SCADA Water Upgrade

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The document discusses an audit of the proposed upgrade/replacement of the SCADA system for the South Florida Water Management District.

The audit focused on assessing the appropriateness of the selected technology for the District's SCADA system and analyzing the reasonableness of the 10-year cost estimates for the SCADA capital outlay and operating costs.

The audit found that the staff's technical case for the upgrade was supported, but the 10-year cost estimates were overstated by $110 million.




Audit #02-13

Prepared by
Office of Inspector General
Allen Vann, Inspector General
Tim Beirnes, Lead Consulting Auditor
John Lynch, Lead Information Systems Auditor

Office of Inspector General Page 1 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 • (561) 686-8800 • FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 • TDD (561) 697-2574
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416- 4680 •

MGT 08-06F

August 14, 2002

Audit Committee Members:

Mr. Gerardo B. Fernandez, Chair
Mr. Lennart E. Lindahl, Vice-Chair
Ms. Pamela D. Brooks-Thomas, Member
Mr. Michael Collins, Member
Mr. Patrick J. Gleason, Member

RE: Final Report - Proposed

Upgrade/Replacement of the
SCADA System - Audit # 02-13

This audit was performed pursuant to the Inspector General’s authority set
forth in Chapter 20.055, F.S. The audit focused on assessing the
appropriateness of the selected technology for the District's SCADA
system and analyzing the reasonableness of the 10-year cost estimates
for the SCADA capital outlay and operating costs. Field work was
conducted between April 12, 2002 and July 24,2002. Mr. John T. Lynch,
Lead Information Systems Auditor and Mr. Tim Beirnes, Lead Consulting
Auditor, prepared this report.


Allen Vann
Inspector General


c: Henry Dean
John Fumero


Trudi K. Williams, Chair Michael Collins Patrick J. Gleason, Ph.D., P.G. Henry Dean, Executive Director
Lennart E. Lindahl, Vice Chairman Hugh M. English Nicolas J. Gutierrez, Jr., Esq.
Pamela Brooks-Thomas Gerardo B. Fernandez Harkley R. Thornton

INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1

BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................2

OBJECTIVES, SCOPE, AND METHODOLOGY ...................................................3

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................4


Staff’s Technical Case Supported .............................................................5

Cost Estimates Overstated by $110 Million..............................................6

New Spending Represents Only

19% Of The Total Estimated Cost .............................................................8

Approximately 58% Of The New Field Sites

Chargeable To Special Revenue Funds ..................................................10

Appendix A: Summary Schedule of 10-Year SCADA Cost Projections .......12

Appendix B: Communications and Control System, Map .............................14

Appendix C: Management's Response and Comments .................................15

Glossary of Terms ...............................................................................................18

Office of Inspector General Page i Upgrade/Replacement SCADA


During the April 10, 2002 Governing Board Workshop the Information
Technology Staff made a presentation on the “Cost Model and 10-Year
Projects” for the District’s Water Management System (WMS). This
presentation covered the 10-year cost projections for the
upgrade/replacement of the District’s supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) system software, hardware, data collection and communications
equipment. Staff estimated the cost for this planned project, including
ongoing support, would be $402,481,801 spread over the 10-year plan period.

During the Regular Governing Board meeting on April 11, 2002, the Board
requested that the Inspector General’s Office audit the SCADA plan as
presented by staff and report the findings to the Board.

Office of Inspector General Page 1 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

In the 1970’s the District contracted with General Dynamics Corporation for
the development of a Telemetry and Control System. The system was
designed to support the flood control mission by monitoring stage levels, gate
activity, and issuing commands for remote facility operations from District
headquarters over a backbone of microwave towers. These operations were
controlled by the analog microwave communications links to Master
Concentrator Units (MCU’s) located in the field that were in turn fed by Radio
Frequency (RF) communications from the field control units referred to as
Remote Access and Control Units (RACU’s).

Information from the system is monitored 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

SCADA operators using a computer system located in a control room at
District Headquarters issue commands. This proprietary system was
developed specifically for the District. (See Appendix B.)

The District also maintains a network of Campbell Scientific, Inc. CR10

Dataloggers. These dataloggers collect data such as rainfall, groundwater,
and lake stages, which is communicated back to the District by dial-up
telephone links, RF communications, or must be downloaded at the collection
sites to disk for processing at a District facility.

