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Manual MCC

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(MCC Sandbox)

By Shay_gman

User manual

MCC Sandbox Mod Shay_gman

About MCC Sandbox

MCC is a dynamic, real time, in-game empower tool. It will give you the power to either build
mission on the fly or empower pre made mission while reacting to the players decisions on
the move.

MCC Sandbox takes its idea from the old paper and dice D&D role-playing game. Where
there was always, a player called the Dungeon Master (DM) who decided the progress of the
game and the fate of the players.

From inside any mission single player or multiplayer, you can open an interface that allows
you place units, create waypoints, briefing markers, call in CAS missions, artillery, and much
more. The possibilities are endless.

MCC Sandbox started as a mission when I converted it to an add-on I had doubts should it be
normally open or normally closed. Will MCC run unless restricted or should it not run unless
asked for it. I decided to put it normally open, means MCC will run on all mission unless
someone put the MCC Access module in the 2D editor. The reasons are this:
 Some might call MCC a cheat tool. I do not mind if you call it a cheat tool or a test tool
or a mission creating/empowering tool. If you want to cheat, cheat you can do it in SP
 While playing in MP you cannot really cheat. It is just as the one making the mission
in the 2D editor is cheating because he knows where the enemies are. Everyone
knows who is the mission maker (it is written in the main menu and by text
command), you will know when the mission maker turn ghost mode by getting a hint
message saying, "Mission maker is cheating".
 In ArmA even the most gifted scripter can't assure the behavior of a script for 100%
only 99% (hack, look at ArmA II campaign). So even when playing a well made and
pre made mission in the 2D editor. There is always a chance that the mission will be
bugged. This is where MCC step in. The trigger for the evac chopper did not work for
some reason; have no fear MCC to the rescue.
 Even if you are playing a mission that is perfect and there is no need for MCC. Make
sure one of the admins or the mission maker take charge of MCC. You can never
know when you will need it.

MCC Sandbox requires CBA and ACE is recommended.

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1. Monsada, for his UPSMON script.

2. Mandoble, for his heliroute script.

3. Tuskan Raider, for his Arresting gear script.

4. Bon for his Advanced Artillery Request script.

5. DTM2801 for his Convoy Control Script.

6. TiGGA for his ILS Pro II.

7. iOnOs for his RTE.

8. Sickboy, Vking without them there was no MCC.

You can contact me by PM me from BIS forums or write me an email at [email protected]

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Installation & Setting up ...............................................................................................7

MCC Basics ..................................................................................................................8
Become the mission maker (MM) .............................................................................9
Synchronizing ...........................................................................................................9
MCC Sandbox generic buttons ...................................................................................9
Navigation ............................................................................................................. 10
Teleport to team (TTT) .......................................................................................... 10
Mission Settings..................................................................................................... 11
zones ..................................................................................................................... 12
Respawn and Start locations.................................................................................... 13
Client side settings .................................................................................................. 14
Environmental settings ........................................................................................... 14
MCC Client and Server Performance ......................................................................... 15
Group and Units Spawning .......................................................................................... 16
Choosing factions .................................................................................................. 16
Spawning groups and units .................................................................................... 16
MCC Units behavior ................................................................................................ 18
Spawning Static Objects ........................................................................................ 18
Paratroops ............................................................................................................ 19
Groups Generator ...................................................................................................... 20
Box Generator ........................................................................................................... 21
3D editor ................................................................................................................... 23
Handling and spawning using 3D editor .................................................................... 23
3D editor Presets .................................................................................................... 24
3D editor Fire ......................................................................................................... 25
3D editor EASA ....................................................................................................... 25
MCC Sandbox Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ............................................................... 26
Spawn the LHD ....................................................................................................... 26
Spawn vehicles and aircraft on the LHD .................................................................... 26
LHD arresting gear .................................................................................................. 26
LHD Taxi and steam catapult system ........................................................................ 27
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LHD Instrument landing system ............................................................................... 27

Support Elements ....................................................................................................... 28
Hostages ................................................................................................................ 28
UAV/ULB ............................................................................................................. 29
Air Drop ............................................................................................................... 30
Close Air Support (CAS) ........................................................................................... 31
Artillery ................................................................................................................ 33
Traps and explosives .................................................................................................. 34
types of Traps ........................................................................................................ 35
Daisy Chain IEDs ..................................................................................................... 36
ambush groups....................................................................................................... 37
Pressure's plates IED ............................................................................................... 38
Radio's Triggered IED .............................................................................................. 38
Crew vehicles ......................................................................................................... 39
Disarming IED ......................................................................................................... 39
IED - controlled Detonation ..................................................................................... 40
Hostile civilians ..................................................................................................... 40
Suicide Bombers .................................................................................................... 40
Convoys .................................................................................................................... 41
Generators ................................................................................................................ 43
Briefing generator .................................................................................................. 43
Markers and brushes generator ............................................................................... 43
Tasks generator ...................................................................................................... 44
Evac Helicopter .......................................................................................................... 45
Jukebox ..................................................................................................................... 47
Triggers ..................................................................................................................... 49
Enable modules ......................................................................................................... 51
Town Generator......................................................................................................... 52
Battlefield generator .................................................................................................. 53
Mobile spawn ............................................................................................................ 53
Clear area .................................................................................................................. 54
Construction HQ ........................................................................................................ 54

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Unit management ...................................................................................................... 56

Unit management interface options ......................................................................... 56
Unit management Teleport ..................................................................................... 57
Unit management HIJACKS ...................................................................................... 57
Unit management Markers...................................................................................... 57
Unit management High Command ........................................................................... 58
Unit management Fixed wing transport .................................................................... 59
Command line ........................................................................................................... 59
Populate zone ............................................................................................................ 60
Garrisoned houseMCC Console .................................................................................... 60
MCC Console ............................................................................................................. 61
Adding CAS to the conosle ..................................................................................... 61
Adding Airdrop to the conosle................................................................................ 61
Adding EVAC to the conosle .................................................................................. 61
Adding Artillery to the conosle ............................................................................... 62
Adding UAV to the conosle .................................................................................... 62
Using the conosle ................................................................................................... 62
MCC Special Units ...................................................................................................... 63
MCC Special forces (SF).......................................................................................... 63
Undercover Agents ................................................................................................. 64

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I strongly recommend using Six Updater to install and keep MCC Sandbox up to date.

