Title:-Analysis and Design of Circular Water Tank For 700 People Village

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Date: 04/12/2019



A. Project leader: - Asst. professor Saurav Yadav
B. Project member: -
i. Aditya Raj Singh (1619200012)
ii. Harshit Verma (1619200038)
iii. Nitish Kumar (1619200063)
iv. Usman Ghani (1619200100)

Water is human basic needs for daily life. Sufficient water distribution depends on design of a water tank in
certain area. An elevated water tank is a large water storage container constructed for the purpose of holding
water supply at certain height to pressurization the water distribution system. Many new ideas and innovation
has been made for the storage of water and other liquid materials in different forms and fashions. There are
many ways for the storage of liquid such as underground, ground supported, elevated etc.
Elevated water tanks are critical and strategic structures and damage of these structures during earthquakes
may endanger drinking water supply, cause to fail in preventing large fires and substantial economical loss.
Various steps involved in the present study are –
1. Static analysis by using Indian Standard codes (IS3370 2009, IS11682 2011, IS456 2000, and IS875 1987)
2. Dynamic analysis (IS1893 method)
4. Computational analysis
5. Comparison of results obtained by different methods

Indian sub- continent is highly vulnerable to natural disasters like earthquake, draughts, floods, cyclones etc.
Majority of states or union territories are prone to one or multiple disasters. These natural calamities are
causing many casualties and innumerable property loss every year. Earthquakes occupy first place in
vulnerability. Hence, it is necessary to learn to live with these events. According to seismic code IS:
1893(Part I): 2000, more than 60% of India is prone to earthquakes. After an earthquake, property loss can
be recovered to some extent however, the life loss cannot. The main resign for life loss is collapse of
structures. It is said that earthquake itself never kills people; it is badly constructed structures that kill.
Hence it is important to analyze the structure properly for earth-quake effects.


[1] Mr. Manoj Nallanathel

“Design and analysis of water tanks using Staad.pro” In that paper, they discussed about the design of water tanks of
both overhead and underground tanks of shapes rectangular, square and circular shapes are designed and analysed
using Staad.pro.

[2] Issar Kapadia

“Design, analysis and comparison of underground rectangular water tank by using Staad Pro software”. This paper
includes the study of UG Rectangular tank that how the shape deflected and what are the actions will be produced
when tank empty or full by using STAAD Pro software is discussed.

[3] Thalapathy

“Analysis and economical design of water tanks”. In this paper he said this project gives the detailed analysis of the
design of liquid retaining structure using working stress method. This paper gives idea for safe design with minimum
cost of the tank and gives the designer relationship curve between design variable. This paper helps in understanding
the design philosophy for the safe and economical design of water tank.

[4] Abba Mas’ud Alfanda

He needs water tank to provide storage of water for much purpose. Design and estimation of cost of
water tank needs experts. Tanks are designed leakage free. Therefore this concept deals with
durability of the circular and rectangular tanks 40000 liters capacity Which are taken into account for
design, shape, cost implements and total volume of water that tank can hold. The materials used for
construction are steel bars or rebars, cement, aggregate, formwork which are pre calculated and are
obtained from prepared drawings at the end of the construction of both the tanks it is observed to
rectangular tanks requires lesser material of construction when compared to rectangular tanks. This
shows that circular tanks are more offenly choosen over rectangular tanks .

[5] Prof. Patel Nikunjr-

The water tanks are used to store water to meet daily requirements. Depending upon the need the size of water tank
differs and it also varies depending upon the requirement of consumption. There are different types of water tanks
depending upon shape, position with respect to ground level etc.., generally water tanks are classified as tanks on
ground, elevated tanks and underground tanks.

[6] Shilja Sureshkumar

Liquid storage tanks are used to store different type of materials such as water, oil and gas etc… damaged tanks
containing any dangerous chemical leads to environmental pollution. There will be a great loss of life and property of
any failure of tanks. Fluid inside the tank is divided as impulsive. Tank performance also depends mainly on soil
structure interaction of tank with surrounding soil structure will be different, based on soil properties such as elastic
properties, cohesion, angle of friction etc… based on support condition provided behavior of water tanks and ground
supported tanks are different, variation in the structural performance of water tanks due to these factors are discussed
in this paper based on various literatures studies. 4.

[7]Veeresh Varur-

Water tanks may be consists of three types such as 1) Tanks rested on ground, 2) Underground tanks, 3) Elevated or
over head tanks. In this project may be studied tanks rested on ground such as whole storage reservoir, settling tanks
and aeration tanks are direct supported on ground. Designs are considered by the total cost of the tank. The water
tanks are including measurements and capacity. Considering the properties of tanks such as capacity and volume. This
project gives the result for safe design with minimum cost of construction, it is more economical, reliable and simple.

 To analyse and design of water tanks for 700 persons.
 To study about the guidelines for the design of liquid retaining structure according to IS code.
 To study the safety and economical design of water tank
 To check the strength of water tank.







 Population Forecasting in 2061

 Water demand in LPCD

 Total demand

 Max daily demand

 Volume of water tank required in m3

 Dimensions of tank

 Thickness of wall, roof and base slab

 Strength of concrete

 Height of column

 Size of footing

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