In 1998 a project to modernize the proprietary SCADA system was initiated.

This comprehensive project includes:

• Replacing of the central computer operations software, database, and

supporting computer hardware.

• Upgrading the microwave communications to a non-proprietary digital

communications protocol.

• Replacing the MCU/RACU custom technology with off-the-shelf Remote

Terminal Units (RTU’s) for data collection and command/control.

• The various data collection technologies (CR10’s) and others into the
SCADA system.

• Expanding the microwave backbone, data/control sites, and sensors to

meet the needs of CERP and other major District initiatives.

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The objectives of the audit are to:

• Review the technical case for selecting the proposed systems.

• Review the system development business case and major cost

assumptions for projected maintenance, upgrades, and operational
expense of the system.

• Compare current costs to projected costs and determine whether

projections are based on supported assumptions.

• Determine if proposed new data monitoring sites and sensor devices

are supported by legitimate District need and are not duplicative of
existing sites and/or could be accomplished through alternative means.

We focused on the proposal presented to the Governing Board as the “District

Water Management (WMS), Cost Model and 10-Year Projections.”

Our methodology included:

1. Review the current status of the SCADA system and the “10-year plan”
projections for the replacement/upgrades of various system
2. Evaluate the supporting cost projections:

• Non-recurring,
• Recurring, and
• Reimbursable Costs.
3. Interview project managers, implementation/maintenance support staff,
and data collection/processing staff.

4. Review the criteria and selection process for the MOSCAD RTU’s.

This audit was conducted in accordance with "generally accepted government

auditing standards" as promulgated by the Comptroller General of the United
States. In addition, we were guided by the "Standards for Information
Systems Auditing" as developed by The Information Systems Audit and
Control Foundation Standards Board.

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Staff’s Staff followed extensive outside studies in developing their

Technical Case proposed SCADA plans. KEMA Consulting conducted
Supported three studies, including a “Needs Analysis Report”,
“Communication Infrastructure Study”, and “Corporate
information Management Study.” An additional review of
the “Enterprise SCADA Technology” was conducted by PB
Water. Their report supports the staff’s SCADA plan.

Cost Estimates The original ten-year SCADA cost projection presented to

Overstated the Governing Board on April 10, 2002 estimated to cost
approximately $402 million. Our audit of this analysis
indicates the cost to be approximately $292 million - $110
million less.

The number of new sites used in the analysis is based on

a site survey performed among the user community.
Therefore, site survey results are users represented needs
and have not been analyzed or independently verified to
determine whether all these sites are necessary or
whether duplications exist. Therefore, the SCADA system
site cost may be different than the pre-audit estimates

New Spending Of the $292 million for the eleven-year period from FY2002
Only 19% through 2012 (inclusive), only $55 million (19%) is due to
new capital and maintenance spending. Approximately
$43 million, or 15%, is due to inflation.

58% Charge- Three District programs, representing 58% of new site

able to Special installation costs, are funded through special revenue
Revenue Funds funds. The Big Cypress Basin will account for $10 million
in estimated cost. The ECP already has dedicated funding
sources for its $5 million in estimated new field site costs.
The $29 million estimated cost for CERP project sites
should be counted as in-kind credit towards the District’s
50% cost share.

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Staff’s Technical Case Supported

In January of 2000 the District contracted with KEMA Consulting to develop a

“Needs Analysis Report” for a modern (state of the art) fully integrated Water
Management System. 1 The report presented the following:

Conditions Reported

• Outdated Proprietary SCADA system not capable of meeting

growth needs,
• Saturation of the Communications System,
• Multiple platforms and data collection methods,
• Difficulty in timely access for Operations to information,
• Large amounts of manually collected data and inconsistent
validity checks,
• Manpower requirements and time requirements for data
validation are high,
• Duplication of archived data,
• Water Quality and Hydrologic data in multiple databases and
do not share a common data structure, and
• Limited provision for real-time data.

KEMA Recommendations

• Replacing the proprietary SCADA system with a modern

“Open System” with the following characteristics;

Flexible platform that supports a relational database.

Existing Remote Access and Control Units (RACU) to
modern open Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) architecture
such as the existing MOSCAD and CR10 units.
Upgrade the existing Modcomp Computers to interface
RACU’s with new system.
New system should interface with existing MOSCAD
Interface new system with LoggerNet system used by
the CR10 RTU’s.

