Cozens PD 1987 PHD Thesis

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Paul D e n n i s C o z e n s , M.A. (Cantab.)

D e p a r t m e n t of A e r o n a u t i c s
Imperial C o l l e g e
P r in ce C o n s o r t Road
L o nd on SW7 2BY

A th es is s u b m i t t e d for the d e g r e e of
Do ct or of P h i l o s o p h y of the U n i v e r s i t y of London
and for the
D i pl om a of M e m b e r s h i p of the Imperial Co llege

September, 1987

Flow visualization of the vortex shedding from the bilges of a rolling

rectangular cross-section barge with bilge keels



The vortex shedding from the bilges of rolling ships has been simulated
using three computational models.

The first model involves the application of the Discrete Vortex Method to
the simulation of oscillatory flow around infinite wedges, in particular
the square isolated edge with bilge keel and/or edge rounding. Computed drag
forces were included, via a matching technique, in a ship motion response
computer program, so as to yield a method for predicting the roll damping of
transportation barges due to vortex shedding. Comparisons with experiment
for rectangular cross-section barges with various bilge geometries revealed
that whilst the method was successful at computing roll damping for barges
with sharp bilges, it overestimated damping increasingly at higher bilge

The second model is an extension of the basic Discrete Vortex Method to

predict the vortex shedding from the bilges of rolling vessels of quite
general cross-section subject to certain restrictions. Computations were
performed for a ship representative of current research interest. A tendency
to overestimate roll damping was explained in terms of weaknesses in the
Discrete Vortex Method itself and in its application to shedding from
three-dimensional bodies.

Finally, a more advanced computer model of the full two-dimensional unsteady

Navier-Stokes equations of motion has been developed which has enabled the
prediction of the roll damping of barges with rounded bilges. This model
represents, through its novel solution approach, a considerable advance in
the simulation of vortex shedding especially for configurations where the
separation point is required to be calculated as part of the computational
solution. Comparisons with experiment for a variety of cases clearly
established the validity of the method.

Flow visualisation experiments were undertaken to study the vortex shedding

processes from barges with bilge keels and/or bilge rounding. It is shown
that both the Discrete Vortex Method and the full Navier-Stokes solver
predict flow patterns for oscillatory flow which correspond closely to

The three methods described here are capable of quite general application to
many types of vortex shedding problems. Suggestions for possible future
areas of work are described.


It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I write these

acknowledgements. The very considerable rewards of the research work

itself have been added to immeasurably by the kindness of all those at

Imperial College who have made it possible. In the first instance, I

count myself most fortunate that I should have been supervised by

Professor P. W. Bearman and Dr. J. M. R. Graham who have both been an

unquenchable source of ideas, inspiration and guidance.

I am most grateful to BMT Ltd. and the Marine Technology Directorate of

the Science and Engineering Council for funding this project. I would

also like to thank Dr. R. G. Standing and Mr. A. K. Brook of BMT Ltd.

for their advice and support.

I am indebted to Mr. J. O'Leary for his patient assistance in setting up

the experiments, Mrs. R. Fairhurst for typing many parts of my thesis,

and Mr. J. D. Powell for proof reading.

My thanks also to Dr. M. J. Downie, Dr. J. P. Felix and Mr. P. Kalkanis

for their useful advice and the many helpful discussions, and to all my

friends and colleagues who have patiently helped me through these last

few months.

Last, but by no means least, my heartfelt thanks to my wife, Elizabeth,

for the support without which this thesis could never have even been










1.1 The Prediction of the Motions of a Vessel in a Seaway 15

1.1.1 The prediction of vessel response in waves using

strip theory 15

1.1.2 The roll response of a vessel at zero forward speed 16

1.2 The Discrete Vortex Method 19

1.2.1 Early development of the Discrete Vortex Method 19

1.2.2 The application of the Cloud-in-Cell technique to the

Discrete Vortex Method 24

1.3 The Solution of the Full Two-Dimensional Unsteady

Navier-Stokes Equations 26

1.3.1 Eulerian solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations 27

1.3.2 Lagrangian solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations 29

1.3.3 Comparison of Eulerian and Lagrangian schemes 31

1.3.4 Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian solutions of the

Navier-Stokes equations 31

1.4 The Application of Vortex Methods to Vortex Shedding

from Vessel Hulls 33




2.1 Experimental Method 38

2.1.1 Experimental apparatus 38

2.1.2 Test procedure 38

2.1.3 Flow visualization techniques 40

2.2 Photographs of the Vortex Shedding Processes 41


3.1 Transformation 46

3.1.1 Plain isolated edge transformation 47

3.1.2 Plain isolated edge with bilge keel transformation 48

3.1.3 Full numerical solution of the Schwarz-Christoffel

transformation 49

3.2 Basic Concepts of the Discrete Vortex Method 54

3.3 Treatment of the Nascent Vortex 56

3.3.1 Satisfying the Kutta Condition 56

3.3.2 Determination of the position of the nascent vortex 57

3.4 A Scheme for Amalgamating Vortices 59

3.5 Starting the Flow Pattern 61

3.6 Decaying the Vortex Pairs 61

3.7 Calculation of Pressure Coefficient 63

3.8 Calculation of Vortex Force 64

3.9 Extension of the Discrete Vortex Method to Model the

Vortex Shedding from Rolling Ships 64

3.9.1 Vessel in pure sway 64

3.9.2 The representation of roll 65


3.9.3 Method of solution for the velocity distribution

due to a source distribution 67

3.9.4 Application of the theory to a rolling vessel 67

3.9.5 Calculation of the vortex roll damping moment 70

3.9.6 Range of validity of the method 71



4.1 Assessment of the Sensitivity of the Method to Changes

in the Run Parameters 73

4.1.1 Effect of vortex decay rate 73

4.1.2 Effect of the position of the nascent vortex 74

4.1.3 Effect of time step size and amalgamation rate 75

4.2 Results for Square Edge with Bilge Keel and

Optional Rounding 77

4.2.1 Vortex positions and pressure distributions 77

4.2.2 Comparison between theoretical and experimental

vortex size 78

4.2.3 Time dependent force coefficient 79

4.2.4 Drag and inertia coefficients 79

4.3 Results for Square Edge withRounding 81

4.3.1 Vortex positions and pressure distributions 82

4.3.2 Drag and inertia coefficients 84




5.1 Barge Motions and the BMTIMP Barge Rolling Computer

Program 85

5.1.1 Treatment of the roll damping contributions

by BMTIMP 87

5.1.2 Matching the isolated edge flow to flow round the

rolling barge 88

5.2 Results for a Rectangular Cross-Section Barge with

Bilge Keels 91

5.3 Results for a Rectangular Cross-Section Barge with

Rounded Bilges 93

5.4 Results for a Rectangular Cross-Section Barge with

Rounded Bilges and BilgeKeels 95

5.5 Results for a Typical Ship inRoll Motion 96

5.5.1 The roll damping of a circular cylinder with

bilge keels 97

5.5.2 The Fisheries Protection Vessel "Sulisker" 98

5.5.3 Vortex positions and velocity vectors 99

5.5.4 Roll damping results 103



6.1 Fundamental Equations 110

6.1.1 Primitive equations 110

6.1.2 Stream function and vorticity transportequations 111

6.1.3 Boundary conditions 112


6.2 Finite Difference Forms 112

6.3 Outline of the Basic Inviscid Cloud-In-Cell Method 114

6.4 Outline of the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method 116

6.5 Transformation 120

6.5.1 Utilisation of the general numerical Schwarz-

Christoffel transformation 120

6.5.2 Setting up the mesh 120

6.6 Treatment of the Diffusion Term in the Solution of the

Navier-Stokes Vorticity Transport Equation 123

6.6.1 Solution of the diffusion equation 123

6.6.2 Vorticity boundary condition 125

6.7 Solution of the Poisson Equation 128

6.7.1 Stream function boundary condition 130

6.8 Determination of Mesh Velocities 131

6.9 Convection of Vortices 132

6.10 Interpolation Between the Point Vortices and the Mesh 133

6.11 Transfer of Mesh Circulation onto the Point Vortex System 133

6.11.1 Amalgamation of vortices 134

6.12 Calculation of Vortex Force 135


7.1 Test Case of an Oscillatory Boundary Layer over a

Flat Plate 138

7.1.1 Analytical solution for an oscillatory boundary layer 139

7.1.2 Comparison of the analytical solution with the

computed results 142

7.2 Vortex Shedding from an Isolated Square Edge in

Uniform Flow 144


7.2.1 Definition of Reynolds number in uniform flow 144

7.2.2 Vortex positions and streamlines 145

7.3 Results for Oscillatory Flow Past a Square Edge

with Rounding 146

7.3.1 Definition of Stokes number in oscillatory flow 146

7.3.2 Choice of computational mesh 147

7.3.3 Choice of run parameters 148

7.3.4 Flow results 152

7.3.5 Time dependent vortex force coefficient 158

7.3.6 Drag and inertia coefficients 159

7.3.7 Effect of variation of Stokes number 162

7.3.8 Sensitivity to mesh density and timestep size 162

7.4 Application of the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method

Results to the Roll Damping of a Rectangular Cross-Section

Barge with Rounded Bilges 163


8.1 Conclusions Concerning the Discrete Vortex Method 165

8.1.1 Isolated edge results 165

8.1.2 General hull cross-section results 166

8.1.3 General conclusions 169

8.2 Conclusions Concerning the Hybrid Moving Vortex

Diffusive Method 170

8.3 Conclusions Concerning the BMTIMP Computer Program 172




A, B coefficients used in the Discrete Vortex Method calculations

A],, B2 half-coefficients used in the Discrete Vortex Method

2 2


radiation roll damping coefficient

critical roll damping coefficient
element of matrix of damping coefficients
vortex roll damping coefficient
drag coefficient
vortex force coefficient
inertia coefficient
pressure coefficient
roll damping moment coefficient (see Equation 5.5.1)
total vortex roll damping moment coefficient, obtained by
summing c ^ g over the ^en9th of the ship

complex number used in the determination of L

Cz z
complex number used in the determination of L
c? e
F aerodynamic force

inertia force
vortex force
Keulegan-Carpenter number ( = U^T / d)
flow length scale in the physical plane
flow length scale in the transform plane
M transformation constant

vortex roll damping moment

Re Reynolds number

St Stokes number ( = Re / K )

T period of oscillation of flow

U,V freestream flow velocities in the transform plane

UQ freestream velocity amplitude in the physical plane (used

in oscillatory flow)

freestream velocity in the physical plane

V-j- transpiration velocity

Vz flow velocity scale in the physical plane

W complex potential

a bilge keel span

i. L.

a^ itn complex ordinate in the transform plane

a.j* itn complex ordinate in the physical plane

bv sectional vortex roll dampingcoefficient (see Equation


crdm2 sectional vortex roll damping moment coefficient (see

Equation 5.5.2)

d cylinder diameter

i /-I

1 moment arm
ls length of ship section

lv measure of vortex size

p pressure

r bilge radius

t time

t‘ time since the beginning of a particular time cycle

u,v local velocities in the real and imaginary directions

x,y real and imaginary components of complex ordinate


z complex physical plane coordinate

zR height of roll centre above ship base

r L.

a. itn transformation angle in the physical plane

a first moment of the vorticity field

strength of m vortex

r. . circulation at mesh point (i,j)

T9 J
6 interior edge angle (degrees)

C complex transform plane coordinate


nk kin mode of barge motion ( is roll amplitude)

X representation of edge angle [=(360-6)/180]

y coefficient of viscosity

v kinematic viscosity

p density

a source strength

x shear stress

$ real part of complex potential

\fj. . stream function at mesh point (i,j)

19 J
Q. . vorticity at mesh point (i,j)
19 J
O) roll angular frequency




Accurate methods of assessing and predicting the roll damping of ships

are becoming increasingly important for their effective design and

efficient operation. Determination of roll damping has largely so far

been conducted by experimentation. A useful by-product of such

experiments has been the development of empirically or semi-empirically

based models of roll damping. Now, however, with the advent of fast

digital computers it is possible to develop wholly theoretical models

for many types of flow processes. In particular, recent advances in

computational 'vortex shedding methods have begun to enable the

theoretical prediction of ship eddy-making roll damping. Solutions

produced by such computational models would provide a cheap and

effective alternative to model testing. The work presented in this

thesis concerns firstly the development and use of one such vortex

shedding computer model, the Discrete Vortex Method, for the prediction

of the roll damping due to vortex shedding of flat-bottomed barges with

various bilge geometries. Secondly, the model has been extended to

predict the roll damping of vessels of quite general cross-section

subject to certain restrictions. Finally, a more advanced computer model

of the full two-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations of motion

has been developed which has enabled the prediction of the roll damping

of flat-bottomed barges with rounded bilges to be carried out. In

addition to roll damping data, the methods have been used to provide

valuable information on other aspects of the vortex shedding processes.

Much of the work presented here concerning the Discrete Vortex Method is

also presented in Cozens, Bearman and Graham (1986).

1.1 The Prediction of the Motions of a Vessel in a Seaway

1.1.1 The prediction of vessel response in waves using strip theory

The advent of large tankers and high-speed dry-cargo ships has brought a

greater awareness of the importance of the correct prediction of the

various vessel responses to wave loading. Since the pioneering work of

Korvin-Kroukovsky and Jacobs (1957) there have been major advances in

prediction methods. The basis of this early work is the utilisation of

strip theory, where the three-dimensional problem is reduced to a series

of two-dimensional problems by the division of the ship into a number of

transverse strips. The response of each section to wave loading is

calculated, taking into account the damping due to wave radiation.

Notable improvements have been devised by Smith and Salvesen (1970) who

used close-fit methods of geometry representation to predict head-seas

heave and pitch motions quite accurately even for high-speed hulls with

large bulbous bows. Salvesen, Tuck and Faltinsen (1970) employed Frank's

close-fit method (Frank, 1967) in the development of a theory for the

prediction of heave, pitch, sway, roll and yaw motions as well as

wave-induced vertical and horizontal shear forces, bending moments and

torsional moments for a ship advancing at constant speed with arbitrary

heading in regular waves. Comparisons with experimental data, where

available, showed satisfactory agreement.


Despite the major advances outlined above, the more lightly damped

motion responses, and particularly roll near resonance, are often poorly

described by conventional strip theory, mainly due to the neglect of the

effects of viscous damping. Salvesen, Tuck and Faltinsen, for instance,

reported that roll response could only be computed with reasonable

accuracy in near-resonance conditions if a viscous roll damping term

were included in addition to the radiation damping. The same also holds

true for the prediction of roll by the strip theory of Ogilvie and Tuck

(1969) which was based on slender body theory. Since the roll motion may

typically have a natural frequency within the range of the wave

spectrum, it is therefore sensitive to the magnitude of the roll


Many versions of strip theory are capable of predicting vessel response

at forward speed. Although there is great practical interest in the

response of vessels at forward speed in waves, the work on roll damping

in this thesis is restricted to zero forward speed. However, it would

certainly be possible to make empirical corrections to the results

presented here to take account of the effects of forward speed. This

might require an appropriate correction to roll damping at every strip

constituting the vessel.

1.1.2 The roll response of a vessel at zero forward speed

The roll response of vessels at zero forward speed may be affected by a

number of factors. Potential strip theory predicts a damping due to wave


radiation which has a linear dependency upon roll amplitude. Such a

theory, however, fails to take account of the non-linearities in the

vessel response. The possible sources of non-linearity at zero speed are

skin friction and eddy-making damping, which give rise to non-linear

damping moments, and non-linearities in the roll restoring moment.

As far as the roll restoring moment is concerned, Denise (1983) suggests

that for shallow-bottomed vessels such as transportation barges linear

potential theory may be invalid because of "non-linearities in the

external forces, other than damping, due to water-structure interaction

in the splash zone". Robinson and Stoddart (1986) have confirmed that

for transportation barges at moderate to high roll angles there are

indeed non-linearities in the restoring moment which may have an

important influence on the vessel response. For deeper draught vessels,

however, such non-linearities are not believed to be generally


Kato (1958) concludes that the effect of skin friction stress is

negligible for most practical cases. One should expect it to be

relatively more important at model scale than full scale. Patel and

Brown (1985) have estimated that the skin friction damping for a model

barge of 0.8m beam affects the roll response at resonance by only 1%, so

that in the case of a barge even at model scale skin friction stress may

be considered negligible.

Usually it is argued that the most significant source of non-linearity


in the damping is the force associated with the shedding of vortices

from the vessel hull and/or its appendages. The importance of vortex

shedding in the roll damping of vessels was first noted in connection

with bilge keels, which are a strong source of vortex shedding. Froude

(1874) hypothesised a non-linear damping term, based on experiments with

a flat plate oscillating in water. White (1895) carried out experiments

to determine the additional damping produced by fitting bilge keels.

Gawn (1940) and Dalzell (1978) performed and analysed tests on

battleships and found that there was a quadratic or cubic variation of

damping with roll amplitude, indicating substantial non-linearities in

the damping term.

Ensuing from earlier experimental work, Kato (1966) developed a

semi-empirical formula for the determination of the roll damping of

vessels due to the effect of bilge keels. Ikeda et al. (1978) have

developed a semi-empirical prediction method for the roll damping terms

due to friction, wave, eddy and lift components for ordinary ship forms.

Agreement with experiment for the simple shapes tested was fair except

for the wide beam/draft variation. The eddy-making prediction method was

based on experiments with twelve two-dimensional sections representative

of container and cargo ships. A near-quadratic damping was found, that

is, damping was roughly proportional to the squares of both roll

amplitude and frequency. However, unappended sections with sharply

defined flow separation points were not tested. Since the method was

empirically based, its validity must presumably be restricted to vessels

of largely similar cross-section to those used in the development of the


1.2 The Discrete Vortex Method

In response to a need for more accurate and more generally applicable

methods for the prediction of the eddy-making component of ship roll

damping, researchers have turned to develop wholly theoretical models

for its prediction. Research has been directed, until the later stages

of the work reported here, towards the Discrete Vortex Method.

1.2.1 Early development of the Discrete Vortex Method

Many detailed reviews of the historical development of the Discrete

Vortex Method (DVM) have been published - see, for example, Clements and

Maul! (1975), Leonard (1980) or Jaroch (1986).

Rosenhead (1931) was the first researcher to introduce the concept of

the discrete vortex representation of vortex sheets. He modelled

successfully the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of a two-dimensional

infinite perturbed vortex sheet by replacing one wavelength of the

vortex sheet with a distribution of evenly spaced discrete potential

vortex elements along the sheet, thereby ignoring the effects of

diffusion at finite Reynolds number. However, subsequent work by Hama

and Burke (1960) repeating Rosenhead's work with a larger number of

vortices and smaller time steps showed that whilst the vortices did

indeed form into clusters, as in Rosenhead's original calculations,

their paths were extremely irregular and occasionally crossed, an

occurrence which is physically impossible for vortex sheets. Hama and


Burke discovered an error in Rosenhead's calculations, which, when

rectified, improved the stability of their calculations. Rosenhead's

work was extended by Abernathy and Kronauer (1962) who examined the

stability of two initially parallel shear layers using the discrete

vortex model. It was found that the two layers interacted to form the

familiar von Karman vortex street pattern.

The discrete vortex approximation was first applied to the sheet shed

from an elliptically loaded wing by Westwater (1935). The rolling up

process followed closely that predicted analytically by Kaden (1931). A

re-examination of Westwater's work by Moore (1974) revealed difficulties

which were similar to those discovered with Rosenhead's model especially

once many point vortices and much smaller time steps were employed. Most

reporters on the work of Westwater have not mentioned the somewhat

irregular appearance of the vortex sheet even in his calculations. This

irregularity points to the fact that even with large time steps and few

vortices instabilities in the vortex sheet still can occur. Moore

concluded that it was the method of discretising the vortex sheet into

point vortices which caused the instabilities. At certain times during a

typical calculation the discrete point vortices approached each other

closely; a spuriously large interaction then sometimes occurred which

disrupted the calculation. Moore achieved suppression of the

instabilities by successively amalgamating the innermost vortices of the

spiral. Chorin and Bernard (1973) chose an alternative approach for

suppressing the instabilities. They gave each point vortex a cut-off

radius, so that the velocity at the centre of the vortex was zero rather

than infinite as was the case for the pure potential vortex. The cut-off

thus prevented spuriously large interaction between pairs of vortices.

Clements (1973) applied the Discrete Vortex Method to sharp-edged bluff

bodies. His model of flow behind a square based block modelled

separation by the introduction of potential vortices into the flow at

the sharp shedding edges, their initial velocity and strength depending

only on the flow velocity at the "outside edge of the boundary layer".

Clements' model predicted the form of the shedding pattern and the

Strouhal number to within reasonable agreement. The model was

successfully extended in Clements and Maull (1975), where vortices were

placed near the separation points, their strength now being determined

by application of the Kutta Condition, which was used as the "inviscid"

analogue of boundary layer separation.

Kuwahara (1973) and Sarpkaya (1975) performed calculations for an

inclined flat plate, transforming the plate into a circle using a

Joukowsky transformation. Sarpkaya estimated the strength of the

nascent, newly introduced vortices from the equation:

dr/dt = i u % h 1.2.1

where the velocity Us^ was taken as the mean velocity of the latest four

vortices introduced into the shear layer. But Kiya and Arie (1977) have

argued convincingly that Sarpkaya should not have based his formula on

the velocity "U but rather "Umax", the velocity at the outer edge of

the shear layer. The position of the vortices was estimated from

satisfaction of the Kutta Condition. The generalised unsteady Blasius

theorem (Milne-Thomson, 1968) was employed for the derivation of the

normal force, which was predicted 20 - 25% higher than in experiment.


Strouhal number was predicted satisfactorily.

Further computations of the separating flow past flat plates at

different angles of attack and different freestream conditions have been

carried out by Kiya and Arie (1977), with separation positions for the

nascent discrete vortices fixed at a distance "as" away from the edge of

the flat plate. They carried out a careful analysis of the optimum value

of ag . Kiya, Arie and Harigane (1979) calculated the flow past a nearly

normal flat plate using vortex decay to obtain results in good accord

with experiment. Kamemoto and Bearman (1978) carried out an extensive

investigation into the parameter a$ and suggested a suitable range of

values within which predicted quantities did not vary substantially.

Even bluff body flows where no geometrically fixed separation point

exists have been modelled using the Discrete Vortex Method. In his

pioneering work on the application of the DVM to bluff body flows,

Gerrard (1967) modelled the shedding of vortices behind a circular

cylinder in uniform flow. Rather than placing the nascent vortices near

the flow separation points, Gerrard placed them roughly one cylinder

radius out from the centre line of the flow and one radius downstream of

the centre of the cylinder. Calculated lift and drag curves showed time

dependent oscillations, which could in many cases be interpreted to

yield a representative Strouhal number. Further discrete vortex

representations of the flow past circular cylinders have been carried

out by Sarpkaya (1968), who simulated the early roll up of the shear

layers. Stansby (1977) modelled with some success the flow past a

circular cylinder both by fixing the separation points at an average


position estimated from experiment and also by predicting the separation

points by "using the condition that the separating streamlines are

tangential to the surface". In reality the actual shedding positions are

unsteady and Reynolds number dependent. Thus fixing the separation

points at an average position estimated from experimental evidence leads

to certain inaccuracies; no convincing argument can be found for

determining them by the tangential streamline method. On the other hand,

these simplifying assumptions did yield useful results. Stansby also

calculated oscillatory flow past the cylinder by fixing the separation


In bluff body flows where no geometrically fixed separation point

exists, discrete vortex models are most often used either, as described

above, by fixing the separation points in advance from, for example, the

results of experimental analysis, or else by interaction with some form

of boundary layer analysis. Deffenbaugh and Marshall (1976) matched an

outer discrete vortex model with an inner viscous flow region,

calculating the separation points by a solution of the unsteady laminar

boundary layer equations. Pleasing agreement with other work was

obtained in the early stages of the flow, but at later times the

separation points moved unrealistically far forward, adversely affecting

lift. More successful for long times were the calculations of Sarpkaya

and Schoaff (1979) who employed a heuristic model of vortex decay to

reduce the levels of circulation in the vortex sheet. It was their

observation, as it is of many workers with the Discrete Vortex Method

(see, for example, Clements and Maull, 1975), that the concentrated

vortices of the wake contained typically 30% more vorticity than would

be found in experiment. Vortex decay was employed as a means of reducing

the circulation strength in the wake nearer to experimental values.

Sarpkaya and Schoaff also utilised a method of rediscretisation of the

vortex sheets which had been pioneered by Fink and Soh (1974). Fink and

Soh demonstrated that a source of instability in the roll-up of vortex

sheets which had been noticed, for example, by Hama and Burke (1960),

could be removed by rediscretisation of the vorticity. Rediscretisation

involves the placing of each vortex at each time step at the midpoint of

its segment. One might view this as another method of smoothing out the

instabilities referred to above caused by the discretisation inherent in

the potential vortex model.

1.2.2 The application of the Cloud-in-Cell technique to the Discrete

Vortex Method

One of the main limitations of the Discrete Vortex Method as described

so far is that it depends on the calculation of the influence on each

point vortex of the rest of the point vortices as determined by the

Biot-Savart law. For a computation with N vortices this procedure

requires 0(N2 ) operations to compute the required velocities. This

effectively limits the maximum number of vortices in a typical

computation on a mainframe computer to hundreds rather than thousands.

The Cloud-in-Cell (or Vortex-in-Cell) technique which is described in

Chapter 6 retains the Lagrangian treatment of the vortex field with its

attendant advantages in terms of its ability to represent without

smearing (or without introducing the levels of artificial viscosity

associated with conventional grid methods) small features of the flow


moving with the fluid through a large region, but solves the Poisson

equation for the velocity field on a fixed Eulerian Mesh. The technique

evolved out of methods such as the Particle-in-Cel1 method developed at

Los Alamos in 1955. A comprehensive review of that method may be found

in Harlow (1964). A development of the PIC method is the FIuid-in-Cel 1

method of Gentry, Martin and Daly ( 1966). The advantage of the CIC

hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian approach is the greatly reduced computational

cost for small loss in accuracy. For a mesh with M intersections the

number of operations is 0(N ) + 0(Mlog2M). Reasonably sized calculations

might be speeded up by two orders of magnitude by use of the CIC method.

