CBSE Class 5 Computer Science Worksheet

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Class V Computer Science Worksheet ( on SA 2 format ) Name ____________________________________

Syllabus : Ch. 8,9,1 and 11 ( four ch.)

Sec. ________ Roll No. ________
Paste your worksheet in the copy and write the answers in the copy.
A. Circle ONLY ONE appropriate option of the following :
1) In which of the following views can we change the layout ?
a) Normal c) Slide show
b) Slide sorter d) both a and b
2) Of the following mentioned on which toolbar is the textbox?
a) Standard c) Drawing
b) Formatting d) All of these
3) In which of the following views can we work with the objects ?
a) Normal c) Slide show
b) Slide sorter d) both a and b
4) Which of the following keys is pressed to maintain an Autoshapes height and width ratio,
while you drag the shape?
a) Control c) Shift
b) Alt d) Any of the above

B) Fill in the blanks for the following :

1) ________ key is used to view a slide show.
2) Fourth generation of computers used ______________________________ ( circuitry ).
3) First generation of computers used ______________________________( circuitry ).
4) When we click on the border of the text object, the border changes from _________ to ______.
5) While dragging a slide to a new location a ______________ bar appears next to the slide.
6) ____________________ layout is the first layout available in the Slide Layout menu.
7) Ability of a computer to perform various types of jobs is called as _______________.
C) Differentiate between each of the following :
1) Promote and Demote 3) Expand and Collapse
2) Algorithm and Flowchart
D) Write the for shortcut for the following :
1) To insert a New Slide 3) To Move the text
2) To insert a New Presentation 4) To Copy the text
E) Answer in one word or sentence for each of the following :
1) Who gave stored progam concept?
2) Who gave Boolean Logic?
3) Name the two machines in vented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
4) Name the two machines invented by Charles Babbage.

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F) State True or False for the following
( write TRUE or FALSE and then the statement in the answer sheet):
1) We can move the objects between different slides.
2) Click inside the textbox and press delete key to delete the textbox.
3) Contents of textbox can be read in Outline tab.

G) Write the ‘ First ’ for the following mentioned :

1) General Purpose Electronic Digital Computer
2) First calculating device
3) First Computer Programmer
4) First Mechanical Calculator
5) First Commercial Electronic Computer

H) Name the following :

1) Father of the Disk Drive
2) Father of Computers
3) Father of Personal Computing

I) Define the following terms :

1) Slide Layout Body Text Placeholder
2) Flipping Line spacing
3) Slide Master Summary slide
4) Flowchart Algorithm

J) Draw the symbols for the following :

1) Serve the juice
2) Apply Polish
3) Read A, B
4) Which way to go?

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