KEMA Consulting. South Florida Water Management District, Water Management, Needs Analysis.
May 2000; 1.1 – 1.5.

Office of Inspector General Page 5 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

Database should be capable of supporting data from
non-telemetry sources.
Provide a consistent integrity checks on all data.
Maintain hardware and software contracts to keep
system “current”.

• Conducting an extensive communications study that focuses

on RTU communications paths, and

• Conducting a comprehensive data storage and access needs

requirements study.

KEMA Consulting delivered a Communication Infrastructure Study in January

of 2001 and a Corporate information Management Study in January of 2002.
We found that the staff utilized the KEMA studies in developing their proposed
SCADA 10-year plan for the system upgrade/replacement.

An additional review of the “Enterprise SCADA Technology” was conducted

by PB Water (A Division of Parsons Brinkerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.) in
February of 2002. PB Water reviewed the three KEMA reports, as well as
cost, user information, and technical specifications provided by District staff.
Their report supported the staff’s planned direction with the SCADA
Technology, which includes the use of both the Motorola MOSCAD and
Campbell Scientific CR10 remote terminal units.

Cost Estimates Overstated by $110 Million

The original ten-year SCADA cost projection presented to the Governing

Board on April 10, 2002 estimated cost at approximately $402 million 2. Our
audit of this analysis indicates the cost is approximately $292 million - $110
million less. A detailed schedule of adjustments and explanations for those
adjustments are shown in Appendix A. Following are discussions of the most
significant adjustments.

• The original estimate included indirect cost of $81.8 million, which includes
$20.3 million for fringe benefits and $61.5 million in central services
overhead. In our opinion, fringe benefits should be included; however, the
SCADA initiatives will not materially impact the current level of central
service overhead costs and thus is irrelevant for the purposes of this

The backup material presented to the Governing Board also contained an estimate of $320 million that
excludes fringe benefits and indirect cost.

Office of Inspector General Page 6 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

analysis. Hence, indirect costs were decreased by $81.8 million and
salary costs were increased by $20.3 million, for a net decrease of $61.5

• Escalation of field site installation costs for inflation was inadvertently

omitted from the original estimate. Including inflation adds $10 million to
the cost estimate.

• Field site maintenance cost was estimated at $3,600 per site per year.
Our analysis indicates current annual site maintenance cost is about
$2,520 per site. Our analysis was based on a review of current outsourced
contracts for site maintenance and historical repair frequency. This
reduced the site maintenance cost estimate by $12.9 million.

• The original estimate assumed that the increased data management

workload generated from new sensor installations would be outsourced at
an annual cost of $1,628 per sensor. This assumes data management
cost increases linearly in relationship to the number of new sensor
installations. However, the District's investment in SCADA technology
should provide significant gains in data management efficiencies because
the system will automate some of the current manual process.
Consequently, existing staff should be able to absorb most of the
increased workload thereby eliminating about $42 million of the $48 million
in estimated outsourcing cost 3.

• Various other adjustments were made that reduced estimated cost by a

net of $3.8 million. Detailed explanations of these adjustments are
included in Appendix A.

The number of new field site installations is a significant driver of SCADA

expenditures because each additional site further increases annual operating
cost to maintain the equipment and manage the data the site generates. The
estimated number of new sites in the analysis is based on a site survey
performed among the user community. Therefore, site survey results
represent users represented needs and have not been analyzed or
independently verified to determine whether these sites are necessary or
whether duplications exist.

Management's Response and Comments at Appendix C, Note 2 (Page 16), states that the "draft report
inadvertently applies productivity increase to all included EMA salaries rather than to data QA/AC alone".
Using this methodology, however, also decreases the estimated cost per sensor. Additional analysis by the
Office of Inspector General considering staff's methodology indicates that the cost estimate would be about the
same. We additionally concluded that the Customer Support and Legally Mandated units workloads do not
increase proportionately with the number of new sensors.

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Furthermore, the Budget Office did not have any input into this analysis and
the input from the Finance Department was very minimal.


(1) We recommend that department managers request more extensive

assistance from the Finance and Administration Department when
preparing major financial analyses.

Management Response:

Management agrees with the recommendation. Changes initiated with

the most recent reorganization call for stronger ties between Finance
and Administration and Resource Area business staff. Communications
will be enhanced and standardization of business functions will include
review of financial data prepared by Resource Areas.

