CH Eis - Chapter 06 - Environmental Risk Assessment
CH Eis - Chapter 06 - Environmental Risk Assessment
CH Eis - Chapter 06 - Environmental Risk Assessment
Environmental Risk
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Figure 6-1 Risk summary of pre-mitigated and post mitigated risks .............................................. 6-26
Figure 6-2 Likelihood of risks pre and post mitigation ................................................................... 6-27
Figure 6-3 Consequence of risks pre and post mitigation .............................................................. 6-27
NT Northern Territory
6.1 Introduction
Environmental risk assessment is the process undertaken to identify, evaluate and apply mitigation
and control measures to the potential environmental risks of a proposed development. As the
environmental impact assessment for the Proposal included input from a wide range of technical
disciplines, a ‘whole of Proposal’ risk assessment was undertaken to promote a consistent
benchmarking of the identified environmental risks.
A range of hazards were identified by the NT EPA through a preliminary assessment of the Proposal.
The Proposal’s risk assessment has assessed these hazards, as well as others identified by the
proponent during a series of risk workshops.
Risk workshops were undertaken by the proponent at key milestones in the preparation of the EIS
and Proposal design. The results of the workshops were collated into a detailed risk matrix which is
presented in Appendix N.
The objectives and methodologies adopted for the assessment of direct and/or indirect risks during
key phases of the Proposal, namely construction, operation, closure and rehabilitation, are
summarised below.
6.2 Objectives
The Proposal’s environmental risk assessment is undertaken to:
• Identify levels of uncertainty about estimates of risks and the effectiveness of risk controls in
mitigating risk.
• Demonstrate that the Proposal represents best practicable technology, implementing Best
Practicable Measures and industry standards, where applicable.
• Assessment criteria
o Develop a series of validated risk matrices.
o Develop look-up tables for likelihood and consequence.
• Establishing the context
o Describe the boundaries of the Proposal, functions and spatial scale for each area.
• Identify the hazard(s)
o The identification of potential environmental hazards associated with various
components (‘aspects’) of the Proposal.
o Identifying the nature of the identified hazards (“beneficial”, “neutral” or “adverse”).
• Analyse the risk (pre-mitigation)
o Assessing the ’likelihood’ of an identified hazard occurring.
o Defining the ‘consequence’ of the hazard occurring, as described by impacts of
health & safety, environmental, financial, project delivery or social impacts.
o As a product of the likelihood and consequence, determining the pre-mitigation
composite risk index (i.e. ‘risk’CRI = likelihood x consequence).
The determined risk may be used to highlight the relative environmental risk and to highlight the
general requirement for the application of appropriate controls and mitigation. It is noted that the
above approach is designed to provide an overall impact risk, and is not intended to represent the
defining determination for the requirement for mitigation and control.
A standardised approach to evaluating risk does not replace the methodologies used by technical
disciplines to identify or assess impacts, nor does it replace methods of impact assessment
prescribed by existing guidance. Rather, it adds to the impact assessment by providing clear, more
readily comparable conclusions regarding the significance of impacts.
The environmental and social systems, resources and receptors potentially affected by the Proposal
were defined through desktop based research, field surveys and preliminary consultation with key
agencies within the NT Government, regional stakeholders and local communities. A summary of the
issues raised during consultation and how they were incorporated into the environmental
assessment is provided in Chapter 5.
By definition, a ‘hazard’ is described as a source of potential harm, but as the risk assessment
methodology may be used to identify beneficial impacts in this context a ‘hazard’ is identified as
impact of the Proposal (of “beneficial”, “neutral” or “adverse” nature).
For the purposes of this assessment the descriptors presented in Table 6-1 are used to describe the
nature of an identified hazard:
Nature Descriptor
Beneficial the hazard has a potential beneficial impact upon the environment
Neutral the hazard has neither a beneficial or adverse impact on the environment.
Occasionally, the term ‘benign’ is used. Typically, a hazard will be
categorised as having a neutral nature post-mitigation.
Adverse the hazard has a potentially adverse impact on the environment
The ‘likelihood’ of a hazard and an impact occurring can be described in terms of probability.
