen’s arms. GR: It is a
The application system where
for registration the
of a physically application of
disabled person registration of
may be voters shall be
prepared by any conducted
relative within daily in the
the fourth civil office hours of
degree of the election
consanguinity officer during
or affinity or by regular office
the Election hours.
Officer or any
registration records (VRRs). Kabataan Party-
List claimed that RA 10367 is unconstitutional 1. Any person who has been sentenced by final
because biometric validation is not different judgment to suffer imprisonment for not less
from the unconstitutional requirement of than one year, such disability not having been
literacy and property because mere non- removed by plenary pardon or amnesty;
validation already absolutely curtails the
exercise of the right of suffrage through NOTE: The right to vote may be
deactivation. Is RA 10367 unconstitutional? automatically reacquired upon expiration of
fiveyears after service of sentence as certified
A: NO. The Court ruled that the right to vote is not by the clerk of court.
a natural right but is a right created by law.
Suffrage is a privilege granted by the State to such 2. Any person who has been adjudged by a final
persons or classes as are most likely to exercise it judgment by a competent court or tribunal pf
for the public good. A registration requirement having caused/committed any crime
rises to the level of a literacy, property or other involving disloyalty to the duly constituted
substantive requirement as contemplated by the government such as rebellion, sedition,
Framers of the Constitution - that is, one which violation of the anti-subversion and firearm
propagates a socio-economic standard which is laws, or any crime against national security,
bereft of any rational basis to a person's ability to unless restored to his full civil and political
intelligently cast his vote and to further the public rights in accordance with law;
good - the same cannot be struck down as
unconstitutional. Court definitively characterized NOTE: The right to vote may be regained
registration as a form of regulation and not as a automatically upon expiration of five years
qualification for the right of suffrage – “biometrics after service of sentence.
refers to a quantitative analysis that provides a
positive identification of an individual such as 3. Any person declared by competent authority
voice, photograph, fingerprint, signature, iris, to be insane or incompetent unless such
and/or such other identifiable features." disqualification has been subsequently
(Kabataan Partylist v. COMELEC, G.R. No. removed by a declaration of a proper
189868, December 15, 2009, PER J. PERLAS- authority that such person is no longer
BERNABE) insane or incompetent;
Book of voters 4. Any person who did not vote in the two
successive preceding regular elections as
Classified as permanent whereby each precinct shown by their voting records. For this
shall have a permanent list of all registered voters purpose, regular elections do not include SK
residing within the territorial jurisdiction of the elections;
5. Any person whose registration has been
Grounds for alteration ordered excluded by the Court;
10590, Sec. R.A. 9189) abroad, as
4, amending verified by the It refers to any
Philippine person aspiring
2. Qualifications retained their embassies, for or seeking an
Philippine consulates or elective public
a. Filipino citizenship Foreign office, who has
citizens under R.A. Service filed a Certificate
abroad; 9225; establishments of Candidacy
b. At least 18 c. Those who concerned, (CoC) by himself
years of have unless such or through an
age on the committed competent accredited
day of and are authority political party,
elections; convicted in a subsequently aggroupment or
and final judgment certifies that coalition of
c. Not by a such person is parties[OEC,Sec.
otherwise Philippine no longer 79(a)].
disqualifie court or insane or
d by law. tribunal of an incompetent Any person may
offense (R.A. 10590, thus file a CoC on
punishable by Sec. 5, any day within
3. Disqualificatio imprisonment amending R.A. the prescribed
ns of not less 9189). period for filing a
than one year, CoC, yet that
a. Those such disability person shall be
who not having considered a
have lost been removed DETAINEE VOTING candidate, for
their by plenary purposes of
Filipino pardon or Detainee voting (either determining
citizensh amnesty: through the special one’s possible
ip in Provided, polling place inside jails violations of
accordan however, that or escorted voting) may election laws,
ce with any person be availed of by any only during the
Philippin disqualified to registered detainee campaign period.
e laws; vote under whose registration is (Penera v.
b. Those this not COMELEC, G.R.
who subsection transferred/deactivate No. 181613,
have shall d/ cancelled/ deleted. November 25,
expressl automatically (Sec. 1 of Resolution No. 2009; R.A. 9369,
y acquire the 9371, March 6,2012, Poll Automation
renounc right to vote COMELEC.) Law, Sec. 15)
ed their upon the
e five years OF CANDIDATES
citizensh after service
ip and of sentence; *See Resolution No. 9371 Qualifications of Candidates
who and dated March 6,2012
have d. Any citizen of I. National level
pledged the
allegianc Philippines A. For President and Vice-
e to a abroad CANDIDACY President
foreign previously 1. Natural-born citizen;
country, declared Candidate 2. At least
except insane or 40 years
those incompetent old on
who by competent the day
have authority in of the
reacquir the election;
ed or Philippines or 3. Able to read and write;
4. Registered voter; and
b s an g the day
o h on of the
r a e election;
n ll ye 4. Able to read and write;
b ar and
c e im 5. At least
i e m 25 years
t l ed old on
i e iat the day
z c el of the
e t y election.
n e pr (1987
; d ec Constitut
2. R ; ed ion, Art.
e 3. R in VI, Sec.
g e 6)
i s
s i B. For Governor, y
t d Vice Governor, preceding
e e Mayor, Vice- Mayor, the day of
r n Punong Barangay the
e t and Sangguniang election;
d o Members (1994, 4. Able to
f 2005 Bar) read and
v t write
o h 1. Citizen of Filipino
t e the or any
e s Philippines other
r a ; local
m 2. Registered language
i e voter in the or dialect.
n d barangay, (R.A.
i municipalit 7160
t s y, city, or Local
h t province Governm
e r or, in the ent Code
i case of a of the
d c member of Philippin
i t the es, Sec.
s f Sanggunia 39)
t o ng
r Panlalawig NOTE:
i a an, 1.Congress may
c p Sanggunia not add to
t e ng qualifications for
r Panlungsod elective officials
i , or provided in the
o Sanggunia Constitution; and
d ng Bayan, 2. Qualifications
n the district prescribed by law
w where he are continuing
h o
t intends to requirements and
i be elected; must be
c l
e 3. Resident possessed for the
h therein for duration of the
s at least one officer’s active
h year tenure. (Frivaldo
e immediatel v. COMELEC, G.R.
he has been imprison candidate; OEC with regard to
sentenced ment 17. Violation of Sec. 73 CoC; or
to a penalty within
of 18 two years 18. Violation of the Ombudsman. Is
months after Sec. 78 Dimapilis barred to run due
imprisonm serving on to his misrepresentation he
ent; sentence; material committed in his COC?
3. Convicted 10. Removed misrepresentation
by final from in the COC. A: YES, because of the material
judgment office as a misrepresentation and a COC
for a crime result of Effect of an unsworn is a formal requirement for
involving an renunciation of eligibility to public office. A
moral administr foreign citizenship person intending to run for
turpitude; ative case; office must not only possess
4. Election 11. Convicted Failure to renounce the required qualifications for
offenses under by final foreign citizenship in the position for which he
Sec. 261 of the judgment accordance with the intends to run but must also
OEC; for exact tenor of Sec. 5(2)
violating possess none of the grounds
5. Committin of R.A. 9225 renders a for disqualification under the
g acts of the oath dual citizen ineligible to
of law. In this case Dimapilis was
terrorism run for and thus hold
allegiance found guilty of Grave
to enhance any elective public
to the Misconduct and its penalty is
candidacy office. (Sobejana-
Republic; perpetual disqualification from
6. Spending Condon v. COMELEC,
in his 12. Dual holding public office and the
citizenshi G.R. No. 198742, August COMELEC has the legal duty to
election 10, 2012)
campaign p (more enforce and administer laws
an amount specificall relative to the conduct of an
y, dual Q: Joseph Dimapilis election and under Sec. 78 of
in excess of
that allegiance was elected as Punong the OEC the COMELEc has the
allowed; ) Barangay of Brgy. legal duty to cancel the COC of
7. Soliciting, 13. Fugitives Pulung Maragul in anyone who is suffering from
receiving, from October 2010 and in the penalty of special
or making justice in 2013 he ran for re- disqualification to run for
prohibited criminal election for the same public office by virtue of final
contributio or non- position and won. judgment. (Joseph C.
ns; political When he filed his COC, Dimapilis vs. COMELEC, GR
8. Not cases here he declared under NO. 227158, April 18, 2017,
possessing or abroad; oath that he is eligible PER, J. PERLAS-BERNABE)
qualificatio 14. Permanen for the office that he
ns and t seeks to be elected. A FILING OF CERTIFICATES
possessing residents petition for OF CANDIDACY
disqualifica in a Disqualification was
tions under foreign filed against Mr.
country EFFECT OF
the Local Dimapilis on the FILING
Governmen or those ground that he was
t Code; who have barred from running
acquired No person shall be eligible for
9. Sentenced in an election since he any elective public office
by final the right was suffering from
to reside unless he files a sworn
judgment the accessory penalty certificate of
for an abroad
of perpetual
offense and
disqualification to
involving continue
hold public office as a
moral to avail of
consequence of his
turpitude the same
dismissal from
or for an right;
service as then
offense 15. Insane or
Kagawad of Brgy.
punishable feeble-
Pulung Maragul in an
by one year minded;
order dated
or more of 16. Nuisance
November 10,2009 by
S ec. hold their office in a Substitution
e 67) permanent capacity
c and are entitled to An official
. Q: Do the security of tenure candidate of a
deemed- while others serve duly registered
1 resigned at the pleasure of political party or
4 provisio the appointing coalition who
, ns which authority. (Quinto v. dies, withdraws,
are COMELEC, G.R. or is disqualified
e applicab 189698, December for any cause after
x le to 1, 2009) the last day for
p appointi the filing of CoCs
r ve Effect of filing two may be
e officials certificates of substituted by a
s and not candidacy candidate
s to belonging to, and
l elective It disqualifies the nominated by, the
y officials person to run for same political
violate both elective party or coalition.
r the positions (OEC, Sec.
e equal 73). No substitute
p protecti shall be allowed
e on However, before for any
a clause of the expiration of independent
l the the period for the candidate.
e constitut filing of CoC, the
d ion? person who has The substitute for
filed more than one a candidate, who
B A: NO. certificate of died or is
. Substanti candidacy may disqualified by
P al declare under oath final judgment,
. distinctio the office for which may file a CoC up
ns clearly he desires to be to mid-day of
exist eligible and cancel Election Day;
between the CoC for the Provided that, the
elective other office or substitute and the
officials office/s. A person substituted have
and who has filed a the same
appointiv certificate of surnames.
S e officials. candidacy may,
prior to election, If the death or
The former conditions. withdraw the same. disqualification
occupy their On the The filing of a should occur
office by other hand, withdrawal between the day
virtue of the appointive certificate of before the
mandate of officials candidacy shall not election and mid-
the hold their affect whatever day of Election
electorate. office by civil, criminal, or Day, the
They are virtue of administrative substitute
elected to an their liabilities as candidate may file
office for a designatio candidate may have a CoC with any
definite n thereto incurred (COMELEC Board of Election
term and by an Resolution 8678, Inspectors,
may be appointing Sec. 1). Election Officers,
removed authority. Provincial
therefrom Some Election OF
only upon appointive CANDIDATES Supervisor, or
stringent officials Regional Election
Winston. the CONA to the the name of the
Marcelina COMELEC was a mere substitute candidates if provision shall
sought to technicality that cannot they are voting for the not apply. [R.A.
reverse be used to defeat the latter: Provided, 9006(Fair
COMELEC’s will of the electorate in however, that if the Elections Act),
decision before a fair and honest substitute candidate of Sec. 12]
the SC. Who election. Non- the same family name,
should the SC compliance with formal this No Candidate, No Substitution
favor? requirements laid
down in election laws Sec. 77, OEC
A: Marcelina. when not used as a requires that
Petitioner’s means for fraudulent there be a
deceased practice will be candidate in
husband’s name considered a harmless order for
remained on the irregularity. Allowing substitution to
ballot the belated submission take place. Thus,
notwithstanding of the authority to sign if a person’s CoC
his death even CONAs will not result in had been denied
before the the situation proscribed due course to
campaign period by Section 77 of the and/or cancelled
for the local Omnibus Election Code under Sec. 78,
elections began – that an independent OEC, he or she
on March 29, candidate will be cannot be validly
2013. Yet, he invalidly substituted. In substituted in the
received almost the case at bar, neither electoral process.
twice the number the COMELEC nor Stated
of votes as the private respondent differently, since
second placer, contended the deceased there would be
private was not in fact a bona no candidate to
respondent, in a fide member of his speak of under a
decisive victory. party. The record is denial of due
Since the people bereft of any allegation course to and/or
could not have that the authority was cancellation of a
possibly meant to inexistent, forged or in CoC case, then
waste their votes any way defective. The there would be
on a deceased only issue was that it no candidate to
candidate, we was not submitted be substituted.
conclude that within the prescribed (PERLAS-
petitioner was deadline (Engle v. BERNABE CASE;
the undisputed COMELEC, G.R. No. Tagolino vs.
choice of the 215995, January 19, HRET and Lucy
electorate as Vice 2016). Torres-Gomez,
Mayor on the G.R. No. 202202,
apparent belief Stray votes March 19. 2013)
that she may
validly substitute In case of valid NUISANCE
her husband. substitutions after the CANDIDATES
That belief was official ballots have
not contradicted been printed, the votes Any registered
by any official or cast for the substituted candidate for the
formal ruling by candidates shall be same office may
the COMELEC considered as stray file a petition to
prior to the votes but shall not declare a duly
elections. invalidate the whole registered
ballot. For this purpose, candidate as a
The late the official ballots shall nuisance
submission of the provide spaces where candidate,
authority to sign the voters may write personally or
them as oath and OEC.
nuisance contain all exclusively on the
candidates, the ground IN
until required representation
elections are data and in contained therein as
held and the the form PETITION NOT TO GIVErequired
DUE COURSEis false.
votes prescribed petition
counted and by the not later than 25
canvasses. Commissio A verified petition days from the time of
(Celestino n. (OEC, seeking to deny due filing of the
Martinez v. Sec. 7; course to a certificate of
HRET, G.R. Cerafica v. certificate of candidacy, and shall
No. 189034, COMELEC, candidacy may be be decided, after due
January G.R. No. filed by any person notice and hearing,
11,2010) 205136, not later than 15
December days before the
Effect of 2, 2014) election.
voting a
nuisance XPNs: In addition, the
candidate COMELEC COMELEC may motu
may go proprio or upon
The votes beyond the verified petition
cast for a face of the refuse to give due
nuisance CoC in the course to or cancel a
candidate following: certificate of
are not candidacy if show
stray but 1. Nuisan that it was filed:
counted in ce
favor of the candid 1. Put the election
bona fide ates(O process in
candidate. EC, mockery or
(Dela Cruz v. Sec. disrepute;
COMELEC, 69); 2. Cause confusion
G.R. No. 2. Petitio among the voters
192221, n to by the similarity
November deny of the names of
13, 2012) due the registered
course candidates; or
or to TO RECEIVE 3. Clearly
cancel demonstrate that
a the candidate has
GR: The CoC(O no bona fide
COMELEC EC, intention to run
shall have Sec. for the office for
the 78); or which the CoC
ministerial 3. Filing has been filed
duty to of a and thus prevent
receive and disqua a faithful
acknowledg lificati determination of
e receipt of on the true will of
the case the electorate.
certificates on any (OEC, Sec. 69)
of of the
candidacy. groun PETITION FOR
that said enume
certificates rated It is the remedy
are under in Sec. against any candidate
3. Co hall tigati mmendation
mp be on to to
lai refer the Commission
nt red Law en banc –
file for Depa The Law
d preli rtme Department
aft mina nt. If shall
er ry the terminate
ele inves Law the
cti tigati Depa preliminary
on on to rtme investigation
an the nt within 30
d Law make days from
pro Depa s a receipt of the
cla rtme prim referral and
ma nt. a shall submit
tio facie its study,
n 4. Com findin report and
of plain g of recommenda
wi t guilt tion to the
nn filed and Commission
er after the en banc
– electi corre within five
Th on spon days from
e but ding the
co befor infor conclusion of
mp e matio the
lai procl n has preliminary
nt amat been investigation
sha ion filed . If it makes a
ll of with prima facie
be winn the finding of
dis er – trial guilt, it shall
mis The court, submit with
sed com the such study
. plain comp the
t laina Information
N shall nt for filing
O be may with the
T dism file a appropriate
E issed petiti court.
: . on
for Remedy if
T NOT suspe petition for
h E: nsion disqualification
e The of the is unresolved on
com procl election day
c plain amati
o t on of The petitioner
m shall the may file a motion
p be respo with the division
l refer ndent or Commission
a red . en banc where
i for the case is
n preli 5. Subm pending, to
t mina ission suspend the
ry of proclamation of
s inves reco the candidate
1. No voting FAILURE OF elections would undermine
has taken The COMELEC ELECTIONS constitutional
ELECTIONSfiat to decide
place in the en banc has Q: Ted AnyandseriousBarney
cause of: election contests. The phrase
precincts the original both a.ranForce forMajeure
the “election, returns and
concerned and exclusive position
b. Violence of qualifications” should be
on the date jurisdiction to representative
c. Terrorism of the interpreted in its totality as
fixed by hear and first d. district of
Loss or destruction of referring
election to all matters
law, or decide Northern paraphernalia
Samar. Ted affecting the validity of the
even if petitions for won e.while OtherBarney
analogous casescontestee's title. Consequently,
there was declaration of placed second. Barney Definition the annulment of election
voting, the failure of filed an election resultsimpossibility
is but a power
Failure to elect and Serious
election election or for protest before the
affect results of to have free andto the HRET's
nonetheles annulment of HRET against Ted, constitutional
elections. orderly elections. mandate to
s resulted election alleging terrorism determine the validity of the
As to when the grounds must exist
in a failure results (R.A. committed by the contestee's title.
to elect; 7166, Sec. 4). Groundsof
supporters mayTedoccur Grounds must exist
and before,anyduring,
time beforeand before
The voting.
power granted to the
2. The votes Failure of after proclamation.
the elections. HRET by the Constitution is
cast would Elections vs. Barney prayed for the intended to be as complete and
As to procedure
affect the Postponeme annulment of Ted’s unimpaired as if it had
results of nt of 1. Verified
election. Ted arguedpetition 1.remained
Verified petition by in the
the Elections that HRET by any hasinterested
no any interested
legislature. Thus, the HRET, as
election. person
jurisdiction over the person
the sole or motuof all contests
protest2. Due Notice;
on and
the proprio by
relating to the election, returns
Power to declare premise3. Hearing. that COMELEC
and en bancof members
a failure of annulment of election 2.ofDue notice;
the andHouse of
election returns on the ground 3. Hearing.
Representatives, may annul
of terrorism is akin toAs to effects election results if in its
a declaration of
1.determination, fraud,
failure1. of
elections of Election is
terrorism or other electoral
Failure of postponed; and
which is under the irregularities existed to
elections; and 2. Conduct elections
exclusive jurisdiction warrant the annulment.
2. Holding of reasonably close to
of COMELEC. Is Ted Because
continuation of electionsinnotdoing
held, so, it is
elections merely exercising its
but not later than
reasonably close constitutional duty to ascertain
30 days from
A: NO. The power of the who among the candidates
to election not cessation of cause.
HRET to annul elections received the majority of the
held, but not later
differs from the power valid votes cast. (Abayon v.
than 30 days from
granted to the HRET, G.R. No. 223032, May 3,
cessation of cause.
COMELEC to declare 2016)
failure of elections. The
Constitution no less, PRE-PROCLAMATION
grants the HRET with CONTROVERSY
exclusive jurisdiction to
decide all election Pre-proclamation controversy
contests involving the refers to any question
members of the House pertaining to or affecting the
of Representatives, proceedings of the BoC, which
which necessarily may be raised by any
includes those which candidate or by any registered
raise the issue of political party or coalition of
fraud, terrorism or political parties, or by any
other irregularities accredited and
committed before,
during or after the
elections. To deprive
the HRET the
prerogative to annul
pro suspensi compositio 9369.
prio on of the n or
or proclama proceeding 2. No pre-
upo tion of s of the proclamation
n any Board of cases are
writ candidate Canvassers allowed in
ten -elect or (COMELEC case of
peti annul Res. No. barangay
tion partially 8804, election. (R.A.
, or totally March 22, 6679, Sec. 9)
and any 2010,Rule
afte proclama 3,Sec. 1); Issues that may
r tion, if and be raised (1996
due one has Bar)
noti been NOTE:
ce made, as However, 1. Illegal
and the this does composition
hea evidence not or
ring shall preclude proceedings
the warrant. the of the board
part (OEC, Sec. authority of election
ial 242) of the canvassers;
or appropriat 2. Canvassed
tota Nature and execution e election
l of judgment canvassing returns are
House body, motu either:
of proprio or a. Incomple
It shall be Repres upon te;
heard entativ written b. Contain
summarily es complaint material
by the (R.A. of an defects;
COMELEC. 7166, interested c. Appear to
Its decision Sec. person, to be
shall be 15); correct tampered
executory and manifest with or
after five errors in falsified;
days from XPNs: the or
receipt by a. Co certificate d. Contain
the losing rre of canvass discrepan
party, unless cti or election cies in
otherwise on before it. the same
ordered. of (R.A. 9369, returns
ma Sec. 38) or in
When not nif authentic
allowed est c. Determinat copies;
(2008 Bar) err ion of the
or authenticit 3. The election
1. For the s; y and due returns were:
position b. Qu execution a. Prepared
s of est of under
Preside io certificates duress,
nt, Vice ns of canvass threats,
Preside aff as provided coercion,
nt, ect in Sec. 30 intimidati
Senator in of RA 7166, on; or
and g as b. Obviously
Member th amended manufact
of e by RA ured or
(Peñaflorida prejudice to pre- winner entitled to two
v. COMELEC, proclamation seats in the House of
G.R. No. controversy or it Representatives
125950, was made ad . Layug then
November 18, cautelam. filed a motion
1997) for
Petition to annul or reconsideration
Q: Is the suspend the claiming denial
COMELEC proclamation of due process
precluded from for the failure of
exercising It is a remedy where COMELEC to
powers over pre there is a manifest serve him, his
proclamation error on the face of the representatives
controversies, transmitted returns or a copy of said
when the variance of results from resolution.
Electoral the election returns and However, said
Tribunal CoC, and a winning motion was
acquires candidate is about to denied. Hence,
jurisdiction? be, or has already been Layug filed a
proclaimed on the basis petition for
A: thereof. Certiorari
GR: YES. under Rule 65
COMELEC is The COMELEC is before the
precluded from required to hear the Supreme Court
exercising petition immediately imputing grave
powers over pre- and the ballots may be abuse of
proclamation ordered to be manually discretion on
controversies recounted to verify the the part of the
when the manifest errors or COMELEC for
Electoral alleged variance. failure to issue
Tribunal acquires a notice of
jurisdiction. NOTE: The filing of a promulgation to
petition to annul or Layug's counsel
XPNs: suspend the and hear and
1. BOC was proclamation shall decide his
improperly suspend the running of motion for
constituted; the period within reconsideration
2. Proclamation which to file an election . The COMELEC
was null and protest or quo argued that
void; warranto proceedings. since there was
3. Quo warranto already a
is not the Q: Layug, in his proclamation of
proper capacity as a tax Buhay Party List
remedy; payer, filed a petition as winner, the
4. What was to disqualify Buhay HRET and not
filed was a Party-List from the court has
petition to participating in the jurisdiction
annul a May 2010 elections, over the
proclamation and Brother Mike questions
, and not a from being its relating to
quo warranto nominee but the same qualifications.
or election was denied by the Does the court
protest; and COMELEC second have
5. Election division for lack of jurisdiction
contest substantial evidence. over the
expressly Consequently, petition?
made COMELEC proclaimed
without Buhay Party-List as A: YES. Section 6
Rule d to office.
65); COME Effect if the
LEC. Content of an protestant accepts
NOTE: election protest a permanent
Decision Grounds appointment
s of for the It must be initiated
COMEL filing of by filing a protest Acceptance of a
EC en election that must contain permanent
banc are protests the following appointment to a
appeala allegations: regular office during
ble to 1. Fraud; the pendency of his
SC(200 2. Vote- 1. The protest is an
1 Bar). buying protestant abandonment of the
; is a electoral protest. The
2. Presiden 3. Terror candidate same is true if a
tial ism; who duly protestant
Electora 4. Presen filed a COC voluntarily sought
l ce of and was election to an office
Tribuna flying voted for in whose term would
l– voters; the extend beyond the
Against 5. Misrea election; expiry date of the
the ding or 2. The term of the contested
Preside misap protestee office, and after
nt and preciat has been winning the said
Vice ion of proclaimed election, took her
Preside ballots ; and oath and assumed
nt; ; 3. The office and there after
3. SET – 6. Disenf petition continuously serves
Against ranchi was filed it. The reason for this
a semen within ten is that the dismissal
senator; t of (10) days of the protest would
4. HRET – voters; after the serve public interest
Against 7. Unqual proclamati as it would dissipate
a ified on. (Miro v. the aura of
represe memb COMELEC, uncertainty as to the
ntative; ers of G.R. No. L- results of the
5. RTC – board 57574, presidential election,
Over of April 20, thereby enhancing
contests electio 1983) the all-to crucial
for n political stability of
municip inspect the nation during this
al or; and period of national
officials 8. Other recovery (Santiago v.
which electio Ramos, P.E.T. Case
may be n No. 001, February 13,
appeale irregul 1996).
d to arities.
COMEL In assuming the
EC; and NOTE: office of Senator, one
6. MeTC or Pendency has effectively
MTC – of election abandoned or
For protest is withdrawn this
baranga not protest. Such
y sufficient abandonment or
officials basis to withdrawal operates
which enjoin the to render moot the
may be protestee instant protest.
appeale from Moreover, the
Ele filing an protest or acquisition Act
ctio election a petition of 2003. On
n protest for quo April 8, 2013,
pro or a warranto, Jeninah filed an
test petition all MR claiming
vs. for quo questions that she is a
Qu warrant relative natural-born
o o thereto Filipino citizen,
wa will have but it was
rra Generally to be denied by
nto , it bars decided in COMELEC on
cas the the case May 14 for lack
e subseque itself and of merit
und nt filing not in
er of a pre- another
the proclama proceedin
OE tion g.
C controver (Villamor
(20 sy or a v.
01, petition COMELEC,
200 to annul G.R. No.
