Tech Bid
Tech Bid
Tech Bid
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation
and mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
TENDER NO : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
E TENDER ID : 2019_MKTHO_93471_1
Page 1 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Page 2 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Invites electronic bids through its website
https:/ under two bid system from indigenous bidders as per
the following details.
NIT NO. / Name of the Work Downloading period Contact Person (Tel No./
(both days inclusive ) E-Mail id with Designation)
Tender No : From
205/2018-19 15:00 Hrs of Name : Rajeev Ranjan
E Tender Id : Designation :
2019_MKTHO_93471_1 up to Manager (Contracts)
Page 3 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
2. E-Tender ID 2019_MKTHO_93471_1
For detail about process of payment of online EMD, bidders shall refer
“Special Instructions to the Bidder (SITB)” and “FAQs-Online EMD
Facility in IOCL e-Tendering” documents attached separately along
with the tender.
Page 4 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
For the purpose of receipt of BG, the time recorded in the receipt/DAK
section against receipt shall also be considered as receipt time.
Acceptance of BG.
1. Bank Guarantee for value up to Rs Two Crores can be
accepted if it is issued by an Indian Branch of any Scheduled
Bank appearing in the Second Schedule to the RBI Act of 1934.
2. BG for value above Rs Two Crores can be accepted is it is
issued by an Indian Branch of
i) Any Nationalized / PSU Bank appearing in the
Scheduled Banks list or
ii) Any Scheduled Bank (other than a Nationalized / PSU
Bank) having at least Desired Credit rating at the time of
acceptance of the BG.
Bank If the Tenor If the Tenor of
of BG is BG is up to 1
more than 1 year, credit
year, credit rating of
rating of
In case of ‘A’ of ‘P-1’ of
foreign Moody’s or Moody’s or
banks equivalent equivalent i.e,
highest short
term rating
In case of ‘AA’ of ‘A-1+’ of
Indian Bank CRISIL or CRISIL or
equivalent equivalent i.e.
highest short
term rating.
3. As on date, the following are the credit rating agencies
approved by SEBI.
(i) CRISIL Limited (
(ii) Fitch Ratings India Private Limited
(iii) ICRA Limited (
(iv) Credit Analysis & Research Ltd. (CARE)
(v) Brickwork Ratings India Private Limited
(vi) SME Rating Agency of India Ltd. (SMERA)
Page 5 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
b. PSUs (Central & State) and JVs of IOCL. are exempted from
submission of EMD- Self Declaration to be uploaded by the
Page 6 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The editable soft copy of the queries may also be sent on email
to [email protected].
Bidders also to note that after the clarifications are given in Pre
Bid conference, no further deviation shall be permitted and all
decisions taken by IOCL in the pre-bid conference shall be
binding on all bidders. All are requested to attend the Pre Bid
12. Opening of :
10.04.2019 @ 15:00 HRS.
(Technical Bid
Offer shall be valid for 120 Days from date of opening of
13. TENDER :
technical bid. In case of requirement, IOCL may seek further
extension of the validity of the offer from the bidders.
14. WORK : 5 (Five) Months from the 10th day of the date of Letter of
COMPLETION Acceptance (LOA) / work order or handing over of the site
TIME whichever is earlier.
Page 7 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
15. MODE OF : You may please note that this is an e-Tender and can only be
TENDER downloaded and submitted in the manner specified in ‘Special
SUBMISSION Instructions to bidders for participating in e-tender’ attached
separately in this tender
Mr. Rajeev Ranjan
Manager (Contracts)
Contact No : 022-26447275
Parties who satisfy the following qualification parameters as per the details given below only
need apply
1. EMD Criterion:
The EMD shall be ₹ 6,53,879/-. Tender without EMD shall be summarily rejected.
Details of the EMD is given above.
The Annual Turnover of the bidders during any of the preceding three (3) financial
years ending 31/03/2018 (i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18) should be at least
₹ 4,84,65,531/-.
Turnover for this purpose should be as per audited Balance Sheet including P&L Statement /
Published Account / Profit & Loss Account Statement of the tenderer, which needs to be
submitted. However, if the tenderer is not required to get its accounts audited under
Section 44AB of The Income Tax Act, 1961, certificate from a Practicing Chartered
Accountant towards the turnover of the tenderer along with copies of its Income Tax
Return should be obtained and submitted.
Total Revenue as per Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013 (Earlier revised
Schedule VI of Companies Act, 1956), shall be considered as Turnover.