Overlaying this is the need to recognise that uncertainty may be associated with potential risks
occurring, particularly during the initial risk assessment process. Where scientific uncertainty exists,
a precautionary approach was taken which identified a higher level of risk. Each identifiable impact
can be assigned a likelihood of occurring, ranging from ‘Remote’ to ‘Almost certain’.
In simplifying the ‘likelihood’ of potential hazards for the purpose of a risk assessment an element of
subjectivity is introduced. The purpose of the risk assessment is not necessarily to agree on the
probability of any particular impact, but to facilitate an understanding of the relative probability of
different impacts.
The pre-mitigation assessment of likelihood needs to account for the probability of an identified
hazard occurring, assuming the incorporation of ‘designed-in’ mitigation, that is, measures that
would be required to comply with legislation, relevant guidance, or otherwise which is intrinsic to
the design specification upon which the development proposal has been based.
Columns two to four in Table 6-2 give descriptions that elaborate on the possible likelihood
categories. These are presented to help view the impact from different perspectives.
In simplifying the potential ’consequence’ of potential hazards for the purpose of a risk assessment
an element of subjectivity is introduced. The purpose of the risk assessment is not necessarily to
agree on the defined consequence of any particular hazard, but to facilitate an understanding of the
relative impacts.
Consistent with the assumptions for ‘likelihood’, the pre-mitigation assessment of consequence
needs to address the severity of an identified hazard occurring, assuming the incorporation of
‘designed-in’ mitigation, that is, measures would be required to comply with legislation, relevant
guidance, or otherwise which is intrinsic to the design specification upon which the development
proposal has been based.
Table 6-3 provides descriptions that elaborate on the possible consequence categories. These are
presented to help view the impact from different perspectives.
Minor First aid On-site release Medium Project can be Additional local
treatment. immediately financial loss. completed with engagement.
contained. changes.
Moderate Medical On-site release High financial Project can be Additional
treatment contained with loss. completed with meetings.
required. outside assistance. moderate
Major Extensive Off-site release with Loss of Project can only Reactive media
injuries. no detrimental production be completed plan, recovery
effects. capability with major plan, working
Major financial changes committees.
loss. (redesign).
Catastrophic Death. Toxic release off- Cessation of Project No social
site with production incapable of licence to
detrimental effect. capability / completion / operate.
Huge financial Unviable.
The risk of an identified hazard (sometimes also called the ‘significance’) was determined as a
product of the likelihood of the hazard and its consequence on the environment, resource, social
value or receptor that it would potentially impact, or as a consequence to the delivery of the
Proposal, assuming that the mitigation required to comply with legislation, relevant guidance and
the design specifications for the Proposal have been implemented.
In order to standardise the significance rating assigned to potential environmental impacts, a matrix
was developed and two multi-disciplinary workshops were held by key members of the EIA team in
May 2015 and again in March 2016. A generic set of risk definitions is provided in Table 6-4 and this
approach enables a consistent description of risks (of either ‘adverse’ or ‘beneficial’ nature). In each
chapter, the significance criteria are made relevant to the topic being considered.
Significance Criteria
Eliminated As a consequence of mitigation, the likelihood and/or the consequence has been
Low These impacts are recognisable, but acceptable within the decision-making process.
They are still important in the determination of environmental management
requirements. These impacts tend to be short term, or temporary and at the local
Medium These impacts are relevant to decision making, particularly for determination of
environmental management requirements. These impacts tend to range from long
to short term, and occur over medium scale areas or focused within a localised area.
Environmental receptors are moderately sensitive, and/or the impacts are of
regional or local significance.
High These impacts are likely to be of importance in the decision-making process. They
tend to be permanent, or otherwise long to medium term, and can occur over large
or medium scale areas. Environmental receptors are high to moderately sensitive,
and/or the impacts are of state significance.
Extreme These impacts are considered critical to the decision-making process. They tend to
be permanent, or irreversible, or otherwise long term, and can occur over large scale
areas. These effects are generally but not exclusively associated with sites and
features of and/or the impacts of national importance. Typically, mitigation
measures are unlikely to remove such effects.
