Echnical Esearch Eport: A Simple Control Law For UAV Formation Flying
Echnical Esearch Eport: A Simple Control Law For UAV Formation Flying
Echnical Esearch Eport: A Simple Control Law For UAV Formation Flying
TR 2002-38
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E. W. Justh a P. S. Krishnaprasad b
a Institute
for Systems Research
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742, USA
b Institutefor Systems Research and
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742, USA
This paper presents a Lie group setting for the problem of control of formations,
as a natural outcome of the analysis of a planar two-vehicle formation control law.
The vehicle trajectories are described using planar Frenet-Serret equations of mo-
tion, which capture the evolution of both the vehicle position and orientation for
unit-speed motion subject to curvature (steering) control. The set of all possible
(relative) equilibria for arbitrary G-invariant curvature controls is described (where
G = SE(2) is a symmetry group for the control law). A generalization of the con-
trol law for n vehicles is presented, and the corresponding (relative) equilibria are
characterized. Work is on-going to discover stability and convergence results for the
n-vehicle problem. The practical motivation for this work is the problem of forma-
tion control for meter-scale UAVs; therefore, an implementation approach consistent
with UAV payload constraints is also discussed.
This research was supported in part by the Army Research Office under ODDR&E
MURI01 Program Grant No. DAAD19-01-1-0465 to the Center for Communicating
Networked Control Systems (through Boston University), by the Air Force Office
of Scientific Research under AFOSR Grant No. F49620-01-0415, and by the Naval
Research Laboratory under Grant No. N00173-02-1G002.
Email addresses: [email protected] (E. W. Justh), [email protected] (P.
S. Krishnaprasad).
1 Introduction
Models of the individual vehicles are based on the planar Frenet-Serret equa-
tions of motion (discussed in section 3), which describe how vehicle trajectories
evolve under curvature (steering) control, subject to a unit-speed assumption
[1]. While our interest is primarily in formation control for small UAVs, this
approach to modeling and control could also be applicable to formations or
swarms of ground vehicles or underwater vehicles, and may also be a useful
starting point for understanding certain features of biological swarming or
schooling behavior.
This paper presents a Lie group setting for the problem of control of for-
mations. The setting emerges naturally from the analysis of basic cases and
concomitant physical contraints on the controls. (A modern reference for con-
trol systems on Lie groups is Jurdjevic [2].)
The two-vehicle control law has an evident Lie-group structure, and this struc-
ture is exploited (in section 7) to determine the set of all possible (relative)
equilibria for arbitrary G-invariant curvature controls, where G = SE(2) is
the symmetry group for the control law. Ideas of “shape control” on Lie groups
arise in a natural way for this problem [4–6]. The equilibrium analysis is also
generalized to the n-vehicle problem. Finally, in section 8, we discuss directions
for future research.
Fig. 1. A pair of receive antennas separated by a quarter-wavelength, and the sinu-
soidal function of angle-of-arrival which it can measure.
Consider the planar formation control problem: i.e., assume that there as a
common plane of motion for the UAVs (and that this plane of motion does not
change with time). Suppose that an RF (radio-frequency) transmit antenna,
as well as a pair of receive antennas, are located in (and oriented perpendicular
to) the plane of motion. (Neglect the mutual impedance of the receive anten-
nas). If the receive antennas are spaced a quarter-wavelength apart, then by
appropriate quadrature phase shifting, correlation (i.e., multiplication), and
low-pass filtering, a sinusoidal function of the angle of arrival can be measured
(see figure 1). The range, or distance between the transmitter and receiver, can
also be measured (since it is inversely related to the received signal power).
If two pairs of receive antennas are used, oriented perpendicular to each other
as shown in figure 2, then the direction of arrival of the received RF signal
can be unambiguously determined. (Although dipole antennas are shown in
figure 2, the actual antenna design would need to take into account aircraft
aerodynamics and possible parasitic antenna elements. Noise, interference, and
multipath are also important electromagnetics issues, but are also beyond the
scope of this paper.) As figure 2 suggests, the antenna separation and hence
the transmission frequency are related to the UAV dimensions.
