Calculation of Power Consumption

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Cost of Operating equipment

Name of equipment: Vacuum Furnace

Process: Pre-weld TP Nimonic
Voltage: 415 V
Amps: 671 A (use current at steady state - reading from Panel)
Op. hours: 4 hours
Price/KWH 0.41 RM (average after adding kW based on max. demand - data Jan - April 2011)

Apparent Power:
482.3155 KVA

Power consumption:
1929.262 KVA

Price of power consumption:

RM 790.9975 (neglect power factor) ------------------(A)

Calculation of gas usage for the operation hour:

Quantity UOM Price / Qua (RM) Total Price (RM)
Purified Argon 1 pallet 2855 2855
Purified Nitrogen 0.5 pallet 1451 725.5
3580.5 ---------------(B)

Calculation of manpower usage for the operation hours:

Rate / hourTotal hour Total manpower cost (RM)
Staff 1 100 5 500
Staff 2 100 5 500
1000 -------------------(C)
Total cost to operate the equipment for the operating hours:
A+B+C 5371.497 per firing (only half set)
10742.99 per set
Air furnace, 10,500 per firing (boleh buat 2 sets)
nd - data Jan - April 2011)
Cost of Operating equipment

Name of equipment: Vacuum Furnace

Process: Post weld (solution + aging) TP Nimonic
Voltage: 415 V
Amps: 671 A (use current at steady state - reading from Panel)
Op. hours: 13 hours
Price/KWH 0.41 RM (average after adding kW based on max. demand - data Jan - April 2011)

Apparent Power:
482.3155 KVA

Power consumption:
6270.102 KVA

Price of power consumption:

RM 2570.742 (neglect power factor) ------------------(A)

Calculation of gas usage for the operation hour:

Quantity UOM Price / Qua (RM) Total Price (RM)
Purified Argon 2 pallet 2855 5710
Purified Nitrogen 0.5 pallet 1451 725.5
6435.5 ---------------(B)

Calculation of manpower usage for the operation hours:

Rate / hourTotal hour Total manpower cost (RM)
Staff 1 100 14 1400 (RM100/staffhour - average incl. overhead,
Staff 2 100 14 1400
2800 -------------------(C)
Total cost to operate the equipment for the operating hours:
A+B+C 11806.24 per firing (only half set)
23612.48 per set

Air furnace, 21,000 per firing (boleh buat 2 sets)
nd - data Jan - April 2011)

taffhour - average incl. overhead, overtime)

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