Secondary Dominants Intro

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Secondary Dominants Intro 

(Student Impact Project) 

Erica Unroe 
Objective: ​Students will learn the definition of, meaning of, spelling for, and purpose of 
Secondary Dominants. 
● (5) Pre-Test 
○ Teacher will pass out a pre-test (Student Impact Project) 
○ Students will take five-or-so minutes to complete the pre-test and turn it 
● (5) Last class, we talked about Dominant 7s, can you tell me what you know 
about those? 
○ Where do they want to go SO badly? Why? 
■ Because all of the notes are either in the one chord, or a half-step 
away from the one chord! 
○ Do some examples of spelling V7 chords. 
● (5) Now, review: What is the roman numeral for V7? 
○ Add the slash and V. 
■ The SLASH is the “of” 
○ V7/V 
■ Do some examples of these 
● (V7/iv, V7/iii, V7/ii, etc.) 
● (5) Explain that this is a “Secondary Dominant”. It’s the dominant of the 
dominant of a key. 
○ It’s used to emphasize the dominant of a key. How the dominant wants 
to go to it’s one chord sO badly, this V wants SO badly to go to V. 
○ This is the first step to modulation, too. But that’s for later. 
○ Review quickly what we’ve done! 
● (5) Scaffold to where the chord is! 
○ Say we’re in the key of C…. explain that 
○ At least 3 more examples of this! 
○ One last example, then 
● (5) Do the steps in your head- what’s the V7/V of G maj? A7 
○ How do you spell the V7/V? ACEG# MAJ MINOR 
○ Do at least 3 more of these 
● (5) Last example: If the V7 wants to go to I, where does the V7/V want to go? 
○ FIVE! Do examples of spelling V7/V to V 
● Same thing, but to I. 
● If needed, start on V/IV 
● If needed, get paper out and write on staff. 
1. What is the term for “V7/V”? 
2. What is the V7/V chord of C MAJOR? 
3. How do you spell the V7/V chord of G MAJOR? (Choose your own clef!) 
G: V7/V   
4. What chord does the V7/V want to resolve to? 
5. SPELL the V7/V chord AND the V chord of C MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!) 
C: V7/V V  
6. SPELL the V7/V, V, and I chord of G MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!) 
G: V7/V V7 I
7. What is the term for “V7/V”? 
8. What is the V7/V chord of C MAJOR? 
9. How do you spell the V7/V chord of G MAJOR? (Choose your own clef!) 
G: V7/V   
10. What chord does the V7/V want to resolve to? 
11. SPELL the V7/V chord AND the V chord of C MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!) 
C: V7/V V  
12. SPELL the V7/V, V, and I chord of G MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!) 
G: V7/V V7 I

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