Christiansen (1973) was the first to report the use of the CIC technique

in studying the motion of a two-dimensional incompressible, inviscid and

homogeneous fluid. He computed successfully such fundamental cases as

the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and the formation of the Karman vortex

street from two parallel shear layers, echoing the work of Rosenhead

(1931) and Abernathy and Kronauer (1962) respectively. Baker (1979)

applied the method to the evolution of the vortex sheet from an

elliptically loaded wing and a wing with a flap deployed. Naylor (1982)

has employed the method for uniform flow past a normal flat plate.

Basuki (1983) used it to calculate unsteady flow over aerofoils and


In the present work the Cloud-in-Cell method has not been used in

conjunction with the Discrete Vortex Method. This is because alternative

procedures for reducing the computational expense were found. The

importance of the CIC method here lies in its use in the solution of the

full Navier-Stokes equations. This will be discussed in the next


1.3 The Solution of the Full Two-Dimensional Unsteady Navier-Stokes


There are two main limiting factors in the application of the Discrete

Vortex Method to the computation of vortex shedding from ship hulls.

1) The Discrete Vortex Method, with its assumption of an infinitely thin

vortex sheet, is incapable of representing the effects of either

diffusion or turbulence in the vortex sheet.

2) The Discrete Vortex Method cannot predict the flow separation point.

This is not a problem in cases where the separation point is fixed by

geometry. Shedding off a flat plate or bilge keel are typical examples

where it can be used with a high degree of success. On the other hand,

rounding of the shedding surface, such as on a circular cylinder or

barge with rounded bilges, poses many problems as to the location of the

shedding point. One solution which is feasible for small amounts of

rounding or more generally where the separation point is known not to

move markedly is to fix the point either from the results of experiments

or by a heuristic approach. An alternative would be to carry out a

boundary layer calculation to determine the point of separation. An

obvious weakness of this is that boundary layer methods fail at and very

near the separation position so that it cannot be predicted with much


In many cases, then, it is clear that some model of the vortex diffusion

process, not only in the wake but also near the separation point, is

required. Such models are described in the succeeding sections, and

involve solution of the unsteady two-dimensional Navier-Stokes


1.3.1 Eulerian solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

A useful survey of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations may be found

in Roache (1972). When an Eulerian mesh method is employed the

Navier-Stokes equations are often solved in their vorticity transport

form (see Chapter 6), although solutions of the "primitive"

Navier-Stokes equations (the so-called "u,v,p" solutions) are also

found. The vorticity transport equation is parabolic in form. Since the

computational expense of solving parabolic equations is often large much

effort has been expended on producing fast and efficient solution

schemes. As early as 1957, Richtmyer (1957) had presented more than ten

numerical schemes for the solution of parabolic equations. Solution

schemes for these equations can be divided into two categories, explicit

and implicit. Explicit schemes advance to a new time step using only

variable values determined at the old time step; implicit methods

advance using variable values from the new time step as well. In general

explicit methods are simpler to program but computationally more

expensive since they are limited by stability arguments to short time

steps; implicit methods are more complicated but generally

computationally cheaper since time steps can often - at least in

principle - be arbitrarily large. One important feature of all solutions

of the Navier-Stokes equations of this type is the requirement of small


mesh size near the body side in order to enable adequate representation

of the boundary layer. This has important implications on computational

expense since the time step size will usually be governed for stability

or accuracy reasons by the smallest mesh cell size.

A frequently referenced example of computations carried out with an

explicit scheme is the work of Thoman and Szewczyk (1969) who used a

first order explicit scheme with "upwind" differencing to improve the

stability of the calculations. Their computations, for uniform flow past

a circular cylinder, were remarkable in that a Reynolds number of

nearly one million was achieved. Accuracy of the solution was poor,

however, because the upwind differencing scheme introduced "artificial"

viscosity into the computations, which had the effect of damping the

flow and in many cases preventing vortices from detaching from the


For many applications the Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI)

second-order finite difference solution scheme for parabolic equations

due to Peaceman and Rachford (1955) is considered to be the most

suitable. Peaceman and Rachford themselves tested the ADI method by

solving the heat flow equation. By comparison, a typical explicit

procedure required 25 times as much computer time. Borthwick (1986)

employed the ADI method in a comparison with Thoman and Szewczyk's work

on the circular cylinder. The ADI method produced much more realistic

results. Nevertheless, computing restrictions have, until recently at

least, generally limited the ADI method to computations involving

Reynolds numbers of hundreds rather than thousands.


1.3.2 Lagrangian solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

In contrast with the Eulerian solutions to the vorticity transport

equation a number of Lagrangian schemes have been developed which

possess quite different properties. These have generally evolved from

the inviscid Discrete Vortex Method which solves the convection portion

of the vorticity transport equation, but they also have the effects of

diffusion taken suitably into account. Three alternatives for the

modelling of the diffusion term have been investigated. Generally, since

a large number of vortices is required to represent adequately the

effects of diffusion, the Cloud-in-Cell technique has been employed to

reduce computation time.

1) Representation of the shear layer with discrete vortex "blobs" (see

Leonard, 1980). Diffusion can be taken into account by allowing the

blobs to increase in size with time. This approach has been little used.

2) Diffusion onto neighbouring point vortices (see Raviart, 1986). This

requires a large number of particles to ensure that diffusion is

adequately represented. Problems can be envisaged with the imposition of

the wall vorticity boundary condition. No numerical tests or

implementations of the algorithm are known.

3) Addition of a random walk to the discrete vortices at each time step

to represent statistically the effects of viscosity. Chorin (1973)

introduced this method for flow past a circular cylinder. Agreement with

experiment was good at Re = 1000, but worse at both higher and lower

Reynolds numbers. At the end of the computations there were 300 vortices

in the flow. Milinazzo and Saffman (1977) found that to achieve

acceptably accurate results for the viscous decay of a uniform vortex

using this scheme the number of vortex elements had to be large, and in

direct proportion to Reynolds number. It is difficult to know how many

vortices are required for a given degree of accuracy, but it seems

likely that Chorin's computations did not contain enough vortices for

adequate representation of either the initial separation of the vortices

or the wake.

Stansby and Dixon (1983) employed the random walk to compute shedding

from a circular cylinder in both uniform and oscillatory flow. In

applying the random walk method, with certain modifications, to various

bluff body flows, Lewis and Porthouse (1983) have produced results which

seem qualitatively plausible, although comparisons with experiment were

limited, and not particularly good, except for the Blasius boundary

layer. Several problems have been encountered in the use of the random

walk method. First, there is an upper Reynolds number limit in terms of

computational cost imposed by the requirement that, for a given degree

of accuracy, the number of vortices must increase as Reynolds number

increases. Secondly, there is a lower Reynolds number limit which is due

to the inadequacy of the random walk model at low Reynolds number.

Thirdly, the random walk model is incapable with present computing power

of realizing the transition to turbulence, which would require the

representation of much smaller length and time scales. In fact, it

appears for the above reasons that the random walk method is applicable

in quite a narrow Reynolds number range, although inadequate work has

been carried out on the method to enable this statement to be


1.3.3 Comparison of Eulerian and Lagrangian schemes

The main advantage of a Lagrangian scheme is that it is able to resolve

small details of the flow moving with the fluid through a large region.

It is economical for flows with a strong convection of vorticity because

the vortex particles are the computational representation of vorticity.

Areas away from the wake are not represented simply because there is no

such requirement. Large time step size can be used because there are

apparently no stability restrictions either in the flow or with the

boundary conditions. One of the most serious drawbacks of a Lagrangian

scheme is its inability to cope with large distortions or large amounts

of diffusion in the fluid, whereas an Eulerian scheme proceeds without

difficulty in these situations. The obvious disadvantage in particular

with the random walk method is the limitation on Reynolds number and

achievable accuracy imposed by computing restrictions on the number of

vortices in the flow.

1.3.4 Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian solutions of the Navier-Stokes


It would appear from the foregoing discussion that Lagrangian vortex

schemes are suited for solving the convection problem, but solution of

the diffusion problem is not as accurate or efficient as with a typical


Eulerian scheme. A combination of Lagrangian convection and Eulerian

diffusion schemes could therefore eliminate many of the problems of both

methods. Such a combination was first described by Garder, Peaceman and

Pozzi (1964) for the solution of high Peclet number miscible

displacement equations such as might be encountered in oil recovery

problems. The Peclet number is analogous in these equations to the

Reynolds number in the vorticity transport equations. Price, Cavendish

and Varga (1968) showed that such a Moving Point Method (MPM) avoided

the problems of numerical viscosity and spurious oscillations of the

solution so frequently encountered in pure finite difference solutions,

and was more accurate than those solutions for sufficiently large Peclet

number. They indicated, however, that the MPM was not convergent under

mesh refinement. Farmer (1985a) has demonstrated the convergence of an

improved MPM method and showed for a typical test case that it is much

more accurate than either 1st or 2nd-order Eulerian upwind differencing

schemes. In an excellent review of modern moving point techniques,

Farmer (1985b) describes two other techniques, the Modified Method of

Characteristics and the Hybrid Moving Point Method.

The methods described by Farmer for miscible displacement problems have

obvious application to the solution of the Navier-Stokes vorticity

transport equation. The Moving Point Method especially could be employed

to extend the Discrete Vortex Method in its Cloud-in-Cell formulation to

cope with the effects of diffusion. However, solution of the vorticity

transport equation entails some different problems to the miscible

displacement equations, especially in the treatment of the boundary

conditions. The MPM as adapted to the solution of the transport of


vorticity (we shall call this the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method,

or HMVDM) has been adopted in this present study. No previous research

in this area can be found. The HMVDM represents a new approach to the

solution of the Navier-Stokes equations.

1.4 The Application of Vortex Methods to Vortex Shedding from Vessel


This thesis concerns the application of the Discrete Vortex and Hybrid

Moving Vortex Diffusive Methods described above to the problem of vortex

shedding from rolling vessel hulls. The research work took as its

starting point the earlier work of Downie, Bearman and Graham (1984 and

1985) on the roll damping of barges including the effects of vortex

shedding. Typically, such barges are large ocean-going flat-bottomed

barges which are utilised in the offshore oil industry. These vessels

are usually towed to their destination bearing bulky cargos such as

sections of oil rig structures. During transportation the cargo

structures are secured to the vessel deck with welded steel fastenings.

The fastenings and the cargo itself have to be designed to withstand

inertia forces due particularly to roll in a seaway. Both cargo modules

and fastening designs are strongly dependent on accurate predictions of

barge roll motions.

Downie et al. considered only barges of rectangular cross-section for

the critical design case of a barge with zero forward speed in beam

waves. Such a situation might arise due to engine failure or loss of tow

lines causing the barge to turn beam to waves. The work was an

application of the earlier research using the Discrete Vortex Method on

the drag due to vortex shedding for sinusoidally oscillating flow around

a semi-infinite square edge (see Graham, 1980). A matching technique was

derived to match the flow calculated by the Discrete Vortex Method to

the flow round the barge cross-section. Use of such a matching technique

is a powerful tool since it means that discrete vortex calculations for

a particular edge geometry need be performed only once, for all time,

regardless of the overall barge geometry. The success of this technique

led to the development by the present author of a Discrete Vortex Method

for more general barge bilge shapes, particularly the isolated square

edge with rounding and/or bilge keel (see Cozens, Bearman and Graham,

1986). The work is also reported in this thesis. Subsequently the method

was extended to cope with complete ship cross-sections, without the

matching technique. Finally, for a barge with rounded bilges, where the

Discrete Vortex Method was considered to be generally inappropriate, the

Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method was developed.

Other work on the roll damping of rectangular cross-section barges using

the Discrete Vortex Method has been carried out by Patel and Brown

(1986) following the earlier research of Brown, Eatock Taylor and Patel

(1983) on barge motion responses excluding the effects of vortex

shedding. Patel and Brown were prevented by computational considerations

from carrying out a discrete vortex computation with enough vortices or

for a sufficient duration to enable an accurate answer to be obtained.

Nevertheless, damping predictions were in many cases in fair agreement

with experiment. They also presented damping results for a barge with

rounded bilges, but, though this is not stated explicitly, it is


believed that these results are empirically based.

Robinson and Stoddart (1986) have presented results for a rounded bilge

barge which are based on the rectangular cross-section calculations of

Downie et al. (1984) coupled with an empirical correction for the

effects of edge rounding based on the experiments of Ikeda, Himeno and

Tanaka (1977).

Faltinsen and Sortland (1987) have presented results for a rectangular

cross-section barge in pure sway. The effect of bilge radius and bilge

keels was also tested. Pleasing comparisons with experiment were made,

and calculations performed for a selection of the above parameters for

barges of differing aspect ratios. This work is an interesting

application of the Discrete Vortex Method at reasonable computational

cost to shedding computations around complicated shapes.

Few workers have employed the Discrete Vortex Method for the modelling

of vortex shedding from ships with more general cross-sections. Soh and

Fink (1971) employed it for the impulsive start of the flow around a

heaving ship with bilge keels. No damping results were presented. Ikeda

and Himeno (1981) have modelled the sway of various Lewis-form cylinders

representative of ship shapes. Shedding patterns appeared plausible but

again no damping results were presented. They did not attempt to model

roll motions.

Odabasi, Incecik and Edwards (1985) have developed a method which

predicts the roll damping of ships due to vortex shedding via a process

of local matching to the results of Discrete Vortex Method computations


for simpler shapes. In order to extend the method to edges with

rounding, calibrations against experiment were carried out to provide

empirical constants which were used in the damping predictions.

Brook (1986) has carried out comparisons on selected vessels between

experimental dampings, Ikeda's roll damping prediction method (Ikeda et

al., 1978) based on experimental observations and the method due to

Odabasi, Incecik and Edwards (1985). The latter method predicted

dampings for naked hull configurations which were in reasonably good

agreement with experiment and which were in some cases significantly

better than the predictions using the Ikeda method. However, the method

tended to overpredict the effect of bilge keels relative both to

experiment and to Ikeda's method for comparisons carried out for the

Fisheries Protection Vessel, the Sulisker.

No research involving the solution of the full Navier-Stokes equations

for the rolling of vessels can be found.

The present work on the modelling of vortex shedding from vessel hulls

represents two major innovative contributions. First, the Discrete

Vortex Method has been developed to predict the vortex shedding from a

variety of barge bilge shapes via a specially modified matching process,

and also from complete general ship cross-sections in roll (or sway).

Secondly, a new computational technique for solving the Navier-Stokes

equations has been developed. Computations have been carried out for

certain cases where bilge rounding would normally prevent Discrete

Vortex Method calculations from being performed successfully.




It is convenient to describe the nature of vortex shedding in

oscillatory flow in this Chapter so that reference can be made later in

the thesis to the various flow patterns which are observed. The

discussion here is related to observations of the vortex shedding from

the bilges of a rolling model barge for which flow visualisation

experiments have been carried out as part of the current research.

A programme of experiments was carried out about four years ago at

Imperial College to visualize the flow round the bilges of a rolling

rectangular cross-section barge. The most important results of these

experiments are presented in Downie, Bearman and Graham (1984). A vortex

shedding pattern was visualized, and this was in reasonable agreement

with theoretical predictions as far as vortex paths and vortex sizes

were concerned. In the current set of experiments the same basic barge

model was roll tested with bilge keels of different spans and bilges of

different radii in order that visualisations could be made of the

fundamental shedding patterns involved and also of the effects of

different combinations of edge rounding and bilge keels.


2.1 Experimental Method

2.1.1 Experimental apparatus

The basic barge model is that used in the previous experiments, with the

addition of bilge keels and/or rounded bilges. Details of the model are

shown in Figure 2.1. The model was tested in the wave tank at Imperial

College. This tank has a working section width of 0.61m and depth of lm,

although for the present tests the depth of the water was only 0.6m. For

these tests, the wave-maker was not used; instead, the barge was force

rolled. A schematic representation of the experimental apparatus is

shown in Figure 2.2.

2.1.2 Test procedure

Forced-roll tests were carried out at a variety of combinations of

angular frequency, roll amplitude, bilge keel span and bilge radius. For

the square edge with bilge keel most of the testing was performed at a

roll angular frequency of 4 rad/sec and roll amplitude of 5.7°. Other

tests were carried out at a higher frequency (6 rad/sec) and a higher

amplitude (9.9°). For the rounded edge, the two different bilge radii

were tested with no keels and keels of varying span at an angular

frequency of 1.5 rad/sec and an amplitude of 11.4°. Details of the

figures discussed in this chapter are shown in the table below.


Barge beam = 0.36 m, length = 0.61 m and draught = 0.07 m

Fig. no. Bilge rad. (mm) Span (mm) Ang. freq. (rad/s) Amp. (deg

2.3 13 13 1.5 11.4

2.4 0 0 4.0 9.9

2.5 0 25 6.0 5.7

2.6 0 76 4.0 5.7

2.7 25 0 1.5 11.4

2.8 13 0 1.5 11.4

2.9 13 6 1.5 11.4

2.10 13 13 1.5 11.4

2.11 0 76 4.0 5.7


In Chapter 7 a formulation for a characteristic value of the Stokes

number is given. For the tests reported here Stokes number on that basis

is of the order of 5000. A typical equivalent full scale Stokes number

would be of the order of 5 million. It is not completely clear what

differences in roll damping there would be due to Stokes number between

model scale and full scale. If the main component of damping is skin

friction then the differences would be large; otherwise the major

unknown factor is the effect of Stokes number on the separation point.

2.1.3 Flow visualization techniques

The flow was visualized using two separate techniques - polystyrene

beads and dye.

1) Polystyrene beads

Very small polystyrene beads with specific gravity near that of water

were injected in solution into the water at low speed. A thin sheet of

intense light in a plane parallel to that of the barge end-plate was

shone towards the source of the beads. This had the effect of

illuminating beads in the shedding plane. This particular method of

visualization is best in situations where the vortex shedding is strong

and where significant detail is not required. It is capable of yielding

a good picture of overall flow patterns.


2) Dye

A concentrated solution of dye was injected into the flow through fine

hypodermic tubing. Illumination was from the further side of the barge.

This method of visualization is best for lower local flow speeds. In

this case the flow processes near the shedding edge can be observed in

great detail. Care was taken in the experimentation to avoid possible

interference between the tubing admitting the dye into the flow and the

flow patterns themselves. Dye was ejected into the flow from points

near, but not at, the shedding edge. Concentrated dye was used which

permitted very low ejection speeds.

2.2 Photographs of the Vortex Shedding Processes

Photographs were taken of the vortex shedding as part of the flow

visualization process. The photographs were used for two main purposes -

to gain a better qualitative understanding of the flow pattern, and to

measure vortex sizes to enable an assessment of the quality of the

theoretical vortex predictions. In this section a representative sample

of the photographs is shown and their qualitative importance briefly


Figure 2.3 shows a close-up photo of a typical single vortex shed from a

keel. Apart from the main vortex "spiral" and its central "core", it can

be seen that there are a number of smaller, secondary vortices forming

on the main vortex sheet.


Figure 2.4 shows a series of photographs representing one complete time

cycle of flow round a square edge. Flow visualization was performed

using polystyrene beads. At the beginning of the time cycle, with the

barge at peak amplitude, a large vortex may be seen to the right of the

barge. Its pair is just beginning to form at the edge on the underside

of the barge. By photo 2 this nascent vortex has grown considerably,

whilst the first vortex of the pair has been swept right round to a

position below and to the right; by photo 3 it is below and to the left,

indicating its speed of travel. At the same time in photo 3 (peak

amplitude at the opposite extreme of roll) the second vortex of the pair

has now ceased growing, and there is a new nascent vortex at the right

of the shedding edge. It appears, in general, that vortex pairs are of

roughly equal, but opposite, strength. Since for the square edge

equalisation of vorticity does not necessarily occur at the end of the

growth of the second vortex, the pairing process splits the second

vortex sheet leaving a smaller amount of residual vorticity which may be

seen below and to the right in photo 4 and to the right in photo 5 of

the nascent vortex. This is soon engulfed by the nascent vortex. Photo 4

shows the nascent vortex having grown rapidly; the structure of the

previous pair is now indistinct, although its effect is clear enough.

Photos 5 and 6 show the further growth of the nascent vortex.

Figure 2.5 shows a set of photographs representing one time cycle. The

figure refers to a bilge keel of 25mm span at the higher roll rate; the

visualization was performed using dye. Photo 1 shows the situation at

peak amplitude. One vortex of each pair has already been cast off, and

the second vortex can be seen just starting to grow. It grows through

photo 2, until by photo 3 the elements of the pairs are almost evenly

matched in strength. Notice how the structure of the right hand pair

appears to be much better preserved than that of the left hand, although

this effect could possibly be due to some asymmetry in the ejection of

dye into the flow. In photo 4 (peak amplitude) both pairs have left the

edge completely and there are signs of a new nascent vortex at each

edge. These grow considerably through photos 5 and 6, until by photo 1

again peak amplitude has been reached (and the end of the time cycle)

and the second vortex of each pair begins to be shed. Figure 2.6 is a

bead visualization of flow round the 76mm keel for a complete time

cycle. All the events described above for Figure 2.5 can be seen

happening here in considerable detail, with the barge moving from one

peak of amplitude (photo 1), through to the other (photo 6) and then

back again. Shedding off each edge is 180 degrees out of phase with the

other. Vortex pairs convect nearly straight downwards, at an angle of

about 45 degrees to the plane of the bilge keels. Figures 2.5 and 2.6

show that the presence of a bilge keel makes the vortex structure more

stable in comparison with the square edge (Figure 2.4). In the two cases

shown, there is little or no residual vorticity at the end of the

pairing process. The pairs convect away from the vessel surface, whereas

for the square edge convection occurred along the barge surface. There

is a bistability in the shedding process. Vortex pairs may either

convect upwards, towards the free surface, or downwards. In general

(see, for example, Figure 2.6) in the cases where the vortex pairs would

have been strong enough to have been affected by the free surface, they

have convected downwards away from it.


Figure 2.7 shows the flow pattern for an edge with rounding but no keel.

A "double" shedding pattern is observed, in that two strong vortex pairs

are shed per cycle. The two pairs can be seen about to convect away from

the edge in photos 1 and 5. In the presence of rounding, the shedding

appears weaker than for the square edge; the vortex pairs remain very

near the barge surface as they convect away. The double shedding pattern

is a result of the residual vorticity noted in Figure 2.4 being large

enough to force a second strong pairing of vortices. In fact the

residual vorticity has become as large as the "primary", thus setting up

two shedding patterns apparently equal in strength. Figure 2.8 shows an

intermediate stage where residual vorticity is greater than for the

square edge, but not as great as for the larger bilge radius. A double

shedding pattern per cycle is observed, with pairs forming at photos 1/2

and 5/6, but the first pairing, to the left, is stronger than the


In Figure 2.9, where the keel span is half the bilge radius, the

"single" shedding pattern observed in earlier figures is regained,

despite the relatively small size of the keel. However, small secondary

disturbances can still be seen. Figure 2.10 shows the flow situation

with a keel span twice as great. The general appearance of the flow is

now much like that which would be expected from an edge without any

rounding. The figure shows particularly clearly the various stages in

the shedding process. In both Figures 2.9 and 2.10 a small amount of

residual vorticity is apparent at the end of the main pairing process.

This pairs up with a portion of the new nascent vortex to form a weaker

secondary pair. This is clearly seen in photos 2-5 of Figure 2.10.


Figure 2.11 shows the same flow situation as that in Figure 2.6. Two

separate dye sources have been used here, so that the degree of

two-dimensionality of the shedding can be assessed. Slight differences

can be observed with the far vortex appearing to have convected further

from the edge than the nearer one. This example typifies the

observations made for all the different bilge configurations. Only very

occasionally could there be noted any significant difference in, say,

the convection paths.




The application of the DiscreteVortex Method to the flow around

isolated edges has been described in detail by Graham (1980), who drew

on the earlier work of Pullin (1978). This chapter describes its

development in the first place for more complicated isolated edge

geometries, particularly the edge with rounding and/or bilge keel.

Vortex shedding from such shapes can be directly related to vortex

shedding from the bilges of barges in roll or sway by a matching

process. Section 3.9 deals with the extension of the method to cope with

the vortex shedding in roll ofgeneral symmetric ship hull

cross-sections with an arbitrary separation position and arbitrary roll


3.1 Transformation

Two alternative methods of representing the influence of the body were

considered. Firstly, it is possible to represent the body by a

distribution either of sources and sinks or vortices. A good example of

the use of the Discrete Vortex Method with such a singularity

distribution may be found in Sakata, Adachi, Saito and Inamuro (1983).

The second alternative is the use of a transformation technique. An

important advantage of the transformation technique is usually higher

accuracy especially for geometries with sharp edges such as will often

be encountered in vortex shedding problems; one drawback is the fact


that transformations are more difficult to implement for complicated


Because of the possibility of greater accuracy of representation, for

the current research a numerical Schwarz-Christoffel transformation was

employed which enabled isolated edges of arbitrary geometry to be

transformed to a straight line segment as shown in Figure 3.1. The

general transformation can be written as:

n a-j/ir
= M n U - an.) 3.1.1
He i=l

where the symbols are as defined in the figure. M is called the

transformation constant and defines the scaling relationship between the

physical and transform planes. The normal sign convention for angles is

adopted, that is, angles are taken to be positive for an anticlockwise

rotation when the body is circled in an anticlockwise sense. The full

numerical integration of Equation 3.1.1 which is necessary when a large

number of vertices is involved has been discussed in detail by Davis

(1983), and will be treated in Section 3.1.3. It is noted first,

however, that for simple edge geometries versions of Equation 3.1.1 can

be derived which yield analytical solutions of the integral. Two such

geometrical configurations are discussed below.

