The Charpy Impact Test and Its Applications: The Journal of Pipeline Engineering September 2013
The Charpy Impact Test and Its Applications: The Journal of Pipeline Engineering September 2013
The Charpy Impact Test and Its Applications: The Journal of Pipeline Engineering September 2013
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1 author:
Brian N Leis
B N Leis Consultant
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T HIS PAPER REVIEWS the Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact test and assesses its utility to characterize
fracture resistance in applications to modern tough materials in contrast to those encountered prior
to the availability ofsuch materials.The origin of the CVN test and its development into a standard for use
with metallic materials is discussed, with brief reference also made to application-based standards for use
with other engineering materials. Thereafter, the evolution of mechanical and other properties motivated
by industry demands is illustrated in regard to strength and toughness.The interpretation of the CVN test
in regard to (I) the force-displacement and compliance response that develops during the test, and (2)
factors affecting the energy measured and controlling failure of the CVN specimen, are discussed, including
the tup design and the use of sub-size specimens. The utility of CVN testing is illustrated and discussed in
the context of pipeline and other applications involving tough steels. Finally, the implications of evolution
in material properties is assessed for impact-test practices including ASTM E23 and ISO 148-1, which are
specific to the CVN practice, and the drop-weight tear test. It is concluded that where tough materials are
involved, alternative testing practices are needed that are better adapted to the specific loading and failure
response of the structure of interest.
A WEBCRAWL ON the topic of impact testing more-resistant ones would only bend, such that a notch
Ji.and related standards develops more than 850,000 was introduced to facilitate initiation circa the 1890s
hits which, after allowing for duplicated hits and/or [3 ]. The use of a pendulum-based impact test - whose
otherwise similar publications, makes clear that this use permitted determination of the energy absorbed in
topic has a broad following. Consideration of the failure - is first evident in Russell's work circa the mid
dates of the citations found in such a search range 1890s [4]. Like the earlier drop-weight machines, his
from current times, with the history uncovered in this practice made use of un-notched samples. Soon after
process indicated ( l] to trace back to the min-1800s. the turn of the century, Charpy [5] improved Russell's
Accordingly, impact testing also reflects an enduring method by introducing a redesigned pendulum, a notched
concern that addresses the integrity of structures. sample, and more-precise specifications, thereby moving
Because the origins of impact testing have recently the impact test toward a more-standardized practice.
marked a century of development, reviews have been Charpy' s name appears to be associated with impact
written that document this history (Ref. I, for example), testing more because of his efforts to standardize the
which note the early work was motivated by a need practice over the ensuing years than because of his
to qualify materials resistant to impulse loadings. It is role in the development of the hardware.
apparent that the early work centred on military and
railroad applications. Recognizing that impact testing was first developed to
screen ferrous structural materials in the context of what
The need to screen materials for their resistance to has since been termed brittle-fracture resistance, a host
impulse loadings led to the development of the first drop- of variations on the initial impact-test practice evolved
weight machine, which emerged circa 1860 [2], although to quantify resistance, as did other practices designed
it was used then in testing smooth rectangular bars (i.e. to understand the failure mechanism. The documents
without a notch or starter crack). While that practice evaluated indicate that variations developed in the test
was found adequate for the less-resistant materials, the practices related to the nature of the imposed loading
and test-specimen geometry, as well as in the notch
shapes and the use of localized treatments to affect
desired changes in the nature of the failure process. As
Author's contact details: the significance of strain rate became evident, practices
email: [email protected] were introduced to vary the speed of the impact, with
184 Thl: Journa l of Pipeli ne Engi neering
Toughness trends circa the late 1960s
(trends J<i>pled from Rel.,.nct IS) Sylu) Evolution of FSE CVP energy with producUon date 120
120 160 (...,.VII datJ, adapted from Rtltnnqt 11)
4l 300
/ 140 100
100 - · · - Stffl 250
- - - - Aluminum
I 120 0
.. - ··- !l :r
,,,,,. .
./ : 100 ~'"
.. ~
c ,..
/..J .. - ··- ·· - .,...w~ 150
;. 60
m 80 iii ' I
i: ~ · ·· :< I l'
5 60
100 I
..- ··- ·· - 40
20 ,.., , /
::;_· -....-
- ..,../- -- -
. .... - - - - - - -
• • - • • - • • -
(a) (b)
Fig. I. Trends in CVN energy over time, adapted from Refs 18 and 19: (a) energy trends with grade, circa 1969; (b) historical
view of plateau energy and grade.
slow-bend practices introduced in com plement ro rhe (fo r example, Refs 10 a nd l l). So me factors known ro
im pact mach ines. In a related vein, it became l!vid enr rhar affect variahi licy include th<.! dynamic stiffness o f rhe
sufficie nt energy was required to conti n ue ro driw the system, d ifferences in rhe rup geometry (rad ius and
fa ilure, such tha t 'excess e nergy' became a consideration . m·era ll width and angle to rhe striking edge), and the
In th is context, it has been noted 16 1 thar "morl! than use of suh-size (n:d uced-rhickness) specimens , with rhe
50 types or variario ns of tests ca n he clearly identified narure o f rhe m;irerin l being chn racrerized a lso being a
for evaluating rhe suscepribiliry of materials ro b ri trle major conside ration in regard ro rhe e nergy required ro
fracture" that include we ll-known through now-ohscure fail rhe specimen, and steel clean liness. Suffice ir here
practices. Exa mples of some well-known resrs aside fro m ro nott: rhar th\! sign ifica nce or
some of these factors
the C harpy V-norch (CVN) practice include the lzod rest, is considered lacer in more derail.
rhe explosion bulge rest, the Pellini crack-sram:r test, thl:
NRL-NDT drop-weight resr, and the Barrell<.! d rop-we ight Real izing rhar it roo k until rhe 1960s before rhe CVN
rea r rest (DWTT), wh ile some lesser-known practices rest rra ns irio ned fro m a qua litative ro a practically
include the Kahn rea r rest, rhe Bngsar clem·age·tl!ar rest, useful quanritarive method. issues due ro facto rs such
and rhe C harpy keyhole and U-norch rests. These anJ as rhose jusr c ited pers isted lo ng afrer the CVN
othe r prncrices can be fou nd with more derai ls in thl! practice hecame a tentative standard of thl! Ame rica n
citatio ns listed in Reference 6, heginn ing a t page 316. Society fo r Testing and M::irerials (ASTM) in 1933.
