My Strategy To Develop My Teacher Professionalism

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My Strategy to Develop My Teacher Professionalism

A. My Strategy to Develop My Teacher Professionalism as Beginner


Increasing the quality of education is becoming an urgent need for

teachers. Therefore, me as the beginner teacher choose team teaching in
order to help me for improving my performance in my teaching career and
encourage myself to pursue life-long learning which is vital to my
professional development. In short, as a beginner teacher I have to be
viewed as learners- “the teacher as life-long learner” and I need to learn
with experiences and senior teachers. Hence, team-teaching seems to be
very effective in enhancing my teacher professionalism.
Richard and Farrell (2005) state that “team teaching (sometimes
called pair teaching) is a process in which two or more teachers share the
responsibility for teaching a class. The teachers share responsibility for
planning the class or course, for teaching it, and for any follow-up work
associated with the class such as evaluation and assessment.” From the
statement, I can conclude that team teaching involves two or more teacher
within the teaching and learning process. Since I am the beginner teacher I
will did the team teaching with the senior teachers. The senior teacher will
typically hold a greater level of responsibility for decision making than the
beginner. This type of relationship is helpful when I am being given
support through team teaching. There are some advantages while applying
the team teaching, according to Richard and Farrell (2005), team teaching
has some benefits. First Collegiality it promotes collegiality among me
and teachers in a school, since team teaching enables me to learn a great
deal about each other and develop a closer professional and personal
relationship. Second, when I share a class with the senior teacher I will
have an opportunity to learn from the senior teachers how to make a good

lesson plan and how to teach in a good ways. Furthermore, team teaching
is one of the best ways to enhancing my teacher professionalism in
teaching English.
As a beginner teacher I find myself difficult to make a good lesson
plan while teaching descriptive text. Therefore I need a senior teacher who
has a great exposure in teaching and learning environment to help me to
solve the problem. Referring to the problem the senior teacher and I will
design my team teaching according to the procedure which adapted from
Richard and Ferrell (2005). First, the senior teacher and I decide what
model of team teaching will be used. We will used the model of mentor
and apprentice where the senior teacher as the mentor and I as the
apprentice. Second, the senior teacher and I decide the purpose of the team
teaching regarding to the problem which I had been faced. Third, the
senior teacher and I are going to planning and discussion what activities
and materials will be used in the lesson and who will take responsibility
for the different stages in the lessons. Fourth, the senior teacher and I
apply the team teaching in the classroom using the lesson plan which had
been made by the senior teacher and me previously. Fifth, the senior
teacher and I will monitor the progress after the team teaching being
applied. The senior teacher and I will discuss the success of the lesson,
how the students reacted, and ways the lesson could be improved in the
future. The senior teacher and I can also use this forum to discuss
progress, suggest adjustments or changes, and voice any other concerns
that have come up during the team-teaching sessions. Finally, the senior
teacher and I evaluate what was learned from team teaching and whether it
is solving the problem
To sum up, team teaching involves a shared and collaborative
approach to planning, developing, teaching, and evaluating lessons. In
terms to create a successful team teaching the senior teacher and I have to
have a strong believe in each other. Furthermore, team teaching can
support me to improve my teacher professionalism.

B. My Strategy to Develop My Teacher Professionalism as Experience
The knowledge of English as Foreign language had been expanded
for years. Therefore, the development of teaching professionalism is
necessary to cope with the rapid growth of the teaching English as foreign
language. Additionally, teacher support group is considered as an effective
way for me as the experience teacher to enhance my professionalism
According to Richard and Farrell (2005), “A teacher support group
can be defined as two or more teachers collaborating to achieve either their
individual or shared goals or both on the assumption that working with a
group is usually more effective than working on one’s own. Typically, a
support group will involve a group of teachers meeting to discuss goals,
concerns, problems, and experiences.” Furthermore, I as the experiences
teacher will be in group with the others experience teachers in order to
organizing such networks of English as Foreign Language teachers. It
offers an effective way to share pedagogical and content knowledge for the
support group. Richard and Ferrell (2005) claim that teacher support group
has some benefits. First, reviewing and reflecting on teaching. The
experience teachers and I which is teaching the same course can meet
regularly to discuss strategies and approaches, methods, and materials
used, and later to evaluate the course. Second, teacher support group
provides the experience teacher and me to develop the materials for
teaching the various skill and discuss them with the group. Additionally,
the group can develop materials as a collaborative effort. Third, the teacher
support group can gives I as the experience teacher to try out a new
teaching strategy. Fourth, the teacher support group provides the teacher to
do the peer observation among each other. Fifth, Observe videotapes, a

group might watch a series of teacher-training videos and discuss the
application of what they observe to their own teaching. Consequently,
teaching support group is one of the best ways to enhancing my teacher
professionalism in teaching English.
Based on my experience in teaching English as Foreign Language I
find myself difficult to figure out which teaching techniques is matched
with my students when I teach narrative text. Thus I am required to
explore more about the teaching techniques, and teacher support group is
one of the best ways to solve my problem. There are some types of teacher
support groups they are topic-base, school-based groups, job-alike group,
reading group, writing group, research group, virtual and teacher
networks. Regarding to the problem I prefer to use topic-based group
types. This kind of type is a group which is formed to discuss a specific
topic of interest, such as teaching young learners, or the group might be a
response to a certain teaching techniques for specific skills. The latter kind
of group may meet for a relatively short time once the issue has been
explored and debated.
There are several consideration to take into account when forming
the teacher support group. Richard and Ferrell (2005) divide the several
issue are group membership, group size, group organization, group goals,
group time, group meeting place, and troubleshooting. The first is group
membership, I have to find out other experience teachers in order to form
the teacher support group. In this teaching group I would like to do the
direct requirement and indirect requirement. In direct requirement I would
like to contact some of the experience teacher and for indirect requirement
I will ask some supervisor/coordinator from qualified school to advertise
or identify potential group members. The second, after gathering the group
members the issues of group size becomes important according to Kirk
and Walter (cited in Richard and Farrell, 2005) suggest that “the ideal
number of members in a group be between five and eight, because they say
that too many members make it too easy for some quiet members to

