Neonatology PDF
Neonatology PDF
Neonatology PDF
S.No Topic Page No.
1. WHO definitions and Vital statistics of Neonates 1
2. General Examination of NB 3
3. Neonatal reflexes 10
4. Examination of cranial nerves in NB 11
5. Routine NB care after birth 12
6. Umbilical cord care 14
7. Neonatal Resuscitation 17
8. Prematurity / Late Preterm 24
9. IUGR/SGA 29
10. Post-term infants 31
11. Large-for-gestational-age infants 32
12. Neonatal Sepsis 32
13. Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia 39
14. Physiological jaundice 41
15. ABO incompatibility 43
16. Rh incompatibility 44
17. Exchange transfusion 48
18. Phototherapy 49
19. Kernicterus 50
20. Breast milk jaundice 51
21. Hereditary spherocytosis 53
22. G-6 PD deficiency 53
23. Crigler-Najjar syndrome 54
24. Gilbert Syndrome 56
25. Lucy - Driscol Syndrome 56
26. Dubin-Jhonson Syndrome 57
27. Rotor Syndrome 57
28. Direct Hyperbilirubinemia 57
29. Neonatal Hepatitis Syndrome 59
30. Respiratory Distress In New-Born 61
31. Transient Tachypnea Of The Newborn- RDS II 63
32. Hyaline Membrane Disease – RDS I 63
33. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome 67
34. Hypoxia-Ischemia in Neonate 69
35. Haemorrhagic Disease of Newborn 74
36. High risk neonate & its causes 75
37. Neonatal seizures 76
38. Multiple pregnancy 80
39. Infant of a Diabetic Mother 80
40. Vertical Transmission (Mother To Child Or Perinatal) 83
41. Congenital Rubella 84
42. Oral Candidiasis 85
43. Infant Of Hepatitis B Positive Mother 85
44. High risk neonate 86
WHO definitions and Vital statistics of Neonates
Intramural baby: A baby born within premises of your centre
Extramural baby: Baby not born within premises of your centre
Fetus: Fetus is a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which is not completely
expelled or extracted from its mother
BIRTH: Birth is the process of complete expulsion or extraction of a product of conception from its mother.
A live birth is complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception,
irrespective of duration of pregnancy, which after separation, breathes or shows any other evidence
of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movements of
voluntary muscles. This is irrespective of whether the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is
attached. [Includes all live births >500 grams birth weight or >22 weeks of gestation or a crown heel
length of >25 cm]
Death of a foetus having birth weight >500 g (or gestation >22 weeks or crown heel length >25 cm) or
Birth weight is the first weight (recorded in grams) of a live or dead product of conception, taken after
complete expulsion or extraction from its mother. This weight should be measured within 24 hours of
birth; preferably within its first hour of live itself before significant postnatal weight loss has occurred.
Low birth weight (LBW):
Birth weight of less than 2500 gm; Very low birth weight (VLBW): Birth weight of less than 1500 gm;
Extremely low birth weight (ELBW): Birth weight of less than 1000 gm
Embryonic period:
0-8 weeks of gestation
Fetal period:
9 weeks of gestation till the expulsion
Commences from 22 weeks (154 days) of gestation (the time when the birth weight is 500 g), and ends
at 7 completed days after birth.
The neonatal period:
It commences at birth and ends 28 completed days after birth.
Early neonatal period refers to 0-7 days of life and
Late neonatal period refers to 8-28 of life;
Post neonatal refers to 29-365 days of life.
Gestational age:
Full term: Child born after completion of 37 weeks and before competition of 42 weeks
Preterm: Born before completion of 37 weeks (and after 22 weeks of gestation)
Late preterm: Born between 34 completed to before completion of 37 weeks
Post term: Born after completion of 42 weeks
Birth weight:
Appropriate for gestational age AFGA: birth weight between 2.5 to 4 kg
Heavy for gestational age HFGA: birth weight between more than 4 kg
Light for gestational age: Birth weight less than 2.5 kg
Intra uterine growth restriction IUGR:
1. Definition: weight less than 10 percentile for gestational age.
2. Types:
i. Symmetrical (type I):
1. All parameters (length + HC + wt) ↓.
2. Reflects long-term nutrition.
3. Chromosomal and genetic causes
ii. Asymmetrical (type II): reflects short-term nutrition.
i. HC remains normal while length and weight are decreased.
ii. Maternal anemia, PIH etc
Combined classification:
I. Preterm
a. LFGA : light for gestational age
b. AFGA : Appropriate for gestational age
c. HFGA: Heavy for gestational age
II. Term
a. LFGA : light for gestational age
b. AFGA : Appropriate for gestational age
c. HFGA: Heavy for gestational age
III. Post term
a. LFGA : light for gestational age
b. AFGA : Appropriate for gestational age
c. HFGA: Heavy for gestational age
Normal birth definition (WHO):
Normal birth is defined as one which is spontaneous in onset, low-risk at the start of labour and
remaining so throughout labour and delivery. The infant is born spontaneously in the vertex position
between 37 and 42 completed weeks of pregnancy. After birthmother and infant are in good health.
Normal Newborn - definition:
1. Normal newborn refers to infant with full term gestation (between 37 completed and before
completion of 42 weeks)
2. AFGA-birth weight between 2.5 to < 4 kg
3. No risk factors in antenatal period
4. Normal Apgar at birth: 7-10 at 1 minute
5. No major congenital anomalies
6. O/E: infant has rosy pink colour, lusty cry and normal feeding, activities and muscle tone
Maternal death:
A maternal death is the death of a woman known to be pregnant within 42 days of termination of
pregnancy, irrespective of the duration or site of the pregnancy from any cause related to or
aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, but not from accident or incidental causes.
Prolonged rupture of membranes:
Rupture of membranes or leaking for > 18 hours.
Antepartum hemorrhage:
Bleeding per vaginum after 20 weeks of gestation
Skin temperature <36.0C
Whole blood glucose of less than 45mg/dL (some textbooks say 40)
Any one of the following:
1. Serum total calcium <7 mg/dl. or
2. Serum ionized calcium <4 mg/dl.
3. QOTC >0.2 seconds on ECG which normalizes after calcium therapy.
Neonatal mortality rate:
Definition: Number of deaths during the first 28 completed days of life per 1,000 live births in a given
year or period.
Neonatal deaths may be subdivided into early neonatal deaths, occurring during the first seven days of
life, and late neonatal deaths, occurring after the seventh day but before the 28 completed days of
Number of infant deaths during the year
Infant mortality rate
------------------------------------------------------ x 1000
Number of live births during the year
Number of still births and infant deaths of < than 7 days during the year
Peri-natal mortality
------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Rate (PMR)
Number of live births and still births during the year
India: SRS 2013-14
1. Birth rate: 21.4/1000 population
2. Death rate: 7/1000 population
3. Infant mortality rate:
a. India 40/live births
b. Tamilnadu 21
c. Pondicherry 17
4. India: U5MR is at 49 deaths per 1000 live births
5. MMR status at all India level is at 167/1000 000 live births in 2011-13.
6. NMR 28/1000 live births (2013)
7. PMR 26/1000 total births (2013)
Values of IMR from Director of Public Health, Chennai:
Tamilnadu: SRS 2008-09 statistics per thousand live births
Post Neonatal DR 12
Perinatal MR 8.4
U5 mortality 26
Timing of examination:
1. 1 : soon after delivery.
2. 2 : detailed examination within 24 hours
3. 3 : discharge examination
General Appearance:
Physiological States:
NB normally passes through five different physiological states as described by Prechtl and Beintema.
NB spends about 20 hr. in stage 1& 2
Prechtl and Beintema staging:
1. Deep sleep(REM)
2. Light sleep (non REM)
3. Awake, light peripheral movements
4. Awake, large movements, not crying
5. Awake, crying
1. Universal flexion: full term
2. Universal extension: preterm
3. Asymmetric tonic neck reflex in later neonatal period
4. Lower limbs flexed over abdomen in extended breech presentation.
Respiratory Rate and Heart Rate
1. The normal respiratory rate is 30 to 60 inspirations per minute in a term infant, some normal infants
breathe shallowly and then rapidly.
2. The heart rate is 110 to 160 beats per minute in healthy term infants, but it may vary significantly
during deep sleep or active awake states.
3. Preterm infants have resting heart rates at the higher end of the normal range.
Blood Pressure
1. The flush method for obtaining mean pressure is easier in an active infant and requires only a
2. Normal BP at birth: (90 percentile) 87/68
Unusual facial appearance represents malformation, deformation, a syndrome, or merely familial
appearance. Odd or funny looking facies may have:
Head and Neck
Hypertelorism DiGeorge syndrome; Crouzon syndrome; Mucoploysachharidoses; Wardenburg;
Cri du chart etc
Hypotelorism craniostenosis; Trisomy 13; microcephaly etc
Mangoloid slant: Down and Noonan; Prader willi
Antmangoloid slant: Treacher-Collins syndrome; Apert; Cerebral gigantism
Low set ears: Down syndrome; Turner syndrome; Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome; Potter
syndrome; Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome; Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome; Treacher
Collins syndrome; Trisomy 13; Trisomy 18
Upturned nose William syndrome; Fetal alcohol syndrome
Corenelia de lange syndrome
Beaking of nose Crouzan syndrome; Rubinstein-Taybi
Downturned mouth Cri du chart; Prader willi
Syntrichosis Corenelia de lange syndrome
Saddle nose Congenital syphilis; Chr 7 p deletion
Long filtrum Williams; Digeorge
Upslanting palpebral Down syndrome; Alagille syndrome; Ck syndrome; Prader-willi syndrom
Downslanting palpebral Apert syndrome; Beckwith-wiedemann syndrome; Muenke syndrome
fissures Noonan syndrome; Oral-facial-digital syndrome; Treacher collins syndrome
Activity (Muscle Tone) Absent Arms & legs Active movement with
extended flexed arms & legs
Pulse (Heart Rate) Absent Below 100 BPM Above 100 BPM
Appearance (Skin Blue-gray, pale all Pink body and Normal over entire body –
Color) over blue extremities Completely pink
1. Definitions: Preterm: Infants delivered before 37 completed wks of gestation
2. Incidence: 10-12% of deliveries
3. Causes of prematurity:
1.Inability of uterus to retain foetus
2.Interference with the course of pregnancy
3.Premature rupture of membranes
4.Premature separation of placenta
5.Unknown stimulus for uterine contractions before term
1) Fetal:
i. multiple gestation;
ii. Erythroblastosis
iii. Chromosomal defects – Trisomy syndromes
2) Placental:
i. Placental dysfunction
ii. Placenta previa
iii. Abruptio placentae
3) Utrine:
i. Bicornuate uterus;
ii. Cx incompetence
4) Maternal:
i. Anemia
ii. Preterm labor- medically induced
iii. Preeclampsia
iv. Chronic illness: CHD, Renal disease
v. Infection: Listeria; GBS; UTI; Chorioamnionitis
vi. Drug abuse: Cocaine; Alcohol; Smoking
vii. PROM
viii. Polyhydramnios
4. Assessment of Gestational age
1. Post natal assessment:
a. Rapid delivery room assessment: By Farr and later elaborated by Finnstrom
S.No Physical criteria < 37 weeks > 37 weeks
1 Creases in sloe of Present in anterior 1/3 only Present over entire surface
2 Breast nodule < 4mm >7 mm
3 Scalp hair Fine and woolly Coarse and silky
4 Ear lobe Less cartilage Thick cartilage
Male: Testes and Testes partially descended; few Testes fully descended; fully
scrotum rugosity and less pigmentation pigmented; full rugacity
5 of scrotum
Female: prominent clitoris; labium Majora cover clitoris and
minora exposed minora
2. New Ballard scale: The New Ballard Score is an extension of the above to include extremely pre-term
babies i.e. up to 20 weeks.