It turns out that more information besides simply range and direction-of-
arrival is useful for formation control. Specifically, we would also like to sense
the relative orientation between the transmitting and receiving UAV. This
extra information can be sensed if all four antennas shown in figure 2 partic-
ipate in transmitting as well as receiving. Each pair of antennas, considered
Fig. 2. Two pairs of receive antennas oriented perpendicularly on a UAV.
as a transmitting antenna array, has a cardioid antenna pattern if driven with
single-tone pulses which are in phase-quadrature (figure 3(a)). Reversing the
signals to the two antennas spatially reorients the cardioid antenna pattern
by 180 degrees (figure 3(b)). If two quadrature signals at nearby but different
frequencies are fed to the antennas simultaneously, but with the proper phase
relationship so that the cardioid antenna patterns have their peaks in oppo-
site directions, then by differencing the (normalized) amplitudes (i.e., power
measurements) of the received pulses, a remote UAV can extract information
about the orientation of the transmitting UAV relative to the baseline be-
tween the two UAVs (figure 3(c)). If both pairs of half-wave dipole antennas
are driven (with four nearby but different frequencies) in this way (figure 3(d)),
then the remote UAV will have enough sensor information to unambiguously
measure the mutual orientation of the two UAVs.
90 90
1 1
120 60 120 60
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
150 30 150 30
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
180 0 180 0
270 270
(a) (b)
120 60
150 30
180 0
210 330
240 300
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
(c) (d)
Fig. 3. Using two pairs of antennas for extracting relative orientation information:
(a) cardioid antenna pattern for a single pair of antennas and a single tone; (b)
cardioid antenna patterns for a single pair of antennas and two tones at different
frequencies; (c) difference in received signal power as a function of angle between
the transmitting UAV and the baseline; and (d) cardioid antenna patterns for two
pairs of antennas and tones at four different frequencies.
Using this type of pulsed communication system avoids the need for a data
communication network for formation control. (Of course, if a data communi-
cation network were available, the UAVs could determine their own positions
and orientations using GPS, and then exchange the information with each
other over the data communication network.) The main drawback with using
a data communication network is the interplay between the communications
and the control aspects of the resulting communicating networked control sys-
tem. (Note, for example, that as the UAVs move, the network topology may
Fig. 4. Pulsed communication system: the UAVs take turns transmitting pulses, and
except when transmitting, each UAV listens to the others.
change.) Using a data communication network for control requires careful at-
tention to communication protocols, can introduce problems of scalability for
large formations, and can be extremely difficult to analyze. An additional
benefit of the pulsed communication scheme is reduced reliance on GPS.
Fig. 5. Transceiver/controller block diagram for UAV control based on pulsed com-
that, e.g., control law parameters can be varied on the fly.
The digital processor is thus involved with organizing the pulsed communi-
cation, interfacing with the autopilot, and could also potentially filter (or re-
ject corrupted data from) the analog processor signal. Although not indicated
in figure 5, the digital processor can also interface with a higher-level con-
trol system on board the UAV, which may communicate with the ground or
other UAVs using a data communication network. Such data communication
could be used to control the formation as a whole, with the basic formation-
maintaining function being performed by the pulsed communication system
and block diagram of figure 5.
The key feature of figure 5 is that (apart from the antennas and autopilot)
the entire system could potentially fit on a single printed circuit board small
enough to fit into a meter-scale UAV, provided the analog processor is im-
plemented using analog VLSI technology. There are some similarities between
the analog processor in figure 5 and the analog CMOS continuous wavelet
transform circuits developed at the Naval Research Laboratory [12]. There is
thus a feasibility demonstration of some of the required subcomponents of an
analog VLSI processor for the UAV formation control application.
Fig. 6. UAV trajectory illustrating definitions of x, y, z, and r.