Responsible Department/Division: Finance and Administration


Estimated Completion Date: N/A

(2) The site survey should be validated to ensure that surveyed sites
are necessary and do not duplicate existing or projected new

Management Response: Management agrees with the

recommendation. We further suggest that this effort be undertaken by
an independent third party.

Responsible Department/Division: TBD

Estimated Completion Date: TBD

New Spending Represents Only

19% Of The Total Estimated Cost

Our analysis indicates the estimated cost to develop and operate the SCADA
system is about $292 million for the eleven-year period from FY2002 through

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2012 (inclusive). We analyzed this cost to determine how much is due to
current spending levels, new spending, and inflation. Following is the results
of this analysis:

• The District budgeted $17.6 million for SCADA initiatives in fiscal year
2002. Thus, the District would expend $194 million over the 11-year
period if expenditures continued at the current level and if prices did not

• Only $55 million (19%) is due to proposed new spending beyond the
current level of expenditures at current price levels.

• About $43 million (15%) is due to escalating current and new spending for

Total Cost

$194 $55 $43 New

$0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300

Cost in Millions

The following graph shows a breakdown of cost between capital outlay and
operating cost by the above categories:

Capital Outlay and Operating Cost

in Millions of Dollars

$11 $32 Capital Outlay

Cost of Inflation
$16 $39
New Cost

$85 $109
Current Cost

$0 $50 $100 $150 $200

Cost in Millions

Office of Inspector General Page 9 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

In summary, current SCADA spending levels and inflation account for
approximately 81% of total estimated expenditures over the 11-year period.

Approximately 58% Of The New Field Sites

Chargeable To Special Revenue Funds

Five District programs account for 99% of all new field site installation costs
as shown in the following graph:

Site Cost by Program


ECP Other
Planning 1%
$7 $5 $1 39%

$10 $29
Big Cypress

Flood Control

Cost by Program in Millions

Three District programs, representing 58% of new site installation costs, are
funded through special revenue funds. These expenditures are specifically
identifiable with these programs; accordingly, the cost for these new sites
should be charged directly to the following programs.

• The $29 million estimated cost for CERP project sites should be eligible for
in-kind credit towards the District’s 50% cost share. Also, the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USCOE) will likely pay directly for some of these costs
since approximately 40% of site installation cost is for items that are
generally part of the structural construction contract (such as wiring,
equipment housing, and building accesses to the equipment).

• ECP already has dedicated funding sources for its $5 million estimated
new field site costs.

• Big Cypress Basins' Governing Board is responsible for appropriating the

$10 million estimated cost for their own sites.

Office of Inspector General Page 10 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

CERP operating expenditures will also be cost shared 50/50 with the USCOE.
Maintenance costs for CERP project sites are readily identifiable and
separately accounted for. Therefore, maintenance expenditures should be
creditable to the District's share of CERP operating cost. We estimate this
cost to be approximately $12 million over the eleven-year period.


(3) Management should ensure that SCADA expenditures are charged

directly to programs where costs and benefits can be identified
with specific programs and linked to specific revenue streams.

Management Response: Management agrees with the

recommendation. This is the current policy for all new field
installations, which are budgeted and justified by the initiating end
user, and coded to the appropriate Fund and Activity. For
maintenance and data processing, costs are allocated similarly.

Responsible Department/Division: Electronic Support and Data

Acquisition Division, Infrastructure Services Division, Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment Department

Estimated Completion Date: N/A

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Appendix A
Summary Schedule of 10-Year SCADA Cost Projections