a. Consists of six physical and six neuromuscular criteria
b. Score 10 corresponds to 20 weeks and score 50 corresponds to 44 weeks
c. Accuracy is + or – 2 weeks
d. Performed in < 12 hours after birth for < 26 weeks preterm
e. Gives allowance to sick neonates
f. Neurological criteria:
i. Posture
ii. Square window
iii. Arm recoil
iv. Popliteal angle
v. Scarf sign
vi. Heel to ear
g. Physical criteria:
i. Skin color and texture
ii. Lanugo hair
iii. Plantar creases
iv. Breast nodule and areola
v. Eye lids and ear
vi. Genitalia
a. Poor sucking, swallowing and breathing; immature gag reflex and frequent aspiration of feeds
b. Lack of body fat; decreased ability to maintain body temperature
c. Surfactant deficiency and inefficient respiratory mechanics
d. Immature respiratory control and apnea-bradycardia
e. Persistence of PDA and pulmonary congestion
f. Immature cerebral vasculature- subendymal and intraventricular hemorrhage and
periventricular leukomalacia
g. Impaired digestion and absorption
h. Immature renal function
i. Increased susceptibility to infection
j. Immature metabolic activities- hypoglycaemia and hypocalcemia
5. Problems associated with prematurity
a. Morbidity is inversely proportional to birth weight
b. RDS occurs in 80% in 500-750 gm while it is 25% in 1250-1500 gms
c. Intraventricular hemarrahge range from 25% to 30%
d. Sepsis 24%
e. Broncho pulmonary dysplasia 23%
f. Necrotizing enterocolitis 7%
3. Management:
1. Referral for intensive care:
1. Birth weight less than 1800 gm
2. Gestation less than 34 weeks
3. Neonate who is not able to take feeds from the breast
4. A sick neonate (irrespective of the birth weight or gestation)
2. Management of Hypothermia:
1. Hypothermia: body temperature below 36.5°C.
2. Optimal temperature is to maintain infant core temp between 36.5 to 37 ˚C
3. Mechanisms of Heat Loss and Preventive measures:
i. Evaporation:
1. Loss of heat when water evaporates from the skin and respiratory tract
2. Highest immediately after birth and with bathing
3. Dry baby quickly and remove wet towels/blankets
4. Humidify 02
ii. Convection:
1. Heat lost to surrounding moving air
2. Depends on difference in air temperature, speed of movement of the air, and
amount of skin exposure
3. Cover baby’s head
4. Dress baby
5. Keep out of drafts
6. Warm 02
7. Raise surrounding (ambient) temperature
iii. Radiation:
1. Heat lost to surrounding colder solid objects (not in direct contact) independent of
air temperature
2. Keep incubator, warmer, cot away from outside walls and windows
3. Dress baby
4. Use double walled incubator or Plexiglas heat shield in the incubator
5. For infants with temperature control problems, cover three sides of the incubator
with aluminium foil (shiny side in)
iv. Conduction
1. Heat loss to cold solid objects in direct contact
2. Baby will gain heat if placed on warm surface
3. Prewarm incubator/radiant warmer to ensure warm mattress
4. Cover x-ray plates and scales
5. Pre warm hands, stethoscopes, blankets and other equipment
3. Kangaroo mother care (KFC)
1. Kangaroo mother care is care of preterm infants carried skin-to-skin with the mother. It is a
powerful, easy-to-use method to promote the health and well-being of infants born preterm as
well as full-term. Its key features are:
1. Early, continuous and prolonged skin-to-skin contact between the mother and the baby;
2. Exclusive breastfeeding (ideally);
3. It is initiated in hospital and can be continued at home;
4. Small babies can be discharged early;
5. Mothers at home require adequate support and follow-up;
6. It is a gentle, effective method that avoids the agitation routinely experienced in a busy
ward with preterm infants.
2. Position:
1. The baby should be placed between the mother’s breasts in an upright position.
2. The head should be turned to one side and in a slightly upturned position. This position
helps in breathing of and allows eye-to-eye contact between the mother and her baby.
3. The legs and arms should be folded.
4. Baby’s abdomen should be at the level of the mother’s upper abdomen.
5. Support the baby bottom with a sling/binder.
3. Feeding
1. Holding the baby near the breast stimulates milk production.
2. Mother should express milk while the baby is still in KMC position.
3. The baby could be fed with paladai, cup, spoon or tube, depending on the condition of
the baby.
4. Monitoring of Preterm/LBW
1. Pulseoximetry for Pa O2, HR
2. Transcutaneous PO2 and PCO2
3. Electrolytes, glucose, Ca, bilirubin from umb. artery sampling of blood
5. Feeding:
1. Desired weight gain is 15 gm/week;
2. Calories: 120 Kcal/kg/day;
3. IV:
1. GDW 10% (>1500 gm) or 5% (<1500 gm) 80-100ml/day
2. Amino acid solution 3 g/kg/day via umb. vein
4. Trophic feeds: breast feed/EBM/donor BM/ formula <10 ml/kg/day in day 1 with slow increments
to full requirement in 1 week
5. Mode of Feeding:
1. < 28 weeks: No proper sucking; No gut motility ! Intravenous fluids
2. 28-31 weeks: No coordination between suck/swallow ! NG tube feeding
3. 32-34 weeks: Slightly mature sucking pattern; Coordination begins !Feeding by spoon
4. >34 weeks: Mature sucking pattern; more coordination between breathing and swallowing !
6. Nutrient supplement:
1. Calcium and phosphorus (140-160 mg/kg/d & 70-80 mg/kg/d)
2. Vitamin D (400 IU/day), vitamin B complex and zinc (0.5mg/day) – Multivitamin drops
3. Folate (50 mcg/kg/day)
4. Iron (2 mg/kg/day
6. Complications of Prematurity:
1. Hyaline membrane disease
2. Apnea of prematurity
3. PDA
4. NEC (Necrotizing enterocolitis)
5. Intraventricular hemorrhage
6. Retinopathy of prematurity
7. Sepsis
8. Jaundice leading to kernictreus at lower threshold
9. Cerebral palsy
1. Apnea of prematurity
1. Definition: respiratory pause lasting for more than 20 sec or long enough to produce cyanosis and
2. Apnea of prematurity:
1. Immaturity of respiratory centre
2. Immaturity of mechanisms that maintain airway patency
3. Occurs in the first 2 weeks of life
4. Treatment:
1. Caffeine citrate: 20 mg/kg loading; 5-10 mg/kg/day maintenance
2. Nasal CPAP
2. PDA
1. Persists in those who have:
1. <28 weeks of gestation
2. RDS
2. Clinical:
1. Hyperdynamic precardium
2. Wide pulse pressure
3. Systolic murmur
4. Medical management of PDA
i. Indomethacin:
1. Prophylaxis: 0.1mg/kg/iv q 24 hr for 3-5 days from day 1
2. Therapeutic: 0.2mg/kg/iv q 12 hr up to 3 doses; closure in 2/3 cases
3. Side effect: oliguria
4. Contrindicvations:
1. Hyperkalemia
2. Creatinine >2mg/dl
3. Thrombocytopenia
ii. Alternate drug: Ibuprofen 10 mg/kg loading and 5 mg/kg 2 doses /daily
3. NEC (Necrotizing enterocolitis)
1. Emergency in NB;
2. 10% in less than 1500 gm;
3. Mortality rates of 50% or more depending on severity.
4. Multifactorial:
1. ischemic insult damages the intestinal lining,
2. bacterial invasion,
3. proliferation of luminal bacteria, which can penetrate the damaged
intestinal wall, producing hydrogen gas - Pneumatosis intestinalis
5. Treatment
a. Stoppage of feedings
b. NGT
c. Fluid resuscitation
d. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
e. TPN
f. surgery
4. Intraventricular hemorrhage
1. 20-30% incidence in < 31 weeks of GA; < 1500 gm
2. Bleeding commonly occurs in lateral ventricles
3. Ischemic damage to capillaries lead to rupture and hemorrhage
4. Most within 24 hours and all before 4 days
5. Symptoms:
1. Coma,
2. Decerebrate posturing,
3. Fixed pupils,
4. Bulging fontanelle,
5. Hypotension, acidosis, apnea.
6. Treatment:
a. Volue and blood replacement
b. O2
c. Ventilation
d. Shunt for hydrocephalus
5. Retinopathy of prematurity
1. Incompletely vascularised and premature retina
2. 60% in those weighing <1250 gm
3. Injury to developing retinal vessels!
1. Abnormal vasularization,
2. Fibrovascular tissue growth into vitreous,
3. Scarring,
4. Folding and detachment of retina
4. Routine eye exam in <1500 gms at 4 weeks
5. Laser therapy
1. Refers to babies born at 34 to 37 weeks of gestation
2. Incidence: 12.8% of all births; 70% of preterms
3. Causes:
1. Obstetric induction of labour
2. Increase in Caesarean section
3. Multiple births
4. Significance of late preterm:
1. Late–preterm infants often are mistakenly believed to be as physiologically and metabolically
mature as term infants. But, compared with term infants, those born between the 34th and
37th week of gestation suffer from higher rates of morbidity and mortality.
