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Curriculum Integration Reading Program

40 words

Lesson Components
Big Idea Read and Stick

Read and Circle

Contents Map


Warm Up Question
Your Turn

Wrap Up

Key Words

Picture Question
Chapter Pro ects
Towns Pets

Social Studies 1 New to This Town 6 Math 9 Sam’s Pets 58

Social Studies 2 People in My Town 14 Social Studies 10 Sick Toto 66

Literature 3 Gulliver and the Small Town 20 Science 11 The Pet Show 72

Social Studies 4 Sorry, Mr. Smith! 26 Social Studies 12 I Promise! 78

CHAPTER 2 Chapter 1 - Project .......................................................... 87

Fall Supplementary
Chapter 2 - Project
Chapter 3 - Project

Science 5 Colorful Leaves 32 Stickers

Art 6 Fall Pictures 40

Social Studies 7 Apple Picking 46

Science 8 Busy Animals 52



New to
This Town

in My Town

l S
c ia s St oci
ud al
So udie ie
St s


4 St oci
ud al
t er
a tu
Sorry, Gu l l i v e r an d
the S
Mr. Smith! mall Town

BIG What’s your favorite place

in your town?
al Studie


New to This Town
To w n s

What is the boy looking at?

a map a book

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 02

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where do you think

the boy wants to

bank museum next hospital park

8 9
New to Read three times and stick.

This Town Where is the hospital?

It is next to the museum.
Where is the park?
Here! You are in the park.
Oh! Thank you!

Excuse me. I’m new to this town.

Where is the bank?
Hi! It is over there.
Where is the museum?
It is next to the bank.

Read and circle.

where, is, it

10 11
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. The museum is next to the .

b a nk Where is the bankstick?

park bank

2. The hospital is next to the .

mu s e um Where is the stickseu ?

bank museum

3. The alien is new to this town. Yes No ne x t It is sticknexto the bank.

4. The alien is in the bank. Yes No

h o spi t al Where is the stickhol ?

Your Turn! Imagine and say.

par k Where is the parkstick?
Where is the ?

It is next to the .
How many sentences
can you read? / 5
bank museum hospital park

12 13
al Studie

To w n s in My Town

The boy is at school.

Yes No

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 04

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who can you meet

in your town?

meet baker drive nurse shot

14 15
People Read three times and stick.

in My Town

Dad and I walk around our town. We say hello to the bus driver.
We meet different people. She drives a bus.

We say hello to the baker. We say hello to the nurse.

He makes  bread. She gives me shots.
I don’t like shots. 

Read and circle.

say, to, she

16 17
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. We different people.

We stickmeet
meet help m e e t
different people.

2. The makes bread. We say hello to the

bak e r
baksticker .
baker bus driver

3. The bus driver finds drives a bus. dri v e She drivstickes a bus.

4. The nurse doctor gives me shots. We say hello to the

nu r se
nursestick .

Your Turn! Imagine and say.

sh o t She gives me shostick.

I say hello to the .

How many sentences

can you read? / 5
baker doctor police officer

18 19
Lite ure
Gulliver and
To w n s the Small Town

The room is small for the girl.

Yes No

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 06

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who do you think

lives here?

sit small bath tub blanket

20 21
Guiver and Read three times and stick.

the Sma Town

Gulliver goes to a new town.

He wants to sleep.
He wants to sit down.
But the blankets are too small.
But the chairs are too small.
The people make him a big blanket.
He wants to take a bath.
Now he is happy.
But the tubs are too small.
Read and circle.
but, too, him

22 23
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. The chairs are too .
He wants to ksit
s i t
big small down.

2. Gulliver wants to take a . The chairs are too

s mal l
sticksmall .
bath bus

He wants to take a
3. The tubs are too small. Yes No ba t h
bathstick .

4. Gulliver makes the people a blanket. Yes No

The sticktubs are
t u b
too small.

Your Turn! Imagine and say.

The blankstickets are
bl a n k et
Gulliver goes to a new town. too small.
The are too small.

How many sentences

can you read? / 5
chairs cars beds

24 25
al Studie

To w n s Mr. Smith!

How does he look?

happy angry

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 08

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why do you think

he is angry?

jump floor watch angry cookie

26 27
Sorry, Read three times and stick.

Mr. Smith! I play the piano at night.

Mr. Smith can’t sleep.
He is angry.

I make cookies for him.

I am so sorry, Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith lives downstairs.

I jump on the floor.

Mr. Smith can’t watch TV.
He is angry.
Read and circle.
on, for, am

28 29
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. I on the floor.

clean jump j u mp I jumpstickon the floor.

2. Mr. Smith can’t .

f l oor I jump on the floorsti.
watch TV read books

Mr. Smith can’t wstickatch

3. Mr. Smith is angry happy . wa t ch

4. I make chocolate cookies for Mr. Smith.

a n g ry He is stickangry .

Your Turn! Imagine and say.

c o o kie I make c stickookfor him.

I jump on the floor.

