Module 4 Application Task EDSP411

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Module 4 Application Task

EDSP 411

April 16th, 2020

Lesson Differentiation Chart

Student Name Lesson Component that may Why Differentiation Ways to Differentiate this
Need Differentiation may be Needed (Use Component of the Lesson
Data and Student

Daniela The worksheet needs She struggles with She may need a translated
differentiation English because Spanish to version of the
is her primary language assignment since it is word
problems; either that or one
on one help from a
Timothy Timothy requires He reads at a lower level He needs more attention
disciplinary action and more and doesn’t enjoy math. from the teacher and call
attention He also refuses to finish on him when we recall the
assignments and bullies steps to FAST and
other students congratulate him
noticeably for the correct
answers for more
motivation. When we are
in the independent study, I
will assure him that I am
available as the teacher to
help him in anything he
needs. Be there for one of
the questions he goes
through to make sure he is
on task and address any
Maria Motivation and assistance Lacks motivation and She may also need a
with Spanish shows limited English translator or a Spanish
proficiency version of the worksheet as
we are working with word
problems. The translator
will also serve as tutor and
will help her with
motivation and makes sure
she completes it by helping
her stay on task.
Adele More attention and more Learning disabilities in Requires more attention
time to ask teacher for Math from the teacher. Let her
assistance know that I am there to
help with any questions she
might come across but let
her know to read the
questions slowly and
analyze them with her
reading skills. She may
need differentiated
instruction by giving more
captivating questions to
things that interest her.

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