1. Developmental and physiologic immaturity of late preterm infants:
i. Delayed intrapulmonary fluid absorption! TTN
ii. Decreased central chemosensitivity to carbon dioxide ! apneic spells
iii. Delayed ductus arteriosus closure and persistent pulmonary hypertension.
iv. Late-preterm infants are likely to lose heat more readily than term infants
v. Increased risk of developing hypoglycemia after birth
vi. Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia occur more commonly and are more prolonged among
late-preterm infants than term infants
vii. Late-preterm infants also have immature gastrointestinal function and feeding difficulties
5. Morbidity and mortality among late-preterm infants:
1. Small clinical reports that compared late-preterm infants with term infants suggested a
higher risk of:
1. Cerebral palsy
2. Speech disorders,
3. Neurodevelopmental handicaps,
4. Behavioural abnormalities,
5. Competence (behavioural, scholastic, social, and global).
6. Other Issues:
1. RDS
2. Feeding problems
3. Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus
4. Apnea
5. Hypoglycaemia
6. Seizures
7. Sepsis
8. Hypothermia
6. Management:
1. Extended hospitalization
2. EBM
1. Definition:
a. Incidence. About 3-10% of all pregnancies are associated with IUGR
b. Birth weight below the 10 percentile or
c. > 2 SD below the mean for gestational age;
2. Causes of IUGR:
1. Fetal factors:
a. Genetic disorders such as achondroplasia, Russell-Silver syndrome, present with IUGR
b. Chromosomal defects: Trisomies 13, 18, and 21
c. Congenital malformations.
i. Anencephaly, gastrointestinal atresia, Potter's syndrome
ii. CHDs except TGV
d. TORCH infections
2. Inborn errors of metabolism. Transient neonatal diabetes, galactosemia, and phenylketonuria
3. Maternal factors:
i. Poor nutritional status of the mother
ii. Anemia,
iii. Frequent pregnancies
iv. Maternal hypertension,
v. Pre-eclampsia,
vi. Post-maturity,
vii. Smoking
viii. Alcoholism
ix. Heroin
x. Malaria
xi. Mothers with hemoglobinopathies
xii. Chronic maternal diseases of heart, kidneys, lungs or liver
i. Hemangioma
ii. Single umbilical artery
iii. Infarction
iv. Aberrant cord insertion
v. Umbilical vessel thrombosis
4. Classification of IUGR:
1. Symmetric IUGR:
a. Head circumference, length, and weight are equally affected- <10%
b. Ealier onset and associated with diseases affecting cell number : chromosomal, genetic,
malformations, tretogenic, infectious, PIH etiologies
2. Asymmetric IUGR:
a. Only weight is reduced - <10%
b. Relative sparing of head growth
c. Late onset
d. Associated with poor maternal nutrition or late onset PET, PIH
5. Clinical assessment:
1. Reduced birth weight for gestational age
2. Infants in general are thin, with loose, peeling skin because of loss of subcutaneous tissue, a scaphoid
abdomen, and a disproportionately large head.
3. More alert than their premature counterparts.(wiseman look)
6. Problems of IUGR:
1. Chronic Hypoxia: infants frequently have birth asphyxia and meconium aspiration
2. Persistent pulmonary hypertension.
3. Hypothermia: due to diminished subcutaneous fat insulation and lack adequate brown fat
4. Metabolic:
a. Hypoglycemia: due to diminished glycogen reserves and decreased capacity for gluconeogenesis.
5. Hematologic disorders.
a. Hyperviscosity and polycythemia may result from increased erythropoietin levels secondary to
fetal hypoxia
6. Altered immunity.
i. IUGR infants have decreased IgG levels; the thymus is reduced in size by 50% and peripheral
blood lymphocytes are decreased.
6. More likely to have malformations
7. Feeding difficulties as in preterm babies.
8. Hyaline membrane disease is less frequent
7. Management: (as in preterm care)
a. Mannagement of correctable factors in AN period
b. Timing delivery after lung maturity
c. Skilled resuscitation should be available because birth asphyxia is common.
d. care should be taken to prevent heat loss
e. Hypoglycemia should be treated promptly with parenteral dextrose and early feeding
f. Polycythemia needs attention
g. Mangement of Con. Defects, cong.infections and genetic anamalies.
8. Outcome: minimal brain dysfunction, including hyperactivity, short attention span, and learning problems are
common with IUGR babies.
1. Post-term infants are those born after 42 completed weeks of gestation, as calculated from the mother’s
last menstrual period, regardless of weight at birth. Historically, about 12% of pregnancies ended after the
294th day.
2. The cause of post-term birth or postmaturity is unknown.
Clinical Manifestations
1. Post-term infants have normal length and head circumference but may have decreased weight if there
is placental insufficiency.
2. Infants born post-term in association with presumed placental insufficiency may have various physical
3. Desquamation, long nails, abundant hair, pale skin, alert faces, and loose skin, especially around the
thighs and buttocks, give them the appearance of having recently lost weight; meconium-stained nails,
skin, vernix, umbilical cord, and placental membranes may also be noted.
4. Common complications of postmaturity include perinatal depression, meconium aspiration, persistent
pulmonary hypertension, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and polycythemia.
1. When delivery is delayed 3 wk or more beyond term, mortality is significantly increased and, in some
series, has been approximately three times that of a control group of infants born at term. Mortality
has been lowered markedly through improved obstetric management.
1. Careful obstetric monitoring, including nonstress testing, biophysical profile, or Doppler velocimetry,
usually provides a rational basis for choosing one of three courses:
i. nonintervention,
ii. induction of labor, or
iii. cesarean section.
b. Induction of labor or cesarean section may be indicated in older primigravidas more than 2-4 wk
beyond term, particularly if evidence of fetal distress is present.
c. Medical problems in the newborn are treated if they arise.
1. Infants with birthweight > the 90th percentile for gestational age are called large for gestational age (LGA).
Neonatal mortality rates decrease with increasing birthweight until approximately 4,000 g, after which
they increase.
2. These oversized infants are usually born at term, but preterm infants with weights high for gestational age
also have a significantly higher mortality than infants of the same size born at term; maternal diabetes and
obesity are predisposing factors.
3. Some infants are constitutionally large because of large parental size.
4. Complications:
a. LGA infants have a higher incidence of birth injuries, such as:
i. cervical and brachial plexus injuries,
ii. phrenic nerve damage with paralysis of the diaphragm,
iii. fractured clavicles,
iv. cephalohematomas,
v. subdural hematomas, and
vi. ecchymoses of the head and face.
vii. LGA infants are also at increased risk for hypoglycemia and polycythemia.
viii. The incidence of congenital anomalies, particularly congenital heart disease, is also
higher in LGA infants.
ix. Intellectual and developmental retardation is more common in high birthweight term
and preterm infants.
Definition: Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome characterized by signs and symptoms of infection with or
without accompanying bacteremia in the first month of life. It encompasses various systemic infections of the
newborn such as septicemia, meningitis, pneumonia, arthritis, osteomyelitis, and urinary tract infections.
1. Infections are important cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. 2% of fetuses are infected in
utero, and up to 10% of infants have infections in the 1st mo of life.
2. Preterm LBW infants have a 3- to 10-fold higher incidence of infection than full-term normal birth
weight infants.
3. Infectious agents can be transmitted from:
a. The mother to the fetus
b. Nursery: person to person
c. Ventilators
d. Indwelling devices
e. Invasive procedures
4. Newborn infants are less capable of responding to infection because of immunologic deficiencies.
5. Coexisting conditions complicate sepsis: prematurity, LBW, MAS, post maturity etc.
6. Etiologic agents include bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and mycoplasmas.
Modes of Transmission and Pathogenesis:
1. Intrauterine infection:
a. Intrauterine infection is due to cytomegalovirus [CMV], Treponema pallidum, Toxoplasma
gondii, rubella virus, varicella virus, parvovirus B19 etc.
b. Ascending bacterial infection: Chorioamnionitis results from prolonged rupture (>18 hours)
of the chorioamniotic membrane - Gr.B.Streptococcus(GBS)
2. Intranatal:
a. Resuscitation, endotracheal intubation or insertion of an umbilical vessel catheter is
associated with an increased risk of bacterial infection.
b. Lack of 5 cleans: clean surface, clean hands, clean tie, clean knife and no applicants on
umbilical stump.
3. Postnatal infections
a. Postnatal infections may be transmitted by direct contact with hospital personnel, the
mother, or other family members;
b. Breast milk (HIV, CMV);
c. Contaminated equipment.
d. Ventilators
e. Indwelling catheters
f. IV fluids and stock solutions
4. Meningitis may result from contamination of open neural tube defects, congenital sinus tracts, or
penetrating wounds from fetal scalp sampling or internal fetal electrocardiographic monitors
5. Immunity:
a. Immunoglobulin (Ig) G is levels are directly proportional to gestational age. IgG provides
protection against GBS
b. Newborn infants lack antibody-mediated (IgM) protection against Escherichia coli
c. No transplacental passage of complement from the maternal circulation necessary for
bactericidal activity against E. coli and as an opsonin in the phagocytosis of GBS
d. Opsonization of Staphylococcus aureus is normal in neonatal sera, but various degrees of
impairment have been noted with GBS and E. coli.
e. Quantitative and qualitative deficiencies of the phagocyte system contribute to the
newborn’s susceptibility to infection.
a. Neutrophil migration (chemotaxis) is abnormal at birth in both term and preterm
b. chemo taxis of monocytes is impaired; this impairment affects the inflammatory
response in tissues and the results of delayed hypersensitivity skin tests
c. Neonatal NK cells have decreased cytotoxic activity and herpes simplex virus (HSV)
may predispose to disseminated HSV infection in newborns
d. Several adverse neonatal outcomes, including brain injury, necrotizing enterocolitis
(NEC), and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, may be mediated by the cytokine response
to infection in the mother, fetus, or newborn
Sepsis is defined as SIRS resulting from a suspected or proven infectious etiology.
Clinical Types:
1. Early Onset Sepsis- within 72 hours of life: pathogens in the maternal genital tract colonize on
skin, umbilical cord, respiratory and GIT mucosa or through placenta in the perinatal period
2. Late onset Sepsis – after 72 hours of life; pathogens acquired through human contacts or
nosocomial in NB nurseries.
Early Onset Sepsis (EOS) Late Onset Sepsis (LOS)
Period of onset Presents within the first 72 Usually presents after 72 hours of life.
hours of life.
Source of infection: Maternal genital tract Nosocomial or communityacquired
Pathogens Group B streptococcus; Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-
Escherichia coli; Listeria negative staphylococci,GBS, Enterococcus,
monocytogenes and gram-negative organisms
Clinical presentation Respiratory distress& Septicaemia, pneumonia, meningitis.