6 proclama 169865,
Bar tion. It July 21,
) also 2006)
PROTESTabandon March
ment of 2013,
one filed COMELEC
By a losing earlier, First
candidate forthus, Division
the same office issued a
for which thethe resolutio
winner filed his n
COC. C of the cancellin
may file
authority g
to inquire Jeninah’s
into and CoC on
pass the
upon the ground
Who receivedtitle of that she
the majority or
the is not a
plurality of the
protestee citizen of
votes which or the the
were legally validity Philippin
cast? of his es
proclama because
Whether there tion. of her
were Once the failure to
in comply
the conduct ofnt with the
the election tribunal requirem
which affectedhas ents of
its results. acquired the
jurisdicti Citizenshi
Eff on over p
ect an Retention
of election and Re-
There shall be created autonomous regions in Muslim Also, Section 1, Within its territorial
Mindanao and in the Cordilleras within the Article VI thereof jurisdiction and subject to
framework of the Constitution and the national provides that the the provisions of this
sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the President shall Constitution and national
Republic of the Philippines. (Sec. 15, Art. X, 1987 exercise general laws, the organic act of
Constitution) supervision over the autonomous regions shall
Bangsamoro provide for legislative
The Congress shall enact an organic act for each Government to powers over:
autonomous region. The organic act shall define the ensure that laws are
basic structure of government for the region faithfully executed. (1) Administrative
consisting of the executive department and legislative The President may organization;
assembly, both of which shall be elective and suspend the Chief
representative of the constituent political units. The Minister for a period (2) Creation of sources of
organic acts shall likewise provide for special courts not exceeding six (6) revenues;
with personal, family, and property law jurisdiction months for willful
consistent with the provisions of this Constitution violation of the (3) Ancestral domain and
and national laws. (Sec. 18, Art. X, 1987 Constitution) Constitution, natural resources;
national laws, or this
NOTE: As of now (2019), there is only one Organic Law. (4) Personal, family, and
autonomous region created -- the Autonomous property relations;
Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Several On the aspect of
attempts have been made in the Cordilleras to create intergovernmental (5) Regional urban
an autonomous region but has repeatedly failed. relations, an and rural
Intergovernmental planning
Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Relations Body was
Region in Muslim Mindanao (RA 11054) created to
coordinate and
R.A. No. 11054 abolished ARMM and placed in its resolve issues on
stead the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim intergovernmental
Mindanao (BARMM). It also created the Bangsamoro relations through
Government which has exclusive powers over some regular consultation
matters including budgeting, administration of and continuing
justice, agriculture, disaster risk negotiation in a non-
adversarial manner.
reduction and ancestral domains, human
management, rights, local government President exercises
LocAl GoveRNMents
development; for defense General welfare ion of general
and security clause welfare.
(6) Economic, social, Within their
and tourism The LGUs respective
development; preservation of shall territorial
peace and exercis jurisdiction,
(7) Educational order within e LGUs shall
policies; the regions powers ensure and
shall be the that are support,
(8) Pres responsibility necessa among other
ervatio of the local ry, things, the
n and police agencies approp preservation
develop which shall be riate, or and
ment of organized, inciden enrichment of
the maintained, tal for culture,
cultural supervised, and its promote
heritage utilized in efficien health and
; and accordance t and safety,
with applicable effectiv enhance the
(9) Suc laws. The e right of the
h other defense and govern people to a
matters security of the ance, balanced
as may regions shall be and ecology,
be the those encourage and
authoriz responsibility which support the
ed by of the National are development
law for Government. essenti of appropriate
the (Sec. 21, Art. X, al to and self-
promoti 1987 the reliant
on of Constitution) promot scientific and
welfare POWERS e Power –
of the technological Authorize
people The following powers of capabilities, s the
of the LGUs: improve public municipal
region. morals, enhance council to
(Sec. 20, a. Police Power economic enact
Art. X, b. Eminent Domain prosperity and ordinanc
1987 c. Taxation social justice, es and
Constitu d. Legislative Power promote full make
tion) employment regulatio
POLICE POWER (GENERAL among its ns not
Local WELFARE CLAUSE) residents, repugnan
police maintain peace t to law,
respon Nature of police power and order, and as may be
sible preserve the necessary
for The police comfort and to carry
peace power of the convenience of into
and LGU is not their inhabitance. effect and
order inherent. LGUs (R.A. 7160, Sec. discharge
but exercise the 16) the
nationa police power powers
l under the Two branches and
govern general welfare of the General duties
ment clause (LGC, Sec. Welfare Clause conferred
respon 16,). upon the
sible 1. General municipal
council by and not duly presence of
law. oppressive compelling, College, G.R. No.
2. Police Power (Due Process rather than 161107, March
Proper – Clause) substantial, 12, 2013)
Authorizes 3. Exercisable government
the only within al interest Q: The
municipality the and on the Sangguniang
to enact territorial absence of Panlungsod of
ordinances as limits of the less Davao City
may be LGU, except restrictive enacted an
necessary for means for ordinance
and proper protection achieving imposing a ban
for the health of water that against aerial
and safety, supply interest. spraying as an
prosperity, (LGC, Sec. (Fernando agricultural
morals, 16) v. St. practice by all
peace, good 4. Must not be Scholastica’ agricultural
order, contrary to s entities within
comfort, and the Davao City.
convenience Constitutio Pursuant to the
of the n and the ordinance, the
municipality laws. ban against
and its aerial spraying
inhabitants, NOTE: There would be strictly
and for the must be a enforced three
protection of concurrence of a months
their lawful subject thereafter. The
property and lawful Pilipino Banana
(Rural Bank method. Growers and
of Makati v. (Lucena Grand Exporters
Municipality Central v. JAC, Association, Inc.
of Makati, G.R. No. 148339 (PBGEA) filed a
July 2, 2004). February 23, petition in the
2005) RTC to challenge
Requisites/limit the
ations for the Tests when constitutionality
proper exercise police power of the ordinance,
of the police is invoked as alleging that the
power (PREN) the rationale ordinance
for the valid exemplified the
1. The interests passage of an unreasonable
of the public ordinance exercise of
generally, as police power
distinguished from 1. Rational and violated the
those of a relationshi equal protection
particular class, p test – An clause. The RTC
require the ordinance declared that
interference of the must pass the ordinance is
state(Equal the valid and
Protection Clause) requisites constitutional
as saying that the
2.The means discussed City of Davao
employed are above. had validly
reasonably 2. Strict exercised police
necessary for the scrutiny power under the
attainment of the test – The General Welfare
object sought to focus is on Clause of the
be accomplished the Local
LocAl GoveRNMents
Government Code the purported they effect the the exercise of police
and that the inconvenience, extrajudicial power and the general
ordinance was discomfort, health abatement of a welfare clause, property
consistent with the risk and nuisance per rights of individuals may be
Equal Protection environmental accidens. Those subjected to restraints and
Clause. On appeal, danger which the things must be burdens in order to fulfill
however, the CA ordinance seeks to resolved by the the objectives of the
reversed the address. Theburden courts in the government.
judgment of the RTC. will now become ordinary course of
Is the ordinance more onerous to law. (AC Enterprises, Otherwise stated, the
valid? various entities, Inc. v. Frabelle government may enact
including those with Properties Corp., G.R. legislation that may
A:NO. Requiring the no connection No. 166744, interfere with personal
respondents and whatsoever to the November 2, 2006) liberty, property, lawful
other affected intended purpose of businesses and occupations
individuals to comply the ordinance. Q: The Mayor of to promote the general
with the (Mosqueda vs. Malay, Aklan welfare.
consequences of the Pilipino Banana ordered through
ban within the three- Growers & Exporters Executive Order One such piece of
month period under Assoc., G.R. No. No. 10 the legislation is the LGC,
pain of penalty like 189185 & 189305, demolition of the which authorizes city and
fine, imprisonment August 16, 2016) Boracay West Cove municipal governments,
and even cancellation Resort and Hotel acting through their local
of business permits Ministerial duty without first chief executives, to issue
would definitely be of the Local conducting judicial demolition orders. Under
oppressive as to Chief Executive proceedings on the existing laws, the office of
constitute abuse of ground that the the mayor is given powers
police power. The LGC imposes said hotel was built not only relative to its
upon the city mayor, on a "no build function as the executive
The ordinance violated to “enforce all laws zone" as official of the town; it has
the equal protection and ordinances demarcated in also been endowed with
clause. The imposition relative to the Municipal authority to hear issues
of the ban is too broad governance of the Ordinance 2000- involving property rights of
because the ordinance city.” As the chief 131. The owner of individuals and to
applies irrespective of executive of the city, the Boracay West
the substance to be he has the duty to Cove imputed grave
aerially applied and enforce an ordinance abuse of discretion
irrespective of the as long as it has not on the part of the
agricultural activity to been repealed by the Mayor. Is the owner
be conducted. Such Sanggunian or correct?
imposition becomes annulled by the
unreasonable courts. He has no A: NO. Generally,
inasmuch as it patently other choice. It is his LGUs have no power
bears no relation to to declare a
particular thing as a
ministerial duty to do applies to nuisance per se or nuisance unless such
so. (Social Justice those which affect the a thing is a nuisance
Society v. Atienza, Jr., immediate safety of persons per se. Despite the
G.R. No. 156052, March and property and may be hotel’s classification
7, 2007) summarily abated under the as a nuisance per
undefined law of necessity. accidens, however,
Abatement of (Tayaban v. People, G.R. No. the Court still found
nuisance without 150194, March 6, 2007) in this case that the
judicial proceeding LGU may
The LGUs have no power to nevertheless
The abatement of declare a particular thing as a properly order the
nuisances without nuisance unless such a thing hotel’s demolition.
judicial proceedings is a nuisance per se; nor can This is because, in
come out of Boracay West under root cause of
with an Cove’s hotel in the this debacle-
effective Malay, Aklan. To admini compliance.
order or recall, Boracay stration (Aquino v.
resolutio West Cove of the Municipality
n declared that DENR of Malay,
thereon. the application is of no Aklan, supra.)
Pertinent for zoning momen
herein is compliance was t, for Powers
Sec. 444 still pending what is deemed
(b)(3)(vi) with the office involve implied in
of the of the mayor d the power to
LGC, even though herein, grant
which construction strictly permits and
empower and operation speakin licenses
ed the were already g, is not
mayor to ongoing at the an Power to
order the same time. As issue issue licenses
closure such, it could no on and permits
and longer be environ include power
removal denied that it mental to revoke,
of openly violated protecti withdraw, or
illegally Municipal on, restrict
construct Ordinance conserv through the
ed 2000-131 ation of imposition of
establish (Aquino v. natural certain
ments Municipality of resourc conditions.
for Malay, Aklan, es, and However, the
failing to G.R. No. 211356, the conditions
secure September 29, mainte must be
the 2014). nance reasonable
necessar of and cannot
y NOTE: Based on ecologi amount to an
permits. law and cal arbitrary
jurisprudence, balance interference
In the the office of the , but with the
case at mayor has the business.
bar, quasi-judicial legality (Acebedo
Boracay powers to order or Optical
West the closing and illegalit Company, Inc.
Cove demolition of y of the v. CA, G.R. No.
admitted establishments. structu 100152,
ly failed This power re. March 31,
to secure granted by the Rather 2000)
the LGC, is not the than
necessar same power treating Object of the permit
y devolved in this as requirement
permits, favor of the LGU an
clearance under Sec. 17 environ The object of
s, and (b)(2)(ii), which mental the permit
exemptio is subject to issue requirement
ns before review by the then, is the proper
the DENR. The fact focus supervision of
construct that the building should the
ion, to be not be enumerated
expansio demolished is diverte businesses,
n, and located within a d from trades, or
operation forestland the occupation.
LocAl GoveRNMents
permits and licenses is a exclusive aesthetic
NOTE: The issuance of domain of the purposes.
administrative (Physical
function of the business agency Therapy
local chief permits, if for a specifically Organization
executive. regulatory empowered by of the
purpose, is law to supervise Philippines v.
Q: Acebedo within the ambit the profession, Municipal
Optical Company of this power. in this case the Board of
applied with the This power Professional Manila, G.R.
Office of the City necessarily Regulations No. L-10488,
Mayor of Iligan includes the Commission and August 30,
for a business power to revoke the Board of 1957)
permit. The City and to impose Examiners in
Mayor issued conditions. Optometry.
such permit However, the (Acebedo
subject to special power to grant Optical
conditions that or issue licenses Company Inc. v.
the company or business Court of Appeals,
cannot put up an permits must G.R. No. 100152,
optical clinic but always be March 31, 2000)
only a exercised in
commercial accordance with NOTE:
store; it cannot law, with utmost However,
examine patients observance of certain
and prescribe the rights of all professions may
glasses; and it concerned to be affected by
cannot sell due process and the exercise of
eyeglasses equal protection police power.
without a of the law. What An ordinance in
prescription is sought by Manila was held
from an Acebedo from not to regulate
independent the City Mayor is the practice of
optometrist. a permit to massage, much
Samahan ng engage in the less restrict the
Optometrist ng business of practice of such
Pilipinas lodged running an profession.
a complaint optical shop. It Instead, the end
against Acebedo does not purport sought to be
for violating the to seek a license obtained was to
conditions which to engage in the prevent the
resulted in the practice of commission of
revocation of its optometry. A immorality
permit. Did the business permit under the
City Mayor have is issued practice of
the authority to primarily to prostitution in
impose special regulate the an
conditions in the conduct of establishment
grant of the business and the masquerading
business permit? City Mayor as a massage
cannot, through clinic where the
A: NO. Police the issuance of operation
power is such permit, thereof offers to
essentially regulate the massage
regulatory in practice of a superficial parts
nature and the profession. Such of the bodies of
power to issue a function is customers for
license or grant within the hygienic or
Q: The Sangguniang their property. nationality, age, the rate of
Panglungsod of (Fernando v. St. address, and prostitution,
Marikina City Scholastica's occupation before adultery, and
enacted an College, G.R. No. they could be fornication in
ordinance 161107, March 12, admitted to a Manila traceable
“Regulating the 2013) motel, hotel, or in great part to
Construction of lodging house? the existence of
Fences and Walls in Q: Can the City motels, which
the City of Mayor of Manila A: YES. The "provide a
Marikina”. The validly take Ordinance was necessary
ordinance provided, custody of several enacted precisely to atmosphere for
among others, that women of ill minimize certain clandestine entry,
fences should not be repute and practices hurtful to presence, and
more than 1 meter deport them as public morals such exit" and thus
and fences in excess laborers without as the increase in become the
of 1 meter shall be knowledge and
80% see-thru. It consent to the "ideal haven for inns, lodging houses,
further provided said deportation? prostitutes and pension houses and
that in no case shall thrill-seekers". similar establishments in
walls and fences be A: NO. One can Precisely it was the City of Manila.
built within the five search in vain for intended to curb the Petitioners argued that
meter parking area any law, order, or opportunity for the the Ordinance is
allowance located regulation, which immoral or unconstitutional and void
between the front even hints at the legitimate use to since it violates the right
monument line and right of the Mayor which such premises to privacy and the
the building line of of the city of Manila could be and are freedom of movement; it
commercial and or the chief of being devoted. is an invalid exercise of
industrial police of that city (Ermita- Malate police power; and it is an
establishments and to force citizens of Hotel and Motel unreasonable and
educational and the Philippine Operations oppressive interference
religious Islands — and Association v. City in their business. Is the
institutions. Is the these women Mayor of Manila, G.R. ordinance valid?
ordinance valid? despite their being No. L-24693, July 31,
in a sense lepers of 1967) A: NO. Individual rights
A: NO. It has long society are may be adversely affected
been settled that the nevertheless not Q: Mayor Lim only to the extent that may
State may not, under chattels but signed into law, fairly be required by the
the guise of police Philippine citizens City Ordinance legitimate demands of
power, permanently protected by the 7774, which public interest or public
divest owners of the same constitutional prohibits short welfare. However well-
beneficial use of their guaranties as are time admission in intentioned the Ordinance
property solely to other citizens — to hotels, motels, may be, it is in effect an
preserve or enhance change their lodging houses, arbitrary and whimsical
the aesthetic domicile from pension houses, intrusion into the rights of
appearance of the Manila to another and similar the establishments as well
community. locality. establishments in as their patrons. The
Compelling the (Villavicencio v. the City of Manila Ordinance needlessly
respondents to Lukban, G.R. No. L- to protect public restrains the operation of
construct their fence 14639, March 25, morals. Pursuant the businesses of the
in accordance with 1919) to the above policy, petitioners as well as
the assailed short-time restricting the rights of
ordinance is, thus, a Q: May an LGU admission and their patrons without
clear encroachment require customers rate, wash-up rate sufficient justification. The
on their right to to fill out a or other similarly Ordinance rashly equates
property, which prescribed form concocted terms, wash rates and renting out
necessarily includes stating personal are hereby a room more than twice a
their right to decide information such prohibited in day with immorality
how best to protect as name, gender, hotels, motels, without accommodating
LocAl GoveRNMents
innocuous intentions comm the LGUs.
(White Light Corp., v. prohibiting the ercial Under this
City of Manila, G.R. No. disco pub buildi ordinance,
122846, January 20, owners and the ngs to the city
2009). hospitality girls be council
from pursuing constr required that
Q: The Sangguniang their calling or ucted the arcade is
Panlungsod of Pasay business but is in to be created
City passed an merely zones in a way that
ordinance requiring regulating it. design building
all disco pub owners (Social Justice ated owners are
to have all their Society v. as not allowed
hospitality girls Dangerous busine to construct
tested for the AIDS Drugs Board, ss his wall up
virus. Both disco pub G.R. No. zones to the edge
owners and the 157870, Nov. 3, in the of the
hospitality girls 2008) zoning property
assailed the validity plan of line, thereby
of the ordinance for This ordinance Quezo creating a
being violative of is a valid n City, space under
their constitutional exercise of along the first
rights to privacy and police power, EDSA. floor. In
to freely choose a because its Howev effect,
calling or business. Is purpose is to er, at property
the ordinance valid? safeguard the owners
Explain. public health. time relinquish
(Beltran v. the the use of the
A: YES. The ordinance Secretary of ordina space as an
is a valid exercise of Health, G.R. No. nce arcade for
police power. The 133640, was pedestrians
right to privacy yields November 25, passe instead of
to certain paramount 2005) d using the
rights of the public there property for
and defers to the NOTE: was their own
exercise of police Municipal yet no purposes.
power. The ordinance corporations buildi
is not cannot prohibit ng Subsequentl
the operation of code y, Justice
night clubs. passe Gancayo
They may be d by sought to be
regulated, but the exempted
not prevented legisla from the
from carrying ture. application
on their Thus, of the
business. (Dela the ordinance to
Cruz v. Paras, regula which the
G.R. Nos. L- tion of City Council
42571-72, July the responded
25, 1983) constr favorably in
uction his favor.
Q: The Quezon of the
City Council buildi MMDA then
issued ngs sent a notice
Ordinance are of demolition
2904 which left to to Justice
requires the the Gancayco
construction of discre alleging that
arcades for tion of a portion of
his In the exercise authorized to public water
building of police power, purify the supply of
violates property rights source of water Manila with
the of individuals supply as well water taken
National may be subject as the drainage from that part
Buildin to restraints area of such of the
g Code and burdens in water supply. Mariquina
in order to fulfill Rivera River, in the
relation the objectives of contented that waters of
to the the the municipal which Rivera
ordinan government. court of the washed
ce. Is Property rights City of Manila clothes. Public
the must bow down and the Court water supply
Ordinan to the primacy of First is not limited
ce a of police power Instance of the to water
valid because it must City of Manila supply owned
exercise yield to the had no and controlled
of general welfare. jurisdiction to by a municipal
police It is clear that try her for the corporation,
power the objective of crime but should be
in the ordinance committed. construed as
regulati were the health Does the CFI of meaning a
ng the and safety of Manila have supply of
use of the city and its jurisdiction water for
propert inhabitants. At over the public and
y in a the time he offense, domestic use,
busines ordinance was considering furnished or to
s zone? passed, there that the be furnished
was no national washing of from water
A: YES. building code, clothes was in works. The
thus the Mariquina provisions of
River? the Ordinance
there was no law supplied to No. 149 would
which prohibits Manila by the A: YES. be
the city council Santolan Boundaries meaningless
from regulating pumping usually mark and absurd if
the construction of station. She the limit for the made
buildings, arcades was charged exercise of the applicable only
and sidewalks in with violation police powers to the Santolan
their jurisdiction. of Sec. 4(f) of by the pumping
(Gancayco v. City Ordinance No. municipality. station and not
Government of 149 which However, in to that part of
Quezon City, G.R. prohibited certain the Mariquina
No. 177807, Oct. washing of instances – the River
11, 2011) garments in the performance of immediately
waters of any police functions, above it and
Q: Rivera was river or water the preservation from which
found washing course. of public health the pumping
her clothing near Manila’s and acquisition station draws
the Santolan municipal of territory for water for the
pumping station board adopted water supply – use of the
near Boso-Boso the same the municipality inhabitants of
dam. Rivera’s act section by is granted police the City of
of washing virtue of the power beyond Manila.
clothing Acts of the its boundaries. (Rivera v.
interfered with Philippine The Santolan Campbell, G.R.
the purity of the Commission pumping station No. L- 11119,
water which was and was is a part of the March 23,
LocAl GoveRNMents
1916) their parents, be restricted, the
operations. guardians, or restrictions must
Q: Following the persons of legal be minimal or
campaign of The Manila age having only to the extent
President Ordinance cites authority over necessary to
Duterte to only four (4) them; (f) those achieve the
implement a exemptions, involved in purpose or to
nationwide namely: (a) accidents, address the
curfew for minors calamities, and State's compelling
minors, Navotas accompanied by the like. It also interest.
City and the City their parents, exempts minors
of Manila started family members of from the curfew The Manila and
to strictly legal age, or during these Navotas
implement their guardian; (b) specific occasions: Ordinances are
curfew those running Christmas eve, not narrowly
ordinances on lawful errands Christmas day, drawn in that
minors through such as buying of New Year's eve, their exceptions
police medicines, using New Year's day, are inadequate
of the night before and therefore, run
telecommunicatio the barangay the risk of overly
n facilities for fiesta, the day of restricting the
emergency the fiesta, All minors'
purposes and the Saints' and All fundamental
like; (c) night Souls' Day, Holy freedoms. To be
school students Thursday, Good fair, both
and those who, by Friday, Black ordinances
virtue of their Saturday, and protect the rights
employment, are Easter Sunday. to education, to
required in the gainful
streets or outside Petitioners argue employment, and
their residence that the Curfew to travel at night
after 10:00 p.m.; Ordinances are from school or
and unconstitutional work. However,
(d) those working at because they even with those
night. deprive minors of safeguards, the
the right to liberty Navotas
For its part, the and the right to Ordinance and, to
Navotas travel without a greater extent,
Ordinance substantive due the Manila
provides more process. Are said Ordinance still do
exceptions, to wit: ordinances valid? not account for
(a) minors with the reasonable
night classes; (b) A: The Manila and exercise of the
those working at Navotas minors' rights of
night; (c) those Ordinances are not association, free
who attended a valid. exercise of
school or church religion,
activity, in While rights may
coordination with
a specific rights to peaceably liberties. The Navotas
barangay office; assemble, and of free Ordinance is apparently
(d) those expression, among more protective of
traveling towards others. The constitutional rights than
home during the exceptions under the the Manila Ordinance;
curfew hours; (e) Manila Ordinance nonetheless, it still provides
those running are too limited, and insufficient safeguards:
errands under the thus, unduly trample First, although it allows
supervision of upon protected minors to engage in school
or church activities, it ns of Section
hinders them from Q: The City of Manila passed 4 of the
engaging in legitimate a Curfew Ordinance on As Manila
non-school or non- minors which imposes worde Ordinance
church activities in the several penalties for d, the directly and
streets or going to and violators. Petitioners argue prohib irreconcilably
from such activities; that the Curfew Ordinance ition conflict with
thus, their freedom of is unconstitutional because in the clear
association is it contravenes RA 9344's Sectio language of
effectively curtailed. It express command that no n 57-A Section 57-A
bears stressing that penalty shall be imposed on is of RA 9344,
participation in minors for curfew clear, as amended,
legitimate activities of violations. Is petitioners’ catego and hence,
organizations, other contention proper? rical, invalid.
than school or church, and (SPARK, Et.
also contributes to the A:YES. The Manila Ordinance unam al. vs.
minors' social, is in conflict with the clear biguo Quezon City,
emotional, and language of Section 57-A of us. It GR No.
intellectual RA 9344, as amended, and states 225442,
development, yet, such hence, invalid. that August 08,
participation is not "[n]o 2017, PER, J.
exempted under the The law does not prohibit the penalt PERLAS-
Navotas Ordinance. enactment of regulations that y shall BERNABE)
Second, although the curtail the conduct of minors, be
Navotas Ordinance when the similar conduct of impos Q: The
does not impose the adults are not considered as ed on Sanggunian
curfew during an offense or penalized (i.e., childr of Cagayan
Christmas Eve and status offenses). Instead, what en for De Oro
Christmas day, it it prohibits is the imposition x x x enacted
effectively prohibits of penalties on minors for violati Ordinance
minors from attending violations of these ons No. 3353
traditional religious regulations. Consequently, the [of] prohibiting
activities (such as enactment of curfew juvenil the issuance
simbang gabi) at night ordinances on minors, e of business
without accompanying without penalizing them for status permits and
adults, xxx. This violations thereof, is not offens cancelling
legitimate activity violative of Section 57-A. es]." existing
done pursuant to the Thus, business
minors' right to freely for permits for
exercise their religion imposi the
is therefore effectively ng the operation of
curtailed. Third, the sancti casinos; and
Navotas Ordinance ons of Ordinance
does not repri No. 3375-93,
accommodate avenues mand, prohibiting
for minors to engage fine, the
in political rallies or and/o operation of
attend city council r a casino. Z
meetings to voice out impris assailed the
their concerns in line onme validity of
with their right to nt on the
peaceably assemble minor ordinances
and to free expression. s for on the
(SPARK, Et. al. vs. curfe ground that
Quezon City, GR No. w both
225442, August 08, violati violated P.D.
2017, PER, J. PERLAS- ons, 1869 which
BERNABE) portio permits the
LocAl GoveRNMents
operati chance hearin have no
on of including gs or inherent
casinos casinos. This investi power of
, has not been gation eminent
centrali amended by is not domain.
zed and the LGC which one of Local
regulat empowers them. governments
ed by LGUs to can exercise
PAGCO prevent or such power
R. suppress only only when
Howev those forms of EMINENT DOMAIN expressly
er, the gambling authorized
Sanggu prohibited by Local by the
nian law. Casino gover Legislature.
conten gambling is, nment By virtue of
ded however, units the Local
that authorized Government
pursua under P.D.
nt to 1869. This Code, Congress )
the LGC decree has the conferred upon 1. An
they status of a local Ordinance
have statute that government is enacted
the cannot be units the power by the
police annulled or to expropriate. local
power amended by a (Masikip v. City legislative
to mere of Pasig, G.R. No. council
prohibi ordinance. 136349, January authorizin
t the PAGCOR can 23, 2006) g the local
operati set up casinos chief
ons of with or without Strictly executive,
casinos the consent of speaking, the in behalf
for the the host local power of of the
general government. eminent domain LGU, to
welfare (Magtajas v. delegated to an exercise
. Was Pryce LGU is in reality the power
there a Properties and not eminent but of eminent
valid PAGCOR, G.R. “inferior”. The domain or
exercis No. 111097, national pursue
e of July 20, 1994) legislature is expropriat
police still the ion
power? Contempt Powers principal of the proceedin
LGUs, and the g over a
A: NO. Although the latter cannot go particular
P.D. Sanggunian of a against the private
1869 municipality principal’s will property.
creating may exercise or modify the
the certain powers same (Beluso v. NOTE:
PAGCOR under the Municipality of LGU
expressl General Welfare Panay, G.R. No. cannot
y Clause, citing 153974, August authorize
authoriz nonmembers of 7, 2006). an
ed it to the Sanggunian expropria
centrali for contempt or Requisites for tion of
ze and issuing the valid private
regulate subpoena to exercise of the property
all compel non- power of through a
games members to eminent mere
of attend public domain (OPCO resolution
of its
lawmaking NOTE: The 1. Property sought compliance, the
body. Supreme Court to be acquired issuance of writ
held “the 2. The reason for the of possession
2. It must be for burden is on acquisition becomes
Public use, the LGU to 3. The price offered ministerial. (City
purpose, or prove its of Iloilo v.
welfare or compliance NOTE: Legaspi, G.R. No.
for the with the 1. If owner 154614, Nov. 25,
benefit of the mandatory accepts offer: a 2004)
poor or requirement of contract of sale
landless a valid and will be The advance
definite offer to executed. deposit required
NOTE: the owner of 2. If owner under Section 19
Property the property accepts but at a of the LGC
already before its filing higher price: constitutes an
devoted to of its complaint Local chief advance payment
public use for executive shall only in the event
may not be expropriation. call a the expropriation
taken for Failure to prove conference for prospers. Such
another compliance the purpose of deposit also has a
public use. with the reaching an dual purpose: as
(City of mandatory agreement on pre-payment if the
Manila v. requirement the selling expropriation
Chinese will result in price; If succeeds and as
Community the dismissal of agreed, indemnity for
of Manila, the complaint. contract of sale damages if it is
G.R. No. L- will be drawn. dismissed. This
14355, Due process (Implenting advance payment,
October 31, requirements Rules and a prerequisite for
1919) in eminent Regulations of the issuance of a
domain (PRP) LGC, Art. 35) writ of possession,
3. There must should not be
be payment of Offer must be in Elements for an confused with
just writing authorized payment of just
Compensatio specifying: immediate entry compensation for
n the taking of
1. Filling of a property even if it
4. A valid and complaint for could be a factor
definite Offer expropriation in eventually
has been which is determining just
previously sufficient in compensation. If
made to the form and the proceedings
owner of the substance fail, the money
property 2. Deposit of the could be used to
sought to be amount indemnify the
expropriated equivalent to owner for
, but said fifteen percent damages. (City of
offer was not (15%) of the Manila v. Alegar
accepted. fair market Corporation, G.R.