If you choose not to use Six Updater, extract the files to an addon folder in the ArmA 2 main
root example:@mcc_sandbox make sure it creates an Addons folder inside the addon folder.
Paste the .pbo file Inside the Addons folder.Put the .bisign file at the same folder you place
the pbo ones.

Use launcher or add -mod=:@mcc_sandbox to the ArmA start command.

Once you kick start the game with the mod MCC Sandbox will automatically start in any SP
or MP mission you will start.

Now, unless restricted, any player will have the option to bring up the Mission Generator up
from inside the game.

You can control on some options of MCC by placing game logic (modules) in the 2D editor.

Since MCC handle respawns it is recommended that your MP mission will have a
description.ext file contains this lines, if you do not have description.ext file just create

respawn = "BASE";

respawndelay = 4;

(MCC Sandbox) Access Rights:

Once the Access Rights module placed only the admins or players or units predefined in the
module will have access to MCC. If the module is absent all player will have access to MCC
although only on can by logged in (as the DM) at a time.

You can restrict MCC access by roles. To do that simply synchronize the units you want to
have access to MCC with the module.

You can also restrict MCC Access by players name to do that place the Access Rights module
and put this in its init:

this setvariable ["names",["shay_gman","Spirit"]];

Replace the ["shay_gman","Spirit"] with the name of the players you want to have access.

You can use any of the method above or both to restrict access to MCC Sandbox.

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To start MCC press "Mission Generator" from the in game action menu.

Once you clicked it the MCC menu will pop:

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Only one player can be logged into MCC at any given time and act as the Mission Maker
(MM) in order to log in simply press the button or create you first


MCC Sandbox has a build in synchronizing module that affects JIP (Join in Progress)
players. Once a new players been detected logging in. MCC will synchronize him with the
server matching the time, weather, makers and mission objectives with the server.


- Once you made a mission you want to save. Press safe in

order to save the mission to the clipboard. Then minimize the game and open a new TXT
file, past the clipboard to the TXT file (Ctrl +V) and save it for further use. Every action
in MCC Sandbox is can be saved.

- Once you safed a mission you can load it by opening the

TXT file mark all the text command there (Ctrl +A) and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl +C)
then return to the game and press load. MCC Sandbox will then start automatically
loading your mission.

- Press it to give up your spot as the mission maker, a

following message will say, "player name is logged out as mission maker."

- It will refresh your screen.

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- It will close MCC Sandbox but will keep you logged in

as mission maker.


You can navigate through the different menus of MCC Sandbox by clicking on the
desired menu from the navigation menu:


Teleport to team allow JIP or re-spawn players to regroup easily with their leader. If
you joined late for a game there is no need for dramatic logistic maneuver to place
you into action with the rest of your fire team just press Alt + T and you will
automatically teleported at your leader location.

TTT use can be defined or restrict by the mission maker

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Once the mission started, it is recommended that the first thing you'll do as a MM is

defining the mission settings. Press on button in the main menu.

The mission-setting window will pop:

Name Description Note

Artillery Using Bon advanced artillery request, Any You can disable artillery
rounds per unit that is carrying long range radio can call by choosing 0.
hour artillery support. This parameter will
determine how many rounds will be available
each hour.

Undercover Determine which faction will alerted by agent

Agents GUR agent holding a weapon
Detected By

Resistance Which faction will be hostile toward the The independent faction
hostile to independent faction. will be hostile toward that
faction too.

AI Skill Determine the MCC Spawn AI Skill Will not change the skill
Level of an AI placed on the 2D

Teleport To Determine who if at all will have access to the By default is JIP only
Team TTT function

ACE Poor Enable/disable the ACE poor mans revive Required ACE mod runing

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man revive

unconscious Enable/disable spectator mode while Required ACE mod runing

spectator unconscious

Revive Time Determine how much time an unconscious Required ACE mod runing
player will have before he will bleed to death


MCC is based on placing zones, spawning stuff in them and moving zones around.

You can place your first zone by picking his number and size then click on "create zone"
button and left click on the mini map to place the zone.

Name Description Note

Zone The current zone we are You can work on up to 20

working on different zones

Size X The width of the zone

Size Y The height of the zone

Everything will spawn on the selected zone. Moreover, the spawned

units or vehicle will attached to the zone, so if the zone is moved the
units on it will move to the new zone location.

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Start locations:

Start locations are marker on the map where all the players from a certain faction will
start in and in case respawn is on and no mobile respawn marker to be have, all players
from that side will respawn in.

Each faction has a unique start location. By pressing the relevant start location and by
map clicking on the desired location a start location is set..


The SF HALO button (High Altitude Low Opening) jump will move any unit named
"sf1" to "sf12" to a moving C-130 flying 5,000 meters in the air. You can move non "sf"
units by using the Unit Management panel.

Disable Respawn:

By pressing disable respawn MCC will disable the respawn. Dead players will be moved
from the battlefield. Dead players can see the battlefield through the ACE Spectator.

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This setting is available to everyone even if he is not the mission maker. Those settings
will not affect the mission or other players only the client.

Name Description Note

Grass Density Control how much grass will be

around you. From none to high

View Distance Control your view distance


Environmental settings determine the weather, fog level and the time and date.
This setting will affect all players and AI and will affect JIP players too thanks to the sync

Name Description Note

Weather Choose the weather level Clear – storm

Fog Choose the fog level 0 - full

Month Choose the month 1-12

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Day Choose the day 1-31

Hour Choose the Hour 0-23

Min Choose the min 0-59


MCC will monitor the client and the server performance regarding FPS (Frames Per

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MCC Sandbox will automatically recognize the add-ons you are using so all of the factions
you loaded MCC with will be available.