Each UAV trajectory is given a kinematic description using (a variant of) the
well-known Frenet-Serret equations of motion, where at each point along the
trajectory one attaches a moving frame (of unit tangent, normal, and binormal
vectors) [1]. For a single UAV, the evolution equation we consider is
ṙ = x
ẋ = yu − zv (1)
ẏ = −xu + zw
ż = xv − yw,
portant criterion for UAVs, our philosophy is to try to provide near-optimal
energy use in the UAVs by studying optimality criteria within the frame-
work of our kinematic models. At this stage in our investigations, however,
we are simply trying to demonstrate models with basic formation-maintaining
Note that the Frenet-Serret frame for the UAV corresponds to the trajectory
followed by the UAV, not to the orientation of the UAV itself. For example, an
aircraft would normally change direction by banking (rather than by yawing,
as would be required if the Frenet-Serret frame described its orientation). For
purposes of the idealized control laws we present, the Frenet-Serret frame is
the one that applies. (The UAV-fixed frame could play an important role,
however, in the control system implementation based on pairs of antennas
and pulsed communication, an issue which merits further investigation.)
Consider two vehicles modeled as point particles moving in the plane. Figure
7(a) illustrates the trajectories of the two vehicles, and their respective planar
Frenet-Serret frames. The control law specifies the steering commands u1 and
u2 for each vehicle. We present a convergence result for the system of two
vehicles. In section 5 we discuss the physical interpretation and motivation for
the control law.
Our model for the pair of vehicles and associated feedback control law is the
ṙ1 = x1 , ṙ2 = x2 ,
ẋ1 = y1 u1 , ẋ2 = y2 u2 ,
ẏ1 = −x1 u1 , ẏ = −x2 u2 ,
r r r
u1 = −η(|r|) − · x1 − · y1 − f (|r|) − · y1 + µ(|r|)x2 · y1 ,
|r| |r| |r|
r r r
u2 = −η(|r|) · x2 · y2 − f (|r|) · y2 + µ(|r|)x1 · y2 , (2)
|r| |r| |r|
where r = r2 − r1 , the functions η(·), µ(·), and f (·) are Lipschitz continuous,
and f (·) satisfies
We further assume that η(|r|) > 0 and µ(|r|) > 0 for all |r| ≥ 0.
r = r2 − r1 = |r|ieiψ ,
x1 = eiθ1 ,
x2 = eiθ2 ,
φ1 = θ1 − ψ,
φ2 = θ2 − ψ, (4)
where we note that ψ + 2
is the argument (i.e., angle) of r. We introduce the
ρ = |r|, (5)
and we observe that
r ∗
· x1 = Re ieiψ eiθ1 = sin(θ1 − ψ) = sin φ1 ,
· x2 = sin φ2 ,
r ∗
· y1 = Re ieiψ ieiθ1 = cos(θ1 − ψ) = cos φ1
· y2 = cos φ2 . (6)
Figure 7(b) illustrates the definitions of ρ, φ1 , and φ2 .
ṙ = ieiψ |r| − |r|eiψ ψ̇ = x2 − x1 = eiθ2 − eiθ1 , (7)
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Planar trajectories for two vehicles and their respective planar Frenet-Serret
frames: (a) in (r1 , x1 , y1 ), (r2 , x2 , y2 ) coordinates, and (b) in (ρ, φ1 , φ2 ) coordinates.
we find that
ρ̇ = sin φ2 − sin φ1 ,
ψ̇ = − (cos φ2 − cos φ1 ) . (8)
We also have
ρ̇ = sin φ2 − sin φ1 ,
φ̇1 = −η(ρ) sin φ1 cos φ1 + f (ρ) cos φ1 + µ(ρ) sin(φ2 − φ1 ) + (cos φ2 − cos φ1 ) ,
φ̇2 = −η(ρ) sin φ2 cos φ2 − f (ρ) cos φ2 + µ(ρ) sin(φ1 − φ2 ) + (cos φ2 − cos φ1 ) .