Audited Balance Sheet / Published accounts on a calendar year basis shall also be
acceptable. (The balance sheet copy MUST bear the Registration Number of the authorized
Chartered Accountant and its SEAL. This is not applicable for published annual reports).
3. SIMILAR WORKS EXPERIENCE: The bidder should have successfully completed
similar works (defined below) during last five (05) years ending upto 28/02/2019
(i.e. from 01.03.2014 to 28.02.2019) and should be either of the following;
Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to
₹ 2,42,32,765/-. OR
Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to
₹ 3,23,10,354/-. OR
One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to
₹ 4,03,87,942/-.
Page 8 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Definition of Similar Works: Similar work means that the bidder should have
experience of successfully completed work of construction of shed / warehouse of PEB (
Pre-Engineered Building) having clear span along with/ without the associated allied
civil, electrical & instrumentation, mechanical and structural works, in any Industries.
The experience of the tenderer for work completed as per above requirement must be
of their own and not with the support of another party/ parent company/ subsidiary/
partner firm/ group firm/ backup firm or as a consortium etc. The credentials of the
parent company, JV Company, partner company, subsidiary company etc shall not be
considered. The experience of the contractor should be direct from the owner and not
as a sub contractor.
Consultants or their subsidiary company or companies under the management of
consultant, are not eligible to quote for the execution of the same job for which they
are working as consultant.
Completed similar work (s), should be complete in all respects and necessary
documentation, as mentioned below, should be submitted as proof along with the
Documents required to be submitted against proof of completion:
Page 9 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
b) Work carried out at multiple locations through a single Purchase order will be
considered as one similar work of value equal to the cumulative value of the
locations included in the purchase order.
c) Works carried out by the vendor in India or abroad shall be considered. For works
carried out abroad and payments received by the vendor thru’ foreign currency,
exchange rate as per SBI TT Selling rate as on the last date of the month previous
to the one in which the tender was invited i.e. as on 28.02.2019.
d) The Work Order should contain the above similar work items and for qualification
purpose the entire executed value of WO (which may contain any other item)
shall be considered.
e) Purchase preference for MSE’s will not be applicable since the tender is a works
contract type.
f) There shall be no relaxation in prequalification criteria for experience and turnover
for this work contract based tendered job for MSE’s and Startups vendors,
considering the tendered job is non divisible and work contract type in nature.
18. Notwithstanding any other condition/ provision in the tender documents, in case of
ambiguity or incomplete documents pertaining to PQC, bidders shall be given only one
opportunity with a fixed deadline after bid opening to provide complete and unambiguous
documents in support of meeting the PQ criteria. In case the bidder fails to submit any
document or submits incomplete documents within the given time, the bidders tender shall
be rejected.
General Information: The e-Public Tender is being invited in two bid system on
percentage (%) rate basis and therefore, the price bid schedule with rate of all the items is
uploaded with tender document and bidders are asked to quote for above (+) / below (-)/
at par (0) over the IOCL price bid/‘Rate Schedule/BOQ’ on the total amount indicated in
the tender at appropriate place as per format of price bid (excel file) of e-tender attached
with the tender documents. The quoted rate in percentage shall be applicable uniformly on
all the items of price schedule. Bidders are also required to indicate the applicable item-
wise GST rate in percentage. Incase GST rate for any item is not indicated by the bidder,
then the GST rate for that item shall be taken as NIL and will be considered inclusive in
basic unit rates for evaluation. The SOR unit rates are inclusive of all components forming
part of rates unless otherwise defined exclusively except applicable GST which will be paid
extra. Bidder to quote rate considering in-put credit available to bidders.
1. Only the Technical Bid of those parties uploading their tenders before due date and time of
submission, shall be considered for opening.
2. The techno- commercial bid shall be scrutinized and evaluated based on the qualifying
parameters mentioned above and on the basis of the uploaded documents in e-tender
3. The Price Bid of only those parties shall be opened who qualify as per the qualifying
parameters after evaluation as mentioned in PQC. Prior e-portal intimation will be sent to
the qualifying parties regarding due date and time of opening of Price Bid.
Page 10 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
4. Negotiations shall not be conducted with the bidders as a matter of routine. However,
Corporation reserves the right to conduct negotiations. Tenderers will have to attend the
Office of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED as informed by Tender Issuing Authority for
negotiations/clarifications as required in respect of their quotation without any
5. After opening of the price bid and based on the offers received from technically
qualified bidders, the evaluation/selection of L-1 (lowest) bidder will be based on
the lowest acceptable total delivered price/quote (after reverse auction
procedure and with or without negotiation as the case may be).
