This document provides the lesson plan for teaching students about secondary dominants. The objective is for students to learn the definition, meaning, spelling, and purpose of secondary dominants. The procedure involves a pre-test, reviewing dominants and their resolution, explaining that a secondary dominant is the dominant of the dominant chord in a key, providing examples in the key of C major, having students spell secondary dominants, and concluding with a post-test.
This document provides the lesson plan for teaching students about secondary dominants. The objective is for students to learn the definition, meaning, spelling, and purpose of secondary dominants. The procedure involves a pre-test, reviewing dominants and their resolution, explaining that a secondary dominant is the dominant of the dominant chord in a key, providing examples in the key of C major, having students spell secondary dominants, and concluding with a post-test.
This document provides the lesson plan for teaching students about secondary dominants. The objective is for students to learn the definition, meaning, spelling, and purpose of secondary dominants. The procedure involves a pre-test, reviewing dominants and their resolution, explaining that a secondary dominant is the dominant of the dominant chord in a key, providing examples in the key of C major, having students spell secondary dominants, and concluding with a post-test.
This document provides the lesson plan for teaching students about secondary dominants. The objective is for students to learn the definition, meaning, spelling, and purpose of secondary dominants. The procedure involves a pre-test, reviewing dominants and their resolution, explaining that a secondary dominant is the dominant of the dominant chord in a key, providing examples in the key of C major, having students spell secondary dominants, and concluding with a post-test.
Objective: Students will learn the definition of, meaning of, spelling for, and purpose of Secondary Dominants.
Procedure: ● (5) Pre-Test ○ Teacher will pass out a pre-test (Student Impact Project) ○ Students will take five-or-so minutes to complete the pre-test and turn it in. ● (5) Last class, we talked about Dominant 7s, can you tell me what you know about those? ○ Where do they want to go SO badly? Why? ■ Because all of the notes are either in the one chord, or a half-step away from the one chord! ○ Do some examples of spelling V7 chords. ● (5) Now, review: What is the roman numeral for V7? ○ Add the slash and V. ■ The SLASH is the “of” ○ V7/V ■ Do some examples of these ● (V7/iv, V7/iii, V7/ii, etc.) ● (5) Explain that this is a “Secondary Dominant”. It’s the dominant of the dominant of a key. ○ It’s used to emphasize the dominant of a key. How the dominant wants to go to it’s one chord sO badly, this V wants SO badly to go to V. ○ This is the first step to modulation, too. But that’s for later. ○ Review quickly what we’ve done! ● (5) Scaffold to where the chord is! ○ Say we’re in the key of C…. explain that ○ At least 3 more examples of this! ○ One last example, then ● (5) Do the steps in your head- what’s the V7/V of G maj? A7 ○ How do you spell the V7/V? ACEG# MAJ MINOR ○ Do at least 3 more of these ● (5) Last example: If the V7 wants to go to I, where does the V7/V want to go? ○ FIVE! Do examples of spelling V7/V to V ● Same thing, but to I. ● If needed, start on V/IV ● If needed, get paper out and write on staff.
1. What is the term for “V7/V”?
2. What is the V7/V chord of C MAJOR?
3. How do you spell the V7/V chord of G MAJOR? (Choose your own clef!)
G: V7/V
4. What chord does the V7/V want to resolve to?
5. SPELL the V7/V chord AND the V chord of C MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!)
C: V7/V V
6. SPELL the V7/V, V, and I chord of G MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!)
G: V7/V V7 I
7. What is the term for “V7/V”?
8. What is the V7/V chord of C MAJOR?
9. How do you spell the V7/V chord of G MAJOR? (Choose your own clef!)
G: V7/V
10. What chord does the V7/V want to resolve to?
11. SPELL the V7/V chord AND the V chord of C MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!)
C: V7/V V
12. SPELL the V7/V, V, and I chord of G MAJOR. (Choose your own clef!)