Staff IG
Estimates Adjustments Estimates
Non-Recurring Costs
New Installations - Outsource $ 65,964,984 $ 10,021,767 a $ 75,986,751
Field Infrastructure
Site Upgrades - Outsource $ 5,901,377 $ - $ 5,901,377
Site Upgrades - Other Direct 1,266,743 - 1,266,743
Total Field Infrastructure $ 7,168,120 $ - $ 7,168,120
Communications Infrastructure
System Expansion - Outsource $ 7,662,342 $ (355,239) $ 7,307,103
System Expansion - Other Direct 12,847,706 - 12,847,706
Total Communications Infrastructure $ 20,510,047 $ (355,239) b $ 20,154,809
SCADA Central
Water Management SCADA System - Outsource $ 2,821,747 $ (1,771,851) $ 1,049,896
Water Management SCADA System - Other Direct 525,000 1,101,487 1,626,487
Total SCADA Central $ 3,346,747 $ (670,364) c $ 2,676,383
Information Management
Water Management Information System - Outsource $ 6,570,000 $ (2,125,000) d $ 4,445,000
Water Management Information System - Other Direct 500,000 - 500,000
Other EMA Direct 1,518,400 (650,000) e 868,400
Total Information Management $ 8,588,400 $ (2,775,000) $ 5,813,400
Total Non-Recurring Costs $ 105,578,298 $ 6,221,165 $ 111,799,463

Recurring Costs
Field Infrastructure
Operations and Maintenance - Outsource $ 47,705,935 $ (12,890,115) h $ 34,815,820
Operations and Maintenance - Other Direct 33,036,794 - 33,036,794
Operations and Maintenance - Salaries 23,056,091 7,377,949 f 30,434,040
Indirect 28,234,489 (28,234,489) g -
Total Field Infrastructure $ 132,033,309 $ (33,746,655) $ 98,286,654
Communications Infrastructure
Operations and Maintenance - Outsource $ 2,002,471 $ - $ 2,002,471
Operations and Maintenance - Other Direct 7,358,465 - 7,358,465
Operations and Maintenance - Salaries 5,768,151 1,845,808 f 7,613,960
Indirect 6,301,705 (6,301,705) g -
Total Communications Infrastructure $ 21,430,794 $ (4,455,897) $ 16,974,897
SCADA Central
Operations and Maintenance - Outsource $ 5,266,335 $ - $ 5,266,335
Operations and Maintenance - Other Direct 128,078 - 128,078
Operations and Maintenance - Salaries 5,242,210 1,266,604 f 6,508,815
Indirect 5,727,115 (5,727,115) g -
Total SCADA Central $ 16,363,738 $ (4,460,510) $ 11,903,228
Information Management
Operations and Maintenance - Outsource $ 48,304,200 $ (42,270,373) i $ 6,033,827
Operations and Maintenance - Other Direct 6,562,850 - 6,562,850
Operations and Maintenance - Salaries 30,641,013 9,805,124 f 40,446,137
Indirect 41,567,598 (41,567,598) g -
Total Information Management $ 127,075,662 $ (74,032,847) $ 53,042,814

Total Recurring Costs $ 296,903,502 $ (116,695,910) $ 180,207,593

Total Costs $ 402,481,801 $ (110,474,745) $ 292,007,056

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Appendix A (continued)
Note Key
(a) Adjustment increases new field site installation costs to include the effect of 3% annual inflation.
This was inadvertently omitted from the original estimate.

(b) Equipment lease payments were inadvertently escalated for inflation where the payments are
fixed amounts over the lease term. Adjustment reflects removal of the inflation from the lease

(c) During the course of the audit, the Governing Board approved a contract for the Central SCADA
system in the amount of $1,328,368. This system was originally estimated to cost $2,000,000.
Thus, estimate was reduced to reflect actual contract cost.

(d) Costs for software and implementation of the new Water Management Information System
(WMIS) and database upgrades were based on preliminary numbers in a draft report KEMA
Consulting prepared. Costs were adjusted to reflect the estimate in KEMA Consulting's final
report, which were significantly less then the draft report estimates.

(e) Adjustment represents cost relating to the new WMIS that were double counted.

(f) Staff estimate added indirect cost, which includes fringe benefits as well as central services
overhead. In our opinion, only the fringe benefits portion of indirect cost should be included in the
analysis. All indirect costs were removed (see Note g) and fringe benefit costs were added to
base salaries (at the rate of 32%).

(g) Indirect costs include central services overhead and salary fringe benefits. The level of SCADA
system activity will not materially impact central services overhead; however, fringe benefits are
variable expenditures. Hence, all indirect costs were removed and fringe benefit costs were
added to the base salaries (see Note f). The effect of removing central services overhead
reduces the ten-year cost estimate by $61,535,422.

(h) Original estimate was based on an annual cost of $3,600 for preventative maintenance and
emergency repairs for each field site. We performed an analysis of field site maintenance
expenditures, which showed cost to be approximately $2,520 per site annually. Cost estimates
were adjusted accordingly.