Risk Factors for EOS:
a. Preterm and LBW
b. Rupture of membranes
c. Maternal infection
d. Resuscitation
e. Invasive monitoring
f. Galactosemia: E.coli sepsis
Etiology of Fetal and Neonatal Infection
a. Early onset sepsis:
1. Transplacental (TORCHS)
2. Trans vaginal:
a. Chorioamnionitis due to: PROM (>24 hrs);
b. Foul smelling and/or meconium stained liquor
c. Single unclean or > 3 sterile vaginal examination(s) during labor
d. Prolonged labor (sum of 1st and 2nd stage of labor > 24 hrs)
a. Postnatal:
i. Perinatal asphyxia (Apgar score <4 at 1mt)
ii. Resuscitation procedures
a. Endotracheal tube
b. Suction apparatus
c. Umbilical catheterization
b. Etiology of Late onset sepsis:
i. Nursery:
1. Nosocomial
2. Cross infection in nursery
3. Ventilator associated
4. Procedures and devices
ii. Breastfeeding: HIV
iii. Community acquired
a. Intrauterine transplacental infections:
1. Syphilis,
2. Rubella,
3. CMV,
4. Toxoplasmosis,
5. Parvovirus b19
6. Varicella
b. Intrapartum:
1. HIV
2. HSV
3. HBV
4. GBS
5. E.Coli
6. Gonococci
7. Chlamydiae
8. CMV
c. Nosocomial infection:
1. Coagulase-negative staphylococci,
2. Gram-negative bacilli (E. coli,Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella, Enterobacter,
Citrobacter,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia),
3. Enterococci,
4. S. Aureus,
5. Candida.
6. Enteroviruses,
7. Cmv,
8. Hepatitis a,
9. Adenoviruses,
10. Influenza,
11. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),
12. Rhinovirus,
13. Parainfluenza,
14. HSV,
15. Rotavirus
Differences between early and late onset sepsis:
Age at onset Birth to 7 days usually <72 hr 7-30 days >30 days
Maternal obstetric Common Uncommon Varies
Prematurity Frequent Varies Usual
Organism source Maternal genital tract Maternal genital Environment/comm
tract/environment unity
Manifestation Multisystem Multisystem or focal Multisystem or
Place Maternal genital tract; Normal NICU, community NICU, community
nursery, NICU, community
Pathogens Group B streptococcus; Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative
Escherichia coli; Listeria staphylococci,GBS, Enterococcus, and gram-
monocytogenes negative organisms
Clinical presentation Respiratory distress& Septicaemia, pneumonia, meningitis.
Signs and symptoms:
1. Vague and nonspecific; subtle or insidious
2. Hypothermia more common than fever
3. Hyperthermia in viral infection like Herpes
4. Lethargy and poor suck
5. Pallor and circumoral cyanosis
6. Skin mottling
7. Jaundice
8. Poor Feeding:
a. General
1. Respiratory distress,
2. Apnoea
3. Gasping respiration
4. Poor perfusion-pallor
5. Prolonged capillary refill time
6. Hypotonia,
7. Absent neonatal reflexes
8. Brady/tachycardia
9. Hypo / hyperglycaemia
10. Metabolic acidosis
11. Icterus: direct/indirect
b. In NICU:
1. Hypotension
2. Hypo/ hyperglycaemia
3. Increased pre-feed aspirates
4. Unexplained metabolic acidosis
c. Criteria of IMNCI:
1. Convulsions
2. Respiratory rate ≥60/minute
3. Severe chest in drawing
4. Nasal flaring
5. Grunting
6. Bulging fontanel
7. 10 or more pustules/a big boil
8. Redness around umbilicus extending to the skin
9. Lethargic or unconscious
10. Reduced movements
11. Not able to feed
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome: SIRS
a. The systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is an inflammatory cascade that is initiated
by the host response to an infectious or non-infectious trigger
b. Shock can lead to hypovolemia, cardiac and vascular failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), insulin resistance, decreased cytochrome P450 activity (decreased steroid synthesis),
coagulopathy, and unresolved or secondary infection.
c. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and other inflammatory mediators increase vascular permeability,
causing diffuse capillary leak, decreased vascular tone, and an imbalance between perfusion and
metabolic demands of the tissues.
d. TNF and interleukin-1 (IL-1) stimulate the release of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory
mediators, causing fever and vasodilatation.
e. Arachidonic acid metabolites lead to the development of fever, tachypnea, ventilation-perfusion
abnormalities, and lactic acidosis.
f. Nitric oxide, released from the endothelium or inflammatory cells, is a major contributor to
g. Myocardial depression is caused by myocardium-depressant factors, TNF, and some interleukins
through direct myocardial injury, depleted catecholamine, increased β-endorphin, and production
of myocardial nitric oxide.
h. In neonates SIRS manifests as temperature instability, respiratory dysfunction (altered gas
exchange, hypoxemia, acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]), cardiac dysfunction
(tachycardia, delayed capillary refill, hypotension), and perfusion abnormalities (oliguria,
metabolic acidosis) (Table 103-13). Increased vascular permeability results in capillary leak into
peripheral tissues and the lungs, with resultant pulmonary and peripheral edema. DIC results in
the more severely affected cases. The cascade of escalating tissue injury may lead to multisystem
organ failure and death.
Severe EOS: Neonate may be symptomatic in utero (foetal tachycardia, poor beat-to-beat variability) or
presents with signs within a few hours after birth.
D.D of neonatal sepsis:
1. RDS
2. Transient tachypnea
3. Intra cerebral haemorrhage
4. Inborn errors of metabolism
5. GI perforation
Septic screening: > two is positive for evidence of sepsis
1. Gastric aspirate > 5 polys per HPF; C/S
2. Maternal vaginal swap For GPS; C/S
3. TC < 5000 / cml
4. Bandemia > 20 %
5. Micro ESR > 15 mm
6. CRP > 1 mg/dL
Other Tests:
1. Cytokins and procalcitonin: elevated
2. CSF C/S; microscopy
3. Thrombocytopenia < 1 L / cml
4. Acidosis Present
1. Organisms that are part of the skin flora (e.g., Diphtheroids, non-haemolytic streptococci,
Coag.NS) suggest contamination
2. Culture is positive with clinical deterioration
3. Multiple site cultures are positive
4. Urine culture:
5. Suprapubic puncture or bladder
6. Catheterization
7. >10 ⁴ organisms/ml in urine obtained by catheterization
8. Any organism in the urine obtained by suprapubic aspiration
1. Leucocyte count >30/ mm3
2. Protein concentration >150 mg/ dL
3. CSF to blood glucose ratio <50%
4. Positive Gram stain/ culture
CXR: shows
1. Hyperventilation
2. Thymic atrophy
3. Pear shaped heart
4. Distended abdomen
1. Supportive treatment:
a. Thermo-neutral environment
b. Maintain oxygen saturation
c. Initiate mechanical ventilation, if necessary.
d. Administer i.V. Fluids/ crystalloids/ colloids and inotropes to maintain normal tissue
perfusion and blood pressure
e. Monitor for hypo/hyperglycaemia.
f. Avoid enteral feeding till the infant is hemodynamically stable.
g. To manage anaemia/bleeding diathesis, use packed red cells and fresh frozen plasma.
h. IV fluids : glucose and electrolytes
1. Antibiotics:
Situation Medication
h) Differences between physiological and pathological jaundice:
Physiological jaundice Pathological jaundice
1) Jaundice after 24 hrs of life Jaundice appear within 24 hours of life
2) Increase by less than 5 mg/dl/day Increase by morethan 5 mg/dl/day
3) Reaches a maximum 12 mg/dl in term and 15 mg in May cross threshold level for developing kernicterus
4) Peak in 3-5 days and subside in 7 days in term and Rapid rise and produce any time depending on the
14 days in preterm severity and type
5) Includes only indirect hyperbilirubinemia Includes both indirect and direct hyperbilirubilemia
6) Causes of physiological jaundice: Causes of pathological jaundice: Eg:
1) Increased Hb% 1) Immune hemolysis-Rh and ABO
2) Low UDPGT 2) RBC membrane defect: Spherocytosis
3) Decreased intestinal flora 3) Hemoglobin defect: Thallasemia
4) Decreased intestinal motility 4) Enzyme defect: G6PD
5) Increased enterohepatic circulation 5) Biliary atresia
7) Pronosis is good Kernicterus is possible
8) No need for treatment Phototherapy and exchange blood transfusions are
indicated depending on type and severity
1) Approximately 15% of live births are at risk, but manifestations of disease develop in only 0.3-
2) Even first pregnancy can be affected
3) Usually, the mother is type O and the infant is type A or B. O mothe - A1 infant severe
incompatibility due to more Ig.G production which crosses the placenta
4) Although ABO incompatibility occurs in 20-25% of such pregnancies, haemolytic disease develops
in only 10% of the offspring, and the infants are generally type A1, which is more antigenic than
A2. Overall incidence is 1-2 %
5) ABO incompatibility is usually mild because of low antigenicity of the ABO system
6) First pregnancy can be affected as the antibodies are already existing in the mother
7) Less jaundice but anemia may be significant
8) < 10% may go for exchange transfusion
1) Transplacental transport of maternal isoantibody results in an immune reaction with the A or B
antigen on fetal erythrocytes, which produces microspherocytes.
2) This results in hemolysis of the spherocyte.
3) Due to less no. of A or B antigenic sites on the fetal erythrocytes and more competitive binding
sites in other tissues produce only mild hemolysis.
Risk factors:
1) A1 antigen
2) Antepartum intestinal parasitism or third-trimester immunization with tetanus toxoid
3) Birth order is not a risk factor in contrast to Rh disease.
Clinical presentation:
1) The onset is usually within the first 24 h of life.
2) The jaundice evolves at a faster rate than physiologic jaundice.
3) Anemia: Because of the effectiveness of compensation by reticulocytosis, anemia is less severe.
1) Blood type and Rh factor in the mother and the infant.
2) Increase in reticulocyte count will support the diagnosis of hemolytic anemia.
3) Direct Coombs' test: weakly positive
4) Blood smear: microspherocytosis, polychromasia and normoblastosis.
5) Bilirubin levels: Indirect hyperbilirubinemia provides an index of the severity of disease.
6) Maternal IgG titer: Elevated IgG titers against the infant's blood group
1) Antepartum treatment: not indicated.
2) Postpartum treatment
a. Phototherapy: may entirely obviate the need for exchange transfusion
b. Exchange transfusion for jaundice crossing threshold values.
c. Packed cells for anemia
d. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). high-dose IVIG (1 g/kg over 4 h) has been shown to
reduce serum bilirubin levels and the need for blood exchange transfusion with ABO or Rh
hemolytic diseases.
e. Synthetic blood group trisaccharides: There is decrease in exchange transfusion rates when
A or B trisaccharides were administered.
Prognosis: the overall prognosis is excellent.
1) Inheritance:
a. The Rh antigenic determinants are genetically transmitted from each parent (Autosomal
recessive), determine the Rh type;
b. A child will be Rh negative if both its parents are Rh negative. Otherwise the child may be Rh
positive or Rh negative.
c. Thus an Rh+ individual may be homozygous (+/+) or heterozygous (+/-), while an Rh-
individual must be homozygous (-/-).
d. <15% of population is Rh negative; 55% of Rh-positive fathers are heterozygous (D/d)
2) Antigens in RBC:
a. Rh factor has many antigens: D, C, E, Kell, Kidd, K, M, Duffy
b. 90 % Rh disease due to D antigen; C&E 10%
3) Rh incompatibility develops between an Rh-negative mother previously sensitized to the Rh (D)
antigen and her Rh positive fetus.
4) Only about 5% of Rh –ve mothers with Rh +ve fetus has babies with hemolytic disease.
5) Reasons for reduced incidence
a. If ABO incompatibility is coexisting, the mother is partially protected against sensitization by
the rapid removal of Rh-positive cells from her circulation by her preexisting anti-A or anti-B
b. The onset of disease begins in utero; first pregnancy is usually not affected and severity will
increase with each successive Rh incompatible pregnancy. In restricred familysize Rh
incompatibility may not manifest.
c. The use of Rh immunoglobulin (RhoGAM) prophylaxis has reduced the incidence of Rh
sensitization to <1% of Rh-incompatible pregnancies.
d. 10-15% of Rh-negative mothers (10-50%) fail to develop specific IgG-Rh antibody despite
repeated exposure to Rh antigen.