 Go to Faction, choose the desire faction to spawn and press Update

 MCC will get all the units and vehicles from the selected faction.


Choose from the lists the desire unit/vehicle/group/object to spawn and press Spawn. MCC
will automatically place the chosen element and spawn it logically, ships on water, land
vehicle on land and so on.

 Spawning distance:
MCC will automatically find a safe position to spawn. Sometimes it will fail to
spawn, look at the MCC feedback on the bottom of the screen and consider moving
or making the zone bigger if that happened.

 Spawn behavior:
After spawning a unit or vehicle UPSMON script will take control on that unit. It's
possible to determine how the AI will act from the Spawn Setting menu:

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Name Description Note

Empty If turned off vehicles will be spawned

without crew in them.

Behavior Aggressive – AI will patrol inside the

zone but if they will be alerted, they will
pursuit enemies outside the zone.
Defensive – AI will patrol the zone but
will not pursuit enemies outside the
Passive – AI will stand still and will not
patrol the zone. When they turn alerted,
they will pursuit enemies outside the
Fortify – AI will automatically get
inside close building, fortifications and
static weapons, and hold there.

Ambush – AI will make attempt to

make an ambush on the nearest road.
They will place mines on the road and
lay down on an ambush position on the

Awareness Units level of awareness.

Track If turned on the spawned group will

create a visible marker on its next

Force recon team preparing an ambush using MCC Sandbox ambush behavior.

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MCC unit behavior is controlled by UPSMON by Mosoda. Therefore, any unit or group
spawned through MCC will act according to the script:

 AI will patrol randomly across the zone

 AI will move to the new zone location if it moved
 AI will use empty vehicles or aircraft to move to a new zone or to an enemy
reported location
 AI will parachute from the aircraft if there are known enemies near by
 AI will flank
 AI will suppress using LMG and HMG
 AI will throw smoke grenades
 AI will communicate with other AI in the vicinity of 700 meters alerting nearby
AI to enemy presence
 AI will use vehicles and static weapons to his advantage
 AI will use mines and lay ambushes
 AI will respond to enemy units reports made by other AI and will come to aid
(required the reinforced group must be on aggressive behavior)
 AI will get alerted from dead bodies or shoots fired
 AI will fortify in buildings (if Fortify behavior sets)
 AI will use artillery pieces to his advantage (read the 3D editor presets)


It is possible to spawn all kind of objects, buildings and misc from MCC by choosing the
desired object from the unit type menu. The object will spawn randomly inside the selected
zone area.

You can spawn:

 D.O.C – Dynamic Object Compilations. This will spawn pre placed structures as
bases and such.
 Ammo and ACE Ammo
 Fortifications
 Dead bodies
 Furniture
 Military structures
 Misc objects
 Signs
 Warfare buildings
 Wrecks
 Civilian buildings
 Ruins

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It is possible to call paratroops on a zone.

 Choose the size of the drop: Large – C-130 with 12 soldiers.

small – A helicopter with 6 soldiers.

 Press Spawn.

Paratroops will behave according to the spawn settings after they will
hit the ground and regroup. It is possible to make the paratroopers to
fortify inside buildings after they touch ground.


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The group generator allows you to quickly create on the go custom groups which not defined
in the config files. Later on, you can issue orders and waypoints to any group on the
battlefield. Keep in mind: the groups that you spawned using the group generator will be
saved but not the waypoints.

Press on the button in the main menu:

Name Description Note

Faction The faction you want to spawn.

Type The type of unit or vehicle

Class The class of the unit or vehicle

Add Adds the unit class to the group unit's


Group A list of all the units you added to the


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Clear Clear the group unit's list.

Create Create the group

WP Type The type of WP to add

Combat mode The combat mode the group will choose

to engage the WP

Formation The formation the group will form while

moving to the WP

Speed How fast the AI will move to the WP

Behavior The behavior the AI will choose while

moving to the WP

WP Condition This condition must be filed in order to

have the WP complete

WP Statement A code that will execute once the WP is


Time out How much time will pass before the WP

is considered complete

Add WP Add a WP to the group

Clear WP Clear all the group's waypoints

Groups Show all the groups for the given side Press on a
along with information on how many group to
infantry, cars, armors or air units it select it.


The box generator tool gives the MM the ability to create custom-made ammo boxes.

Those boxes will be safed , just like any other MCC item.

Press on the button in the main menu:

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- Choose the class of the items from (AR,

Rucks, MG, Binos, Items, Launchers, Pistols, Sniper rifles and Magaines).

- Add selected weapon and 6 magazines for it.

- Add the selected weapon or magazine only.

- Clear all the items from the box (right hand list).

- Close the dialog without spawning the crate.

- Generate the box and opens the 3D menu for precise placing.

In the Left list, there are all the items from the config files sorted by the type you have
chosen in the Class control. In the Right list, there are the items and the amount of them
that the new crate will hold.

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The 3D editor is great for making precise placing. Everything you will place in the 3D editor
will be safed just as regular units/object. You can manage the height of the object the
direction it facing and much more from the 3D editor.


1. Press the button.

2. Mouse click on the mini map to open the 3D editor on that location.
3. Controls:
a. Use X (QWERTY keyboard) to open the 3D editor menu.
b. Use Ctrl + X to undo.
c. Use Backspace to go back or Esc to quiet the editor.
d. Use the mouse to look around.
e. Use A,S,W,D to move the camera around.
f. Hold Shift to move the camera slowly
g. Hold Ctrl and move the mouse to rotate the object.
h. Use mouse wheel to raise or lower the object position.
i. Press right mouse button to discard the selected item.
j. Press Delete to delete items neat the center of the screen.
k. Press Spacebar to place the unit/object
l. Press Alt to toggle on and off object's terrain alignment.
m. Press N for night vision

Keep in mind that deleted object that deleted using the Delete key are saved and will be
spawned next time you load the mission. Therefore, you will have to delete them again after
you load the mission. To override this, use the undo function instead.