Mr. Smith can’t .
How many sentences
can you read? / 5
watch TV read books sleep

30 31

Fall Co l o

r f u l L e a v es

Fall Pictures

n ce Ar
ie t


8 7
Sc ia s
ie c
nc So udie
e St
Busy Animals Ap p l e P i c k i n g

BIG What do you do

in the fall?

5Fa l l
Colorful Leaves

Where are the kids?

in the leaves
in the snow

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 10

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which key words

can you find in the
picture above?
Circle them.

leaf gold brown wind dance

34 35
Colorful Read three times and stick.

We like fall. The wind blows.
We can see colorful leaves. The leaves dance with the wind.

This tree has red leaves. We dance with the leaves.

This tree has orange leaves. Whee!

This tree has gold leaves.

This tree has brown leaves.

Read and circle.

this, has, with

36 37
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. We can see colorful .
We can see colorful
l e a f
flowers leaves leastickves .

2. This tree has leaves. This tree has

gol d
brown green

This tree has

3. The wind blows. Yes No bro w n

4. We dance with the leaves. Yes No

w i nd The stickwind blows.

Your Turn! Imagine and say. The leaves

dan c e
with the wind.
I can see colorful leaves.
This tree has leaves.
How many sentences
can you read? / 5
red orange gold brown

38 39

6Fa l l
Fall Pictures

What is the boy doing?

writing painting

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 12

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you think

he is painting?

draw sky pumpkin stand scarecrow

40 41
Fall Pictures Read three times and stick.

We draw pictures about fall. He wears funny clothes.

I draw the sky. It is blue. He stands in a field.

Jane draws a pumpkin. It is big. Can you guess what he is?

Sam draws a man. He is tall. Yes, he is a scarecrow!

Read and circle.

he, can, what

42 43
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. We pictures about fall.

We drastickw
show draw dr a w
pictures about fall.

2. I draw the .
sk y I draw the sticksky .
sky sea

3. Jane draws a pumpkin scarecrow . p ump k in Jane draws a stickpum.

4. The scarecrow sits stands in a field.

s t and He standssticin a field.

Your Turn! Imagine and say.

s c arec r ow Yes, he is a !

I draw pictures about fall.

I draw .
How many sentences
can you read? / 5
the sky a pumpkin a scarecrow leaves

44 45
al Studie


Apple Picking
Fa l l

What are the kids picking?

apples oranges

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 14

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which key words

can you find in the
picture above?
Circle them.

pick grandma basket grandpa roll

46 47
Apple Picking Read three times and stick.

We pick red apples in the fall.

My grandma picks apples.
I put them in the basket.
My grandpa picks apples.
I put them in the basket.
I pick an apple.
I put it in the basket.
Oh! The apples are rolling away!
Read and circle.
my, put, them

48 49
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. We red apples in the fall.
We pickstick red
pi c k
pick eat apples in the fall.

2. I put apples in the .

My stickgran picks
g r and m a
basket box

I put them in the

3. My dad picks apples. Yes No b as k et

4. The apples are rolling away! Yes No

My stickgrandpa
g rand p a
picks apples.

Your Turn! Stick and say. The apples are

r oll
I pick . stick
I put them in the
basket. How many sentences
can you read? / 5

50 51

8Fa l l
Busy Animals
The squirrel has nuts in the bag.
Yes No

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 16

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which key word

can you find in the
picture above?
Circle it.

busy squirrel duck fly cave

52 53
Busy Animals Read three times and stick.

Animals are busy in the fall.

They are getting ready for winter.

The squirrels are busy.

They gather acorns. The ducks are busy.
They fly to warm places.

The bears are busy.

They find warm caves.

Are you busy in the fall too?

Read and circle.

are, they, you

54 55
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. Animals are in the fall.

Animals are bussticky

slow busy b u sy
in the fall.

2. The gather acorns.

s q uirr e l The squirrstickeare busy.
squirrels bears

3. The ducks fly swim to warm places. d uck The stickducksare busy.

4. The bears find warm acorns caves .

They stickfly to warm
fl y

Your Turn! Think and say.

They find warm
c e
a v
cavstickes .
The are busy in the fall.

How many sentences

can you read? / 5
squirrels frogs snakes

56 57


Sam’s Pets

Sick Toto

h St oci
M ud al


12 St oci
ud al
s Sc
i en
I P ro m i s e ! The Pet Show

BIG Do you have any pets?


Pe t s
Sam’s Pets
How many pets are there?
eight ten

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 18

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which animal do
you like? Circle it.

count wheel cage hop crawl

60 61
Sam’s Pets Read three times and stick.

Sam has a lot of pets. Two rabbits are in the cage.

Let’s count them. They are hopping.

Two hamsters are on the wheel. Oh! There’s one more.