System (10) represents a reduction of the dynamics (2) by the symmetry group
SE(2), which is made possible by the fact that the control law of equation (2)
depends only on suitably defined shape variables, i.e., it is invariant under an
action of the symmetry group SE(2). This point of view is made precise and
further explored in section 7.
where f (ρ) = dh/dρ. Differentiating Vpair with respect to time along (10) gives
sin(φ2 − φ1 )
V̇pair = φ̇2 − φ̇1 + f (ρ)ρ̇
cos(φ2 − φ1 ) + 1
sin(φ2 − φ1 )
= − η(ρ) (sin φ2 cos φ2 − sin φ1 cos φ1 ) + 2µ(ρ) sin(φ1 − φ2 )
cos(φ2 − φ1 ) + 1
−f (ρ) (cos φ2 + cos φ1 )
sin(φ2 − φ1 ) sin(φ2 − φ1 ) + (sin 2φ2 − sin 2φ1 )
1 2
2 2 2 2
= (cos φ1 + cos φ2 ) (sin φ1 − sin φ2 ) + sin φ1 − sin φ2 . (14)
Proposition 1: Consider the system given by equation (10), evolving on
R × T2 , where T2 is the two-torus (i.e., φi + 2π is identified with φi , i = 1, 2).
In addition, assume the following:
(1) η(ρ), µ(ρ), and f (ρ) are Lipschitz continuous on (0, ∞);
(2) f (ρ) = dh/dρ, so that h(ρ) is continuously differentiable on (0, ∞);
(3) limρ→0 h(ρ) = ∞, limρ→∞ h(ρ) = ∞, and ∃ρ̃ such that h(ρ̃) = 0;
(4) η(ρ) > 0, µ(ρ) > 0, and 2µ(ρ) > η(ρ), ∀ρ ≥ 0.
Define the set Λ = (ρ, φ1 , φ2)|φ1 − φ2 | = π and 0 < ρ < ∞ . Then any tra-
jectory starting in Λ converges to the set of equilibrium points for system
ρ̇ = 0,
φ̇1 = −[η(ρ) sin φ1 + f (ρ)] cos φ1 ,
φ̇2 = −[η(ρ) sin φ1 − f (ρ)] cos φ1 . (15)
If φ1 = ±π/2 and f (ρ) = 0, then the trajectory leaves E. The largest invariant
set contained in E may thus be expressed as
π π π π
M= (ρ, , ), ∀ρ ∪ (ρ, − , − ), ∀ρ ∪ (ρe , 0, 0)f (ρe ) = 0 ∩ Ω,
2 2 2 2
which is simply the set of equilibria of the system (10) contained in Ω. 2
4.2 Control law for a single vehicle (and fixed beacon)
We now present a control law for a single vehicle based on its position and
orientation relative to a “beacon” fixed at the origin, as illustrated in figure
ṙ = x,
ẋ = yu,
ẏ = −xu,
r r r
u = −η(|r|) ·x · y − f (|r|) ·y . (17)
|r| |r| |r|
r = |r|ieiψ ,
x = eiθ ,
ρ = |r|,
φ = θ − ψ. (18)
(The variables ρ and φ are illustrated in figure 8(b).) Then we obtain, analo-
gously to system (10),
ρ̇ = sin φ,
φ̇ = −η(ρ) sin φ cos φ − f (ρ) − cos φ. (19)
sin φ 1
V̇single = φ̇ + f (ρ) − ρ̇
cos φ ρ
sin φ 1 1
= −η(ρ) sin φ cos φ − f (ρ) − cos φ + f (ρ) − sin φ
cos φ ρ ρ
= −η(ρ) sin2 φ. (22)
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Planar trajectory and Frenet-Serret frame for a single vehicle responding to
a fixed beacon: (a) in (r, x, y) coordinates, and (b) in (ρ, φ) coordinates.