remain passive and not actively participate to achieve the group’s goals.”
Therefore, I decide to require six member in this teacher support group.
The third is group organization, typically the group organization can be
design in a variety of ways, depending on the goals and the kinds of task
the experience teachers and I want to accomplish. In this teacher support
group there will be the facilitator which is chosen by how experience
her/him in teaching EFL. The fourth is determining the group goals, in this
teacher support group the goal is to determine the teaching techniques for
teaching narrative text. The fifth is the group time, the meeting time for
this teacher support group is depending with the members’ commitments.
The sixth is the group meeting place, an appropriate meeting site is
important if a group is to function effectively. Factors such as privacy,
comfort, size, and distractions need to be taken into account. And the one
is troubleshooting, as with any activity involving people with different
perceptions, personalities, concerns, and goals, support groups can
encounter problems. These can normally be resolved relatively easily as
long as group members are committed to the success of the group and are
willing listeners.
To concluded teacher support groups offer a forum where I can
discuss issues that are important to me and the other experiences teacher,
while at the same time getting support, advice, and help from each other.
In forming the teacher support group there are some consideration which I
should to take into account, so do the teacher support group can ruin
fluently. Additionally, there are some advantages which definitely can
help me as the experience teacher to develop my teacher professionalism.
Therefore, I belief that teacher support group is highly recommended to
improve my teacher professionalism.

C. My Strategy to Develop My Teacher Professionalism as Expert


One of the greatest way in maximizing my teacher professionalism
as the senior teacher is creating a workshop. The need for me as the senior
teacher to keep improving my teacher professionalism because of
concerning to the development of education filed. The students become
more critical days by days and the knowledge is rapidly expanded. Hence,
it is very crucial for me as the senior teacher to enhance my teacher
There are some definition purposed by experts to define workshop.
Richard and Farrell (2005) states that “a workshop is an intensive, short-
term learning activity that is designed to provide an opportunity to acquire
specific knowledge and skills”. Therefore, a workshop should be a
platform to engage the audience in activities and provide chances to them
to share ideas with one another. In academic filed workshops can provide
opportunities for participants to examine their beliefs or perspectives on
teaching and learning, and use this process to reflect on their own teaching
practices. There are several advantages of workshop as the strategy for
developing my teaching professionalism, according to Richard and Farrell
(2005) workshops can provide input from experts, workshops offer
teachers practical classroom applications, workshops can raise teachers’
motivation, workshops develop collegiality, workshops can support
innovations, then workshop can deal with limited time, and workshop are
flexible in organization. Form those benefits, workshop is highly
recommend for me as the senior teacher to improve my teacher
As a senior teacher I have to maximizing my teacher
professionalism by sharing ideas to the new English teachers. Therefore, in
this workshop I will be the presenter which will deliver the material and
my audience is the novice EFL teacher. When conducting the workshop I
adapted the procedures from Richard and Farrell (2005). First, I have to
make a good topic which is related to the current in education field. The
topic for my workshop is developing teaching material through

Multimedia in teaching EFL. Second, I will limit the number of participant
in my workshop. An effective workshop requires the facilitator which is
me to interact with participant, giving them an opportunity to present their
ideas and suggestions, as well as to interact with participants in order to
give feedback on problems and also the solutions. Therefore in this
workshop I just open for 15 participant. Third, identify a suit able
workshop leader. Since the nature of workshop-based learning means that
it is difficult for a leader to adequately interact with more than twelve to
fifteen participants, consequently I have to find another senior teacher to
collaborate with me to be the facilitator in my workshop. I as the main
facilitator has to find another senior teacher based of some consideration
such as how knowledgeable he/she of the topic, he/she has to be familiar
with ways of conducting a workshop and she/he has to be familiar with
adult learners. Fourth, I had to plan an appropriate sequence of activities in
my workshop. A workshop should allow sufficient opportunity for
participants to absorb new information, participate in group discussion,
discuss problems, and arrive at solutions and applications to their own
classrooms. Regarding from those activities I decide that my workshop
will be held for two day. For the first day I am going to focus with
delivering the material how to create a great teaching material using
multimedia and after that I would like to ask the participants to make their
own teaching material using multimedia. At the second day I will focus on
the practical classroom application and group sharing. Fifth, look for
opportunities for follow-up. Follow-up means considering what use
participants will make of what they have learned, when they will
implement their new ideas and strategies, how they will apply what they
have learned to classroom teaching, and how they will monitor their
efforts and share the results of their efforts. The final steps is to do an
evaluation. It helps me as the facilitator to see is my workshop success or
not. This evaluation can be done through the use of questioner and
interviews with the participant.

All and all, delivering workshops is an important part of my
teacher professionalism development and a great way to share with other
teachers. However, a successful workshop needs to be well planned and
coordinate before it being be held. It also providing opportunities for
senior teachers to develop skills in running workshops is an important part
of my teacher professionalism development, because the more I present,
the greater the chance that I will become a skilled and more professional.
Therefore, I believe it can support me to maximizing my teacher
professionalism development.

Richard, C. F. (2005). Proffesional Development for Language Teacher. New
York : Cambridge University Press .

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