(Municipality value of the No. 187604, June
of Paranaque property to be 25, 2012)
v. expropriated
V.M. Realty based on its Phases of
Corporation, current tax expropriation
G.R. No. declaration. proceedings
127820. July
20, 1998) NOTE: Upon 1. The
LocAl GoveRNMents
determination declaring that character. It is
of the authority the plaintiff simply not possible The law
of the plaintiff to has a lawful to provide for all at expressly
exercise the right to take once, land and exempted
power of the property shelter, for all who “small
eminent domain sought to be need them. Corollary property
and the condemned, to the expanded owners” from
propriety of its for the public notion of public use, expropriation
exercise in the use or purpose expropriation is not of their land
context of the described in anymore confined to for urban
facts involved in the complaint, vast tracts of land land reform.
the suit. upon the and landed estates. (City of
payment of It is therefore of no Mandaluyong
NOTE: It ends just moment that the v. Aguilar,
with an order, if compensation land sought to be G.R. No.
not dismissal of to be expropriated is less 137152, Jan.
action, of determined as than half a hectare 29, 2001)
condemnation of the only. Through the
years, the public use Satisfaction
date of the filing the Court with the requirement in of “genuine
of the complaint. assistance of not more eminent domain has necessity”
than three (3) evolved into a requiremen
An order of commissioners. The flexible concept, t
dismissal, if this order fixing the just influenced by
be ordained, compensation on the changing conditions. The right to
would be a final basis of the evidence Public use now take private
one, since it before, and findings of, includes the broader property for
finally disposes of the commissioners notion of indirect public
the action and would be final. It would public benefit or purposes
leaves nothing finally dispose of the advantage including necessarily
more to be done second stage of the suit in particular, urban originates
by the Court on and leave nothing more land reform and from “the
the merits. The to be done by the Court housing. (Philippine necessity”
order of regarding the issue. Columbian and the
condemnation (Brgy. San Roque, Association v. Panis, taking must
shall be a final Talisay, Cebu v. Hrs. of G.R. No. L-106528, be limited to
one, as the Rules Francisco Pastor, G.R. Dec. 21, 1993) such
expressly state, in No. 138896, June 20, necessity. In
the proceedings 2000) NOTE: The passage City of
before the Trial of R.A. 7279, the Manila v.
Court, no NOTE: LGU’s prolonged “Urban Development Chinese
objection to the occupation of private and Housing Act of Community
exercise of the property without the benefit 1992” introduced a of Manila, it
right of of expropriation proceedings limitation on the size is held that
condemnation (or entitles the landowner to of the land sought to necessity
the propriety damages. (City of Iloilo v. be expropriated for must be of a
thereof) shall be Judge Contreras-Besana, G.R. socialized housing. public
filed or heard. No. 168967, February 12, character.
2010) Moreover,
2. The the
determination by Satisfaction of “public use” ascertainmen
the RTC of the just requirement t of the
compensation for necessity
the property In case only a few could must precede
sought to be actually benefit from the or
taken. expropriation of the accompany
property, the same does not and not
This is done by diminish its public use follow the
taking benefit. benefi ng and Land
of the (Masikip v. City t the Use
land. In of Pasig, G.R. subdi Regulatory
City of No. 136349, Jan. vision’ Board, and
Manila 23, 2006) s also be
v. Arella owner relieved of
no Law Q: May LGUs who spending his
College, expropriate a will own funds
the property to be for a right-
necessit provide a able of-way.
y within right-of-way to (Barangay
the rule to residents of circu Sindalan v.
that the a subdivision? mvent CA G.R. No.
particul his 150640,
ar A: NO. comm March 22,
propert Considering itmen 2007)
y to be that the t to
expropr residents who provi Q:
iated need a feeder de Municipality
must be road are all road of Panay
necessa subdivision lot access issued
ry, does owners, it is to the resolutions
not the obligation subdi authorizing
mean an of the vision the
absolute subdivision in municipal
, but owner to conju government
only a acquire a nction through the
reasona right-of-way with Mayor to
ble or for them. his initiate
practica However, the devel expropriatio
l failure of the opme n
necessit subdivision nt proceedings.
y, such owner to permi A petition
as provide an t and for
would access road licens expropriatio
combin does not shift e to n was filed
e the the burden to sell by the
greatest the LGU from Municipality
benefit concerned. To the of Panay.
to the deprive Housi Petitioners
public respondents of
with their property are the owners domain by
the instead of of parcels of the
least compelling the land which are Municipality
inconve subdivision going to be of Panay
nience owner to expropriated valid?
and comply with by the LGU.
expense his obligation Petitioners A: NO. The
to the under the law argue that such LGC expressly
condem is an abuse of expropriation requires an
ning the power of was based only ordinance for
party eminent on a resolution the purpose of
and the domain and is and not on an expropriation,
propert patently ordinance and a
y owner illegal. Worse, contrary to Sec. resolution
consiste the 19 of LGC. Is which merely
nt with expropriation the exercise of expresses the
such will actually eminent sentiment of
LocAl GoveRNMents
the municipal spouses for the opinion.
council will not purpose of Furthermore, verified complaint
suffice. As developing it the remedy of in the proper
respondent's for low cost prohibition was court. Before the
expropriation in housing for the not called for, City as the
this case was less privileged considering that expropriating
based merely on a but deserving only a authority filed
resolution, such city resolution such verified
expropriation is inhabitants. expressing the complaint, no
clearly defective. The spouses desire of the expropriation
While the Court is then filed a Sangguniang proceeding could
aware of the petition for Panglungsod to be said to exist.
constitutional certiorari and expropriate the Until then, the
policy promoting prohibition in petitioners’ petitioners as the
local autonomy, the RTC, property was owners could not
the court cannot praying for the issued. It was also be deprived
grant judicial annulment of premature for of their property
sanction to an the Resolution the petitioners under the power
LGU's exercise of due to its being to mount any of eminent
its delegated unconstitution judicial domain. (Spouses
power of eminent al, confiscatory, challenge, for Antonio and Fe v.
domain in and without thepower of CA, G.R. No.
contravention of force and eminent domain 156684,April6,201
the very law effect. The City could be 1)
giving it such countered that exercised by the
power. [Beluso v. the Resolution City only Q: Petitioner
Municipality of was a mere through the Himlayang
Panay (Capiz), G.R. authorization. filing of a Pilipino filed a
No. 153974, Aug. Hence, the suit petition to annul
7, 2006] of the spouses an ordinance
was premature. which provides
Q: Spouses Yusay Will the that at least 6%
owned a parcel petition for of the total area
of land, half of certiorari and of every private
which they used prohibition cemetery shall
as their prosper? be set aside for
residence, and charity burial
the rest they A: NO.Certiorari grounds of
rented out to did not lie deceased
nine other against the paupers.
families. Sangguniang Petitioner
Allegedly, the Panglungsod, alleged that the
land was their which was not a ordinance is an
only property part of the invalid exercise
and only source Judiciary settling of the power of
of income. The an actual eminent domain
Sangguniang controversy as they were not
Panglungsod of involving legally paid just
Mandaluyong demandable and compensation.
City adopted a enforceable However, the
resolution rights when it City government
authorizing the adopted of Quezon City
City Mayor to Resolution No. argued that the
take the 552, but a ordinance is an
necessary legal legislative and exercise of
steps for the policy-making police power,
expropriation of body declaring hence, just
the land of the its sentiment or compensaition is
not necessary. Is cemetery for this was charged and to enact, and is therefore
the ordinance purpose, the city convicted of null and void. (People v.
valid? passes the burden violating the Fajardo, G.R No. L-12172,
to private Ordinance for Aug. 29, 1958)
A: NO. The power to cemeteries. Police having constructed
regulate does not power does not a building that Q:The Philippine Tourism
include the power to involve the taking destroys the view Authority sought the
prohibit. A fortiori, or confiscation of of the public plaza expropriation of 282
the power to regulate property with the without a mayor’s hectares of rolling land
does not include the exception of few permit. Is the situated in Barangay
power to confiscate. cases where there ordinance valid? Alubog and Babag, Cebu
The ordinance in is a necessity to City, under an express
question not only confiscate private A: NO. The authority to acquire by
confiscates but also property in order to ordinance is purchase or by any other
prohibits the destroy it for the unreasonable and means any private land
operation of a purpose of oppressive, in that it within the tourism zone.
memorial park protecting the operates to Petitioner contended that
cemetery. There is no peace and order permanently deprive the taking was not for
reasonable relation and of promoting appellants of the public use and that there
between the setting the general welfare. right to use their is no specific
aside of at least 6% (Quezon City v. own property; constitutional provision
of the total area of a Ericta, G.R. No. L- hence, it oversteps authorizing the taking of
private cemeteries 34915, June 24, the bounds of police private property for
for charity burial 1983) power, and amounts tourism purposes. Is the
grounds of deceased to a taking of contention valid?
paupers and the Q: The municipal appellants’ property
promotion of health, council of Baao, without just A: NO. Expropriation by the
morals, good order, Camarines Sur, compensation. But PTA under P.D. 564 of land
safety, or the general passed an while property may owned by the local
welfare of the people. ordinance be regulated in the government for promotion
providing that any interest of the of tourism is a valid
Section 9 of the person who will general welfare and, exercise of the State’s
assailed Ordinance is construct or in its pursuit, the power of eminent domain.
not a mere police repair a building State may prohibit The concept of public use is
regulation but an should, before structures offensive not limited to traditional
outright confiscation. doing such, obtain to sight, the State purposes. Here, as
It is not an exercise of a written permit may not, under the elsewhere, the idea that
police power but from the guise of police “public use” is strictly
eminent domain. It Municipal Mayor power, permanently limited to clear cases of
deprives a person of and if said divest owners of the “use by the public” has been
his private property building destroys beneficial use of discarded. The State’s
without due process the view of the their property and power of eminent domain
of law and without Public Plaza or practically confiscate extends to the expropriation
payment of just occupies any them solely to of land for
compensation. public property, it preserve or assure
Instead of building or shall be the aesthetic
maintaining a public appearance of the
community. To
removed at the station. The request was legally achieve that
expense of the denied because the result, the
owner of the proposed building would municipality must
building or house. X destroy the view or beauty give the owners just
filed a written of the public plaza. X compensation and
request for a permit proceeded with the an opportunity to be
to construct a construction of the building heard. The
building on a parcel without a permit because Ordinance was
of land adjacent to his former house was beyond the authority
their gasoline destroyed by a typhoon. X of said municipality
LocAl GoveRNMents
tourism Hipolito are privat tive authority
purpose the registered e to establish a
s owners of a lando building line,
althoug parcel of land wners the denial of
h this in Santa Ana, constit this permit
specific Manila. They utes would
objectiv applied for taking amount to
e is not permission to when taking of
express erect a strong- there private
ed in material is no property for
the residential law or public use
Constitu building on ordina under the
tion. the lot. For nce power of
The more than 40 requir eminent
policy days, the city ing domain
objectiv engineer took privat without
es of the no action. e land following the
framers Wherefore, owner procedure
can be Hipolito wrote s to prescribed
express him a letter confor for the
ed only manifesting m to exercise of
in his readiness the such power.
general to pay the fee propo The city
terms and to comply sed engineer
such as with existing wideni required to
social ordinances ng of issue the
justice, governing the the building
local issuance of street permit upon
autono building appro payment of
my, permits. The ved by the fees.
conserv engineer the (Hipolito v.
ation declined to Urban City of
and issue the Comm Manila, G.R
develop permit as ission. No. L-3887,
ment of according to Where Aug. 21,
the the Urban the 1950)
national Commission’s City
patrimo Adopted Plan has NOTE:
ny for the Sta. not Private
public Ana, the expro property
interest, streets will be priate already
and widened to d the devoted to
general the respective strip public use
welfare, widths of 22- of land can still be a
among m. and 10 m affecte subject of
others. and will affect d by expropriation
(Heirs the proposed the by Congress
of building. Was propo but not by
Ardona the engineer sed LGUs.
v. Reyes, correct in not wideni
G.R. No. issuing the ng of TAXING
G.R No. permit? the POWERS
L- street,
60549, A: NO. The inasm Nature of the power of
Oct. 26, refusal of the uch as taxation of LGUs
1983) city engineer to there
issue a building is no It is already
Q: Sps. permit to legisla well-settled
that the power must and 43,
althoug be delegated by A: NO. A basic Chapter XI of
h the Congress and feature of local the city
power must be fiscal autonomy ordinance
to tax is exercised is the automatic requires
inheren within the release of the proprietors,
t in the guidelines and shares of LGUs lessees or
State, limitations that in the national operators of
the Congress may internal theatres,
same is provide. (Geron revenue. This is cinemas,
not true v. Pilipinas mandated by no concert halls,
for the Shell, G.R. No. less than the circuses,
LGUs to 18763, July 8, Constitution. boxing stadia,
whom 2015) The LGC and other
Otherwise, mere specifies further places of
creatures of the that the release amusement,
ARMM’s taxing State can defeat shall be made to pay an
power National policies directly to the amusement
thru LGU concerned tax equivalent
The ARMM has extermination of within five days to 30% of the
the legislative what local after every gross receipts
power to create authorities may quarter of the of admission
sources of perceive to be year and “shall fees.
revenues within undesirable not be subject to Meanwhile,
its territorial activities or any lien or R.A. 9167 was
jurisdiction and enterprise using holdback that enacted on
subject to the the power to tax may be imposed June 7, 2002
provisions of the as "a tool for by the national creating the
1987 Constitution regulation”. government for Film
and national laws. (Basco v. whatever Development
[1987 Philippine purpose.” As a Council of
Constitution,Art. X, Amusements and rule, the term
Sec. 20(2)] Gaming "shall" is a word
Corporation, G.R. of command
Q: Can the local No. 91649, May that must be
governments tax 14, 1991) given a
national compulsory
government Q: The meaning. The
instrumentalitie President, provision is,
s? through A.O. therefore,
372, ordered imperative.
A: Sec. 133 of the the (Pimentel Jr. v.
LGC states that withholding of Aguirre, G.R. No.
“unless otherwise 10% of the 132988, July 19,
provided in the LGUs' IRA 2000)
Code, local "pending the
governments assessment Q: In 1993,
cannot tax and evaluation Cebu City
national by the imposed
government Development amusement
instrumentalities. Budget taxes under
This doctrine Coordinating Sec. 140 of the
emanates from Committee of LGC and passed
the “supremacy” the emerging “Revised
of National fiscal situation" Omnibus Tax
government over in the country. Ordinance of
local Is the A.O. the City of
governments. valid? Cebu.” Secs. 42
LocAl GoveRNMents
the Philippines raised and nothing from the covered LGUs, but
(FDCP). Secs 13 and collected by Cebu owners, proprietors to earmark, if not
14 of R.A. 9167 City and its and lessees of altogether
provided for the tax subsequent cinemas operating confiscate, the
treatment of certain transfer to FDCP. within the territory income to be
graded films — film This, it said, is a of the covered LGU. received by the
producers were to confiscatory LGU from the
be entitled to an measure where Taking the resulting taxpayers in favor
incentive equivalent the national scheme into of and for
to the amusement government consideration, it is transmittal to
tax imposed and extracts money apparent that what FDCP, instead of
collected by the from the local Congress did in this the taxing
cities, subject to government’s instance was not to authority. This is
various rates coffers and exclude the in clear
depending on the transfers it to the authority to levy contravention of
grade of their film, FDCP, a private amusement taxes the constitutional
to be remitted to the agency, which in from the taxing command that
FDCP. FDCP had sent turn, will award power of the
demand letters for the money to
unpaid amusement private persons, taxes levied by LGUs no circumstance accrue to
tax reward with five film producers, for shall accrue them, not even partially,
percent surcharge having produced exclusively to said despite being the taxing
for each month of graded films. Is the LGU and is authority therefor. Congress,
delinquency due to RTC correct? repugnant to the therefore, clearly
the producers. The power of LGUs to overstepped its plenary
proprietors and A: YES. Under R.A. apportion their legislative power, the
cinema operators 9167, covered LGUs resources in line amendment being violative
refused to remit the still have the power with their priorities. of the fundamental law's
amounts while Cebu to levy amusement guarantee on local
City insisted on its taxes, albeit at the It is a basic precept autonomy. (Film
claim on the end of the day, that the inherent Development Council of the
amounts in they will derive no legislative powers of Philippines v. Colon Heritage
question. Then, revenue Congress, broad as Realty Corporation, G.R. No.
Cebu City filed a therefrom. The they may be, are 203754, June 16, 2015)
petition for same, however, limited and confined
declaratory relief cannot be said for within the four walls Main sources of revenues
before RTC, Branch FDCP and the of the Constitution. of LGUs
14, asking it to producers of graded Accordingly,
declare Secs. 13 and films since the whenever the 1. Taxes, fees, and
14 of R.A. 9167 amounts thus levied legislature exercises charges. (1987
invalid and by the LGUs which its power to enact, Constitution Art. X,
unconstitutional. should rightfully amend, and repeal Sec. 5)
Colon Heritage accrue to them, they laws, it should do so
Corporation filed a being the taxing without going 2. Internal Revenue
similar petition authority-will be beyond the Allotment (IRA) - Just
before the RTC going to their parameters wrought share in the national
Branch 5, seeking to coffers. As a matter by the organic law. taxes which shall be
declare Sec. 14 of fact, it is only automatically released
unconstitutional. through the In the case at bar, to them. (1987
The RTC declared exercise by the LGU through the Constitution Art. X,Sec.
Secs. 13 and 14 of of said power that application and 6)
R.A. 9167 the funds to be used enforcement of Sec.
unconstitutional. for the amusement 14 of R.A. 9167, the NOTE: The current
The RTC said what tax reward can be income from the sharing is 40% local
R.A. 9167 seeks to raised. Without said amusement taxes and 60% national. The
accomplish is the imposition, the levied by the share cannot be
segregation of producers of graded covered LGUs did reduced except if there
amusement taxes films will receive not and will under is unmanageable public
sector deficit. the ment of
the Proceeds of just the
Q: Mandanas, et al, National share national
allege that the Taxes), of the of the wealth
insertion by LGC which says, LGUs within
Congress of the “Section 284. contra their
words internal Allotment of vened areas.
revenue in the Internal the (1987
phrase national Revenue Taxes. expres Constitut
taxes found in - Local s ion Art.
Section 284 of the government constit X,Sec. 7)
LGC caused the units shall have utional
diminution of the a share in the edict Principles
base for determining national in governing
the just share of the internal Sectio exercise of
LGUs, and should be revenue taxes x n 6, taxing and
declared x x” Article revenue-
unconstitutional as X the sharing
it contravened The phrase 1987 powers of
Section 6, Article X of national Constit LGUs
the 1987 internal ution.
Constitution. Is revenue taxes (Mand 1. Taxation shall be
limiting the LGU’s engrafted in anas v. uniform in each LGU
IRA to national Section 284 is Ochoa, 2. Taxes,
internal revenue undoubtedly G.R. fees,
taxes contrary to the more No. charges
Constitution? restrictive than 19980 and
the term 2, July other
A: YES. Section 6, national taxes 3, impositio
Article X the 1987 written in 2018) ns shall
Constitution textually Section 6. As be
commands the such, Congress 3. Eq equitable
allocation to the LGUs has actually uit and
of a just share in the departed from ab based as
national taxes. the letter of the le far as
Carrying out the 1987 sh practicab
provision’s mandate, Constitution ar le on the
Congress enacted stating that e taxpayer’
Section 284, Title III national taxes in s ability
(Shares of Local should be the th to pay; it
Government Units in base from e shall be
which the just pr levied
share of the oc and
LGU comes. ee collected
Such departure only for
is public
impermissible. purpose;
it must
It is clear from not be
the foregoing unjust,
clarification excessive
ati ,
that the on oppressi
exclusion of an ve, or
other national d confiscat
taxes like de ory; it
customs duties ve must not
from the base lo be
for determining p contrary
LocAl GoveRNMents
to 4. The by law or accountab
law, revenue ordinance, le and
pub collected and responsib
lic shall inure collection le for
poli solely to thereof said
cy, the benefit shall at all funds
nati of, and be times be and for
onal subject to acknowledg the
eco dispositio ed safekeepi
no n by, the properly; ng thereof
mic local 4. All monies in
poli governme officially conformit
cy, nt unit, received by y with the
or unless a local provisions
rest specificall governmen of law;
rain y provided t officer in 7. Local
t of therein. any governme
trad 5. Each local capacity or nts shall
e; governmen formulate
on any
3. The t unit shall, occasion sound
coll as far as
shall be financial
ecti practicable
accounted plans and
on , evolve a
for as local local
of progressiv
funds, budgets
loca e system of
unless shall be
l taxation.
otherwise based on
tax (LGC, Sec.
provided; functions,
es, 130)
5. Trust funds activities,
, Principles in the local and
cha treasury projects in
rge financial shall not be terms of
s paid out expected
and transactions except in results;
oth the 8. Local
er operations of fulfillment budget
imp of the plans and
osit purpose for goals shall,
ion which the as far as
1. No money
s trust was practicabl
shall be
shal created or e, be
paid out of
l in the funds harmonize
the local
no received; d with
cas 6. Every national
except in
e officer of developm
be the LGU ent plans,
of an
let whose goals and
to duties strategies
any permit or in order
priv require the to optim
or law;
ate possession the
2. Local government funds
per or custody utilization
and monies shall be
son. of local of
funds shall resources
spent solely generated be properly and to
for public only from bonded, avoid
purposes; sources and such duplicatio
3. Local expressly officer shall n in the
revenue is authorized be use of
fiscal and exercising the purpose.
physical authority (Figuerres v.
resources. over the 1. The tax is for a CA, G.R. No.
9. Local budgets financial public purpose; 119172,
shall affairs, 2. The rule on March 25,
operationaliz transactions uniformity of 1999)
e approved and taxation is
local operations observed; 2. Publication of
development of LGUs; and 3. Either the the tax
plans; 13. The LGU person or ordinance,
10. LGUs shall shall property taxed within 10
ensure that endeavor to is within the days after
their have a jurisdiction of their
respective balanced the approval, for
budgets budget in government 3 consecutive
incorporate each fiscal levying the tax; days in a
the year of and newspaper of
requirements operation. 4. In the local
of their (LGC, Sec. assessment and circulation,
component 305) collection of provided that
units and certain kinds of in provinces,
provide for NOTE: The taxes, notice cities, and
equitable general and municipalitie
allocation of principles on opportunity for s where there
resources taxation also hearing are are no
among these apply to the provided. newspapers
component taxing powers of (Pepsi-Cola of local
units; LGUs. Bottling Co. circulation,
11. National v. Municipality the same may
planning Requirements of Tanauan, be posted in
shall be for a valid tax G.R. No. L- at least two
based on ordinance 31156, (2)
local (PUJ- NO) February 27, conspicuous
planning to 1976) and publicly
ensure that accessible
the needs Procedural places.
and requirements for
aspirations of a valid revenue NOTE: If the
the people as ordinance tax ordinance
articulated or revenue
by the LGUs 1. A prior public measure
in their hearing on the contains
respective measure to be penal
local conducted provisions as
development according to authorized in
plans are the prescribed Art. 280of
considered in rules. this Rule, the
the gist of such
formulation NOTE: An tax ordinance
of budgets of ordinance or revenue
national line levying taxes, measure shall
agencies or fees or charges be published
offices; shall not be in a
12. Fiscal enacted newspaper of
responsibility without any general
shall be prior public circulation
shared by all hearing within the
those conducted for province
LocAl GoveRNMents
where the ensuing quarter
sanggunian and the taxes, fees, Tax Protest
concerned or charges due 1. Taxpayer first pays the
belongs. (IRR of shall begin to The formal taxes
LGC, Art. 276) accrue therefrom. statement, usually in 2. There
(IRR of LGC, Art. writing, made by a shall be
Effectivity of tax 276) person who is called annotati
ordinance upon by public on on the
Q: The Province of authority to pay a tax
In case the effectivity Palawan passes sum of money, in receipts
of any tax ordinance an ordinance which he declares the
or revenue measure requiring all that he does not words
falls on any date owners/operators concede the legality "paid
other than the of fishing vessels or justice of the claim under
beginning of the that fish in waters or his duty to pay it, protest".
quarter, the same surrounding the or that he disputes 3. The
shall be considered province to invest the amount protest
as falling at the ten percent (10%) demanded; the object in
beginning of the next of being to save his writing
right to recover or must be
their net profits reclaim the amount, filed
from operations Authority to determine which right would be within
therein in any the legality or propriety of lost by his thirty
enterprise located in a local tax ordinance or acquiescence. Thus, (30)
Palawan. NARCO revenue measure taxes may be paid days
Fishing Corp., a under "protest". from
Filipino corporation It is the Secretary of Justice (Black’s Law payment
with head office in who shall determine Dictionary) of the tax
Navotas, Metro questions on the legality and to the
Manila, challenges constitutionality of Requisites of a provincia
the ordinance as ordinances or revenue valid tax protest in l, city
unconstitutional. measures. a LGU (PAP) treasurer
Decide. (1991 Bar) or
Such questions shall be raised municipa
A: The ordinance is on appeal within thirty days l
invalid. The ordinance from the effectivity thereof to treasurer
was apparently the Secretary of Justice who , in the
enacted pursuant to shall render a decision within case of a
Art. X, Sec. 7 of the sixty days from the date of municipa
Constitution, which receipt of the appeal. lity
entitles local within
governments to an NOTE: Such appeal shall not Metropol
equitable share in the have the effect of itan
proceeds of the suspending the effectivity of Manila
utilization and the ordinance and the Area,
development of the accrual and payment of the who
national wealth within tax, fee, or charge levied shall
their respective areas. therein: Provided, finally, that decide
However, this should within thirty days after the
be made pursuant to receipt of the decision or the protest
law. A law is needed lapse of the sixty-day period within
to implement this without the Secretary of sixty
provision and a local Justice acting upon the (60)
government cannot appeal, the aggrieved party days
constitute itself unto a may file appropriate from
law. In the absence of proceedings with a court of receipt.
a law, the ordinance in competent jurisdiction (RTC). (LGC,
question is invalid. (LGC, Sec. 187) Sec. 252)
Remedies in
NOTE: A available to the th These are
claim LGUs to e directly
for tax enforce the P imposed on
exempti payment of hi privilege to
on, taxes li use real
whether p property such
full or 1. Imposing pi as land,
partial, penalties ne building,
does not (surcharge s machinery,
deal s and d and other
with the penalty oe improvement
authorit interest) in s s, unless
y of case of n specifically
local delinquenc ot exempted.
assessor y (LGC, Sec. ex
to 168) ce Q: After the
assess 2. Availing ed effectivity of
real local 3 LGC,
propert governmen m Bayantel
y tax, t’s liens o was granted
but (LGC, Sec. nt by Congress
merely 173) hs a legislative
raises a 3. Administra (L franchise
question tive action G with tax
of through C, exemption
reasona distraint of Se privileges
bleness goods, c. which partly
of chattels, 1 reads: “the
correctn and other 5 grantee, its
ess of personal 9) successors
such property or assigns
assessm [LGC, Sec. Real property taxes
ent, 174(a)]
which 4. Judicial action [LGC, Sec. shall be liable Quezon City
requires 174(b)] to pay the then
complia same taxes on enacted an
nce with Community tax their real ordinance
Sec. 252 estate, imposing a
of the Community tax buildings and real
LGC. is a poll or personal property tax
(Camp capitation tax property, on all real
John which is exclusive of properties
Hay imposed upon this franchise, located
Develop person who as other within the
ment resides within persons or city limits
Corpora a specified corporations and
tion v. territory. are now or withdrawing
Central hereafter may all
Board of Exempted from the be required by exemptions
Assessm payment of community tax law to pay.” previously
ent This provision granted.