While many such impact re-rs exist, the focus hen;afrer Then d ..:signared E 2 3-33T 1, chis re nrarh·e practice
is on rhe C \ 1 rest. somewhat loosely covered two notch ed-bar imp::icr
practices thac differed s igni fica n tly in rega rd ro the
CVN test development and method~ ro suppmr rhe re~r specime n (i.e. rhe CVN
applications-based standards resr innlking rhree-poinr heam-hending and rhe l:od
im·oh·ing ca ntile\'e red beam-bending). The renrati\·e
The CVN rest is a simple, low-cost, and reliable rest sranda rd also did nor ad equately co ntrol rhe striking
method that today is commo n ly requ ired by regu latory l!dge or 'rup' fo r l!irher resr practice, and it a llowed
and odwr code- for ti-acrure-crirical srrucrures such ai. flexibility in regard ro rhe notch geometry. Adequately
pipelines, bridges, a nd pressure vessels. Today, three managin!! such differences was a key to mo\·e rhe
standards are promine nt in rhe general use of rhe CVN CVN practice fro m o ne viewed as qualira rive, in parr
rest 17-9] char are rele\'ant for applicacions ro 'metallic due w irs ·careered resu lt ·, ro o n e ch ar i · qua n tirati\'e
mate rials', and pro\·ide a \'iable ba is fo r the consi ·re nt anti so can he practica lly useful aside from screen ing
use o f rhis practice. In contrast, the history of rhe CVN materials fo r fra ctu re mod e.
practice from about 1900 th rough co 1960 is ma rked in
regard to daca scarre r a nd variability, more genera lly in
regard ro che factors rhar ad\·ersely affect irs o utcome For dhhl" It,...... t.11ntl1.u wuh the A ..TM pnx:.._-...), rhe h:nt.HI\""-' dc,ign:uam j,
no lonccr p.uc of H ....t.1nU.mJ,'"\lc\'dOpmcnt pmc~~-
3rd Quarter, 2013 185
Over the years, aspects unique to the specimen because the force versus load-point displacement record
geometries and loadings have been identified and from such set-ups helps understand the extent to which
understood such that today the standard embeds clear the substituted material behaves differently from the
requirements for the test specimens, as well as for the material it is replacing.
testing procedures and the reporting. Significantly the
reporting requirements prescribe clear identification Evolution in properties: implications
of the type of test and specimen, as well as other for ASTM Ell or ISO 148-1
derails that could promote what otherwise lead to
what could be misconstrued as data scatter. Annexes Evolution of materials and properties
to the standard have been developed that address the
test machines, including verification of the Charpy While much has been done to 'standardize' and 'specify'
impact machine. These annexes also outline optional the essential details of the CVN test practice over the
specimen configurations, and discuss CVN pre-cracking, years, the metallic materials being developed for use
specimen orientation, determination of the percent of today differ significantly from those in the era that
shear fracture area (%SA), and methods to measure the the CVN test transitioned from qualitative into what
centre of strike. Finally, the significance of notched,bar is considered today a quantitative test. Figure 1, which
impact testing is considered in regard to the correlation adapts trends from Refs 18 and 19, serves to illustrate
between the test practice and its outcomes with the and emphasize this point.
service situation. There it notes that the Charpy or
lzod tests may not directly predict the ductile or brittle Figure 1a summarizes trends in CVN energy for data
behaviour of steel - an aspect that is elaborated later developed up through the late 1960s. The y-axis in the
in the section that illustrates the application of the figure is CVN energy, which is shown as a function of
CVN test to specifying linepipe steels. test temperature on the x-axis. To facilitate comparing
trends for which differences exist in the transition
Thus, although today the ASTM E23 standard still covers temperature, this figure centres them at close to the
these quite different bend-bar impact tests, and also still 50%SA temperature, such that this axis is labelled
allows different notching practices, it now makes clear 'relative temperature'. As is evident from the figure,
the differences between these tests and the notching these trends are presented only in the units reported,
practices, and addressed those differences through the because the format of the plot precludes presenting
requirements of the standard. Unfortunately, differences dual units. Results are shown for several steels whose
remain today between the geometry of the 'tup' in what yield stresses, denoted s,, range from 40 to 200 ksi
might be considered a North American [7] and European (276 to 1378 MPa). These trends are shown as the
standards [8], which can open to differing outcomes dash-double-Oot lines. Results also are presented for two
particularly when evaluating more resistant materials. aluminium alloys with yield stresses of 38 and 75 ksi
(261 to 517 MPa), which are shown as dashed trends
In addition to the above-noted standards that focus on toward the lower edge of this figure.
metallic materials, such as steel, other standards have
evolved based on the basic tenets of ASTM E23 that It is evident from in regard to the data shown
focus on miniaturized testing and address materials other for the steels that these CVN trends up through the
than the types of materials that were targeted by the plateau (upper-shelf) energy, denoted CVP, indicate that
original standard (for example, 12-16). Such standards the resistance to fracture (or toughness as characterized
have evolved to address the unique concerns of polymers by CVP) decreases as the yield stress increases, and
and cast iron, for example, and are developed to meet that this decrease is significant. This same trend is also
the needs specific to the application involved. Needs evident for the aluminium alloys. While the trends are
for an application-specific alternative to E23 can become similar for the steels with s, = 200 ksi (1378 MPa), it
apparent as new materials emerge that will find use under is apparent that the energy dissipated in a CVN test is
impulse-loading conditions, or under circumstances that not uniquely quantified relative to the grade of steel.
otherwise could promote a change in fracture resistance Rather, experience indicates char the energy dissipated
due, for example, to cold,temperature service, or irradiation. reflects the chemistry and processing history of the steel
Materials substitution also can create applications wherein on a case-by-case basis. Finally, these data indicate that
an existing material is replaced by an emerging material, for steels produced up through the late 1960s a five,fold
which needs to be screened for changes in its fracture increase in yield stress (grade) could affect more than a
resistance over the range of operational circumstances ten-fold reduction in toughness. This tendency reflects
that are unique to its adapted use. Note that, in this the well known tradeoff between strength and ductility
context, the use of an instrumented testing system, that was characteristic of the carbon-manganese (GMn)
consistent with standards ( 17], can facilitate the use of steels produced prior to the advent of the high-strength
impact testing in cases involving material substitution or low-alloy (HSLA) grades that emerged commercially in
new applications concerned with impulse loads. This is the 1960s.