3.1.1 Plain isolated edge transformation

Such a geometry with its transformation is shown in Figure 3.2. For this

problem, with only one vertex, this being at the origin, Equation 3.1.1

reduces to:



x ~ 2 “ T M 1 + “l ^ 3.1.3

Integration of Equation 3.1.2 and setting the constant of integration to

zero leads to a familiar simple form of the Schwarz-Christoffel


The second derivative of the transformation, which is required for the

determination of Routh's correction (Clements, 1973), is:


3.1.2 Plain isolated edge with bilge keel transformation

Such a geometry with its transformation is shown in Figure 3.3. For this

problem, with three vertices in total, Equation 3.1.1 reduces to:

^ -1
j}§ = Mc(C2 + b)7 3.1.6

Integration of Equation 3.1.6 and setting the constant of integration to

zero leads to the following form of the Schwarz-Christoffel


z 3.1.7

The second derivative of the transformation is:

a _2
= M{c2 + b)? [(C2+b) + (A-2)?2] 3.1.8

3.1.3 Full numerical solution of the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation

In cases where many vertices are present, such as in the representation

of rounding for the isolated edge case, analytical solutions are not

available and instead a computational solution must be sought. The

problem is centred on the determination of the a^'s which are initially


Solution for the a^'s proceeds as follows. Without loss of generality

one of the vertices in the z-plane can be set at the origin, as can one

of the vertices in the transform plane. Further, the first and last

vertices can be set to +i and -i in the transform plane. In order to

determine the remaining values of a^, Equation 3.1.1 must be integrated

to give z in terms of C. In this work an extension of the midpoint

integration rule has been used to determine z ,, from z , where

Az = z - z is small. This requires the division of each facet into

m m+1 m n
sub-elements, the number of the sub-elements required depending on the

facet size and the nature of the transformation in the region.

In order to obtain the unknown values of a. and M, the following

iterative procedure was adopted.


1) Guess initial values for the unknown constants. M is complex and can

be conveniently set to (1 + 0 i); the a.'s are chosen such that

ai-l < a i < a i+l anc* t*ie ipterva^ between each a., is equal.

2) Integrate Equation 3.1.1 using the midpoint integration rule between

appropriate limits as follows:

n (?-ai)(“ i/lr)+1 ’m+1

n (ot^/TTj+l
i=l ACm

In the physical plane the vertices will then not be in their correct

locations. Therefore adjust M so that the first and last vertices lie in

their correct position.

3) Use the adjusted value of M and the calculated positions of the

physical plane vertices to provide better estimates of the a^'s.

4) Return to Stage (2) and perform a new iteration assuming the new

values of M and a^. Repeat the iteration procedure until convergence has

been achieved.

More detail on the above process may be found in Davis (1983).

Once converged values of a.. and M have been obtained, then the various

properties of the transformation can be evaluated.


First derivative of the transformation. For geometries where symmetry

is involved Equation 3.1.1 can be rewritten in a more efficient form:

j§ = M U - a r)a r/lT V (c2-a?)ai/7T 31K 1 0

where r = (n+l)/2, n odd.

Second derivative of the transformation. Little computational

simplification can be achieved by using symmetry arguments in the case

of the second derivative of the transformation, which is accordingly

derived as:

"n a ./tT n (“ i/ir)

d 2z 3.1.11
= M n (?-a.)
d£2 i=l 1

Determination of z from C. Equation 3.1.9 should be employed to

determine z for given C, using an appropriate number of integration


Determination of c from z. An iterative scheme was developed for the

determination of c for given z. The scheme involved the calculation of

successive approximations to c using a "shooting" scheme. In the first

part of the scheme, C q s the first estimate of the required value of C,

was set to unity. In the second stage, the corresponding value of the
i 61 d
physical plane ordinate, z ^ = r0 ]d e » was computed by the method

of the previous sub-section. In the third stage, an improved estimate of


C, £pew» was provided from the following equation:


where z = re is the actual physical plane ordinate corresponding to c

and R is a relaxation factor. Optimum performance in most conditions was

achieved by under-relaxing the solution by a factor of one half, i.e.

putting R=|. Iteration between stages two and three was then carried

out, with C , , successively being equated to C , until the difference

between z and z ^ was less than the required tolerance.

Flow length scale. Flows around semi-infinite plain (i.e. single vertex)

isolated edges possess no physical length from which a length scaling

can be determined. Further, because of the semi-infinite nature of the

body, there exists no freestream velocity except in certain special

cases. Pullin (1978) derived a formulation of length scaling for plain

isolated edges in uniform flow, this scaling being based on properties

of the transformation, the "freestream" flow velocity in the transform

plane, and the time scale of the flow (i.e. the time from the start of

the flow). Self-similar solutions were thus provided for plain isolated

edges of specified edge angle. Graham (1980) extended the concept to

oscillatory flow, where the time scaling was now provided by the period,

T, of the oscillations. In the present research a generalised expression

for the length scale (l_z ) of the flow in the physical plane around

isolated edges of arbitrary edge geometry has been derived from the

velocity scale (Vz ) in the physical plane as follows. A representative

edge velocity in the physical plane will scale on dW/dz. We choose the

constant of proportionality in the scaling to be X, where X here

represents the overall edge angle, so that:

vz = x <37
3 . 1.13

where W is the complex potential in the absence of vortex shedding, and

dW/dz is taken as evaluated at Cz « Cz is a complex ordinate of magnitude

Lz and orientation such that it lies on the edge bisector. We can

further define a length scale in the transform plane, L^, where

L = |C |, and is the point in the transform plane corresponding to

Cz in the physical plane. Thus:

dW de
cZ = xQZf . T = X-

Then we can write l_z as:

a - / it 3.1.15
Lz = IC;
M n (C -a.) 1
i=l 5 1
In the above equation V is treated as the transform plane velocity

amplitude for oscillatory flow. This equation was solved by iteration

between Cz and C^. Since its solution is computationally expensive, for

isolated edge cases where, for instance, keel span, a, or bilge radius,

r, are small compared to the flow length scale an approximation to this

equation can be solved instead as follows. Far away from the edge, i.e.

where |c| » a^ for all a., Equation 3.1.1 can be rewritten as:

. I (Ot./TT)
dz m i-i 1 m ^X-1
= M c 1-1 = Me

Therefore, using Equations 3.1.14 and 3.1.15:

fN0-l/(2A--|) X / (2A-1)
z rl (VT) 3.1.17

Equation 3.1.17 is actually the expression used for the flow length

scale for oscillatory flow round a plain isolated edge (see Graham,


3.2 Basic Concepts of the Discrete Vortex Method

The basis of the DVM, as applied here to vortex shedding off bluff

bodies, consists in the representation of the shear layer from a bluff

body by a series of point potential vortices (see Figure 3.4). For such

a distribution of vortices and their images there exists a complex

potential (W) which may be written for the transform plane as:

W(?) = iV? + J - I rm l09^-Sm> logU+s*) 3.2.1


which gives:

3W(C) _ iV + i
2tt I m c-Cm 2 tt £I rr £ + C
L *m 3.2.2
35 m m m

The concept of the complex potential enables the determination of the

influence of each of the components of the flow field, namely the flow

itself and the vortices and their images, at a given location. The

equation of motion of the vortex sheet, which is force free and

therefore moves with the fluid, is:


n _ 3W 3.2.3
at ' azn

at each point zn of the sheet, where (dW/dz) excludes the singularity

due to the vortex element at z . From Equation 3.2.3 we derive that:


In the case of a core vortex, the vortex which represents the centre of

a continuous spiral or cluster and whose strength grows with time

according to the rate of amalgamation of vorticity into that core, a

modified zero force equation is employed (Graham, 1980). Equation 3.2.4

is rewritten as:

3W] K 2 1 3rn rac

bn1 3.2.5
3t rn at I n Zsj
3zn L3znJ

where zn - zs is the cut joining the core vortex to the rest of the

sheet. Equations 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 are used in conjunction with Equation

3.2.2 for the determination of the convection velocities of the vortices

in the transform plane. With the inclusion of a core vortex and Routh's

correction (Clements, 1973), the transform plane convection equation is:

iv+ I rm
n 1 1 n f 9 2 Z nn ,/ n
+ ~ r ' 1 1
at 2tt
+C* 2ir n c +c* 4 tt
mj ^ ti ^nJ

L r z*-z*)
at K n s' 3z. 3.2.6

Equation 3.2.6 is employed in the Discrete Vortex Method via a

straightforward one-step first order Euler integration to yield a means

of convecting the discrete vortices through a time step.

3.3 Treatment of the Nascent Vortex

In discrete vortex representations where the vortex sheet is being fed

with new vorticity from a shedding edge, a mechanism is required for

determining the strength and complex coordinate of the new discrete

vortex which represents this additional vorticity over a discrete period

of time. Such a vortex is designated a "nascent" discrete vortex. The

Kutta condition has most often in previous work been invoked to solve

one of these three unknowns (vortex strength and complex coordinate); in

this work it has been used to calculate the strength of the nascent

vortex. There is then a requirement for the determination of the nascent

vortex position; this is described in Section 3.3.2.

3.3.1 Satisfying the Kutta Condition

The Kutta Condition is satisfied when there is a finite flow velocity at

the shedding edge in the physical plane. This implies because of the

singularity of the transformation at the shedding edge that the velocity

at this position in the transform plane is zero (i.e. dW/d£ = 0). The

general equation of motion of the fluid in the transform plane at any

location other than at a vortex itself is Equation 3.2.2. Satisfying the

Kutta Condition leads to an expression for the strength of the nascent


vortex, r , placed at C :
n r n

-2ttV - J r r i i yI f 1 1
V Jr m 1 1 1
m?n ^shed Sn ^shed+Srv-
fished ^n ^shed+^n-

where ^s^ecj is the position of the shedding edge. For the case where the

shedding edge is at the origin this may be simplified to:

r = 2ttV - l rm 1 n1
n 3.3.2
m^n v^n sn'

3.3.2 Determination of the position of the nascent vortex

Various different methods of solution for the position in the flow of

the nascent discrete vortex were tested, including a sheet vortex

representation of the nascent vortex and a solution of the Brown and

Michael equations for the nascent vortex (Brown and Michael, 1955).

Eventually the simplest method, reported in detail by Kamemoto and

Bearman (1978), was selected. The nascent vortex was placed at a

specified point on the edge bisector, its position remaining invariant

throughout the time cycle. In sinusoidal flow, a suitable position based

on the peak flow velocity was found to be somewhat different from that

for uniform flow, which was analysed by Kamemoto and Bearman. In fact,

the position of the nascent vortex for satisfying the Kutta Condition in

the physical plane (zkut) was taken as:

zkut = c3 Cz

where was determined from numerical experimentation to have a value

of about 0.01, although the optimum value varied somewhat according to

geometry. The principal factor in the determination of c^ was the

requirement to maintain an approximately even spacing between the

vortices near the shedding edge. Equation 3.3.3 may then be used to

determine C (i.e. C. ., the transform plane equivalent of z. .) in

n kut K M kut
Equations 3.3.1 or 3.3.2.

It has been noted by Naylor (1982) that instabilities quickly arise in

computations if one nascent vortex is introduced into the calculation

per shedding edge at each time step. Naylor reported that by placing a

new nascent vortex in the flow less frequently, say once every two or

three time steps, these instabilities were reduced. The drawback of this

approach is that computation time is increased without any concomitant

increase in definition of the vortex sheet. The instability problem

appears to be related to the first order time integration scheme used

for convecting the nascent vortex, in that because the nascent vortex is

in a region of very high flow velocities it can be convected an

unrepresentatively large distance. Having more than one convection step

per nascent vortex increases the accuracy of convection. A less

computationally expensive solution to the problem has been adopted in

the present work. Recognising that in the formulation described in

Section 3.3.1 the Kutta Condition is only satisfied at the beginning of

a time step, and not at any other point in the time step while the

nascent vortex is being convected away from the edge, it is clear that

the Discrete Vortex Method must be somewhat insensitive to the precise

location of the position of introduction of the nascent vortex. It is


advantageous to place the vortex at a position slightly further away

from the shedding edge than would be required to satisfy the Kutta

Condition at the beginning of the time step, because here flow

velocities are lower and the vortex is actually generally convected a

shorter and more representative distance than otherwise. Furthermore,

introduction of the nascent vortex even slightly further away from the

edge in the manner described above dramatically reduces instabilities.

Location of the vortex in this manner is justifiable on the grounds of a

degree of insensitivity to the position of introduction of the vortex;

numerical experimentation confirms that indeed this location is not

critical. This technique has been employed in all DVM calculations

reported here. The position at which the nascent vortex is actually

inserted into the flow in the transform plane ^ nascent^ 1S 9 lven in

terms of the position in the transform plane where the Kutta Condition

would be satisfied at the beginning of a time step by:

^nascent c4 Scut

c^ was held between 1.25 and 1.4 depending upon the stability


3.4 A Scheme for Amalgamating Vortices

In the present model of vortex amalgamation each successive discrete

vortex nearest the central core is amalgamated with it so as to create a

core of increasing vortex strength (see Figure 3.4). Amalgamation has

been employed for two reasons. First, in connection with the tendency to

randomisation of the vortex sheet which has been noted by a number of

workers (see Chapter 1) amalgamation has been shown significantly to

retard the randomisation process (Moore, 1974). Secondly, amalgamation

saves computing time since the total number of vortices in the flow can

be reduced. In fact, for oscillatory flow the computation will reach a

"steady state" where the number of vortices in the calculation will

remain roughly constant since the rate of production of new vortices

will equal the rate of amalgamation. Typically, a new vortex from an

initial cluster of, say, 30 vortices would be amalgamated once every 3

or 4 time steps. This would have the effect of limiting the total number

of vortices in a flow with 64 time steps per cycle to about 60 or 70.

In the above model two discrete vortices are amalgamated so that their

new combined position, (x + iy) , is given in terms of their old

positions and circulations, designated by subscripts "oldl" and "old2"

as follows:


Combined circulation is given by:

rnew roldl + rold2 3.4.2

Deffenbaugh and Marshall (1976) have laid out the conditions for correct

amalgamation. These are firstly that it yields an equivalent velocity

field and secondly that it maintains the basic structure of the vortex

distribution. The above method fulfils both of these conditions.


3.5 Starting the Flow Pattern

An initial superposition of velocity off the edge was used to start the

vortex pairing pattern at the beginning of the computation. This

velocity was decayed quickly with time so that it only significantly

affected the first time cycle of flow and had no long term effect on the

solution. The potential in the transform plane due to this velocity was:

W(C) = Uinitial 3.5.1

where U. -j was chosen so that vortices from the first half-cycle

were convected well clear of the shedding edge. Thus by the end of two

time cycles the velocity had decayed to only 0.03% of its initial value,


3.6 Decaying the Vortex Pairs

Many workers with the Discrete Vortex Method have employed a mechanism

of removing vortices if they approach the body too closely - see, for

example, Clements and Maull (1975). Otherwise, these vortices can

convect at high speed close to the body surface due to the influence of

their images and possibly interfere seriously with the shedding

mechanism. A slightly different approach has been adopted with the

present method - all vortex pairs are slowly decayed in strength once

they have reached a certain degree of development, whether or not they

near the body side. It was explained in Chapter 2 that in sinusoidal

flow vortex pairs develop which have elements of nearly equal strength

but opposite sign. Thus their decay only has a small effect on total

circulation levels in the flow.

The decay mechanism chosen was programmed to come into effect as soon as

the latter member of the vortex pair had ceased growing and had started

to convect away from the edge. The decay was of the form:

-k (t/T)2
r = r * •. • i e a 3.6.1

The above method was entirely successful in ensuring that vortex pairs

did not approach the edge too closely, or otherwise interfere too much

with the shedding process in cases where they were slow to convect away.

Since the circulation decay rates employed were low (k^ always less than

0.3), and decay was only employed for vortex pairs clear of the edge,

there was a negligible effect on the computed vortex force, as was

demonstrated by the results of computations with different values of k^.

Unlike the work of some other researchers, circulation decay was not

used as an expedient for reducing the magnitude of the vortex force. For

instance, Kiya, Arie and Harigane (1979) in their calculations of flow

past a flat plate normal to the flow noted that the DVM without the use

of vortex decay overestimated the amount of circulation in the wake and

consequently the drag force. They employed vortex decay successfully as

a means of reducing the circulation in the wake nearer to representative

values. In the present work, however, it was accepted as part of the

computations that forces would be overpredicted, it being thought wiser

to take account of this at the final stages of analysis of the results.


3.7 Calculation of Pressure Coefficient

Bernoulli's equation for unsteady incompressible flow is:

3<J> 2
p + |p(u2+v2) = P„ + ipUo o 3.7.1

whence we obtain the following expression for the pressure coefficient:

r _ I (u2+V2) 2
p 3t
V2 V2
z z

1 1 H
(u 2+v2) = |"v + J - Jr 3.7.3
2ir £ m T-T C+C 3z
m 1 h h ttv


3£ =
- Real ( J- y r 1— !--- — + — Ur ---
3t l^ i 3t 3t

1 3rn 3.7.4
+ 2? I F &rg(?+C*) - ai"9 ( ^ n)l

where the subscript "n" refers here to the nascent discrete vortex.

Since there is in general no definable freestream velocity in the

physical plane, Vz is employed as a reference velocity. The above method

of determining the d^/dt term follows from the work of Jaroch (1986).

3.8 Calculation of Vortex Force

Following from the work of Graham (1980), the vortex force, F , may be

obtained from an approximation of Blasius1 equation for unsteady flow so

that for isolated edge flows:

A vortex force coefficient may be derived in terms of the length scales

in the physical and transform planes as follows:

CFv ■ Fv/(§pL* Lc T'2 ) 3,8,2

The values of force coefficient can be translated into drag and inertia

coefficients for the isolated edge by taking the appropriate Fourier

integral over one cycle of the flow to give:

C 3.8.3

C = C „ + B, where B = X f' Cc cos d(|) 3.8.4

m mO tt2 jo Fv T ----

3.9 Extension of the Discrete Vortex Method to Model the Vortex Shedding

from Rolling Ships

3.9.1 Vessel in pure sway

Extension of the basic DVM to cope with complete symmetric ship

cross-sections in pure sway involved mainly modifications to the basic


numerical Schwarz-Christoffel transformation described in Section 3.1

above. An algorithm was developed to determine the exterior edge angles

(a.'s ) of a general hull cross-section composed of small segments as

shown in Figure 3.5. A suitable total number of segments for adequate

representation of the geometry without excessive computational expense

was determined to be roughly 15, although the number varied somewhat

according to the degree of complication of the geometry. The a^'s were

obtained from raw sectional data using scalar products. Vector products

were also calculated to assure the angles were attributed the correct


The flow velocity in the transform plane (V) is found to be related to

the freestream velocity in the physical plane ( I M by the following


V = MU00 3.9.1

3.9.2 The representation of roll

The roll of a vessel can be represented by a transformation method as

follows. Firstly, the ordinates themselves should be constantly changed

to take account of the changing position of the vessel; secondly the

motion of the vessel should be represented by a distribution of

singularities (in this case sources and sinks) along the vessel surface.

This second part of the representation may be seen as a modification of

the surface boundary conditions to yield a normal surface velocity

distribution which represents the motion due to roll. For small roll

amplitude the changing position of the vessel can be neglected,

resulting in significant economies in programming and computation time.

This simplification has been made here.

Flow issuing normal to the body segment can be represented by a source

distribution of strength per unit length a(z) where the transpiration

(outward normal) velocity is given as:

A general complex velocity, u - iv at z, is given by:

g(z')1d z '1
u iv 3.9.3
21tt t 1-2 '

as shown in Figure 3.6. The source distribution may be transformed to

the transform plane to yield a general equation for the velocity in the

transform plane:

Idz'l dz' dc'

u iv = J2— f° a(z')
Jr v •
tt cTc^* C-C'

as shown in Figure 3.7. If segment ab in the physical plane is a body

segment, and the transformation maps the body into a vertical line in

the transform plane, the transpiration velocities in the transform plane

will be purely real.


3.9.3 Method of solution for the velocity distribution due to a source


For any but the simplest transformations or source distributions,

Equation 3.9.4 has to be solved by numerical means. The process of

numerical quadrature involved is complicated by the fact that Equation

3.9.4 has a singularity at C = V • A sophisticated NAG library routine,

D01AJF, was selected. This is an adaptive quadrature routine, using the

Gauss 10-point and Kronrod 21-point rules. It was tested most

successfully on certain cases for which analytical solutions were known.

3.9.4 Application of the theory to a rolling vessel

The various aspects of the implementation of the theory described in the

sections above are presented below.

1) Roll motion was divided into two portions, pure roll about a fixed

roll centre (which was actually fixed at the base of the vessel on the

vessel centre line), and a sway component adjusted to yield the actual

desired roll centre, as illustrated in Figure 3.8. Freestream velocity,

U^, is given by:

= ojzR rj^sin w t 3.9.5

where w is roll angular frequency and n is roll amplitude. zD is the

k K
height of the roll centre above the vessel base. Roll angle was defined

as positive clockwise. The advantages of fixing the roll centre in this

way are twofold. First, it is convenient for calculating the roll

velocities to use a roll centre at the origin of the coordinate system.

Secondly, the computed roll velocities (i.e. due to the source

distribution) at and near the shedding edge will often be nearly

minimised by this arrangement. This means in practice that the order of

accuracy of the computed roll velocities is not required to be as high

as would have been the case otherwise.

2) The source strength on each segment is calculated using the value of

surface (transpiration) velocity at the midpoint of the segment with the

source strength assumed constant over the segment. This simplification

thus requires that velocities only change slowly along the length of the

segment or that segment size is small. The surface velocity (Vy) is

taken as the normal component of the total velocity. Thus the slip

velocity (velocity parallel to the surface) is not accounted for. This

is quite correct for a potential flow model such as the DVM, but would

be incorrect if a full solution of the Navier-Stokes equations were


3) The velocities due to roll were required at two separate stages

within the computer program. In the first place, the velocity at the

shedding edge due to roll was required to be calculated once and for all

at the beginning of the program. The amplitude of this velocity does not

change with time. It was required to be calculated with fair accuracy,

since vortex strengths were partly dependent on it. For this velocity

the NAG routine integration technique D01AJF was employed as described


above. The value of the transformation derivative (dz/dc) was required

at each integration point. Secondly, velocities due to roll were

required at every time step for each vortex. Since this would have been

computationally very expensive using the NAG routine, an approximate

analytical technique was developed. This technique made the assumption

that the transformation derivative was constant over the segment, and

equal to its value at the midpoint of the segment in the transform

plane. It was possible to derive the following equation for a general

velocity, u - iv, in the transform plane at a point c due to a segment


acd fdz dz U -o
u iv 3.9.6
2tr (dC dz

The above equation was derived by recognising that in Equation 3.9.4

acc|, (dz/dc)cc( etc. are assumed constant for the entire segment and

represent the value of the appropriate variable at the midpoint of the

segment. The velocity due to all the segments is simply the sum of the

velocities due to each segment. However, the symmetry of the vessel can

be used here with advantage. We know that if the source strength on

segment cdr on one side of the vessel is a £ , the respective source

r 1
strength on the other side (a ^ )
is simply - a ^ . Thus a general
p __ 1
velocity at a point £ due to a segment eel and its image segment cd is:
CL .

r '

dz dz ~(gc-c)(ej - 0 "

u-iv= log 3.9.7

cd ‘ dz cd s ^ ) u ' c -0..

4) Flow length scale, Lz , for the rolling ship case, is based on the

total flow velocity at the shedding edge in the transform plane. It

contains both the sway and the roll components.

3.9.5 Calculation of the vortex roll damping moment

The vortex roll damping moment (per unit length), M , is calculated

using the method described in Downie, Bearman, and Graham (1984). This

is essentially a Blasius momentum balance similar to that for the

isolated edge flows (Equation 3.8.1). Assuming small amplitudes of


Re al{ (z -z R) dz}
- -irJL V r ^ m + ^m) 3.9.8
" " lp 9t l Fm
m 71^ ^shed^

where c ^ ^ is the position in the transform plane of the shedding edge,

and the limits "a" and "b" denote the two junctions of the hull

cross-section with the free surface. The moment arm, 1 , of the vortex
damping force about the true roll centre is given as:
____ 1

b Real { ( z - z R) dz}"



Ja (^shed> / .
a ^ ^shed^ —

Sectional vortex damping coefficient, t>v , is defined as:

M *1
v s
b 3.9.10

where 1 is the section length. Total vortex roll damping coefficient,

Bv , is obtained by summing the sectional damping coefficients over the

length of the ship. Implicit in this analysis is the assumption of strip

theory that for flow calculations a 3-dimensional body can be divided

into a series of 2-dimensional transverse strips. In the case of vortex

shedding, this is a fair assumption provided that changes in the

sectional geometry occur gradually over the length of the ship and that

end effects (i.e. at the bow and stern) can be ignored. Actually, in

many practical cases, these conditions are not completely fulfilled. It

is clear, for instance, that for a ship where the majority of the vortex

damping is generated from a few sections near the bows (and possibly

also the stern) end-effects could be important. In this case, strip

theory might be expected to provide an over-estimate of roll damping.

3.9.6 Range of validity of the method

Various simplifying assumptions are incorporated into the above method.

These are:

1) The vessel is symmetric about its centre line.


2) The vessel undergoes a roll motion of small angular amplitude and the

length scale of the vortex shedding is small in comparison with the

length scale of the vessel. These two closely related assumptions are

important not only in the implementation of roll itself but also in the

use of the particular formulation of Blasius' theorem for the

calculation of force which is employed here, which requires that the

vortex shedding is localised to the shedding edge.

3) The segment lengths are small in comparison with the perimeter of the


4) The shedding edge is sufficiently sharp that the assumption of

separation point fixed on the edge bisector is valid or approximately


5) In the case of vortex shedding from more than one shedding edge, it

is assumed that the interference between the vortex structures from each

edge is negligible. This enables the method to compute separately the

damping contributions from each source; it is unlikely to be a major

restriction for such practical cases as shedding from bilge keels.

6) It is assumed that it is approximately valid to use a strip theory

approach for the calculation of total vortex damping moment.





4.1 Assessment of the Sensitivity of the Method to Changes in the Run


Variations in the run parameters inherent in the method can in certain

circumstances produce significant changes in force levels. An analysis

of the effect of some of these parameters has therefore been carried


4.1.1 Effect of vortex decay rate

Excessive circulation decay rates applied to vortex pairs of slightly

differing strength can affect the strength of the nascent vortex

sufficiently to induce an instability into the calculation. They also

have the effect, if applied to vortices too near the shedding edge, of

reducing the magnitude of the vortex forces. Results have shown that

drag values are practically unaffected for either of these two causes by

the particular implementation of circulation decay in the current method

(Section 3.6). In one particular case (square edge with bilge keel), the

decay rate was reduced tenfold from its normal value with no change in

drag in the third significant figure. Some calculations were performed


for the plain square edge with no circulation decay at all. Until the

point when a vortex pair returned near to the edge, drag values were

virtually identical to those obtained in calculations using decay.