Appeals, 1. Diplomatic and consular existed in the Among
G.R. No. representatives; company’s properties
169234, 2. Transient franchise covered are
October visitors prior to the those owned
2, 2013) when effectivity of by the
their stay the LGC. company.
LocAl GoveRNMents
Bayantel asserts Government of nt
that its Quezon City, et (Pimentel, ordinance in
properties are al., v. Bayan Jr. v. conflict with a
exempt from tax Telecommunica Aguirre, state law of
under its tions, Inc., G.R. G.R. No. general character
franchise. Is No. 162015, 132988, and statewide
Bayantel March 6, 2006) July 19, application is
correct? 2000). universally held
Elements so to be invalid. In
A:YES. The that the every power to
properties are President may pass ordinances
exempt from interfere in LEGISLATIVE given to a
taxation. The local fiscal POWER municipality,
grant of taxing matters there is an
powers to local Nature of local implied
governments 1. An legislative restriction that
under the unmanage powers the ordinances
Constitution and d public shall be
the LGC does not sector It is a consistent with
affect the power of deficit of fundamental the general law.
Congress to grant the principle that (Batangas CATV
tax exemptions. national municipal v. Court of
governme ordinances are Appeals, G.R. No.
The term nt; inferior in 138810,
"exclusive of the 2. Consultati status and September 29,
franchise" is ons with subordinate to 2004)
interpreted to the the laws of the
mean properties presiding State. An NOTE: The rule
actually, directly officers of against undue
and exclusively the Senate delegation of
used in the radio and the legislative
and House of powers applies to
telecommunicatio Representa LGUs. In the case
ns business. The tives and of Villegas v. Tsai
subsequent piece the Pao Ho (G.R. No.
of legislation presidents 29646, October
which reiterated of the 10, 1978), a city
the phrase various ordinance was
“exclusive of this local declared void
franchise” found leagues; because it
in the previous tax 3. And the constituted
exemption grant correspon undue delegation
to the company is ding of legislative
an express and recommen power to the
real intention on dation of Mayor. The
the part of the the ordinance did not
Congress to once secretaries lay down any
again remove of the standard to guide
from the LGC’s Departmen the Mayor in the
delegated taxing t of exercise of his
power, all of the Finance, discretion in the
company’s Interior issuance or
properties that are and Local denial of an alien
actually, directly Governme employment
and exclusively nt, and permit.
used in the pursuit Budget
of its franchise. and The Sanggunian
(The City Manageme
A sanggunian is a contempt (1993 Sangguniang of the latter office, since
collegial body. Bar) barangay - the nature of the duties of
Legislation, which is Punong the provincial Governor
the principal function The contempt Barangay call for a full-time
of the sanggunian, power and the occupant to discharge
requires the subpoena power NOTE: The presiding them. Such is not only
participation of all its cannot be deemed officer shall vote only consistent with but also
members so that they implied in the to break a tie [Sec. appears to be the clear
may not only delegation of 49(a) LGC]. rationale of the new Code
represent the certain legislative wherein the policy of
interests of their functions to local In the absence of the performing dual functions
respective legislative bodies. regular presiding in both offices has already
constituents but also These cannot be officer or his inability been abandoned.
help in the making of presumed to exist to preside at the
decisions, by voting in favor of the sanggunian session, The creation of a
upon every question latter and must be the members present temporary vacancy in the
put upon the body. considered an and constituting a office of the Governor
(Zamora v. Caballero, exception to Sec. 4 quorum shall elect creates a corresponding
G.R. No. 147767, of B.P. Blg. 337 from among temporary vacancy in the
January 14, 2004) which provides for themselves a office of the Vice-
liberal rules of temporary presiding Governor whenever the
NOTE: A petition for interpretation in officer. [LGC, Sec. latter acts as Governor by
certiorari filed favor of local 49(b); Gamboa v. virtue of such temporary
against a autonomy. Since Aguirre, G.R. No. vacancy. The continuity of
Sangguniang the existence of 134213, July 20, 1999] the Acting Governor’s
Panlungsod assailing these powers (Vice-Governor) powers
the legality of an poses a potential Q: May an as presiding officer of the
ordinance will not lie derogation of incumbent Vice- SP is suspended so long as
since the Sanggunian individual rights, Governor, acting as he is in such capacity.
is not a tribunal, the law cannot be governor, continue
board or officer liberally construed to preside over the
exercising judicial or to have impliedly sessions of the
quasi-judicial granted such Sangguniang
functions. (Liga ng powers to local Panlalawigan (SP)?
mga Barangay legislative bodies. If not, who may
National v. City The intention of preside in the
Mayor of Manila, G.R. the people, meantime?
No. 154599, January through their
21, 2004) representatives, to A:NO. A Vice-
share these Governor who is
No power to powers with the concurrently an
subpoena and hold local legislative acting governor is
persons in actually a quasi-
governor. For
bodies must clearly purposes of
appear in pertinent Province - exercising his
legislation. (Negros Sangguniang legislative
Oriental II Electric Panlalawigan - Vice- prerogatives and
Cooperative Inc., v. governor powers, he is
Sangguiang deemed a non-
Panlungsod ng City - Sangguniang member of the SP
Dumaguete, G.R. No. Panlungsod- City Vice - mayor for the time being.
L-72492, November 5, Being the Acting
1987) Municipality - Governor, the Vice-
Sangguniang bayan - Governor cannot
Local legislative Municipal Vice-mayor continue to
bodies and their simultaneously
presiding officers Barangay - exercise the duties
LocAl GoveRNMents
Under transact its majority ship of the
Sec. proper business of all sanggunian
49(b), “in or that number the being 11, 11
the event which makes a member divided by 2
of the lawful body and s of the will give us a
inability gives it power to sanggun quotient of
of the pass upon a law, ian who 5.5. Let it be
regular ordinance or any have noted
presiding valid act. been however that
officer to ‘Majority’, when elected a fraction
preside at required to and cannot be
the constitute a qualifie considered as
sangguni quorum, means d shall one whole
an the number constitu vote, since it
session, greater than half te a is physically
the or more than quorum and legally
members half of any total. to impossible to
present transact divide a
and Q: What is the official person or
constituti number that busines even his vote
ng a would s. into a
quorum determine the "Majorit fractional
shall elect quorum of our y" has part.
from sanggunian been Accordingly,
among that has a total defined we have to go
themselv membership of in up to the next
es a eleven (11) Santiag whole
temporar including the o vs. number,
y vice- mayor? Guingon which is 6.
presiding a, et al.
officer”. A: The Sangguniang Bayan is (G.R. In this regard,
(Gamboa composed of eight No. 6 is more than
v. (8) regular 134577, 5.5 and
Aguirre, members, the 18 therefore,
G.R. No. Liga ng mga Novemb more than
134213, Barangay er one-half of
July 20, President and 1998) the total
1999) the SK as that membership
Federation which is of the
Quorum in the President as ex- greater sangguniang
sanggunian officio members, than bayan in
and the Vice- half of conformity
Quorum is Mayor as the with the
defined as Presiding member jurisprudenti
the Officer. The ship of al definition
number of total the of the term
members membership in body. majority.
of a body a sanggunian Thus, the
which bayan, Followi presence of 6
when therefore, is ng the members
legally eleven (11). said shall already
assembled ruling, constitute a
in their Relative since quorum in the
proper thereto, Section the total sangguniang
places, 53 of the Local member bayan for
will Government
enable the Code of 1991 it to conduct (DILG
body to provides that a official sessions. Opinion No.
46-2007 and La shall be
Carlota City et al, transacted Guidelines in
v. Atty. Rex Rojo, if there is the conduct of 4. In case of special
G.R. No. 181367, still no a sanggunian sessions:
April 24, 2012) quorum session a. Written
despite notice to
Procedures to be enforceme 1. It shall be the
taken by the nt of open to members
presiding officer attendance public, must be
if there is a [LGC, Sec. unless it is a served
question on 53 (b)(c)] closed-door personally
quorum session at least 24
Fixing of 2. No two hoursbefor
Should there be a Sessions sessions, e the
question of regular or special
quorum raised Regular special, may session is
during a session, Sessions - By be held in a held
the presiding resolution on single day b. Unless
officer shall: the 1st day of 3. Minutes of otherwise
the session the session concurred
1. Immediately immediately be recorded in by 2/3
proceed to call following the and each votes of
the roll of the election of its sanggunian the
members and members shall keep a sanggunia
2. Announce the journal and n
results [LGC, Special record of its members
Sec. 53 (a)] Sessions - proceedings present,
When public which may there
Procedures to be interest so be being no
taken by the demands, published quorum, no
presiding officer special session upon other
if there is no may be called resolution of matters
quorum for by the chief the may be
executive or by sanggunian considered
The presiding a majority vote concerned. at aspecial
officer may: members of session
sanggunian. except
1. Declare a those
recess until NOTE: The stated
such time minimum inthe
that quorum number of notice
is regular (LGC, Sec.
constituted sessions shall 52).
2. Compel be once a week
immediate for the Q: On its first
attendance of sangguniang regular session,
the members panlalawigan, may the
who are sangguniang sanggunian
absent panlungsod, transact
without and business other
justifiable sangguniang than the matter
cause bayan, and of adopting or
3. Declare the twice a month updating its
session for the existing rules or
adjourned for sangguniang procedure?
lack of barangay.
quorum and [LGC, Sec. 52 A:YES. There is
no business (a)] nothing in the
LocAl GoveRNMents
language of the LGC discriminatory municipal charter prejudicial to public
that restricts the 4. Must not prohibit, requires the welfare. The veto must be
matters to be taken up but may regulate municipality to act communicated to the
during the first trade by an ordinance, if a sanggunian within:
regular session merely 5. Must not be resolution is passed
to the adoption or unreasonable in the manner and a. 15 days for a
updating of the house 6. Must be with the statutory province
rules. (Malonzo v. general in formality required in b. 10 days for a city
Zamora, G.R. No. application and the enactment of an or municipality
137718, July 27, 1999) Consistent with ordinance, it will be (LGC, Secs. 54 and
public policy. binding and effective 55)
REQUISITES FOR (Magtajas v. as an ordinance.
VALID ORDINANCE Pryce Properties Such resolution may NOTE: While “to veto or
Corporation, operate regardless not to veto involves the
Ordinance [not- Inc., July 20, of the name by exercise of discretion,” a
CUPPUn-Gen] 1994) which it is called. mayor exceeded his/her
(Favis authority in an arbitrary
As a municipal statute, NOTE: The mere v. City of Baguio, G.R. manner when he/she
it is a rule of conduct or fact that there is No. L-29910, April vetoes a resolution where
of action, laid down by already a general 25, 1969) there exist sufficient
the municipal statute covering an
authorities that must act or omission is Three readings
be obeyed by the insufficient to allowed in one day
citizens. It is drafted, negate the
prepared, promulgated legislative intent to There is nothing in
by such authorities for empower the the LGC which
the information of all municipality to prohibits the three
concerned, under and enact ordinances readings of a
by virtue of powers with reference to proposed ordinance
conferred upon them the same act or from being held in
by law (United States v. omission under the just one session day.
Pablo Trinidad, G.R. No. ‘general welfare It is not the function
L-3023, January 16, clause’ of the of the courts to
1907). Municipal Charter speculate that the
(United States v. councilors were not
1. Must not Pascual Pacis, G.R. given ample time for
contravene the No. 10363, reflection and
constitution and September 29, circumspection
any statute 1915). before the passage of
2. Must not be unfair or the proposed
oppressive Ordinance vs. ordinance by
3. Must not be partial or Resolution conducting three
a lawmaking body on readings in just one
a specific matter day. (Malonzo v.
Ordinance - Temporary in nature Zamora, G.R. No.
- Law 137718, July 27,
- General and GR: Third reading is not 1999)
permanent necessary in resolution
character Veto of the Local
- Third reading is XPN: Unless decided Chief Executive
necessary for an otherwise by a majority of all (1996, 2005 Bar)
ordinance the Sanggunian members.
(Roble Arrastre, Inc. v. The Local Chief
Resolution Villaflor, G.R. No. 128509, Executive may veto
- Merely a August 22, 2006) the ordinance only
declaration of once on the ground
the sentiment NOTE: It has been held that that the ordinance is
or opinion of even where the statute or ultra vires and
municip adopting lo ing a zoning
al funds local ca ordinance
from developme l (Casino v.
which nt plan and ch Court of
the public ief Appeals, G.R.
salary of investment ex No. 91192,
the program ec Dec. 2, 1991).
officer 3. Ordinance ut
could be directing iv Effectivity of ordinance
paid. the e or resolution
The payment of ve
Mayor’s money or to GR: After 10
refusal creating ed days from the
in liability th date a copy is
complyi (LGC, Sec. e posted in a
ng with 55) sa bulletin board
the m at the
directiv NOTE: e( entrance of
e of the Ordinances L the capitol or
G city, municipal
Director enacted by the
of the sangguniang or barangay
Bureau barangayshall, hall and in at
of Local upon approval least 2
Govern by a majority conspicuous
ment of all its spaces [LGC,
that the members be Sec. 59 (a)].
salary signed by the
could be punong XPN: Unless
provide barangay. The otherwise
d for is latter has no stated in
oppressi veto power. the
ve. ordinance or
e for a
(Pilar v. Approval of ordinances resolution
Sanggu [LGC, Sec. 59
niang 1. By affixing (a)].
Bayan the
of Dasol, signature Effect of the
nt (not
Pangasi of the local enforcemen
nan, G.R. chief t of a
executive ty
No. L- disapproved
on each vote)
63216, ordinance
and every from
March or
page that
12, resolution
thereof if prescri
he bed in
It shall be a
approves the
Items that the local sufficient
the same LGC
chief executive can ground for
2. By for
veto the
overriding certain suspension
the veto of (but or dismissal
1. Item/s of an
the local not of the official
chief all) or employee
executive ordina (LGC, Sec. 58).
2. Ordi
by 2/3 nces
vote of all as in Ordinances requiring
members amend publication for its
of the
sanggunia effectivity
n if the
LocAl GoveRNMents
1. Ordinances
that carry
with them
C, Sec. 59 (c)]
2. Ordinances
passed by
cities [LGC,
Sec. 59 (d)]
Review of
ordinances or
(2009 Bar)
Ordinances or
As to Who
As to Within 3 days
When after approval
copies of
Within 30 days
after the receipt;
1. Examine,
2. Transmit
As to prosecutor.
Period to If it is
examine the
LocAl GoveRNMents
LocAl GoveRNMents
from 2. It shall extend
the document. panlungsod only to
If no action has sangguniang subjects or
As to When been taken within pangbayan matters which
declared 30 Sec. 56) are within the
valid submission. legal powers
of the
As to When If it is beyond the sanggunian to
declared power enact.
invalid on 3. If at any time
(grounds) sangguniang before the
initiative is
held, the
LOCAL adopts in toto
REFERENDUM proposition
presented and
Initiative- The the local chief
legal process executive
whereby the approves the
registered voters of same, the
LGU may directly initiative shall
propose, enact or be canceled.
amend any However,
ordinance (LGC, those against
Sec. 120) such action
may, if they so
Referendum- The desire, apply
legal process for initiative in
whereby the the manner
registered voters of herein
the LGU may provided.
approve, amend or (LGC, Sec. 124)
reject any
ordinance enacted Procedure in
by the conducting local
sanggunian(R.A. initiative
7160, Sec. 126)
1. Number of
NOTE: Local voters who
initiative includes should file
not only ordinances petition with
but also resolutions the
as its appropriate Sanggunian
subjects(Garcia v. concerned:
COMELEC, G.R. a. Province
111230, September. and
30, 1994). cities –
not less
Limitations on local than
initiative 1000
1. It shall not be d voters
exercised for b. Muni
more than cipali
once a year. ty – at
LocAl GoveRNMents
least 100 voters Ultra vires contracts
d voters 2. The sanggunian Ultra vires contracts are
c. Barangay – at concerned has 30 those which:
least 50 days to act
registered a. Are
on the petition. If 15 days after certification by into
the sanggunian the COMELEC (LGC, Sec. beyond
does not take any 123). the
favorable action, express,
the proponents Rule of COMELEC over local implied
may invoke the referendum or
powers of inherent
initiative, giving The local referendum shall powers of
notice to be held under the control the LGU;
sanggunian. and direction of the and
3. Proponents will COMELEC within b. Do not
have the comply
following a. Provinces and cities – with the
number of days 60 days substanti
to collect b. Municipalities – 45 ve
required number days requirem
of signatures c. Barangay – 30 days ents of
a. Provinces and law e.g.,
cities – 90 days The COMELEC shall certify when
b. Municipalities and proclaim the results of expenditu
– 60 days the said referendum (LGC, re of
c. Barangay – 30 Sec. 126) public
days funds is
Rule on repeal, modification to be
4. Signing of petition and amendment of an made,
in a public place, ordinance or proposition there
before the approve through an must be
election registrar initiative and referendum an actual
or his designated appropria
representatives, Any proposition or ordinance tion and
in the presence of approved through an initiative certificate
a representative and referendum shall not be of
of the proponent repealed, modified or availabilit
and of the amended by the sanggunian y of
sanggunian within 6 months from the date funds.
concerned. of approval thereof. (Land
5. Date of initiative Bank of
is set by It may be amended, modified the
COMELEC if the or repealed within 3 years Philippin
required number thereafter by a vote of ¾ of es v.
of signatures has all its members (LGC, Sec. Cacayura
been obtained 125) n, G.R. No.
(LGC, Sec. 122) 191667,
NOTE: In case of barangays, April 17,
Effectivity of the period shall be 18 months 2013)
proposition after the approval thereof
(LGC, Sec. 125) NOTE: Such
If the proposition is are null and
approved by a ULTRA VIRES void and
majority of the votes ACTS cannot be
cast, it will take effect ratified or
validate NOTE: An act from its infirmity is
d. attended only the an implied
by an Sanggu ratification
Instanc irregularity, but niang that validates
e when remains within Panlala the contract.
a the wigan (Ocampo v.
defecti municipality’s is People, G.R.
ve power, is unenfor No. 156547-
munici considered as ceable. 51 & 156382-
pal an ultra vires The 85, February
contrac act subject to Sanggu 4, 2008)
t may ratification nian’s
be and/or failure Doctrine of
ratified validation. to estoppel
impugn does not
Ratificati Examples: the apply
on of contrac against a
defective a. Those t’s municipal
municip entered validity corporation
al into by the despite to validate
contract improper knowle an invalid
s is department dge of contract
possible , board, performance.
only officer of A reason
when agent; The doctrine of frequently
there is b. Those that estoppel cannot assigned for
non- not comply be applied as this rule is that
complia with the against a to apply the
nce with formal municipal doctrine of
the requiremen corporation to estoppel
require ts of a validate a against a
ments of written contract which municipality in
authorit contract it has no power such a case
y of the e.g., the to make, or would be to
officer Statute of which it is enable it to do
entering Frauds. authorized to indirectly
into the (Land Bank make only what it cannot
contract of the under do directly. (In
and/or Philippines prescribed Re: Pechueco
conformi v. conditions, Sons Company
ty with Cacayuran, within v. Provincial
the supra.) prescribed Board of
formal limitations, or in Antique, G.R.
requisite Contracts a prescribed No. L-27038,
s of a entered into mode or Jan. 30, 1970)
written by a local chief manner,
contract executive may although the Authorit
as be subject to corporation has y to
prescrib constructive accepted the negotiat
ed by ratification benefits thereof e and
law. and the other secure
Ratificati A loan party has fully grants
on may agreement performed its
either be entered into by part of the The local chief
expresse the provincial agreement, or executive may,
d or governor has expended upon authority
implied. without prior large sums in of the
authorization preparation for sanggunian,
LocAl GoveRNMents
negotiate and of Sale, Deed of
secure financial Mortgage, and speaks of prior consists of the
grants or Deed of authorization or following
donations in kind, Assignment. authority from the processes:
in support of the Sangguniang advertisement,
basic services or Thereafter, Panlungsod and not pre-bid
facilities Ong, a member ratification. It conference,
enumerated of the City cannot be denied eligibility
under Sec. 17 of Council, that the City screening of
LGC, from local questioned the Council issued Res. prospective
and foreign lack of 280 authorizing bidders, receipt
assistance ratification by Mayor Tiama to and opening of
agencies without the City Council purchase the bids, evaluation
necessity of of the subject lots. of bids, post-
securing contracts, qualification, and
clearance or among others. NOTE: As aptly award of
approval from Should all the pointed out by the contract. [R.A.
any department, documents Ombudsman, 9184, IRR, Sec 5
agency, or office pertaining to ratification by the (h)]
of the national the purchase of City Council is not a
government or the lots bear condition sine qua Requirement of
from any higher the ratification non for a mayor to public bidding
LGU; Provided, by the City enter into
that projects Council of contracts. With the In the award of
financed by such Calamba? resolution issued government
grants or by the Sangguniang contracts, the law
assistance with A: NO. Sec. Panlungsod, it requires
national security 22(c), LGC, cannot be said that competitive
implications shall provides: (c) there was evident public bidding. It
be approved by Unless bad faith in is aimed to
the national otherwise purchasing the protect the public
agency concerned provided in this subject lots. The interest by giving
(LGC, Sec. 23) Code, no lack of ratification the public the
contract may be alone does not best possible
Q: The City entered into by characterize the advantages thru
Council of the local chief purchase of the open
Calamba issued executive in properties as one competition. It is
several behalf of the that gave a mechanism that
resolutions LGU without unwarranted enables the
authorizing prior benefits to Pamana government
Mayor Tiama to authorization by or Prudential Bank agency to avoid
negotiate with the sanggunian or one that caused or preclude
landowners concerned. undue injury to anomalies in the
within the Clearly, when Calamba City. execution of
vicinity of the local chief (Vergara v. public contracts.