186 Th e Jo urnal of Pipeline Engineering
(a) X-70 specime n @ 250 ft-lb (339 J) (b) X-100 s pecimen @ I 18 ft-lb ( I 60J)
(c) fractu re features @ 250 ft-lb (339 J) (d) fra cture features @ 18 ft-lb (-24 J)
Fig.2. Differences in CVN response with toughness, adapted from Refs 22 and 23.
HS LA steels have evo lved over rime, coup ling che mistry ci rrn more or less rhe mid 1960s. Nore that in Fig. l h
and processing changes to achieve srrengrh \\'hile limiting that the data poinr· flagged as Q&T (q ue nched and
the frequency a nd size of particles rhar nucleate \'OiJs te mpered) rhat lie toward rhe bortom of rhe inrerrn l
a nd rrigger the o nser o f p lastic collapse, through rhe fo r rhe mid-1960s lie a r quire low roughness values,
use of cleaner srcels and sulphide shape contro l [20[. which is as expected for higher-strength steels based o n
Ro lling practices also evolved rh ro ugh use of conrrol- rhe resu lts evident in Fig. Ia.
rollcd and rhermal-mechanically controlled proces ·
(TM C P) rechniques rhar coupled controlled rolling with Figure I b, which presenrs darn for linepipe steels produced
accelcra red cooling, which subsequently gan• way m u p th rough ci rca 2000. indicates thar CVP energies
high-temperature-processed (HTP) steels. Thus, since the on rhe o rd er of 250 ft-lb (339 J) were being achieved
mid-1960s, it has heco me possible m couple stre ngth toward rhc turn of rhe mil lennium. Bur, in comparison
gai ns wirh imprm·ed roughness and ductility to enha n ce with such gai ns m·cr about a 30-year period, it is nor
frnc rurc resista nce. Such changes han: dewloped in unusual currently ro sec energy ,·aluel' approaching
the context of auromoti,·e sreels and line pipe sreels, J ouble that b ·el in grades u p to X-80 (551 MPa) - all
for which weldahiliry also was a major consid eration. within the bst IO or so years. It is also apparent thar
T hus, in contrast ro Fig. I a, rhc trends in parr (b) o f fo r grades ahow X-80, as fo r example X-120, which are
th is figure show n re\'ersa 1 of rhe decrease in d uctil iry produced hy approaches rhar d iffe r fro m those used ro
wirh increasing grnd e, with this shift apparenr in Fig. I h make modern X-80, it is much more d ifficult ro ach ie\'c
3rd Quarter, 2013 187
the high toughness levels necessary to fully capitalize on face and flanks of the rup, with the remainder of the
the strength gained for the applications for which such specimen otherwise largely un-deformed, although the
grades were designed. ligament remains intact. Nevertheless, close examination
of the image reveals the imprint of the tup shape on
Implications for standardized impact testing the back face. As such, this specimen rode the tup
through the anvils, in like manner to that for the
It follows from the significant increase in toughness evident higher-toughness steel. And while a crack did develop,
in, for steels produced recently in contrast to which was quite deep, manually closing the angle
those of late 1960s, that for materials where high CVN between the back faces after the test did not break
energies have been achieved the failure response of a the specimen into two pieces. A later section further
CVN specimen could differ radically from that typically considers that and other aspects that appear to limit
seen in the late 1960s. The results in Fig.2, which are the utility of the CVN test in applications to higher·
adapted in part from Ref.21 and from unpublished work toughness materials.
[22], clearly support this expectation. The images in Figs
2a and 2b are post-test perspective views of full-size CVN Figures 2c and 2d contrast the fracture features for results
specimens that both showed 100% SA, following testing such as those shown in Figs 2a and 2b, respectively.
in a 512 ft-lb capacity pendulum machine equipped with While the view in Fig.2d shows evidence of crack
unmodified anvils and a Oynatup striker. The machine used initiation and propagation, as has typically been observed
had been certified by the National Institute of Standards and expected in the context of the interpretation of
and Technology (NIST) practice 123], and maintained in the CVN test as evident for example in ASTM E23,
calibration. While clearly apparent from the back-face the image in Fig.2c for the much-tougher steel does not
deformation for the specimen shown as Fig.2a, but less show the same traits. Rather, it shows significant local
evident for that shown in Fig.2b, during the test both stretching at the notch, very large lateral contraction
specimens had been wedged onto and around the tup below the notch, with thickening occurring toward
as they were pushed through the machine. Thus, these the back face, and evidence of some stable tearing
specimens were intact after testing - although to a much and stretching occurring in lieu of what might be
different extent for what was the higher toughness case called cracking.
as compared to that requiring much less energy to push
it through the anvils - as becomes clear, as follows. Suffice it here to conclude that such observations
indicate that the test in applications to higher-toughness
The image in Fig.2a reflects a measured enert,,'Y of about materials no longer develops features typical of those
250 ft-lb (339 J) for a CVN specimen made of X-70 observed throughout its historic applications, with a
steel produced circa the mid-1990s. This image focuses subsequent section further considering factors affecting
on the area of a specimen in the vicinity of the notch the measured energy and controlling failure of CVN
and fracture, to illustrate the complex nature of tearing specimen, which closes considering the implications in
and the significant lateral and local back-face deformation. regard to the utility of the CVN test as standardized
As noted in the above discussion, this image clearly by ASTM E23 171 or ISO 148 [8].
shows that the back-face of the specimen has deformed
around and about the face and flanks of a tup whose The CVN test: its interpretation and
size and shape conformed to ASTM E23, whereby the utility
striker radius is 8 mm. Had the narrower, smaller-radius
(2-mm) tup of ISO 148-1 been used, less wedge force The CVN test can be implemented using either a
would have developed, such that less energy would have drop-weight system, which requires an instrumented
been required to push the specimen through the anvils. tup, or a pendulum set-up than can make use of an
In this context, the total measured energy involves the instrumented tup, but does not require it to determine
energy to deform the specimen, to initiate cracking or the dissipated energy. While an instrumented set-up is not
tearing/stretching, and to propagate that cracking or required using the a pendulum, the results of measured
tearing/stretching through the depth of the specimen, force as a function of the load-point displacement do
along with the energy required to push the specimen provide much insight into the dissipative processes that
through the anvils. Further on this aspect follows later in contribute to the energy required to fail the specimen.
the section that deals with factors affecting the measured Output from an instrumented test is shown in Fig.3
energy and controlling failure of a CVN specimen. as the basis for further discussion on the test and its
interpretation, based on results reported in Ref.24. The
Figure 2b reflects a measured CVN energy of about results in this figure reflect transverse CVN samples
118 ft-lb (160 J) for a specimen made of X 100 steel, cut transverse to the longitudinal axis of a joint of
which was produced just into the new millennium. linepipe, with the notch oriented through the thickness
This image is in strong contrast to that in Fig.2a, as of the pipe. This orientation corresponds to testing in
only limited local distortion has occurred around the the y-x direction as identified in ASTM E23.