Let Λsingle be defined by equation (21). Then any trajectory starting in Λsingle
converges to the set of equilibrium points for system (10), i.e., the set
Γe = (ρ, φ) f (ρ) − = 0, φ = 0 . (23)
ρ̇ = 0,
φ̇ = − f (ρ) − . (24)
If f (ρ) − ρ1 = 0, then the trajectory leaves E. The largest invariant set
contained in E may thus be expressed as
M = Γe ∩ Ω, (25)
Vsingle = − ln(− cos φ) + h(ρ) (27)
is used. 2
In this section we provide some physical motivation for the control law ana-
lyzed in the previous section, as well as a physical interpretation of the conver-
gence result. The objective is primarily to suggest why this control law is the
simplest that could reasonably be expected to perform well. (While the pur-
pose of the previous section was to provide careful mathematical statements,
here we adopt a more pragmatic approach for purposes of conveying physical
In system (2), the term µ(|r|)x2 · y1 in the equation for u1 , and the term
µ(|r|)x1 · y2 in the equation for u2 , can be easily interpreted as serving to drive
the two vehicles to a common orientation. In fact, this approach generalizes
for driving n vehicles to a common orientation. For µ > 0 constant, consider
the control law
ṙk = xk ,
ẋk = yk uk ,
ẏk = −xk uk ,
uk = µ xj · yk , (28)
for k = 1, ..., n. Observe that ṙk = xk decouples from the rest of equation (28).
xj = eiθj , (29)
It is well known that system (30) is a gradient system with respect to the
energy function
Vorient = − cos(θk − θj ), (31)
2 j,k
θ̇j = − . (32)
The control law (28) thus acts to reorient the vehicles so that they all head
in the same direction. Furthermore, the heading direction for the formation
is determined by an averaging-like process based on the initial orientations.
While these are both laudable properties, there is a weakness to this control
scheme, as it stands, for formation initiation: there is no control of the relative
positions of the vehicles in the formation. We would like to augment this
reorientation scheme with some approach for maintaining swarm cohesiveness,
while avoiding collisions.
radius ρo , and the two (relative) equilibria correspond to clockwise and coun-
terclockwise orbits. The initial condition determines whether the orbit will be
clockwise or counterclockwise, and the initial condition |φ| = π2 represents the
vehicle heading directly toward (or directly away from) the origin.
Now consider the control law given by equation (2), but with µ ≡ 0. Physically,
this control law can be thought of as each vehicle using the control law given
by equation (17), but with the other vehicle treated as the “beacon,” rather
than having a beacon fixed at the origin. (Due to space limitations, we do not
provide any analytic statements for this system, so this discussion is informal.)
This control law tends to appropriately separate the two vehicles; however,
depending on initial conditions, they may either head off in the same direction,
or else circle each other. Either of these behaviors is consistent with the beacon-
circling behavior of a single vehicle governed by the control law of system (17).
We can thus understand physically the various control law terms in system
(2) for a pair of vehicles as serving to achieve a common orientation and an
appropriate separation. This physical interpretation is compatible with many
biological swarming and schooling models, which tend to be characterized by
(1) some mechanism for heading alignment, (2) switching between attraction
or repulsion based on separation distance, and (3) greater responsiveness for
small separations [13].
In the control law for a pair of vehicles, system (2), various dot products
resenting sines and cosines of various angles) appear. The quantities |r| · xi
and |r| · yi in the expression for ui , i = 1, 2, indicate the orientation of the
ith vehicle relative to the baseline between the two vehicles. These are the
angle-of-arrival quantities that can be sensed from a single transmitted tone
using the two pairs of antennas shown in figure 2. (Note that these are the
only angle quantities required for the single vehicle control law, system (17).)
r r r r
x2 · y1 = · x2 · y1 − · y2 · x1 ,
|r| |r| |r| |r|
r r r r
x1 · y2 = · x1 · y2 − · y1 · x2 . (33)
|r| |r| |r| |r|
Thus, the relative orientation between the two vehicles can be determined
from the relative orientations of each vehicle relative to the baseline between
them. For our implementation approach based on radio-frequency pulses, the
orientation of a transmitting UAV relative to the baseline between the UAVs
is sensed with the aid of the four cardioid transmit antenna patterns of figure
Consider the control law for a pair of vehicles given by system (2). Suppose
for simplicity that there exists a single value ρo > 0 such that f (ρo ) = 0. Then
the set of equilibria which system (10) can converge to consists of the isolated
point (ρo , 0, 0), the connected set (ρ, π2 , π2 ), and the connected set (ρ, − π2 , − π2 ).