Barangays Real, executive enters Ombudsman, G.R. (Garcia v. Burgos,
Halang, and Uno, into contracts, No. 174567, March G.R. No. 124130,
for a new city the law 12, 2009) June 29, 1998)
hall site and to
purchase several Competitive or Failure of bidding
lots and to Public Bidding
execute, sign and When any of the
deliver the Refers to a method following occurs:
required of procurement 1. There is only one
documents. which is open to offeror
Mayor Tiama participation by 2. When all the
then entered any interested offers are
into MOA, Deed party and which non-
complying or Every local a governmental
unacceptable. government unit, as function or duty, no rule is that a
(Bagatsing v. a corporation, shall recovery, as a rule, municipal
Committee on have the power to can be had from the corporation
Privatization, sue and be sued municipality unless can be held
G.R. No. 112399, (LGC, Sec. 22). there is an existing liable to third
July 14, 1995) statute on the persons ex
LGUs have the matter, nor from its contractu or
power to sue and officers so long as ex delicto.
be sued. Because of they performed their
LIABILITY the statutory duties honestly and There can be
waiver, LGUs are in good faith or that no hard and
not immune they did not act fast rule for
wantonly and purposes of
from suit (Agra, existing statute on the matter, maliciously. With determining
Amicus Imperiorum nor from its officers so long as respect to the true
Locorum, 2016). they performed their duties proprietary nature of an
honestly and in good faith or functions, the settled undertaking
Local government that they did not act wantonly or function of
units and their and maliciously. With respect a
officials are not to proprietary functions, the municipality;
exempt from liability settled rule is that a municipal the
for death or injury to corporation can be held liable surrounding
persons or damage to to third persons ex contractu circumstance
property (LGC, Sec. or ex delicto. s of a
24). particular
There can be no hard and fast case are to
Suability is not the rule for purposes of be
same as liability determining the true nature of considered
an undertaking or function of and will be
It is a categorical a municipality; the decisive. The
statement that LGUs surrounding circumstances of basic
do not enjoy absolute a particular case are to be element,
and unqualified considered and will be however
immunity from suits. decisive. The basic element, beneficial to
Therefore, an LGU’s however beneficial to the the public the
suability is something public the undertaking may undertaking
that is recognized but be, is that it is governmental may be, is
their liability is in essence; otherwise the that it is
subject to evidence function becomes private or governmenta
(The Local proprietary in character. l in essence;
Government Code (Municipality of Malasiqui otherwise the
Revisited 2011 Ed., v. Heirs of Fontanilla, G.R. No. function
p144, Aquilino L-29993 October 23, 1978) becomes
Pimentel, Jr.). private or
Scope of municipal liability proprietary
Governmental vs. in character.
proprietary Municipal liabilities arise (Municipality
functions from various sources in the of Malasiqui
conduct of municipal affairs, v. Heirs of
If the injury is caused both governmental and Fontanilla,
in the course of the proprietary. G.R. No. L-
performance of a 29993,
governmental function Governmental vs. October 23,
or duty, no recovery, as proprietary functions 1978)
a rule, can be had
from the municipality If the injury is caused in the NOTE: Tests
unless there is an course of the performance of of liability is
LocAl GoveRNMents
the damages pr ember of
nature of for the o a city or
task death of, or pe municip
being injuries rl al police
perform suffered y force
ed. by, any pe refuses
person by rt or fails
Liabilities of LGUs reason of ai to
(1994, 2009 Bar) the ns render
defective . aid or
1. LG condition In protecti
Us of roads, w on to
and streets, hi any
thei bridges, ch person
r public ca in case
offi buildings, se of
cial and other , danger
s public Ar to life or
are works t. property
not under their 2 , such
exe control or 1 peace
mpt supervisio 8 officer
fro n. (New 0 shall be
m Civil Code, sh primaril
liab Art. 2189) all y liable
ility be for
aris NOTE: LGU ap damages
ing is liable pl and the
fro even if the ic city or
m road does ab municip
dea not belong le. ality
th to it as long [ shall be
or as it N subsidia
inju exercises e rily
ry control or w responsi
to supervisio Ci ble
per n over the vi therefor.
son said roads. l (New
s or C Civil
da 3. The State o Code,
ma is d Art.34)
ge responsibl e,
to e in like A Sources of municipal
pro manner rt liability
per when it ic
ty acts le 1. Liability arising from
(LG through a 2 violation of law
C, special 1
Sec. agent; but 8 NOTE:
24). not when 0 Liability
the (6 arising
2. LGU damage )] from
s has been violation
shal caused by 4. W of law
l be the official he such as
liab to whom n closing
le the task a municipa
for done m l streets
wit emnifying tort express
hou persons contract,
t prejudiced NOTE: They implies an
ind thereby, may be held obligation
liable for upon the
non-payment inheren torts arising municipality
of wages to its t from the to do justice
employees powers performanc with respect
due to lack of of the e of their to the same.
funds or other local private and (Province of
causes or its govern proprietary Cebu v. IAC,
refusal to ment functions G.R. No.
abide a unit or under the 72841,
temporary do not principle of January 29,
restraining comply respondeat 1987)
order may with the superior.
result in substan (City of NOTE: The
contempt tive Manila v. obligation of
charge and require Intermediat a municipal
fine. ments e Court of corporation
2. Liability for of law Appeals 179 upon the
contracts they are SCRA 428) doctrine of
not an implied
NOTE: liable. Doctrine of contract does
a. LGU is b. A Implied not connote
liable private Municipal an
provided individ Liability enforceable
that the ual who obligation.
contract deals A municipality Some specific
is intra with a may become principle or
vires or it munici obligated, upon situation of
is ultra pal an implied which equity
vires that corpora contract, to pay takes
is only tion is the reasonable cognizance
attended impute value of the must be the
by d with benefits foundation of
irregularit CONST accepted or the claim.
ies, which RUCTIV
appropriated by The principle
does not E
it as to which it of liability
preclude knowle
has the general rests upon
ratificatio dge of
power to the theory
n or the the
contract. The that the
applicatio extent
doctrine of obligation
n of the of the
power implied implied by
of or municipal law to pay
estoppel. authori liability has does not
ty of been said to originate in
If it is the apply to all the unlawful
ultra munici cases where contract, but
vires, pal money or other arises
which are corpora property of a
entered tion to party is
into enter received under
beyond into such
the contrac circumstances
express, ts. that the general
implied law,
or 3. Liability for independent of
LocAl GoveRNMents
from jeepney. The heirs members of the of Fontanilla
considerations of Jessica group to perform filed a complaint
outside it. The instituted an a play during the against the
measure of action for fiesta was Municipality. Is
recovery is the damages against Fontanilla. Before the municipality
benefit received by the Municipality. the dramatic part liable?
the municipal Is the municipality of the play was
corporation. The liable for the tort reached, the stage A: YES. The town
province cannot set committed by its collapsed and fiesta was an
up the plea that the employee? Fontanilla was exercise of a
contract was ultra pinned private or
vires and still A: NO. The driver of underneath
retain benefits. the dump truck was resulting to his proprietary funct
(Province of Cebu v. performing duties death. The heirs of the
IAC,ibid.) or tasks pertaining
to his office municipality.Holdin provide for an increase in
Tort liability of LGUs – he was on his way g a fiesta, even if the salary of the Vice Mayor
to get a load of sand purpose is to despite the fact that such
1. LGU- and gravel for the commemorate a position is entitled to an
engaged in repair of San religious or annual salary of P16,044.
government Fernando's historical event of X questioned the failure
al function– municipal streets. the town, is in of the Sangguniang Bayan
Not liable The municipality essence an act for to appropriate an amount
cannot be held the special benefit of for the payment of his
XPN: Unless it’s liable for the tort the community and salary. The Sangguniang
expressly made committed by its not for the general Bayan increased his
liable by a regular employee, welfare of the public salary and enacted a
statute or its who was then performed in Resolution No. 2
officers acted engaged in the pursuance of a appropriating an amount
wantonly or discharge of policy of the state. as payment of the unpaid
maliciously. governmental No governmental or salaries. However, the
(Torio v. functions. The death public policy of the Resolution was vetoed by
Fontanilla, G.R. of the passenger –– state is involved in the respondent mayor.
No. L- 29993 tragic and the celebration of a Can X avail of damages
deplorable though town fiesta. due to the failure of the
October 23, it may be –– (Municipality of respondents to pay him
1978) imposed on the Malasiqui v. Heirs of his lawful salary?
municipality no Fontanilla, G.R. No.
2. LGU- duty to pay L-29993, Oct. 23, A: YES. The Mayor alone
engaged monetary 1978) should be held liable and
in compensation. not the whole Sanggunian
proprietar (Municipality of San Q: X was elected as Bayan. Respondent Mayor
y Fernando v. Hon. Vice Mayor of vetoed the Resolution
function– Firme, G.R. No. L- Dasol, Pangasinan. without just cause. While
Liable The Sangguniang "to veto or not to veto
52179, April 8,
1991) Bayan adopted involves the exercise of
Q: A collision Resolution No. 1 discretion" as contended by
between a Q: The which increased respondents, respondent
passenger jeepney, Municipality of the salaries of the Mayor, however, exceeded
sand and gravel Malasiqui Mayor and his authority in an
truck, and a dump authorized the Municipal arbitrary manner when he
truck driven by celebration of Treasurer to vetoed the resolution since
Monte and owned town fiesta by way P18,636 and there are sufficient
by the Municipality of a resolution P16,044 per municipal funds from
of San Fernando and appropriated annum which the salary of the
occurred which an amount for the respectively. petitioner could be paid.
resulted to the construction of 2 However, the
death of Jessica, a stages. One of the Resolution did not Respondent Mayor’s
passenger of the
refusal, neglect or involv ures
omission in complying Jurisdictional e a governing
with the directives of Responsibility compo boundary
the Provincial Budget for Settlement nent disputes,
Officer and the of Boundary city or which
Director of the Bureau Dispute munici succinctly
of Local Government pality, includes the
that the salary of X be Generally, the on the filing of the
provided for and paid rule is to settle one proper
the prescribed salary boundary hand, petition, and
rate, is reckless and disputes and a in case of
oppressive, hence, by between and highly failure to
way of example or among LGUs urbani amicably
correction for the amicably. zed settle, a
public good, Specifically, city on formal trial
respondent Mayor is boundary the will be
liable personally to disputes other, conducted
the petitioner for involving the or and a decision
exemplary or LGUs are betwe will be
corrective damages. referred for en or rendered
(Pilar v. Sangguniang settlement to among thereafter. An
bayan ng Dasol, the sanggunians highly aggrieved
Pangasinan,G.R. No. concerned. For urbani party can
63216, March 12, example, those zed appeal the
1984) involving: (a) cities. decision of
barangays (The the
SETTLEMENT OF within one Local sanggunian to
BOUNDARY DISPUTES municipality or Govern the
city are ment appropriate
Boundary Dispute referred to the Code RTC. (Calanza
Sangguniang Revisit v. PICOP, G.R.
When a portion or the Bayan or the ed No. 146622,
whole of the Sangguniang 2011 April 24,
territorial area of an Panglungsod; Ed., p. 2009)
LGU is claimed by two (b) 275-
or more LGUs. municipalities 276, Said rules and regulations
within the same Aquilin state:
province to the o (a) Filing of
Sangguniang Piment petition -
Panlalawigan el, Jr) The
and (c) sangguni
municipalities Procedure for an
or component Settling Boundary concerne
cities of Disputes d may
different initiate
provinces are Article action by
jointly referred 17, filing a
to the Rule III petition,
sanggunians of the in the
concerned. Rules form of a
and resolutio
The same rule Regulat n, with
mentioned in ions of the
paragraph (c) the sangguni
is followed LGC an having
when the outline jurisdicti
boundary s the on over
disputes proced the
LocAl GoveRNMents
disp opy o ic
ute. of n at
(b) Cont the io
ents law o n
of or f of
petit stat th
ion - ute t e
The crea h pr
petit ting e ov
ion the in
shall LGU b ci
state or o al,
the any u ci
grou othe n ty,
nds, r d or
reas doc a m
ons ume r u
or nt i ni
justif sho e ci
icati win s p
ons g al
ther pro o as
efor of of f se
e. crea ss
(c) Doc tion or
ume of ,
nts the as
atta LGU th
ched ; e
to 2. Pro L ca
petit vinc G se
ion - ial, U m
The city, s ay
petit mu be
ion nici c ,
shall pal, o as
be or n to
acco bar c te
mpa ang e rr
nied ay r it
by: map n or
1. D , as e ial
u the d ju
l case ; ri
y may 4. W sd
a be, r ic
u duly i ti
t cert t o
h ified t n
e by e o
n the n ve
ti LM r
c B. c th
a 3. Tec e e
t hnic r di
e al t sp
d desc i ut
c ripti f e
d a among the parties
a acco themselves concerned,
r rdin a presiding DILG, local
e g to officer and a assessor,
secretary. In COMELEC,
record be furnished case of NSO, and
s in copies disagreemen other
custod thereof and t, selection NGAs
y; shall be shall be by concerned.
5. Writte given fifteen drawing lot. (i) Appeal -
n (15) (g) Failure to Within the
declar working settle - In time and
ations days within the event manner
or which to file the prescribed
sworn their sanggunian by the
statem answers. fails to Rules of
ents of (e) Hearing - amicably Court, any
the Within five settle the party may
people (5) working dispute elevate the
residin days after within sixty decision of
g in receipt of the (60) days the
the answer of from the sanggunia
disput the adverse date such n
ed party, the dispute was concerned
area; sanggunian referred to the
and shall hear thereto, it proper
6. Such the case and shall issue a Regional
other allow the certification Trial Court
docum parties to the effect having
ents or concerned to and copies jurisdictio
inform present their thereof shall n over the
ation respective be furnished dispute by
as may evidences. the parties filing
be (f) Joint hearing concerned. therewith
requir - When two (h) Decision - the
ed by or more Within sixty appropriat
the sanggunians (60) days e pleading,
sangg jointly hear from the stating
unian a case, they date the among
hearin may sit en certification others, the
g the banc or was issued, nature of
disput designate the dispute the
e. their shall be dispute,
respective formally the
(d) Answer of representati tried and decision of
adverse party - ves. Where decided by the
Upon receipt representati the sanggunia
by the ves are sanggunian n
sanggunian designated, concerned. concerned
concerned of there shall Copies of and the
the petition be an equal the decision reasons for
together with number of shall, within appealing
the required representati fifteen (15) therefrom.
documents, ves from days from The
the LGU or each the Regional
LGUs sanggunian. promulgatio Trial Court
complained They shall n thereof, be shall
against shall elect from furnished decide the
LocAl GoveRNMents
case within power to original
one (1) year dispute. expropriate; jurisdiction in all
from the filing (b) Resolution No. cases not within
thereof. Q: (1.) There was 1 has been voided the exclusive
Decisions on a boundary since the jurisdiction of any
boundary dispute between Sangguniang court or quasi-
disputes Dueñas, a Panlalawigan judicial agency.
promulgated municipality, and disapproved it for (Municipality of
jointly by two Passi, an being arbitrary; Kananga v.
(2) or more independent and Madrono, G.R. No.
sangguniang component city, (c) The 141375. April 30,
panlalawigan both of the same Municipality of 2003)
s shall be province. State Santa has other
heard by the how the two local and better lots for
Regional Trial government units that purpose.
Court of the should settle their Resolve the case VACANCIES AND
province, boundary dispute. with reasons. SUCCESSION
which first (2005 Bar)
took (2.) The Vacancy
cognizance of Sangguniang A: Since Passi is an
the Bayan of the independent Absence should
Municipality of component city, be reasonably
Santa, Ilocos Sur while Duenas is a construed to
passed Resolution municipality, the mean ‘effective’
No. 1 authorizing procedure in absence, that is,
its Mayor to Section 118 of the one that renders
initiate a petition Local Government the officer
for the Code does not concerned
expropriation of a apply to them. powerless, for the
lot owned by Since there is no time being, to
Christina as site law providing for discharge the
for its municipal the jurisdiction of powers and
sports center. This any court or quasi- prerogatives of
was approved by judicial agency over his/her office.
the Mayor. the settlement of There is no
However, the their boundary vacancy
Sangguniang dispute, the whenever the
Panlalawigan of Regional Trial Court office is occupied
Ilocos Sur has jurisdiction to by a legally
disapproved the adjudicate it. Under qualified
Resolution as Section 19 (6) of incumbent. A
there might still be the Judiciary sensu contrario,
other available Reorganization Act, there is a vacancy
lots in Santa for a the Regional Trial when there is no
sports center. Court has exclusive
Nonetheless, the
Municipality of person lawfully the elective post
Santa, through its authorized to Permanent
Mayor, filed a assume and exercise Vacancy:
complaint for at present the duties
eminent domain. of the office. Arises when an elected local
Christina opposed (Gamboa, Jr. v. official:
this on the Aguirre, G.R. No.
following grounds: 134213, July 20, 1. Fills a higher vacant
1999) office; or
(a) The 2. Refuses to assume
Municipality of Classes of office; or
Santa has no vacancies in 3. Fails to qualify; or
4. Dies; or c o ian member; in
5. Removed from e f case of the
office; or ; permanent
6. Voluntarily a disability of
resigns; or 3 b highest
7. Permanently . s ranking
incapacitated to T e Sanggunian
discharge the r n member,
functions of his a c c. Second highest
office. (LGC, Sec. v e ranking
44) e ; Sanggunian
l member
Temporary Vacancy: 3
a . 2. Office of the Mayor
Arises when an elected b T a. Vice-Mayor; in
official is temporarily r r his absence,
incapacitated to o a b. Highest ranking
perform his duties due a v Sanggunian
to legal or physical d e member;
reason such as: l
1 o
. r
h Arises when an elected official
y is temporarily incapacitated
s to perform his duties due to ;
i legal or physical reason such
c as: o
a r
l 1 4. Suspension from
. office. (LGC, Sec. 46)
s P
i h Filling of vacancy
c y
k s
1. Automatic
n i
e c
2. By appointment
s a
(LGC, Sec. 45)
s l
; Rules of
i succession in case
2 of permanent
. c
k vacancies (1995,
L 1996, 2002 Bar)
e n
a e
s A. In case of
v permanent
e s
; vacancy in:
1. Office of the
o Governor
f 2
. a. Vice-
L Governo
a r; in his
b absence,
s b. Highest
e ranking
n Sanggun
LocAl GoveRNMents
i gg k l
n uni i coun
an n cilor’
c me g s
a mb succe
s er, S ssion
e c. Sec a to
on n the
o d g office
f hig g of
he u vice-
t st n mayo
h ra i r
e nki a cann
ng n ot be
p Sa consi
e ng m dere
r gu e d a
m nia m volu
a n b ntary
n me e renu
e mb r nciat
n er , ion
t of his
3. Office of the Vice N office
d Governor or Vice- O as
i Mayor T coun
s a. Hi E cilor,
a gh : since
b est it
i ran T occu
l kin h rred
i g e by
t Sa oper
y ng h ation
gu i of
o nia g law.
f n h (Mon
me e tebo
h mb s n v.
i er; t COM
g in ELEC
h cas r , G.R.
e e a No.
s of n 1804
t the k 44,
per i April 8, 2008)
r ma n
a ne g 4. Second highest
n nt ranking
k dis m Sanggunian
i abi u member.Office of
n lity n the Punong
g of i Barangay
hig c a. H
S he i i
a st p g
n ran a h
e isa up by exec
s bili appoi utive
t ty ntmen for
of t in the
r hig the sang
a he follow guni
n st ing ang
k ran manne panl
i kin r: alaw
n g igan
g Sa 1. T and
ng he panl
S gu Pr ungs
a nia es od of
n n id highl
g me en y
g mb t, urba
u er, th nize
n b. Second ro d
i highest u cities
a ranking g and
n Sanggunian h inde
member th pend
m e ent
e NOTE: For Ex com
m purposes of ec pone
b succession, ut nt
e ranking in the iv citie
r Sanggunian e s
; shall be Se [LGC
determined on cr , Sec.
i the basis of the et 45
n proportion of ar (a)
the votes y, (1)]
obtained by sh 2. The
each winning all Gove
candidate to ap rnor
the total po shall
number of in appo
registered t int
o voters in each th the
f district in the e politi
immediately po cal
t preceding lit nomi
h local election. ic nees
e [LGC, Sec. 44 al for
(d)(3)] no the
p mi sang
e B. In case ne guni
r automatic e ang
m succession is of panl
a not applicable th ungs
n and there is e od of
e vacancy in the lo com
n membership of ca pone
t the l nt
sanggunian, it ch cities
d shall be filled ief and
LocAl GoveRNMents
t ncerne elected as mayor’s
h d [LGC, Mayor, Aquino political
e Sec. 45 as Vice-Mayor party.
(a)(2)] and Tamayo as Petitioners,
s 3. The the highest however,
a city or ranking contend that
n munici member of the it was the
g pal Sanggunian. In elevation of
g mayor 1999, Mayor Tamayo to
u shall Calimlim died, the position
n appoin thus Vice- of vice-mayor
i t the Mayor Aquino which
a recom succeeded him resulted in a
n menda as Mayor. permanent
g tion of Accordingly, vacancy and
the the highest- thus, the
b sanggu ranking person to be
a niang member of the appointed to
y barang Sanggunian, the vacated
a ay Tamayo, was position
n concer elevated to the should come
ned position of the from the
c [LGC, Vice-Mayor. same political
o Sec. 45 Since a vacancy party as that
(a)(3)] occurred in the of Tamayo, in
Sangguniang this case
GR: The officials shall Bayan by the Navarro. Are
successor (by remain in office elevation of the
appointment) in a hold-over petitioner respondents
should come capacity Tamayo to the correct?
from the same pursuant to R.A. office of the
political party as 9164. (Adap v. Vice-Mayor, A: NO. With
the sanggunian COMELEC, G.R. Governor the elevation
member whose No. 161984, Agbayani of Tamayo to
position has February appointed the position of
become vacant. 21, 2007) Navarro as Vice-Mayor, a
Member of the vacancy
XPN: In the case The “last Sangguniang occurred in
of vacancy in the vacancy” in the Bayan. Navarro the
Sangguniang Sanggunian belonged to the
barangay. same political
It refers to the party as that of
The reason for vacancy created Tamayo.
the rule is to by the elevation
maintain the of the member Respondents
party formerly argue that it
representation occupying the was the former
as willed by the next higher in vice- mayor
people in the rank, which in Aquino who
election. turn also had created the
become vacant permanent
Hold-over status by any of the vacancy in the
causes Sanggunian
In case of failure enumerated. and thus, the
of elections appointee
involving Q: In the 1997 must come
barangay officials, local elections from the
the incumbent Calimlim was former vice
Sanggunian that construction will GR: The acting working days.
should be filled up result in absurdity. Governor or
with someone who (Navarro v. CA, G.R. Mayor cannot 2. If travelling
should belong to the No. 141307, March exercise the outside his
political party of 28, 2001) power to jurisdiction but
petitioner Tamayo. appoint, within the country
Under Sec 44 of the NOTE: In case of suspend or for a period not
LGC, a permanent vacancy in the dismiss exceeding 3 days,
vacancy arises when representation of employees. the local chief
an elective official the youth and the executive may
fills a higher vacant barangay in the XPN: If the designate in
office, refuses to Sanggunian, it shall period of writing the officer-
assume office, fails to be filled temporary in-charge of their
qualify, dies, is automatically by incapacity respective offices.
removed from office, the official next in exceeds 30 The OIC
voluntarily resigns, rank of the
or is otherwise organization cannot exercise the he has reported back to
permanently concerned. [LGC, power to appoint, office, if the temporary
incapacitated to Sec. 45(d)] suspend or dismiss incapacity was due to
discharge the employee. a. Leave of
functions of his office. Rules on temporary absence;
Sec 45 (b) of the vacancies (2002 Bar) If no designation was b. Travel abroad;
same law provides made, then the vice and
that “only the 1. In case of governor, vice c. Suspension
nominee of the temporary mayor, or in his
political party under vacancy of the absence, the highest- 2. Upon submission by
which the post of the local ranking member of the local chief
Sanggunian member chief executive the sanggunian is executive of the
concerned has been (leave of authorized to necessary documents
elected and whose absence, travel assume the office on showing that the legal
elevation to the abroad, and the 4th day of causes no longer exist, if
position next higher suspension): absence of the local the temporary
in rank created the the Vice- chief executive. incapacity was due to
last vacancy in the Governor, City legal reasons[LGC, Sec.
Sanggunian shall be or Municipal 3. If the local chief 46(b)].
appointed in the Vice Mayor, or executive’s travel
manner herein the highest exceeds 3 days, the Rules on consecutiveness
provided. The ranking vice governor or vice of terms and/or
appointee shall come sangguniang mayor, or in his involuntary interruption:
from the political barangay shall absence, the highest
party as that of the automatically ranking sanggunian 1.When a permanent
Sanggunian member exercise the member assumes the vacancy occurs in an elective
who caused the powers and office of the local position and the official
vacancy…”The term perform the chief executive. merely assumed the
“last vacancy” is thus duties and position pursuant to the
used in Sec. 45(b) to functions of Termination of rules on succession under
differentiate it from the local chief temporary the LGC, then his service for
the other vacancy executive incapacity the unexpired portion of the
previously created. concerned. term of the replaced official
The term “by no Such automatic 1. Upon cannot be treated as one full
means” refers to the exercise means submission to term as contemplated under
vacancy in the No. 8 that they no the appropriate the subject constitutional
position which longer have to sanggunian of a and statutory provision that
occurred with the be appointed to written service cannot be counted in
elevation of 8th the position by declaration by the application of any term
placer to the 7th anyone. the local chief limit. If the official runs
position in the executive again for the same position
Sanggunian. Such NOTE: concerned that he held prior to his
LocAl GoveRNMents
assumption of the been election
higher office, then his 3. The abolition dismis protest and
succession to said of an elective sed said decision
position is by local office due (Lonz becomes final
operation of law and is to the anida after said
considered an conversion of a and official had
involuntary severance municipality to Dizon) served the
or interruption. a city does not, . The full term for
by itself, work break said office,
2. An elective official, to interrupt the or then his loss
who has served for incumbent interr in the
three consecutive official’s uption election
terms and who did not continuity of need contest does
seek the elective service. not be not
position for what for a constitute an
could be his fourth 4. Preventive full interruption
term, but later won in suspension is term since he has
a recall election, had an not a term- of managed to
interruption in the interrupting three serve the
continuity of the event as the years term from
official’s service. For, elective officer’s or for start to finish.
he had become in the continued stay the His full
interim, i.e., from the and entitlement major service,
end of the 3rd term up to the office part of despite the
to the recall election, a remain the 3- defeat, should
private citizen. unaffected year be counted in
during the term; the
period of an application of
suspension, interr term limits
although he is uption because the
barred from for nullification
exercising the any of his
functions of his length proclamation
office during of came after
this period. time, the expiration
provid of the term.
5. When a ed the (Abundo v.
candidate is cause COMELEC,
proclaimed as is G.R. No.
winner for an involu 201716, Jan.
elective ntary, 8, 2013)
position and is
assumes office, suffici
his term is ent to
interrupted break RECALL
when he loses the
in an election contin It is a mode
protest and is uity of of removal of
ousted from servic a public
office, thus e. officer, by the
disenabling him people,
from serving 6. Wh before the
what would en an end of his
otherwise be official term. The
the unexpired is people’s
portion of his defeat prerogative
term of office ed in to remove a
had the protest an public officer
is an expenses its discretion the 2014 GAA
incident incident to when it be deemed
of their recall elections suspended the insufficient,
sovereig shall be borne recall election? then the
n by the COMELEC
power, COMELEC. For A: YES. The Chairman may
and in this purpose, COMELEC exercise his
the the annual committed authority to
absence General grave abuse of augment such
of Appropriations discretion in line item
constitu Act (GAA) shall issuing appropriation
tional include a Resolution Nos. from the
restrain contingency 9864 and 9882. COMELEC’s
t, the fund at the The 2014 GAA existing
power disposal of the provides the savings, as this
is COMELEC for line item augmentation
implied the conduct of appropriation to is expressly
in all recall elections allow the authorized in
govern (LGC, Sec. 75) COMELEC to the 2014 GAA.
mental perform its Resolution No.
operatio Q: Goh filed constitutional 9864 is
ns. before the mandate of therefore
(Garcia COMELEC a conducting partially
v. recall petition recall elections. reverse and
COMEL against Mayor There is no need set aside
EC, G.R. Bayron due to for insofar as it
No. loss of trust supplemental directed the
111511, and legislation to suspension of
Oct. 5, confidence. On authorize the any and all
1993) 1 April 2014, COMELEC to proceedings in
the COMELEC conduct recall the recall
NOTE: promulgated elections for petition. (Goh
All Resolution No. 2014. v. Bayron, G.R
9864 Considering that No. 212584,
there is an November 25,
which found the What existing line 2014)
recall petition Resolution Nos. item
sufficient in form 9864 and 9882 appropriation Ground for
and substance, have given with for the conduct recall
but suspended one hand (the of recall
the funding of affirmation of elections in the The only
any and all recall the sufficiency 2014 GAA, we ground for
elections until of the Recall see no reason recall of local
the resolution of Petition), they why the government
the funding have taken COMELEC is officials is
issue. Petitioner away with the unable to loss of
submits that the other (the issue perform its confidence. It
same is a grave of lack constitutional is not subject
abdication and funding). The mandate to to judicial
wanton betrayal COMELEC “enforce and inquiry. The
of the suspended the administer all Court ruled
constitutional holding of a laws and that ‘loss of
mandate of the recall election regulations confidence’ as
COMELEC and a supposedly relative to the a ground for
grievous through lack of conduct of xxx recall is a
violation of the funding. Did recall.” Should political
sovereign power the COMELEC the funds question.
of the people. gravely abuse appropriated in (Garcia v.
