Blended Learning Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Lesson Plan
Lesson Title:
Counting Numerically to 100!
Students will be able to count to 100 starting at any number by ones, fives, and tens
State Standards:
Standard 1. Number Sense and Base Ten
1.1 Extend the number sequence to count forward by ones to 100 starting at any
number and count by fives and tens to 100, starting at any number.
Context: This lesson is for 1st grade math class. This lesson is vital to everyday life, counting is
such a useful skill and being able to count to 100 from any given number is important in life.
When you purchase anything from a store or restaurant and receive change, it is helpful to be
able to count to 100 quickly to see if you got the correct change before you leave. Before the
lesson, the class was taught the number scale up to 100. Students should have a decent previous
knowledge of the number scale and how to count to 100 starting from 1. After this lesson, we
will learn to understand place values in numbers. That 10 ones can be thought of as a bundle
(group) called a ten or “tens”.
Data: The class of 21 first graders will be in 7 groups of 3 students each. The students will be
allowed to pick their two other partners, if there are any arguments about who gets paired up
with whom sort them yourself as you wish, but let them try to pick their own partners first. The
groups of 3 will have to turn in a worksheet as an activity and they will ALL need to put their
FIRST and LAST name on the worksheet.
Pencils/ pens
1 worksheet per group
Introduction (20 minutes): This will be the first lesson of the day for the students. They
will come in the classroom starting around 7:20. Class starts at 7:40, while all the students are
entering the classroom, they will be greeted by the teacher individually asking how they are and
how their breakfast was. Once they settle in and put their bookbags and belongings away in their
cubbies the teacher will have them all sit in their assigned seats and stand up for the pledge and
morning announcements over the intercom. Once that is all finished the teacher will quiet the
class down and start the lesson. The teacher will start by explaining that the lesson for today will
be working on counting to 100 from any given number under 100 and then be able to count to
100 by 5’s and by 10s’ to 100 from any given number under 100. The first order of business is to
show this video to the class. This is a great
video to start off with because it gets the kids stretched for the day and goes slowly counting to
100 while doing it. Allow the kids to stand up at their desk and sing and stretch along to the
video. After this video is finished, settle the class back down and explain to them the next
activity. The next activity is as follows:
Teacher Directed (15 minutes): For the next activity have all the students sit back in their
own seats and explain to them that as a class they are going to count to 100 by 5’s. Show them
this video to refresh their minds about the 5’s tables and how to get them to use that table to get
to 100. This video is a catchy jingle that will
help kids who are struggling with counting by 5’s to conquer it. Play the video twice. Once you
have shown the class the video for the second time, have the class gather on the floor and sit in a
circle with yourself placed in a chair also in the circle. Start with the child sitting to your left or
right(your choice) and have the first kid say 1, the child next to him or her say 2, the child next to
him or her say 3 and so on and so on. Have the class count all the way up to 100 with each
student adding 1 to the previous child’s number until you have reached 100.
Once they have reached 100, do the same activity except now, count by 5’s instead of
counting by 1’s. So, switch up the rotation, go opposite of the way you started the last time when
they were counting by 1’s. Have the kids count to 100 collectively, by adding 5 to the previous
child’s number before them until they reach 100. Once they have done it successfully give them
3 attempts to do it as fast as they can and record each of the 3 attempts with a stopwatch. See if
they can improve on the previous attempts. Allow the circle of students to attempt 3 more
challenges as you say a random number under 100 and let them start counting from that number.
Be sure to make 1 of the 3 challenges a 5’s table challenge where you say a number like 30, and
they have to count to 100 multiplying by 5.
Collaborative (35minutes): Get the students out of the circle and send them back to their
assigned seats. Explain to the class once they are all at their seats about the last two activities
they will be doing. The first activity the students will be in groups of 3 (let the kids pick their
own groups) and given a worksheet with 10 number lines on them. The number lines will have
numerous gaps in them and the groups will have to fill in the missing numbers of that number
line that would complete the line to 100. For example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ___ 12 13 14 15 __ 17 18 19 __ 21 22 23 25 etc. all the way up to
OR: 5 10 15 20 __ 30 35 40 45 __ 55 etc.
OR: 10 20 30 __ 50 60 __ 80 90 100.
So, the groups would have to fill in those missing numbers for the number line to be
complete to 100. Once the groups finish, they ALL THREE need to put their FIRST and LAST
names on it and turn it in to you. Once each group has turned in their worksheet you can allow
each group member to get an iPad and play the downloaded app I Can Count Up Too 100 By
Matthew Hancock. It is an app designed game in which you are “Freddie” the fish and you help
him swim and pop numbers counting to 100.
100/1239949813 There is the app link, but it should already be downloaded onto all the iPads.
Allow the students 35 minutes on the worksheet with their groups and once they finish allowing
each group to play the app amongst their groups on their own iPads until all the groups turn in
their completed worksheet.
Independent Digital (20 minutes): Once all the groups have turned in their worksheets.
Send the students out of their groups and back to their assigned seats. Allow them each to keep
the iPad because they will each need their own for the last activity. I have designed a Kahoot
game in which each student will participate. The Kahoot game will consist of
15 questions regarding numerical questions. Kahoot is a speed-based answering game where the
student who answers the most questions correctly the quickest will earn the highest points. The
reward for the overall winner at the end will be a “homework pass” meaning they can skip 1
homework assignment turn in the pass and get a 100% on that given homework assignment.
Award the pass to the winner once the Kahoot game is over.
Closure (10 minutes): Once the students are finished with the Kahoot game and a winner
has been declared, have each student use the Lysol wipes at their desks to wipe down their own
iPad and return them by table to where the iPads belong. DO NOT allow every student at once
return their iPad (they get reckless) dismiss them table by table after they have cleansed down
their iPads to return them to their charger ports. After that allow the students to BY TABLE go
use the restroom or get a drink of water if necessary. Then allow a 10 minute snack and
relaxation session once each table has had a chance to use the facilities and water fountains and
every student is safely back in the room.
(YouTube Videos on counting by 1’s and 5’s): Using YouTube videos is such a useful
tool for young minds. They seem to pay attention to a screen better than an adult
sometimes. I make sure all the YouTube videos I find are kid friendly and I stick to sites
and videos I know are appropriate and educational. The videos I show fit well with the
content we learned today. A child with ADHD can benefit from songs that are
educational, so a catchy jingle that goes along with the content we are learning can be
very helpful to student struggling with finding a way to remember the content.
(Kahoot game, “I can count to up to 100” app.): The app by Matthew Hancock, “I Can
Count Up to 100” is a fun game in which you can still learn. It is good for a student to be
engaged in what they are learning, and apps are a great way to do it, if kids can play a
game and learn that’s two birds with one stone. Kahoot, also another great tool for
educational purposes. It gives the kids a competitive side in education, which I believe is
great for the mind. Its engaging in the fact that it is still educational but they get to strive
for a homework pass or prize, children thrive of competition it makes them more eager to
do better when there is something on the line.