The isolated point (ρo , 0, 0) is easily interpreted: both vehicles are heading in
the same direction, perpendicular to the baseline between them, and separated
by a distance ρo . This stable equilibrium minimizes Vpair . The other sets of
equilibria correspond to the two vehicles heading in the same direction, one
leading the other by a distance ρ (with the two sets distinguished by which
vehicle is in the lead). These equilibria appear to be unstable.
Vpair , throughout which the model agrees with the physical system, then the
conclusion of Proposition 1 remains valid.
ṙk = xk ,
ẋk = yk uk ,
ẏk = −xk uk , (36)
rjk rjk rjk
uk = −η · xk · yk −f (|rjk |) · yk +µxj ·yk , (37)
j=k |rjk | |rjk | |rjk |
A generalization of the energy function Vpair that might play a role in analyzing
the convergence of this system is
Vn = wjk [− ln (cos(θk − θj ) + 1) + h(ρjk )] , (39)
k=1 j<k
where the wjk are positive weights (or weighting functions). We have not yet
proved a convergence result for the n-vehicle system. However, simulation
results, combined with Proposition 1, suggests that it may be possible to
prove some sort of convergence result for the n-vehicle system.
Fig. 9. Formation initialization for ten vehicles with three different sets of random
initial conditions (in equations (36) and (37), η = µ = α = constant = 0.02).
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Formation flying for ten vehicles as the separation parameter is varied:
(a) the vehicle trajectories, and (b) a semilog plot of the normalized separation
parameter vs. time (where the time axis is linear).
simulation results that the control scheme given by equations (36) and (37)
does indeed avoid collisions and maintain swarm cohesiveness.
Figure 10(a) illustrates how a single parameter, common to all the vehicles, can
be varied to produce a global change in the formation. For this simulation,
the length scale parameter (or separation parameter) α in equation (38) is
varied with time as shown in figure 10(b). As α is decreased, the formation
becomes more tight, and as α is increased, the separation between the vehicles
Fig. 11. Formation initialization for ten vehicles, one of which (dashed) follows a
prescribed steering program unaffected by the other vehicles (for two different sets
of random initial conditions).
sets of random initial conditions.) The influence of the leader on the formation
behavior is evident; however, the leader need not be physically in front of the
other vehicles. Indeed, this is by no means the only approach for generating
leader-following behavior; nor is it necessarily the best approach. However, it
clearly illustrates the possibility of allowing the control law of equations (36)
and (37) to maintain the basic formation, while some additional control action
guides the formation as a whole.
There is a natural Lie group structure evident in system (2). In this subsec-
tion, we discuss how the formation control problem for two vehicles can be
formulated as a “shape-control” problem in the Lie group setting [4–6]. We
can consider the dynamics of system (2) as evolving on a (collision-free) con-
figuration submanifold Mconf ig ⊂ G × G, where G = SE(2) is the special
Euclidean group in the plane. Specifically, if g1 , g2 ∈ G are represented as
x1 y1 r1 x2 y2 r2
g1 = , g2 = , (40)
0 0 1 0 0 1
Mconf ig = (g1 , g2) ∈ G × G r1 = r2 . (41)
ġ1 = g1 ξ1 = g1 (A0 + A1 u1 ),
ġ2 = g2 ξ2 = g2 (A0 + A1 u2 ), (42)
We define
g = g1−1g2 , (44)
and observe that
xT1 −r1 · x1 x2 y2 r2 x1 · x2 x1 · y2 (r2 − r1 ) · x1
y1T −r1 · y1
y1 · x2 y1 · y2 (r2 − r1 ) · y1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
x1 · x2 x2 · y1 −(r2 − r1 ) · x2
g −1 = g2−1g1 = y2 · x1 y1 · y2 −(r2 − r1 ) · y2 . (46)
0 0 1
Let gij denote the elements of the matrix g, let g ij denote the elements of the
matrix g −1 , and let
2 2
r= g13 + g23 = (g 13 )2 + (g 23 )2 . (47)
g11 = g22 = g 11 = g 22 ,
g12 = −g21 = g 21 = −g 12 , (48)
2 2
g11 + g12 = 1. (49)
g13 g23 g23
u1 (g) = −η(r) 2
+ f (r) + µ(r)g21 ,
g 13 g 23 g 23
u2 (g) = −η(r) 2
+ f (r) + µ(r)g 21. (50)
r r
Equations (42), (44), and (50) are sufficient to conclude that the closed-loop
dynamics are G-invariant. Although we do not require the specific control law
given by equation (50) for the (relative) equilibrium analysis presented in this
subsection, we do assume that the control law is G-invariant, in addition to
ensuring that the dynamics evolve in the collision-free submanifold. 2
g11 g12 g13 0 −u2 1 0 −u1 1 g11 g12 g13
−g12 g11 g23
u2 0 0 =
u1 0 0
−g12 g11 g23
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
g12 u2 −g11 u2 g11
g12 u1 −g11 u1 1 − g23 u1
g11 u2 g12 u2 −g12 =
g11 u1 g12 u1 g13 u1 .