LocAl GoveRNMents
COMELEC, G.R. No. however, That dismissed upon
111511, Oct. 5, concerned and in no case shall the effectivity of
1993) supported by the the required RA 9244.
registered voters in number of (Approved
Recall initiation the LGU concerned petitioners be February 19,
during the election less than 2004)
The Recall of any in which the local fifteen
elective official sought to be thousand(15,0 Recall process
provincial, city, recalled was elected 00); and
municipal or subject to the d. At least ten 1. Petition of a
barangay official following percent (10%) registered
shall be percentage in the case of voter in the
commenced by a requirements: LGUs with a LGU
petition of a voting concerned,
registered voter in a. At least twenty- population of supported
the LGU five percent over three by
(25%) in the hundred percentage
case LGUs with thousand of registered
a voting (300,000):Prov voters during
population of ided, however, the election
not more than that in no case in which the
twenty shall the local official
thousand required sought to be
(20,000); petitioners be recalled was
b. At least twenty less than forty- elected.
percent (20%) five thousand 2. Within 15
in the case of (45,000) (LGC, days after
LGUs with a Sec. 70, as filing,
voting amended by RA COMELEC
population of at 9244) must certify
least twenty the
thousand(20,00 NOTE: By virtue of sufficiency of
0) but not RA 9244, Secs. 70 the required
more than and 71 of the LGC number of
seventy-five were amended, and signatures.
thousand the Preparatory
(75,000): Recall Assembly NOTE: Failure to
Provided, That has been obtain required
in no case shall eliminated as a number
the required mode of instituting automatically
petitioners be recall of elective nullifies petition.
less than five local government
thousand officials. 3. Within 3 days
(5,000); of
c. At least fifteen All pending certification
percent (15%) petitions for recall of sufficiency,
in the case of initiated through COMELEC
LGUs with a the Preparatory shall provide
voting Recall Assembly the official
population of at shall be considered with copy
least seventy-
five thousand of petition and a local newspaper of
(75,000) but shall cause its general circulation.
not more than publication for Petition must also be
three hundred three weeks posted for 10 to 20
thousand (once a week) in days at conspicuous
(300,000): a national places (LGC, Sec. 70 (b)
Provided, newspaper and (2), as amended by RA
9244) successor in the person of the election. He is
candidate receiving the automatically
NOTE: Protest highest number of votes cast Gover considered as
should be filed at during the election on recall. nor duly
this point and Peralt registered
ruled with finality Should the official sought to a can candidate
within 15 days be recalled receive the highest run (LGC, Sec. 71)
after filing. number of votes, confidence in again He is not allowed to resign
him is thereby affirmed, and as (LGC, Sec. 72)
4. COMELEC he shall continue in govern
verifies and office(LGC, Sec. 72) or. He Prohibition from
authenticates did resignation
the signature Q: Governor Peralta was not
5. COMELEC serving his third term when fully The elective
announces he lost his governorship in serve local official
acceptance of a recall election. his sought to be
candidates. third recalled shall
6. COMELEC sets A. Who shall succeed term, not be
election within 30 Governor Peralta in his becaus allowed to
days after the office as Governor? e he resign while
filing of the B. Can Governor Peralta run lost in the recall
resolution or again as governor in the the process is in
petition for recall next election? recall progress
in the C. Can Governor Peralta electio (LGC, Sec. 73)
case of refuse to run in the recall n. His
barangay/city/mu election and instead resign third Limitations on recall
nicipality, and from his position as term (2008 Bar)
45days in the governor? should
case of provincial not be 1. Any
officials. Officials A: The candidate who includ elective
sought to be received the highest number ed in local
recalled are of votes in the recall will compu official
automatic succeed Governor Peralta ting may be
candidates (LGC, (LGC, Sec. 72) the the
Secs. 70 & 71) three- subject
term of a
NOTE: The official limit. recall
or officials sought (Lonz election
to be recalled shall anida only
automatically be v. once
considered as duly COME during
registered LEC, his term
candidate or G.R. of office
candidates to the No. for loss
pertinent positions 13515 of
and, like other 0, July confidenc
candidates, shall 28, e; and
be entitled to be 1999) 2. No recall
voted upon (LGC, shall take
Sec. 71) Gover place
nor within
Effectivity of Recall Peralt one (1)
a year
The recall of an cannot from the
elective local official refuse date of
shall be effective only to run the
upon the election and in the official’s
proclamation of a recall assumpti
LocAl GoveRNMents
on the one-year Nov. 4, Q. Will it be proper for
to period provided 1996). the COMELEC to act
offic in Section 74
e or (b) of the LGC.
one (Claudio v. on a petition 9164 and RA
(1) COMELEC, G.R. for recall 10742, is
yea No. 140560. signed by just three (3)
r May 4, 2000) one person? years.
med NOTE: The A: NO. A NOTE: The
iatel one-year time petition for objective of
y bar will not recall signed by imposing the
pre apply where just one person three-term
cedi the local official is in violation of limit rule is to
ng a sought to be the statutory “avoid the
reg recalled is a 25% minimum recall of a
ular mayor and the requirement as single person
elec approaching to the number accumulating
tion election is a of signatures excess power
(LG barangay supporting any over a
C, election. petition for particular
Sec. (Angobung v. recall. territorial
74) COMELEC, G.R. (Angobung v. jurisdiction as
No. 126576, COMELEC, G.R. a result of a
The March 5, 1997) No. 126576, prolonged
Suprem March 5, 1997) stay in the
e Court Q: Sec. 74 of same office”.
held that the LGC
the term provides that For a three-
recall “no recall Term of office term rule to
referred shall take of an elected apply, the
to in the place within local official local official
one- one year must have
year immediately Three (3) years fully served
time bar preceding a starting from the term and
rule regular local noon of June 30 been elected
refers to election.” following the through
the What does the election or such regular
recall term “regular date as may be election.
election local election,” provided by
and not as used in this law, except that Q: From 2004
the section, mean? of elective to 2007 and
prelimin barangay 2007 to
ary A: Referring to officials, for 2010, Naval
proceedi an election maximum of 3 had been
ng to where the consecutive elected as a
initiate office held by terms in the Board
recall. It the local same position Member of
is clear elective official (LGC, Sec. 43) the
that the sought to be Sangguniang
initiatio recalled is to The term of Panlalawigan
n of be actually office of for the
recall contested and Barangay and Second
proceedi filled by the Sangguniang District,
ng is not electorate Kabataan Province of
prohibit (Paras v. elective Camarines
ed COMELEC, G.R. officials, by Sur. On
within No. 123169, virtue of RA October 12,
2009, the consecutive
President terms as a Sanggunian, be defeated by,
approved R.A. member of the irrespective of the nor sacrificed for,
No. 9716, which district he had values of less than
reapportioned been elected from. equal
the legislative Allowing Naval to constitutional
districts in run as a worth.
Camarines Sur. 8 Sanggunian
out of 10 towns member for the In Naval’s case,
were taken from fourth time is the words of R.A.
the old Second violative of the No. 9716 plainly
District to form inflexible three- state that the new
the present term limit rule. Is Second District is
Third District. Julia correct? to be created, but
The present the Third District
Second District A: YES. As worded, is to be renamed.
is composed of the constitutional The rationale
the two provision fixes the behind
remaining towns, term of a local reapportionment
Gainza and elective office and is the
Milaor, merged limits an elective constitutional
with five towns official’s stay in requirement to
from the old office to no more achieve equality of
First District. In than three representation
the 2010 consecutive terms. among the
elections, Naval The “limitation” districts.The aim
once again won under this first of legislative
as among the branch of the apportionment is
members of the provision is to equalize
Sanggunian, expressed in the population and
Third District. negative—“no such voting power
He served until official shall serve among districts.
2013. In the for more than three The basis for
2013 elections, consecutive terms.” districting shall be
Naval ran anew This formulation— the number of the
and was re- no more than three inhabitants of a
elected as consecutive terms— city or a province
Member of the is a clear command and not the
Sanggunian, suggesting the number of
Third District. existence of an registered voters
Nelson Julia was inflexible rule. This therein. Naval’s
likewise a examination of the ineligibility to run,
Sanggunian wording of the by reason of
Member constitutional violation of the
candidate from provision and of the three-term limit
the Third circumstances rule, does not
District in the surrounding its undermine the
2013 elections. formulation right to equal
He filed before impresses upon us representation of
the COMELEC a the clear intent to any of the
Verified Petition make term districts in
to Deny Due limitation a high Camarines Sur.
Course or to priority With or without
Cancel COC of constitutional him, the renamed
Naval. Julia objective whose Third District,
posited that terms must be which he labels as
Naval had fully strictly construed a new set of
served for three and which cannot constituents,
LocAl GoveRNMents
would still be
represented, albeit by
another eligible
In sum, there is no
compelling reason to
side with Naval. To
declare otherwise
would be to create a
dangerous precedent
unintended by the
drafters of our
Constitution and of
R.A. No. 9716.
Considering that the
one-term gap or rest
after three
consecutive elections
is a result of a
compromise among
the members of the
Commission, no
cavalier exemptions
or exceptions to its
application is to be
allowed. Further,
sustaining Naval’s
arguments would
practically allow him
to hold the same
office for 15 years.
(Naval v. COMELEC,
G.R. No. 207851, July
8, 2014)
Term limit of
Barangay officials
The term of office of barangay officials was fixed at
three years under R.A. 9164 (19 March 2002).
Further, Sec.43 (b) provides that "no local
elective official shall serve for more than three (3)
consecutive terms in the same position. The Court
interpreted thissection referring to all local
elective officials without exclusions or
exceptions. (COMELEC v. Cruz, G.R. No. 186616,
Nov. 20, 2009)
Regalian Doctrine
Jura Regalia
franchise for utility is not bodies of entities shall
the operation of an exclusive be limited to their
a public utility. private proportionate share in
However, it property of the capital thereof, and
does not the franchisee. all the officers of such
require a Under the entities must be
franchise Constitution, citizens of the
before one can no franchisee Philippines (Bar
own the can demand examination in
facilities needed or acquire Political Law, 1989).
to operate a exclusivity in
public utility so the operation Ownership requirement
long as it does of a public
not operate utility. Thus, a 1. Advertising-
them to serve franchisee 70% of their
the public. cannot capital must
complain of be owned by
Sec. 11, Art. XII seizure or Filipino
provides that, taking of citizens [Art.
“No franchise, property XVI, Sec. 1(2)]
certificate or because of the 2. Mass Media-
any other form issuance of must be
of authorization another wholly owned
for the franchise to a by Filipino
operation of a competitor citizens [Art.
public utility (Pilipino XVI, Sec.
shall be granted Telephone 11(1)]
except to Corp. v. NRC,
citizens of the G.R. No.
Philippines or 138295,
to corporations August 28,
or associations 2003).
under the laws Foreigners
of the who own
Philippines at substantial
least 60% of stockholding
whose capital is s in a
owned by such corporation,
citizens, nor engaged in
shall such the
franchise, advertising
certificate or industry,
authorization cannot sit as
be exclusive a treasurer of
character or for said
a longer period corporation
than 50
years…” (Tatad A treasurer is
v. Garcia, G.R. an executive
No. 114222, or a managing
April 6, 1995). officer. Sec.
11(2), Art. XVI
Exclusivity of a provides that
public utility the
franchise participation
of the foreign
A franchise to investors in
operate a public the governing
3. Educational institutions- 60% of their Imperium vs. Dominium
capital must be owned by Filipino
citizens [Art. XVI, Sec. 4(2)] Imperium Dominium
The power to govern The capacity of the
Interpretation of the term “capital” as used in possessed by the State State to own or
Sec. 11, Art. XII in determining compliance which is embraced in acquire properties.
with the ownership requirement sovereignty.
Natural-born involved will, Siu Si Temple, GR No. L- agreement of both
citizens nevertheless, 6776, May 21, 1955) lessor and lessee.
who be not (Sec. 1, PD 471)
lost applicable. Aliens and alien-
their (Sec. 113, BP owned corporations Foreign nationals can
68; Republic v. may lease private own condominium
Any natural- IAC, GR No. lands units
born citizen of 75042,
the Philippines November 29, The maximum period They can own
who has lost his 1988) allowable for the Philippine real estate
Philippine duration of leases of through the purchase
citizenship and But religious private lands to aliens of condominium
who has the associations or alien-owned units or townhouses
legal capacity to controlled by corporations, constituted under
enter into a non- Filipinos associations, or the Condominium
contract under cannot own entities not qualified to principle with
Philippine laws lands acquire private lands Condominium
may be a in the Philippines shall Certificates of Title as
transferee of a The be twenty-five (25) long as the alien
private land up Constitution years, renewable for interest in such
to a maximum makes no another period of corporation does
area of one exception in twenty-five (25) years not
thousand favor of upon mutual
square meters, religious
in the case of associations exceed the limits Philippines shall be limited to
urban land, or restricting the imposed by existing Filipino citizens. (Sec. 14, Art.
one hectare in acquisition of laws. (Sec. 5, RA 4726) XII, 1987 Constitution)
the case of rural public
land, to be used agricultural It expressly allows XPN: Save in cases prescribed
by him as his lands and foreigners to acquire by law.
residence. (Sec. other natural condominium units and
2, BP 185) resources to shares in condominium Reciprocity Clause
corporations corporations up to not
Religious or more than 40% of the A foreigner may practice
Corporations can associations at total and outstanding profession in the Philippines if
own lands least sixty per capital stock of a there is a reciprocity provision
centum of the Filipino-owned or provided in laws regulating a
A corporation capital of controlled corporation. profession.
sole by the which is As long as the 60% of
nature of its owned by the members of this Regulation of the Practice of
incorporation is such citizens. Condominium Medicine
vested with the To permit Corporation are
right to religious Filipino, the remaining It is long established rule that
purchase and associations members can be a license to practice medicine
hold real estate controlled by foreigners. (Jacobus is a privilege or franchise
property. It non-Filipinos Bernhard Hulst v. PR granted by the government.
need not to acquire Builders, Inc., GR No. However, the power to
therefore be agricultural 156364, September 25, regulate the exercise of a
treated as an lands would 2008) profession or pursuit of an
ordinary be to drive the occupation cannot be
private opening PRACTICE OF exercised by the State or its
corporation wedge to PROFESSIONS agents in an arbitrary,
because revive alien despotic, or oppressive
whether or not religious land Practice of Profession manner. (PRC v. De Guzman,
it be so treated holdings in in the Philippines GR No. 144681, June 21, 2004)
as such, the this country.
Constitutional (Register of GR: The practice of all Q: Graduates of Fatima
provision Deeds v. Ung professions in the College of Medicine passed
the Physician Licensure
Ota ng rules and regulations
file responde
d a nt to governing citizens Philippine
pet prove thereof. (Board of citizenship under
itio first that Medicine v. RA No. 9225,
n a Filipino Yasuyuki Ota, GR remains to be a
for has No. 166097, July 14, member of the
ma already 2008; Sec. 9, RA No. Philippine Bar.
nda been 2382 “Medical Act However, the
mu granted of 1959”) right to resume
s license the practice of
aga and is Practice of Law law is not
inst actually automatic. A
the practicin Only Filipino person who
Boa g therein citizens may be intends to
rd. unduly admitted to the practice his
Dec expands Philippine bar and profession in the
ide. the therefore, practice Philippines must
requirem law. (Rule 138, apply with the
A: I ents Rules of Court) proper authority
will provided for license or
gra for under Filipino permit to engage
nt the citizenship is a in such practice.
the Medical continuing (Petition for Leave
ma Act. It requirement for to Resume
nda merely practice of law Practice of Law,
mu requires Benjamin
s. It a foreign Filipino citizenship Dacanay, BM No.
is citizen to is a requirement to 1678, December
eno submit the bar and is, in 17, 2007)
ugh competen fact, a continuing
that t and requirement for the ORGANIZATION AN
the conclusiv practice of law. The CORPORATIONS, PR
law e loss thereof means
s in documen termination of the Proscription on
the tary petitioner’s Congress to
fore evidence, membership in the Create Private
ign confirme bar; ipso jure the Corporations
cou d by the privilege to engage
ntr Departm in the practice of The congress
y ent of law. (In Re: Petition shall not, except
per Foreign to Re-Acquire the by general law,
mit Affairs Privilege to Practice provide for the
a (DFA), Law in the formation,
Fili showing Philippines, organization, or
pin that his Epifanio regulation of
o to countrys B. Muneses, BM No. private
get existing 2112, July 24, 2012) corporations.
lice laws (Sec. 16, Art. XII,
nse permit Reacquisition of 1987
and citizens Filipino Constitution)
pra of the Citizenship to
ctic Philippin Practice Law Rationale for the
e es to proscription
ther practice A Filipino lawyer
ein. medicine who becomes a The proscription
Req under the citizen of another is to prevent the
uiri same country and later pressure of
re-acquires his special interests
Sec. 19 is anti-trust in history and spirit. Only
competition which is fair can release the creative
forces of the market. Competition is thus the
underlying principle of Section 19, Article XII.
Regulation of monopolies
Constitutional mandate
Social justice
Kinds of Referendum
from a breach of erga omnes obligations NOTE: Under Art. 38 (1)(c) of the Statute of the International
further consequences, specified in Art. 53 of Court of Justice (ICJ), equity is 1) a general principle of
the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties international law; and 2) a way of infusing elements of
(VCLT), follow from violations of the rules of reasonableness and “individualised” justice whenever a law
jus cogens. leaves a margin of discretion to a Court in deciding a case.
NOTE: According to Art. 53 of the VCLT, a treaty If the principle of equity is accepted, customary law may be
is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts supplemented or modified in order to achieve justice.
with a peremptory norm of general international (Kacrozowska, 2010)
law. For the purposes of the present Convention,
a peremptory norm of general international law Under Art. 38(2) of the Statute of the ICJ, means that a decision
is a norm accepted and recognized by the may be made ex aequo et bono, i.e. the court should decide the
international community of States as a whole as a case not on legal considerations but solely on what is fair and
norm from which no derogation is permitted and reasonable in the circumstances of the case (equity
which can be modified only by a subsequent contralegem). However, the parties must expressly authorize
norm of general international law having the the court to decide a case ex auquo et bono.
same character.
Art. 33 of the United Nations Commission on International
EX AEQUO ET BONO Trade Law’s Arbitration Rules (1976) provides that the
arbitrators shall consider only the applicable law, unless the
The concept of ex aequo et bono literally means arbitral agreement allows the arbitrators to consider ex aequo
“according to the right and good” or “from equity et bono, or amiable compositeur.
and conscience.”
International Law ensure fulfillment of the
(2003 Ed.), p. 6] obligation undertaken. contai on to the
n principle of
NOTE: This doctrine Principle of Auto-Limitation limita auto-
runs counter Art. II, (2006 Bar) tions limitation
Sec. 2 of the 1987 on characterize
Constitution, which It is the doctrine where a Philip s the
states that “The state adheres to principles of pine Philippine
Philippines xxx adopts international law as a sover commitment
the generally accepted limitation/restriction to eignty s under
principles of
international law as SOURCES OF OBLIGATIONS IN
part of the law of the INTERNATIONAL LAW
land xxx”. the exercise of its . The WTO-GATT.
sovereignty. consi (Ibid.)
Types of derati
Transformation NOTE: While sovereignty has on in
Theories traditionally been deemed this Art. 38 of the
absolute and all- partia Statute of
1. Hard encompassing on the l International
Transformation domestic level, it is however surre Court of
Theory – Only subject to restrictions and nder Justice (SICJ)
legislation can limitations voluntarily agreed of provides that
transform to by the Philippines, sover the Court,
international law expressly or impliedly, as a eignty whose
into domestic law. member of the family of is the function is to
Courts may apply nations. By the doctrine of recipr decide in
international law incorporation, the country is ocal accordance
only when bound by generally accepted comm with
authorized by principles of international itmen international
legislation; and, law, which are considered to t of law such
2. Soft be automatically part of our other disputes as
Transformation own laws. Thus, sovereignty contr are submitted
Theory – Either a of a state is not absolute in an acting to it, shall
judicial or international level. States apply:
legislative act of a in
state can Corollary, a state has agreed granti Primary Sources (2012
transform to surrender some if its ng the Bar)
International Law sovereign rights in exchange same
into domestic law. for greater benefits that it privil 1. International
may derive by being a ege conventions or treaties;
Pacta Sunt Servanda member of family of nations and 2. International custom;
(2000 Bar) or by virtue of treaty immu and
stipulations. Correlation of nities 3. The
International Reciprocity and the to the general
agreements must be Principle of Auto- Philip principle
performed in good Limitation pines. s of law
faith. A treaty recognize
engagement is not a When the Philippines enters NOTE d by
mere moral obligation into treaties, necessarily, : For civilized
but creates a legally these international exam nations
binding obligation agreements may ple,
on the parties. A state this Subsidiary Sources
which has contracted kind
a valid international of 1. Judicial decisions; and
agreement is bound to recipr 2. Teaching
make in its legislation ocity s of the
such modification as in most
may be necessary to relati highly
qual mere fact of
ifie persistent
d usage over a
pub long period of
licis time. [Cruz,
ts of International
vari Law (2003 Ed.),
ous p. 22]
ons. A customary
rule requires
INTERNATIONAL the presence
TREATIES elements:
(See 1. An
discussi objective
ons element
under (general
the practice)
heading consisting of
Treaties a relatively
, and the uniform and
Vienna constant
Convent State
ion on practice;
the Law and,
Treaties 2. A
) psychologi
cal element
INTERN consisting of
ATIONA subjective
L conviction
CUSTO of a State
M OR that it is
CUSTO legally
MARY bound to
INTERN behave in a
ATIONA particular
L LAW way in
(CIL) respect
is a
n states
and has
come to
d as
by the
of a particular type of situation. This element customary international law bears the burden of
is usually referred to as the opinio juris sive proving it meets both requirements (objective
necessitates. and psychological elements).
This is normally constituted by the repetition of GR: All States are bound by international
certain behavior on the part of a State for a customs, including Dissenting States.
certain length of time which manifests a certain
attitude, without ambiguity, regarding a XPN: Dissenting States are not bound by
particular matter. Evidence of state practice may international customs if they had consistently
include a codifying treaty, if a sufficient number objected to it while the project was merely in the
of states sign, ratify, or accede. process of formation (Persistent Objector Rule).
However, as no particular duration is required Dissent, however protects only the dissenter and
for practice to become law, on some occasions, does not apply to other States. A State joining the
instant customs comes into existence. For that international law system for the first time after a
reason, a few repetitions over a short period of practice has become customary law is bound by
time may suffice or many over a long period of such practice.
time or even no repetition at all in so far as an
instant custom is concerned. However, the Persistent Objector Rule
shorter the time, the more extensive the practice
would have to be to become law. If during the formative stage of a rule of
customary international law, a State persistently
A practice must be constant and uniform, in objects to that developing rule it will not be
particular with regard to the affected States, but bound by it. Once a customary rule has come into
complete uniformity is not required. It would existence, it will apply to all States except any
suffice that conduct is generally consistent with persistent objectors. However, an objecting State,
the rule and that instances of practice in order to rely on the persistent objector rule,
inconsistent with the rule are treated as breaches must:
of that practice is concerned, this will usually
mean widespread but not necessarily universal 1. Raise its objection at the formative stage of
adherence to the rule. the rule in question;
2. Be consistent in maintaining its objection;
Indeed, custom may be either general or regional. and,
General customs apply to the international 3. Inform other States of its objection. This is
community as a whole. Local or regional particularly important with regard to a rule
customs apply to a group of States or just two which has been almost universally accepted.
States in their relations inter se. If a State remains silent, its silence will be
interpreted as acquiescence to the new rule.
The Subjective Element – opinio juris sive
necessitates NOTE: The burden of proof is on the objecting
State. The persistent objector rule does not apply
To assume the status of CIL, the rule in question if the CIL has already evolved into a jus cogens
must be regarded by States as being binding in rule.
law, i.e. that they are under a legal obligation to
obey it. The relationship between treaties and
international custom
The main purpose of the opinio juris sive
necessitates is to distinguish between customary They co-exist, develop each other and, sometimes,
rule and mere usage followed out of courtesy or clash. If there is a clash between a customary rule
habit. Usage, while also a long established way of and a provision of a treaty because they are of
doing things, is not coupled with opinion juris equal authority (except when the customary rule
(conviction that it is obligatory and right). involved is of a jus cogens nature whereupon
being superior it will prevail), the one which is
NOTE: In the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases, identified as being the lex specialis will prevail.
the ICJ stated that the party asserting a rule of The lex specialis will be determined contextually.
Treaties resulting to rules of customary law theref are useful to
LAW strictly they address
Treaties may give rise speaki international
to rules of customary The general principles of law ng not law directly
law when the are mostly derived from the a or
following conditions law of nature and are formal demonstrate
are present: observed by the majority of source a general
states because they are of law. principle.
1. The provisions of believed to be good and just. Howev
the treaty should [Cruz, International Law er, Art. 59 of the Statute of the
be fundamentally (2003 Ed.), p 24] they ICJ, provides that:
norm-creating in clarify
character; Reference to such principles the “decisions of
2. Participation in is taken whenever no existin the courts
the treaty or municipal law, custom or g law have no
convention must treaty is applicable, as on the binding force,
include those directed under Art. 38 of the topic except for the
States whose ICJ. In order to exist, they and parties and in
interest would be must be recognized by may, in respect of the
affected by the civilized nations. some case
provision in circum concerned.”
question; and, NOTE: The main objective of stance
3. Within the period inserting the third source in s, This provision shows that:
of time since the Art. 38 is to fill in gaps in create
adoption of the treaty and customary law and a new 1. Decis
treaty or to meet the possibility of a princip ion
convention, State non liquet. le in of
practice must intern the
have been both Non liquet means the ational ICJ
extensive and possibility that a court or law. has
uniform. tribunal could not decide a They no
case because of a ‘gap’ in law. can bindi
NOTE: The party also be ng
invoking the rule must consid auth
e.g.: Burden of proof,
be the one to prove ered ority;
admissibility of evidence,
that the rule meets all eviden and,
waiver, estoppel, unclean
the requirements for ce of 2. ICJ does not make
hands, necessity, and force
the creation of State law.
customary law practic
e. NOTE: In
The treaty may also practice, the
reflect a custom in Judicia ICJ will follow
three ways: l the previous
decisio decisions so
As there is no binding
1. It may be ns, as to have
authority of precedent in
declarative of a wheth judicial
international law,
custom; or, er consistency,
international court and
2. It may crystallize from or if it does
tribunal cases do not make
a rule of custom intern not follow,
law. Judicial decisions are,
in statu nascendi; ational the court will
or, tribun distinguish
3. It may serve to als or its previous
generate a rule of from decisions
customary law in domes from the case
the future. tic actually being
courts, heard.
of an existing is that it should
customary not be source of reflects binding
rule; considered as an international law principles of
3. may be independent, despite the fact that international
formative of formal it may produce law. Can the
the opinio significant legal Court consider
juris or of effects. these principles
State as binding under
practice that Q: Ang Ladlad is international
creates a incorporated in law?
new 2003, and first
customary applied for A: NO, the Court
rule; registration with cannot rely on the
4. may be the COMELEC in application of the
helpful as a 2006. The Yogyakarta
means of a application for Principle.
purposive accreditation was
interpretatio denied on the There are
n of ground that the declarations and
international organization had obligations
law; no substantial outlined in said
5. may be membership base. Principles which
incorporated On August 17, are not reflective
within 2009, Ang Ladlad of the current
binding again filed a state of
treaties but Petition for international law,
in provisions registration with and do not find
which the the COMELEC. On basis in any of the
parties do November 11, sources of
not intend to 2009, after international law
be binding; admitting the enumerated
6. may in other petitioner’s under Article
ways assist evidence, the 38(1) of the
in the COMELEC (Second Statute of the
development Division) International
and dismissed the Court of Justice.
application Petition on moral Petitioner also
of general grounds. In this has not
international Petition before undertaken any
law. the Court, Ang objective and
Ladlad invokes rigorous analysis
NOTE: The that the of these alleged
importance of soft Yogyakarta principles of
law is emphasized Principles - a set international law
by the fact that of international to ascertain their
not only States principles relating true status.
but also non-State to sexual
actors participate orientation and International law
in the gender identity, is full of principles
international law- intended to that promote
making process address international
through the documented cooperation,
creation of soft evidence of abuse harmony, and
law. Nevertheless, of rights of respect for human
soft law is made lesbian, gay, rights, most of
up of rules lacking bisexual, and which amount to
binding force, and transgender no more than
the general view (LGBT) well-meaning
individuals, desires, without
wherever located,
XPNs passes to the c. W passe
1. When the new absorbing State; or he s to
State agrees to be re the
bound by the a new
treaties made by pa State.
its predecessor; rt
2. Treaties affecting of 3. As to
boundary regime a public
(uti possidetis); St debts –
and at the
3. Customary e agreeme
international law. be nt
co between
Rules on state m predeces
succession es sor and
a successor
1. As to territory – se State
The capacities, pa govern;
rights and duties rat otherwis
of the predecessor e e:
State with respect St a. Wher
to that territory at e a
terminate and are e, part
assumed by the pr of
successor State. op the
2. As to State ert territ
property – The y ory
agreement of of a
between the th State
predecessor and e beco
the successor pr mes
State govern; ed part
otherwise: ec of
a. Where a part es the
of the so territ
territory of a r ory
State St of
becomes part at anot
of the e her
territory of loc State,
another State, at local
property of ed publi
the in c
predecessor th debt
State located e and
in that ter the
territory rit right
passes to the or s and
successor y oblig
State; of ation
b. Where a State th s of
is absorbed e the
by another ne pred
State, w ecess
property of St or
the absorbed at State
State, e unde
f ate is ne whic
r absorb w h the
o ed by St pred
m anothe at ecess
r State, e, or
t the th State
h interna e was a
e tional ne party
agree w ,
t ments St unles
r of the at s,
e absorb e expr
a ed do essly
t State es or by
y are no impli
termin t catio
o ated su n, it
n and cc accep
the ee ts
g interna d such
r tional to agree
o agree th ment
u ments e s and
n of the int the
d absorb er other
ing na party
o State tio or
f becom na parti
e l es
r applica ag there
e ble to re to
b the e agree
u territo m or
s ry of en acqui
the ts esce;
s absorb to or,
i ed
c State. c. Pre-
existing 1. Laws
s bounda partaking
ry and of a
t “Movin
other political
a g
territori complexio
n Treaty
al n are
t or
agreem abrogated
i Movin
ents automatic
b g
continu ally
u Bound
e to be 2. Laws
s aries”
binding regulating
notwith private
W may
standin and
h apply.
g (Uti domestic
possidet rights
n b. When
is rule). continue
a part
in force
a of a
Effects of a until
change of changed or
S becom
sovereignty on abrogated
t es a
municipal laws
ibid) denounced diplomatic relations with it.