Based on the assessment of likelihood and consequence, any foreseeable impact can be assigned a
significance of risk, as defined in Table 6-4. The EIS is at this point intended to focus on potentially
significant environmental risks and impacts.
Table 6-5 is to be read as a matrix, with consequence as a scale across the top row and likelihood as
a scale on the left column. Any potential risks that fall in the top right of the matrix are therefore
addressed as key environmental issues requiring detailed environmental assessment in the EIS. Risks
that fall into the bottom right of the matrix are addressed as other issues in the EIS
Almost certain Eliminated High High High Extreme Extreme
Likely Eliminated Medium Medium High High Extreme
Possible Eliminated Low Medium Medium High High
Unlikely Eliminated Low Low Medium Medium High
Remote Eliminated Low Low Low Medium Medium
Eliminated Eliminated Eliminated Eliminated Eliminated Eliminated Eliminated
For example, a pre-mitigated hazard may be determined to be “possible” in likelihood and “minor”
in terms of consequence. Using the matrix presented in Table 6-5, the pre-mitigated risk would be
evaluated as being a “medium” risk.
6.3.6 Duration
This assessment also requires consideration of the duration of the impact. The definitions used to
describe the duration of an identified hazard are provided in Table 6-6.
The assessment is further required to assess potential risks in accordance with the EPBC Act
Significant Impact Guidelines for Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES), and as
such mitigation measures may be proposed where the determined risk is less significant and/or
where the duration of effects might be short-term or temporary.
The preliminary assessment of the Proposal undertaken by the NT EPA identified a range of key
environmental risks. These included:
The proponent took the above identified risks and developed a comprehensive assessment of each
component. The results of that assessment are presented in the risk matrix in Appendix N. The
assessment took into consideration outline management and mitigation measures including design
changes within the development of the Proposal.
The residual risk assessment undertaken took into consideration additional mitigation measures to
control and manage the ‘likelihood’ and/or ‘consequence’ and thereby reduce the significance of
residual risks.
• Clearly identifying the cause / effect relationships between each action and impact.
• Taking a conservative approach by assuming the most significant likely magnitude of the
relevant impact.
• Clearly stating factors affecting the worst case and likely case outcomes.
Indirect impacts were considered within the EIA for the Proposal. For example, vibration effects
from the blasting of geological strata during mine shaft construction may potentially permanently
dislodge rocks on surrounding hills which may result in indirect adverse effects on items of cultural
heritage and/or visual amenity.
After pre-mitigation risks were quantified, the proponent discussed and proposed relevant
mitigation and management measures during the risk workshops. The mitigation and environmental
management measures are explained within the following chapters of this EIS:
• Chapter 7 – Biodiversity.
• Chapter 8 – Groundwater.
• Chapter 14 – Bushfire.
• Chapter 15 – Air quality.
• Chapter 16 – Noise and vibration.
• Respond to the appropriate level in the ‘mitigation hierarchy’ i.e. avoid; minimise;
rehabilitate; manage; offset or compensate.
• Discuss if mitigation measures were reasonable and appropriate in terms of effort and
expense to the significance and nature of the identified potential impact.
The level of mitigation measures proposed should respond to the significance of the relevant risks
identified. For example, an impact considered to be of extreme significance would need to be met
with a high level of mitigation that avoids, eliminates or makes provisions for offsetting (if required).
Conversely, an impact that was considered to be of low significance may either not require
mitigation or only require management by control of impacts through day to day management with
occasional monitoring required as validation, for example. It is worth noting that a low significance
Table 6-7 provides a summary of the approach that was implemented when developing mitigation
and management measures. This approach ensured that the level of mitigation proposed for each
impact was appropriate and in proportion to the level of impact significance.
As previously stated, the pre-mitigation risk assessment assumes the incorporation of ‘designed-in’
mitigation that is required to comply with legislation, relevant guidance, or otherwise which is
intrinsic to the design specification upon which the Proposal has been based.
Once mitigation and management measures were identified, post-mitigation risks (sometimes called
‘residual risks’) were assessed. By managing the likelihood and consequence of a risk occurring
through mitigation and/or management measures, the residual consequence of the same risk
Future controls and mitigation measures that were identified during the risk workshops and factored
into the assignment of the risk levels are listed in Table 6-8. Please note that the table is indicative
only and the measures included in Table 6-8 are further detailed in Chapter 20 and would be further
developed through detailed design and associated management plans.