The 3D editor menu:

Name Description Note

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Faction Change the faction Press Update

Type The Type of object to spawn

Class The class of the object to spawn

Empty If toggle yes the vehicle will

spawn with no crew in it

Name The global name of the object Can be left empty

Init Type init command if needed Can be left empty


Preset Choose the desire preset to that



Presets are pre-defined command that for a specific given objects, pick the desire preset
press add to add it to the init field.

1. Artillery – cannon: Add it to any cannon type artillery piece as mortars or

m109. Once an AI spot an enemy if the artillery piece is in range and the enemy
spotted is not danger close to friendly unit the artillery piece will engage it.
2. Artillery – Rockets: Same as above but will fire on much higher paste suitable
for Grads rockets and MLRS missiles.
3. Ambient Artillery – cannon: Add it to any cannon type artillery piece. Will fire
blank cartridge randomly until destroyed or the gunner is dead.
4. Ambient Artillery – Rockets: Same as above but will fire on much higher paste
suitable for Grads rockets and MLRS missiles.
5. Ambient AA – cannon/Rockets: Add it to any AA type vehicle/unit. The unit
will look to the sky and fire to the air randomly.
6. Ambient AA – Search light: Add it to a search light object. The searchlight will
look to the sky searching for aircrafts.
7. Destroy Object: Add it to any object/unit. Will spawn the object and the
kill/destroy it.
8. Flip object: Add it to any vehicle and it will flip it on his side.
9. Join player: Add it to any unit and it will silently join the player.
10. Set empty (fuel): Add it to any vehicle and it will set its fuel to 0.
11. Set empty (Ammo): Add it to any vehicle and it will set its ammo to 0.
12. Set Locked: Add it to any vehicle and it will be locked to players and AI.
13. Set Renegade: Add it to a unit to turn it hostile to everyone.
14. Attach crows: Will attach a flock of crows to circle the object.
15. Attach flies: Will attach a swarm of flies to the object.

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You can spawn some burning fire from that options in the 3D menu. You'll need ACE
running for it.


You can spawn EASA (Exchangeable Armament System for Aircraft) if you have ACE running
from the 3D editor.

FOB built on Utes airfield using MCC Sandbox 3D editor.

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You can spawn MCC LHD at any large enough body of water.

To teleport the players to the LHD use to Unit Management panel (Menu 4).


To spawn the LHD press the Spawn LHD button (Menu 2) and left click on the desired
location. Note that only one LHD may present at any given time.


In order to spawn vehicles or aircraft onto MCC Sandbox LHD:

1. Choose the spawned vehicle from the lists and press the spawn point from 1 to 10

2. If the spawn point is already occupied a hint message will appear.


The LHD is equipped with arresting gear (script by Tusken Raider). If you'll approach the
LHD on a speed lower than 150 on horizontal to the platform the arresting gear will stop you
and complete your landing.

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The LHD has a taxi and steam catapult system build into it. Any fixed wing aircraft you'll
spawn will have the option to "Taxi to takeoff" option. Pressing on it will move the plane
to the start of the runway. Note, the engine must be off.

Once moved to the start of the runway you will have "Start Steam Catapult" option.
Pressing on it will fire the plane forward aiding it to lift off the LHD.


Any fixed wing aircraft you will spawn will have ILS Pro II script (By TiGGa) this script will
aid the pilots to safely land on the LHD.

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There are several support elements on MCC for you to enjoy.


You can spawn hostages by map clicking or precise placing by pressing the 3D option. The
units from the current selected faction will be shown.

The hostage unit will automatically remove all his weapons and will stand with his hands on
his head.

The hostage unit will be natural to all. When approached there will be a to "Secure Hostage"

Once pressed, the hostage will be under his rescuer command. The rescuer can disband the

Hostage ready to rescue

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UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) is a flying aircraft used for recon or attack mission.
Armed with hellfire and FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) vision a UAV is a deadly

ULB (Unmanned Little Bird) is a great for recon and laser targeting targets for the
AH64D Hellfire missiles.


The player can take control of one of those aircraft using MCC.

There are few types of UAV/ULB to choose:

 Static: static object as UAV building. The operator has to stay next to it in order to use
the controls.
 Mobile: A car or a truck that acts as mobile UAV command center. The operator has to
sit inside the car in order to use the controls.
 Backpack: A backpack control. The operator can carry the controls everywhere he wants.
 AH64 + ULB: Will spawn an empty AH64. Once a player gets inside the AH64, he will
get a control over an ULB that can laser targets for the AH64.

 Choose the type of UAV from West UAV, East UAV (Bugged), ULB.

 Mapclick to spawn the controller or use the 3D for precise spawn.

Enemy units as seen in FLIR from a UAV

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You can call a C-130 to drop vehicles or ammo crates. You can mix different types of
vehicles and ammo boxes on the same drop. Add items to queue and call the airplane.

Name Description Note

Class Choose the Class of the objects you

want to add to the drop

Type Choose the type of the objects you want

to add to the drop

Add Add the Type of object you have

selected to the drop Queue

Clear Clear the drop Queue

Queue Display the object's queue to be process

in the next drop

Call Execute the drop by the queue

HWMVs dropped into action by C-130 using MCC

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There are 14 types of CAS you can call to aid or to harm using MCC Sandbox.

You can call planes or gunships, all the aircraft will travel in pairs.