6. Evaluation criteria in case of tie i.e. identical rates quoted by more than one
6.1 In case of tie between two or more bidders at L-1 position after reverse auction, all the L-1
bidders shall be asked to submit discount bid in terms of percentage discount over
previous quoted amount in a sealed envelope. Above exercise shall currently be an offline
activity outside the e-portal.
6.2 The bidders while seeking revised bids, shall be advised to witness the opening of sealed
6.3 In case there is a tie again, the bidder with the highest turnover in any of the last three
years as submitted against Turnover criteria shall be considered as L1 bidder. In the event
of bidder submitting turnover documents for only one or two years, L1 shall be decided on
the basis of turnovers submitted.
7. Modality for receiving price implication from bidders for breaking of tie:
7.1 Mode of information to bidders shall preferably be through mail with copy through courier /
registered post etc.
7.2 Receipt both by hand and through post shall be acceptable. If received in advance, the
same may be put in the tender box.
7.3 Normally at least 7 days notice shall be given for submission and opening of revised price-
bid / price implication.
7.4 In absence of any response (non receipt of revised bid/ implication or request for
extension), the bid will be treated as one with ‘NIL’ additional discount.
8. Document Verification: Successful Tenderer will have to present original documents for
verification to the tender inviting authority, within 7 days from date of intimation. In case
it is observed that the L1 party has submitted the forged documents, besides the
cancellation of tender, necessary action for holiday listing of the party in line with the
guidelines shall be carried out including forfeiture of EMD.
Page 11 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
b) In case of multi-lot auction, itemwise H1 bidder will be disqualified as per the provision
mentioned above.
c) An intimation by mail/SMS shall be provided to the eligible bidders for Reverse Auction.
20.3 The lowest price shall be available on the Reverse Auction screen at any point of time
during the Auction process. This displayed price is the evaluated price based on which the
lowest bid is determined as per evaluation criteria of BOQ / Tender Terms & conditions.
Accordingly the bidder will put his quote in the Auction window if he wants to offer the
reduced price considering the evaluation criteria as per Price Bid (BoQ) / Tender Terms &
20.4 Wherever required, the Evaluation factor/criteria shall be informed to the bidders before
start of RA. In other cases the bidder shall calculate his final evaluated price as per BoQ or
evaluation criteria mentioned in the tender document and quote accordingly.
20.5 The lowest quote after end of Reverse Auction shall be considered for further processing.
20.6 For the purpose of extending MSME or any other preference /benefit as per guidelines, the
latest quote of respective MSME bidder(s) during the tender-cum-auction process shall be
20.7 IOCL reserves the right to conduct price negotiation with overall L1 bidder based on price
quoted in BOQ 1 and RA.
Page 12 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
8) Bidders may note that the following are attached separately and uploaded in the e-
tendering portal:
i. Special Instructions to bidders for participating in e-tendering
ii. FAQ’s –online EMD facility in IOCL e-tendering and
iii. Format for Acceptance of Tender Terms and Conditions.
9) The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all applicable considerations of bidders including any
duties, cess or statutory levies levied by central or state authorities except GST which is
payable extra, as applicable. No extra payment shall be made under the
contract/individual work order on account of any variation whatsoever throughout the
pendency of the contract except GST. Variation, if any, only in respect of GST shall be paid
from time to time.
Or in other words, The rates quoted shall include all costs, allowances and duties or any
charges including any enhanced labour rates etc. except GST which will be paid at actual as
per Govt. norms. The contractor shall take note that they must comply all statutory taxation
requirements as per Law.
The contractor would be required to have GSTN number and also require to provide tax
invoices as per the provisions of GST in order to enable IOC to avail the input tax credit of
all applicable taxes wherever possible.
10) The future Rate variation in Taxes shall be governed by the Standard Taxation Condition
11) The Bidder is required to submit valid documents for taking GST credits as applicable
during execution of contract and comply with all prevailing statutory requirement as per
Govt. rule.
Page 13 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Sr Description
2 PF Registration Certificate
3 GST: GST Registration Certificate (GST no. or undertaking by bidder)
The Bidder is required to submit valid documents for taking GST credits as
applicable during execution of contract.
Page 14 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Page 15 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
NO (S) / Nos. / nos. - NUMBER(S)
Page 16 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Page 17 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
and manpower required accordingly and will complete the project work within stipulated
time period without fail. In no case progress of the project should hampered. Bidder
will do all the necessary course of corrections to meet the monthly project progress.