1. Exposure of the mother to the Rh antigen occurs in the following situations:
a. Parturition,
b. Miscarriage,
c. Abortion,
d. Ectopic pregnancy.
e. Invasive investigative procedures such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling,
2. Re exposure to the Rh antigen will induce a maternal anamnestic response and elevation of specific
IgG-Rh antibody.
Risk factors
1. Birth order. The first-born infant is at minimum risk (<1%) and subsequent pregnancies are at a
progressive risk for fetal disease.
2. Fetomaternal hemorrhage. The volume of fetal erythrocytes entering the maternal circulation
correlates with the risk of sensitization.
3. ABO incompatibility. Coexistent ABO incompatibility will reduce the risk of maternal Rh sensitization
to 1.5-3.0%.
4. Obstetric factors. Cesarean section increases the risk of significant fetomaternal transfusion
5. Gender. Male infants are reported to have an increased risk
6. Maternal immune response. A significant proportion of Rh-negative mothers (10-50%) fail to develop
specific IgG-Rh antibody despite repeated exposure to Rh antigen.
Clinical presentation
1. The severity of the disease may range from mild hemolysis (15% of cases) to severe anemia with
massive enlargement of the liver and spleen.
2. Jaundice.
a. Jaundice may be absent at birth because of placental clearance but unconjugated
hyperbilirubinemia appears within the first 24 h of life;
b. In severe cases, bilirubin pigments stain the amniotic fluid, cord, and vernix caseosa yellow
c. The level of bilirubin may rapidly reach high levels with the risk of bilirubin encephalopathy.
The risk is aggravated by hypoxia and acidosis.
3. Anemia.
a. Low cord blood hemoglobin reflects the relative severity of the haemolytic process.
b. Profound anemia results in pallor, signs of cardiac decompensation (cardiomegaly,
respiratory distress), massive anasarca, and circulatory collapse.
4. Petechiae, purpura, and thrombocytopenia may also be present in severe cases as a result of
decreased platelet production or the presence of concurrent disseminated intravascular coagulation.
5. Hypoglycemia occurs frequently and may be related to hyperinsulinism and hypertrophy of the
pancreatic islet cells
6. Hydrops fetalis.
a. Severe Rh disease can lead to hydrops fetalis
b. Clinical features in the fetus include progressive hypoproteinemia with ascites or pleural
effusion, or both; severe chronic anemia with secondary hypoxemia; and cardiac failure.
c. Pulmonary edema or bilateral pleural effusions results in birth asphyxia
d. severe respiratory distress may develop after birth
e. There is an increased risk of late fetal death& stillbirth.
f. Other causes of Hydrops:
i. α-Thalassemia
ii. Severe CHD with fetal CCF
iii. Chylothorax, chylous ascites
iv. Congenital infections
v. Congenital nephrosis
vi. Chromosome abnormalities
g. Management:
i. Intrauterine exchange transfusion with type O Rh-negative packed erythrocytes will
raise the hematocrit and improve the oxygen-carrying capacity
ii. Therapeutic paracentesis or thoracentesis may be performed to remove pleural
iii. Drug treatment may include diuretics such as furosemide for pulmonary edema and
pressor agents such as dopamine
7. Preterm labour can occur and may be spontaneous or induced.
Laboratory Data:
1. Blood type and Rh type (mother and infant) to establish incompatibility.
2. The cord blood hemoglobin is proportional to the severity of the disease; with hydrops fetalis it may
be as low as 3-4 g/dL.
3. The white blood cell count is usually normal but may be elevated; thrombocytopenia may develop in
severe cases.
4. Cord bilirubin is generally between 3 and 5 mg/dL; the directreacting (conjugated) bilirubin content
may also be elevated
5. Direct antiglobulin (Coombs') test. A strongly positive direct Coombs' test indicates that fetal RBCs are
coated with antibodies and is diagnostic of Rh incompatibility.
6. If Rh immunoglobulin was given at 28 weeks' gestation a false-positive direct Coombs' test occurs but
without reticulocytosis.
7. Blood smear. Polychromasia and normoblastosis are present. Spherocytes are not usually present. The
nucleated RBC (Normoblast) count will often be >10 per 100 white blood cells.
8. Bilirubin levels.
a. Progressive elevation of unconjugated bilirubin
b. Bilirubin-binding capacity tests: Measurements of serum albumin
9. Indirect Coombs' test. This test detects the presence of antibodies in the maternal serum. Rh-positive
RBCs are incubated with the maternal serum. The RBCs now coated with anti-D are agglutinated by an
antihuman globulin serum and gives positive Coomb’s reaction.
10. Carbon monoxide (CO). CO Hb levels are increased in neonates with hemolysis.
Antenatal diagnosis:
1. Maternal titer of IgG antibodies to D antigen should be assayed at 12-16, 28-32, and 36 wk of
gestation. A rapid rise in titer, or a titer of 1:64 or greater suggests significant hemolytic disease.
2. Fetal Rh status can be determined by isolating fetal cells or fetal DNA (plasma) from the maternal
3. Real-time ultrasonography:
a. Skin or scalp edema, pleural or pericardial effusions, and ascites.
b. organomegaly (liver, spleen, heart), the double–bowel wall sign (bowel edema), and placental
4. Doppler ultrasonography:
a. Demonstration of an increase in the peak velocity of systolic blood flow in the middle
cerebral artery indicates severe anemia.
b. Assesses fetal distress by demonstrating increased vascular resistance in fetal middle cerebral
5. Spectrophotometric scanning of amniotic fluid wavelengths demonstrates a positive optical density
(OD) deviation of absorption for bilirubin from normal at 450 nm.
6. Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) is performed to determine fetal hemoglobin levels and
to transfuse packed RBCs in those with serious fetal anemia
Postnatal diagnosis:
1. Blood from the umbilical cord should be examined for ABO blood group, Rh type, Hct and hemoglobin,
and reaction to the direct Coombs test.
2. If the Coombs test result is positive, a baseline serum bilirubin level should be measured, and a
commercially available RBC panel should be used to identify RBC antibodies present in the mother’s
1. Antepartum management:
a. Maternal antibody titer should be determined antenatally. Usual range is 1:16- 1:32
b. RhoGAM. Current obstetric guidelines suggest giving immunoprophylaxis at 28 weeks' gestation
c. Intrauterine transfusion. Intrauterine transfusion may be indicated to prevent fetal death or fetal
hydrops. Intravascular (umbilical vein) transfusion of packed by slow-push infusion after being
cross-matched against the mother’s serum.
d. Reduction of maternal antibody level. Maternal plasma exchange and high-dose IVIGs have been
of value in pregnant woman to reduce circulating maternal antibodies levels by >50%.
e. Delivery: indications are pulmonary maturity, fetal distress, complications of PUBS, and 35-37 wk
of gestation.
2. Postpartum treatment
1. Resuscitation:
i. Anemic infants may require immediate single-volume exchange blood transfusion at
delivery to improve oxygen-carrying capacity.
ii. Correction of acidosis with 1-2 meq/kg of sodium bicarbonate;
iii. Assisted ventilation for respiratory failure.
2. Phototherapy: decreases bilirubin levels and reduces the number of total exchange transfusions
3. Exchange transfusion indications:
i. Cord hemoglobin value of 10 g/dL or less and bilirubin concentration of 5 mg/dL or more
ii. previous kernicterus or severe erythroblastosis in a sibling,
iii. reticulocyte counts >15%,
iv. prematurity
v. A rise of >5 mg/dL over 24 h within the first 2 days of life or more than 20 mg/dL in term
and > infants and > 15 mg in preterm are indications for exchange transfusion.
4. Heme oxygenase inhibitors (metalloporphyrins) are currently investigational. The enzyme heme
oxygenase catalyzes the rate-limiting step in bilirubin production, the conversion of heme to
5. IVIG. Early administration of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) may reduce hemolysis, peak
serum bilirubin levels, and the need for exchange transfusions. Postnatal treatment decreases
hemolysis of the antibody-coated Rh-positive RBCs. dose 0.5-1 gm/kg.
3. Prevention Rh disease: RhoGAM prophylaxis.
1. The risk of initial sensitization of Rh-negative mothers has been reduced to less than 1% by the
intramuscular injection of 300 μg of human anti-D globulin (1 mL of RhoGAM) within 72 hr of
delivery of an Rh-positive infant, ectopic pregnancy, abdominal trauma in pregnancy,
amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy, or abortion.
2. RhoGAM Administration of human anti-D globulin at 28-32 wk and again at birth (40 wk) is more
effective than a single dose.
3. Large fetal-to-maternal transfers of blood may require proportionately more human anti-D
globulin. The amount of fetal blood entering the maternal circulation may be estimated using the
Kleihauer-Betke acid elution technique during the immediate postpartum period.
1. Anemia
2. Cholestasis: Inspissated bile syndrome
3. Portal vein thrombosis and portal hypertension and a mild GVH reaction may manifest as diarrhea,
rash, hepatitis, or eosinophilia may occur in children who have been subjected to exchange
4. Kernicterus
a. Antenatal immune prophylaxis and improved management techniques, including amniotic fluid
spectrophotometry, intrauterine transfusion, and advances in neonatal intensive care, have been
largely responsible for a significant reduction in mortality.
1. Indications for Exchange transfusion:
a. To treat hyperbilirubinaemia when bilirubin reaches toxic levels in:-
i. rhesus haemolytic disease,
ii. ABO incompatibility,
b. babies with severe anaemia at birth (single volume exchange)
c. To reduce packed cell volume in polycythemia
d. Severe sepsis in NB
2. Types of exchange transfusion:
a. Partial exchange transfusion: is typically performed for Polycythemia. It consists of removing
whole blood and replacing it with albumin, plasma, or normal saline to lower the HCT to
approximately 55%.
b. Single blood volume exchange: using (85 ml/Kg ) and usually performed for anemia with heart
failure (i.e. hydrops fetalis)
c. Double volume exchange: (170 ml/ Kg of blood). Usually performed for severe hemolytic disease
of newborn.
3. Indications in hyperbilirubinemia:
1. Previous kernicterus or severe erythroblastosis in a sibling,
2. reticulocyte counts >15%, and
3. Bilirubin >20 mg in term baby
4. > 15 mg in preterm
5. Cord Hb% <10
6. Cord bilirubin > 5mg
4. Exchange transfusion:
1. O –ve fresh blood cross matched with infant and mother’s sera
2. Double volume: 85 X 2 / kg ml
3. 20 ml exchanged each time via umbilical venous catheter placed at IVC or hepatic vein
4. Removes 80% sensitized cells and mat. antibodies and 50 % of bilirubin
5. Potential complications from exchange transfusion are not trivial and include metabolic acidosis,
electrolyte abnormalities, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, thrombocytopenia, volume overload,
arrhythmias, NEC, infection, graft versus host disease, and death.
