Bethel University Lesson Plan Template: Minutes
Bethel University Lesson Plan Template: Minutes
Bethel University Lesson Plan Template: Minutes
Phase I
Section IV: Resources & Technology: List all the print and digital resources, materials, technology, and equipment that will be used.
Teacher Math Board, Decimal Models
Student Math Notes and online materials
Closure: How will you review the learning I will have students discuss the equations in Exercises
objective(s) and key concepts of this lesson 5–7. Ask them which two are most alike and why.
and make connections to future learning?
We will then review the answers that were done on
22 Minutes Allocated their own.
Section VI: Accommodating and/or Modifying for Special Needs: Describe accommodations provided to a variety of learners, based on their
individual needs as defined in their learning plans: Special education, Section 504, English Learners, High Ability, etc.
Qualifying Need Accommodation(s)/Modification(s)
One-one instruction
Brain Break for those with no meds.
Limited work for those that are applicable.
Extended time as needed according to the 504 and IEP needs.
Lesson Reference(s): Cite all sources used in the creation of this lesson including URLs, journals, etc.
Go Math books both teacher and student editions.