6.5.5 Confidence
Table 6-10 summarises the results of the pre-mitigation and post-mitigation risk assessment
undertaken against the Proposal’s identified risks. To promote transparency, each identified hazard
is assessed as a pre-mitigation’ risk, the proposed mitigation measures to be adopted, and then
sequentially as the post-mitigation risk.
• Risk significance, as defined in Table 6-4 and determined from Table 6-5.
• Nature, as defined in Table 6-1.
Risk identified Hazard identified by the Pre-mitigated risks Mitigation Post-mitigated risks Risk
by NT EPA Proponent in the EIS outcome
during Mitigation to Mitigation to
Risk Risk
preliminary Likelihood Consequence Nature Duration reduce reduce Confidence Likelihood Consequence Category Duration
ranking ranking
assessment likelihood consequence
Bushfire Bushfire
Possible Catastrophic High Adverse Short term Management BFMP Moderate Possible Minor Medium Adverse Short term
Plan (BFMP)
Salt erosion and spoil Risk
Likely Catastrophic Extreme Adverse Temporary SEMP SEMP Moderate Remote Major Medium Adverse Temporary
erosion reduced
Soil compaction and Risk
Possible Minor Medium Adverse Short term SEMP SEMP Moderate Unlikely Minor Low Adverse Short term
topsoil loss reduced
Groundwater Changes to groundwater Water
Almost Do not over Risk
(Chapter 8) levels Minor High Adverse Long term Management Moderate Possible Minor Medium Adverse Short term
certain abstract reduced
Plan (WMP)
Changes to groundwater Risk
Possible Minor Medium Adverse Short term WMP WMP Moderate Remote Minor Low Adverse Short term
chemistry reduced
Changes to groundwater Risk
Possible Moderate Medium Adverse Long term WMP WMP Moderate Remote Minor Low Adverse Long term
flow (direction) reduced
Contamination of Design of Design of
Horseshoe Bend Shale decline and decline and
aquatards from drilling shafts in line shafts in line Not Risk
Remote Major Medium Adverse Temporary High Eliminated Major Eliminated Neutral
activities with best with best applicable reduced
practice practice
techniques techniques
Contamination of Langra Design of Design of
aquifer from drilling decline and decline and
activities shafts in line shafts in line Not Risk
Remote Major Medium Adverse Temporary High Eliminated Major Eliminated Neutral
with best with best applicable reduced
practice practice
techniques techniques
Contamination of Design of Design of
Hermannsberg decline and decline and
Formation groundwater shafts in line shafts in line Not Risk
Remote Major Medium Adverse Temporary High Eliminated Major Eliminated Neutral
from drilling activities with best with best applicable reduced
practice practice
techniques techniques
Contamination of Design of Design of
Stairway Sandstone decline and decline and
groundwater from shafts in line shafts in line Not Risk
Remote Minor Low Adverse Temporary High Eliminated Minor Eliminated Adverse
drilling activities with best with best applicable reduced
practice practice
techniques techniques
Contamination of Jay Design of Design of
Creek Limestone decline and decline and
groundwater from shafts in line shafts in line Not Risk
Remote Minor Low Adverse Temporary Moderate Eliminated Minor Eliminated Adverse
drilling activities with best with best applicable reduced
practice practice
techniques techniques
Contamination of
Titjikala water supply Not Not
Eliminated Catastrophic Eliminated Neutral No pathway No pathway Moderate Eliminated Catastrophic Eliminated Neutral Risk same
through loss of applicable applicable
Contamination of Alice
Not Not
Springs aquifer through Eliminated Catastrophic Eliminated Neutral No pathway No pathway Moderate Eliminated Catastrophic Eliminated Neutral Risk same
applicable applicable
loss of containment
Contamination of Great
Not Not
Artesian Basin through Eliminated Major Eliminated Neutral No pathway No pathway Moderate Eliminated Major Eliminated Neutral Risk same
applicable applicable
loss of containment
Contamination of Water Water
Not Same level
livestock through loss of Eliminated Major Eliminated Neutral Management Management Moderate Eliminated Major Eliminated Neutral Risk same
