4k Competency Reflection-Final

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K Competency Reflection

4.K Candidates consistently reflect upon and analyze the classroom,

school, and community experiences of ELLs and how such experiences influence
the education of culturally and linguistically diverse populations. In order to show
my understanding of this competency I included my context for learning. The
context for learning is required when doing practicum through student teaching.
This gives candidates an opportunity to analyze the classroom and school
community. Students were then expected to choose literacy or mathematics, the
context for learning covers the following: the curriculum, demographics for your
class and school, the demographics of students, features of the classroom,
types of progress tracking, textbooks, resources in the classroom, and
accommodations for students with specials needs, IEPs, and or ELL students.
Within my advanced practicum, I had two mentor teachers who I will also
be working with when I’m doing student teaching. We had multiple conversations
about how ELL students and their experiences do influence their education as
well as their home life. Throughout my endorsement, I have learned so much
about English language learners and how to best support and communicate with
them. When working with ELL students, I had multiple conversations with
students about how school affects them as well their family. During parent
teacher conferences, I was able to listen and collaborate with parents on their
concerns and how we can improve their school experience. After conferences, I
was able to reflect on my classroom and how I can create the best possible
learning environment for students. It is important to recognize what factors can
affect a student’s learning and education. This document allows candidates to
analyze classrooms and how to create the best understanding of their students
and how to accommodate them. In order to make my context for learning more
useful, I would make more observations of students as well as pay close
attention to how I can best support students. During math, I was able to be an
extra support for students. In order to improve my understanding, I would want to
use materials and use different teaching strategies in order to best support my
By completing a context for learning for the past two years, it gave me time
to reflect and engage with a variety of classroom as well as students. After much
reflecting, as a teacher it’s important to me to understand my classroom and all
of the students in it. By being able to reflect, I am able to see how my students
are influenced by experiences and how I can create a strong classroom

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