0901d196807fe195 REP Brochure - 18072 EN - TCM - 12 455097 PDF
0901d196807fe195 REP Brochure - 18072 EN - TCM - 12 455097 PDF
0901d196807fe195 REP Brochure - 18072 EN - TCM - 12 455097 PDF
What does rotating equipment
performance mean to you ?
Performance demands are different Improve output
for every business. But, with rotating By optimizing the performance of your rotating equipment
equipment the ultimate objective is to you can increase availability, performance rate and quality
maximise the reliability and output – all driving greater Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and
from your machinery and your pro- boosting output for your business.
duction process, whilst driving down
the total cost of ownership over the
life cycle. With experience from
Trim your Total Cost of Ownership
almost every industrial sector and Poor performance and unplanned downtime don’t just affect
machine type, SKF can work closely your productivity and cost of production, they can also directly
with you throughout a machine’s affect the cost of energy, maintenance, spare parts, labour
complete life cycle, using our knowl- and more – all adding up to a greater Total Cost of Ownership
edge, experience and insight to pro- (TCO). SKF can help you achieve more reliable rotation, so you
vide improved equipment design can reduce your TCO.
speciications, as well as the high
quality products, services, and advice
required to help you meet your busi-
ness objectives.
Gain new insights into your Reducing reliance on scarce talent
By working with SKF to connect our
Gain visibility into the health of your equip- rotating equipment expertise to your
ment and turn data into performance- business, you can reduce the time and
driving insights. Allowing your business cost of recruiting, training and retaining
to be more agile, deliver greater output, or increasingly scarce and expensive
optimise safety, reliability and sustainability. maintenance and diagnostic skillsets.
Drive forward digitalization of your opera-
tions using Internet of Things (IoT) solutions Operate more safely
to connect to your machinery plant wide
and planet wide. Store and share data in Whether you want to ensure maximum
the SKF Cloud and beneit from Big Data operational safety, reduce product safety
through SKF Enlight Centre dashboards, risks or navigate the mineield of EHSS
tailored to your worklows and giving easy regulations, SKF can help you drive
to understand data interpretation. operational safety, and a reduced incident
Connect directly to expert diagnostics and rate will feed into your productivity too.
analysis, providing unrivalled application
insights and advice to maximise rotating Be more sustainable
equipment performance.
SKF can work with you to reduce energy
usage, waste output, spare parts consump-
tion and more, helping you to deliver
against your sustainability agenda, as well
as saving on costs.
$2.5 99%
Solutions for every
performance challenge
From getting the right maintenance best performance from your rotating monitoring solutions matched against
tools, components and services to carry equipment to meet your business goals. the criticality of your machinery, to help
out your day to day maintenance tasks, you get the best performance. The SKF
to solving unexpected problems and range of monitoring technologies
stopping problems reoccurring com- Maintenance strategy and include on-line, wireless, and portable
pletely – SKF can help. Beneit from our improvements solutions combined with easy to under-
unrivalled application knowledge and stand dashboards, giving you valuable
experience across all major industries, Wherever you are on the maintenance early warning and insight into your
combined with the advanced technolo- maturity curve, there is always room to machine performance. We can also con-
gies and services you need to get the improve your rotating equipment per- nect you to our SKF Remote Diagnostic
best performance from your plant formance and deliver greater value to Service centres, where we can analyse
equipment, meet your demanding busi- your business. Whether you are mainly your data and provide feedback and
ness objectives and reduce your total reactive to machine problems, run a advice. This reduces the burden on your
cost of ownership (TCO). planned maintenance program, or use skilled diagnostic engineers and
condition monitoring to deliver a more empowers your maintenance teams to
We can assess your maintenance oper- predictive maintenance approach to be more eficient and effective. Lubrica-
ations and benchmark this against your managing your critical plant assets – tion related problems can also severely
industry sector to highlight key areas for SKF can help improve your rotating impact bearing life, so take advantage of
savings, and improvements to drive your equipment performance. By assessing our long-standing lubrication expertise
business results. Apply the best moni- your current maintenance processes, to work out the most eficient and effec-
toring systems and solutions to get benchmarked using actual data from tive way to keep your rotating equipment
robust early warning of machine failures similar operations within your industry, running with maximum eficiency and
and avoid costly unplanned downtime. we can highlight key areas for improve- service life.
