This document proposes a technique called "Fog Computing" to mitigate insider data theft attacks in the cloud. It involves monitoring user data access patterns in the cloud and detecting abnormal access. When unauthorized access is detected, decoy data is returned to confuse the attacker and protect the user's real data. Experiments on a local file system showed this approach can better detect unauthorized access compared to existing methods. The document argues this approach could provide unprecedented levels of security for cloud data by confusing attackers and validating unauthorized access attempts.
This document proposes a technique called "Fog Computing" to mitigate insider data theft attacks in the cloud. It involves monitoring user data access patterns in the cloud and detecting abnormal access. When unauthorized access is detected, decoy data is returned to confuse the attacker and protect the user's real data. Experiments on a local file system showed this approach can better detect unauthorized access compared to existing methods. The document argues this approach could provide unprecedented levels of security for cloud data by confusing attackers and validating unauthorized access attempts.
This document proposes a technique called "Fog Computing" to mitigate insider data theft attacks in the cloud. It involves monitoring user data access patterns in the cloud and detecting abnormal access. When unauthorized access is detected, decoy data is returned to confuse the attacker and protect the user's real data. Experiments on a local file system showed this approach can better detect unauthorized access compared to existing methods. The document argues this approach could provide unprecedented levels of security for cloud data by confusing attackers and validating unauthorized access attempts.
This document proposes a technique called "Fog Computing" to mitigate insider data theft attacks in the cloud. It involves monitoring user data access patterns in the cloud and detecting abnormal access. When unauthorized access is detected, decoy data is returned to confuse the attacker and protect the user's real data. Experiments on a local file system showed this approach can better detect unauthorized access compared to existing methods. The document argues this approach could provide unprecedented levels of security for cloud data by confusing attackers and validating unauthorized access attempts.
Position Paper Salvatore J. Stolfo Malek Ben Salem Angelos D. Keromytis Computer Science Department Cyber Security Laboratory Columbia University Accenture Technology Labs Allure Security Technologies New York , NY, USA Reston, VA, USA New York , NY, USA Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Abstract hosted on Google’s infrastructure as Google Docs. The damage
Cloud computing promises to significantly change the way was significant both for Twitter and for its customers. we use computers and access and store our personal and busi- While this particular attack was launched by an outsider, ness information. With these new computing and communica- stealing a customer’s admin passwords is much easier if tions paradigms arise new data security challenges. Existing perpetrated by a malicious insider. Rocha and Correia outline data protection mechanisms such as encryption have failed in how easy passwords may be stolen by a malicious insider of preventing data theft attacks, especially those perpetrated by the Cloud service provider [6]. The authors also demonstrated an insider to the cloud provider. how Cloud customers’ private keys might be stolen, and how We propose a different approach for securing data in the their confidential data might be extracted from a hard disk. cloud using offensive decoy technology. We monitor data After stealing a customer’s password and private key, the access in the cloud and detect abnormal data access patterns. malicious insider get access to all customer data, while the When unauthorized access is suspected and then verified using customer has no means of detecting this unauthorized access. challenge questions, we launch a disinformation attack by Much research in Cloud computing security has focused returning large amounts of decoy information to the attacker. on ways of preventing unauthorized and illegitimate access to This protects against the misuse of the user’s real data. data by developing sophisticated access control and encryption Experiments conducted in a local file setting provide evidence mechanisms. However these mechanisms have not been able to that this approach may provide unprecedented levels of user prevent data compromise. Van Dijk and Juels have shown that data security in a Cloud environment. fully homomorphic encryption, often acclaimed as the solution to such threats, is not a sufficient data protection mechanism I. I NTRODUCTION when used alone [7]. We propose a completely different approach to securing the Businesses, especially startups, small and medium busi- cloud using decoy information technology, that we have come nesses (SMBs), are increasingly opting for outsourcing data to call Fog computing. We use this technology to launch and computation to the Cloud. This obviously supports better disinformation attacks against malicious insiders, preventing operational efficiency, but comes with greater risks, perhaps them from distinguishing the real sensitive customer data from the most serious of which are data theft attacks. fake worthless data. In this paper, we propose two ways of Data theft attacks are amplified if the attacker is a malicious using Fog computing to prevent attacks such as the Twitter insider. This is considered as one of the top threats to cloud attack, by deploying decoy information within the Cloud by computing by the Cloud Security Alliance [1]. While most the Cloud service customer and within personal online social Cloud computing customers are well-aware of this threat, networking profiles by individual users. they are left only with trusting the service provider when it comes to protecting their data. The lack of transparency into, II. S ECURING C LOUDS WITH F OG let alone control over, the Cloud provider’s authentication, authorization, and audit controls