Balvikas Group-3, 2 Year Bhagavad Gita Chapter XIV. V Sloka

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Balvikas group-3, 2nd year

Bhagavad Gita
Chapter XIV. V Sloka

Balvikas Guru The primary quality 0f Prakriti(Nature)

The Beacon and the Sculptor is Satwa. Prakriti is called "Stri", made
up of the three syllables Sa, Ta and
Ra. The significance of this term is:
SLOKA: SATTVAṀ RAJAS TAMA ITI First of all, "Sa" implies that you have
NIBADHNANTI MAHĀ-BĀHO DEHE is Satwa. Secondly, "ta" implies
developing someTamoguna qualities,
like submission, humility and
MEANING: Material nature modesty. "Ra", representing
consists of the three modes- the Rajoguna, implies that there are
goodness, passion and ignorance. occasions in life when some harsh firm
When the living entity comes in resolutions will have to be taken.
contact with nature, he becomes The Rajasic quality comes last and it
conditioned by these modes. means that Rajasic actions have to be
done as a last resort when they are
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Satwik or Pure happiness: It is the happiness that arises from the

The universe, which is based
elevation of the soul. However, attaining
on the triple nature of time this is not easy. One pursuing satvik or pure
andwhich is sustained by the happiness has to practice a lot of discipline.
Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and That is why, it feels like poison in the
Maheswara), is permeated by beginning but nectar in the end.
the Divinein the form of the
three gunas--Satwa, Rajas,
The situation in the world is As Baba says
something similar to this. The
world is permeated by the
potency of the three gunas--
Rajasik or result-oriented happiness: This is
Rajas and Tamas. Even our
the materialistic pleasure that is derived
vision of the world is when the senses come in contact with
influenced by the external objects that create a feeling of
three gunas. Examine your gratification. However, this kind of
eye. The outer rim of the eye happiness is temporary.
is red, representing the Rajo Tamasic or slothful happiness: This is the
guna. After that, you have the lowest form of happiness and is derived
white area,
from sleeping or being lazy. The soul is
never nurtured through these practices yet
since there is a tiny sense of pleasure
representing Satwa. At the associated with it, people wrongfully
centre is the black circle, consider it to be a state of happiness.
the Tamoguna. So, even our
vision is tainted by the three
colours, red, white and black.
When you pose the question,
"Where is God?" the answer Ravana-rajo
is given by Nature Vibhishana-satwa Kumbhakarna-tamo
3 Group activity Supplies needed
Candle,match box,
three boxes,colors How to play?

1. Light the candle

2.Cover the burning candle with a box of white color.

3. cover the white box with a bigger red box.

4. cover the red box with the box bigger than the red box.


Burning candle-atma

White color –satwa guna

Red color – rajo guna

Black color – tamo guna

Give the above activity for group discussion,

Ans: the atma jyothi is covered by the 3 gunas …and gurus will explain
the details given above in the 1st and 2nd page.

The 3 gunas

Experience Yoga, healthy food, good habits in Your Daily Life


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