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2
Since g11 + g12 = 1, at equilibrium we must have
u2 = u1 ,
g11 = 1 − g23 u1 ,
g12 = −g13 u1 . (55)
u2 = u1 ,
g11 = 1 − g 23 u2 ,
g12 = g 13 u2 . (57)
2 2
Using g11 + g12 = 1, from equation (55) we obtain
1 = (1 − g23 u1 )2 + g13
2 2
2 2 2 2
= 1 − 2g23 u1 + g23 u1 + g13 u1
2 2
0 = u1 g13 + g23 u1 − 2g23
u1 = 2 2
, or u1 = 0. (58)
g13 + g23
u2 = u1 = 0,
g11 = 1,
g12 = 0. (59)
For such an equilibrium, x1 = x2 , so we also have
g13 = −g 13 ,
g23 = −g 23 . (60)
Next, consider the case u1 = 2g23 /r 2 = 0. We must assume that r > 0 so that
u1 is well-defined. Then from equations (55) and (57), we conclude
u2 = u1 = 2g23 /r 2 ,
g23 = g 23 ,
g13 = −g 13 ,
g11 = 1 − 2g23 /r 2 ,
g12 = −2g13 g23 /r 2 . (61)
With some further calculation (see Appendix B), one can show that the corre-
sponding relative equilibrium consists of the two vehicles moving on the same
circular orbit, separated by a chord of fixed length.
The notion of shape space associated to a symmetry group is useful for de-
scribing the evolution of system (42) [4–6]. To summarize, equation (42) de-
scribes motion in the configuration space. The variable g = g1−1g2 plays the
role of a shape variable, and evolves on the (collision-free) shape submani-
fold Mshape = Mconf ig /G. The reduced dynamics on shape space are given
by equation (51). Equilibria ge of the reduced dynamics correspond to equi-
librium shapes. The configuration variables can be expressed in terms of the
shape variable as
(g1 , g2 ) = (g1 , g1 g), (62)
and if g = ge (i.e., the shape is an equilibrium shape), then the trajectory in
the configuration space is a relative equilibrium.
Remark: The Lyapunov function Vpair given by equation (11) is, as expected,
also G-invariant, and can be expressed as
Vpair = − ln 1 − (g13 g 13 + g23 g 23 )/r 2 + h(r). 2 (63)
7.2 The n-vehicle problem
The notions of configuration space and shape space described above for the
2-vehicle problem generalize naturally to n vehicles. The configuration space
consists of n copies of G = SE(2), and an appropriate non-collision manifold
analogous to Mconf ig can be defined. The dynamics in configuration variables
can be expressed as
ξj = A0 + A1 uj , ∀j = 1, ..., n. (65)
u1 = u2 = ... = un . (67)
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Relative equilibria for the n-vehicle problem, illustrated for n = 5 (arrows
indicate tangent vectors to the vehicle trajectories): (a) for u1 = u2 = ... = un = 0,
and (b) for u1 = u2 = ... = un = 0.