They are running. An iguana is crawling up my leg.
Three turtles are in the water. Read and circle.
They are swimming. two, in, one

62 63
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. Two hamsters are on the .

co u n t Let’s cstickount them.

wheel tub

2. Two rabbits are . Two hamsters are on

w h eel
the stickwheel .
digging hopping

Two rabbits are in the

3. A turtle is crawling up my leg. Yes No ca g e
cagestick .

4. Sam has seven pets. Yes No

h o p They are hoppingstick.

Your Turn! Imagine and say. An iguana is crastickwlin

c raw l
up my leg.
I have pets.
They are .
How many sentences
can you read? / 5
running swimming hopping sleeping

64 65
al Studie

10 Sick Toto

Pe t s

How does the dog look?

sick excited

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 20

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What can you do

when your pet is

sick sleep vet worry cold

66 67

Sick Toto Read three times and stick.

Toto is sick. We go to the vet.

He doesn’t eat much. She looks at Toto’s nose.
He doesn’t sleep much. She looks at Toto’s ears.
He doesn’t play much. She looks at Toto’s eyes.
“Don’t worry,” she says.
“It’s just a cold.”

Read and circle.

he, she, at

68 69
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. Toto is .

sick fat s i ck Toto is sickstick .

2. Toto doesn’t much.

He doesn’t
sl e e p
jump sleep

3. We go to the nurse vet . v et We go to the vestickt.

4. It’s just a cold shot .

w o rr y Don’t wstickorry .

Your Turn! Imagine and say.

co l d It’s just a cstickold.

My pet is sick.
I look at my pet’s .
How many sentences
can you read? / 5
nose ears eyes mouth

70 71

11 The Pet Show

Pe t s

What does the boy have

on his finger?
a frog a bird

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 22

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What sound does

this bird make?

bark meow chirp hiss fish

72 73
The Pet Show Read three times and stick.

Today is the pet show.

Here comes Henry’s dog. Here comes Alex’s snake.

It barks at me. It hisses at me.
Here comes Tina’s cat. Here comes Pam’s fish.
It meows at me. It just looks at me!
Here comes Kevin’s bird.
Read and circle.
It chirps at me.
here, it, me

74 75
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. Henry’s dog at me.

ba r k It stickbarksat me.
barks meows

2. Kevin’s chirps at me.

meo w It meostickwsat me.
cat bird

3. Alex’s snake hisses at me. Yes No c h irp It chirpsstickat me.

4. Pam’s fish just looks at me! Yes No

hi s s It stickhissesat me.

Your Turn! Imagine and say. Here comes Pam’s

fi s h
fishstick .
Here comes my pet.
It at me.
How many sentences
can you read? / 5
barks meows chirps hisses

76 77
al Studie

12 I Promise!

Pe t s

The kids are looking at the cat.

Yes No

Key Words
Listen, say, and trace. 24

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you think

cats need?

care for need litter box clean promise

78 79
I Promise! Read three times and stick.

A cat needs a litter box.

Can you clean it?
Yes, I can!
I can care for pets.
I promise!

Mom, I want a dog and a cat.

Can you care for them?
A dog needs a friend.
Can you play with it?
Yes, I can!
Read and circle.
want, and, can

80 81
Comprehension Wrap Up

Choose the correct answer.

Say It Write It Read It
1. A dog a friend.

needs hates c a re for Can you carsticke them?

2. A cat needs a .
nee d A dog stickneea friend.
toy litter box

3. Can you clean find the litter box? li t ter bo x A cat needs a litterstick
box .

4. I can care for count pets.

cl e a n Can you cleanstickit?

Your Turn! Imagine and say.

pr o mi s e I prstickomise !
I want a pet.
It needs .

How many sentences

can you read? / 5
food a bath exercise

82 83
Supplementary Material
Chapter Pro ects
Chapter 1. Towns

People in My Town
Cut out, glue, and say.

I say hello to the .



glue glue

glue glue glue

baker teacher firefighter police officer

doctor pilot cook scientist

Chapter 2. Fall

Things about Fall

Find pictures about fall and circle. Then say.

gold leaves

a snowman
Christmas trees


fans skis


swimsuits red apples

I like fall.
I can see in the fall.

Chapter 3. Pets

A Pet Show
Choose a pet and circle it.

dog bird duck

snake pig cat

Tell your group about your pet and fill in the table.

I have a .
Its name is .
It at me.

Friend’s name

Pet’s name


barks meows oinks quacks chirps hisses

Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 3
Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4

Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5

Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 6
Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 7
bath tub blanket jump
nurse shot sit small
park meet baker drive
bank museum next hospital
Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8

Lesson 9 Lesson 9 Lesson 9 Lesson 9
Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 10 Lesson 10
stand scarecrow pick grandma
dance draw sky pumpkin
leaf gold brown wind
floor watch angry cookie
Lesson 10 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 11

Lesson 11 Lesson 11 Lesson 11 Lesson 12

Lesson 12 Lesson 12 Lesson 12 Lesson 12
crawl sick sleep vet
count wheel cage hop
squirrel duck fly cave
grandpa basket roll busy
meow bark cold worry

care for fish hiss chirp

promise clean litter box need

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