Connect your machinery using the latest ment that will deliver the best value to
Internet of Things (IoT) enabled moni- your business, and help you to reach
toring solutions. Use Big Data analysis your targets for machine availability, Maintenance tools and
to gain unique insights into your rotat- production, cost of maintenance, and
ing equipment health and performance. engineering services
total cost of ownership (TCO).
And optimize your lubrication program Day to day plant maintenance during
and spare parts management processes planned or unplanned downtime
to drive down costs and increase machine Avoid unplanned downtime requires the right tools and spare parts
availability. Beneit by extending your to get your machinery back up and
equipment life through remanufacturing, By monitoring your critical plant and
running as quickly as possible. SKF
saving money and reducing the envi- equipment performance you can avoid offers a wide range of maintenance
ronmental impact. Call us today and costly unplanned downtime and lost
tools, ranging from bearing heaters and
start uncovering opportunities to get the production. SKF can provide the best
pullers to automatic lubrication systems,
We help our customers
see where they could
make gains as they strive
for best performance.
Identify areas for
improvement by
assessment &
Rebuild services to extend
asset life, reduce
maintenance costs, and
improve sustainability
Equipment Detect
Detect impending
machine failures
Application engineering,
lubrication management, spare Maintain
parts management & root cause Day to day
analysis to ix problems and stop maintenance using the
them re-occuring right tools & mechanical
maintenance services
supported by online Engineering Tools, eliminating problems using Root Cause Extend the life of your assets
to help you select and install the correct Failure Analysis support services.
replacement bearing for your Remanufacturing is a major contributing
If you are looking for new ways to
application. Where you need help with element to reduce life cycle cost of
improve your business performance,
problematic machinery, SKF can industrial equipment, giving overall
with minimum investment, we can work
support you with specialist Engineering beneits such as extended operating life
with you to deine a lexible business
Services such as alignment, balancing, of the equipment and reduced
model to provide you with the products,
mounting and dismounting, lubrication maintenance costs.
technologies and services you need, or to
and rebuild services. create a performance based solution to The circular economy and reducing your
help you meet your business objectives. negative environmental impact is an
increasingly important issue for our
Solutions that deliver value Working with us you can ind innovative
society, and remanufacturing can be
ways to access the help and support you
to your business a signiicant contribution to improved
need to improve the effectiveness of
sustainability by reducing natural
When something goes wrong, take your maintenance strategy. You will
resource and energy use.
advantage of our unrivalled application beneit from the unique insights available
expertise to solve your problem and from deploying Internet of Things (IoT) SKF has decades of experience in
ensure the right solution for your needs. solutions to connect to your critical remanufacturing. Our service centers
Thanks to our unrivalled knowledge of assets, and utilizing the resultant Big offer professional capabilities to
bearings, seals, lubrication and services, Data analytics to provide easy to remanufacture, refurbish, recondition,
we can help you to reduce maintenance understand dashboards and data rework or upgrade of key industrial
costs, increase productivity and energy interpretation. This can also beneit components and systems such as
eficiency, and optimise designs. We also your spare parts management and bearings and machine tool spindles.
apply our knowledge, expertise and availability, saving you money and Remanufacturing by SKF is performed
experience to help our customers ensuring you have the right parts by dedicated state-of-the-art service
improve their rotating equipment available when you need them. centers strategically located around the
performance by identifying and world. The service centers perform
remanufacturing activities according to
globally approved procedures and
processes deined by SKF to fulil the
quality and performance demands of
the industrial components.
® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.