To call CAS pick the type of plane and the type of CAS you after and mouse click on the mini
map, hold and drag the red line to mark the approach of the CAS and the area of effect

Marking AOE for CAS mission

Types of CAS:

 S&D: Seek and Destroy will spawn a pair of gunships or planes that will hunt down and
engage any enemy unit in the area for a few minutes.
 JDAM: (joint Direct Attack Munitions) is a smart guided bomb. All you have to do is left
click on the mini map and the CAS will deliver a precise bombing.
 LGB: (Laser Guided Bomb) much similar to the JDAM this bomb required a laser target
in order to hit (can be marked using SOLFRAM or ULB)

A-10 after dropping JDAM on a hanger

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 Bombing Run: This CAS will drop a carpet-bombing on the AOE destroying everything
Bombing run in action

 Rockets Run: This CAS will fire lots of unguided rocket on the AOE.
 AT Run: This CAS will search for vehicles or armored vehicles only in the AOE and will
engage them with guided missiles.
 AA Run: This CAS will search aircraft only in the AOE and will engage them with
guided missiles.
 CBU - 97 (ACE): This CAS will drop Cluster Bomb Unit type 97anti vehicle bombs.
 CBU- 87 (ACE): This CAS will drop CBU-87 anti personal bombs.
 CBU - WP (ACE): This CAS will drop CBU White phosphorus anti personal bombs.
 CBU - CS (ACE): This CAS will drop CBU CS gas anti personal bombs.
 CBU – Mines: This CAS will drop CBU that will explode to lots of anti tank mines in the
 SADARM: (Search And Destroy Armor) This CAS will drop SADARM bombs that will
search and destroy nearby armor.
 BLU-107(ACE): Durandal, these bombs designed to destroy airport and airfield runways.

A pair of AH64D on S&D mission

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There are 10 types of artillery you can call to aid or to harm using MCC Sandbox.

Name Description Note

Type Choose 1 from the 16 types of artillery


Spread Choose the spread of the barrage from

precise to wide

Number Choose the number of shells to drop 1-30

Spawn Press and map click to mark the targets

Flares dropped using MCC Sandbox Artillery system

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Using MCC you can spawn all kinds of explosives, IED, mines, hostile civilians, suicide
bombers, ambush parties, rigged cars and more. You can control the area of effect the target
faction, the trigger type and even the explosion type.

Name Description Note

Type: Choose what type of trap you want to spawn.

Object: The object we want to spawn.

Explosion Size: Small: 15 damage radius.

Medium25 damage radius.
Large: 50 damage radius.

Explosion Type: Deadly: a real bomb will explode depends on

the explosion size.
Fake: only explosion effects will appear no
actual damage to vehicles or infantry.
Disabling: All vehicles within the explosion
radius will be disabled, glass will be
smashed, tiers will be damaged and the
vehicle will catch fire. Infantry within the
range of the explosion, will get unconscious
and will die without proper treatment, no
casualties will be inflicted from the blast

Disarm Duration: How long will it take to disarm this IED in


Jammable: Will CREW vehicles jam this IED? CREW vehicles

(M2) and M2A3
ERA Bradley IFV

34 Shay_gman
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Target Faction: The faction that will trigger the IED once a
unit of that faction will move close enough
for it.

Trigger Type: Proximity: The IED will trigger if a unit from Radio trigger IED
the target faction is moving at the proximity that isn't linked to
radius faster than a slow crouch. any spotter unit
Mission maker only: The IED will trigger will be unable to
only by the mission maker Ctrl+ left mouse disarm without
click on the IED's marker in the MCC CREW vehicle
Sandbox mini-map.
Radio –spotter: Link The IED to an Ambush
group, while the group leader is alive the IED
will go off no matter how slow it will
approached. The only way to disarm it is by
using CREW jammer or killing the spotter

Ambush Group: Choose the type of ambush group you'll like

to spawn

Claymore hiding in the grass spawned using MCC


Small objects, medium objects, large objects, rigged cars, rigged ammo boxes, BAF and PMC
IEDs and more. How to use it: Press Create IED. Place the object by left clicking on the
MCC Sandbox mini map. An "IED_#" marker will appear. Depends on its presets the IED
will go off.

35 Shay_gman
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Road Charges:
Choose the type of road charge you want to place from Claymores and Pomz. Press Create
IED Press left mouse button where you want to place the ordnance, click and drag the cursor
at the direction you want the ordnance to face. The ordnance will explode toward the
direction it facing when a unit will move in front of it. Keep in mind; you cannot control
which units will activate the road charge, the explosion will always be the deadly/real type.

Armed Civilians:
Choose the faction, associated with the armed civilian you want to spawn. Choose the target
faction. Press Create IED and left click on the MCC Sandbox mini map. An armed civilian
will spawn there. Once a unit of the targeted faction will get near it, there is a random chance
in each second that the civilian will draw a random small arm and open fire on the target
faction’s unit.

Suicide Bombers:
Just like the armed civilians, the suicide bombers will spawn on the map waiting until a unit
from the target faction will be near. Then he will start running toward that unit shouting, and
explode himself once near enough. Keep in mind that you can choose what kind of explosive
it will be (Fake, Disabling or Deadly).


You can link few IED together or with ambushing group. This will cause an effect known
as Daisy Chain, a number of explosives go all around the player.

To link between IEDs:

1. Spawn the IEDs.

2. Hold Shift key and left mouse button and drag a line between the IEDs to link
them together.
3. Once you will get a gray line marker between them, you got yourself linked
"Daisy Chain" Linked IEDs

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You can link IEDs to ambush groups or spotters. The ambush groups will stay hidden
until the IED has been set off. Then they will charge to the scene to wipe out any

NAPA Ambush group attacking USMC convoy with firearms and IEDs

If the IED trigger type is radio, then the first linked ambush group will act as its spotter
meaning that while the leader of that group is alive the IEDs cannot be approached
without CREW vehicle jamming the radio sequence. If the spotter unit is dead the IED
will go off.

To set up ambush unit:

1. Place on or more IED.

2. Place an ambush unit by clicking on the map hold and drag the mouse cruiser to
the area you want the ambush group to rush after the IED has been triggered.
3. Synchronize between the IED and the ambush group by holding the shift key.

