Sps App G
Sps App G
Sps App G
I. General
A. Provide all equipment, labor, materials and supervision necessary to test the
stand-by diesel engine driven electric generator set specified. Tests shall be
performed as installed on-site.
C. The acceptance tests shall be performed during a field test during which the
manufacturers representative shall demonstrate that the system performs in
complete compliance with the specifications. As a minimum, a load bank test
performed in accordance with NFPA 110 section 5-13.2 (copy of which is
included at the end of this section) as modified by the County shall be conducted.
The load test shall use dry type load banks specifically utilized for this purpose.
The load bank will be capable of definite and precise incremental loading and
shall not be dependent on the generator control instrumentation to read voltage
and amperage of each phase. The test instrumentation will serve as a check of the
generator set meters. Salt water brine tank load banks are not acceptable for this
purpose and are disallowed and will not be utilized for this test.
D. Load bank testing shall be performed for a period of four (4) hours at the full rated
load of the generator, and witnessed by a County representative.
A. Prechecks
2) Run generator long enough to establish proper operation and make sure all
pumps, motors etc. are turning in the proper direction under emergency
1) "Cold-start" test (NFPA 110, 5-13.2 (a) through (g)) where a normal
power failure is simulated and the maximum expected emergency load
supplied. Record engine and generator performance data. Maximum
emergency starting load will be supplied using facility load plus pump
starting loads as detailed later in this section.
2) In lieu of NFPA 110 5-13.2.3 (h) & (i), hook up the dry-type load bank to
generator and perform a stepped load test on the generator at 25%, 50%,
80% and 100% of the nameplate KW rating of the generator. Each step to
last fifteen (15) minutes record engine and generator data as detailed later
in this section.
b) Set shall be loaded based on the KW amperage rating and not KVA
amperage rating.
3) Return normal power to the station and record time delay on retransfer and
time delay on prime mover cool down period and shut down (NFPA 110,
5-13.2.3 (j)).
6) Continue running generator at full-load for four (4) hours in lieu of the two
(2) hours required by NFPA 110, 5-13.2.5. Record performance data
every fifteen (15) minutes.
7) Test all engine protective devices for proper operation and set-point
tolerances as detailed later in this section. Record final settings.
A. Perform the "cold-start" test and record data as required by NFPA 110, 5-13.2 by
doing the following:
1) Trip normal power and put one pump in "hand" position simultaneously.
2) Engine starts under dry-transformer load and one pump starting load.
3) Ten (10) seconds later put second pump in hand. Engine now accepts dry-
transformer load, one pump running load plus second pump stating load.
NOTE: During this test also observe and record the maximum voltage dip due to pump
starting loads. The generator should pull both pumps (first one then the other)
with no more than a 20% dip under the maximum station load conditions of
Other Facilities
1) Apply load in steps used for generator sizing (design consultant specify).
1) Volts and amps on each phase - Voltage unbalance between phases shall
not exceed + 1% of rated voltage.
3) KW
4) Oil pressure - shall not deviate more than 10% above the manufacturers
recommended oil pressure at full load and operating temperature.
7) Note and record color and appearance of exhaust after engine has
stabilized at each step by simple description such as clear, little haze,
white, bluish, gray, dark, etc. Except for normal engine warm-up and load
change stabilization, the stack should remain clear or with little haze over
entire operating. range.
NOTE: A sample form used by the County load bank testing program to document items
(1) - (6) above is included as a guide at the end of this section. While taking
readings, the engine should be running uniformly without unusual sounds,
knocking or excessive vibration.
C. Perform a full-load test in accordance with 5-13.2.4-2.7 of NFPA 110 for four (4)
hours in lieu of two (2) hours. In addition to the data required in paragraph B (1)-
(7) above record cylinder exhaust temperatures using a hand-held contact
pyrometer or other approved device. Cylinder exhaust temperatures should be
within 50 F of each other to indicate loads are being divided equally among
cylinders. This requirement will also necessitate that the proper absolute exhaust
temperatures at 100% load be known and recorded for comparison between
D. Test engine protection devices for proper operation and settings including shut-
down for overcrank, overspeed, high coolant temperature and low oil pressure
under simulated conditions. Check proper operation of status lights and resets.
Performance tolerances:
- Low oil pressure shut-down shall not occur at less that 10 psi.
Record final setting.
2) If engine fails to start or any safety devices operate while the engine is
running, the engine shall stop immediately and starting controls locked out
requiring manual resetting. All alarm indicators shall be checked for
proper operation.
E. Test time delay on diesel cool-down period and shut-down shall not be less than
five (5) minutes.
H. Check proper pump rotation and diesel ventilation fan (where installed) rotation
under emergency power vs. normal power.
IV. Documentation
C. Installation certificates.
D. A final on-site performance and inspection report summarizing load bank test
results, engine controls testing, observations and other information relative to
standby generator testing. This data is to be included as part of the Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) Manuals. All problems, findings or any corrective actions
necessary to bring generators into compliance shall also be well documented.
F. Shop drawings.
A copy of section 5-13 of NFPA 110 Emergency and Standby Power System 1985 has been
included at the end of this section.
FORM #113089/#1MXL