Proof: Omitted due to space constraints, but essentially follows the same
steps indicated in the previous subsection for the two-vehicle problem. 2
Figure 12 illustrates the two types of relative equilibria for the n-vehicle prob-
lem described in Proposition 3.
Thus, the control system (2), or system (36), can be naturally understood in
the Lie group setting. This suggests that shape space notions for Lie groups
may play an important role in formation control problems. We have shown
how to characterize the set of all possible relative equilibria for any choice
of G-invariant control law. We are now in the process of investigating the
next obvious issue: how to choose controls that stabilize particular relative
Our work on formation control using models based on the Frenet-Serret equa-
tions of motion is still in its early stages. Areas of current and future work
include developing control laws and proving stability results for formations of
n vehicles, investigating continuum limits in which the number of “vehicles”
becomes infinite, and investigating formation-control problems in the setting
of the three-dimensional Frenet-Serret equations. On the practical side, there
is also an effort underway to develop the hardware required for implementation
of these types of control laws for meter-scale UAVs, and here the development
of the analog VLSI processor is one of the main challenges. An essential theme
of this work is that jointly considering control law design and implementation
issues has the best chance of ultimately leading to a prototype formation con-
trol system implementation for meter-scale UAVs.
9 Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Jeff Heyer, Ted Roberts, and Hal Levitt of
the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC for valuable discussions.
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Appendix A
sin(φ2 − φ1 ) sin(φ2 − φ1 ) + (sin 2φ2 − sin 2φ1 )
= (sin φ2 cos φ1 − cos φ2 sin φ1 ) (sin φ2 cos φ1 − cos φ2 sin φ1 )
+(sin φ2 cos φ2 − cos φ1 sin φ1 )
Appendix B
Here we show that the equilibrium equation (61), for g23 = 0, implies that
the corresponding relative equilibrium consists of the two vehicles moving on
the circular orbit, separated by a chord of fixed length. The first observation
is that because u1 = u2 = constant, both vehicles traverse circular orbits of
radius 1/|u1|. For the first vehicle, we define
Q1 = x1 y1 ∈ SO(2), (71)
so that
0 −u1
Q̇1 = Q1 , (72)
u1 0
which can be integrated with respect to time to give
cos(u1t) − sin(u1 t)
Q1 (t) = Q1 (0) . (73)
sin(u1 t) cos(u1 t)
The equation for r1 , the position of the first vehicle as a function of time,
cos(u1 t)
ṙ1 = Q1 (0) , (74)
sin(u1 t)
which can be integrated with respect to time to give
1 sin(u1 t)
r1 (t) = Q1 (0) + c1 , (75)
u1 − cos(u1 t)
which shows that the trajectory of the first vehicle lies on a circle of radius
1/|u1| centered at (1/u1 )Q1 (0)c1 . Futhermore,
1 0
r1 (0) = Q1 (0) + c1 . (77)
u1 −1
A relationship between c1 and c2 arises from the formula g2 (t) = g1 (t)g, where
1 − g23 u1 −g13 u1 g13
g13 u1 1 − g23 u1 g23
0 0 1
Q b
g= , (80)
0 0 1
Q2 (t) = Q1 (t)Q,
r2 (t) = Q1 (t)b + r1 (t). (81)
and so
1 0 1 0
Q2 (0) + c2 = Q1 (0) b + + c1 . (83)
u1 −1 u 1 −1
b= ,
1 − g23 u1 −g13 u1
Q= , (85)
g13 u1 1 − g23 u1
to observe that
1 0 1 0
b+ = Q . (86)
u1 −1 u1 −1
Combining equations (84) and (86) then gives
c1 = Qc2 . (87)
The center of the circular orbit for the first vehicle was shown above to be
(1/u1)Q1 (0)c1 , and likewise, the center of the circular orbit for the second
vehicle is
1 1 1
Q2 (0)c2 = Q1 (0)Qc2 = Q1 (0)c1 . (88)
u1 u1 u1
Thus, the two vehicle trajectories traverse the same circle.
2 g 2 + g23 2
d= = 13 . (90)
|u1 | |g23 |