;and, relations with
Succession of b. Routinary it; and, Theories of recognition of
government acts of 3. To recognize in a State (2004 Bar)(Con-
mere case of Dec)
There is succession governmen insurgents that
of government where tal they are 1. Constitutive theory –
one government administra entitled to Recognition is the last
replaces another tion exercise indispensable element
either peacefully or continue to belligerent that converts the state
by violent methods. be rights being recognized into
The integrity of the effective. (Hackworth, an international
state is not affected; 166) person; and,
the state continues as Recognition 2. Declaratory theory –
the same Kinds of Recognition is merely
international person It is the Recognition an acknowledgment of
except only that its acknowledgment the pre-existing fact
lawful representative extended by a State to: 1. Express that the state being
is changed. (Cruz, 1. Another State; recognition- may recognized is an
2000) 2. Government; or a be verbal or in international person.
3. Belligerent writing. It may (Cruz, 2003)
Effects of a change of community be extended
government through: Authority to recognize
Recognition is not an a. Formal
1. If the change is element of the State proclamati It is to be determined
peaceful, the new on or according to the municipal
government The political announcem law of each State.
assumes the existence of the ent;
rights and state is b. Stipulation
responsibilities independent of in a treaty;
of the old recognition by the c. Letter or
government;and, other states. Even telegram;
2. If the change was before recognition, or,
effected thru the state has the d. Official call
violence, a right to defend its or
distinction must integrity and conference.
be made. independence to
a. Acts of provide for its 2. Implied
political conservation and recognition- it is
complexion prosperity, and when the
may be consequently to recognizing state
enters into
organize itself as it Rights and Duties of States, official
sees fit, to legislate Art. 3) intercourse with
upon its interests, the new member
administer its NOTE: The acknowledgment by:
services, and to define by a State is coupled with an a. Exchangin
the jurisdiction and indication of its willingness g
competence of its to deal with the entity as such diplomatic
courts. The exercise of under international law. representa
these rights has no tives with
other limitation than 1. To treat the new State as it;
the exercise of the such; b. Bipartite
rights of other states 2. To accept the new treaty;
according to government as having c. Acknowled
international law. authority to represent ging its
(Montevideo the State it purports to flag; or,
Convention on the govern and maintain d. Entering
into formal
Recognition of Belligerency
presenting such a of the individual person
exercise of its functions and is derived from the claim with a view to and the sanctity of human
treaty creating it. (Bernas, 2009) obtaining reparation rights. Slowly, the
due in respect of the recognition that the
NOTE: The term "international organization" is damage caused to individual person may
generally used to describe an organization set up by both its assets and properly be a subject of
agreement between two or more states. Under its agents (the so- international law is now
contemporary international law, such organizations called functional taking root. The vulnerable
are endowed with some degree of international legal protection) – an doctrine that the subjects
personality such that they are capable of exercising objective of international law are
specific rights, duties and powers. They are organized international legal limited only to states was
mainly as a means for conducting general personality operates dramatically eroded
international business in which the member states erga omnes. towards the second half of
have an interest. the past century. For one,
The Court has come the Nuremberg and Tokyo
"Specialized agencies" are international organizations to the conclusion trials after World War II
having functions in particular fields. (ICMC vs. Calleja, that the organization resulted in the
G.R. No. 85750, September. 28, 1990) is an international unprecedented spectacle of
person. That is not individual defendants for
Q: What does the term “auxiliary status” of some the same thing as acts characterized as
international organizations entail? saying that it is a violations of the laws of
State, which it war, crimes against peace,
A: The term “auxiliary status” of some international certainly is not, or and crimes against
organizations, such as the Red Cross Society, means that its legal humanity. Recently, under
that it is at one and the same time a private personality and the Nuremberg principle,
institution and a public service organization because rights and duties are Serbian leaders have been
the very nature of its work implies cooperation with the same as those of persecuted for war crimes
the state. The PNRC, as a National Society of the a State. Still less is it and crimes against
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the same thing as humanity committed in the
can neither be “classified as an instrumentality of the saying that it is a former Yugoslavia. These
state, so as not to lose its character of neutrality” as ‘super-state’, significant events show
well as its independence, nor strictly as a private whatever that that the individual person
corporation since it is regulated by international expression may is now a valid subject of
humanitarian law and is treated as an auxiliary of the mean. It does not international law.
state. (Liban v. Gordon, G.R. No. 175352, January 18, even imply that all (Government of Hong Kong
2011) its rights and duties Special Administrative
must be upon that Region v. Hon. Olalia, G.R.
Q: There has been an assassination on 17 plane. What it does No. 153675, April 19, 2007)
September 1948, by Jewish terrorist mean is that it is a
organizations, of the UN’s chief truce negotiator, a subject of Internal Self-
Swedish national, Count Folke Bernardotte, and international law Determination vs.
of the UN observer, a Frenchman, Colonel André and capable of External Self-
Sérot, while on an official mission for the UN. possessing Determination
They were murdered in the eastern part of international rights
Jerusalem, which was under Israeli control, at the and duties, and that
time when Israel had proclaimed its it has capacity to
independence but had not yet been admitted to maintain its rights
the UN. The UN considered that Israel had by bringing
neglected to prevent or punish the murderers international claims.
and wished to make a claim for compensation
under international law. The UN General
Assembly sought the advice of the ICJ as to the
legal capacity of the UN to make such a claim.
Does UN have a legal personality to make a claim? INDIVIDUALS
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im 6. Continental ;
mi shelf – the a
1. Personal gra coastal state n
jurisdiction – the tio has the d
power exercised n sovereign right d. und
by a state over its or to explore the er
nationals san continental the
2. Territorial ita shelf and to doct
jurisdiction – ry exploit its rine
jurisdiction of a reg natural of
state over all ula resources and hot
persons and tio for this purpose purs
property within ns it may erect on uit
its jurisdiction wit it such
3. Land jurisdiction hin installations 9. Aerial
– jurisdiction its and equipment jurisdiction –
over everything ter as may be local state has
found within the rit necessary jurisdiction
terrestrial ory 7. Patrimonial Sea over the
domain of the or – also known as airspace
state ter exclusive above it to an
4. Maritime and rit economic zone; unlimited
fluvial jurisdiction ori all living and height
– the internal al non-living 10. Other
waters of a state sea resources territories – a
are assimilated to ; found therein state may, by
the land mass and an belong virtue of
subjected to the d exclusively to customary or
same degree of b. pu the coastal state conventional
jurisdiction nis 8. Open seas – a international
exercised over h state may law, extend its
the terrestrial inf exercise jurisdiction
domain (i.e. rin jurisdiction on beyond its
enclosed waters ge the open seas in territory and
such as the land- me the ff: over territory
locked lakes, nt a. over not falling
national rivers of its under its
and man-made the vessel sovereignty
canals) ab s; [Cruz,
5. Contiguous zone – ov b. over International
states have e pirate Law (2003
claimed reg s; Ed.), p. 125-
“protective ula c. in 140]
jurisdiction” over tio the
contiguous zone ns exe BASIS
or a zone of the wit rci OF JURISDICTION
high seas hin se
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fiscal rch
Nationality Doctrine
Multiple Nationality
State; and that only in so far as it is possible to diplomatic and consular agents in the Philippines”,
point to a specific rule prohibiting the exercise of exempts the person of any
this discretion. That view was based on the
following two grounds: (1) It is precisely the
conception of State sovereignty which demands
the preclusion of any presumption that there is a
restriction on its independence; and (2) Even if it
is true that the principle of the territorial
character of criminal law is firmly established in
various States, it is no less true that in almost of
such States criminal jurisdiction has been
extended so as to embrace offenses committed
outside its territory.
Letter of Credence
Letter Patent
Q: The U.S. Ambassador from the A: The prohibition in the Constitution against
Philippines and the American alienation of lands in favor of aliens does not
Consul General also in the apply to alienation of the same in favor of foreign
Philippines quarreled in the governments to be used as chancery and
lobby of Manila Hotel and shot residence of its diplomatic representatives. The
each other. May Philippine receiving State is under obligation to facilitate the
courts take jurisdiction over acquisition on its territory, in accordance with its
laws, by the sending State of premises necessary ADB and the Philippine Government. As a
for its mission, or to assist the latter in obtaining result, the judge dismissed the cases filed
accommodation in some other way. Therefore, against the petitioner. However, upon
the refusal of the Register of Deeds to register the petition for certiorari and mandamus
sale and the issuance of TCT in the name of State before the RTC, the decision of the lower
X is unjustified. court was reversed and set aside. Is
Huefeng covered by immunity provided
However, in so far as the house and lot to be used under the agreement?
as quarters of the nationals of State X who are
studying in the University of Santo Tomas are A: NO. He cannot invoke his immunity under
concerned, the Register of Deeds correctly the agreement. Under the Agreement, the
refused registration. Here, the prohibition in the immunity mentioned therein is not absolute,
constitution against the transfer of properties to but subject to the exception that the act was
parties other than the Filipino citizens or done in "official capacity."
corporation 60% of the capital of which is owned
by such citizens should be followed. Slandering a person could not possibly be
covered by the immunity agreement because
Q: Huefeng is an economist working with the our laws do not allow the commission of a
Asian Development Bank (ADB). He was crime, such as defamation, in the name of
charged with grave oral defamation before the official duty. It is well- settled principle of law
MeTC for allegedly uttering defamatory words that a public official may be liable in his
to his co-worker. The MeTC judge received an personal private capacity for whatever
"office of protocol” from the DFA stating that damage he may have caused by his act done
petitioner is covered by immunity from legal with malice or in bad faith or beyond the
process under the Agreement between the scope of his authority or jurisdiction(Liang vs.
People, G.R. No. 125865, Jan. 28, 2000).
clause does not ipso facto result in the dropping
NOTE: Courts cannot blindly adhere and take on of the charges. (Liang vs. People, G.R. No. 125865,
its face the communication from the DFA that January 28, 2000)
petitioner is covered by any immunity. The DFAs
determination that a certain person is covered by Exequatur (1991 Bar)
immunity is only preliminary which has no
binding effect in courts. xxx At any rate, it has An authorization from the receiving State
been ruled that the mere invocation of the admitting the head of a consular post to the
immunity exercise of his functions. Thus, an appointee
cannot start performing his function unless the
receiving State issues an exequatur to him.
Kinds of consuls
Ranks of consuls
2. Promotion of the commercial, economic, cultural, and scientific relations of the sending and
receiving States;
3. Observation of the conditions and They are immune only with respect to that part
developments in the receiving State and where the consular work is being performed.
report the same to the sending State;
4. Issuance of passports and other travel Q: May consular offices be subject to
documents to nationals of the sending State expropriation by the receiving State?
and visas or appropriate documents to
persons wishing to travel to the sending A: YES, for purposes of national defense or public
State; and, utility.
5. Supervision and inspection of vessels and
aircraft of the sending State. NOTE: With respect to expropriation by the
receiving State, steps shall be taken to avoid
Sources of authority of consuls impeding the performance of consular
functions, and prompt, adequate and effective
1. Letter patent or letter ‘de provision – Which is compensation shall be paid by the sending
the commission issued by the sending State, State. (Art. 31 of the Vienna Convention on
and Consular Relations and Optional Protocols)
2. Exequatur – Which is the permission given
them by the receiving State to perform their Diplomatic Immunity vs. Consular Immunity
functions therein.
Immunity of Consuls C
Premises of Consular
Consuls enjoy their own immunities and the mission premises
privileges but not to the same extent as those includes the includes the
enjoyed by the diplomats. Like diplomats, consuls building or buildings or
are entitled to: parts of parts of
building and buildings and
1. Inviolability of their correspondence, the land the land
Scope as to
archives and other documents irrespective irrespective of
2. Freedom of movement and travel of the ownership used
3. Immunity from jurisdiction for acts ownership exclusively for
performed in their official capacity; and premises
used for the the purposes of
4. Exemption from certain taxes and purpose of consular posts.
customs duties the mission
including the
Liabilities of Consuls residence of
the head of
1. Arrest and punishment for grave offenses; mission.
and GR: The GR: The agents
2. May be required to give testimony, subject to agents of the of the receiving
certain exceptions. receiving state may not
state may not enter the
NOTE: Members of a consular post are under no enter the consular
obligation to give evidence on the following premises of premises.
situations: the mission.
On entry of XPN: Consent
a. Concerning matters connected with the agents of XPN: Consent of the head of
exercise of their functions; the of the head of the consular
b. To produce official correspondence and receiving the mission. post.
documents; and, state Consent is
c. To give evidence as expert witness with assumed in case
regard to the law of the sending State of fire or other
Immunity of consular offices requiring
Personal Consular bag
2. A consular officer does not enjoy immunity
baggage of a shall not be
diplomatic opened. It may from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving
State and are not amenable to the jurisdiction
agent shall be requested
not be that the bag be of the judicial or administrative authorities of
the receiving State in respect of acts
opened. opened in their
presence by an performed in the exercise of consular
As to representative However, this does not apply in respect of a civil
inviolabilit action either:
of the receiving
y 1. Arising out of a contract concluded by a
state if they
consular officer in which he did not enter
have serious
expressly or impliedly; and
of reason to
2. By a third party for damages arising from an
baggage believe that the
accident in the receiving State caused by a
bag contains
vehicle, vessel or aircraft. (Vienna Convention
objects of other
on the Consular Relations, Arts. 41 and 43)
Grounds for Termination of Consular Office
e or articles. (2D-2W-RN)
Not obliged May be called
to give upon to attend 1. Death of consular officer
As a evidence as a as a witness; if 2. Recall
witness witness. declined, no 3. Dismissal
before coercive 4. Notification by the receiving State to the
sending State that it has ceased to consider as
measure or
member of the consular staff
the court penalty may be
applied. 5. Withdrawal of his exequatur by the receiving
6. War – outbreak of war between his home
Differences in the privileges or immunities of
State and the receiving State.
diplomatic envoys and consular officers from
the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the
Immunity of International Organizations
receiving State
Q: Trade Union of the Philippines and Allied
1. A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from
Services (TUPAS) filed with then Ministry of
the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State.
Labor and Employment a Petition for
He shall also enjoy immunity from its civil and
Certification Election among the rank and file
administrative jurisdiction; while
members employed by International Catholic
XPNs: Migration Commission (ICMC), an
international organization rendering
a. A real action relating to private immovable
voluntary humanitarian services in the
property situated in the territory of the
Philippines. ICMC opposed the petition of
receiving State, unless he holds it on behalf of
TUPAS on the ground that it is an
the sending State for the purpose of the
international organization registered with the
United Nations, hence, enjoys diplomatic
b. An action relating to succession in which the
diplomatic agent is involved as executor,
Meanwhile, the Philippine Government and
administrator, heir or legatee as private
the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations signed a
person and not on behalf of the sending State;
Memorandum of Understanding establishing
the International Rice Research Institute
c. An action relating to any professional or
(IRRI), which was intended to be an
commercial activity exercised by the
autonomous, philanthropic, tax-free, non-
diplomatic agent in the receiving State
profit, non-stock organization designed to
outside of his official functions. (Vienna
carry out the principal objective of conducting
Convention of Diplomatic Relations, Art. 31)
basic research on rice plant. IRRI has an
existing local union, the Kapisanan ng
Manggagawa at TAC sa IRRI (Kapisanan),
which filed a petition for direct certification
election with the DOLE. The latter dismissed
Treaty Contracts
The law of treaties is the body of rules which govern 3. The VCLT as a treaty does not apply
what is a treaty, how it is made and brought into retroactively to treaties concluded before its
force, amended, terminated, and generally operates. entry into force. Only rules in the VCLT that
Apart from issues of jus cogens, it is not concerned codify or reflect rules of CIL apply; and
with the substance of a treaty (the rights and
obligations created by it), which is known as treaty 4. Because the VCLT resulted from a codification
law. Although the VCLT does not occupy the whole project, many of its rules are consistent with
otherwise applicable rule of CIL.
of international law. It is all encompassing as it even
imposes obligations on a State in the pre-ratification stage.
TREATIES It applies throughout the life of a treaty, form its negotiation,
through its performance to its termination.
1. The principle of free consent – A state
cannot be bound by treaty to which it has not Each time a State is in breach of the principle of pacta sunt
consented. Free consent is vital for initial servanda it also violates the principle of good faith.
adoption and subsequent development of a
particular treaty as it ensures that a State Essential requisites of a valid treaty
remains in control of the commitments it has
made under the relevant treaty; 1. It must be a written instrument or instruments
2. The principle of pacta sunt servanda – between two or more parties;
Literally means agreements must be kept. 2. The parties must be States within the meaning of
Embodied in Art. 26 VCLT, which states that; international law (IL);
‘Every treaty in force is binding upon the 3. It must be governed by IL; and
parties to it and must be performed by them 4. It must be intended to create legal obligations.
in good faith. Therefore, a contracting party
will be held responsible for breach of a Exclusions
treaty.’ Applies only to treaties which are in
force, not to invalid, suspended or terminated 1. Those concluded between states and other subjects of IL;
treaties; and 2. Agreements not in writing; and
3. The principle of good faith – Recognized as 3. Those which are governed by the national law system chosen
the foundation of international legal order. by the parties.
States and non-State actors are required to
comply with binding obligations imposed
upon them by international law, irrespective
of whether such obligations derive from
treaties, customary rules, or any other source
Usual steps in the treaty- agreement, valid and binding on the part of the
making process (NeS-RA- Philippines. This means it forms part of Philippine
ER) law by virtue of transformation.
Protocol de Clôture
1. In such manner and upon such 1. The treaty itself provides that no reservation
date as it may provide or as the shall be admissible;
2. The treaty allows only specified reservations extent of the reservation.
which do not include the reservation in
question; and, Judicial Review of Treaties
3. The reservation is incompatible with the
object and purpose of the treaty. Even after ratification, the Supreme Court has
the power of judicial review over the
Effects of Reservation and of Objections to constitutionality of any treaty, international or
Reservations executive agreement and must hear such case
en banc.
1. Modifies, for the reserving State in its
relations with that other party, the provisions Rules in case of conflict between a treaty
of the treaty to which the reservation relates and a custom
to the extent of the reservation;
2. Modifies those provisions to the same extent 1. If the treaty comes after a particular
for that other party in its relations with the custom- treaty prevails, as between the
reserving State; parties to the treaty
3. The reservation does not modify the 2. If the custom develops after the treaty-
provisions of the treaty for the other parties custom prevails it being an expression of a
to the treaty inter se; and later will.
4. When a State objecting to a reservation has
not opposed the entry into force of the treaty A treaty or conventional rule may not
between itself and the reserving State, the qualify as a norm of jus cogens character
provisions to which the reservation relates
do not apply as between the two States to the Treaty rule binds only States that are parties
to it and even in the event that all States are
parties to a treaty, they are entitled to terminate EXECUTIVE
or withdraw from the treaty. AGREEMENT
It involves These are
NOTE: If a treaty at the time of its conclusion, basic political adjustments
conflicts with jus cogens, it is void. (2008 Bar) issues and of details in
changes in carrying out
As to nature
Treaty vs. Executive Agreement (2015 Bar) national well
policy. established
BASIS TREATY policies.
Permanent Merely
As to
international temporary
permanence agreements. arrangements.
It needs the It needs no
Concurrence concurrence concurrence
of Senate of the Senate. from the
2. Domestic Court
a. Treaty vs. Constitution – The Constitution will
always prevail.
b. Treaty vs. Statute - When the two instruments
relate to the same subject, try to give effect to
both; if inconsistent, legal techniques on
statutory construction would be employed. Some
of such rules say that the “later in time prevails”
or that the “specific law prevails over the
Modification of a treaty
Grounds of nullity which lead to A party in the following situations has a choice
nullity of a treaty for all either to suspend or terminate the relevant treaty:
contracting parties
1. Material breach of a treaty
1. A treaty is void if at the time of 2. Impossible for a party to perform its obligations
its conclusion it conflicts with a rule 3. Rebus sic stantibus
of jus cogens; 4. All contracting parties to an earlier treaty are
also parties to a later treaty and the two treaties
2. If a new jus cogens emerges, any relate to the same subject matter.
existing treaty which is in conflict
NOTE: Additionally a treaty can be terminated:
1. When the termination of a treaty is in obligations to be executed to the extent of
accordance with the terms of the treaty. rendering performance essentially different
2. Parties to the relevant treaty agreed to from the original intention.
terminate the treaty.
3. If the treaty is in conflict with a just cogens rule. Requisites of rebus sic stantibus (Not-IR,
Must- URIS)
Termination vs. Suspension
1. The change must not have been caused by
When a treaty is suspended, it is still valid but its the party Invoking the doctrine;
operation is suspended temporarily, either for all 2. The doctrine cannot operate
the parties or some of them. On the other hand, Retroactively, i.e., it must not adversely
when a treaty is terminated, it is no longer in affect provisions which have already been
force as it has ended its existence. complied with prior to the vital change in
the situation;
Doctrine of rebus sic stantibus 3. The change must have been Unforeseen or
unforeseeable at the time of the perfection
It states that a fundamental change of of the treaty;
circumstances which determined the parties to 4. The doctrine must be invoked within a
accept a treaty, if it has resulted in a radical Reasonable time;
transformation of the extent of the obligations 5. The duration of the treaty must be
imposed by it, may under certain conditions, Indefinite; and
afford the party affected a ground to invoke the 6. The change must be so Substantial that
termination of the treaty. the foundation of the treaty must have
altogether disappeared.
The change must have increased the burden of the
Limitation on the application of the principle
of rebus sic stantibus 2. The fundamental change is the result of a
breach by the party invoking it of an
The principle of rebus sic stantibus cannot be obligation under the treaty or of any other
invoked as a ground for terminating or obligation owed to any other party to the
withdrawing from a treaty if: treaty.
NOTE: This cannot be interpreted to deprive the 1. The existence of a deliberate intent to injure
alien’s state of the right to protect or vindicate his may have an effect on the remoteness of the
interests in case they are injured in another state, damage and may help to establish the breach
as such waiver can legally be made not by the of duty; and
alien but by his own state. 2. Motive and intent may be a specific element
in defining permitted conduct.
Elements of an Internationally Wrongful Act
(AB) Relief available where a State is liable for an
internationally wrongful act
1. Act or omission is Attributable to the State
under international law; and 1. Declaratory relief – Declaration by a court
2. Constitutes a Breach of an international that as to the illegality of an act constitutes a
obligation of the State. measure of satisfaction or reparation in the
broad sense;
NOTE: Every internationally wrongful act of a
State entails the international responsibility of NOTE: Available when this is, or the parties
that State. deem this, the proper way to deal with a
dispute or when the object is not to give
Acts or situations attributable to the State satisfaction for the wrong received but only
to recognize the liability.
1. Acts of the State organs – Acts of State organs
in their capacity provided by law or under 2. Satisfaction – A measure other than
instructions of superiors; restitution or compensation which an
2. Acts of other persons – If the group of persons offending State is bound to take;
was in fact exercising elements of the
governmental authority in the absence or NOTE: Its object is often either:
default of the official authorities and a. An apology and other acknowledgment
circumstances such as to call for the exercise of wrongdoing;
of those elements of authority; and, b. Punishment of individuals concerned; or
3. Acts of revolutionaries – Conduct of an c. Taking of measures to prevent a
insurrectional movement which becomes the recurrence.
new government of a State or part of a State.
3. Restitution – Involves wiping out all the
Theory of Objective or Strict Liability consequences of the breach and re-
establishing the situation which would
With respect to state responsibility, the theory probably have existed had the act not been
provides that fault is unnecessary for State committed; or
responsibility to be incurred. Its requisites are:
1. Agency; and, NOTE: It can either be in the form of legal
2. Casual connection between the breach and restitution or specific restitution.
the act or omission imputable to the State.
a. Legal Restitution is declaration that an
Culpa (fault) is relevant when: offending treaty, law, executive act, or
agreement, is invalid.
1. The breach results from acts of individuals b. Specific Restitution is a restitution in kind
not employed by the state or from the or payment of a sum corresponding to
activities of the value of the restitution, and the
award for
losses sustained which would not be fear of persecution by reason of his race,
covered by the first two. religion, nationality, membership of a political
group or political opinion and is unable or,
4. Compensation – Payment of money as a because of such
valuation of the wrong done.
A token of regret To make up for
and or repair the
As to acknowledgment damage done.
nature of wrongdoing
Principle of Non-Refoulment
Fundamental Principles
Q: Is a respondent in an extradition
proceeding entitled to notice and hearing
before the issuance of a warrant of arrest?