188 The Jo urnal o f Pipelinc Engineering
......... ...... ,.,,.."'.,. . . ..................
normeUz.ed .-...trtlv. lO tM UT&
c:.._...,.u.. .. ~· ·
normMh:ed relatJv-e to the UTS
(llUU.aft • h......., f'OfJIUUtovr of nWMo •t.Mlt w.t. .
---+ -n Ill 0 25 !i'
111 ..
j. 25
020 !
!- l
- -. '
0 t&
10 ~ !'i
c c
. . . . . ...... .!!?
...t i"'
0 0
~ oos ii"
... -.. "'
~<motlon p<~tlon
000 0.26 060 076 , 00 , 26 110 000 026 060 0 76 , 00
Lo.d-c>OW\t dbp&acema-nt (from rot.lidonl. Inch Load.po"'• d ..P'-<•ment (Prom rotation). Inch
(a) (b)
Fig.3. Typical response trends developed in instrumented CVN testing: (a) moderate to higher toughness; (b) a range from low
to high toughness.
Force-displacement and compliance response bending and rearing coupled with ~rrerching in to ugha
steels , o r cracking in less-tough steels - the ·am ple
Force as presented on the y-axis o f Fig. 3 is as me:isured moves o n through un-m odified and ls. While less-rough
by a Oyn arup strike r (as made circa thc early 1990s) as steels fail as rwo pieces tha t ca n be fo rcefully ejected
a fun cti on o f the loa<l-po inr dispbcemc nr (de termined fro m the machi ne. as indicated in, toughe r
fro m pe ndulum arm rotatio n) t hat is shown on thc x-:ixis. steels ca n be fo und still wc.x lg<.'d around rhe tup. In
The secondary y-axi s is a measu re o f the specimen's extre me cases, specim<.' ns can be nd aro und the rup ro
compli:i nce, as it p rescnrs the x-axis displacement value an cxr<.'nt that u nloads the face of the striker - wh ich
d i\'id ed hy the corres ponding lo ad. Force - as shown is also di ·cussed in a later sectio n. Beca use the fo rmat
o n the y-axis of Fig.) - has be..:n divided hy the o f thi~ figure precludes the use of d ual u n its, th<.'
initial net-sectio n area of the CVN sp..:cimen, with that results a rc presented using in rhe units used to quanti fy
three-po int be nding net-section stres~ then divided hy this respo nse.
th e an :rage value o f the ultimate tensile stress (UT )
fo r the steel inrnlved. The ,·alue o f the UT used The plot shown in Fig.3a pre-cn ts resu lts fo r a conrro l-
is based o n co mpanion round-bar wns ion rests mad e rollcd X-80 steel (labe lled =3) cur fro m mill-expanchl
from flam: ne<l blanks, wh ich also were cut in rh<.' line pipe with 0.6 1-in ( 15.5-mm) thick wall that \V<ts
trans\'erse (hoop) lirecrio n , anJ tested in accordnnce produced in 1992. Figu re 3b su ppleme nts this resu lt
with ASTM ES [25J. O n th is basis, rhe ,·alu e o f rhe wirh d nra fo r a n accelerated-cooled X-70 steel fro m
y-axis should no rmali:e the results for this steel and mill-expanded lincpi pe with 0 .75in (19.1-mm) th ick
others up th rough eithcr the limit lo ad o r fra cture, wall thnr also was produced in 1992 (labelled # 2), n
with th<.' outcome ·hown on the y-axis heing a mu ltiple conrnil-rolled X-60 st<.'el from mill-expanded linep ipc
of the ratio of the in~ranraneous load relarh·e ro the with 0.546-in (I 3.9-mm) th ick wa ll that was prod uced
limit-load rhar depends o n the bending stiffness o f in 1970 (labelled ;:7), a nd a com·enrio nally-rolled X-52
the C VN sample. steel fro m mill-expa nd ed linepipe with 0 .375-in (9.5-mm)
thick wall that was produced in 1960 (label led #8).
Figures 3a a nd 3b present results tha t show the spec imc n' · All inrnl,·ed resting of fu ll-si:e samples exce pt fo r the
inirial el:mic respo nse where, afte r yielding occurs, plnsric X-5 2, which made use of a 2/ ) thickness specimens.
be nding ensues as the load increases th rough the Ii mi t All results reflect rests that Lb ·eloped 100 %SA, such
load, beyond wh ich thc load fa lls off as it wou ld in that these trends rdlect fully duc tile respo nse.
a tens ile rest as necking develops. The analogu<.' w
necking fo r rough sted s leads m localized thinning In refe re nce ro Fig. )a, a -e rics of <lotted Yerrical lin e~
across the notch face o f the C\ speci men, wirh the hm·e heen added ro the rest record , which h a,·e been
respo nse linder quasi-srati c loading similar to that unde r located to tie key changes in complian ce ro eve nts
impact load ing evidl!nt - as presented in a later secriDn. evid e n t in the fo rce-d isp lacement respo nse. Note in thi s
Lateral thinning alo ng the notch b accompani<.'d hy context that if the stress-srra in response i~ mapped on m
hack-surface expa nsio n, during which - after sufficient this coordina te system, the locus rraced (assu ming the
3rd Quarter, 2013 189
specimen geometry remained as it began) would begin ordinate discussed earlier, with the differences in trends
to drop at the same displacement that marks the peak up to the limit load reflecting the inherent differences
load, which is marked by the first of the vertical lines. in their flow response and hardening rates.
