2016 Benedikt Stockebrand
2016 Benedikt Stockebrand
2016 Benedikt Stockebrand
ICSP/ISP/Spy-Bi-Wire Interfaces 2
Programmer Pinouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Generic Boxed Header Pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1 2
As seen from top; numbering is equivalent to mapping via IDC
3 4
connector to ribbon cable.
5 6
• JTAG (MSP430),
re3/mclr/vpp 1 40 rb7/icspdat
ra0/an0/ulpwu/c12in0- 2 39 rb6/icspclk
ra1/an1/c12in1- 3 38 rb5/an13/t1g
ra2/an2/vref-/cvref/c2in+ 4 37 rb4/an11
ra3/an3/vref+/c1in+ 5 36 rb3/an9/pgm/c12in2-
ra4/t0cki/c1out 6 35 rb2/an8
ra5/an4/ss/c2out 7 34 rb1/an10/c12in3-
re0/an5 8 33 rb0/an12/int
re1/an6 9 32 vdd
re2/an7 10 31 vss
vdd 11 30 rd7/p1d
vss 12 29 rd6/p1c
ra7/osc1/clkin 13 28 rd5/p1b
ra6/osc2/clkout 14 27 rd4
rc0/t1oso/t1cki 15 26 rc7/rx/dt
rc1/t1osi/ccp2 16 25 rc6/tx/ck
rc2/p1a/ccp1 17 24 rc5/sdo
rc3/sck/scl 18 23 rc4/sdi/sda
rd0 19 22 rd3
rd1 20 21 rd2
ATmega 328P
Key Electrical Specifications
1.8–5.5 V Operating voltage range, at reduced clock speed
4.5–5.5 V Operating voltage range, at full clock speed
± 40 mA Maximum current per pin (absolute maximum rating)
± 200 mA Maximum current in/out, total (absolute maximum rating)
• AVCC and VCC should be externally connected; if the ADC is actually used, use a low
pass filter (see datasheet), otherwise connect directly.
• If the fuse bits are set accordingly, then an external clock source/oscillator/resonator
may also be required to even program the device.
• Datasheet Summary
• Datasheet Complete
MSP430 G2553
Key Electrical Specifications
1.8–3.6 V Operating voltage range, at full clock speed
± ??? mA Maximum current per pin
± 48 mA Maximum current in/out, total
dvcc 1 20 dvss
p1.0/ta0clk/aclk/a0/ca0 2 19 xin/p2.6/ta0.1
p1.1/ta0.0/uca0rxd/uca0somi/a1/ca1 3 18 xout/p2.7
p1.2/ta0.1/uca0txd/uca0simo/a2/ca2 4 17 test/sbwtck
p1.3/adc10clk/caout/vref-/veref-/a3/ca3 5 16 rst/nmi/sbwtdio
p1.4/smclk/ucb0ste/uca0clk/vref+/veref+/a4/ca4/tck 6 15 p1.7/caout/ucb0simo/ucb0sda/a7/ca7/tdo/tdi
p1.5/ta0.0/ucb0clk/uca0ste/a5/ca5/tms 7 14 p1.6/ta0.1/ucb0somi/ucb0scl/a6/ca6/tdi/tclk
p2.0/ta1.0 8 13 p2.5/ta1.2
p2.1/ta1.1 9 12 p2.4/ta1.2
p2.2/ta1.1 10 11 p2.3/ta1.0
• Individual bits within a byte or machine word are written as <integer>:<bit index>
with the bit index starting at 0 for the least significant bit.
Feature Table
Feature PIC AVR MSP430
(PIC 16F887) (ATmega 328P) (MSP430 G2553)
Port Names x = A... x = A... n = 1...
I/O Direction TRISx:i DDRx:i PnDIR:i
Bits Semantic (0=out, 1=in) (0=in, 1=out) (0=in, 1=out)
Default Direction Input (1) Input (0) Input (0)
Output PORTx:i PORTx:i PnOUT:i
Input PORTx:i PINx:i PnIN:i
3.3 V Tolerant (depends) (depends) (depends)
5 V Tolerant (depends) (depends) No
Default Input Behaviour Floating Floating Floating
Global Pull-Up Control NOT RBPU MCUCR:PUD N/A
Enable Pull-Up WPUx:i = 1 PORTx:i = 1 PnOUT:i = 1
N/A on some ports PnREN:i = 1
Enable Pull-Down N/A N/A PnOUT:i = 0
PnREN:i = 1
Enable Floating WPUx:i = 0 PORTx:i = 0 PnREN:i = 0
N/A on some ports
• Depending on the MCU and pin you use, it may be necessary to configure that pin as
a GPIO pin before using it as such. Example: PB:0 on the PIC16F887 is by default
configured as an analog input pin and will always return 0 when read (until you clear
• On the PIC16F887: The RBPU (register B pull-up) bit in the option register OPTION REG
(accessible through a bit field/union combo and subsequently through a preproceessor
macro as NOT RBPU) globally controls the pull-up resistors for register B on the PIC16F887
and by default is set (pull-ups globally disabled). For the other GPIOs, pull-ups are
not available.
• On the ATmega 328P the pull-ups can be globally disabled by setting the PUD bit in the
MCU control register (MCUCR). By default, this bit is unset (pull-ups are individually
• On the ATmega 328P, writing a 1 bit to PINx toggles the input/output behaviour of
the associated pin.
• Input voltage tolerance largely depends on Vcc, and to a lesser degree on ambient
conditions and device tolerances. For details, always check out the particular data