1. On the Basis of the Extradition Law
A: No. In Wright v. Court of Appeals, G.R. 1. First generation: traditional civil and political rights;
No.113213, August 15,1994, it was held that the 2. Second generation: economic, social and cultural rights; and
retroactive application of the Treaty of 3. Third generation: right to peace, clean environment, self-
Extradition does not violate the prohibition determination, common heritage of mankind, development,
against ex post facto laws, because the Treaty is minority rights.
neither a piece of criminal legislation nor a
criminal procedural statute. It merely provided Classification of Human Rights
for the extradition of persons wanted for offenses
already committed at the time the treaty was 1. Individual rights; and
ratified. 2. Collective rights (right to self-determination of people; the
permanent sovereignty over natural resources)
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW Main instruments of human rights
1. Life
2. Liberty and property
3. Equality
1. Right to self-determination;
2. Right to an effective remedy;
3. Equal right of men and women to the
enjoyment of all the civil and political rights;
4. Right to life;
5. Not to be subjected to torture or to cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment. In particular, freedom from
medical or scientific experimentation except
with his consent (1992, 2010 Bar);
6. Freedom from slavery and servitude;
7. Right to liberty and security of person;
8. Right to be treated with humanity and with
respect for the inherent dignity of the human
9. No imprisonment on the ground of inability
to fulfill a contractual obligation;
10. Right to liberty of movement and freedom to
choose his residence;
11. Right to a fair and public hearing by a
competent, independent and impartial
tribunal established by law;
12. No one shall be held guilty of an criminal
offense on account of any act or omission
which did not constitute a criminal office,
under national or international law, at the
time when it was committed;
13. Right to recognition everywhere as a person
before the law;
14. Right to privacy;
15. Right to freedom of thought, conscience and
16. Right to freedom of expressions;
17. Right of peaceful assembly;
18. Right of freedom of association;
19. Right to marry and to found a family;
20. Right to such measures of protection as are 1. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever,
required by his status as a minor, name and whether a state of war or a threat or war,
nationality; internal political instability or any other
21. Right to participation, suffrage and access to public emergency or any order from a
public service; superior officer or a public authority may be
22. Right to equal protection of the law; and, invoked as a justification of torture;
23. Right of minorities to enjoy their own culture, 2. No State party shall expel, return (“refouler”)
to profess and practice their religion and to or extradite a person to another State where
use their own language. there are substantial grounds for believing
that he would be in danger of being subjected
NOTE: to torture;
GR: In times of public emergency which threatens 3. All acts of torture are offenses under a State
the life of the nation and the existence of which is Party’s criminal law;
officially proclaimed, parties may take measures 4. State Parties shall afford the greatest
to derogate from their obligations to the extent measure of assistance in connection with civil
strictly required by the exigencies of the proceedings brought in respect of any of the
situation. offences;
5. To ensure that education and information
XPNs: There can be no derogation from the regarding the prohibition against torture are
following: fully included on persons involved in the
custody, interrogation or treatment of any
1. Right to life individual subject to any form of arrest,
2. Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or detention, or imprisonment;
degrading punishment 6. To keep under systematic review
3. Freedom from slavery interrogation rules, instructions, methods
4. Freedom from imprisonment for failure to and practices as well as arrangements for the
fulfill a contractual obligation custody and treatment of persons subjected
5. Freedom from ex post facto laws to any form of arrest, detention or
6. Right to recognition everywhere as a person imprisonment in any territory under its
before the law jurisdiction, with a view to preventing any
7. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion case of torture;
7. To ensure a prompt and impartial
Torture investigation wherever there is reasonable
ground to believe that an act of torture has
Any act by which severe pain or suffering, been committed;
whether physical or mental, is intentionally 8. To ensure that an individual subjected to
inflicted on a person for such purposes as torture has the right complain and have his
obtaining from him or a third person, information case promptly and impartially examined by
or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a competent authorities;
third person has committed or is suspected of 9. To ensure that the victim obtains redress and
having committed, or intimidating or coercing has an enforceable right to fair and adequate
him or a third person, or for any reason based on compensation;
discrimination of any kind, when such pain or 10. To ensure that any statement established to
suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or have been made as a result of torture shall
with the consent or acquiescence of a public not be invoked as evidence in any
official or other person acting in an official proceedings, except against a person accused
capacity. (United Nations Convention against of torture as evidence that the statement was
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading made; and
Treatment or Punishment [UNCTO] Effective June 11. To prevent in any territory under its
26, 1987) jurisdiction other acts of cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment which do
NOTE: It does not include pain or suffering not amount to torture when such acts are
arising only from, inherent in or incidental to committed by or at the instigation of or with
lawful sanctions. the consent of acquiescence of a public
official or other person acting in an official
Obligations of the State Parties in the UNCTO capacity.
Instances when a state party may offenses regarding torture
establish its jurisdiction over
1. When the offenses are committed in any participating in the hostilities and restricts the
territory under its jurisdiction or on board a
ship or aircraft registered in the State;
2. When the alleged offender is a national of
that State;
3. When the victim was a national of that State if
that State considers it appropriate; and
4. Where the alleged offender is present in any
territory under its jurisdiction and it does not
extradite him.
It is also used to denote conflicts in which peoples Refers to any person who:
are fighting against colonial domination and alien 1. Is in the power of an adverse party to the conflict
occupation and against racist regimes in the 2. Has clearly expressed an intention to surrender; and
exercise of their right of self-determination, as Has been rendered unconscious or otherwise incapacitated by
enshrined in the U.N. Charter and the Declaration wounds or sickness and therefore is incapable of defending
of Principles of International Law. [Protocol I, Art. himself provided he abstains away from any hostile act and
1(4)] does not attempt to escape (R.A. 9851)
Armed conflict under IHL and R.A. 9851 1. A person wounded, sick or shipwrecked, whether
civilian or military;
1. “All cases of declared war or any other armed 2. A prisoner of war or any person deprived of liberty for
conflict which may arise between two or reasons related to an armed conflict
more of the Highest contracting parties, even
if the State of war is not recognized by one of
them” (Geneva Convention of 1949, Art. 2). It
also applies to armed conflict between the
government and a rebel or insurgent
movement (Geneva Convention of 1949, Art.
2. Under R.A. 9851, it is any use of force or
armed violence between States or a
protracted armed violence between
governmental authorities and organized
groups or between such groups within a State
provided that it gives rise or may give rise to a
situation to which the Geneva Conventions of
12 August 1949 including their common Art.
3 apply.
Hors de combat
3. A civilian or any person not personnel carrying out functions similar
taking a direct part or to religious personnel.
having ceased to take part
in the hostilities in the NOTE: In such situations, the Geneva Conventions
power of the adverse and Additional Protocol I, which calls for the
party; protection of wounded and sick soldiers, medical
4. A person who, before the personnel, facilities and equipment, wounded and
beginning of hostilities, sick civilian support personnel accompanying the
was considered a stateless armed forces, military chaplains and civilians who
person or refugee under spontaneously take up arms to repel an invasion,
the relevant international apply.
instrument accepted by the
concerned or under the CONFLICT
national legislation of the
state of refuge or state of Inapplicability of IHL in internal disturbance
5. A member of the medical Internal disturbances and other situations of
personnel assigned internal violence are governed by the provisions
exclusively to medical of human rights law and such measures of
purposes or to the domestic legislation as may be invoked. IHL does
administration of medical not apply to situations of violence not amounting
units or to the operation of in intensity to an armed conflict.
an administration of
medical transports; or Applicability of IHL in non-international
6. A member of the religious armed conflicts
personnel who is
exclusively engaged in the IHL is intended for the armed forces, whether
work of their ministry and regular or not, taking part in the conflict, and
attached to the armed protects every individual or category of
forces of a party to the individuals not or no longer actively involved in
conflict, its medical units or the hostilities. e.g.: wounded or sick fighters;
medical transports or non- people deprived of their freedom as a result of the
denominational, non- conflict; civilian population; medical and religious
combatant military personnel.
c. Outrages against personal
dignity, in particular
Applicable rules in non-international armed humiliating and degrading
conflict treatment;
d. The passing of sentences and
1. Persons taking no active part in the the carrying out of executions
hostilities, including armed forces who without previous judgment
have laid down their arms and those pronounced by a regularly
placed hors de combat be treated constituted court, affording
humanely, without any adverse all the judicial guarantees
distinction founded on race, color, which are recognized as
religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or indispensable by civilized
any other similar criteria. To these end, peoples.
the following acts are and shall remain
prohibited at any time and any place 2. The wounded and sick shall be
whatsoever with respect to the collected and cared for.
abovementioned persons:
NOTE: An impartial humanitarian body, such
a. Violence to life and person, in as the International Committee of the Red
particular murder of all kinds, Cross, may offer its services to the parties to
mutilation, cruel treatment and the conflict.
b. Taking of hostages; WAR OF NATIONAL LIBERATION
Armed conflicts in which people are fighting Categories of wars of national liberation
against colonial domination and alien occupation
and against racist regimes in the exercise of their 1. Colonial domination;
right to self-determination [Protocol I, Art. 1(4)]. 2. Alien occupation; and
These are sometimes called insurgencies, 3. Racist regimes when the peoples oppressed
rebellions or wars of independence. by these regimes are fighting for self-
NOTE: The above listed enumeration is
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of EXCLUSIVE.
12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of
Victims of International Armed Conflicts. Effect of the protocol
(Protocol I, June 8 1977)
Armed conflicts that fall under the categories will
now be regarded as international armed conflicts
and thus fall under the International
Humanitarian Law.
1. Declaration of war;
2. Rejection of an ultimatum; and
3. Commission of an act of force regarded by at
least one of the parties as an act of war.
Declaration of war
Parties to an armed conflict must at all times distinguish between civilian and military
targets and that all military operations should
only be directed at military targets. Any person who does not belong to the armed
forces and who is not a combatant.
Participants in war
NOTE: In case of doubt whether a person is a
1. Combatants – Those who engage directly in civilian or not, that person shall be considered as
the hostilities, and a civilian.
2. Non-combatants – Those who do not, such as
women and children. Suspension of arms
1. Murder
2. Extermination;
3. Enslavement;
4. Arbitrary deportation or forcible transfer of
5. Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of
physical liberty in violation of fundamental
rules of international law;
6. Torture;
7. Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution,
forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or
any other form of sexual violence of
comparable gravity;
8. Persecution against any identifiable group or
collectivity on political, racial, national,
cultural, religious, gender, sexual orientation 4. Captured combatants are entitled to respect
other grounds that are universally recognized as for their lives, dignity, personal rights and
impermissible under international law; convictions. They must be protected against
9. Enforced or involuntary disappearance of all acts of violence and reprisals. They must
persons; have the right to correspond with their
10. Apartheid; and families and to receive relief;
11. Other inhumane acts of similar character 5. Civilians under the authority of a party to the
intentionally causing great suffering, or serious conflict or an occupying power of which they
injury to body or to mental or physical health. are not nationals are entitled to respect for
(RA 9851) their lives, dignity, personal rights and
CORE INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF 6. Everyone must be entitled to benefit from
STATES UNDER THE IHL fundamental judicial guarantees. No one must
be sentenced without previous judgment
1. The protection of persons who are not, or are no pronounced by a regularly constituted court;
longer, participating in hostilities; 7. No one must be held responsible for an act he
has not committed. No one must be subjected
2. Soldiers who surrender or who are hors de to physical or mental torture, corporal
combat are entitled to respect for their lives and punishment or cruel or degrading treatment;
their moral and physical integrity. It is forbidden 8. The right of parties to an armed conflict to
to kill or injure them; choose methods and means of warfare is not
3. The wounded and sick must be collected and unlimited;
cared for by the party to the conflict which has 9. Parties to a conflict and members of their
them in its power. Protection also covers medical armed forces do not have an unlimited choice
personnel, establishments, transports and of methods and means of warfare. It is
equipment. The emblem of the red cross, red prohibited to employ weapons or methods of
crescent or red crystal is the sign of such warfare of a nature to cause unnecessary
protection and must be respected; losses or excessive suffering; and
Obligations of belligerents
1. Blockade;
2. Contraband of war; and
3. Free ships make free goods.
reaching the enemy but also to prevent the Goods intended for civilian use which may ultimately find their
enemy from exporting to the outside world and way to and be consumed by belligerent forces may be seized on
thereby sustaining its war economy. (Sarmiento, the way.
Kinds of contraband
Innocent goods belonging to the It consists of acts, of a more hostile character than
same owner shipped together with carriage of contraband or breach of blockade,
contraband which are subject to which are undertaken by merchant vessels of a
condemnation may be confiscated. neutral State in aid of any of the belligerents.
(Declaration of London, Art. 42)
Right of Angary
Doctrine of Ultimate Destination
A belligerent may, upon payment of just
The liability of the contraband from compensation, seize, use or destroy, in case of
being captured is determined not urgent necessity for purposes of offenses or
by their ostensible but by their real defenses, neutral property found in its territory,
destination. in enemy territory, or on high seas.
Doctrine of Free Ships Make Free Goods Requisites for the Exercise of Right of Angary
A ship’s nationality determines the 1. That the property is in the territory under the
status of its cargo. Thus, enemy control or jurisdiction of the belligerent;
goods on a neutral ship, excepting 2. That there is urgent necessity for the taking;
contraband, would not be subject to and
capture on the high seas. 3. That just compensation is paid to the owner.
Belligerent warships and aircraft Neutrality is terminated when the neutral State
have the right to visit and search itself joins the war or upon the conclusion of
neutral merchant vessels on the peace.
high seas to determine whether
LAW OF THE SEA November 16, 1994 upon the submission of
the 60th ratification. The UNCLOS gives to the
coastal State sovereign rights in varying
International Law of the Sea (ILS) degrees over the different zones of the sea
which are: 1) internal waters, 2) territorial
A body of treaty rules amid customary norms sea, 3) contiguous zone, 4) exclusive
governing the uses of the sea, the exploitation of economic zone, and 5) the high seas. It also
its resources, and the exercise of jurisdiction over gives coastal States more or less jurisdiction
maritime regimes. It is a branch of public over foreign vessels depending on where the
international law, regulating the relations of vessel is located. Insofar as the internal
states with respect to the uses of the oceans. waters and territorial sea is concerned, the
(Arigo v. Swift, G.R. No. 206510, September 16, Coastal State exercises sovereignty, subject to
2014) the UNCLOS and other rules of international
law. Such sovereignty extends to the air space
United Nations Convention on the Law of the over the territorial sea as well as to its bed
Sea (UNCLOS) and subsoil. (Arigo v. Swift, ibid..)
A treaty that defines the rights and obligations of Mare Liberum Principle or Free Sea or
nations in their use of the world’s oceans, Freedom of the Sea
establishing rules for business, the environment,
and the management of marine natural resources. It means international waters are free to all
nations and belongs to none of them.
The UNCLOS is a multilateral treaty which was
opened for signature on December 10, 1982 at BASELINES
Montego Bay, Jamaica. It was ratified by the
Philippines in 1984 but came into force on Baseline
It is a line from which the breadth of the
territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the
exclusive economic zone is measured in order to Baselines may either be:
determine the maritime boundary of the coastal
State. 1. Normal
2. Straight
It is the “low-water line along the coast as marked
on large scale charts officially recognized by the
coastal State” (Sec. 5, 182 LOS)
1. Normal Baseline
2. Straight Baseline
Formation of Baseline
Internal waters
employed in drawing the baseline from which according to the Nicaragua v. US case, a coastal state may
the breadth of the territorial sea is measure. regulate access to its ports.
(UNCLOS, Art. 7)
Instances when the right of innocent passage is considered
NOTE: The Philippines uses this method in prejudicial
drawing baselines.
Right of innocent passage is considered prejudicial if the foreign
Sovereignty over the territorial sea (2015 Bar) ship engages in the following activities:
Coastal states exercise sovereignty over 1. Any threat or use of force against the sovereignty,
Territorial sea and it extends to the airspace over territorial integrity or political independence of the coastal
the territorial sea and to its seabed and subsoil. State, or in any other manner in violation of the principles
of international law embodied in the Charter of the United
NOTE: The sovereignty over the territorial sea is Nations;
subject to the right of innocent passage on the 2. Any exercise or practice with weapons of any kind;
part of ships of all states. (Magallona, 2005) 3. Any act aimed at collecting information to the prejudice of
the defense or security of the coastal State;
Applicability of the right of innocent passage 4. Any act aimed at collecting information to the prejudice of
in the internal waters and territorial sea the defense or security of the coastal State;
5. Any act of propaganda aimed at affecting the defense or
In the territorial sea, a foreign State can claim for security of the coastal State;
its ships the right of innocent passage, whereas in 6. The launching, landing or taking on board of any aircraft;
the internal waters of a State no such right exists.
NOTE: This will not affect the immunities of The coastal State shall:
warships and other government ships 1. Not hamper the innocent passage of the
operated for non-commercial purpose. foreign ships through its territorial sea;
2. Not impose requirements on foreign ships
which have the practical effect of denying or
impairing the right of innocent passage; The coastal State may:
3. Not discriminate in form or in fact against the 1. Take the necessary steps in its territorial sea
ships of any State or against ships carrying to prevent passage which is not innocent
cargoes to, from or on behalf of any State; and [UNCLOS, Art. 25(1)];
4. Give appropriate publicity to any danger to 2. Take the necessary steps to prevent any
navigation, of which it has knowledge, within breach of the conditions to which admission
its territorial sea. (UNCLOS, Art. 24) of ships to internal waters or such a call is
subject [UNCLOS, Art. 25(2)];
Rights of the coastal state relating to innocent 3. Without discrimination in form or in fact
passage through the territorial sea: among foreign ships, suspend temporarily in
specified areas of its territorial sea the
innocent passage of foreign ships if such
suspension is essential for the protection of
its security, including weapon exercises.
[UNCLOS, Art. 25(3)]
1. Consequence of the crime extend to the
coastal state;
2. Crime is of a kind to disturb the peace of the
country or the good order of the territorial
3. Assistance of local authorities has been
requested by the master of the ship or by a
diplomatic agent or consular officer of the
flag State; or
4. Measures are necessary for the suppression territory to punish such infringement. (Article 33, 1 & 2)
of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or
psychotropic substances. [UNCLOS, Art.
Covers Covers
navigation only navigation
As to scope
overflight by
It gives the coastal State sovereign rights
Requires No overall economic resources of the sea, sea-bed
submarine and requirement and subsoil in an area extending not more
other specially than 200 nautical miles beyond the baseline
As to
underwater applicable from which the territorial sea is measured.
vehicles to to (UNCLOS, Articles. 55 & 57)
navigate on the submarines.
surface and to NOTE: The provisions on the exclusive
show their flag.
economic zone are voth a grant of right to and
May be May not be and
As to
unilaterally unilaterally
suspended suspended
In the Designation
designation of of sea lanes
sea lanes and and traffic
traffic separation separation
schemes, the schemes is
coastal State shall subject to a
only take into proposal
account the and
recommendation agreement
As to
s of a competent between
international States
n of
organization. bordering
the straits
and its
adoption by
a competent
Thalweg Doctrine
3. Other rights and duties provided for in the Law Primary obligations of coastal states over the
Objectives of conservation of living resources Matters that the coastal state may regulate in regard to
in the EEZ fishing by the nationals of other states in the EEZ
1. The determination of the allowable catch of the 1. Licensing of fishermen, fishing vessels and equipment, and
living resources; the payment of fishing;
2. The maintenance of the living resources in such 2. Determining the species which may be caught and fixing the
a way that they are not endangered by over- quotas to catch;
3. The maintenance or restoration of population
of harvested species at levels which can produce
the maximum sustainable yield; and (UNCLOS,
Art. 61); and
4. The maintenance of associated or dependent
species above levels at which their reproduction
may become seriously threatened (UNCLOS, Art.
3. Regulation of seasons and areas
of fishing, the types, sizes and CONTIGUOUS ZONE EEZ
amount of gear and fishing vessels Known as the Ends at the
that may be used; protective jurisdiction 200th nautical
4. Fixing the age and size of fish and starts from the 12th mile from the
that may be caught; nautical mile from low baseline.
5. Information required of fishing water
vessels, including catch and effort from the baseline.
statistics and vessel position Coastal state may No state really
reports; exercise the has the
6. The conduct of fisheries research programs control necessary exclusive
7. The placing of observers and to (1) prevent ownership of it,
trainees by the coastal state on infringement of its but the state
board foreign vessels; customs, fiscal, which has a
8. The landing of the catch by immigration, or valid claim on it
foreign vessels in the ports of the sanitary laws according to
coastal state; within its territory the UNCLOS
9. The terms and conditions of or its territorial has the right to
joint ventures or cooperative sea or (2) punish explore and
arrangements; such infringement. exploit its
10. Training of personnel and natural
transfer of fisheries technology; resources.
11. Enforcement procedures. CONTINENTAL SHELF
The UNCLOS unifies the continental and the It is the submerged prolongations of the land
extended continental shelves into one by mass of the coastal state, consisting of the
continental shelf proper, the continental slope
and the continental rise. It does not include the
deep ocean floor with its ocean ridges or the
subsoil. [UNCLOS, Art. 76(3)]
Benham Plateau
It is treated as res communes or res nullius, and It refers to the State whose nationality the ship
thus, are not part of the territory of a particular possesses; for it is nationality which gives the
State. (UNCLOS, Art. 89) right to fly a country’s flag. In the high seas, a
state has exclusive jurisdiction over ships
Freedoms on the high seas sailing under its flag. It is required however,
that there exists a genuine link between the
These are the freedom of: (NOLAFS) State and the ship. [UNCLOS, Arts. 91(1), 92(2)]
1. Slave trade;
2. Hot pursuit;
3. Right of approach; and
4. Piracy.
It is the zone adjacent to the territorial The coastal state does not have
Contiguous Zone sea. The contiguous zone may not sovereignty over the contiguous zone
extend more than 24 nautical miles because the contiguous zone is a zone
beyond the baseline from which the of jurisdiction for a particular purpose,
breadth of the territorial sea is not of sovereignty.
measured 12 nautical miles from the
territorial sea. State may exercise control as is
necessary to:
fishing and fisheries related law enforcement, and considered part of the high seas where vessels from any State
military activities, may be in issue. With respect can fish and navigate
to the Scarborough Shoal, however, the Tribunal
found that the exceptions under Art. 297 and 298
cannot oust it of jurisdiction, given that the
activities complained of involve traditional
fishing rights and other events occurring in the
territorial sea, a maritime area over which the
said provisions have no application.
Whether certain coral reefs claimed • Art. 121 of the Convention: islands generate an
by China are or are not above water entitlement to an exclusive economic zone of 200
at high tide nautical miles and to a continental shelf, but rocks
which cannot sustain human habitation or
• Arts. 13 and 121: features that are economic life of their own shall have no exclusive
above water at high tide generate economic zone or continental shelf — closely
an entitlement to at least a 12- linked to the expansion of coastal State
nautical mile territorial sea; jurisdiction and intended to prevent insignificant
features that are submerged at high features from generating large entitlements to
tide generate no entitlement to maritime zones that would infringe on
maritime zones entitlements of inhabited territory or on high seas
• Many of the reefs in the South and the area of the seabed reserved for the
common heritage of mankind
• Entitlements of a feature depend on the a) historical economic activity had been
objective capacity of a feature, b) its natural extractive in nature
conditions to sustain either c) a stable community • All high-tide features in the Spratly Islands
of people or d) economic activity that is neither are legally “rocks” that do not generate an
dependent on outside resources nor purely exclusive economic zone or continental shelf
extractive in nature • The Convention does not provide for a group
• Even if many of the features are currently of islands (such as the Spratly Islands) to
controlled by one or other of the littoral States, generate maritime zones collectively as a unit
which have constructed installations and
maintained personnel there and have been 3. Chinese activities in the South China Sea
modified to improve their habitability (by land Lawfulness of various Chinese actions in the
reclamation and construction of infrastructure), South China Sea under the Convention
the current presence of official personnel on
many of the features does not establish their • Because Mischief Reef, Second Thomas Shoal
capacity, in their natural condition, to sustain a and Reed Bank are submerged at high tide and
stable community of people and considered that are not overlapped by any possible
historical evidence of habitation or economic life entitlement of China, they from part of the
was more relevant to the objective capacity of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf
features of the Philippines; the Convention is clear in
• Temporary of use of features (as in by small allocating sovereign rights to the Philippines
groups of Chinese fishermen and from other with respect to sea areas in its exclusive
states in the Spratly Islands and Japanese fishing economic zone
and guano mining enterprises) did not amount to • China had violated the Philippines’
inhabitation by a stable community and that all sovereign rights with respect to its exclusive
economic zone and continental shelf: China had a)
interfered with Philippine petroleum exploration
at Reed Bank, b) purported to prohibit fishing by Traditional fishing at Scarborough Shoal
Philippine vessels within the Philippines’
exclusive economic zone, c) protected and failed • Fishermen from both China and the Philippines
to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing within and from other countries had long fished at the
the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone at Scarborough Shoal and had traditional fishing
Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal, and d) rights in the area
constructed installations and artificial islands as • Scarborough Shoal is above water at high tide so
Mischief Reef without the authorization of the it generates an entitlement to a territorial sea, its
Philippines surrounding waters do not form part of the
exclusive economic zone, and traditional fishing
rights were not extinguished by the Convention
• China had violated its duty to respect the
traditional fishing rights of Philippine fishermen
by halting access to the Shoal after May 2012
1. Renewal for a period of only 10 years from Environmental concerns, related to Human
the expiry of the preceding period; Rights
2. Payment of the basic fee; and
3. It must not bring about any change in the The protection of the environment is a vital part
international registration in its latest form. of contemporary human rights doctrine, for it is a
(Madrid Protocol, Art. 7) sine qua non for numerous human rights such as
the right to health, and the right to life itself.
NOTE: The International Bureau shall, by sending (Danube Dam Case, ICJ Rep 1997)
an unofficial notice, remind the holder of the
international registration and its exact date of
expiry six months before the expiry of the term of PRINCIPLE 21 OF THE STOCKHOLM
protection. DECLARATION
Stockholm Declaration
responsibility that they bear in the international
The Stockholm Declaration, or the Declaration of pursuit to sustainable development in view of the
the United Nations Conference on the Human pressures their societies place on the global
Environment, was adopted on June 16, 1972 in environment and of the technologies and
Stockholm, Sweden. It contains 26 principles and financial resources they command.” (Rio
109 recommendations regarding the Declaration, Principle 7)
preservation and enhancement of the right to a
healthy environment. PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE
groups of sources. (1979 Convention on Long- exploiting natural resources in a manner which is
Range Transboundary Air Pollution, Art. 1) "sustainable," or "prudent," or "rational," or "wise," or
Two Fundamental Principles of liability for 3. Principle of equitable use or intragenerational equity – The
transboundary pollution under international equitable use of natural resources, which implies that use
law by one state, must take into account the needs of other
states; and
a) First, a state must show material damage and 4. Principle of integration – The need to ensure that
causation to be entitled to legal relief; and environmental considerations are integrated into economic
b) Second, a state has a duty to prevent, and and other developmental plans, programs and projects, and
may be held responsible for pollution by that development needs are taken into account in applying
private parties within its jurisdiction if such environmental objectives.
pollution results in demonstrable injury to
another state. (Trail Smelter Case, US v. Rules for the protection of the environment in armed
Canada, 1941) conflict
3. Pollution