Visual Acuity: Opthalmology CEX Steps
Visual Acuity: Opthalmology CEX Steps
Visual Acuity: Opthalmology CEX Steps
1 Inspection Sir, I am going to look in your eyes. The light may be a little bright but it will
not hurt you. I will come quite close, please let me know if you feel
2 Red reflex [Opthalmoscope 1m in front of patient, look for bilateral red reflexes]. E.g.
Bilateral red reflexes are present and symmetrical
There is decreased red reflex on the left, which may be due to a
pathology e.g. cataract
3 Fundoscopy Describe
Optic disk: margin (sharp vs blur), colour (pink vs pale), cup-disk
ratio (<0.6), neovascularization
Vessels: tortuosity, microaneurysms, AV nipping)
Additional features: cotton wool spots (peripheral, fluffy), exudates
(central, more defined, in DM eye), drusen (in non-DM eye)
Macula: neovascularization, etc
I will like to (offer as relevant)
Test visual acuity / IOP / visual fields / check for RAPD
1 Inspection My patient is an young Malay boy. On inspection, I do not note any head tilt.
The patient is bespectacled.
2 Hirschberg There is visible exotropia which I will like to confirm on Hirschberg testing.
There is unequal corneal light reflex, deviating is abt 1mm, corresponding to
7° of squint
3 Cover test [Cover right, look at left eye. Uncover right, look at right eye]
Occlusion of the right eye causes the left eye to turn out to fixate.
On uncovering, I notice that the right eye had turned in (may or
may not turn out to take up fixation). This confirms a esotropia
Occlusion of the right eye causes the left eye to turn in to fixate
On uncovering, I notice that the right eye had turned out (may or
may not turn in to take up fixation again). This is a exotropia
4 Alternate cover [Cover right, cover left, cover right, cover left]
test With both eyes open, there is no exotropia.
On occluding the right eye, the left eye takes up fixation
When the left eye is rapidly occluded, the right eye turns in.
When the right eye is rapidly occluded, the left eye turns in
This is a exophoria
With both eyes open, there is no esotropia.
On occluding the right eye, the left eye takes up fixation
When the left eye is rapidly occluded, the right eye turns out.
When the right eye is rapidly occluded, the left eye turns out
This is a esophoria
5 Extraocular See EOM testing.
muscles There is no EOM deficit. The strabismus is concomitant
There is an EOM deficit. The strabismus is likely incomitant
6 Complete I will like to complete my examination by using prisms to identify the degree
of misalignment
6. EOM
2 Pentorch exam Sir, I will look into your eyes. I will use a cotton bud to lift your eyelid, it may
be slightly uncomfortable but will not be painful.
In his left eye, there is a 5mm x 5mm opacity at the 2 o’clock position of the
cornea, 5mm away from the centre of the cornea.
3 Fluorescein I will like to stain his eyes with fluorescein and examine under cobalt blue
The left eye corneal opacity does not light up under fluorescein stain
suggesting that the epithelial defect has healed.
4 Summary Given the lack of erythema, discharge, and epithelial defect, the most likely
pathology is a healed scar due to an old cornea ulcer