The locus tracked by the stress-strain response depends
on the actual strain-hardening behaviour of the steel, In contrast, the force-displacement response developed
and for this test tracks at a higher loads beyond the by steel #2 is comparable to that shown by steel #3 in
peak load. It follows that, for this test, the peak load regard to Fig.3a, except that this steel does not show
evident in Fig.3a corresponds to the bending limit evidence of a significant reduction in the force required
load, and that the response up through the limit load to move the specimen through the anvils over the course
reflects energy dissipated in deforming the specimen. As of the testing. As for the other steels, analysis indicates
such, this initial regime has been labelled 'deformation'. that the peak load for this case correspond closely with
Because of the difference in load drop for this test what is inferred as the limit load for simple bending
as compared to the locus tracked by the stress-strain relative to this steel's UTS. And as for the other steels,
response, it also follows that this loss in stiffness (or it is evident that the force-displacement response for this
increase in compliance) evident beyond the limit load steel is normalized as expected by the use of the ordinate
is associated with local stretching and thinning and the noted above, with the difference in response up to the
initiation of tearing, such that this regime has been limit load reflecting its unique flow response and strain-
labelled 'initiation'. This has been done in spite of the hardening rate. However, in contrast to the results for
observation that a major component of that energy is steel #3, which shows the force-displacement response in
due to continued plastic flow. the CVN test drops below the locus of the stress-strain
response of the steel when mapped on to this figure,
The end of the regime associated with 'initiation' that trend for steel #2 remains at or very close to the
is marked by the second vertical line from the left locus of the stress-strain curve. As such, what in 1997 was
side of the plot, which lies at the onset of what is partitioned as largely deformation energy with a smaller
identified in Fig.3a by the label 'propagation' - that initiation component (for example, see Ref.28) would
for this steel occurred ductile tearing. Beyond the area more correctly be represented as all deformation energy.
labelled propagation, the response for this specimen
becomes complex in regard to the force-displacement Not surprisingly, steels #7 and #8 both broke cleanly in
response and the change in compliance. Fractography two pieces. In contrast, steel #2 simply deformed and
and observations made using a quasi-static set-up infer showed local stretching and lateral local thinning at the
that the tearing quickly transitions into rotation and notch, and expansion toward the back face sufficiently so
stretching. While this transition is ill-defined by the to pass between the anvils - and showed no evidence of
dynamic force-displacement behaviour and related change the potential to break as a result of the testing. In all
in compliance, the quasi-static results indicate the three cases, the compliance trends are as anticipated. For
transition first involves the back-face of the specimen the pair of steels with the lowest toughness the compliance
wrapping around the tup, after which the associated increasing sharply once the peak load is reached for
wedging load causes failure while the specimen passes each of these steels. In contrast, the compliance for steel
through the anvils, and eventually breaks in two. #2 increases only slightly from its initial trend, which
Accordingly, the response shown in Fig.3a beyond that signifies that little change in bending stiffness occurred
labelled propagation is divided into regions labelled over the course of the test.
deformation (as the specimen wraps around the tup)
and propagation (as it fails between the anvils). It follows from the pair of results that developed for the
very tough steels that the CVN test is tending toward
As the trends for the other steels shown in Fig.3b indicate, the limits of its utility, whereas as history has shown it
none shows the complexity evident for the steel just is a viable basis to quantify the response at much lower
discussed. The energies measured relative to these trends toughness levels.
for steels #2, #3, #7, and #8 are respectively in ft-lb
250, 192, 17.5, and 36 (in J, 339, 259, 23.7, and 49) - Utility of CVN testing in pipeline applications
the last of which is a linearly scaled full-size equivalent
(FSE) energy. The lowest energy pair of results (steels #7 A webcrawl also was done on the topic of Charpy impact
and #8) developed force-displacement response that is testing, but for the purposes of this section it was filtered
characteristic of steels and other metallic materials that with the terms of pipeline and applications. This search
fail at relatively low energies, which was commonly the led to well in excess of 600,000 hits, many of which
case through the 1960s. Analysis indicates that these peak are duplicated or repeated in some manner. However,
loads correspond closely with what is inferred as the limit the number of results, the dates of the citations, and
load for simple bending relative to their respective values content and scope of the documents make clear that this
of the UTS. It is apparent that their force-displacement testing practice is broadly still used and that the CVN
response is normalized as expected by the use of the test remains relevant in the pipeline industry.
190 The Journal of Pipeline Engineering
~ 0.4 A, _,_,.··~
w _ .. >~· ... ···
0.3 ~ ll - .. - .··' '
-·-t:r-··-··-··-t:i· .· .. ''
0.2 ~ /l.
.. · ••• •• /l. '
... ... ...
•••• ••• 0 '
0.1 ~
0 ... ... Fig.4. Energy
0.0 -········ ·······"6' 0
• n ' 'f"'I
components from
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 instrumented CVN
FSE CVN Plateau value, ft-lb testing partitioned
as in Fig.3.
It is apparent in this context that the CVN test remains is clear from the figure that the trend for propagation
the basis for fracture-control plans for the industry. The energy decreases to zero a value of CVP at about
American Petroleum Institute (API) and others adopt 250 ft-lb (339 J) and above, as indicated by the data
the CVN test as the basis to quantify fracture resistance points circled in the figure. This outcome is anticipated
(for example, Ref.26), whereas the Battelle drop-weight in light of Fig.3b, and the related discussion, because
tear ·test [27] (B-DWTI) - that subsequently simply is the force-displacement response for steel #2 (which had
identified by the acronym DWTI - is used to characterize a CVP of 350 (339 j)) involved only bending and
fracture mode. At the same time, literature based on stretching, with lateral contraction across the notch
full-scale testing has been developing that is consistent and expansion on the back face - but no propagation.
with the above noted results (such as Ref.28), indicating In contrast, the models developed in the 1970s to
that the CVN test has reached the limits of its utility characterize the fracture-arrest process, which remain in
in applications to the tough and weldable high-strength use today to quantify the toughness required to arrest
steels being adopted by the pipeline industry. the phenomenon termed running fracture, were calibrated
in a framework that involved only lower-toughness steels
Figure 4 (adapted from Ref.28) was derived from the that Fig.4 shows involved a significant component of
components of dissipated energy as partitioned in the crack-propagation energy.
context of Fig.3 to shed light on the future utility of
the CVN test in applications to high-toughness steels. Clearly one can question the use of the above-noted
The y-axis in this figure is the relative fraction of the fracture-arrest models that assume fracture controls
total energy dissipated in each of several tests involving failure in applications where the CVN test does not
a total of nine steels whose toughness as quantified by produce cracking. One could also question the initial
CVP ranged up to 260 ft-lb (352 J), values for which use of the CVN test - which involves a notched beam
are shown on the x-axis. For each test, these fractions in simple bending - for use in applications for which
must sum to unity. little or no bending occurs. Justification for that choice
was as easy then as it is today - as the models were
As often occurs for CVN tests, the results in Fig.4 show empirically calibrated such that the value of CVP could
scatter, which is made worse for the present analysis have been a surrogate for some other related metric.