4.1.2 Effect of the position of the nascent vortex

The Discrete Vortex Method is to some extent self-adjusting to the

position (Z|<ut) of the nascent discrete vortex for satisfying the Kutta

condition, through a feedback mechanism via the vortex strength in the

shear layer. So long as the nascent vortex is introduced near the

midpoint between the shedding edge and the previously shed vortex,

changes in its position do not affect the drag excessively. For

instance, for shedding off an edge of zero internal angle a doubling of

zkut from usual position made a 1% difference to the results.

However, for a square edge, or edges of even greater edge angle, drag is

only independent of within narrower limits. It appears that an

excessively large value of z ^ has the same sort of action as a small

bilge keel in increasing the drag and modifying the shedding behaviour.

An excessively low value of the quantity leads to vorticity being

convected along the body side under the influence of its image system

rather than being convected into the flow. In a typical comparison for a

square edge, a 40% reduction in z^ ^ from a reasonable value to an

excessively low value created a 15% reduction in drag and instabilities

in the solution. Care was therefore taken to ensure for plain square

edge calculations that the shedding position was as close to the edge as

possible, but not too near as to create the above mentioned problems.

4.1.3 Effect of time step size and amalgamation rate

These two parameters are closely related - time step size affects the

overall representation and behaviour of the vortex sheets, whereas

amalgamation rate affects more specifically the behaviour of the vortex

sheets once they begin to convect away from the edge. Amalgamation rate

is defined as the number of vortices amalgamated per cluster per time

step. A low amalgamation rate retains greater definition in the vortex

sheets as they convect out into the field.

Two sets of numerical calculations have been performed to test the

effect of refinement of both of the above parameters. All the

calculations were performed with a value of a/l_z of unity with force

averaged over 8 time cycles. In the first set the number of time steps

per cycle was kept constant at 64, the number used in most of the rest

of the computations; amalgamation rate was decreased from 1 amalgamation

every 2 time steps for a vortex cluster to 1 amalgamation every 4 time

steps. The results of these computations are given in the table below:

Amalgamation Rate Coefficient A

0.500 6.453

0.333 6.552

0.250 6.443

In the second set amalgamation was held constant at 1 amalgamation every

3 time steps (the value used in most of the rest of the computations)

whilst the number of time steps per cycle was varied from 40 to 88. The

results of these computations are given in the following table:

Number of time steps per cycle Coefficient A

40 6.428

64 6.552

88 6.537

The results show that for shedding off a keel attached to a 90° edge

changes in the amalgamation rate and number of time steps per cycle over

the range tested (which spans the range used in all of the computations)

have no significant effect on the value of the drag coefficient.

Similarly, no significant effect was observed on the value of inertia


For the plain square edge also, changes in the refinement of the vortex

structure within the range described above did not produce a noticeable


4.2 Results for Square Edge with Bilge Keel and Optional Rounding

4.2.1 Vortex positions and pressure distributions

A series of four pressure distributions, together with the appropriate

plots of vortex position, is shown in Figures 4.1 - 4.4. These present

distributions for a square edge with keel of span a/l_z = 2.2 but no

rounding. The first figure shows the situation at the beginning of a

time cycle (t'/T = 0); the second figure the situation 1/4 of the way

through a time cycle (t'/T = 0.25), and so on. The qualitative agreement

between the theoretical plots of vortex position and experiment may be

assessed by a comparison with Figure 2.6. The shedding from the left

hand keel is in phase with the computation. No experimental pressure

distribution results are available, but the general form of the

distributions seems correct. A suction peak is observed to grow on the

surface adjacent to the nascent vortex cluster as the nascent vortex

(cluster) grows. This is especially obvious in Figure 4.2. The pressures

on the two surfaces should coincide at the shedding edge. In each of the

distributions as the shedding edge is approached the two halves of the

distribution start to come together before diverging again rapidly very

near the edge. This is interpreted as a feature of the Discrete Vortex

Method in that the discretisation of the vortex sheet means that the

expected discontinuity in the velocity distribution at the shedding edge

is "smeared" over a small distance in the theory, with consequent

effects on the pressure distribution.


Figures 4.5 show four plots of velocity vectors for the case

r/Lz = a/l_z = 1.0. The plots are for one complete time cycle, each plot

being separated by a quarter of a time cycle. A velocity vector is drawn

from the centre of each discrete vortex. Figure 4.5a shows a vortex

cluster growing at the edge. Away from the edge a vortex pair is

convecting towards the bottom right of the picture. In subsequent

pictures the vortex growing at the edge pairs up with a new nascent

vortex and this pairing also convects away from the edge, following the

previous one.

Figure 4.6 shows two plots of vortex positions half a time cycle apart

for the case of r/L = a/Lz = 0.039. Together with these figures are

photos of the corresponding flows on the barge. In comparison to the

keel span of the previous calculation this is a comparatively short

keel. Nevertheless, even a short keel such as this has a profound effect

on the vortex shedding pattern compared with the shedding off a plain

square edge.

4.2.2 Comparison between theoretical and experimental vortex size

In Figure 4.7 experimentaland theoretical vortex sizes are compared

plotted against non-dimensional keel span for a square edge with keel.

The apparent divergence between theory and experiment at the highest

keel span is most likely due not to any deficiency in the Discrete

Vortex Method but due to substantial uncertainties in the measurement of

vortex size, lv , in experiment. A method of matching the theoretical


isolated edge results to the experimental barge rolling results was


4.2.3 Time dependent force coefficient

Plots of the variation of force coefficient, Cpv , with time are

presented in Figures 4.8. Figure 4.8a is for a square edge with bilge

keel of span a/l_z = 0.2; Figure 4.8b is for a plain square edge. Both

figures show traces taken over four time cycles, beginning six time

cycles into the flow. The more structured vortex roll-up for the edge

with the bilge keel, and more random shedding pattern for the plain

square edge are reflected in the difference between the two force

traces. Peak force in the first case is consistent over the four cycles,

but varies quite dramatically in the second. A sudden trough in the

third cycle of Figure 4.8b indicates the presence of a vortex very near

the body side being convected at high velocity.

4.2.4 Drag and inertia coefficients

In the present formulation, drag coefficient (Cp) is equal to the

coefficient "A" whilst inertia coefficient (Cm ) is related simply to,

but not strongly dependent on, "B" (Equations 3.8.3 and 3.8.4). Values

of the coefficients A and B for varying non-dimensional bilge keel span

may be found plotted in Figures 4.9 and 4.10 respectively. Results are

presented both for a square edge with keel and for a rounded square edge

with "bounded" keel (i.e. where a/r = /2-1 - see insets on these figures

for a definition of a bounded keel). Also shown are the equivalent flat

plate values (i.e. square edge with infinitely long bilge keel). Both A

and B should be divided by a factor of 1.62 to provide comparison with

the actual values of flat plate force coefficient (i.e. infinitely long

flat plate) because of the matching technique involved. Keel span in

these two figures is non-dimensionalised with respect to the equivalent

length scale for the plain edge (Equation 3.1.17) for the sake of

simplicity in its use with the matching process. Over the range of keel

spans tested here, length scale was virtually invariant, and equal to

L / The form of the curves for both the coefficients is

z(p lain edge)
almost identical - a sharp initial rise at low keel span, followed by a

slow asymptote to equivalent flat plate values. In the case of the

rounded edge with bounded keel the drag results are, as would be

expected, considerably lower than those for the keel with square edge.

The edge rounding in the former case obviously reduces the flow

velocities near the shedding edge.

Values of the coefficients A and B are 1.995 and 0.051 respectively for

the square edge, and 5.38 and 0.27 for the flat plate. The relevant

values calculated by Graham (1980) are 1.57 and -0.04, and 5.9 and

0.125. Unlike the coefficient A, coefficient B is sensitive to the

numerical parameters in the discrete vortex analysis. Also B is

relatively unimportant in comparison with A. The most meaningful

comparison with Graham is therefore for A. Experimental results for A

for the square edge and flat plate are approximately 1.4 and 4.0 though

there is a degree of uncertainty attached to them. The experiments - see


Bearman, Downie, Graham and Obasaju (1985) - were carried out for

two-edged bodies (i.e. the diamond and the finite flat plate); the

results have been matched to the isolated edge via a process described

by Graham (1980). The matching process requires the use of experimental

results from the very low Keulegan-Carpenter number range,

Keulegan-Carpenter number (Kc ) being defined as:

Kc = S - 1 ^ 1

where d is a representative body length scale (the diameter in the case

of a circular cylinder). Such a requirement implies that the scale of

the shed vortices is much less than the body scale.

4.3 Results for Square Edge with Rounding

This case is more difficult because of the uncertainty over where the

separation point(s) are. On the one hand in the limit of vanishing

radius we can fix the separation point with some certainty. On the other

hand, as radius is increased at fixed flow velocity, experiment has

shown that the vortex shedding pattern observed for the plain edge

(single pair per time cycle) gives way to a different pattern (double

pair per cycle - see Figures 2.7 and 2.8), with a constantly varying

separation point. It was not possible to determine from the experiments

that were carried out in what radius range this change took place.

Eventually vortex shedding ceases altogether. The correct simulation of

the double shedding pattern is beyond the scope of the Discrete Vortex

Method as it stands. However, when the radius is small it seems

reasonable that a fair representation of the vortex shedding may be


obtained by fixing separation on the edge bisector, although this is not

in general the true separation point. The results would be more

representative the smaller the radius is. The approach of fixing

separation thus has been taken here, the method being used for

increasing radius until the computations became unstable. Alternative

more sophisticated methods of determining the separation point could

have been developed. However, at this stage of the research it was

decided to proceed to full Navier-Stokes solutions of the flows around

these shapes (Chapters 6 and 7) and so it was decided not to devote more

development time to this method.

4.3.1 Vortex positions and pressure distributions

Results for three different edge radii are presented. Figures 4.11 to

4.14 refer to a non-dimensional edge radius (r/Lz ) of 0.039. The four

figures are separated in time by a quarter of a time cycle. The vortex

shedding is very similar to that off a plain square edge (see Figure 2.4

for the experimental results for a square edge) except perhaps that the

nascent vortex cluster keeps closer to the edge. In this case the

present method referred to above of fixing the separation point clearly

works quite well inasmuch as shedding patterns are well-ordered and

appear plausible. Figures 4.15 to 4.17 however show a situation where

this approach does not function so well. Non-dimensional edge radius is

0.109; each figure is separated by a time interval of half a time cycle.

The computation appears to be attempting to simulate the double pairing

pattern referred to in the introduction to this section. The large


vortex cluster at the edge in Figure 4.16 has been split in two half a

time cycle later in Figure 4.17, the smaller (residual) portion of the

vorticity pairing up with the new vortex cluster near the edge. Despite

some short periods (such as here) where the computation runs without

major problems, as a whole it is highly unstable and seems to be on the

point of complete breakdown.

Figures 4.18 to 4.21 are for a non-dimensional radius of 0.086. Here the

radius is somewhat smaller and the calculation is more successful. Each

figure is separated by a time interval of a quarter of a time cycle. The

relevant pressure distribution is shown next to each plot of vortex

positions. The general form of the pressure distributions is similar to

those of the plain edge except that the magnitudes of the pressure

values tend to be somewhat smaller. For instance a suction peak is still

discernible in the case of a strong single nascent vortex cluster

(Figure 4.21 - upper surface). There is also a suction peak at the

junction between rounding and straight edge on the surface opposite that

on which the nascent vortex is growing. This is followed by a strong

recompression. This suction peak can be seen in all four cases, but is

strongest when the nascent vortex is strongest (Figures 4.19 and 4.21).

The feature is interpreted as a local acceleration of the flow due to

the curvature discontinuity between the straight edge and the rounding.

4.3.2 Drag and inertia coefficients

Because of the incorrect position of the separation point it is thought

that there will be an error in the drag magnitude which will increase

with radius. Nevertheless drag values are presented here because it is

felt that they give some qualitative guide as to its behaviour and also

provide an indication of the limitations of the Discrete Vortex Method.

The drag results presented in Chapter 7 and calculated using the Hybrid

Moving Vortex Diffusive Method are considered much more reliable. Figure

4.22 shows a plot of the coefficient A against non-dimensional edge

radius. A value of zero radius corresponds to a plain square edge. As

radius increases, drag decreases as we should expect. No results are

presented beyond a value of r/l_z of 0.064 since drag results for

calculations at higher r/l_z are considered unreliable. In these cases,

spuriously high values of drag were obtained when the vortex pairing

switched direction, as it was prone to do frequently for the larger

radii. This led to a sharp levelling off of the decreasing drag trend

which was considered spurious. No plot of the coefficient B is presented

since no discernible trend can be found in the distribution. The

computed values are small and, except for the plain square edge,





In the context of the current research, force data derived from the

Discrete Vortex Method were required to be applied to the problem of the

roll damping of vessels due to vortex shedding. Two different

applications were made. Firstly, the isolated edge results for an edge

with keel and/or rounding were applied via a matching process to the

problem of barge roll damping. In this case the results were input into

a specially modified version of the vessel motion response computer

program named BMTIMP in order to obtain roll damping coefficients. This

work will be described in the following sections. In the second place,

the Discrete Vortex Method as developed for complete hull cross-sections

was used directly in the computation of roll damping coefficients for

the Fisheries Protection Vessel, the Sulisker. These results will be

described in Section 5.5. In this section computed vortex shedding

patterns are also presented and discussed.

5.1 Barge Motions and the BMTIMP Barge Rolling Computer Program

A schematic representation of barge motions is shown in Figure 5.1. The

barge undergoes motion with six degrees of freedom. These can be divided

into two coupled sets, one for sway, roll and yaw, the other for surge,

pitch and heave. Interest in the current work lies only with roll motion

and the roll damping coefficient, B^. Damping calculations were

performed exclusively for a barge in forced-roll at zero forward speed.

Response to waves was not considered.

The computer program now called "BMTIMP" was developed at Imperial

College under joint support from BMT Ltd. and the SERC Marine Technology

Directorate. It was formulated to enable the calculation of damping

forces experienced by a rolling flat-bottom barge of rectangular

cross-section due to the vortex shedding from its bilges. It was a full

boundary integral method involving the application of linearised free

surface boundary conditions, solved by strip theory. Since such a method

is based on potential flow theory, it cannot itself model flow

separation off the bilges and thus singularities arise there. The

innovation of BMTIMP is in the treatment of these singularities. The

flow is divided into an inner region close to the edge, consisting of

the edge singularity and the consequent vortex shedding, and an outer

inviscid region, consisting of the rest of the flow field. The inner

region was modelled by use of the Discrete Vortex Method applied to an

isolated edge, and was then matched to the outer region which was solved

by the potential theory referred to above. BMTIMP has been well

documented - see Downie, Bearman and Graham (1984). It could originally

cope only with barges of rectangular cross-section, but has been

modified by the present author to extend its scope to rectangular

cross-section barges with bilge keels and/or bilge rounding. The

modifications pertained mostly to the matching process and are described

in Section 5.1.2 below.


5.1.1 Treatment of the roll damping contributions by BMTIMP

It is convenient at this point to outline the manner in which the

various contributions to roll damping have been treated in BMTIMP. A

much fuller description will be found in Downie, Bearman and Graham

(1984) who originated BMTIMP. As was explained in Chapter 1, for the

problem of a barge at zero Froude number rolling at small amplitude,

there are only two significant contributions to roll damping, namely

wave (radiation) and vortex damping. Thus the roll damping coefficient,

B ^ , can be written as:

^44 = + 5.1.1

where Bj and By are the wave and vortex damping coefficient components.

Damping coefficient is derived by dividing the damping by the roll

velocity amplitude, defined as coin . The former is analysed traditionally

through the use of strip theory and is independent of roll amplitude.

Generally in previous work the latter, as discussed in Chapter 1, has

either been neglected altogether or been approximated by empirical or

semi-empirical means. Here, we derive By from the discrete vortex

analysis, which provides a completely theoretically based representation

of vortex shedding (see Section 3.9.5); the coefficient possesses linear

or near-linear dependency on roll amplitude and frequency. This gives

rise to the non-linear, near-quadratic vortex damping term.


5.1.2 Matching the isolated edge flow to flow round the rolling barge

The flow field about a rolling barge comprises an inner region in the

vicinity of each keel edge, where the effects of flow separation and

vortex shedding dominate, and an outer region associated with the motion

of the barge and the effects of the free surface. The flow in the outer

region may be found from potential flow theory. Provided the length

scale of the flow round the shedding edge is small compared with a

typical barge dimension (e.g. beam or draught) the flow in the inner

region may be determined by a discrete vortex analysis of oscillatory

flow about an infinite wedge with appropriate edge geometry, matched

locally with the exterior flow field. The power of the matching

technique lies in the fact that for one particular edge geometry and

flow length scale only one discrete vortex calculation needs to be

performed regardless of the overall barge geometry involved.

The principles of the matching process have been described by Graham

(1980) and developed for the problem of a rectangular cross-section

barge by Downie, Bearman and Graham (1984). In this section we describe

the extensions necessary to this process to enable results for more

general shedding geometries to be incorporated into the BMTIMP barge

rolling program. In particular we are interested in square edges with

keels and/or rounded bilges.

The matching technique involves matching of the length scale of the flow

round the isolated edge to that of the flow round the rolling barge. For

the square isolated edge all flows are self-similar so that the vortex

force for any barge of rectangular cross-section can be obtained by

scaling from a unique value of isolated edge drag coefficient. With the

inclusion of a bilge keel or bilge rounding we introduce a dimension

into the isolated edge calculation. Now there will be a unique value of

drag coefficient for every value of bilge dimension (e.g. keel span or

edge radius) divided by length scale. This point is demonstrated in

Figures 4.9 or 4.22. Therefore additionally in these cases we have to

match the value of bilge dimension divided by length scale for the

isolated edge to that for the rolling barge, and a number of discrete

vortex calculations are required to cover the required range of bilge

dimension to length scale ratios for each geometry.

In applying the matching technique two important simplifying assumptions

were made.

1) It was assumed that, for identical external flow conditions, the

length scale of the flow is independent of edge geometry for the

rectangular barge with bilge keel and/or rounding. This assumption

places an upper bound on the permissible values of (a/!_z ) or (r/l_z ); it

is necessary for an efficient implementation of the matching process

which matches the results for the isolated edge to those for the barge.

The flow length and velocity scales, Lz and V , vary by less than 10% in

total over the range of bilge keel span, a, or bilge radius, r, for

which drag results were presented in Chapter 4. This means that the drag

results presented in this thesis for the edge with bilge keel or bilge

rounding can be incorporated into the barge rolling problem by the


matching process as if they were results for the plain edge, provided

the values of the coefficients A and B are selected via the correct

values of a/Lz(barge) or r/l_z(b e) using the graphs in Figures 4.9,

4.10 and 4.22. In the case of the rounded bilge, B is taken as zero

except for r/Lz (barge ) = 0. The above assumption is unlikely to be a

restraint in any physically realistic situation except at very small

roll amplitudes.

2) It is assumed that the bilge keel or rounding are details of the

inner flow and do not affect the external flow around the rolling barge.

This assumption is valid when not only the direct effect of the bilge

appendage on the external flow but also the disturbance of the external

flow by vortices shed from the appendage is negligible. These conditions

are met when keel span or bilge radius and roll amplitude are small.

This is essentially a restatement to include more arbitrary bilge

geometries of the basic matching assumption already inherent in the

method that the flow length scale round the shedding edge is small

compared with a typical barge dimension. The assumption is particularly

useful since it would mean that only that part of the barge rolling

computer program concerned with vortex shedding need be modified.

Modifications to the potential flow solution or the radiation damping,

for instance, need not be made. The assumption is unlikely to be a

serious further restraint on the validity of BMTIMP, since it is only a

restatement of the basic matching assumption of BMTIMP.


5.2 Results for a Rectangular Cross-Section Barge with Bilge Keels

Calculations were carried out over a range of roll amplitudes for a

force-rolled rectangular cross-section barge with and without bilge

keels. The basic barge was the Noble Denton Consortium standard barge

Case 3S with a length of 87.8m and height of roll centre above the water

line of 7.17m; the sectional dimensions are shown in the insert in

Figure 5.2. For all calculations the full scale roll period was 10s,

which corresponded approximately to the resonant frequency. Results are

actually presented at model scale, where the linear scaling relationship

is 30:1 full scale to model scale. For more details see Noble Denton and

Associates (1985). Figure 5.2 shows a comparison between experimental

and theoretical roll damping coefficients in the absence of bilge keels.

Although the experimental data has some level of uncertainty attached to

it, it is clear that theory only slightly overpredicts experiment.

Since in the case of the plain 90 degree edge without bilge keel the

vortex damping coefficient is linearly dependent on roll amplitude, it

follows that vortex damping coefficient per unit of roll as a percentage

of critical damping coefficient is independent of roll amplitude. For

the particular case of the barge Case 3S above it takes the value of

56.2% (see Figure 5.3). When a bilge keel is added, the linear

relationship above no longer holds. In fact, vortex damping per unit of

roll is found to be a function of ai/L2 (p *|a -jn ecjge ) s^nce the drag and

inertia coefficients A and B are functions of this quantity. It follows

from this and the expression for length scale for the square edge

(Equation 3.1.17 with A = 1.5) that vortex damping coefficient per unit

of roll as a function of critical damping coefficient is therefore a

function of (roll amplitude)/(keel span)4/3. This function is shown

graphically in Figure 5.3. This one graph contains, for this particular

configuration, all the information required to calculate the roll

damping for any combination of roll amplitude and keel span within the

prescribed limits. The information is used in Figure 5.4, where vortex

damping coefficient is shown plotted against roll velocity amplitude for

six different full scale keel spans, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0

metres. The roll centre and basic barge geometry are as described for

the barge Case 3S. No experimental data are available for comparison.

The curve for a keel span of zero is, as explained above, a straight

line. Increasing the keel span from zero raises the vortex damping as

should be expected. Smaller keels are relatively more effective. For a

given keel span the increase in damping over the plain edge case is

proportionately greater the lower the roll amplitude. This point is

shown in Figure 5.5, which shows the percentage gain in vortex damping

over the plain edge case against roll velocity amplitude for a set of

five keel spans.

The original computer program BMTIMP is quoted by Downie et al. (1984)

as being valid for maximum roll amplitudes of over 5 degrees in the case

of the barge tested here. The modifications to the program are also

valid over this range of roll amplitudes, provided that the assumptions

contained in Section 5.1.2 remain valid. These provide two restrictions.

First, assumption (1) requires that non-dimensional keel span (a/l_z )

should not be too great (i.e. should not exceed the highest value for

which isolated edge drag results have been presented). This would place

a lower bound on the roll amplitude for which the method is applicable,

but is not a practical restriction since even for the largest keel

tested (2m) the minimum admissible roll amplitude was found only to be

roughly 0.2°. The restriction arising from the second assumption is that

the effect of the keel on the external flow should be negligible. This

would provide an upper bound on keel span and roll amplitude. But it is

not thought to be a practical restriction. The assumptions described in

Section 5.1.2 are thought to permit a keel of at least one metre in span

over the entire range of roll velocity amplitudes presented here,

although with a lack of experimental data this figure is likely to be

very imprecise.

5.3 Results for a Rectangular Cross-Section Barge with Rounded Bilges

Calculations were performed for the standard barge Cases 2 and 3 by

matching round edge Discrete Vortex Method results. Both these barges

are essentially the same as Case 3S. Case 3 has rounded bilges of radius

0.48m; in addition, Case 2 has a length of 65.1m as opposed to 87.8m and

a slightly deeper draught. Graphs of predicted and experimental roll

damping coefficients are shown in Figure 5.6 for Case 3 and Figure 5.7

for Case 2. Also shown for the sake of comparison are the BMTIMP

predictions for a similar square-edged barge, and Robinson's empirical

corrections to these predictions to cope with bilge rounding - see Noble

Denton and Associates (1985). As would be expected, the effect of

rounding in the theory is to reduce roll damping. The general trend of


the experiment is predicted. However, the reduction does not in general

bring the prediction in line with experiment or with Robinson's

correction. Probably a number of reasons contribute to this, including:

1) There is quite a high level of uncertainty in the experimental


2) The error in the theoretical results due to inadequacies in the

discrete vortex model used here for rounded edges is believed to

increase with non-dimensional bilge radius (see Section 4.3.2). That

section also explains that reliable drag results could not be obtained

beyond a value of (r/L ) of roughly 0.06. The region beyond which

reliable drag results could not be obtained is marked by a dotted line

on each figure.

3) Even for the square edge theory overpredicts experiment; the larger

the non-dimensional bilge radius the more the overprediction is expected

to be.

It is believed that the modifications to the BMTIMP program when used

for rounded bilges do not place any further restriction on its


Chapter 7 presents damping results for barge Cases 3S, 3 and 2

calculated using the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method which was

developed because of the inadequacies of the present discrete vortex


model in computing flows round significantly rounded edges. The HMVDM

results are considered to be substantially more reliable for the barges

with rounded bilges (Cases 3 and 2). Discrete Vortex Method results for

these cases are presented in this chapter for the sake of comparison


5.4 Results for a Rectangular Cross-Section Barge with Rounded Bilges

and Bilge Keels

Comparisons have been made with two barge models tested by Ikeda,

Komatsu, Himeno and Tanaka (1977). These are models B and C, both having

a length of 0.8m, beam of 0.28m, draught of 0.112m and roll centre at

the waterline. In each case keel span is half the bilge radius; this

radius is 1cm for model B and 2cm for model C. Graphs of predicted and

experimental vortex damping coefficients (By ) plotted against roll

angular frequency u at fixed roll amplitude are shown in Figures 5.8 and

5.9 for models B and C respectively. The ratio (a/l_z ) is independent of

frequency so that there is a predicted linear relationship between

vortex damping coefficient and frequency. In both cases agreement with

experiment is excellent and better than the comparisons for rounded

bilges without keels. The Discrete Vortex Method predictions are in

general more accurate the smaller the shedding edge interior angle. For

a rounded edge this angle is essentially 180°, but for a bilge keel it

is 0°.

