Multilevel Converter Applications in Renewable Energy Systems

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Assignment no.

Submitted by: M. Tayyeb (18F-0863), Umar Riaz (18F-0872)

Multilevel Converter Applications in Renewable

Energy Systems

Multilevel converter applications have been mostly 1. NPC (neutral point clamped)
used in renewable energy systems. For example solar, 2. CFB (cascaded full bridge)
wind power, hydroelectric energy, biomass, fuel cells 3. Custom
and geothermal power etc. The new semiconductor Multilevel converters generally synthesize a required
technologies, power switches having lower prices and ac voltage from many dc voltage levels. That is why
the demand of current for inverters having high these inverters are capable of connecting an ac grid
performance have increased the multilevel converters with RES either in parallel or series. So the
applications in renewable energy systems. Multilevel multilevel converters are very beneficial and
converter is power electronic device which can effective for all renewable energy sources.
provide required alternating voltage level at the
output. It uses the multiple lower level DC voltages REFRENCES
as an input. These converters have been used in
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