1. Bilirubin absorbs light maximally in the blue range (420-470 nm). Broad-spectrum white, blue, and
special narrow-spectrum (super) blue lights have been effective in reducing bilirubin levels.
2. Bilirubin in the skin absorbs light energy, causing several photochemical reactions.
3. One major product from phototherapy is a result of a reversible photo-isomerization reaction
converting the toxic native unconjugated 4Z,15Z-bilirubin into an unconjugated configurational
isomer, 4Z,15E-bilirubin, which can then be excreted in bile without conjugation.
4. The other major product from phototherapy is lumirubin, which is an irreversible structural isomer
converted from native bilirubin that can be excreted by the kidneys in the unconjugated state.
5. Phototherapy includes using “special blue” fluorescent tubes, placing the lamps within 15-20 cm of the
infant, and putting a fiberoptic phototherapy blanket under the infant’s back to increase the exposed
surface area.
1. Conventional phototherapy is applied continuously, and the infant is turned frequently for maximal skin
surface area exposure.
2. Before phototherapy is initiated, the infant’s eyes should be closed and adequately covered to prevent
light exposure and corneal damage.
3. Body temperature should be monitored, and the infant should be shielded from bulb breakage.
4. Irradiance should be measured directly. In infants with hemolytic disease, care must be taken to monitor
for the development of anemia, which may require transfusion.
5. Anemia may develop despite lowering of bilirubin levels.
1. Aggressive phototherapy may improve neurodevelopmental outcome in infants <1,000 g.
2. Phototherapy may reduce the need for repeated exchange transfusions.
1. Phototherapy is contraindicated in the presence of porphyria.
1.Clinical experience suggests that long-term adverse biologic effects of phototherapy are absent,
minimal, or unrecognized.
2.Common problems associated with phototherapy include:
a. Loose stools,
b. Erythematous macular rash,
c. Purpuric rash associated with transient porphyrinemia,
d. Overheating,
e.Dehydration (increased insensible water loss, diarrhea),
f. Hypothermia from exposure, and
i. A benign condition called bronze baby syndrome (which occurs in the presence of
direct hyperbilirubinemia).
3.Bronze baby syndrome:
a. It refers to a sometimes-noted dark, grayish brown skin discoloration in infants undergoing
phototherapy. Almost all infants observed with this syndrome have had significant
elevation of direct-reacting bilirubin and other evidence of obstructive liver disease. The
discoloration may be due to photo-induced modification of porphyrins, which are often
present during cholestatic jaundice and may last for many months.
b. Despite the bronze baby syndrome, phototherapy can continue if needed.
1. Kernicterus, or bilirubin encephalopathy, is a neurologic syndrome resulting from the deposition of
unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin in the basal ganglia and brainstem nuclei. Neuronal loss occurs due
damage to cell membrane and interference to O2 utilization.
1. The pathogenesis of kernicterus is multifactorial and involves the following factors:
a. Unconjugated bilirubin levels,
b. Albumin binding and unbound bilirubin levels,
c. Passage across the blood-brain barrier: increased in asphyxia and maturational changes in blood-
brain barrier permeability.
d. Neuronal susceptibility to injury.
2. Kernicterus occurs in full term infants with a bilirubin >20 mg/dL.and >15 mg/dL. in preterm. The more
immature the infant is, the greater the susceptibility to kernicterus.
Clinical manifestations
1. The early signs may be subtle and indistinguishable from those of sepsis, asphyxia, hypoglycemia,
intracranial hemorrhage, and other acute systemic illnesses in a neonate.
2. Lethargy, poor feeding, and loss of the Moro reflex are common initial signs.
3. Subsequently, the infant may appear gravely ill and prostrate, with diminished tendon reflexes and
respiratory distress.
4. Opisthotonos with a bulging fontanel, twitching of the face or limbs, and a shrill high-pitched cry may
5. In advanced cases, convulsions and spasm occur, with affected infants stiffly extending their arms in an
inward rotation with the fists clenched. Rigidity is rare at this late stage.
6. Many infants who progress to these severe neurologic signs die; the survivors are usually seriously
damaged but may appear to recover and for 2-3 mo show few abnormalities.
7. Later in the 1st yr of life, opisthotonos, muscle rigidity, irregular movements, and convulsions tend to
8. In the 2nd yr, the opisthotonos and seizures abate, but irregular, involuntary movements, muscle
rigidity, or, in some infants, hypotonia increase steadily.
9. By 3 yr of age, the complete neurologic syndrome is often apparent; it consists of bilateral
choreoathetosis with involuntary muscle spasms, extrapyramidal signs, seizures, mental deficiency,
dysarthric speech, high-frequency hearing loss, squinting, and defective upward eye movements.
Pyramidal signs, hypotonia, and ataxia occur in a few infants. In mildly affected infants, the syndrome
may be characterized only by mild to moderate neuromuscular incoordination, partial deafness, or
“minimal brain dysfunction,” occurring singly or in combination; these problems may be inapparent
until the child enters school.
10. Mental retardation, deafness, and spastic quadriplegia are common among survivors. .
11. Stages of Kernicterus:
Early Late Chronic
Lethargy Irritability Athetoid cerebral palsy
Poor feeding Opisthotonos High-frequency hearing loss
High-pitched cry Seizures Paralysis of upward gaze
Hypotonia Apnea Dental dysplasia
convulsions Oculogyric crisis Mild mental retardation
Bulging fontanel Hypertonia
Death Fever
12. Prevention
a. The only effective way at preventing kernicterus is to lower the serum bilirubin levels either
by phototherapy or exchange transfusion.
b. All pregnant women should be tested for ABO and Rh (D) blood types and have a serum
screen for unusual isoimmune antibodies
c. Visual inspection is never sufficient; therefore it is best to use a bilimeter or blood test to
determine a baby's risk for developing kernicterus.
d. These numbers can then be plotted on the Bhutani Nomogram.
13. Treatment
a. Currently no effective treatment exists for kernicterus. Future therapies may include
neuroregeneration. A handful of patients have undergone deep brain stimulation, and
experienced some benefit.
b. Drugs such as Baclofen, Clonazepam, and Artane are often used to manage movement
disorders associated with kernicterus.
c. Proton Pump Inhibitors are also used to help with reflux. Cochlear Implants and hearing aids
have also been known to improve the hearing loss that can come with kernicterus (Auditory
Neuropathy - ANSD).
1. Jaundice associated with breast-feeding develops in 2% of breast-fed term infants after the 7th day of life,
with maximal concentrations as high as 10-30 mg/dL reached during the 2nd-3rd week. If breast-feeding is
continued, the bilirubin gradually decreases but may persist for 3-10 wk at lower levels.
2. If nursing is discontinued, the serum bilirubin level falls rapidly, reaching normal range within a few days.
With resumption of breast-feeding, bilirubin seldom returns to previously high levels. Phototherapy may
be of benefit.
3. Although uncommon, kernicterus can occur in patients with breast milk jaundice.
4. The etiology of breast milk jaundice is not entirely clear but may be attributed to the presence of
glucuronidase in some breast milk.
5. Breast milk related jaundice is of two types:
1. Early-Onset Breastfeeding Jaundice
a. It occurs in the 1st week of life in breast-fed infants (>12 mg/dL)
b. It may be due to decreased milk intake with dehydration and/or reduced caloric intake.
c. Prophylactic supplements of glucose water to breast-fed infants are associated with higher
bilirubin levels, in part because of reduced intake of the higher–caloric density breast milk.
d. Decreased volume and frequency of feedings may result in mild dehydration and the delayed
passage of meconium.
e. Inadequate breast milk with starvation leads to increased enterohepatic circulation &
Bilirubin in meconium is absorbed due to lack of meconium clearance.
f. Management:
i. The frequency of feedings needs to be increased to more than 10 per day and
rooming-in with night feeding should be encouraged.
ii. If the infant has a decline in weight gain, delayed stooling, and continued poor
caloric intake, formula supplementation may be necessary, but breastfeeding should
be continued
2. Late-Onset Breast Milk Jaundice
a. Breast milk jaundice occurs later in the newborn period, with the bilirubin level usually
peaking in the sixth to 14th days of life. This late-onset jaundice may develop in up to one
third of healthy breastfed infants. Total serum bilirubin levels vary from 12 to 20 mg per dL
and are nonpathologic.
b. The bilirubin level may remain persistently elevated for one to three months.
c. If the diagnosis of breast milk jaundice is in doubt or the total serum bilirubin level becomes
markedly elevated, breastfeeding may be temporarily interrupted, although the mother
should continue to express breast milk to maintain production.
d. With formula substitution, the total serum bilirubin level should decline rapidly over 48
hours. Breastfeeding may then be resumed.
e. Etiology:
1. The underlying cause of breast milk jaundice is not entirely understood.
2. Gilbert syndrome may be associated in some- Defects in uridine diphosphate-glucuronyl
transferase activity
3. An unusual metabolite of progesterone (pregnane-3-alpha 20 beta-diol), a substance in
the breast milk that inhibits uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDPGA) glucuronyl
4. Increased concentrations of nonesterified free fatty acids that inhibit hepatic glucuronyl
5. Increased enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin due to
a. Increased content of beta glucuronidase activity in breast milk and, therefore,
the intestines of the breastfed neonate and
b. Delayed establishment of enteric flora in breastfed infants
6. Reduced hepatic uptake of unconjugated bilirubin due to a mutation in the solute carrier
organic anion transporter protein SLCO1B1.
7. Inflammatory cytokines in human milk, especially interleukin (IL)-1 beta and IL-6, are
increased in individuals with breast milk jaundice and are known to be cholestatic and
reduce the uptake, metabolism, and excretion of bilirubin.
1. Etiology:
a. Autosomal dominant and, less frequently, autosomal recessive disorder.
b. Abnormalities of spectrin or ankyrin, which are major components of the cytoskeleton responsible
for RBC shape.
c. The loss of membrane surface area without a proportional loss of cell volume causes sphering of
the RBCs and an associated increase in cation permeability, cation transport, adenosine
triphosphate use, and glycolysis.
d. The decreased deformability of the spherocytic RBCs impairs cell passage from the splenic cords
to the splenic sinuses, and the spherocytic RBCs are destroyed prematurely in the spleen.
e. Splenectomy markedly improves RBC life span and cures the anemia.
2. Clinical features:
a. In Neonates: May present as anemia and hyperbilirubinemia
3. Laboratory findings:
1. Evidence of hemolysis includes reticulocytosis and indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
2. The hemoglobin level usually is 6–10 g/dL, but it can be in the normal range.
3. The reticulocyte percentage often is increased to > 10%.
4. The mean corpuscular volume is normal, although the mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration often is increased.
5. The RBCs on the blood film vary in size and include polychromatophilic reticulocytes and
1. Splenectomy is the cure for this disorder.
1. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, the most frequent disease involving enzymes of
the hexose monophosphate pathway, is responsible for 2 clinical syndromes:
a. episodic haemolytic anemia, and
b. chronic nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia.