only exacerbates this threat. Numerous proposals for cloud-based services describe The Twitter incident is one example of a data theft at- methods to store documents, files, and media in a remote tack from the Cloud. Several Twitter corporate and per- service that may be accessed wherever a user may connect sonal documents were ex-filtrated to technological website to the Internet. A particularly vexing problem before such TechCrunch [2], [3], and customers’ accounts, including the services are broadly accepted concerns guarantees for securing account of U.S. President Barack Obama, were illegally ac- a user’s data in a manner where that guarantees only the user cessed [4], [5]. The attacker used a Twitter administrator’s and no one else can gain access to that data. The problem of password to gain access to Twitter’s corporate documents, providing security of confidential information remains a core security problem that, to date, has not provided the levels of unauthorized disclosure. The decoys, then, serve two assurance most people desire. purposes: (1) validating whether data access is autho- Many proposals have been made to secure remote data in the rized when abnormal information access is detected, and Cloud using encryption and standard access controls. It is fair (2) confusing the attacker with bogus information. to say all of the standard approaches have been demonstrated We posit that the combination of these two security features to fail from time to time for a variety of reasons, including in- will provide unprecedented levels of security for the Cloud. No sider attacks, mis-configured services, faulty implementations, current Cloud security mechanism is available that provides buggy code, and the creative construction of effective and this level of security. sophisticated attacks not envisioned by the implementers of We have applied these concepts to detect illegitimate data security procedures [8]. Building a trustworthy cloud comput- access to data stored on a local file system by masqueraders, ing environment is not enough, because accidents continue to i.e. attackers who impersonate legitimate users after stealing happen, and when they do, and information gets lost, there is their credentials. One may consider illegitimate access to no way to get it back. One needs to prepare for such accidents. Cloud data by a rogue insider as the malicious act of a The basic idea is that we can limit the damage of stolen masquerader. Our experimental results in a local file system data if we decrease the value of that stolen information setting show that combining both techniques can yield better to the attacker. We can achieve this through a ‘preventive’ detection results, and our results suggest that this approach disinformation attack. We posit that secure Cloud services may work in a Cloud environment, as the Cloud is intended can be implemented given two additional security features: to be as transparent to the user as a local file system. In the 1) User Behavior Profiling: It is expected that access following we review briefly some of the experimental results to a user’s information in the Cloud will exhibit a achieved by using this approach to detect masquerade activity normal means of access. User profiling is a well known in a local file setting. technique that can be applied here to model how, when, and how much a user accesses their information in the A. Combining User Behavior Profiling and Decoy Technology Cloud. Such ‘normal user’ behavior can be continu- for Masquerade Detection ously checked to determine whether abnormal access 1) User Behavior Profiling: Legitimate users of a computer to a user’s information is occurring. This method of system are familiar with the files on that system and where behavior-based security is commonly used in fraud they are located. Any search for specific files is likely to be detection applications. Such profiles would naturally targeted and limited. A masquerader, however, who gets access include volumetric information, how many documents to the victim’s system illegitimately, is unlikely to be familiar are typically read and how often. These simple user- with the structure and contents of the file system. Their search specific features can serve to detect abnormal Cloud is likely to be widespread and untargeted. access based partially upon the scale and scope of data Based on this key assumption, we profiled user search transferred [9]. behavior and developed user models trained with a one- 2) Decoys: Decoy information, such as decoy documents, class modeling technique, namely one-class support vector honeyfiles, honeypots, and various other bogus informa- machines. The importance of using one-class modeling stems tion can be generated on demand and serve as a means from the ability of building a classifier without having to share of detecting unauthorized access to information and data from different users. The privacy of the user and their data to ‘poison’ the thief’s ex-filtrated information. Serving is therefore preserved. decoys will confound and confuse an adversary into We monitor for abnormal search behaviors that exhibit de- believing they have ex-filtrated useful information, when viations from the user baseline. According to our assumption, they have not. This technology may be integrated with such deviations signal a potential masquerade attack. Our pre- user behavior profiling technology to secure a user’s vious experiments validated our assumption and demonstrated information in the Cloud. Whenever abnormal access that we could reliably detect all simulated masquerade attacks to a cloud service is noticed, decoy information may using this approach with a very low false positive rate of be returned by the Cloud and delivered in such a 1.12% [9]. way as to appear completely legitimate and normal. 