Linked ambush group and IED

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You can set the IED trigger method by choosing it from the IED menu: "Trigger
Type". Pressure's plate IED will go off when a vehicle or a unit of the given side has
entered the IED proximity's radius and it is moving faster than a crouch walk. This
type of IED can be disarmed be slowly approaching it.


A spotter controls radio's triggered IED. First you have to put the IED and choose the
Radio – Spotter option for it trigger type. Then place a spotter or an ambush group.
Link the two together. Now as long as the ambush group's leader or the spotter is
alive the IED cannot be approached by any means but CREW protected vehicle.

Spotter observing an ambush point

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The Counter IED Electronic Warfare (CREW) vehicles are vehicles armed with radio
jammers that block any radio signals in the vicinity. Those vehicles will jam any radio
activated IED but not proximity one. Their effective range is 100 meters.
Simply drive near the IED to jam it. So far, in MCC only HMMWV GPK (M2) and M2A3 ERA
Bradley IFV are defined as CREW vehicles. If you want to add more PM me.

CREW Vehicles


Every soldier can try his luck disarming an IED but it will be best to leave IEDs for the
expert. Engineers and saboteurs have less critical fail chance and higher success chance when
disarming an IED.

Engineer disarming an IED

To disarm an IED:

 Slowly crouch to the suspected IED. Any fast move around it will trigger it.
 When you get close enough a "Disarm IED" action will appear in the action menu.
Press it.
 Wait a few seconds for hint message or for the unit to say the result.
 "Success" means the IED is off.
 "Fail" means the IED is on you can try disarm it again.
 "Critical Fail" means the IED is set start running.
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IEDs can be controlled detonated using either by placing near them a C4 (ACE), satchel
charge or by shooting at them from afar with M-109.

An EOD Engineer prepearing to shoot an IED

Hostile civilians are civilians hiding small arms they will randomly open fire if not secured.

If you noticed a civilian acting strange, advance toward him, if a "secure civilian" action
appear around 15 meters away from him, then this is a hostile civilian. Press the action.

There is a random chance that the civilian will give up or draw a random handgun and open

Suicide bombers are another type of hostile civilians that will go to his limit be sacrificing his
own life to kill the enemy soldiers.

A suicide bomber can be placed through the IED menu. This unit will seek and rush into
enemy's groups shouting "Allah-Akbar" before detonating themselves.

A Standoff between USMC and a hostile Takistani

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MCC Sandbox has a build in convoy generator using DTM2801 Convoy control script.

The convoy generator will spawn up to five vehicles from a certain faction. It will manage
their path and keep them driving in the right formation across the waypoints you'll provide

An HVT in a black SUV guarded by USMC elite forces

The convoy will push through if under attack, but it will stop if the vehicles disabled.

It is possible to spawn the third car as an HVT (High Value Target) car. If an HVT has been
spawned, elite forces of the respected side will guard it. The HVT can be captured and he will
be (like the hostage from above) if the convoy is stopped.

Name Description Note

Car1 Choose the car you want from the list. First car is

Car2 Choose the car you want from the list Choose None if
you do not want
any car spawning.

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Car3 Choose the car you want from the list This car will be
replaced by the

Car4 Choose the car you want from the list Choose None if
you do not want
any car spawning.

Car5 Choose the car you want from the list. Choose None if
you do not want
any car spawning.

HVT Choose the type of High Value Target you want to be in Choose None for
the convoy. The HVT can be captured. if you don't want
HVT moving with
the convoy.

HVT Choose the type of car the HVT will drive in. This car
Car will automatically fill with special bodyguards.

Place Create 5 waypoints for the convoy including start and

Convoy end; the convoy will start at WP facing WP 1.

Start The convoy will start driving according to its WP. When
Convoy the convoy start it will automatically and randomly filled
with soldiers from the same faction.

Reset Will add 5 new waypoints to the convoy. Old waypoints

Waypoi will be deleted. A new Start Convoy press is needed to
nts make the convoy use the new WP.

A convoy built by MCC Sandbox convoy generator

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There are few generators in MCC to help you build the atmosphere for your mission.


You can create mission briefings using MCC Sandbox:

Enter your text in the text box, then press the part of the briefing that text refers too (Enemy
forces, Friendly forces, missions exc.) The text will appear at the note sections in the map.
The briefing will synchronized with all players including JIP. You can repeat the process as
many times you like.


You can create permanent markers using MCC Sandbox:

Name you marker or brush. Choose size, shape, color and type press Create.

You can always delete unwanted markers. These markers will be safed and synced with all
players including JIPS.

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You can create tasks and control them with MCC Sandbox.

Create Tasks:

 Name you task.

 Enter task description.
 Press Create.
 The tasks will appear at the list box.
 Choose the task from the list box and press WP.
 Click on the map to place a WP for the task on the map.

Tasks, briefings and markers built using MCC Sandbox

Control Tasks:

 Choose the task from the list box

 Press either: Succeeded, Failed and Canceled.

Ending the mission:

You can end the mission by pressing on:

44 Shay_gman
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You can call an AI chopper to extract you or insert you into or from the battlefield. (Heliroute
script by mandobale).

The helicopter can do precise landing even on rooftops.

Name Description Note

Approach There are few types that the helicopter can approach
the LZ:

Ready: The helicopter will land but will not turn the
engine off.

Fastrope (ACE): The helicopter will hover 25 meters

over the LZ the player need to deploy the ropes
manually (The helicopter will have ropes in his gear).

Landing: The helicopter will land and turn off the


Hover: The helicopter will hover at the flight hight

above the LZ suitable for parachute.

Heli Choose the helicopter type you want to act as the evac Depends on the
heli. MCC Sandbox
faction choice.
The helicopter
will spawn with
full crew as

S.LHD Spawn the helicopter on the LHD if present.

Spawn Spawn the helicopter by map click.

Del.Heli Delete the helicopter and the pilot.

Del.pilot The pilot will eject and deleted. Useful if you

want one of the
players to fly.

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Res.Pilot Respawn the AI pilot.