2. The most common manifestations of this disorder are neonatal jaundice and episodic acute hemolytic
anemia, which is induced by infections, certain drugs, and, rarely, fava beans.
3. This X-linked deficiency affects more than 400 million people worldwide, representing an overall 4.9%
global prevalence. The global distribution of this disorder parallels that of malaria.
Episodic or induced hemolytic anemia:
1. Etiology
a. G6PD catalyzes the conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to 6-phosphogluconic acid. This reaction
produces NADPH, which maintains glutathione in the reduced, functional state.
b. Reduced glutathione provides protection against oxidant threats from certain drugs and infections
that would otherwise cause precipitation of hemoglobin (Heinz bodies) or damage the RBC
2. Clinical Manifestations:
a. Most individuals with G6PD deficiency are asymptomatic
b. Drugs that elicit hemolysis in these individuals include aspirin, sulfonamides, rasburicase, and
antimalarials, such as primaquine & favism
c. Neonates with coinheritance of G6PD deficiency and a mutation of the promoter of
uridinediphosphate-glucuronyl transferase, seen in Gilbert syndrome, have more severe neonatal
3. Lab:
a. Unstained or supravital preparations of RBCs reveal precipitated hemoglobin, known as Heinz
b. blood film may contain red cells with what appears to be a bite taken from their periphery
c. polychromasia (evidence of bluish, larger RBCs), representing reticulocytosis
d. The diagnosis depends on direct or indirect demonstration of reduced G6PD activity in RBCs
4. Prevention and Treatment
a. Prevention of hemolysis: ethnic groups with a significant incidence of G6PD deficiency should be
tested for the defect before known oxidant drugs are given.
b. Infants with severe neonatal jaundice who belong to these ethnic groups also require testing for
G6PD deficiency because of their heightened risk for this defect.
c. If severe hemolysis has occurred, supportive therapy may require blood transfusions, although
recovery is the rule when the oxidant agent is discontinued.
Chronic nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia:
1. This has been associated with profound deficiency of G6PD caused by enzyme variants. Persons with
G6PD B− enzyme deficiency occasionally have chronic hemolysis, and the haemolytic process may
worsen after ingestion of oxidant drugs.
2. Splenectomy is of little value in these types of chronic hemolysis.
Crigler-najjar syndrome type I (glucuronyl transferase deficiency)
1. This is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Enzyme bilirubin uridine diphospho glucuronate
glucuronosyltransferase is completely absent (UGT1A1). CN type II is due to decreased UGT1A1 activity.
1. CN type I is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
2. Clinical Manifestations
a. Severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia develops in homozygous affected infants in the 1st 3
days of life, and without treatment, serum unconjugated bilirubin concentrations of 25-35 mg/dL
are reached in the 1st month.
b. Kernicterus, an almost universal complication of this disorder, is usually 1st noted in the early
neonatal period; some treated infants have survived childhood without clinical sequelae.
c. Stools are pale yellow.
d. Persistence of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia at levels >20 mg/dL after the 1st wk of life in the
absence of hemolysis should suggest the syndrome.
3. Diagnosis
a. The diagnosis of CN type I is based on the early age of onset and the extreme level of bilirubin
elevation in the absence of hemolysis.
b. In the bile, bilirubin concentration is <10 mg/dL compared with normal concentrations of 50-100
mg/dL; there is no bilirubin glucuronide.
c. Definitive diagnosis is established by measuring hepatic glucuronyl transferase activity in a liver
specimen obtained by a closed biopsy; open biopsy should be avoided because surgery and
anesthesia can precipitate kernicterus.
d. DNA diagnosis is also available and may be preferable. Identification of the heterozygous state in
parents also strongly suggests the diagnosis.
4. Treatment
a. The serum unconjugated bilirubin concentration should be kept to <20 mg/dL for at least the 1st
2-4 wk of life; in low birthweight infants, the levels should be kept lower by repeated exchange
transfusions and phototherapy.
b. Phenobarbital therapy should be considered to determine responsiveness and differentiation
between type I and II.
c. The risk of kernicterus persists into adult life (serum bilirubin usually >35 mg/dL).
d. Adjuvant therapy using agents that bind photobilirubin products such as calcium phosphate,
cholestyramine, or agar can be used to interfere with the enterohepatic recirculation of bilirubin.
e. Prompt treatment of intercurrent infections, febrile episodes help prevent the later development
of kernicterus
f. Orthotopic liver transplantation cures the disease and has been successful in a small number of
patients; isolated hepatocyte transplantation has been reported in fewer than 10 patients, but all
patients eventually required orthotopic transplantation.
g. Other therapeutic modalities have included plasmapheresis and limitation of bilirubin production.
The latter option, inhibiting bilirubin generation, is possible via inhibition of heme oxygenase
using metalloporphyrin therapy.
1. CN type II is an autosomal recessive disease; it is caused by homozygous missense mutations in UGT1A1,
resulting in reduced (partial) enzymatic activity
2. Type II disease can be distinguished from type I by the marked decline in serum bilirubin level that
occurs in type II disease after treatment with phenobarbital secondary to an inducible phenobarbital
response element on the UGT1A1 promoter.
Clinical Manifestations
1. When this disorder appears in the neonatal period, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia usually occurs in
the 1st 3 days of life; serum bilirubin concentrations can be in a range compatible with physiologic jaundice
or can be at pathologic levels. The concentrations characteristically remain elevated into and after the 3rd
wk of life, persisting in a range of 1.5-22 mg/dL; concentrations in the lower part of this range can create
uncertainty about whether chronic hyperbilirubinemia is present.
2. Development of kernicterus is unusual.
3. Stool color is normal, and the infants are without clinical signs or symptoms of disease. There is no
evidence of hemolysis.
1. Concentration of bilirubin in bile is nearly normal in CN type II.
2. Jaundiced infants and young children with type II syndrome respond readily to 5 mg/kg/24 hr of oral
phenobarbital, with a decrease in serum bilirubin concentration to 2-3 mg/dL in 7-10 days.
1. Long-term reduction in serum bilirubin levels can be achieved with continued administration of
phenobarbital at 5 mg/kg/24 hr.
2. Orlistat, an irreversible inhibitor of intestinal lipase, induces a mild decrease in plasma bilirubin levels
(~10%) in patients with CN I and II.
1. Gilbert's syndrome is usually an autosomal recessive disorder and is a common cause of unconjugated
hyperbilirubinaemia. There have been some reports of heterozygous cases, mainly within Asian
2. Gilbert's syndrome affects 5-10% of people in Western Europe. The worldwide prevalence of Gilbert's
syndrome varies considerably depending on which diagnostic criteria are used. Men are more commonly
affected than women.
3. Gilbert syndrome is caused by mutation in the promoter region of UGT1A1 that leads to decreased
glucuronyl transferase activity to < 30%.
4. Gilbert's syndrome is characterised by unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, no evidence of haemolysis,
normal liver enzyme levels and no evidence of liver disease.
5. It is usually diagnosed around puberty, and aggravated by intercurrent illness, stress, fasting or after
administration of certain drugs.
6. The increase in serum concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin can lead to intermittent episodes of non-
pruritic jaundice, which can be precipitated by fasting, infections, dehydration, surgery, physical exertion
and lack of sleep. Symptoms, including tiredness, that occur during episodes of jaundice are caused by the
precipitating factor and do not result directly from Gilbert's syndrome.
7. It can remain unnoticed for many years, but usually presents in adolescence with:
1. Intermittent jaundice noticed after fasting, lack of sleep, vigorous exercise or during an
intercurrent illness.
2. Exposure to certain medications which may precipitate jaundice - eg, chemotherapy. Adverse
effects of anticancer agents have been observed in Gilbert's syndrome patients due to reduced
drug or bilirubin glucuronidation.
1. Lucey Driscoll syndrome is characterized by severe jaundice in the first 4 days of life.
2. It is a transient condition and is due to presence of an inhibitor substance in the mother's blood that
prevents the action of an enzyme in the baby's liver that conjugates the bilirubin (the pigment that
accumulates in access in jaundice).
3. As a result of high bilirubin, the child has jaundice and sometimes even convulsions. Since, this inhibitor
is present only for a limited time, the condition is transient.
4. The treatment is light in the form of photo therapy, drugs such as phenobarbitone and even blood
transfusion in the form of exchange transfusion
1. Dubin-Johnson syndrome is an autosomal recessive inherited defect with variable penetrance in
hepatocyte secretion of bilirubin glucuronide.
2. The defect in hepatic excretory function is not limited to conjugated bilirubin excretion but also involves
several organic anions normally excreted from the liver cell into bile.
3. Bile acid excretion and serum bile acid levels are normal.
4. Total urinary coproporphyrin excretion is normal in quantity but coproporphrin I excretion increases to
∼80% with a concomitant decrease in coproporphyrin III excretion. Normally, coproporphyrin III is >75% of
the total.
5. Cholangiography fails to visualize the biliary tract and x-ray of the gallbladder is also abnormal.
6. Liver histology demonstrates normal architecture, but hepatocytes contain black pigment similar to
1. Patients with Rotor syndrome have an additional deficiency in organic anion uptake; however, the
genetic defect has not yet been elucidated.
2. Unlike Dubin-Johnson syndrome, total urinary coproporphyrin excretion is elevated, with a relative
increase in the amount of the coproporphyrin I isomer.
3. The gallbladder is normal by roentgenography, and liver cells contain no black pigment.
4. In Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes, sulfobromophthalein excretion is often abnormal.
1) Normal value:
a. A value < 2.0 mg/dL is normal
b. A value >5.0 mg/dL is considered severe
2) Risk factors:
1. Infant receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for >2 weeks
2. Infection may cause hepatocellular damage, leading to increased direct bilirubin levels.
3. direct hyperbilirubinemia occurs after feedings in galactosemia
3) Differential diagnosis:
a. More common causes of direct hyperbilirubinemia.
I. Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis: most common
II. Biliary atresia is the second most common
III. Bacterial infection (sepsis or urinary tract infection).
IV. Intrauterine infection (TORCH)
V. Inspissated bile (bile plug) from hemolytic disease.
VI. Choledochal cyst.
VII. Alpha-antitrypsin deficiency is the most common genetic cause of cholestasis.
VIII. Galactosemia
B. Less common causes of direct hyperbilirubinemia:
i. Cystic fibrosis.
ii. Hypothyroidism.
iii. Rotor's syndrome.
iv. Dubin-Johnson syndrome, a genetic defect in the canalicular transport system.
v. Storage disease (eg, Niemann-Pick disease or Gaucher's disease).
vi. Metabolic disorders (eg, tyrosinemia, fructosemia).
vii. Trisomy 21 or 18.
4) History:
a. The clinical hallmarks of the disease include icterus (Greenish yellow), acholic stools, and dark
5) Physical examination:
a. Enlarged liver or spleen. Splenomegaly is more common in neonatal hepatitis but can be a late
sign in biliary atresia.