applicable of risk
containment Plan Plan
Uncontrolled inflow of Surface water Surface water
groundwater during Unlikely Minor Low Adverse Temporary design / design / Moderate Remote Minor Low Adverse Temporary
construction bunding bunding
Uncontrolled inflow of Surface water Surface water
groundwater during Remote Catastrophic Medium Adverse Temporary design / design / Moderate Remote Major Medium Adverse Temporary
operations bunding bunding
Engineered uses of Management Management of
Almost Almost Risk
naturally occurring Major Extreme Adverse Long term of saline waters saline waters / Moderate Minor High Adverse Long term
certain certain reduced
corrosive groundwater / desalination desalination
Over abstraction of Do not over Do not over
groundwater leading to abstract abstract
local or regional demand demand
drawdown Remote Minor Low Adverse Long term requirement requirement Moderate Eliminated Minor Eliminated Neutral Short term
and undertake and undertake
groundwater groundwater
monitoring monitoring
Lack of groundwater for Water Water
Not Risk
supply Remote Major Medium Adverse Long term Management Management Eliminated Eliminated Minor Eliminated neutral
applicable reduced
Plan Plan
Surface water Surface water ingress
into decline area and Risk
Likely Moderate High Adverse Temporary SEMP SEMP Moderate Remote Moderate Low Adverse Temporary
(Chapter 9) general mining reduced
Contaminated surface Water Water
water runoff off-site Management Management Risk
Unlikely Minor Low Adverse Temporary Moderate Remote Minor Low Adverse Temporary
Plan and Plan and reduced
bunding bunding
Salt dissolution and Water Water
transport off-site Management Management Risk
Likely Major High Adverse Long term Moderate Remote Minor Low Adverse Temporary
Plan and Plan and reduced
bunding bunding
Flash flooding into mine Storm water Storm water
infrastructure area Possible Major High Adverse Temporary drains / flood drains / flood Moderate Remote Moderate Low Adverse Temporary
relief relief
Flooding of access/haul Risk
Likely Moderate High Adverse Temporary SEMP SEMP Moderate Possible Minor Medium Adverse Temporary
roads reduced
Soil erosion leading to
excess sedimentation in Possible Major High Adverse Long term SEMP SEMP Moderate Remote Minor Low Adverse Temporary
Contamination of
regional surface waters
Not Risk
(Hugh and Finke Rivers) Remote Major Medium Adverse Short term No pathway No pathway Moderate Eliminated Major Eliminated Adverse
applicable reduced
through loss of
(B) The risk assessment for mining activities is evaluated against a ‘likely’ likelihood, as the relevant metrics are short-term in nature (hourly to annual average statistics) when compared to the life of mine and the risks
associated with accidental loss of containment.
(C) The risks associated with loss of containment have been assessed against ‘possible’ and ‘unlikely’ likelihood events.
(D) The definitions of likelihood used in this Chapter and in the Air Quality Risk Assessment are marginally different. For clarity, the following equivalence has been used:
Table 6.2 descriptor AQRA descriptor
Almost certain Frequent
Likely Likely
Possible Occasional
Unlikely Unlikely
Remote Remote
(E) The definitions of consequence used in this Chapter and in the Air Quality Risk Assessment are marginally different. For clarity, the following equivalence has been used:
Table 6.3 descriptor AQRA descriptor
Catastrophic } Substantial (>100% ST criterion)
Major } Substantial (>50% ST criterion)
Moderate Moderate (<25% ST criterion)
Minor Slight (>10% ST criterion)
Insignificant Negligible (<10% ST criterion)
(F) The pre-mitigation risk of ‘high’ is derived from the predicted 1-hour NO2 impact at Chambers Pillar Campsite. The post-mitigated risk of ‘medium’ is derived from a conservative prediction of the 24-hour PM10
impacts at a number of off-site locations. The post-mitigated NO2 consequence is ‘insignificant’.
The presentation of pre-mitigation and post mitigation risks associated with the Proposal are
summarised in Table 6-10.