Figure 5.10 shows the variation of vortex damping coefficient with roll

amplitude for model C at two fixed angular frequencies, 6.29 and 4.49

rad/sec. The theoretical curves are non-linear since the ratio a/l_z and

hence the computed vortex drag coefficient varies with roll amplitude.

Theory and experiment agree well at both frequencies, but slightly

better at the lower frequency. An examination of the variation of vortex

damping coefficient with frequency for this model (Figure 5.9) might

suggest that this slight apparent inconsistency relates to the

experimental, not the computational, results in that experiment is

locally somewhat higher than theory around a frequency of 6 rad/sec.

5.5 Results for a Typical Ship in Roll Motion

Section 3.9 describes the further developments necessary to enable the

Discrete Vortex Method to compute the vortex damping due to roll for

complete ships. A set of calculations was carried out using this method

for the Fisheries Protection Vessel, the Sulisker. These are described

in Sections 5.5.2 to 5.5.4 below.

As a test of this version of the DVM computations were carried out for

the standard barge Case 3S referred to previously in this chapter (see

Noble Denton and Associates, 1985). Comparison was made between the

direct calculations of damping for the complete vessel geometry and

those obtained via matching to isolated edge calculations. Respectable

agreement was obtained.


One further test case was carried out; this is described in the next


5.5.1 The roll damping of a circular cylinder with bilge keels

A roll damping comparison was carried out between experiment and

Discrete Vortex Method predictions for the case of the circular cylinder

with two symmetrically positioned bilge keels rolling in an oscillatory

motion about its central axis.

The experimental results were obtained from model tests carried out by

Mercier (1965). A schematic view of the model cylinder with one of its

two identical keels is shown in Figure 5.11. The cylinder shown has an

outside diameter of 15.2cm. A second set of tests was carried out on a

larger cylinder with a diameter of 30.4cm, and equivalently proportioned

bilge keels. Roll period for the smaller cylinder was 1.46 seconds and

for the larger 2.04 seconds. The cylinders were suspended vertically on

a torsion wire and were given an initial angular displacement. Roll

damping moment was then deduced from the roll extinction (decrement)

curves. Mercier defined a roll damping moment coefficient, Crcjm j, as:

damping moment
^rdml 5.5.1
(P/2) Ak Rc ’ (,■*)*

where A, is the frontal area of both keels, and R is the radius from
k ca
the axis of rotation to the centre of area of the keel.

Mercier calculated C ^ j as 16 for the larger model and 15 for the


The computation was performed with the version of the DVM as developed

for the prediction of the roll damping of vessels due to vortex

shedding. It was carried out with 80 vortices per time cycle over six

time cycles.

Roll damping moment coefficient results are as follows, based on

Mercier's definition of C , , :

Experiments 16, 15

Discrete Vortex Method (vortex damping) 18.6

Assuming the vortex damping component to be the only significant

contribution to the overall damping - and Mercier shows that this is so

- the Discrete Vortex Method overestimates damping for this case by

between 16 and 24%.

5.5.2 The Fisheries Protection Vessel “Sulisker"

A series of discrete vortex computations was carried out for the

Fisheries Protection Vessel, the Sulisker. These are described in the

following sections; this section outlines the main characteristics of

the Sulisker.

The F.P.V. Sulisker has an overall length of 71.33m, beam of 11.6m,

displacement of 1532 tonnes, and nominal draft of 4.6m. A plan of the

ship may be found in Figure 5.12; cross-sectional data are to be found

in Figure 5.13. Detailed information concerning the roll testing of a

l/20th scale model of this vessel may be found in Spouge and Ireland


Digitisation of the sectional data was undertaken by BMT Ltd.. The roll

damping experiments on the model of the Sulisker were carried out with a

bar keel of span 0.16m (full-scale dimension) fitted over a significant

portion of the ship (Sections 3 - 18). DVM calculations have been

performed both with and without a bar keel. Comparisons with other roll

damping prediction methods were only available without the keel.

Experimental results have also been obtained for the Sulisker with added

bilge keels. The bilge keels had a span of 0.35m and length of 8.68m.

They were positioned 3.06m below the waterline, 10m apart at midships,

and spanned Sections 12 to 15.

5.5.3 Vortex positions and velocity vectors

The Discrete Vortex Method was employed to compute vortex shedding

patterns for the Sulisker on a sectional basis in the manner described

in Section 3.9.5. The basic computation which was carried out was for a

roll amplitude of 8° with the bar keel and a roll centre 4.65m above the

ship base. Other computations investigated the effect of neglecting the


bar keel, the effect of two additional bilge keels, and the effects of

changing the height of the roll centre above the ship base (zR ) and roll

amplitude (n^). All calculations were performed at full scale. Precise

details of these calculations are given in the table below:

Run zR (m) n (°) bar keel bilge keel

(1) 4.65 8 Yes No

(2) 4.48 8 Yes No

(3) 4.65 4 Yes No

(4) 4.48 4 Yes No

(5) 4.65 8 No No

(6) 4.65 8 Yes Yes

(7) 4.48 4 Yes Yes

Because of the limitations of the method, it was not possible in Run 5

(no bar keel) to compute vortex shedding for all the sections since some

possessed no sharp shedding edge or possessed a sharp shedding edge of

internal angle greater than about 110°, and would have yielded

unrepresentative dampings. By far the greatest proportion of damping is

produced by the sharp sections, so that this is no significant

limitation on the validity of the results. This is confirmed by a

comparison with the sectional roll damping results of Brook (1987) which

were obtained using the roll damping method of Odabasi et al. (1985).

This method will be referred to as the "BMT" method and bases its

prediction of vortex roll damping on a process of matching to simpler


body shapes for which vortex drag coefficients had previously been

computed by Graham (1980) using the Discrete Vortex Method. In the

current work, computations for different roll centres have been

performed due to an uncertainty over the true position of the roll

centre in experiment. The roll centre was in fact believed to vary

somewhere between the waterline and the centre of gravity (i.e.

between 4.48 and 4.65) though even these limits may be too precise

(Spouge, 1987).

Plots of vortex positions for twelve of the sections for which DVM

calculations for Run 1 were carried out are presented in Figure 5.14.

The plots are all of the flow situation half-way through the 4th time

cycle. The size of the vortex cluster at the edge grows between Sections

1 and 3 due to the increased roll velocity at the edge. Between Sections

1 and 11 edge angle slowly increases. This is accompanied by a relative

weakening of the vortex strengths. The vortex clusters at the edge grow

nearer to the edge; the pairs are less structured as they convect away

from the edge, and tend to convect away nearer the body side. By Section

9 the vortex structure is quite weak; the pairing direction has also

switched, so that, at this time instant, instead of a single large

vortex cluster at the edge, there is a less well-structured vortex pair

convecting away from the edge. The least structured shedding patterns

are observed for Sections 11 and 13, with a few point vortices actually

having convected through the body side for Section 13 due to the

proximity of the vortex structures to the surface combined with a

convection scheme which is only first order accurate. For Sections 15 to

19 the shedding edge becomes sharper, with a consequent strengthening of


the vortex structure. The pairing direction preferred by the sharper

edges is re-established at Section 17. Between Sections 19 and 22 the

shedding edge again becomes blunter, whilst the draft of the sections

reduces, with an attendant diminishing of the size of the vortex


Figures 5.15 to 5.18 show plots of velocity vectors for a variety of

conditions. The plots in each figure are separated by a quarter of a

time cycle each, starting at the beginning of the 4th time cycle.

Figures 5.15 and 5.16 compare the shedding patterns at Section 17 for

Runs 1 and 3 (roll amplitudes of 8° and 4° respectively). The size of

the vortex clusters is substantially smaller for the lower roll

amplitude as should be expected. Figure 5.17 shows velocity vectors for

the same section and 8° roll amplitude in the absence of a bar keel (Run

5). There is considerable similarity in the shedding patterns between

this run and Run 1, with a strong vortex pairing structure convecting

out into the flow field in both cases, but the absence of a bar keel in

Run 5 implies weaker vortex shedding, with vortex pairs staying closer

to the body side. Figure 5.18 shows velocity vectors for Run 7, Section

14. Vortices are being shed from one of the two bilge keels present. The

Discrete Vortex Method as developed here is only capable of calculating

vortex shedding from one shedding edge. Thus in the case of two or more

shedding edges on the same section, total vortex damping is obtained by

performing calculations for each shedding edge separately and then

summing the resulting individual vortex dampings. This assumes that the

interference from the vortex structures emanating from each shedding

edge is negligible (see Section 3.9.6).


5.5.4 Roll damping results

In this section damping results are presented in terms of the sectional

vortex roll damping moment coefficient, c ^ g, defined as:

'rdm2 = b / ( “n ) 5.5.2

Total vortex roll damping moment coefficient, C ^ obtained by

summing the sectional coefficients over the length of the ship.

Figure 5.19 provides a graph of sectional vortex roll damping moment

coefficient, crcjm2 5 ^or ^uns * ' ^ anc* 5- ^un * yields dampings which

are consistently higher than those from Run 2, which has a lower roll

centre and would thus be expected to predict lower edge velocities and

therefore lower dampings. Use of the sectional vortex roll damping

moment coefficient permits direct comparison between damping results of

different amplitudes since damping has a near-quadratic dependence on

roll amplitude and c ^ ^ is a function of damping divided by the square

of roll amplitude. A comparison between Runs 1 and 3 on this basis

reveals small but interesting variations of c ^ ^ with roll amplitude.

It appears, in general, that a concave section geometry near the

shedding edge is associated with a lower damping at higher roll

amplitude, and that a convex geometry is associated with a higher

damping. The reason for this may be that a convex geometry effectively

becomes "sharper" the larger the vortex size (and hence the larger the

roll amplitude). This would then imply an increase in damping. The


opposite would be true for a concave geometry.

Comparison is also made in Figure 5.19 between the DVM results and those

due to Brook (1987) using the BMT method. Since the BMT method was

employed for a geometry withouta bar keel, the most meaningful

comparison is with Run 5. Both runs were computedwith the same roll

centre and at the same roll amplitude. Significant differences in the

distribution of damping over the ship may be seen, although both methods

agree roughly on the sections where most damping isbeing generated and

also on the magnitudes of thepeak dampings for the fore and aft

portions of the ship.

The sectional vortex roll damping moment coefficient distribution was

summed over the whole hull to yield the total vortex roll damping moment

coefficient The table below shows values of C ^ £ tor the

present DVM calculations (except the bilge keel calculations), for the

method due to Ikeda et al. (1978) - the "Ikeda" semi-empirical method,

and for the BMT method. Experimental results are given which have been

derived from both roll decrement tests and forced-roll tests. A range of

experimental values is shown, this representing the range of scatter in

the experiment. All damping results presented apply to the full-scale


Method Crdm2 ^tonnes 11,2/ rad2 )

Discrete Vortex Method:

Run 1 (bar keel) 22

Run 2 (bar keel) 18

Run 3 (bar keel) 21

Run 4 (bar keel) 17

Run 5 (no bar keel) 14

Ikeda method (no bar keel) 4

BMT method (no bar keel):

4° amplitude 13

8° amplitude 11

Experiment (bar keel):

Roll decrement tests 9 - 1 2

Forced-roll tests 10 - 13

The DVM computations show that both a lowering of the roll centre and a

lowering of roll amplitude from the values used in Run 1 reduce the

total vortex roll damping moment coefficient. A comparison between Runs

1 and 5 shows that the presence of the bar keel increases damping by

60%. Part of this increase can be accounted for by the fact that, in the

absence of a bar keel, computations are restricted, as described in

Section 5.5.3 above, to sections with sufficiently "sharp" shedding

geometries. This will produce the effect of somewhat underestimating


total vortex damping.

Interpretation of the relative accuracy of the various results is

difficult because of the uncertainty over the experimental damping and

because neither the Ikeda nor the BMT method include the effects of the

bar keel present in experiment.

Comparison between the Discrete Vortex Method and the other roll damping

prediction methods should be made for the DVM calculations carried out

in the absence of a bar keel (Run 5). Agreement is good with the BMT

method, but extremely poor with the Ikeda method, there being a

difference of a factor of nearly four between that method and the DVM.

One should expect the Discrete Vortex Method to be the most reliable

since it provides the most complete model of vortex shedding. There

appear to be weaknesses in the Ikeda method when employed for geometries

such as the naked hull Sulisker geometries which are substantially

different from those against which it was originally validated.

There are uncertainties in the experimental vortex roll damping results

for two basic reasons. In the first place, it is difficult to break

total roll damping down into its linear (i.e. radiation damping) and its

non-linear (i.e. vortex damping) portions. In the second place, there is

a significant amount of scatter in the experimental total damping

results. There are differences between the decrement and forced-roll

tests (forced-roll tests being believed to be more reliable - Spouge,

1987); also, experimental vortex roll damping moment coefficient is

averaged over a range of roll amplitudes, thus effectively ignoring any


variation with roll amplitude. If comparison between the DVM results is

made only with the forced-roll experimental results, then the DVM

overpredicts damping by between 30 and 120%. Of course, agreement might

even be better (or indeed worse) since there could be a greater

variation in roll centre than is allowed for in the DVM calculations

here; also, it would appear that DVM calculations at still lower roll

amplitudes might predict yet lower vortex roll damping moment

coefficients. Thus comparison with overall experimental dampings

produces no conclusive evidence as to precisely how accurate the DVM

predictions are. One should expect the DVM to overpredict

two-dimensional dampings by between 30 and 45% (see Chapter 4). However,

another possible source of error (inherent, in fact, in all three

prediction methods) is the use of a strip approach for calculating total

vortex dampings (see Section 3.9.5). The vortex shedding processes will

be affected by three-dimensionalities particularly near the bows and

stern but the magnitude of this effect is unclear. It is likely that the

use of strip theory will lead to an overprediction of damping.

A table of total vortex roll damping moment coefficient, Cr(j 2 » is

presented below for the Sulisker with the addition of the two bilge


Method S'dirtf ^tonnes 11,2/ rad2 )

Discrete Vortex Method:

Run 6 (bar keel and two bilge keels) 27

Run 7 (bar keel and two bilge keels) 22

Ikeda method (no bar keel, two bilge keels) 7

BMT method (no bar keel, two bilge keels) 18

Experiment (bar keel and two bilge keels):

Roll decrement tests 11

Forced-roll tests 14

Run 6, which is otherwise identical to Run 1 except for the two bilge

keels, shows that the DVM predicts an increment of 5 tonnes m2/ rad2 due

to the bilge keels. This increment does not vary significantly due to

small changes in roll amplitude or roll centre, as can be seen from Run

7, which is otherwise identical to Run 4 except again for the two bilge


It is not clear what the true experimental vortex damping increment due

to the bilge keels is. One can only conclude that the DVM prediction

appears feasible in the light of the vortex damping increments predicted

by the Ikeda and BMT methods.





The limitations of the Discrete Vortex Method so far as the present work

is concerned have been described in Section 1.3. These are primarily

twofold - the inability of the method to model either turbulence or

diffusion in the wake and the inability to predict the separation point,

which is problematical where that point is not fixed by geometry. In the

present research the problem arose in the calculation of vortex shedding

from the isolated edge with rounding, drag results from which were then

to be utilised via a matching process to predict the roll damping of

rectangular barges with rounded bilges. Further problems can be

envisaged in the prediction of the roll damping of more general ship

cross-sections in cases where there is no sharp edge to fix the

separation point. A method for these cases was clearly required which

solved the full two-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. The

Introductory chapter, Chapter 1, explains the choice of the method,

which will be described fully in this chapter, and results from which

may be found in Chapter 7. This method will be designated here the

Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method, or HMVDM for short.


6.1 Fundamental Equations

This section describes the fundamental fluid flow equations, together

with their boundary conditions, which govern two-dimensional unsteady

fluid flow. The HMVDM employs a system of point vortices superimposed

onto a finite difference mesh to produce a numerical solution of the

fluid flow governed by these equations.

6.1.1 Primitive equations

The fundamental equations for unsteady two-dimensional incompressible

flow of a Newtonian fluid with no body forces and constant properties

are the Navier-Stokes momentum equations in the x and y directions and

the continuity equation (Roache, 1972).

6 .1.1

6 .1 . 2


6.1.2 Stream function and vorticity transport equations

By eliminating pressure from Equations 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 above, and

defining vorticity (ft) as:

ft = 2 1 9u
“ 9x 9y

we obtain the parabolic vorticity transport equation:

9ft ..9ft ..9ft . f92ft 92ft

■7TT = ~ U---- V-r— + V 6.1.5
9t 9x 9y 9x2 9y7

We define the stream function (ip) by:

9 y u; 6 .1.6

so as to rewrite Equation 6.1.4 as an elliptic Poisson equation,

V 2ip= -ft 6.1.7

It is in the form of the vorticity transport equation that the

Navier-Stokes equations are solved in the present work. The vorticity

transport equation consists of the unsteady term, 9ft/9t, the convective

terms, u9ft/9x and v9ft/9y, and the viscous diffusion term,

v(92ft/9x2 + 92ft/9y2 ). It is parabolic in time, and therefore poses a

marching or initial-value problem, whereas the stream-function equation

is elliptic and poses a "jury" or boundary-value problem.


6.1.3 Boundary conditions

The above equations are solved subject to certain boundary conditions,

which will vary according to the problem concerned. The boundary

conditions in the solution of the vorticity transport equation are

conditions on vorticity. In the present problem the body side must be

treated with a no-slip condition such that the wall vorticity ensures

zero tangential velocity at the wall. At all the other computational

boundaries slip conditions should be employed such that ft = 0.

The boundary conditions in the solution of the Poisson equation are

conditions on the stream function. The two commonly used boundary

conditions in the literature are either the Dirichlet or the Neumann

(see Roache, 1970), with the Dirichlet typically setting the stream

function constant on the upper (outer) and wall boundaries and to some

inflow function at the upstream and downstream boundaries. Making the

outer boundary a streamline produces the same restriction on the flow as

a wind-tunnel wall. The Neumann boundary condition would be most

commonly used at the outer boundary and involves setting the derivative

of the stream function in the direction normal to the boundary to the

value of freestream velocity there.

6.2 Finite Difference Forms

As a fundamental prerequisite of the computational solution of the above

equations on a finite difference mesh, we require difference forms of

each of the terms.


Forms of the first and second order difference formulae are required

which apply to unequal mesh intervals. These can be derived using either

a parabolic curve fit or a Taylor series expansion. The latter method is

followed here since it enables the accuracy of the differencing scheme

to be ascertained. The following analysis takes after the work of

Salvadori and Baron (1961).

We define a function f(x) whose differences we wish to establish at a

point m, given f ,, f and f We define:

r J m-1 m m+1

Ax = x ,, - x ; Ax , = x -x s=Ax /Ax , 6 .2 . 1
m m+1 m* m-1 m m-l* m m-1

(see Figure 6.1). Then we know that:

f = f + f 1 Axm + i f" Ax2 + 1 f"'Ax3 + 6 .2 . 2

m+1 m m m 2 m m 6 m m


: , = f - f' Ax , + i f" Ax2 , - i f"1 Ax3 i 6.2.3

m-1 m m m-1 7 m m-1 6 m m-1

Subtracting Equation 6.2.3 from Equation 6.2.2 we obtain

- f
■f1 = m+1
"iT» m~l ,1 ^ii 6.2.4
m ” Ax„ + Ax_ n 7 m
't - + 0 (Axm)

Taking only the first term in the expansion, neglecting higher order

terms, yields an expression for f' which is at least first order

accurate, and second order accurate if s = 1. Eliminating f ‘ between


the two Equations 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 we obtain an expression for f"m :

Or- sf
fi, _ 2s m-1,-fm (l+s)+f
v ' m+1- ..
l_flI Ax 6.2.5
- 2 (l-s) + 0 (Ax )
m sTI Ax2 3 m s v ' v nr

Like the first derivative, the resultant expression for f" obtained by

taking the first term of the expansion is at least first order accurate.

For a regular mesh spacing, with s = 1, and taking only the first terms

of the expansions, Equation 6.2.4 becomes:

fm' =
fm+1 ' fm-1
6 2.6

where Ax = Ax„ = Ax_ ,

m m-1

and Equation 6.2.5 becomes:

f , - 2f + f i
m-1_____ m m+1
f" = 6.2.7

The above two difference forms are found very commonly in the literature

- see, for example, Roache (1972). They are both second order accurate.

6.3 Outline of the Basic Inviscid Cloud-In-Cell Method

The HMVDM computer program referred to above originated as an inviscid

"Cloud-In-Cell" vortex shedding program written by Basuki at Imperial


College; it is convenient to summarise the operation of this method at

this point. Although work on this particular program has never been

reported in detail, the method follows closely an earlier Cloud-In-Cell

method also due to Basuki (1983). The later method employs a

rectangular mesh in the transform plane, whereas the earlier method

transforms to a circle. Basuki's earlier computer program is also

related closely to a program reported by Naylor (1982).

The Cloud-In-Cel 1 codes represent modifications to the basic Discrete

Vortex Method described in Chapter 3. These are as follows:

A) At every time step point vorticity is distributed onto the mesh,

which has been set up at the beginning of the computation. The

distribution function used in the above work was a reverse bilinear

interpolation which distributed vorticity from a point vortex onto the

four nearest grid points.

B) At every time step the Poisson's equation (Equation 6.1.7) is solved

on the mesh using the known values of mesh vorticity to obtain mesh

values of streamfunction. Equation 6.1.7 may be solved on a mesh by one

of many fast computational methods; both Naylor (1982) and Basuki (1983)

chose the Fast Fourier Transform method.

C) Mesh velocities are computed from the streamfunction using a finite

difference approximation.

D) Convection velocities are computed at the point vortices from the


known mesh velocities using a bilinear interpolation scheme and the

vortices are convected according to their respective convection


Thus the above steps replace the previously described influence function

method for the convection of vortices (see Equations 3.2.3 to 3.2.6).

6.4 Outline of the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method

The essential features of the HMVDM are outlined here and then treated

in more detail in succeeding sections. The HMVDM represents a joint

development of the basic Cloud-In-Cell vorticity convection model by 0.

M. R. Graham and the present author to take account of the diffusion

term within the Navier-Stokes equations, yielding a method which solves

a finite difference approximation to the Navier-Stokes equations.

The method solves, subject to the elliptic Poisson equation, the

Navier-Stokes vorticity transport equation. Performing the computation

in the transform plane gives rise to a term additional to those found in

the basic vorticity transport equation (Equation 6.1.5), this term being

the square of the transformation modulus (see Lecointe and Piquet,


3ft fa2^ a2^] -

at ax ay az

The solution is performed computationally in two distinct parts, each

preceded by a solution of the Poisson Equation:

1) Diffusion

'd2Q n 82Q nl
Qk = n + At v 6.4.2
[lx5- 3y2 J 8z

where the superscript "n" refers to conditions at time t, and "k" to

conditions intermediate between t and t+At, with vorticity having been

advanced one time step only so far as the diffusion term is concerned.

Diffusion is carried out on the mesh using a conventional differencing


2) Convection

n+1 BC
Q = ftk - At [ X + v30 1 6.4.3
3y J Bz

where the superscript "n+1" refers to conditions at time t+At.

Convection velocities are calculated on the mesh, but convection is

actually carried out using the point vortices, not the mesh.

This gives rise to the following solution of the vorticity transport


f32ftn a2n"
nn+1 = sin + At v At
3x ly^

r 3 f32fin 3 2fin ] 3 [32ftn 3 2d nl11 3r

- vAt2
_ 3x [ax2 ' a y 2 J+ v 3y [ 3 x 2 3y 2 1Jr 32 6.4.4

The solution is only first order in time, with a diffusion error being

convected at each time step. This error is in addition to the error

caused by forward differencing in time.

The HMVDM has the following stages:

1) Perform transformation.

2) (Stage A of the Cloud-in-Cel1 method described in the section above)

At every time step distribute point vorticity onto the mesh, which has

been set up at the beginning of the computation. The distribution

function used is a reverse bilinear interpolation which distributes

vorticity from a point vortex onto the four nearest grid points.

3) (Stage B of the CIC method described in the section above)

At every time step solve the Poisson's equation (Equation 6.1.7) on the

mesh using the known values of mesh vorticity to obtain mesh values of

streamfunction. The Fast Fourier Transform method (Cooley and Tukey,

1965) is employed in the solution of the Poisson Equation.


4) Perform diffusion of the vortices on the mesh subject to the

vorticity boundary conditions.

5) Solve the Poisson's equation (Equation 6.1.7) again as in Stage 3

above, using the values of mesh vorticity computed in Stage 4.

6) Recompute an improved estimate of the wall vorticity and diffuse the

excess wall vorticity out into the field.

7) (Stage C of the CIC method described in the section above)

Compute mesh velocities from streamfunction using a finite difference


8) Transfer the extra mesh vorticity due to diffusion onto the point

vortex system.

9) (Stage D of the CIC method described in the section above)

Compute convection velocities at the point vortices from the known mesh

velocities using a bilinear interpolation scheme and convect the

vortices according to their respective convection velocities.

A flow chart describing the operation of the HMVDM is shown in Figure

6 2

6.5 Transformation

6.5.1 Utilisation of the general numerical Schwarz-Christoffel


The transformation has been described fully in Section 3.1. For the

present implementation the geometry input has been set up for an

isolated edge with rounding; it would be simple, however, to change the

input to any other reasonable configuration, and this is one of the

possible areas of future work.

Two quantities were required as output from the transformation: dz/dC in

terms of C, and z in terms of C. The derivative values on the body at

the junction between two segments are zero if the interior angle between

the two segments is less than 180°. To avoid an infinite reciprocal of

the derivative its value was calculated at a position 1/10 of the

distance to the next grid point out.