6) Laboratory studies:
a. Elevated levels of AST and ALT signify hepatocellular damage. Elevated alkaline phosphatase
levels may signify biliary obstruction. Elevated GGTP is a sensitive but nonspecific indicator of
early cholestatic change.
b. A complete blood cell count with differential may help to determine whether infection is
c. Coombs' test may indicate the possibility of hemolytic disease.
d. Prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and serum albumin level
e. Blood and urine culture. If sepsis is suspected.
f. Testing for viral disease.
i. Determine the serum total immunoglobulin M for test for TORCH infections.
ii. Urine is tested for cytomegalovirus, and a
iii. Serum hepatitis profile is obtained (hepatitis surface antigen and IgM hepatitis A
antibody). Hepatitis B markers should be tested in both the mother and the infant.
g. Serum alpha1-antitrypsin levels. These levels are obtained to rule out alpha1-antitrypsin
h. Urine-reducing substance should be determined if galactosemia is suspected.
i. Serum thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels should be
obtained if hypothyroidism is suspected.
j. Sweat chloride test. A quantitative sweat chloride test should be done to rule out cystic fibrosis.
k. Urine metabolic screen.
7. Radiologic and other studies:
a. Ultrasonography. Ultrasound examination of the liver and the biliary tract will rule out
choledochal cyst, stones, tumor, and masses and will also provide information on the gallbladder.
The absence of the gallbladder may suggest biliary atresia.
b. Radionuclide scans allow evaluation of the biliary anatomy.
c. Liver biopsy is usually performed after all other laboratory tests have been performed and a
definitive diagnosis is still needed.
8. Exploratory laparotomy and operative cholangiography should be done if biliary atresia is
suspected or the medical evaluation is inconclusive.
9. Management:
1. Biliary atresia.
a. Hepatic portoenterostomy (the Kasai procedure) is currently the initial procedure of choice in
b. Hepatic transplantation offers improved survival and quality of life to those for whom the
Kasai operation has not been successful.
2. Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis. Supportive care
3. Alpha1-antitrypsin. The only curative therapy is liver transplantation.
4. Bacterial infection. If signs of sepsis are present, appropriate cultures should be performed and
empiric antibiotic therapy initiated.
5. Intrauterine infection. Appropriate antiviral agents or other medications should be started, if
6. Inspissated bile secondary to hemolytic disease is treated with supportive management. The use
of phenobarbital is controversial.
7. Choledochal cyst. The treatment is surgical removal.
8. Galactosemia. Immediate elimination of lactose- and galactose-containing products from the diet
is required.
The neonatal hepatitis syndrome is the term given to non-specific hepatic inflammation, which develops
secondary to many different aetiologies, including:
i. Infectious hepatitis: 20 %; it occurs only in early infancy, usually between one and two months after
birth. These include cytomegalovirus, rubella (measles), and hepatitis A, B or C viruses.
ii. Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis: In the remaining 80 percent of the cases no specific virus can be
identified as the cause, and it develops secondary to many different aetiologies as follows:
1. Disorders of membrane transport and secretion
a. Disorders of canalicular secretion
b. Bile acid transport—BSEP(bile salt export pump) deficiency
c. Phospholipid transport— (PFIC progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis)
d. Ion transport—cystic fibrosis
2. Complex/multi-organ disorders
a. FIC1 deficiency
b. Neonatal sclerosing cholangitis
c. Arthrogryposis–renal dysfunction–cholestasis syndrome
3. Disorders of bile acid biosynthesis and conjugation
4. Disorders of embryogenesis
a. Ductal plate malformation ( eg. Caroli disease)
b. Alagille syndrome (Jagged1 defect, syndromic bile duct paucity)
5. Unclassified (idiopathic “neonatal hepatitis”)-mechanism unknown
iii. Biliary atresia :
a. The most common form of biliary atresia is obliteration of the entire extrahepatic biliary tree
at or above the porta hepatis. This presents a much more difficult problem in surgical
b. Most patients with biliary atresia (85–90%) have a postnatal onset; embryonic fetal onset
presents at birth and is associated with other congenital anomalies within the polysplenia
spectrum (biliary atresia splenic malformation [BASM])
c. Incidence. 1/10,000-15,000 live births
d. Differentiation of idiopathic neonatal hepatitis from biliary atresia.
Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis Biliary atresia
Familial Not familial
More common in premature or small Increased incidence polysplenia syndrome with
for gestational age infants. abdominal heterotaxia, malrotation, levocardia
Transient impairment of bile excretion Persistently acholic stools
Less severe hepatomegaly liver may find an abnormal size or consistency
US: abdominal polysplenia micro-gallbladder; Ultrasonographic triangular cord (TC)
sign, which represents a cone-shaped fibrotic mass cranial
to the bifurcation of the portal vein.
iv. Lab evaluation to differentiate biliary atresia from neonatal hepatitis:
a. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy with technetium-labeled iminodiacetic acid derivatives is used to
differentiate biliary atresia from nonobstructive causes of cholestasis. The hepatic uptake of the
agent is normal in patients with biliary atresia, but excretion into the intestine is absent. Although
the uptake may be impaired in neonatal hepatitis, excretion into the bowel will eventually occur.
Obtaining a follow-up scan after 24 hr is of value to determine the patency of the biliary tree.
b. The administration of phenobarbital (5 mg/kg/day) for 5 days before the scan is recommended
because it may enhance biliary excretion of the isotope.
c. Percutaneous liver biopsy: Biliary atresia is characterized by bile ductular proliferation, the
presence of bile plugs, and portal or perilobular edema and fibrosis, with the basic hepatic lobular
architecture intact. In neonatal hepatitis, there is severe, diffuse hepatocellular disease, with
distortion of lobular architecture, marked infiltration with inflammatory cells, and focal
hepatocellular necrosis; the bile ductules show little alteration. Giant cell transformation is found
in infants with either condition and has no diagnostic specificity.
d. The histologic changes seen in patients with idiopathic neonatal hepatitis can occur in other
diseases, including α1-antitrypsin deficiency, galactosemia, and various forms of intrahepatic
cholestasis. Although paucity of intrahepatic bile ductules may be detected on liver biopsy even in
the 1st few weeks of life, later biopsies in such patients reveal a more characteristic pattern.
Other conditions of neonatal hepatitis like syndromes:
a. Aagenaes syndrome is a form of idiopathic familial intrahepatic cholestasis associated with
lymphedema of the lower extremities.
d. Zellweger (cerebrohepatorenal) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder marked
by progressive degeneration of the liver and kidneys
e. Neonatal hemochromatosis is a rapidly progressive disease characterized by increased iron
deposition in the liver, heart, and endocrine organs without increased iron stores in the
reticuloendothelial system.
f. Alagille syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia) is the most common syndrome with intrahepatic bile
duct paucity.
g. Caroli disease and Caroli syndrome are rare congenital disorders of the intrahepatic bile ducts.
They are both characterized by dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary tree. The term Caroli disease
is applied if the disease is limited to ectasia or segmental dilatation of the larger intrahepatic
ducts. This form is less common than Caroli syndrome, in which malformations of small bile ducts
and congenital hepatic fibrosis are also present. This process can be either diffuse or segmental
and may be limited to one lobe of the liver, more commonly the left lobe. Caroli disease is
sporadic, whereas Caroli syndrome is generally inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. As
with congenital hepatic fibrosis, Caroli syndrome is often associated with autosomal recessive
polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).
ii. Management of patients with suspected biliary atresia.
a. All patients suspected of having biliary atresia should undergo exploratory laparotomy and direct
cholangiography to determine the presence and site of obstruction
b. For patients in whom no correctable lesion is found, the hepatoportoenterostomy (Kasai)
procedure should be performed.
iii. Treatment of neonatal cholestasis:
a. Decreased delivery of bile acids to the proximal intestine leads to inadequate digestion and
absorption of dietary long-chain triglycerides and fat-soluble vitamins.
b. Impairment of hepatic metabolic function can alter hormonal balance and utilization of nutrients.
c. Progressive liver damage can lead to biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and liver failure.
d. Management:
Malnutrition resulting from malabsorption of Replace with dietary formula or supplements containing
dietary long-chain triglycerides medium-chain triglycerides
Vitamin A deficiency (night blindness, thick skin) Replace with 10,000–15,000 IU/day as Aquasol A
Vitamin E deficiency (neuromuscular degeneration) Replace with 50–400 IU/day as oral α-tocopherol or
Vitamin D deficiency (metabolic bone disease) Replace with 5,000–8,000 IU/day of D2 or 3–5 μg/kg/day
of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
Vitamin K deficiency (hypoprothrombinemia) Replace with 2.5–5.0 mg every other day as water-
soluble derivative of menadione
Retention of biliary constituents such as cholesterol Administer choleretic bile acids and ursodeoxycholic
(itch or xanthomas) acid, 15–20 mg/kg/day
Progressive liver disease; portal hypertension Interim management (control bleeding; salt restriction;
(variceal bleeding, ascites, hypersplenism) spironolactone)
Fetal Monitoring
vii. FHR
Early gestation: FH high under sympathetic control
Later gestation: decrease in FHR after para sympathetic maturation
Fetal heart patterns:
1. Basal fetal heart rate
" Normal 120-160/mt
" Bradycardia < 120
" Tachycardia > 160
2. Beat to beat variability : 5 between contractions
3. Acceleration : 15/mt lasting for 15 sec.
4. Baseline bradycardia
" Mean FHR < 110 bpm
" Etiology:
" Heart block
" Occiput posterior or transverse position,
" Fetal hypoxia.
" Xylocain during pudental block
5. Accelerations
" Accelerations- transient increase in fhr of 15 bpm or more lasting for 15 sec. Good
" Causes:
1. Early hypoxia
2. Maternal fever
3. Fetal anemia
4. Fetal infection
6. Deceleration
FHR below the baseline level of more than 15 bpm and lasting for 15 sec.
" Synchronous with uterine contraction
" Caused by head compression and vagal stimulation
Variable :
" Slowing oh fh even after uterine relaxation
" Caused by cord compression of the umbilical cord
" Prolonged and persists after uterine contraction
" Caused by fetal hypoxia
7. Stress test
1. Uterine contraction spontaneous or induced by nipple stimulation or oxytocin
2. Positive:
– 3 contractions in 10 minutes followed by late deceleration
Prolonged deceleration:
Biophysical profile
5x2= 10 points
1. Fetal breathing - 30 seconds of sustained fetal breathing in 30 minutes
2. Fetal movement - 3 or more gross body movements in 30 minutes
3. Fetal tone - one episode of limb motion from flexion to extension to flexion
4. Amniotic fluid - pocket of fluid measuring at least one centimeter
5. FH 120-160 / mt
Amniotic membrane and liquor amnii:
1. Absent membrane endangers fetal life
2. Meconium stained amniotic fluid indicates established fetal distress
Fetal PH
1. A microtechnique of sampling blood from the fetal scalp
2. Ph < 7.25 indicates fetal distress