As discussed in Section 6.3.1, in the context of the EIS, a ‘hazard’ is identified as impact of the
Proposal, and may be of “beneficial”, “neutral” or “adverse” in nature. Of the 136 hazards
identified, the pre-mitigation and post-mitigation breakdown illustrated in Table 6-11 by nature is
Pre-mitigation Post-mitigation
Risk summary
Count Count
Adverse 118 106
Neutral 14 26
Beneficial 4 4
As may be deduced from Table 6-11 the number of ‘adverse’ nature risks reduce from 118 (pre-
mitigation) to 106 (post mitigation) and the number of ‘neutral’ nature risks increases from 14 (pre-
mitigation) to 26 (post mitigation). Essentially this illustrates that 12 adverse risks have been
eliminated to become ‘neutral’ in nature.
All risks identified by the proponent have been quantified using the methods detailed above and
summarised in Table 6-12 and Figure 6-1.
Pre-mitigation Post-mitigation
Risk summary
Count Count
Extreme 11 4
High 54 12
Medium 31 38
Low 29 51
Eliminated 11 31
Total 136 136
40 38
31 31
11 12 11
Eliminated Low Medium High Extreme
Post-Mit Pre-Mit
Figure 6-1 shows that with mitigation in place, a further 20 risks are eliminated from the total 136
risks identified at pre-mitigation stage. In addition, the number of low risks increased from 29 to 51,
high risks decreased from 54 to 12 and extreme risks also decreased from 11 to 4. It is further noted
that the 4 remaining ‘extreme’ risks are all “beneficial” in nature, relating to:
45 43
40 38
35 33
31 31
25 23
20 18
15 11 10
10 5
Eliminated Remote Unlikely Possible Likely Almost certain
Pre-Mitigation Post-Mitigation
Similarly, the consequence of the identified risks is reduced following the implementation of
mitigation and environmental management measures (see Figure 6-3).
50 50
35 32
25 23 23
20 16 17
15 13
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
Pre-Mitigation Post-Mitigation
A Notice of Intent was lodged on 16 November 2012 with the NT Government, Environment
Protection Authority.
An EPBC Act referral was lodged December 2012 with the then Commonwealth Department of
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (now Department of the
Environment and Energy). The Proposal was determined to be a controlled action under the EPBC
Act. The relevant controlling provision is listed threatened species and communities (section 18 and
In March 2013, the NT EPA decided that the Proposal required assessment under the NT
Environmental Assessment Act at the level of an EIS. Draft Guidelines for Preparation of an EIS were
issued by the NT EPA for public comment on the 22 June, 2013. Comments closed 5 July, 2013, and
Final Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (the ‘EIS Guidelines’)
were issued by the NT EPA on 19 July, 2013.
In 2016, a variation to the 2013 final EIS Guidelines was submitted to the NT EPA. This EIS has been
prepared to address the requirements set out in the Terms of Reference for the Preparation of an
Environmental Impact Statement – Chandler Salt Mine (the ‘Terms of Reference’) issued by the NT
EPA on 23 September, 2016, under the EA Act.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process that aims to improve the environmental design
of a development proposal and provide decision-makers with sufficient information about the
environmental effects of implementing a proposal (IEMA 2008).
Development consent for projects that are likely to have significant effects on the environment
should be granted only after an assessment of the likely significant environmental effects of those
projects has been carried out.
An EIS sets out the results of the EIA process. The EIS is submitted with an application for planning
permission and provides environmental information about the scheme, including a description of
the development, its predicted environmental impacts and the measures proposed to amend any
adverse effects.
Volume 3 presents the core of the impact assessment contained within this EIS, covering a wide
range of technical disciplines. To enable a valid comparison to be made of the significance of impacts,
a generally consistent approach has been applied to each technical issue contained within Volume 2.
• Using the proposal description plus the construction, operational and decommissioning
methodologies to understandthe proposal, its potential impacts, but also the mitigation
inherent in the design.
• Assessing the potential impacts of the proposal using a consistent methodology for
describing impacts.
• Describing the proposed mitigation for the particular issue being discussed.
• Describing the residual impacts that are anticipated to remain once additional mitigation is
This translates to a chapter format that is generally as follows:
• Introduction.