6.5.2 Setting up the mesh

The Schwarz-Christoffel transformation has a particular usefulness in

the setting up of computational meshes. A mesh composed of equal

rectangular elements in the transform plane transforms back to a mesh in

the physical plane which is distorted in such a way as to concentrate

mesh points in the regions where they are most required, i.e. in the

boundary layer, especially near to body slope and curvature


discontinuities. Actually, the mesh as described above in fact comprises

a system of streamlines and equipotentials for the uniform flow

situation in the absence of vortex shedding in both the transform and

physical planes, which explains the fact that the mesh is finest near

regions of significant flow acceleration.

For flows at high enough Reynolds number the experience of a number of

workers (see, for example, Peace and Riley, 1983, or Bayliss, Gunzberger

and Turkel, 1982) has shown that a simple mesh composed everywhere of

equal rectangular elements is inadequate. There are two related reasons

for this. Firstly, extra concentration of mesh points is required in and

near the boundary layer. For laminar flow, the higher the Reynolds

number, the thinner the boundary layer, all other aspects of the flow

being identical, and therefore the mesh is required to be more

concentrated near the surface. In fact, it is widely held that at least

three points are required to represent the boundary layer - one at the

surface, one at the edge of the boundary layer, and one actually in the

boundary layer, see Roache (1972). Secondly, the mesh is required to

extend out into the field a substantial distance compared with, say,

some representative flow length scale.

Both of the above requirements could in theory be satisfied by a

transform plane mesh composed of a sufficient number of equal

rectangular elements. The problem would be that for high Reynolds number

the total number of mesh points might be completely unaffordable

computationally speaking. This problem is addressed in the present work

by having a mesh spacing in the transform plane allowed to vary in the


direction normal to the surface (y-direction). It would also have been

advantageous, though not so important, to have a variable mesh spacing

in the streamwise (x-) direction. However, the requirements of the Fast

Fourier Transform only permitted regular spacing in this direction.

The y-mesh spacing in the transform plane was chosen to have an

exponential variation:

y, = b [ea *(J_1 * - 1] 6.5.1


A typical example of the use of the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation

for the generation of computational meshes is shown in Figure 6.3, with

the y-mesh spacing in the transform plane expanding exponentially


An inverse is easily found for Equation 6.5.1:

j = INT [ log(y ./b + 1) / a ] + 1 6.5.2

An exponentially varying mesh has been used widely by other workers

(see, for example, Peace and Riley, 1983). For values of a.(j-l)

sufficiently low the mesh distribution is linear. This fact enables

comparison with uniform mesh methods. It would also be possible to use

other mesh functions. If an analytical inverse did not exist a root

finding process would be required which might be time consuming. An

exponential mesh variation in the transform plane will lead to an even

more significant concentration of points near the surface in the

physical plane because of the properties of the transformation mentioned


6.6 Treatment of the Diffusion Term in the Solution of the Navier-Stokes

Vorticity Transport Equation

This section deals with the treatment of the diffusion part of the

Navier-Stokes vorticity transport equation, that is Equation 6.4.2

above. This mainly covers Stages 4 and 6 of the HMVDM.

6.6.1 Solution of the diffusion equation

This section refers to Stage 4 of the HMVDM

Equation 6.4.2 may be written in a finite difference form for variable

y-mesh spacing as follows:

n n
ft 2ft? . + ft
+ At v i-1 »j 1 >3 i+1 ,j +

sftn . . ” •(1+s) + ft
s+T *
i ,j-l ___ *>j_____ __ i»j+l
6 . 6.1

where Ay. = y.,, - y.; s = Ay ./Ay. ,

J J+l 3 3 J“1

In fact, the method works mostly in terms of circulation values, where

mesh circulation r. . is here defined as:


ri,j = • Axi • (Ayj + Ayj-i)/2

6 6.2

Then Equation 6.6.1 may be rewritten:

ri-1,j-2rL +r^ , j . 2s ^ J - l )
r^ . r1? . + Atv
15 J T >J Ax? ^ Ay?

f sr? . i
i ,j-i (1 + S >r i , j , r?,j+ l [ 9C
[<A y j - l + A y j-2> <A y j + A y j- l > (A y j + l + A y j)J

For an exponentially varying mesh,

Ay.i+ Ay. H Ayj * i + Ayi 6.6.4

Ayj-1 + Ayj-2 Ayj + Ayj-1

so that the y-directi on diffusion term can be simplified to:

32fi 2s # s ri,j-l + s ri,j+l

5+1 Ay2

and this is the form in which the diffusion equation is solved for every

interior mesh point.


6.6.2 Vorticity boundary condition

This section refers to Stages 3 to 6 of the HMVDM

The diffusion equation is solved subject to the no-slip boundary

condition at the wall (see Section 6.1.3 above). Boundary conditions on

the other three boundaries are slip conditions with zero vorticity. A

second order finite difference approximation for the wall vorticity

boundary condition due to Woods (1954) is employed. This may be written

in its circulation form, for variable y-mesh spacing, as:

pn+l 3( C 1 - ^
J !w+l
1w AxAy, 6 .6 . 6
Ay,w Ax -(Ayw +iyw+i)

where the subscript "w" stands for conditions at the wall, "w+1" for

conditions one mesh point out in the y-direction, and the superscript

"n+1" stands for conditions at time t=n+l, that is one time step forward

from the current conditions. Vorticity is positive anticlockwise. Figure

6.4 provides a sketch which illustrates the above points.

Roache (1972) outlines the problems encountered when applying the

vorticity boundary condition. The most obvious one is that in the above

equation neither streamfunction nor mesh circulation are known initially

for the new time step (n+1). Mesh solutions of the vorticity transport

equation which are second order in time will usually adopt some

iterative procedure between this equation and the Poisson Equation so

that improved estimates of streamfunction and circulation may be

successively obtained. Typical of such a method is the Alternating

Direction Implicit Method used, for example, by Peace and Riley (1983).

In the HMVDM this iteration process is not feasible on economic grounds

and would be most difficult to implement computationally, and so an

alternative approach was used.

1) (Stage 3 of the HMVDM) At each new time step Poisson's Equation is

solved first, using values of r1? . , i.e. circulation from the previous
T »J
time step, but with the correct streamfunction boundary conditions for
the new time (n+1). Obtain a first estimate of streamfunction, ip. ..
i jJ

2) (Stage 4 of the HMVDM) Obtain a first estimate of Tw by the method

described below. Call this estimate rw . In the subsequent diffusion

process an amount of circulation is diffused from the wall. It was noted

during numerical experiments with the method that if this exceeds a

critical amount instabilities develop. This is due to the fact that

there is a feedback mechanism in operation with the method which means

that an under- (or over-) specification of the boundary condition at one

time step leads to an over- (or under-) specification at the next.

Whether or not this feedback mechanism is stable or not depends largely

on the size of the error in the wall circulation. In order to ensure

that instabilities do not arise in this first estimate of wall

circulation, an adjustment factor, R, is applied to the wall circulation

formula (Equation 6.6.6) to yield the first estimate of the wall

circulation, , using the value of r from the old time step:

kl .kl,
,kl 3(iAw+1 -ip )
rw 1 n - R) C i
4x(iV AW

A suitable value of R has been found by numerical experimentation to be

2. Diffusion is then carried out throughout the mesh as described in

Section 6.6.1, using the first estimate of wall

circulation, rwkl , to

yield estimates of the mesh circulation elsewhere, r*kl . .


3) (Stage 5 of the HMVDM) This is followed by a second solution of

Poisson's Equation, with these revised values of mesh circulation, to

yield ^ ..

4) (Stage 6 of the HMVDM) A second estimate of wall circulation is

obtained as follows:

3 ( ^ +r ^ )
r wk w+1
6 .6 . 8
Ayw Ax(Ayw+Ayw+i )

that is, the correct boundary condition is applied on this second pass.

5) (Stage 6 of the HMVDM) The new wall circulation is employed to

determine via the diffusion process, but further estimates
elsewhere in the mesh are not carried out, so that n • is elsewhere
X J. Tiki
set to T . .*

Thus the above scheme makes two estimates of both streamfunction and

wall circulation per time cycle. Two estimates are also made of the

circulation one mesh point out from the wall, which is crucially

important since this is where new discrete vortices are introduced into

the flow. Note that the above scheme only advances circulation and

streamfunction to the intermediate stage (k), rather than the new time

step (n+1). The new time step is achieved through convection of the


Roache (1972) mentions the existence of instabilities encountered in the

use of the second order wall vorticity boundary condition. In fact

numerical experimentation with the current method has established a

clear link between these and time step size. It has also established

that the same instabilities can exist even for the first order method.

The strength of the current scheme lies in its exploitation of the

feedback mechanism at the wall to enable a much more stable scheme than

would normally be formulated and thus to enable for little extra

computational cost larger time steps to be used.

6.7 Solution of the Poisson Equation

This section refers to Stages 3 and 5 of the HMVDM

Solution of the Poisson Equation (Equation 6.1.7) is carried out using a

Fast Fourier Transform technique. Basuki (1983) has described the

application of the technique to the Cloud-in-Cell method with a circular

mesh; here we describe its use for rectangular meshes, with appropriate

extensions for variable y-mesh spacing.


The Poisson Equation may be written in a discretised form as:

-2T. .
V zip 6.7.1

where Ay. and A y . , are as defined in Section 6.2. Taking the Fourier
0 J 1
Transform in the x-direction, we obtain:

k jj
-k2 \ . j + dy2
k,j AxfAyj+Ayj.-,)

where 'P='i/(k,j) is the Fourier Transform of ^(i,j)

i -i kx ,
ip.e dx,

k is the wave number, and G is the Fourier Transform of circulation,

We can write a finite difference form of the left hand side of Equation

6.7.2 above using the finite difference approximation derived in

Equation 6.2.5:

J r r ’1'k,j+l - ( - k 2A y ? - 2s) T k i j + ! £ • Tk

2Gk,.i Ay.i 6.7.3


Notice that as always y. is invariant of its x-location. This equation

when applied successively to each interior mesh point forms a series of

tridiagonal matrices which can be solved by a Gaussian elimination

technique. In this work the elimination technique described by Varga

(1962) is employed, with:

-2Gk , ^ j
vj ^kj+l + V ^ k , j + ^j^k,j-1 6.7.4
Ax(Ay .+Ay ._.j)

where v. = 2s_ , y. = 2s^_ , X- = -(k2Ay^ + 2s)

J s+1 J s+1 J ^

As indicated in the previous section, solution of the Poisson Equation

is performed twice per time step, once to provide values of stream

function for the wall vorticity boundary condition, and once to provide

values of stream function for the evaluation of mesh velocities.

6.7.1 Stream function boundary condition

The Dirichlet boundary condition with stream function set to zero at the

inner boundary and the product of freestream velocity and y-distance on

the outer boundary (see Figure 6.5), was adopted due to its ease of use

with the Fast Fourier Transform method. Due to the periodic nature of

the FFT, it is not possible to specify upstream (inlet) and downstream

(outlet) boundary conditions. The FFT automatically sets streamfunction


values at the inlet equal to those at the outlet (i.e. a periodic

boundary condition). This imposes the restriction on the HMVDM that any

significant transport of vorticity should be performed well clear of the

inlet and outlet boundaries. The use of the Dirichlet boundary condition

on the upper boundary requires that this boundary should be sufficiently

far from regions of significant vorticity that its effect on the vortex

shedding processes is negligible. This can be verified by testing the

sensitivity of results to outward mesh extent.

6.8 Determination of Mesh Velocities

This section refers to Stage 7 of the HMVDM

We can determine the mesh convection velocities from the values of

streamfunction computed on the mesh from the Poisson Equation. If the x-

and y- direction convection velocities in the transform plane are u and

v respectively, then we can write from the definition of streamfunction

(Equation 6.1.6):

6. 8.1


6 8.2

The 3C/3z term appears because of the transformation. It has been shown

to be of the above form by Basuki (1983). Using Equations 6.2.4 and


6.2.6 we can write finite difference forms of the above equations as:

u. . 6.8.3
i »J
Ayj + Ayj-i


_ -1, j " ^i+1,j 6.8.4
Vi »J dz

6.9 Convection of Vortices

This section refers to Stage 9 of the HMVDM

The point vortices are convected at each time step in the transform

plane using the known mesh velocities as calculated above. An

interpolation scheme is required to determine the contribution of the

mesh velocities at each point. Generally, such an interpolation scheme

might pertain either to the nearest 1 , 4 or 9 mesh points. Here we

employ a bilinear interpolation scheme which employs the nearest four

points to give an expression for the u and v components of the vortex

convection velocity in terms of the u and v components of the mesh

convection velocities:

4 A
uvortex ~L?-j UL* X


vvortex " VL * X

For an explanation of the above equations see Figure 6.6.

6.10 Interpolation Between the Point Vortices and the Mesh

This section refers to Stage 2 of the HMVDM

At the beginning of each time step it is required to redistribute the

circulation on the vortices onto the mesh so that the diffusion process

can be carried out on the mesh. An inverse procedure to that of

Equations 6.9.1 and 6.9.2 is employed:

6 . 10.1

for L = 1 to 4, where A^ are the areas as shown in Figure 6.7, Ay is the

area of the relevant mesh box, and Tvortex is the strength of the point


6.11 Transfer of Mesh Circulation onto the Point Vortex System

This section refers to Stage 8 of the HMVDM

The diffusion process as described in Section 6.6 above amends the

circulation values by an incremental amount at every mesh point at every

time step. Some method of efficiently transferring this incremental mesh

circulation onto the moving vortex system needs to be provided which

minimises the number of new vortices created at each time step so that

computational costs do not become excessive. The most expensive scheme

available would be simply to place into the flow at each time step

vortices whose initial location is at the mesh vertices themselves. A

more efficient method is to amalgamate this new circulation onto

pre-existent point vortices; this method is employed in the current

work. However, when there are no point vortices near enough to the

relevant mesh vertices, no amalgamation takes place, in order that

adequate definition of the vortex structure may be retained. In these

circumstances vortices are released directly into the flow from the mesh

vertices. The above scheme is described in more detail in the following


6.11.1 Amalgamation of vortices

A first order vortex amalgamation scheme has been devised as follows.

Each mesh box is divided equally into four smaller boxes (see Figure

6.8a). A domain of four hyperbolic sections is constructed as shown in

the figure. A sweep is carried out through all the current point

vortices. During this sweep each point vortex is associated with its

nearest grid point, and the mesh vortex there (i.e. the new circulation

due to diffusion) is amalgamated with it if the point vortex lies inside

the domain and if the two circulations share the same sign. The extent

of the inclusion zone in this first sweep is indicated in the figure. In

a second sweep through the vortices each mesh vortex is amalgamated with

its nearest like-signed point vortex provided the point vortex lies

within the region shown in Figure 6.8b. Amalgamation of like-signed

vortices ensured that the total number of vortices in the flow was kept

within reasonable bounds. Vortices of opposite sign were not

amalgamated, in order to avoid disturbing the small scale structure of

the vortex sheet.

Vortices are amalgamated in such a way that the strength and position of

the resultant vortex is as given in Section 3.4.

6.12 Calculation of Vortex Force

The force due to vortex shedding is determined by means of a momentum

balance formed from Blasius' theorem in the way described in Chapter 3

for the Discrete Vortex Method.

It is necessary to show that this theorem is applicable to viscous as

well as inviscid flows. Wu (1981) has shown, for two-dimensional viscous

flows, that the aerodynamic force, F, exerted by a fluid on solid bodies

immersed in and moving relative to the fluid is equal to the inertia

force due to the mass of fluid displaced by the solid bodies (F ) plus a

term proportional to the rate of change of total first moment of the

vorticity field in the solid bodies and the fluid (i.e. the "vortex"

force, F , which, in viscous flows, is here defined as including the

contribution of the boundary layer to the force summation). Thus an

expression can be obtained for Fv :

Fv = - Pgj 6-12-1

where a is the first moment of the vorticity field, defined by:

a r x ft dR 6 .1 2 . 2

where r is a position vector, and R^ is a circular region r < L. L is

sufficiently large so that contains all the solid regions, and that

the total vorticity and total vorticity moment outside R^ are

negligible, ft is the vorticity field in the infinite region R.

As applied to the problem of vortex shedding off isolated edges, for a

transform plane with the freestream acting in the y-direction (parallel

to the body side) the above Equations 6.12.1 and 6.12.2 yield the

following expression for vortex force:

F xftdxdy 6.12.3

Converting vorticity in this equation into circulation and writing the

equation in a discretised form, we obtain for a set of n point vortices:

F x b.12.4
v V ' m m

which is identical to Equation 3.8.1 except for the use here of the real

part (xm ) of the transform plane point vortex complex ordinate. The real

part of the position of its image is simply (-x ). Equation 6.12.4 may

be rewritten in its mesh form by recognising that the mesh ordinates do

not change with time, but instead that the mesh circulation does:

= ~ iPI I x — r 6.12.5
i SJ 3t i,j
i=l j=l

Equations 6.12.4 and 6.12.5 not only furnish proof that Blasius' theorem

in its present formulation can be used for viscous flows, but also

confirm the validity of the particular implementation used by Graham

(1980) and adopted for this present work. In the next chapter we examine

more closely the use of the formula for one particular test case, namely

the Stokes boundary layer (oscillatory boundary layer over a flat

plate), and then examine the application of the HMVDM to the flow past

isolated edges.



7.1 Test Case of an Oscillatory Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate

A lengthy validation process was embarked upon to check the operation of

the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method. This included testing of the

various subroutines in the computer method, especially those connected

with the Fast Fourier Transform Poisson Solver. In the next stage of the

validation, various practical flow cases of increasing complexity were

computed. These culminated in computations on the oscillatory boundary

layer over a flat plate, otherwise known as the Stokes boundary layer.

The oscillatory boundary layer was thought to be a suitable test case

for the method for two reasons:

1) It has direct relevance to the more general problem of vortex

shedding from isolated edges with edge rounding in oscillatory flow.

Indeed, it may be thought of as representing the case of infinite edge


2) There is an analytical solution available so that comparison can be

made with a known solution.

However, the Stokes boundary layer is not a good test of the convective

part of the algorithm, although the HMVDM, originating as it does from


the DVM, was believed to have a good algorithm for representing


7.1.1 Analytical solution for an oscillatory boundary layer

Schlichting (1960) states the analytical solution for the flow past an

infinite oscillating flat plate. This solution can be adapted to that

for a fixed wall and freestream of velocity:

= Uq sin(cot) 7.1.1

For the above freestream the analytical solution of the oscillatory

boundary layer is:

u / U q = - [e ^y .sin(oat-ky) - sin(o)t)] 7.1.2


k = / ( oj / 2 v )

Now shear stress,

t = y3u/3y 7.1.3

= yl^k e ^ [sin(a)t-ky)+cos(cot-ky)]

t = /2y Ugk e ^ sin(wt-ky + tt/4) 7.1.4


Wall shear stress,

xw = /2 y U^k sin(o)t+ tt/ 4 ) 7.1.5

In other words, wall shear stress is tt/4 out of phase with the

freestream velocity. Force per unit width on the plate is given by:

Fv= tw . (domain length) 7.1.6

Vorticity can be simply derived from the above analysis by recognising

that there will be no changes in the v-velocity in the x-direction (in

fact, v = 0 throughout the flow). Then:

= - 3u/9y 7.1.7

Q = _ /2Uq k e ^ sin(wt-ky + tt/4) 7.1.6

It has been shown in the previous chapter that the Blasius momentum

balance method of calculating drag is applicable to viscous as well as

inviscid flows. In the case of viscous flows the momentum balance

includes the boundary layer contribution to drag as well as the

contribution due to vortex shedding. This can be demonstrated for the

specific case of the oscillatory boundary layer, where the only

component of drag is boundary layer (or skin friction). In terms of wall

shear stress as opposed to force, Equation 6.12.4 gives us for a

freestream parallel to the x-direction that:


d v
T,, = - p T-r ) Q _ Ay. ym 7.1.9
w 8t L m ‘'m m

Writing this in the continuum form,

9v 9u "
Tw " p 9t 9x " 9y, •y dy

But 8x = 0 S0 that:

9u .
V P 9t y 9y dy

Integrating by parts,

u dy 7.1.10
Tw = " p 9t

The full Navier-Stokes equation of motion for the u-velocity is:

9u , 9u ^ 9u 1 9p , 92u 92u
9t u 9x v 9y ■p 9 7 + V 9x2 W


2E = v = 0
9x 9x
So that:
/• o o 0
T = -pV dy

^ _ au
w y 8y 7.1.12

which is the expression for the shear stress to be found in Equation

7.1.3. Thus the method used in this work for calculating vortex force

(Equations 6.12.4 or 6.12.5) is shown to include and correctly predict,

for this particular viscous flow case, the boundary layer (skin

friction) force.

7.1.2 Comparison of the analytical solution with the computed results

Results of two test computations are presented here, together with the

appropriate analytical results. The first was carried out on a 32 by 32

mesh with 80 time steps per cycle at a kinematic viscosity (v) of 0.1,

freestream velocity amplitude (Uq ) of 1.0, and angular frequency (oj) of

0.277. In the computation the y-mesh spacing was chosen to expand

outwards with each mesh spacing being 1.051 times the previous. This

represents quite a moderately expanding mesh. The x-mesh spacing was

selected to be large enough so as to produce a computation where, far

from the edges of the computational domain, changes in flow quantities

in the x-direction were minimal. The mesh is shown in Figure 7.1a. The

above aim was achieved, as Figure 7.1b shows. In Figure 7.1b velocity

vectors have been plotted for every y-wise mesh location and every

fourth x-wise location across the entire computational domain. The

vectors represent the instantaneous situation at the end of two cycles

of flow. The flow at the edges, as would be expected, is different from

that nearer the middle of the domain, but one can see that there is a

substantial region where flow changes in the x-direction are minimal.

Fiaure 7.1c shows an enlarged plot of the y-wise variation of velocity

at a station near the middle of the domain at the end of two time

cycles, that is, when freestream velocity is zero. The full line

represents the analytical result; the symbols represent the calculated

result. The analytical result has been calculated with a phase shift of

-0.011 radians with respect to the computed, so as to compensate for a

small error in computed freestream velocity by matching the two

freestream velocities together. This phase shift represents 0.14 of one

computational time step, which is considered low for a computer method

which is only first order accurate in time. The level of agreement

between the two velocity profiles is excellent.

Figure 7.2 shows a comparison between analytical and computed

time-dependent wall shear stress for two cycles of flow beginning at the

end of the first half-cycle. The computation was carried out with a

somewhat more refined mesh and 320 time steps per cycle. The agreement

between the two results is clearly very good. The main criticism of the

computation is that it is up to about 2% of a time cycle out of phase

with the analytical result.

On the evidence presented above it would appear that the HMVDM copes

most effectively with a diffusion dominated flow such as the oscillatory

boundary layer. This is encouraging, since the strength of the HMVDM is

in its treatment of convection dominated problems, and any weakness that

might exist in the method is likely to lie in its treatment of


7.2 Vortex Shedding from an Isolated Square Edge in Uniform Flow

The case of uniform flow past an isolated square edge has previously

been computed using the Discrete Vortex Method both by the present

author and also by Pu11in (1978). Because of the possibility of

comparison with DVM results it therefore affords a good test of the


7.2.1 Definition of Reynolds number in uniform flow

One feature of the plain isolated edge flows being considered in this

thesis is that they possess no physical length on which scaling may be

carried out, though such a scaling is possible in the transform plane.

Equation 3.1.15 gives an expression for the length scale, l_z , of the

flow in the physical plane based on the properties of the

transformation. Such a length scale can be used in the definition of a

flow Reynolds number, but it should be realised that such a Reynolds

number is not based on the size of the vortex structure, but rather on a

length scale which may be significantly larger than, although

proportional to, the vortex size. Consequently, Reynolds numbers may

appear to be quite high. A Reynolds number based on l_z would be:

Re = Lz Vz /v 7.2.1

where Vz and l_2 are defined as for oscillatory flow (Equations 3.1.13

and 3.1.15) save that here V is the uniform flow velocity in the

transform plane and T is the time since the beginning of the


7.2.2 Vortex positions and streamlines

The HMVDM was run for the isolated square edge in uniform flow using a

64 X 32 mesh with a mesh spacing which produced a high degree of

refinement near the shedding edge, as Figure 7.3 shows. Figure 7.4 is a

plot of the streamline pattern and vortex positions produced after 100

time steps, together with results calculated by Pullin (1978) using the

Discrete Vortex Method (an essentially inviscid model). For the HMVDM

run Reynolds number based on length scale was 3100. The boundary layer

ahead of the vortex cluster was permitted to grow from the surface at a

position five mesh points from the left hand (inlet) boundary. Flow

velocity at the inlet and outlet boundaries was set to attached flow

values. It was ensured that vortex extent was small in comparison with

mesh size. In the plot showing vortex positions the cross symbols

represent positive circulation, and the triangles negative circulation.

Symbol size is representative of the value of circulation.

The comparison between the two results is extremely good, the slightly

flatter appearance of the vortex in the Navier-Stokes solution arising,

it is believed, from the action of viscosity in the HMVDM, although its

effects are unlikely to be too pronounced in this case.


7.3 Results for Oscillatory Flow Past a Square Edge with Rounding

A series of computer runs were carried out using the HMVDM to predict

the vortex shedding due to sinusoidally oscillating flow past an

isolated square edge with various degrees of edge rounding. Results

presented in this section thus echo the DVM computations of Section 4.3;

the HMVDM is shown here to produce results of superior quality and

reliability. The ultimate aim of the computations was to produce drag

coefficient data which could be utilised via a matching process in the

prediction of the roll damping of rectangular cross-section barges with

rounded bilges. Section 7.4 treats this subject in detail; this section

deals with the computations and the direct application of their results.

7.3.1 Definition of Stokes number in oscillatory flow

In oscillatory flow we employ the viscous parameter, Stokes number (St),

otherwise known as the 3 parameter (Bearman et al., 1985), which is

defined as:

St = Re / Kc 7.3.1

where both Reynolds number and Keulegan-Carpenter number are here

defined in terms of flow length and velocity scales. Thus we obtain


St = l
J i = Lz2 / ( vT) 7.3.2

One of the most important parameters in the computations was the Stokes

number. Ideally, one would require results at Stokes numbers

representative of both model and full scale flows. A typical model scale

Stokes number based on flow length scale was of the order of five

thousand for the rolling model barge described in Chapter 2, whilst a

typical full scale Stokes number might be of the order of five million.