(i) Investments in the SCADA system and the Environmental Data and Analysis System should
provide significant efficiency gains by standardizing the data collection process and incorporating
program logic to validate data that is currently examined manually. The new system will only
necessitate staff manually reviewing exceptions the system generates. The staff estimate
assumes that data quality assurance cost will increase linearly with new sensor installations - plus
3% inflation. The staff estimate also assumes that external contractors will be engaged to handle
the increased workload the new sensors generate. Our analysis indicates that the new system
will approximately double internal staff's efficiency, thereby eliminating most of the outsourcing

Note: The Inspector General estimates are based on the number of new sites per the "site
survey", which is subject to revision based on staff review. Any significant changes to the
number of estimated sites would materially change cost estimates.

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Appendix B

Office of Inspector General Page 14 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

Appendix C

Click here to view Appendix C

(MS Word document)

Office of Inspector General Pages 15 - 17 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA


These definitions were developed by District staff or were drawn from the "Free On-line
Dictionary of Computing," by Dennis Howe @ Web Site:

application program (Or "application")

A complete, self-contained program that performs a specific function directly for the user.
This is in contrast to systems software such as an operating system (OS), which exists to
support application programs.

audit trail (computer)

A record showing who has accessed a computer system and what operations he or she has
performed during a given period of time. Audit trails are useful both for maintaining security
and for recovering lost transactions.

A spare copy of a file or system of files, usually kept on magnetic tape or other removable
medium such as compact disc, for use in the event of failure or loss of the original files or

CR 10
Campbell Scientific, Inc. remote terminal unit (RTU) data logger.

The physical, touchable, material parts of a computer or other system. The term is used to
distinguish these fixed parts of a system from the more changeable software or data

information systems security

Control techniques and measures applied to an Information Technology Process that
satisfies the business requirement to safeguard information against unauthorized use,
disclosure or modification, damage or loss and is enabled by physical, logical and
administrative controls which ensure access to systems, data and programs is restricted to
authorized users. (Brian A. Coleman, CISA)

local area network (LAN)

Networks that cover a smaller area such as a complex of buildings are called a Local Area
Network, LAN. Multiple Local Area Networks can be interconnected through a Wide Area
Network. (i.e. B-50 to B-1 computer communications link.)

Motorola SCADA remote terminal units (RTU’s). MOSCAD RTU’s are programmable units
with multiple communication paths that have the capable of controlling gates, pumps, and
monitoring data sites.

Accessible directly via a computer (or terminal), rather than on paper or other removable
medium such as magnetic tape or CD.

Office of Inspector General Pages 18 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

operating system (OS)
The low-level software, which scheduled tasks, allocates storage, handles the interface to
peripheral hardware and presents a default interface to the user when no application program
is running.

An arbitrary string of characters chosen by a user or system administrator and used to
authenticate the user when he attempts to log on in order to prevent unauthorized access to
his account.

Specific computer hardware. It may also refer to a specific combination of hardware and
operating system.

An application which requires a program to respond to stimuli within some small upper limit of
response time (typically milli- or microseconds). Process control at a chemical plant is the
classic example. Such applications often require special operating systems (because
everything else must take a back seat to response time) and speed-tuned hardware.

The process of restoring computer data file with a backup copy usually after a crash or
accidental deletion of a file.

relational data base

A relational database allows the definition of data structures, storage and retrieval operations
and integrity constraints. In such a database the data and relations between them are
organized in tables. A table is a collection of records and each record in a table contains the
same fields. Certain fields may be designated as keys, which means that searches for
specific values of that field will use indexing to speed them up.

supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

Systems are used in industry to monitor and control plant status and provide logging facilities.
SCADA systems are highly configurable, and usually interface to the plant via PLCs
(Programmable Logic Controller, a device used to automate monitoring and control)

Computer programs, as opposed to the computers on which they run (the "hardware").

Transmission and collection of data obtained by sensing conditions in a real-time

The people who either use computers directly, or use the information they provide; also
called computer users or end users.

wide area network (WAN)

A computer communications network used to access information with a link over distances of
more than one kilometer. Multiple Local Area Networks (LAN's) can be interconnected
through a Wide Area Network. (District-wide computer communications network.)

Office of Inspector General Pages 19 Upgrade/Replacement SCADA

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