by the gradual changes in compliance that make it In addition, the basic concepts and tools of fracture
difficult to identify the breakpoints between the energy mechanics were in the early stages of development - but
components. Although there is scatter, the key point more critically the phenomenon that was then termed
in regard to Fig.4 is not clouded by such concerns: it 'propagating fracture' is complex and since has defied a
3rd Quarter, 20 13 191
Fig.5. Cross sections through propagating shear contrasted to tearing shear (from Ref.2 7):
(a) symmetric shear (as polished, observed during steady-state propagation): t =0.560 in ( 14 mm);
(b) asymmetric tearing shear (rough grind, observed during ring-off arrest): t =0.560 in ( 14 mm).
first-pr inciples' fo rmulari on . Today it is umlcrsrood rhar the use of full-rhickness samples, such as the DWTT. Ir
th is p heno me non firsr involves axial straining ahead o f is, howev..: r, clear that as rime has passed the urili ry of
rhe crack in a plastic znne thar propagares along rhe rhe DWTT even ro quanri fy rhe frac ture mode, wh ich
p ipeline, with symmetric rhinn ing leading ro 'propagating is irs purpose, is o pen ro question. Issues wirh so-called
hear' as shown in Fig.5, wirh in-plane srrerching occurring im·erse fractu re have become widely evide nt since abour
until shear fai lure (plastic colla p -e) occurs rhrough-wall. 2000, and a · the steels han~ become increasingly rougher
the DWTT practice is also d eveloping gross srrerching
The significant in-plane srretching evide nt in Fig.Sa and evidence of overall d isrorrion - as sim ilarly has
results in symmetric through-wall th inning nml eventual occurred fo r the CVN prnctice.
collapse via shear - much as could occu r in a tensile
tesr. This symmerric process develops during srcady- rate Figure 6 (courtesy o f Bernard Hoh) provides graphic
p ropagation, which corn.! po nds to rhe scenario rhe e\·idence of rhe gross disrorrion rhar can de\·elop through
CVN tesr has used to cha racterize the arrest rouiihness. the use of rhe DWTT in applications inrnlving rough
Figure Sb shows rhe rransirion rhar occurs in rh i:. fa ilure steels. While these images reflect heavy-wall linepipe made
behaviou r as steady-srarc transitio ns ro arrest, which with a thi ckness of l.S in (38 mm) in X-70 srecl, rhe
ofren resulrs in the ring-off of the fa ilure path. While, results refl ect resting do ne in a mach ine with ad equate
as Fig.Sb indicates, rhis rra n~itio n lead s m asymmetric excess energy. Thus, wh ile considered by some a potential
(scxallccl rearing) shear, rhe fa ilure process during arrest alrernari\·e ro the CVN practice in anriciparion rhat irs
re mains shear do minated - wirh much less th inning increased depth and larger (werall si:e would offset such
occurring, as now the driving force for rhe process is concerns, rhe DWTT practice does nor prm·ide a parh
gready diminished . forward fo r such applicatio ns, even as a sropgap solution.
O n th is basis, work is needed to better u nderstand
Ir fo llows rhat ar least for pipelines made of higher- the facto rs controlling the fai lu re process such rhat a n
coughness sreels the usual C VN tesr pracrice appea rs to appropriate mill test ca n be identi fied in liett of rhc
have limited utility. Whe reas the sready-sratc pipeline- bending impact rests in use roday.
fa ilu re process primarily irwo lves stretching :ind thi n ning
thar is largely free of hcnding, the CVN resr relies Utility of CVN testing in other applications involving
on hending with thicke ning develo ping as rhe fa ilure tough steels
process in the specimen continues to rhc hack face.
In this context, any be nding-impact rest fo lb short of Cen tra l m rhe d iscussio n of rhc CVN rest in irs applicatio n
emulating rhe srrucrural response. In spire of rhis facr, ro pipel ines was rhc rhesis rhat the i'sues discussed ca n
ir ha~ bee n asserted rhar rhe issues wirh rhc C VN resr be rraccd to the roughness of the sreel. This sccrio n
in pipeline applicatio ns cvicl..: nr in rhe srrerching, rearing, furrhe r w nsiders this hyporhesis in regard to the classes
and late ra l flow parallel ro rhe notch could he offset by of sred in use in rhe ground-vehicle indusn y.
192 The Jo urna l of Pipeline Engineering
Like rhe pipe line indusrry, the automorivc / ground- Ano rh e r pape r associated with rhe evaluatio n of high-
vchi cle industry has pushed the cl evelopmenr or rough, power heam we ld s (such as ckcrro n-beam o r lase r
srrong, weldable sreeb. As such , it is no r surprising rh ar welds) nored rhar rh e failure of such welds might
ahour rhe sa me time rhat iss ue- with rhe CV resr result in a p lasric consrrainr loss around horh rhe
were e me rging in ap plicarions ro rhe pipeline indusrry, nmch a nd crack rip, mak ing ir d ifficu lt ro eva luate
similar concern w irh the CV1 resr becam e eviden t in fracture perfo rmance of girth-welded pipe joints. Thi s
rhar industry. For example, a 1987 pape r 1291 authored paper dererm ined thar intrinsic fracrure tough ness was
fro m wirh in the rructures a nd Dynamics O i,·isio n o f lowe r rh:rn rh e resu lt of srn ndard Charpy specime ns
C arerpilla r lnc. no res thar " rece ntly, two new fami lies of and fatig ue pre-cracked rh ree-po inr bend spec imens .
steels ...... have beco me ava ilable" rhar were of inreresr Ir was concluded rhar d iffore nces in plastic co nsrrn in r
ro rhat indu srry. Afte r conside ri ng those sreels in lighr berween rhe srrucrure and a rlm~e-po inr bend spec imen
of seve ral basic materials' rests, the paper conclud es by underlie this ·iruarion.
noring rhar so me resrs an: " reliable indicarors of material
performance in componenrs while C harpy V-norch e nergy T h us, in addition to applicatio ns whe re pla ric ity acrs
is of lirrle value fo r quanrirarive engineering analysis". ro limit the urility of rhe CVN rest, as occurred fo r
The paper goes o n to srnre thar a n "alte rnarive impacr rhe pipe li ne and rhe gro u nd-veh ic le cases, i sues c::i n
resr wh ich mo re closely represents mareria l be havio ur d evelop rh ar lim it rh e di recr tran sferabili ty of rh e
in components" is needed. CVN rest results due ro constra int - in rhe ::ib~c nce
3rd Qua rte r, 20 13 193
s pecimen
Displacement, mm
0 5 10 15 20
4500 20
Quasi-static comparison of tup and load cell
4000 18
3600 16
..c 12 r
;- 2500 (II
10 _a.