It is not known in what Stokes number range transition to turbulence

takes place, but it will depend on a combination of Stokes and

Keulegan-Carpenter numbers; at higher Kc transition will occur at lower

St. It is presumed that at full scale the effects of turbulence are

important. The higher Stokes number is therefore unachievable with the

HMVDM in its present form because it lacks a turbulence model. The lower

Stokes number is, however, achievable. In the computations which follow,

all "high" Stokes number runs were carried out at Stokes numbers

somewhat in excess of ten thousand. Two "low" Stokes number runs at a

Stokes number of 4600 are reported, to demonstrate the effect of varying

Stokes number.

7.3.2 Choice of computational mesh

Correct choice of mesh was most important and was complicated by two

conflicting considerations. On the one hand adequate definition of mesh

in and near the boundary layer was required. On the other hand the

complete mesh was required to be as large as possible to maximise the

possible path lengths of the vortex pairs and to ensure that the

boundaries were far enough from the body and the vortex clusters for the

boundary conditions to be correctly imposed. Because of the

computational expense it was not possible to employ meshes which were

large enough to enable computations to be continued for more than about

two cycles of flow without the outer boundaries imposing a restraint,

since vortex pairs would tend, over a number of cycles, to convect

towards these boundaries.

Four meshes were constructed; these are designated meshes A to D, and

may be found plotted in Figures 7.5 to 7.8. Meshes A and B are plotted

to nearly the same scale, whereas mesh C is about one quarter of the

size of mesh A and mesh D one seventh of the size.

7.3.3 Choice of run parameters

Duration of computations

One critical parameter is the duration of the computations in terms of

the number of time cycles. Ideally, one should want computations to be

carried out over a large number of cycles, for example, ten as is the

case in the Discrete Vortex Method calculations. Then it would be

possible to average drag over many cycles, excluding at least the first

cycle, when drag will invariably be lower. However, with the HMVDM it is

not possible to average over several cycles, since the cost of computing

more than two or so cycles of flow would be prohibitive. Further, the

extent of the mesh is not sufficient to permit longer runs. A more

extensive mesh would require more mesh points which would entail further

computational expense.

Thus, a strategy alternative to obtaining drag coefficients averaged

over several time cycles had to be adopted in the present work. It was

possible to perform integrals of drag over half-cycle, instead of

whole-cycle periods, by replacing Equation 3.8.3 by the following

equation for the A "half-coefficient":

3tt r • 27ft ft]
CFv b,n T d
t \0 W

and similarly for the B half-coefficient.

This approach enabled a fuller assessment of the development of drag

coefficient with time to be made (see Section 7.3.6). It was

particularly important to exclude those coefficients from the average

which appeared to have been affected by the starting conditions.

Experience with the method showed that it was sufficient to exclude the

coefficients calculated during the first cycle. It was therefore

possible to limit the important computational runs to between 2 and 2\

cycles, with drag coefficient usually being averaged over the second

time cycle only.

Non-dimensional edge radius

Edge radius (r) itself is a redundant parameter in the set-up of the

computations and is always set to unity. The important parameter in this

context is non-dimensional radius (r/l_z ), which determines the effective

edge radius in terms of flow length scale. Computer runs were carried

out at non-dimensional radii of 0, 0.0165, 0.0466 and 0.0924, in other


words practically the same range as the equivalent DVM runs (see Chapter


X-wise mesh interval

Solution of the Poisson equation by means of the Fast Fourier Transform

permitted variable mesh spacing only in the y-direction, and not in the

x-direction. The x-wise mesh interval in the transform plane is

determined by two factors: by how many surface mesh points are required

in the rounding portion of the body, and by what the total mesh extent

in the x-wise direction is required to be. These are conflicting

requirements, in that as much definition in the rounding portion as

possible is required, and this is detrimental to the total mesh extent,

which is always required to be as great as is practicably possible. If

such a conflict exists, the only way of resolving it is to increase the

total number of mesh points in the x-direction. In the present work 64

points were used in the x-direction and 32 in the y-direction. It was

found that provided the calculations were not continued past about 2

time cycles the mesh was sufficiently large that vortex pairs did not

convect too near the inlet or outlet boundaries. The number of mesh

points within the edge rounding itself varied between 5 and 15 depending

on the flow length scale. For some test cases, several runs were

performed at different mesh spacings to ensure that an optimum mesh

spacing was being employed.

Y-wise mesh interval

Because of the facility in the program of varying the y-mesh spacing in

the transform plane, it was possible to crowd points near the surface,

as described earlier. The mesh was chosen to vary so that in the

transform plane the mesh interval increased at each station out by about

10%. Because of the nature of the transformation, this implies an

increase of somewhat more than 10% in the physical plane. The aim in

choosing the spacing itself (or, in other words, the value of "b" in

Equation 6.5.1) was to place an adequate number of points in the

boundary layer. The spacing was varied in order to find its optimum

value for each case.

Freestream velocity in the transform plane

Freestream velocity amplitude in the transform plane was varied to yield

the desired value of flow length scale and hence the desired value of

non-dimensional radius (r/l_z ).

Time step size

Time step size, At, was optimised by a process of numerical

experimentation. Too large a time step size leads to instabilities in

the solution and inaccuracies in the vortex representation. Too small a

time step leads to uneconomic computations. The same time step size was

employed for all the higher Stokes number calculations, leading to 1200

time steps per cycle. For the lower Stokes number calculation with

coarse mesh a much larger time step was possible, which led to 200 time

steps per cycle. In all cases the period of the oscillation, T = 10.

7.3.4 Flow results

The table below provides a list of the major calculations (except test

runs) which were carried out using the HMVDM, with corresponding figure

numbers for plots of vortex position and, in some cases, plots of

velocity vectors.

Run Mesh r / L z At St Figure numbers

(1) A 0.0 0.00833 28300 7.9,7.10

(2) A 0.0 0.00833 18400 7.11,7.12

(3) B 0.0165 0.00833 36700 7.13,7.14

(4) C 0.0466 0.00833 36700 7.15,7.16

(5) D 0.0924 0.00833 36700 7.17,7.18

(6) C 0.0466 0.00833 4600 7.19

(7) B 0.0466 0.05000 4600 7.20

In the plots of vortex positions it should be noted that the occurrence

of large concentrations of symbols does not necessarily imply the

presence of large concentrations of vorticity, since the process of

diffusion ma>' reduce the strength of the vortex cluster without

substantially altering its plotted appearance. Also, the size of the

vortex symbols plotted varies as the cube root of the vortex strength,

to enhance the visibility of areas of weak vorticity. There will be

occasions when many weak vortices in a plot will partially obscure the

presence of stronger areas of vorticity. For the above two reasons,

plots of vortex positions can not be seen as analogous to experimental

flow visualisations with either particles or dye. In this respect the

plots of velocity vectors give a more complete picture of the flow

situation. These are only presented here for cases where freestream

velocity is zero, as is indicated by the fact that many regions of the

velocity vector plots contain no plotted vector symbols.


Figures 7.9 and 7.10 show the first two time cycles of a square edge

calculation (Run 1). Each position plot is separated by a quarter of a

time cycle, and each vector plot by half a time cycle. Experimental flow

patterns for the same type of configuration are shown in Figure 2.4.

Experimental evidence would suggest that, after an initial period,

usually only one strong pair of vortices would be shed per cycle,

together with one weaker pair (the "residual vorticity"). In these plots

two pairs of nearly equal strength are being shed per cycle (ignoring

the first half cycle), a situation more reminiscent of shedding off

rounded edges (see Chapter 2). However, this is quite feasible. Two

pairs of nearly equal strength have been observed in experiment; also,

in the present calculation it is possible that if the computation were

extended a preferred shedding direction might eventually be established.

Both of the first two pairs which have been shed approach the body side

due to the greater vortex strength in each case of the vortex nearer the

body side. The first of the two pairs remains intact even by Figure 7.9h

and produces substantial secondary separations (Figures 7.10c and d),


with the two clusters in the pair separating under the influence of

their own images. On the other hand, the second vortex of the second of

the two pairs is drawn back into the main vortex shedding pattern to

form a part of the first vortex in the third pair. The rather intricate

pairing behaviour is typical also of experimental observations.


Run 2 was carried out at a slightly lower Stokes number than Run 1 but

with exactly the same mesh. The lower Stokes number is achieved through

a lowering of the flow length scale. Thus we should expect smaller

vortex structures to appear; the effect of the lower Stokes number

itself should be minimal. Figures 7.11 and 7.12 contain plots of vortex

position and velocity vectors for this case. Flow patterns are similar

to those observed in Run 1, but differences appear noticeably at the end

of i\ time cycles (Figures 7.Ilf and 7.12c). The second vortex to form

in the first pair collides with the body so near the shedding edge that

it immediately becomes drawn back into the shedding process and combines

with a portion of the second part of the second pair to form a third

weak pairing which convects away almost along the edge bisector. This

pair is so weak that by the end of the second cycle (Figure 7.12d) its

presence is scarcely noticeable, although from the position plot (Figure

7.11h) it might have appeared that its strength was quite considerable.

However, the third pair is strong enough also to interfere with the next

vortex pair to be shed by releasing some of its vorticity to be reformed

into part of this pair (the pair to the left of the shedding edge in the

above two figures). In Figure 7.H i yet another pair is seen forming,

but the final figure (7.11j ) might seem to suggest that both these last

two pairs have reformed into one larger pairing. Figure 7.12e confirms

the presence of a strong vortex pair at the edge.


The flow results of Run 3 (Figures 7.13 and 7.14) are fairly similar to

those of the previous runs despite the presence here of a small amount

of edge rounding. The double shedding pattern is still observed; on this

occasion the two vortex clusters in each pair are of more equal strength

so that the pairs do not convect towards the body side but out into the

field. Convection occurs at such a rate that by Figure 7.13g the first

pair has reached the outward extent of the computational mesh. The

general structure of the vortex clusters is very similar to those for

the plain square edge - compare, for instance, Figures 7.13c and d with

7.9c and d.


The effect of a further increase in edge rounding may be seen in Figures

7.15 and 7.16 (Run 4). The nature of shedding of vorticity has begun to

change. Due to the effects of edge rounding, vorticity is shed from the

edge in small "packets" onto the main vortex core (Figures 7.15b and

7.15d, for example). This form of vortex structure was also noted in

calculations performed with the HMVDM for uniform flow past rounded

edges, and is also observed experimentally. Figure 2.8 shows flow

visualisation pictures of the rolling barge at roughly the same values

of (r/l_z ) and Stokes number. Photos 3, 7 and 8 show clearly the same

types of shedding behaviour noted for Figures 7.15b and 7.15d. A rough

correspondence between the computed flow results and the experimental


flow visualisations of Figure 2.8 would be:

Figure 7.15b Photo 3

7.15c 5/6

7.15d 7/8

7.15e 1/2

7.15f 3/4

7.15g 5/6

7.15h 7/8

Considerable similarity between computation and experiment exists. The

vortex pairing is much less well structured than for Run 3. The first

pair to develop (Figures 7.15d and 7.16b) quickly collides with the

wall, the right hand member being almost completely recombined into the

next pair (Figure 7.15e), while the left hand member creates a secondary

separation at the wall, vorticity from which is then convected away into

the field (Figure 7.16c). Figures 7.15e and f, together with Figure

7.16c, show the second main pairing convecting away in two separate

parts from the right of the shedding edge, whilst the last figures

indicate another pairing convecting to the left and colliding with the

wall. The seemingly confused state of Figure 7.15h is actually

deceptive, as can be seen from the equivalent velocity vector plot.


Run 5 (r/Lz = 0.0924) has its approximate counterpart in the

experimental flow visualisation pictures of Figure 2.7. A rough


correspondence between the figures might be as follows:

Figure 7.17a ... Photo 7

" 7.17b ... " 8

" 7.17c " 2/3

" 7.17d ... " 4

" 7.17e ... " 5/6

" 7.17f ... " 8/1

11 7.17g ... " 2/3

" 7.17h " 4

As is the case elsewhere, the location of the regions of concentration

of vorticity should be ascertained with reference to plots of velocity

vectors (Figures 7.18). Because of the large edge radius, vortex

shedding is weak and less structured than at lower (r/l_z ). Two vortex

pairs per cycle are shed, although the second vortex of a pair appears

as little more than a thickening of the boundary layer * see for example

Figure 7.17c.


Runs 6 and 7 (Figures 7.19 and 7.20) are both carried out at a lower

Stokes number than the previous runs; the degree of edge rounding is the

same as that for Run 4. Both figures present the first time cycle of

flow. Run 6 is carried out on an identical mesh to that for Run 4 and

has the obvious difference of thicker boundary layer. Run 7 is a test of

sensitivity to mesh and time step size and is carried out on a


significantly larger, and therefore coarser, mesh than Run 6. Despite

this, the forms of the shedding in both Run 6 and Run 7 are very


7.3.5 Time dependent vortex force coefficient

Time dependent vortex force coefficient (Cpv ) is plotted against time in

cycles (t/T) in Figures 7.21 and 7.22.

Figure 7.21 shows a comparison between Runs 2 to 5, that is, between

different values of (r/l_z ). The general form of all the force traces is

similar. Increasing (r/l_z ) has the effect of reducing the force levels,

but introducing into the traces "wiggles" of increasing relative size.

The origin of the wiggles is thought to lie in the discretisation of the

vortex sheet into point vortices and to be the unavoidable consequence

of their occasional strong mutual interaction, especially near the

surface. Such an event happens once every 100 time steps or so and has a

negligible effect on force averages.

Force coefficient plots from Runs 4, 6 and 7 are plotted in Figure 7.22.

A comparison between Runs 4 and 6 reveals the differences due to an

almost tenfold reduction in Stokes number; a comparison between Runs 6

and 7 demonstrates the sensitivity of the HMVDM to changes in mesh and

time step size. A more detailed discussion of these differences may be

found in the next section. All the plots are of fairly similar

appearance, the two fine mesh plots (Runs 4 and 6) showing much more

detail. An instability in the computation can be seen starting to grow


at the end of the trace for Run 6. This prevented the run being extended

further. Apart from this instability, the force trace for the higher

Stokes number calculation shows a higher level of small-scale

disturbances. It is not clear whether this is a genuine or purely

numerical effect.

7.3.6 Drag and inertia coefficients

Figures 7.23, 7.25, and 7.27 present plots of drag coefficient for the

isolated edge (C^ - referred to here and in the work of Graham, 1980, as

the coefficient "A") against time for various computer runs. In fact it

is the half-coefficient, A2, which is actually shown plotted at every


half time cycle (Equation 7.3.3) and represents the integration of

vortex force coefficient over the previous half-cycle multiplied by two

to yield a coefficient compatible with a full-cycle coefficient. Figure

7.24 shows a plot of the half-coefficient, B; (related to the inertia


coefficient, C^), which has been similarly derived.

The method of calculation of "vortex" force takes account not only of

the component due to vortex shedding, but also of that due to skin

friction. However, there are two pieces of evidence to suggest that the

skin friction component is negligible. Firstly, a rough assessment of

the skin friction drag, in the absence of flow separation, was made

using oscillatory boundary layer theory (Section 7.1), and it was found

to be less than 5% of the vortex drag in all cases. Second, comparison

of force and drag coefficient data for runs at different Stokes number

reveals no significant trend due to lowering the Stokes number and hence

increasing the relative skin friction contribution, although, since a

lower Stokes number would also affect the pressure drag via changes in

the separation point and amount of diffusion in the wake, it is possible

that an actual significant increase in skin friction contribution has

been partially obscured by a corresponding decrease in pressure drag.

Also, in cases where the flow has developed significantly to cover much

of the body, it becomes difficult to distinguish between drag due to

vortex shedding and that due to skin friction.


Figure 7.23 shows the half-coefficient A2 results from two sets of

square edge computer runs (Runs 1 and 2). Run 2 is at a slightly lower

Stokes number and was carried out to determine whether Run 1, which

could not be extended to longer times because of mesh restrictions, had

been continued long enough to provide an adequate assessment of the

coefficient A for fully developed flow, that is, away from starting

conditions. Assuming the effect of changing Stokes number to be very

slight indeed, it can be seen from Run 2 that drag appears to have

settled down by the third half-cycle. A similar plot for the

half-coefficient B2 is presented in Figure 7.24. This coefficient is a


most sensitive quantity and can be seen to vary quite markedly with


Average values of the coefficients A and B, calculated as described in

Section 7.3.3, are 1.398 and 0.017 for Run 2. The same results as

computed by the Discrete Vortex Method are 1.995 and 0.051. Most

interest lies in A, which, if we are to take the HMVDM results as

reliable, the DVM has overestimated by some 45%. This overestimation is

considered quite normal. Experiment (see Section 4.2.4) gives A as

approximately 1.4, which would make the HMVDM result seem most

respectable. The result for B is bracketed by the DVM results of on the

one hand the present work and on the other hand Graham (1980) who

computed a value of -0.04.


Figure 7.25 shows the variation of half-coefficient Ai with edge

rounding over two time cycles. At higher edge non-dimensional radii drag

appears to settle down more quickly. This is especially clear at r/l_z =

0.0924. Average values of A were derived from the above figure using the

method of Section 7.3.3, save that at r/l_z = 0.0165 only one data point

was used, that at t/T = 1.5. At later times in the computation the drag

predictions for this case were considered unreliable due to the

proximity of the vortex pairs to the mesh boundary. Figure 7.26 shows

the variation of these averaged values of coefficient A with

non-dimensional radius. This figure is the HMVDM counterpart of the DVM

plot, Figure 4.22. A comparison of these two figures, again assuming

that the HMVDM is reliable, shows that the DVM overestimates A by an

increasing percentage as r/l_z is increased. This is in accordance with

the problems encountered with the DVM at the higher edge radii and

described in Section 4.3.2.


No graph of the variation of coefficient B with non-dimensional edge

radius is presented since, except for the square edge, no discernible

trend may be found in the computed values. In all cases they are very

small and positive.

7.3.7 Effect of variation of Stokes number

The effect of a nearly ten-fold reduction in Stokes number, with all

other computational variables held identical, can be seen in Figure

7.27a by a comparison of the half-coefficient A^ for Runs 4 and 6. The


onset of computational instabilities prevented Run 6 from being taken

any further than 1 time cycle, yet on the two data points available for

comparison the effect of this change in Stokes number would appear to be

insignificant. Of course, one should expect larger differences for flows

at very different Stokes number, especially when one enters the

turbulent regime. It is beyond the scope of this work to consider the

effects of turbulence; in laminar flow, a change in Stokes number might

be expected to affect both skin friction and pressure drag, in the

latter case via changes in the separation point and in the amount of

diffusion and mixing in the wake.

7.3.8 Sensitivity to mesh density and time step size

It is necessary to establish the sensitivity of the HMVDM to changes in

mesh density and time step size (At). As was reported earlier,

considerable testing of the HMVDM was carried out to verify that it was

insensitive to such parameters. In this work the results of only one

such test are presented. Runs 6 and 7 (Figure 7.27b) differ in that the

mesh for Run 7 (Mesh B) is four times as coarse as that for Run 6 (Mesh

C) and also in that time step for the former is six times as large.

Considering the vast difference in the parameters, and the fact that the

vortex shedding processes presented here are not in any case

deterministic, the HMVDM seems fairly insensitive to mesh and time step

refinement. Also, comparison may legitimately be made with the higher

Stokes number run (4) for the reasons described in the previous section;

such a comparison demonstrates that though especially at time t/T = 1

the coarse mesh predicts a higher drag level than the finer mesh this

discrepancy has virtually disappeared at t/T = 2.

7.4 Application of the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method Results to

the Roll Dancing of a Rectangular Cross-Section Barge with Rounded


The above described drag coefficient results for the isolated edge with

edge rounding may be applied to the case of the rolling rectangular

barge described in Chapter 5 by the matching technique incorporated into

the computer program BMTIMP also described in that chapter. Graphs of

roll damping coefficient calculated using the Discrete Vortex Method

drag predictions may be found in Figures 5.2, 5.6 and 5.7 for the

standard barge Cases 3S, 3 and 2 respectively. Exactly equivalent graphs

using the HMVDM predictions are given in Figures 7.28, 7.29 and 7.30. In

all three cases the HMVDM damping predictions seem to perform well at

low roll velocity amplitude, although there is very considerable scatter

in the experimental data. At higher roll velocity amplitudes, where

comparison is made with experimental forced roll results, the HMVDM

predictions underestimate damping by up to 30% or so, whereas the DVM

predictions significantly overestimate damping throughout the roll

velocity amplitude range.

The possible sources of error in the DVM damping predictions and the

experimental results have been outlined in Section 5.3. Any discrepancy

between theory and experiment here will be due to inaccuracies either in

the HMVDM, the matching process or the experiments themselves. The HMVDM

isolated square edge drag result apparently compares so well with the

square edge experiment (see Section 7.3.6) that the discrepancy between

the theoretical and experimental roll dampings for the rectangular barge

with square bilges (Case 3S) cannot be attributed except in small

measure to inaccuracies in the HMVDM. The underestimation of experiment

by theory in this case at the larger roll velocity amplitudes might

point to a systematic error in the forced-roll experimental results

which could explain the underestimation also present for Cases 3 and 2.



8.1 Conclusions Concerning the Discrete Vortex Method

8.1.1 Isolated edge results

Conclusions concerning the Discrete Vortex Method may be drawn from the

work at two different levels. First the predictions, especially the drag

predictions, of the Discrete Vortex Method can be assessed directly by

comparison with experimental results. Second the predictions of the

BMTIMP computer program, which requires the DVM drag results as input,

can also be assessed by comparison with experiment. This will in turn

provide some insight into the reliability of the Discrete Vortex Method,

but will also test other aspects of the roll damping prediction program

such as the applicability of the matching technique. Conclusions

concerning the BMTIMP computer program may be found in Section 8.3; this

section discusses the conclusions which may be drawn directly relating

to the Discrete Vortex Method results.

Plots of theoretical vortex positions in general follow well the trends

shown in the experimental flow visualisation studies, especially for

edges with keels, where all the essential features are present in both

the shedding and convection phases. In the case of small amounts of

bilge rounding, theoretical flow patterns correspond well to the type of

flow visualised for a square edge, as we should expect. At higher radii,


however, the program, in its present form at least, is unable fully to

simulate the double shedding pattern observed experimentally.

Theoretical vortex sizes for flow round a square edge with varying keel

span compare favourably with experimentally measured sizes given the

uncertainty in the experimental results.

Calculated drag coefficients for the square edge and the flat plate are

near Graham's calculated results (Graham, 1980). A well known feature

of the Discrete Vortex Method is that it overestimates drag - see for

example Sarpkaya (1975). This overestimation in the present case is

about 30% for the flat plate and 45% for the square edge. The magnitude

of these figures is in accordance with other workers' findings. The fact

that drag results for the square edge with bilge keel are bounded on

both sides, in the limit of vanishing keel span by the square edge and

in the limit of long keel by the flat plate, by values which have been

compared with experiment and those of other workers must give confidence

that the error bound for the bilge keel results lies within these


8.1.2 General hull cross-section results

The test computations performed using the DVM as developed for general

hull sections indicated that despite the complexities of the geometry

and the difficulties of implementing the representation of roll the

method was performing well. Drag predictions for a rolling cylinder with

bilge keels were within 16 to 24% of experiment.


The results of the computations for the FPV Sulisker were less easy to

validate against experiment because of the fairly high level of

uncertainty in the experimental dampings and the position of the roll

centre. The DVM overestimates experimental total damping by between

roughly 30 and 120%. These two figures represent approximate lower and

upper bounds on the error, with all comparisons falling within these

bounds. Given the fact that the DVM itself would be expected to

overpredict damping, and also that the assumptions of strip theory are

expected to lead to total dampings which are too high, the DVM

predictions appear reasonable. Comparison with the semi-empirical method

of Ikeda et al. (1978) was very poor, with the Ikeda method yielding an

overall damping a factor of four lower than the DVM. The Ikeda method

underpredicts experiment by roughly a factor of three. There appear to

be weaknesses in Ikeda's method when employed for geometries

substantial ly different from those against which it was originally

validated. Comparison with the method of Odabasi et al. (1985) for the

same case is good. One should expect a correctly implemented Discrete

Vortex Method to yield more accurate answers than either of the other

two methods because it would provide a better model of the physical flow

processes. In fact, it is believed that this is the most complete

theoretical model of vortex roll damping for ships yet to be


Discrete Vortex Method calculations were performed for the Sulisker with

added bilge keels. Since the damping increment due to the keels was

relatively small, comparisons either with the other damping prediction

methods or with experiment for this case were inconclusive, although the

DVM predictions appeared at least feasible.

Damping computations with the DVM for the Sulisker have shown that there

is a substantial damping increment due to the addition of a small bar

keel. The method has also demonstrated the sensitivity of the damping to

changes in the roll centre. It is anticipated that it will be of great

value in determining the effect of even small changes in geometry or

flow parameters.

Computations using the Discrete Vortex Method for other ships would

provide further means of assessing the accuracy of its predictions. One

particularly useful set of tests would involve on the one hand

comparisons between computed and experimental overall vessel dampings,

and on the other hand comparisons between computed sectional dampings

and dampings derived from experiments involving equivalent

two-dimensional sections. This would not only test the accuracy of the

DVM itself, but also the implications of the use of strip theory.

One possible future development of the DVM is its extension to three

dimensions. Although this would require a major research effort, it

would be expected to yield more accurate roll damping data for

three-dimensional vessels than the present strip approach. It would also

enable the effects of forward speed to be investigated.


8.1.3 General conclusions

The above work has highlighted many interesting features of the Discrete

Vortex Method as formulated here for both isolated edges and general

ship hull cross-sections.

- The method is very economical even for many cycles of sinusoidal flow

around intricate geometries.

Sinusoidal flow, in that there is no mean convective velocity, and

therefore any mean convection of the vortices is produced through the

shedding and pairing of the vortices themselves, is among the most

difficult types of flow for which the Discrete Vortex Method is used,

and yet feasible and consistent results can still be achieved for a wide

variety of complex geometries especially when the edge is sharp.

- A variety of different quantities can be deduced from the calculations

without too much effort.