F.Hight Determine the flight height for the helicopter.

Move 3 Make a 3 waypoints route to the LZ.


Move 1 Make the helicopter move straight to the LZ.


Return to Command the AI helicopter to move straight and land

LHD on the LHD.

Player fast roping into action using AI evac helicopter

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Use the Jukebox to add some atmosphere to your mission.
You can play sounds or music or link it to a zone.

Linking sound or music to a zone

Place a zone, pick the track or sound you want to start once the trigger has been set and press

Hint! You can link the alarm sound to a zone and put on West present to sound the alarm
once the player has been detected in the zone.

Name Description Note

Music Switch to music library. All in game and add-ons

music tracks will be shown.

Sound Switch to sound library. All in game and add-ons

sound tracks will be shown.

Track Choose the track you want. Either music or sound

depends on you previous choice.

Volume Determine the in-game volume (client side)

<< Previous track Will work only

on music tracks

> Play track Will work only

on music tracks

>> Next track Will work only

on music tracks

+ Stop track Will work only

on music tracks

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Activate First trigger condition

Cond Second trigger condition

Zone Which zone to link the conditions + track

Link Link the conditions + track to the zone

This base will trigger an alarm sound once the player detected

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You can postpone every action in MCC Sandbox by the uses of triggers.

Example: you want a convoy to start moving once the players getting close to the target area.

Trigger is usable for saving time related actions such as artillery or CAS.

Recommended use of triggers:

 Create a trigger so when player detected it will move a zone full with enemy units
and empty cars. The result: once the player get detected the a lot of enemy units will
surround it.
 Create a trigger to call of CAS.
 Create a trigger to call of artillery.
 Create a convoy and make the convoy move once the player gets near to start a
 Create radio trigger that will launch AI assault.
 Create a trigger that will call the evac chopper.

Name Description Note

Activate First trigger condition

Cond Second trigger condition

SizeX The width of the trigger area

SizeY The height of the trigger area

Angle The angle of the trigger area

49 Shay_gman
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Shape The shape of the trigger area Rectangle,


Text The name of the trigger

Generate Press to create a trigger. Make the actions you want to

capture using MCC when finished press " Stop
Capturing ".

Trigger List box containing all the triggers

Move Move a trigger zone

It is important to understand that once a trigger is on capturing state, the actions you perform
on MCC Sandbox will not be execute until the trigger is set. To stop the capture press "Stop

Enabled: Disabled:

You can bind triggers to radio buttons (press 0, then 0 again to open the radio menu in
game) you will see the triggers name there on the list.

Radio triggers to end the mission and begin the counter attack.

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You can enable BIS modules from MCC Sandbox

Animals: Spawns random domestic animals when near settlements or wild animals in wild

Civ Euro: Spawns random European civilians in settlements. In addition, this module will
make some random civilian vehicles drive the roads. Keep in mind that this will not work in
OA map or in user's map if the location hasn't been defined correctly by the mapmaker.

Civ Arab: Same as Civ Euro but will spawn OA civilians in OA or other desert maps.

Vehicles: Spawns empty vehicles in settlements.

The town come alive using Civ Euro and Vehicle Modules

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You can spawn your own random generated town using the BIS GITA module from inside
MCC Sandbox.

Name Description Note

Radius Town radius (in meters). Houses will not be crated Always aim for
behind this radius. By the town radius, MCC bigger radius as
Sandbox will determine how many buildings will possible

Damage 0 means no building destroyed. 10 means all the

buildings in town destroyed.

Town Choose a name for your town. Town name will

Name: show on the map

Style European: means only European houses will be

Takistani: Means only Takistani houses will spawn.

Shay's Town generated with MCC in Uthes

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With this option, you can instantly transform a peaceful area to scorched battlefield.

In the given radius, the script will: destroy building, spawn wrecks, spawn debris and spawn
random fires and smoke.

Scorched town in Uthes

With this option, you can create a mobile spawn vehicle for any of the faction.

You will have to spawn a start location first, for the given faction before you can spawn a
mobile spawn.

Keep in mind: There can only by one mobile spawn for each faction in any given time. If
more than one spawned, the last one will be the active one. If the mobile spawn vehicle
destroyed then the units from that faction will spawn on the start location.

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You can delete previous spawned objects or editor placed objects with this option. Keep in
mind the object and units deleted will be saved so you'll have to delete them again when you
load the mission.

Name Description Note

Radius The radius of the deleting brush

Class The type of objects that will deleted. Men, Car, Tank, Players cannot
Helicopter, Airplane, Ammo Boxes or All. be deleted, but
player vehicles

You can use the altered BIS COIN module.
MM can spawn a mobile HQ for each side.
The MM will give each side initials funds to start with; he can later add or subtract funds.
Funds are side related, so each side has a shared pole of funds no matter how many HQ he

Name Description Note

Side The side we want to spawn an HQ or add/subtract

funds from

Funds Starting funds for that side or the amount to

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- Subtract the amount of funds from the side poll

+ Add the amount of funds from the side poll

Create Spawn the Mobile HQ for that side

Once the mobile HQ placed, the driver of the mobile HQ will have the option to deploy the
The vehicle must have its engine off and a driver inside. A progress bar will appear, once the
progress bar is full the mobile HQ will turn into a static HQ and the driver will get the
construction menu.
There is no way to turn a static HQ to a mobile HQ again, but you can spawn a new mobile

West, east and Guar mobile and deployed HQ.

From the construction menu, players can spend money on fortifications, static weapons,
defenses or buying vehicles such as: vehicles, armor or air units.

Note that due to the nature of MCC (coop) all vehicles will spawn empty, if the MM
want to he can add units under the command of the commander using the unit management.

In order to unlock some types of objects/building the commander will first have to build
specific buildings next to HQ. If those building get destroyed the commander will not be able
to purchase any more of the vehicles that building unlocked.