• Methodology.
• Existing environment (baseline conditions).
Overall, the approach taken through the process of developing the environmental impact
assessment was to firstly prevent or avoid significant impacts through design changes early in the
proposal process, then seek to reduce impacts through the implementation of mitigation prescribed
in management plans and, finally, where impacts cannot be adequately mitigated and residual
impacts predominate, to compensate for the impact (i.e. through the provision of offsets).
6.8.4 Scoping
Issues and risks to be assessed were identified using a number of related processes. The EIS
Guidelines provide the overall framework of specific matters to be addressed by the EIS.
Government and community stakeholders were also consulted to help identify their key issues,
attitudes and concerns regarding the Proposal. Details regarding consultation is provided in
Chapter 5.
Establishing the existing environment or baseline conditions involved a wide range of activities
• Review of published material (databases, reports, journals, etc.) and mapping from a range of
• Undertaking issue-specific site surveys for key issues identified in the Proposal’s ToR.
• Consultation with local, state and Commonwealth government agencies.
• Consultation with Traditional Owners and pastoralists.
A specific set of descriptors were developed to describe impacts in the EIS. This involves two the
following aspects:
• Significance assessment - a generic set of significance criteria is defined (see Table 6-4) and
enables consistent description of adverse and beneficial impacts. In each chapter the
significance criteria are made relevant to the topic being considered. This assessment also
requires consideration of the duration of the impact (see Table 6-6), and the relevant EPBC
Act Significant Impact Guidelines for Matters of National Environmental Significance.
• Risk rating - using the risk framework detailed in Table 6-5, the overall impact is assessed by
assessing the consequence of a hazard and its likelihood.
As stated previously, the mitigation inherent in the design is included in the initial assessment of
impacts. Following this, where necessary, additional mitigation is proposed for the Proposal (i.e.
during detailed design) in order to reduce the significance or likelihood of an identified impact
occurring. In describing mitigation measures in each chapter of the impact assessment within this EIS,
the following is considered:
• Whether the mitigation could be implemented by the proponent, or whether other parties
were necessary for it to take effect.
The mitigation information has been used to inform and develop the relevant draft management plans
attached to the EIS including:
Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place
over a period of time or from a combination of concurrent effects from a single action. They can be
additive, synergistic or interactive and can result in impacts that are larger, more significant and
longer lasting than is the case with individual impacts and their effects. There is no defined process
for undertaking cumulative impact assessments within Australia. Considerations related to
cumulative impacts are included in the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Regulations 2000. They state the need to assess cumulative impacts in relation to
World Heritage Areas and Ramsar sites but do not provide any guidance on scoping and carrying out
the CIA.
Table 6-13 describes the approach taken for the Proposal in determining potential cumulative
Method Comment
Spatial Setting boundaries is the process of establishing the limits of the area to be assessed for
boundaries cumulative impacts and the identification of activities within this boundary. The primary
spatial boundary for the CIA is the project footprint – this is the area that is under project
control and responsibility, i.e. the Project Area. However, boundaries can vary from issue to
issue and need to reflect ecosystem requirements rather than artificial boundaries.
Temporal Cumulative impacts during the construction phase are likely to be short-term and localised
boundaries to the Project footprint and immediate surrounds. Operation phase impacts are more likely
to be medium to long-term (e.g. continuing for more than two years after the activity has
ceased, or ongoing) and to extend beyond the Project footprint.
Project Cumulative impacts have been addressed separately within each of the individual chapters
approach in order to reflect the differing spatial and temporal boundaries of each environmental
6.10 Conclusion
This environmental impact assessment process undertaken for this EIS has included a
comprehensive risk assessment. The outcomes of the detailed risk assessment, the methods used to
identify Proposal risks and, initiatives taken by the proponent to mitigate them, can demonstrate
• The proponent is aware of risks associated with all predictable aspects of the Proposal.
• The proponent has or will continue to undertake necessary studies to quantify risks.
• Prevention and mitigation of risks have been addressed in conceptual design.
Where uncertainty did exist for some risks, the proponent adopted the precautionary principle to
ensure a conservative level was assessed.