"'0 2000
...J specimen
tup ';II:'
tup 8
specimen 6
1000 4
500 2
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 Fig. 7. Energy measured in a
Displacement, inch quasi-static evaluation of force-
displacement response [21 ]:
(b) (a) photographs of the set-up;
(b) results of the comparison.
• ,. . "\y 350 "
6 circled cases: 264 ft-lb machine " •
; + " ".
, 213-sizethat
did not separate
300 m
250 "O
all others: 516 ft-lb machine, ~ ~ 200 gt
.. .
.c ~
u co
" 150 ~
u.. ... ... " <-
" 100
50 ... " "
,. ... " Comparing subsize & full size CVN results
0 0
0 60 100 150 200 250 300 350
Full size Charpy, ft-lbs Fig. 8. Comparison of
subsize and full-size
CVN energy for one
X-70 steel.
fro m image~ synced to specific loads rhat over rhe course effect (fo r example, Ref.31) reflects rhe observ:i rion
o f the loading the speci men begins to wrap around char le---tough -ree l:; do nor survive in the rest to
the tup, which occurs as the rotation increases just rh.: rhe po int beyond which rotatio n and contact wirh
limit load. As th is happens the load, as measured hy the flanks of th e rup occur to a signific:int extent.
the tllp, fo ils off in compari·on with the load measured Thus, care must be taken when inte rpreting the energy
by the load cell. In view of the inset in Fig.7a, this measured in a CV rest for higher-roughness steels,
decrease could reflect the o bscrn1rion that the face o f as it ca n underestimate the actual fo rce invo lved,
the tllp is un load ed as the specimen rotation abo ur rhe whi le at th e same rime fa il ro reflect rhe effects of
rup increases. It is further e\·ident from the inset that, \\'edge-ope ning loading.
as the rotation increases, the load i> increasingly being
transferred to the back face of rhe C VN specimen alo ng Subsize specimen issues
rhe oute r extre miti es of the r;idiused rup face. Such
behaviour indicates that ns the roration incre:ises the Re ulrs have been reported sine.: the 1950s (such as
C VN speci men is subjected to a wedge-open ing load Ref.32) co ncerni ng th e e ffecrs of subsize specimens,
that is not 4uantifie cl in simple terms by the measured with references c ited in rh ar work cha r d are to rhe
lone!. Accordingly, while the response t:vidcnt in Fig. 7b late 1940s. As such , the effocr is nor n ew. W hi le
indicates that the measured lo:id underesti mates the the topic has been investigated fo r many decades,
verrical compo nent o f the lo:id ing hy about 7%, the the Appendices of A TM E2 3 have no t provid ed a
wedge-opening load is not quantified. concl usive view o n the role of thickness in the form of
a co rrela ti on, s uggesting that some unce rtai nty remains
Ir fo llows rhar aspects ·uch as rup wear cou ld lead as to rhe circumstances that con trol the effect, and
ro ,·ari abiliry, particularly if this wea r occurs loca l to whether there is a consistent pattern. Iss ues in the
the sh oulders of the ASTM E2 3 tup design. Likewi se, conrexr of reproducibility have b..:en repo rted fo r rhe
it fo llows char th e use of a smaller-radius tup that CVN rest lo nger rh:in the effects of sub i: c ·pecimen .
m akes con tact o,·er a narrowe r : o ne, as occu rs fo r rhe For example, \\'Ork also reported in rhe 1950s (such
lSO 148- 1 rup design in compar iso n to that fo r E23, as Ref.33) that cite "poor steel , poor heat treatm ent,
would lead to a red ucti o n in rhe wedge-opening load. o r both" and note "va ri ati ons .... c:i used by poo r resting
Finally, it fo llows th at the observatio n o f a thresho ld techniques, and th e poor conditio n of rhe Charpy
ro ughne below which rup geometry has no apparent machine, o r bo th" :is underlyi ng cau es for those issue,
3rd Qu arter, 20 13 19 5
Displacement. mm Displacement, mm
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
6500 3500
Fo rce-dlsplacementresponse Force-displacement response
6000 y ropaqation Encrq)t'T otmloncrgy • 0.47 Pro pagation Energyfioul Energy = 0.40 14
IPB8- I @ 7JC 3000 ree 1r ~2JC
4600 20 \
4000 2600
"'3600 10r
.0 16 r
"' 2000
~ 0
:; 3000 Cl -0 8 _a.
.3"' 2600 "'0 ""
10 ""
z ...J 1500
1500 1000 4
1000 5
500 2
0 0 0
0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.6 1.5
Displacement, in c h Displac ement, inch
(a) (b)
all o f \\'hich cou ld conrribure co rhe lack of clariry in se parated inro two piece · - which, for rhe sa mples
rega rd ro rh ickness effecrs. Also possibly co nrrihuring reseed in rhe 516-ft-lb (700-J) C harpy machine (most of
ro rhis circumsrance i · rh e hosr of faccors rhar have the m), was well below 80% of rhar machine's capacity.
mo re reccnrly b..:e n con sidered in rhe co n rexr of
ASTM STP 1248 [341. wh ich co nsidered rhe spec imen, This s::i me comparison afte r excising resu lrs where
rhe anvil and srri ker, rh e resr procedures, and sti ll the measured en ergy exceeded 80% of rh e machine's
ocher ropics. Accordingly, thi s section adds on ly to capacity (resrs in the 264-fr-lb (358-j) machine) sugge ·r
th e kn owled ge base - particularly giwn ir rdi es o n thar fo r en ergies less rhan 180 fr-lb (244 j) lin early
rhe AST M E23 tllp and co nsid ers su h~ ize effec rs in sc::i li ng the 2/ 3-size C harpy data to an FSE ,·alue slightly
reference to rough sree l. underesrimates the resu lr measured o n full-rh ickne s
speci men . In conrrast, fo r e nergies grearer t han
Figure 8 presents resu lt · fo r 1990s' vin tage X-70 steel 180 fr-lh (244 J), linearly scaling rhe 2/ 3-thick specimen
cur from large-d iameter pi pe thar had a wall rhickne~s data ove resrim::ires the re uk measured o n full-rh icknes
of 0.560 in ( 14.2 mm), comparing the energy m fail spec imens, which could he d ue to consrrainr developing
for ·uh-th ickness and full-size thickness C VN spec imens. in rhe specimens ar h ighe r-roughness leve ls.