Buildings needed and unlocks:

 Light Factory – Light vehicles.
 Heavy Factory – Armored and heavy vehicles.
 Aircraft Factory – Aircrafts.
 Barracks – Static weapons
 Vehicle Service Point – Ammo boxes.
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While inside the construction menu, hold Shift for rapid spawn, hold Ctrl, and move the
mouse to rotate the object.

East FOB built using MCC Sandbox construction menu in game


Unit management will give the MM control on the AI and players units:


You can switch between:

1. Players: Show all the human players in connected and alive.

2. East: Show all east, alive AI units/groups.
3. West: Show all west, alive AI units/groups.
4. GUR: Show all resistance, alive AI units/groups.
5. Units: Switch to units.
6. Groups: Switch to groups.

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Teleport: Teleport the unit/group to a new location - Choose a unit or a group from the
list, press Teleport then map click on the desired location.

Tel. 2 LHD: Teleport the unit/group to the LHD deck – Choose a unit or a group from the
list, press Tel 2. LHD.


Hijack: MM will take control on the selected unit; it will not work on a group. Select a
unit from the list press Hijack. Once in hijacked mode MM will have the option to return
to the previous unit or he will automatically switch back to the previous unit once the
current one is dead.


Mark: Reveals the locations of all units on the map for 20 seconds for the MM only.

units revelead using Mark option

57 Shay_gman
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Commander: Gives a player the high commander status. Choose a player from the list
(not a group) then press commander. A global hint will declare the new commander for
that side. Note that the MM will not be declared in public for being a commander.

HC: Clear All: Removes all subordinate from the selected unit.

HC: Add Group: Adds the selected group to the commander from the same side

A nice MM tactic is spawning an enemy commander, hijacking him, and making him the
commander. Then the MM can control all the AI in the enemy side and can designate
specific routes or tactics.

To learn more how to use the HQ use the ArmA2 High Command Boot Camp.

High command look on 4 AI groups

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You can paradrop or HALO insert an AI or players using this option. Mark up to 12 units
at a time and press the paradrop button, choose either paradrop or HALO jump (Not
recommended to do HALO jump with AI) .

The view from the belly of the c-130 seconds before the HALO jump


You can use the command line to run script commands locally or broad cast them
globaly on the server.

Simply type the command and press Execute to run locally and Broadcast to run globaly.

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Populate zone will automaticlly populate the zone you are working at with units from
the faction you are on.

ATM the only action available is Garrison. This option will automaticlly place units in
buildings by the inensity choosen.

Keep in mind that intensity isn't per house but per building point so 30% might cause
even up to three units in one house.


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The MCC Console is a handheld laptop that can be spawned using the box generator,
under Items or by script is into inventory or a box. The class name for it is: MCC_Console.
Once a player have the Console he can access some parts of mcc support elements that
are allowed by the mission maker.

The player holding the MCC Console can access if the mission maker allowed it:
1. CAS .
2. Airdrops.
3. Evac chopper.
4. Artillery.
5. UAV.


As a mission maker go to the CAS menu and choose the desired CAS. Instead of pressing
the call button, press the Add button. Then the CAS automatically will be added to the
Console's available CAS.


As a mission maker go to the Airdrop menu and choose the desired Airdrop. Instead of
pressing the call button, press the Add button. Then the Airdrop automatically will be
added to the Console's available Airdrops.


As a mission maker go to the Evac menu and spawn an evac chopper the console will
automatically detect that a chopper was spawned and will take control of it.

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As a mission maker go to the Mission settings menu. Pick the amount of artillery rounds
per hour the players will have.


As a mission maker go to UAV menu. Spawn a Console's UAV.


If a player has the MCC Console he will see an "Open MCC Console" in his action menu.
By clicking on that button, the MCC Console menu will open.

Name Description Note

CAS Types of CAS available. Described by: CAS type and Each CAS can
Available plane. be called one
time only.

Call CAS Call the CAS on the desired location.

Airdrop Types of Airdrops available. Described by: Airdrop Each Airdrop

Available items. can be called one
time only.

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Call Call the Airdrop on the desired location.


Evac The evac helicopter type.


Flight The level of flight for the evac helicopter


Insertion The insertion method from fastropes to smoke signal

Call Evac Calls the evac by one WP

Call Evac Calls the evac by planning a route up to 3 WP

3 WP

Call Open the Bon's Artillery console


Connect to Take control of the UAV if present



In MCC Sandbox, there are some special units.


The SF are tougher, harder, more trained and more equipped then the standard infantry. While
infantry get the mission they are equipped to, The SF are equipped by the mission they are
sent to.

You can mark your SF by synchronizing them with the SF module or by naming them "sf1"
to "sf12".

(MCC Sandbox) SF module

The MCC Sandbox Special Forces module will grant any synced unit to it to have access to
the weapon silencer script.

63 Shay_gman
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The Special Forces High Altitude Low Opening button will make all the Special Forces
player to be teleported to a C-130 over the drop zone. When the lights inside the plane turn
green and the ramp opened the players have to run outside the plane to start the jump.
The drop zone will be marked on the map and by a red smoke and stick lights.

SF Silenced weapons

The SF silenced weapon script will attach and detach silencer from weapons that have
silenced version.

SF on a raid


Undercover agents are spies behind enemy lines. Undetected they can saboteur or assassinate
prime targets.

It is recommend picking GUR units as undercover units. The units will benefit from captive
state as long as they stay out of enemy forces.

Do not forget to predefine which faction is hostile to the undercover agents.

These units are natural for all. However, if they will draw a weapon or step too close to
enemy units they will become hostile and will be shot on sight.

The agents are equipped with a handgun, two grenades and one smoke grenade. They can
withdraw or holster their handgun from the action menu to remain undetected in hostile

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Undercover will be detected while carrying weapons around.

Undercover agents can pick up other weapons and explosives but by doing that, they will not
be able to holster them as they can holster the handgun.

You can mark your undercover agents either by naming them "uc1" to "uc12" or by
synchronizing them to the Undercover Module.

65 Shay_gman

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