CS 150
CS 150
CS 150
Fall 2010
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/cs150f10/
Course The goal of this course is to teach you object oriented programming using pre-built libraries
Description and OOP concepts. This course is stuffed with assignments of significant size and you’ll be
spending a lot of time in doing these assignments, so plan your work load accordingly.
We will use Java as the underlying language in this course. Java is among the most widely
used languages for the programming of large scale software applications. From web to GUI
based applications, from micro devices to big ERPs you will find Java everywhere. A good
by- product of this course is that you’ll learn Java.
Expected Participants will have a sound understanding of object oriented programming concepts and
Outcomes strong programming skills.
Textbooks As such there is no text book for this course, you can buy any book you want, and it will
serve the purpose. You need to be good at reading the documentation of the language which
is available online. Besides this a lot of good material and tutorials are also available online.
For the sake of completeness, some reference books are listed down.
Reference Books:
Java2: The Complete Reference by P. Naughton & H. Schildt
Thinking in Java by B. Eckel (free online version available)
Programming in Java By Dietel
Midterms A single midterm exam that will Final Will cover the entire course. The final
cover all material covered till the will contain tough programming tasks
Reusing Classes
Doing OO programming in java
10 Exception Handling