In this fif!ure, the x-axis represe nrs the enerl!)' from
tesring full-s ize specime ns whereas the y-axis presents As th e degree o f co nsrraint decreases, rhe extent of rhe
the FS E energy for the 2/3-rh ick specimens, where th rough-thickness ch inn ing along the notch increases,
FS E energy is linearly sca led e neri..'Y d ensity per unit wh ich adds to the fraction of rhe deformarion compo nent
ar..:a. Wh ile so m..: of rhe specimens were rested in a of energy. Fig.9 ill ustrates this point, and makes clear
264-fr-lb (3 58-J) C harpy impact mach ine, rhe majoriry the earlier asse rrio n chat instrumented testing is essenria l
were eva luated in a (700-J) C harpy m::ichi ne. fo r understa ndi ng the o urcomes of such resting.
For the higher-tough ness cases, some of rhe specimens
did not separ::ire inro rwo p ieces. In parricular, fo r Figu re 9n presents th e fo rce-disp lacement response o f
cases where the FS E energy was about 200 fr- lb a fu ll-size C VN specimen with rough ne ·s greater th an
(270 J), the 2/3-rh ick specimens d id no r separate in to 170 fr- lb (230 J), while Fig.9b presents the comparable
cwo pi eces, wh ereas those th ar were mad e full rhickness result fo r a 2/3-th ick speci men made of the sa me
did. However, at FSE energy levels above 250 fr-lb (339 steel. W hen rhese resu lts are pl o rred with the y-axi s
J), neither rh e fu ll-rhickness no r the 2/ 3-rhick speci me ns used in Fig.3 (here the UT S is rhe same fo r both),
196 The Journal of Pipeline Engineering
the trends for both tests are comparable up through materials. The origin of the CVN test and its development
the peak load and beyond the compliance change that into a standard was discussed, and the evolution of
indicates 'propagation' has begun. However, during the mechanical and other properties motivated by industry
course of the propagation phase, the trends deviate. demands was evaluated. Interpretation of the CVN test
It is apparent that for the full-size specimen the was discussed in regard to the force-displacement and
propagation trend in Fig.9a continues in the same compliance response that develops during the test, and
manner evident for the data shown in Fig.3. As in factors affecting the energy measured and controlling
those trends, the energy dissipated in propagation failure of the CVN specimen were assessed, including
tracks along the slope shown until the change in the tup design and the use of subsize specimens.
compliance indicates a transition to deformation has
occurred, which (as in Fig.3) is associated with final This paper also considered the utility of standardized
rotation and eventual separation of the halves. In impact testing such as ASTM E23 and ISO 148-1
contrast, the trend for the subsize specimen shown in in the context of applications involving tough steels,
Fig.9b indicates that after some propagation occurs as with the potential utility of the DWTT practice also
for the full-size specimen, the energy in what was the considered. It was apparent in that discussion that the
propagation phase begins to increase. As suggested above, response of bending-impact specimens is, as expected,
this reflects the decreased constraint, which admits a consequence of the loading and the structural
greater through-thickness thinning along the notch, geometry involved, and thus a poor analogue for the
and so increases the relative fraction of deformation circumstances that significantly differ. This aspect was
energy during what was otherwise steady propagation discussed in regard to pipelines and the ground-vehicle
in the thicker specimen. This deformation component industry, with the conclusion that bending geometries
continues to increase through the transition to overall are a poor analogue for the fracture-propagation
deformation energy, flagged by the vertical trend, after process that develops in pipelines, and also for some
which rotation and separation occur as for the full- other applications. Given that structural geometry
thickness specimen. and the loadings, in conjunction with the material's
properties, dictate the failure response, where critical
Inlaid into the force-displacement for these figures differences exist in that context, alternative testing
is a cross-hatched estimate of the energy dissipated practices should be developed.
in propagation - which for the subsize specimen
excludes the component of energy due to deformation Conclusions
induced by the decreased constraint. Each part of
Fig.9 also indicates the ratio of propagation to total While a number of conclusions have been drawn as
energy decreases based on that estimate. This ratio the paper developed, two primary conclusions bear
indicates that as the specimen thickness is reduced, the repeating here:
deformation component for the 2/3-thick specimen has
increased as compared to the full-size specimen. While • because the behaviour in an impact test can
the scope of the effort for the client that supported be complex, data interpretation and assessment
this work precluded more comprehensive analysis, it of their practical implications is best based
was expected that if the energies are separated into on data developed using a well-instrumented
initiation, deformation, and propagation components as machine; and
just noted, a direct correlation would emerge between • because structural geometry and the loadings
the propagation energies for 2/3-thick and full-size act in conjunction with the material's properties
specimens. In that context, comparing the outcomes to control the failure response, where critical
for the results shown in Fig.9, the propagation energy differences exist in that context, alternative
density for the standard thickness specimen is 717 testing practices are needed that are adapted
ft-lb/in 2 (150 J/cm 2), while that for the 2/3-thick to the specific loading and failure response of
specimen is 704 ft-lb/in 2 ( 148 J/cm 2). While not an the structure of interest - which is now the
exact match, these results are well within material case for fracture propagation in pipelines where
scatter limits, and suggested further consideration of rough materials are involved.
this plausible correlation - which unfortunately was
beyond the scope of that effort. Acknowledgments
Summary and discussion The data reported herein in Figs 7, 8, and 9 were
generated under contract to Alliance Pipeline, as part
This paper has reviewed the Charpy V-notch impact test of developing its fracture-control programme in the
and assessed its utility to characterize fracture resistance late 1990s. Permission to release that data is gratefully
in applications to modern tough materials in contrast acknowledged, as is the author's related collaboration
to those encountered prior to the availability of such with David Rudland, then with Battelle.
3rd Quarter, 2013 197
31. E.A.Ruth, 1995. Striker geometry and its effect 33. D.E.Driscoll, 1956. Reproducibility of Charpy
on absorbed energy. ASTM STP 1248, American impact test. ASTM Special Technical Publication
Society for Testing and Materials, pp 101- 110. 176, American Society for Testing and Materials,
32. R.S.Zeno, 1956. Effects of specimen width on pp 70-74.
the notched bar impact properties of quenched 34. T.A.Siewert and A.K.Schmieder, 1995. Eds:
and tempered and normalized steels. ASTM STP Pendulum impact machines: procedures and
176, American Society for Testing and Materials, specimens for verification. ASTM STP 1248,
pp 59-69. American Society for Testing and Materials.