2) Decoy Technology: We placed traps within the file The true user, who is the owner of the information, system. The traps are decoy files downloaded from a Fog would readily identify when decoy information is being computing site, an automated service that offers several types returned by the Cloud, and hence could alter the Cloud’s of decoy documents such as tax return forms, medical records, responses through a variety of means, such as challenge credit card statements, e-bay receipts, etc. [10]. The decoy questions, to inform the Cloud security system that it files are downloaded by the legitimate user and placed in has inaccurately detected an unauthorized access. In highly-conspicuous locations that are not likely to cause any the case where the access is correctly identified as an interference with the normal user activities on the system. A unauthorized access, the Cloud security system would masquerader, who is not familiar with the file system and its deliver unbounded amounts of bogus information to contents, is likely to access these decoy files, if he or she is in the adversary, thus securing the user’s true data from search for sensitive information, such as the bait information embedded in these decoy files. Therefore, monitoring access detection approaches by user model1 . The results show that the to the decoy files should signal masquerade activity on the models using the combined detection approach achieve equal system. The decoy documents carry a keyed-Hash Message or better results than the search profiling approach alone. Authentication Code (HMAC), which is hidden in the header section of the document. The HMAC is computed over the file’s contents using a key unique to each user. When a decoy document is loaded into memory, we verify whether the document is a decoy document by computing a HMAC based on all the contents of that document. We compare it with HMAC embedded within the document. If the two HMACs match, the document is deemed a decoy and an alert is issued. The advantages of placing decoys in a file system are three- fold: (1) the detection of masquerade activity (2) the confusion of the attacker and the additional costs incurred to distinguish real from bogus information, and (3) the deterrence effect which, although hard to measure, plays a significant role in preventing masquerade activity by risk-averse attackers. 3) Combining the Two Techniques: The correlation of search behavior anomaly detection with trap-based decoy files should provide stronger evidence of malfeasance, and therefore improve a detector’s accuracy. We hypothesize that Fig. 1. AUC Comparison By User Model for the Search Profiling and Integrated Approaches detecting abnormal search operations performed prior to an unsuspecting user opening a decoy file will corroborate the suspicion that the user is indeed impersonating another victim The results of our experiments suggest that user profiles user. This scenario covers the threat model of illegitimate are accurate enough to detect unauthorized Cloud access [9]. access to Cloud data. Furthermore, an accidental opening of When such unauthorized access is detected, one can respond a decoy file by a legitimate user might be recognized as by presenting the user with a challenge question or with a an accident if the search behavior is not deemed abnormal. decoy document to validate whether the access was indeed In other words, detecting abnormal search and decoy traps unauthorized, similar to how we used decoys in a local file together may make a very effective masquerade detection setting, to validate the alerts issued by the anomaly detector system. Combining the two techniques improves detection that monitors user file search and access behavior. accuracy. III. C ONCLUSION We use decoys as an oracle for validating the alerts issued by the sensor monitoring the user’s file search and access In this position paper, we present a novel approach to behavior. In our experiments, we did not generate the decoys securing personal and business data in the Cloud. We propose on demand at the time of detection when the alert was issued. monitoring data access patterns by profiling user behavior Instead, we made sure that the decoys were conspicuous to determine if and when a malicious insider illegitimately enough for the attacker to access them if they were indeed accesses someone’s documents in a Cloud service. Decoy trying to steal information by placing them in highly con- documents stored in the Cloud alongside the user’s real spicuous directories and by giving them enticing names. With data also serve as sensors to detect illegitimate access. Once this approach, we were able to improve the accuracy of our unauthorized data access or exposure is suspected, and later detector. Crafting the decoys on demand improves the accuracy verified, with challenge questions for instance, we inundate the of the detector even further. Combining the two techniques, malicious insider with bogus information in order to dilute and having the decoy documents act as an oracle for our the user’s real data. Such preventive attacks that rely on detector when abnormal user behavior is detected may lower disinformation technology, could provide unprecedented levels the overall false positive rate of detector. of security in the Cloud and in social networks. We trained eighteen classifiers with computer usage data ACKNOWLEDGMENT from 18 computer science students collected over a period of This material is based on work supported by the Defense 4 days on average. The classifiers were trained using the search Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the behavior anomaly detection described in a prior paper [9]. We ADAMS (Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales) Program also trained another 18 classifiers using a detection approach with grant award number W911NF-11-1-0140 and through that combines user behavior profiling with monitoring access the Mission-Resilient Clouds (MRC) program under Contract to decoy files placed in the local file system, as described FA8650-11-C-7190. The views and conclusions contained in above. We tested these classifiers using simulated masquerader data. Figure 1 displays the AUC scores achieved by both 1 This figure has been published in one of our technical reports [11] this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of DARPA. Professor Stolfo is founder of Allure Security Technology, Inc. R EFERENCES [1] Cloud Security Alliance, “Top Threat to Cloud Computing V1.0,” March 2010. [Online]. Available: [2] M. 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