- As the edge becomes less "sharp", either by an increase in angle or by

the application of edge rounding, the method becomes less able to cope

for two distinct reasons:

1) The separation point becomes more difficult to define and hence

the Kutta condition becomes more difficult to satisfy in a

meaningful way.

2) The subsequent convection of vortices becomes more dominated by

viscous effects. Experiments indicate that for the less "sharp"

edges the vortex pairs do not convect out into the flow but convect

along the edge. Also diffusion takes place rapidly so that the

convection velocities reduce quickly. These effects cannot be

modelled adequately by the Discrete Vortex Method.

Because of the above deficiencies in the method adequate results cannot

be provided by the Discrete Vortex Method employed in oscillatory flow

around significantly rounded edges. In such circumstances a full

Navier-Stokes solution of the flow provides the most realistic


8.2 Conclusions Concerning the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method

The HMVDM provides a model of the unsteady two-dimensional Navier-Stokes

equations, excluding the effects of turbulence. How good a model of

vortex shedding this then makes depends partly on what Reynolds number

is being considered, partly on what the effects of

three-dimensionalities in the real flows are likely to be and partly on

the adequacy of the finite difference approximations inherent in the


The quality of results from test computations including the oscillatory

boundary layer case was encouragingly good. The HMVDM was then applied

to vortex shedding from an isolated square edge with rounding. Plots of

vortex positions and velocity vectors demonstrated the ability of the

method to predict fundamental flow processes correctly. Even small

details of the shedding structure which were noted in experimental flow

visualisations were also apparent in the theoretical predictions. Drag

results displayed virtual insensitivity to mesh refinement, time step

size or Stokes number within reasonable limits. The one direct

comparison with an experimental drag result which was possible - that

for the plain square edge - was excellent, the two results differing by

just 0.14%, although there is a degree of uncertainty in experiment.

Comparison with the DVM drag result for the plain square edge showed

that the DVM result exceeded the HMVDM by about 45%, which would be

expected considering the limitations of the DVM. There was worsening

agreement at higher edge radii, due presumably to inadequacies in the

DVM model. In the limit of infinite edge radius, we retrieve effectively

the problem of the oscillatory boundary layer, which was predicted very

well by the HMVDM, the maximum value of skin friction force being

overestimated by 4% compared with the analytical.

The HMVDM drag results have applicability, via matching processes, not

only to the prediction of the roll damping due to vortex shedding of

barges with rounded bilges, but also to other related problems such as

the prediction of damping from a square cylinder with corner rounding.

The hybrid nature of the HMVDM appears to encompass the best features of

both mesh and particle methods. On the one hand, the plots of velocity

vectors formed on the mesh indicate an entirely satisfactory mesh


representation, whilst on the other hand the plots of vortex positions

provide an extremely detailed picture of the vortex shedding processes.

This method would provide an ideal means of analysing in a detailed way

the processes of vortex shedding and making more detailed comparisons

with experiment than was feasible here. Analysis would not need to be

confined to oscillatory flow around isolated edges. It is considered

that the method is capable of extension to other geometries and flow


A particular area where more work would be valuable is in extending the

HMVDM to cope with complete ship cross-sections in the same way that the

DVM was extended. This would be a major exercise, but would provide a

useful tool for the assessment of the damping contribution from sections

of ships where no geometrically definable shedding point existed.

One limitation with the present HMVDM calculations was that it was not

possible to continue them for much more than two cycles of oscillation

because of the excessive computational expense involved. Although the

accuracy of the results was not believed to have been seriously impaired

by this, an important area of future work would be to devise ways of

continuing the calculations much longer, in order to assess long term

computational trends.

8.3 Conclusions Concerning the BMTIMP Computer Program

Comparisons with experiment were made for a rectangular cross-section


barge with square bilges using both the DVM and the HMVDM drag results

as input to BMTIMP. In general, experimental roll damping values were

bounded by on the one hand the DVM prediction and on the other the

HMVDM. Since we can lay considerable confidence in the HMVDM drag

prediction, this might suggest either that there is a small systematic

error in experiment or that the matching process in BMTIMP has caused

damping to be slightly underpredicted.

The predictions using the HMVDM for barges with rounded bilges

underestimate experiment by up to 30% at the higher roll amplitudes.

Predictions at lower roll amplitudes are often well within the scatter

of experimental points. This again might suggest some doubt about the

accuracy either of BMTIMP or the experimental results themselves.

There are no applicable experimental data available for the rectangular

barge with bilge keels, but the experiments by Ikeda, Komatsu, Himeno

and Tanaka (1977) for barges with bilge rounding and bilge keels compare

extremely well with the BMTIMP theoretical predictions using drag values

predicted by the DVM.

Use of the modified BMTIMP program in forced-roll tests in conjunction

with Discrete Vortex Method and Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method

isolated edge drag predictions has yielded the following important


- The modified version of BMTIMP is capable of the prediction, to useful

accuracy, of the roll damping of barges of rectangular cross-section


with a variety of bilge geometries.

- Even very small bilge keels produce a significant damping increment

over the square edge or rounded bilge. Particularly noteworthy is the

increase in drag if a "bounded" keel (i.e. of span 0.414 r) is added to

a rounded bilge.

- The trend of the damping versus roll amplitude curve for both the edge

with keel and the rounded bilge is that the damping at low roll

amplitude diverges from that for the square bilge. At the higher

amplitudes, however, the two curves run parallel.

Further experimental evidence would be useful in establishing the

validity of the current modifications in matching to the BMTIMP barge

rolling program and to fix the domain within which the assumptions

underlying the modifications may be considered to be valid. This

experimentation could include forced--roll tests on a rectangular

cross-section barge with different sizes of bilge keel and different

degrees of bilge rounding. The experiments could also include tests on a

freely floating barge in regular beam waves, since the program has also

been modified to cope with this condition.




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Bilge keel spans tested Bilge radii tested

(mm) (mm)
1 (chamfered) square edge
2 13
6 25

Figure 2.1 Details of the model barge.


Figure 2.2 Schematic representation of experimental apparatus.


Figure 2.3 Flow visualization of vortex shedding from a rolling barge

with rounded edges and bilge keels. Bilge radius, r = 13 mm;
keel span, a = 13 mm; roll angular frequency, w = 1.5 rad/sec;
and roll amplitude, fi = 1 1 . 4 degrees.

Figure 2.4 Visualization of flow round a rolling barge at successive

stages through one cycle of vortex shedding, using tracer
particles. Barge with square edges; roll angular frequency,
a) = 4.0 rad/sec; and roll amplitude, n = 9.9 degrees.

Figure 2.5 Visualization of flow round a rolling barge at successive

stages through one cycle of vortex shedding, using dye.
Barge with square edges and bilge keels; keel span,
a = 25 mm; roll angular frequency, w = 6.0 rad/sec; and
roll amplitude, n = 5.7 degrees.

Figure 2.6 Visualization of flow round a rolling barge at successive

stages through one cycle of vortex shedding, using tracer
particles. Barge with square edges and bilge keels;
keel span, a = 76 mm; roll angular frequency, w = 4.0 rad/sec;
and roll amplitude, q = 5.7 degrees.

Figure 2.7 Visualization of flow round a rolling barge at successive

stages through one cycle of vortex shedding, using dye.
Barge with rounded edges; bilge radius, r = 25 mm; roll
angular frequency, go = 1.5 rad/sec; and roll amplitude,
n = 1 1 . 4 degrees.

2 6

•\ Ig,

a B

Figure 2.8 Visualization of flow round a rolling barge at successive

stages through one cycle of vortex shedding, using dye.
Barge with rounded edges; bilge radius, r = 13 mm; roll
angular frequency, oo = 1.5 rad/sec; and roll amplitude,
fj = 1 1 . 4 degrees.

a 8

Figure 2.9 Visualization of flow round a rolling barge at successive

stages through one cycle of vortex shedding, using dye.
Barge with rounded edges and bilge keels; bilge radius,
r = 13 mm; keel span, a = 6 mm; roll angular frequency,
a) = 1.5 rad/sec; and roll amplitude, n = 11.4 degrees.

1 5

2 6

3 7


Figure 2.10 Visualization of flow round a rolling barge at successive

stages through one cycle of vortex shedding, using dye.
Barge with rounded edges and bilge keels; bilge radius,
r 13 mm; keel span, a = 13 mm; roll angular frequency,
w = 1.5 rad/sec; and roll amplitude, n = 11.4 degrees.

Figure 2.11 Flow visu al ization using twin dye sources of the vortex
shedding fr om a rolling barge with square edges and
bilge keels. Keel span, a = 76 mm; roll angular frequency,
a) = 4.0 rad/sec; and roll amplitude, n = 5.7 degrees.

Physical plane Transform plane

Figure 3.1 General numerical Schwarz-Christoffel



Transform plane

Figure 3.2 Schwarz-Christoffel transformation applied

to the plain isolated edge.

(0 + iVb)

a - (O+Oi)

a ^ (0- iVb)

Transform plane

F i g u r e 3.3 S c h w a r z - C h r i s t o f f e l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a p pl ie d
to the isolated edge w i t h bi l g e keel.

F i g u r e 3.4 Ma i n fe at ur es of the D i s c r e t e Vort ex Method

as a p p l i e d to bluff bodies.

F i g u r e 3.5 Schwarz-Christoffel transformation applied

to a ba si c hull c r o s s - s e c t i o n .

F i g u r e 3.6 R e p r e s e n t a t i o n of roll in the physical plane.


/ x (u-iv) at )

F i g u r e 3.7 R e p r e s e n t a t i o n of roll in the

t r an sf or m plane.

F i g u r e 3.8 R e p r e s e n t a t i o n of roll for a ship section

using roll and sw ay components.

□ LOWER SURF AC E — 11.0


—9 .0

— 8.0 Y
—7 .0

— 6.0 X

—5 .0



F i g u r e 4.1 P r e s s u r e d i s t r i b u t i o n a nd v o r t e x positions. Non-dimensional keel span,

a / L z = 2.2; t ' / T = 0.0,


□ — 9 .0

0 8.0

□ 0

—7 .0 X

□ o
^•-6 •0

□ — 5.0 °ao *o
o j
car Bno _

□ D *«o g
— 4.0 aODnn

o ro
0 -3 .0 o

— 2.0

o — 1 .0
0.50 l 0.0
o cbi -o
0 2.0
o o
O O o



Figure 4.2 Pressure distribution and vortex positions. Non-dimensional keel span,
a/Lz = 2.2; t'/T = 0.25.

LOWER S U R F AC E — 11.0
— 10.0 P R E SS U R E Y

-9 .0

b-8.0 X Y
-7 .0

[P -5 .0

-4 .0
O □ — 3.0

o □ 2-0
o -

o o o □
o -1.0

0.50 l ■0.0

-1 -0
□ [3
□ -2.0

□ □ □ □ -3.0

C14 . 0

Figure 4.3 Pressure distribution and vortex positions. Non-dimensional keel span,
a/L, = 2.2; t'/T = 0.50 .

□ LOWER S U R F R C E — 11.0
— 9.0 X

-7 .0
n□ □o □
© o o13 n B®
oo — 6.0
o — 5.0
o CL-4.0
0 —3.0

— 2-0

— 1.0

0.50 l EH3.0

□ -1 .0

□ -2.0

[13 .0

□ -4.0
□ □ □
□ □ □ □ □
------------ 0 1STf i NCE FROM S H E D D I N G E D GE

Figure 4.4 Pressure distribution and vortex positions. Non-dimensional keel span,
a/L = 2.2; t'/T = 0.75 ,
Figure 4.5c t'/T = 0.5
Figures 4.5 Velocity vectors at successive stages through one time cycle. Non-dimensional
edge radius, r/l_z = 1.0; non-dimensional keel span, a/Lz = 1.0.

Beginning of time cycle

Half way through time cycle


o O

Figure 4.6 Comparison between theoretical vortex positions and experimental flow visualization;
rounded edges with bilge keels, r/[_z = 0.039, a/l_z = 0.039.

Figure 4.7 Comparison between experimental and theoretical vortex

sizes plotted as a function of non-dimensional keel
span, a/Lz .
O experiment; — *— theory

Figure 4.8a Trace of time dependent vortex force coefficient

(Cp ) against time in cycles (t/T).
Non-dimensional keel span, a/l_z = 0.2.

Figure 4.8b Trace of time dependent vortex force coefficient

(Cpv ) against time in cycles (t/T). Square edge.

■©— square edge with keel; Q— rounded edge with bounded keel (a/r = /2 - 1).

■©— square edge with keel; ■g— rounded edge with bounded keel (a/r = /2 1 ).

Figure 4.12 t'/T = 0.25

Figure 4.14 t'/T = 0.75

Figures 4.11 - 4.14 show computed vortex positions for a rounded edge at
successive stages through a time cycle, Non-dimensional edge
radius, r/Lz = 0.039.

Figure 4.16 t'/T = 0.5

Figures 4.15 - 4.17 show computed vortex positions for a rounded edge at
successive stages through a time cycle. Non-dimensional edge
radius, r/L = 0.109.

— 8.0

- 6.0

— 5. 0

— 3- 0
O ©
O 2.0
Q -

O O — 1.0
Y *
□ Q


Figure 4.18 Pressure distribution and vortex positions. Non-dimensional edge radius,
r/Lz = 0.086; t'/T = 0.0.



— 6.0

— 5.0

— 4.0



Figure 4.19 P r e s s u r e d i s t r i b u t i o n and v o r t e x positions. Non-dimensional e d g e radius,

r/l_z = 0 . 0 8 6 ; t ’/T = 0.25.

— 8.0

— 6.0

— 5.0

— 4.0

— 3.0

— 2.0

— 1 .0


Figure 4.20 Pressure distribution and vortex positions. Non-dimensional edge radius,
r/Lz = 0.086; t'/T = 0.5.
— 8.0



[&4 .0



F i g u r e 4.21 Pressure distribution and vortex positions. Non-dimensional edge radius

r / L z = 0 . 0 8 6 ; t ’/T = 0.75.

I_________ i_________ i_________ i_________ i_________ i

0 0*02 0-04 0-06 0-08 0*10

r / Lz

Figure 4.22 Plot of coefficient A against non-dimensional

edge radius, r/L , for rounded edges, calculated
using the Discrete Vortex Method.

f)1 = su rge, ij2 = s w a y , t \3 = h e a v e

t \4 = roll , i)5 = pitch, \ = y a w

Figure 5.1 Schematic representation of barge motions

(reproduced from Downie, Bearman and
Graham, 1984).



Figure 5.2 Variation of the roll damping coefficient with roll velocity amplitude
cor| for barge Case 3S (model scale values). Theory calculated using the
Discrete Vortex Method.
B /A
V/fU x 100°/o









n a / qZ>/3
0 001 0*01 0*1 1-0 10

Figure 5.3 Variation of vortex damping coefficient, per unit of roll, as a percentage
of critical damping coefficient, with roll amplitude/(keel span)^^.
Forced roll test.
( Nm / Rad / S e c )

Figure 5.4 Variation of By with for keels of different spans (model scale).

Full scale keel spans: . ,— Q — . 2m; — e — 1m; 0.5m; — 0.2m;

— ^— 0.1m; — X— no keel - equivalent to Case 3S.

Figure 5.5 Percentage gain in-vortex damping over square edge case for'keels of different
spans, as a function of roll velocity amplitude (model scale).

Full scale keel spans: ■e— 2m; ■B— lm; ■A— 0.5m; — §— 0.2m,
— 0.1m.
-------- 0 ------ THEORY SHARP CORNER BILGE RADIUS 0-48m
2 -7m

274m !


OJrj^ (Rad/Sec)

Figure 5.6 Variation of the roll damping coefficient with roll velocity amplitude
ojtV for barge Case 3 (model scale values). Theory calculated using the
Discrete Vortex Method.
-------- 0------- THEORY ROUNDED BILGE
X M 2-9m
27-Am l

Figure 5.7 Variation of the roll damping coefficient with roll velocity amplitude

can for barge Case 2 (model scale v a l u e s ) -. Theory calculated using the
Discrete Vortex Method.
( Nm / Rad /Sec)

GO (Rad /Sec )

Fi g u r e 5.8 V a r i a t i o n of B v wi th roll an gu la r f r e q u e n c y w for Ikeda's barge model B;

(beam 0.28m, d r a f t 0.1T2m, keel span a = 0.5 cm, bilge radius r = 1cm).
<b ----- THEORY
U1 0-227 Rad


Fi g u r e 5.9 V a r i a t i o n o f B v wi th roll a n g u l a r f r eq ue nc y oj for Ikeda's barge model C;

(beam 0.28m, d r a f t 0.112m, keel span a = 1cm, bilge radius r = 2 cm).


F i g u r e 5.10 V a r i a t i o n of Bv wi t h roll a m p l i t u d e h4 for Ikeda's barge model C;

(beam 0.28m, d r a f t 0.112m, keel span a = 1 cm, bilge radius r = 2 c m ) .


F i g u r e 5.11 D i a g r a m of model cylinder.



i i
1 1 t


Figure 5.12 F.P.V. Sulisker general arrangement.


F i g u r e 5.13 F.P.V. Sulisker cross-sectional data.
Figure 5.14 Computed vortex positions for a selection of sections from the F.P.V. Sulisker.
Run 1, t/T = 4.5 .
S e c t i o n 15 Sect i o n 17
S e c t i o n 13

Section 21 Section 22
Section 19


F i g u r e 5.14 (cont'd)

Figure 5.15 V e l o c i t y v e c t o r s at s u c c e s s i v e s t a g e s t h r o u g h o ne t i m e c y c l e .
R un 1; S e c t i o n 17 of t h e F.P.V. S u l i s k e r .
2 38

Figure 5.16 V e l o c i t y v e c t o r s at s u c c e s s i v e s t a g e s t h r o u g h o n e t i m e c y cle.

Run 3; S e c t i o n 17 o f t h e F.P. V . S u l i s k e r .

Figure 5.17 V e l o c i t y v e c t o r s at s u c c e s s i v e s t a g e s t h r o u g h o ne t i m e cycle.

R u n 5; S e c t i o n 17 o f t h e F . P.V. S u l i s k e r .
2 40

F i g u r e 5.18 V e l o c i t y vectors at s u c c e s s i v e stages thro u g h one time cycle.

Run 7; S ection 14 of the F.P.V. Sulisker, with bilge keels.

(tonnes m l rad )

Figure 5.19 Distributions of sectional vortex rol 1 damping moment coefficient, .c d

for Discrete Vortex Method Runs 1-3 and 5 and for the BMT method. F.P.V.

Ax m-1. Ax m

X_ 9
Xm 1
- xm 0

Figure 6.1 Definition of mesh spacing employed

in the derivation of finite difference

Figure 6.2 Flow chart of the Hybrid Moving Vortex

Diffusive Method.
Physical plane Transform plane

Figure 6.3 Application of the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation to the generation of

computational meshes. In the transform plane the x-mesh spacing is regular;
the y-mesh spacing expands exponentially outwards.

1.2 r..2

A y..i

t.i r..,

\ ^ -\* \ \— ^ ^ — 'n— ^ .

Typical velocity
profile near the
wal 1

Figure 6.4 The no-slip vorticity boundary condition.

O u te r (upper) boundary

cons ta n t j = MY
In le t Outlet
(upstream) (downstream)
boundary boundary
Ay, direction
y T T

X 1 =0
A \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^~ V \ \ "V V V \ \ \ \ j=1
*“ Wall boundary i=NX

Figure 6.5 Boundary conditions on stream function.


\ = V W \
Figure 6.6 The velocity interpolation scheme.

A I = A 1 + A 2 + A 3+ A 4

Figure 6.7 Redistribution of point vorticity onto

the mesh system.
---------------------i--------------------- --------------------- 1--------------------- -
(Kj+1) | (i,j+1) j (i+1 j+1)
I 1
I I l 1
I I ___________ I 1
i i
x tu ) !
( K j) i /£ . H I
k \/ 1 k \ \ \ v
! ^ y 7 i
l i
i 1
i i I 1
i i I 1
(ij-1 ) j (i+1,j-1) .(i - 1 , j - 1 ) |
____________ 1____________

KEY : Inclusion zone

Figure 6.8a First Figure 6.8b Second

amalgamation of amalgamation of
like-signed vortices like-signed vortices

Figure 6.8 Definition of the inclusion zone for the various stages of the
vortex amalgamation process.
2 48

Figure 7.1a Oscillatory boundary layer over a

flat plate: computational mesh.

Figure 7.1b Oscillatory boundary layer over a

flat plate: velocity vectors over
the computational domain at the end
of the second time cycle.

□ Computational re su lt
----- Analytical re su lt

Figure 7.1c Oscillatory boundary layer over a flat plate:

detail of velocity distribution at one x-station
at the end of the second time cycle.
KEY : ---------Computational result; --------- Analytical result

Figure 7.2 Oscillatory boundary layer over a flat plate: comparison between analytical and
computed wall shear stress".

Figure 7.3 Plain square edge in uniform flow: computational mesh.


Key: ..... vortex sheet; — *— streamlines

Figure 7.4 Plain square edge in uniform flow: Comparison of flow character!’sties as
calculated by the Discrete Vortex Method (reproduced from Pull in, 1978)
and the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method.
< (

Figure 7.5 Computational Mesh A.
Figure 7.6 Computational Mesh B .
Figure 7.7 Computational Mesh C ,

Figure 7.8 Computational Mesh D .

Figures 7.9 Vortex positions at successive stages through two time cycles.
Run 1; Square edge.

Figures 7.9 (cont'd)


Figures 7.10 Velocity vectors at successive stages through two time cycles.
Run 1; Square edge.

Figures 7.10 (cont'd)


Figures 7.11 Vortex positions at successive stages through two and a half time
cycles. Run 2; Square edge.

Figures 7.11 (cont'd)


Figures 7.11 ( c o n t ’d)


Figures 7.12 Velocity vectors at successive stages through two and a half time
cycles. Run 2 ; Square edge.

Figures 7.12 (cont'd)


F i g u r e s 7.12 (cont'd)

Figures 7.13 Vortex positions at successive stages through one and three quarter

time cycles. Run 3; non-dimensional edge radius, r/Lz = 0.016


Figures 7.13 ( c on t' d)


Figures 7.14 Velocity vectors at successive stages through one and three quarter
time cycles. Run 3; non-dimensional edge radius, r/L = 0.0165.

Figures 7.14 (cont'd)


Figures 7.15 Vortex positions at successive stages through two time cycles.
Run 4; non-dimensional edge radius, r/l_z = 0.0466.

Figures 7.15 (cont'd)


F i g u r e s 7.16 V e l o c i t y ve ct or s at s u c c e s s i v e stages t h ro ug h two t i me cycles.

Run 4; n o n - d i m e n s i o n a l edge radius, r/L = 0.0466.

Figures 7.16 (cont'd)


Figures 7.17 Vortex positions at successive stages through two time cycles.
Run 5; non-dimensional edge radius, r/l_z = 0.0924.

Figures 7.17 (cont'd)


Figures 7.18 Velocity vectors at successive stages through two time cycles.
Run 5; non-dimensional edge radius, r/Lz = 0.0924.

Figures 7.18 (cont'd)


Figures 7.19 Vortex positions at successive stages through one time cycle.
Run 6; non-dimensional edge radius, r/l_z = 0.0466.

Figures 7.20 Vortex positions at successive stages through one time cycle.
Run 7; non-dimensional edge radius, r/L = 0.0466.



Figure 7.21 Traces of time depe nd en t vortex force coef fi ci en t

(Cpv ) ag a i n s t time in cycles (t/T) for d i ff er en t
values of non-dimensional edge radius, r/L .

F i g u r e 7. 2 2 Tr a c e s of time d e p e n d e n t vort ex force c o e f f i c i e n t

(Cpv ) a g a i n s t time in cycles (t/T) for d i f f e r e n t
S t o k e s numbers, m e s h e s and time step sizes.

Fi g u r e 7.23 H a l f - c o e f f i c i e n t , A^, versus time in cycl es (t/T)

C o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n Runs 1 and 2.


□ 28300, RUN 1
o 18400, RUN 2

m 0.0225 a 0

L l_
L l_ 0.0150
I 0
< 0.0075


0 .0 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0 2.5


F i g u r e 7. 2 4 Half-coefficient, B 1# versus time in cycl es (t/T)
C o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n Runs 1 and 2.

2.0 J.


□ 0.0. RUN 2
o 0.0165. RUN 3
A 0.0466. RUN 4
+ 0.0924. RUN 3

1 .5 -

l .0 -

0.5 -

+ ---------- + ---------- +
0.0 - — i—
0. 0.5 1 .0 I .5 2 .0 2.5


Figure .25 Half-coefficient, , versus time in cycles (t/T).

Comparison between Runs 2 to 5.

Figure 7.26 Plot of coefficient A against non-dimensional edge

radius, r/l_z , for rounded edges, calculated using
the Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method.


a 36700. RUN 4
< 0.6 © 4600. RUN e

Ll 0.4 -
< 0.2 -

0.0 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0 2-5


Figure 7.27a Half-coefficient, A 1S versus time in cycles (t/T)

Comparison between Runs 4 and 6.



□ C. d T -0 .0 0 0 3 3 , RUN 4
© C. A T -0 .0 0 8 3 3 , RUN 6
A B, 4 T -0 .0 5 . RUN 7
< 0.6 -

Ll I

0 .0 - l - T —r - .—T ■ .................................................I ■■ . . - I - I ............................ .......... ...................

0 .0 0.5 1 -0 1.5 2.0 2 .5


Figure 7.27b Half-coefficient, A,, versus time in cycles (t/T)
Comparison between Runs 4, 6 and 7.



I 2*7m

Figure 7.28 Variation of the roll damping coefficient with roll velocity amplitude
con for barge Case 3S (model scale values). Theory calculated using the
Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method.
-------- 0 ------ THEORY SHARP CORNER BILGE RADIUS 0-48m

Figure 7.29 Variation of the roll damping coefficient with roll velocity amplitude
wri for barge Case 3 (model scale values). Theory calculated using the
Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method.
27-4m ~7

Figure 7.30 Variation of the roll damping coefficient with roll velocity amplitude
con for barge Case 2 (model scale values). Theory calculated using the
Hybrid Moving Vortex Diffusive Method.

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