3.3 In case the contractor fails to adhere to the time limit specified above or if the rate of
progress is considered not satisfactory, the Corporation will be at liberty to terminate
the contract and get the same executed by any other agency entirely at the risk and
cost of the original contractor and in line with provisions available under the GCC.
3.4 The work is required to be carried-out at a location where petroleum products are stored
and handled for which safety is of paramount importance. Due to safety and other
operational constraints, the work may be suspended intermittently by the Corporation
during the progress of work. The days/period of suspension will not be counted in
‘working days’. A hindrance record is to be maintained at site and will be certified by the
site engineer. Weekdays/holidays when work is suspended by the Corporation, will also
be counted in suspended days.
4.0 Work Order Placement on L1 bidder :
Work order shall be placed by location on the successful L1 bidder (Technically qualified
bidder quoting lowest acceptable rate, with or without negotiations as the case may be
and after reverse auction procedure) based on the LOA/ LOI placed by HCC.
Page 18 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
All the works carried out by the Contractor shall be covered under defect liability period
for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of handing over of completed work to
7.0 GUARANTEE: All Goods, equipments & services including components and sub
contracted items should be guaranteed by the Vendor within the warranty period (
here defect liability period). In the event of any defect in the Goods or workmanship
manifesting themselves, the Vendor will replace/repair the Goods at IOC's concerned
locations at Vendor's cost and risk on due notice, failing which the rejected Goods will
be sent to the Vendor on Freight Pay basis for free replacement.
Goods after rectification of defects will be dispatched by the Vendor on `Freight Paid'
basis. Alternatively, IOC reserves the right to have the Goods repaired/replaced at the
locations concerned at the Vendor's risk, cost and responsibility.
8.0 Minimum Wages: The Contractor, his executors and administrators (and in the case
of a Limited Company, its successors and assigns) shall hold the company harmless
and indemnified from and against all claims, costs and charges, for which the company
shall be liable under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Contract Labour (Regulation
and Abolition) Act, 1970 and any amendments or modifications thereof, and all
expenses it shall be put there under through the acts or omissions whether willful or
not on the part of the contractor. This indemnity shall be in addition to and not in lieu
of, any indemnity to which the company shall be entitled in law.
9.0 Employees State Insurance: This contractor hereby admits that he is fully aware of
his responsibilities under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, as an immediate
employer of the employees engaged by him for the execution of this contract which he
agrees to discharge. The Contractor acknowledge the statutory right of the company
(as a principle Employer) to recover the amount of the contributions, paid by it in the
first instance in respect of the employees employed by or through him (the
Contractor), as well as the employee’s contribution, if any, either by deduction from
any amount payable to him by the company under any contract or as debt payable by
him to the company.
10.0 PF regulations :The tenderers shall indicate his/ their PF code number in the
Statement of Credentials enclosed with the tender along with PF registration certificate
failing which the tender shall be liable to be rejected. The successful tenderers shall
abide by all the requirements and submit copies of all registers/ returns etc filed by
them before the Corporation releases final dues.
As per statutory regulations , necessary exemption certificate/gazette notification to be
provided, if the above is not applicable.
11.0 Statutory approvals : Vendor is required to obtain all the requisite approvals from
statutory bodies as applicable as per tender scope/ terms/ conditions/
specifications/datasheet and as applicable during execution of contract; wherever
required at no extra cost to IOCL.
Page 19 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
12.0 The vendor is required to prepare detailed activity wise PERT/CPM chart with pre-
requisite for every activity wrt IOCL deliverables/fronts for entire job of Design,
engineering, material procurement, installation/erection, execution, commissioning of
system, trial, SAT within the stipulated time period. The same shall be discussed and
finalized by IOCL Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-charge during Kick Off Meeting before
commencement of work. IOCL will furnish site project schedule and shutdown
schedule to enable the vendor during KOM for preparing the PERT / CPM chart.
13.0 Any amendment / Change in the PO shall be incorporated with proper SAP
documentation whenever additional requirement is finalized along with appropriate
time schedule.
14.0 Stage wise release of work front based on prevailing site conditions to be considered
and party should be ready with men/machineries to complete the said job within the
given contract period for mobilizing machineries & manpower.
15.0 No price escalation shall be given. No extra payments other than the rate quoted shall
be entertained. No extra payments shall be made for working on extended hours,
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays to meet the committed time schedule.
16.0 Once the tender is accepted and the contract is placed on the successful tenderer, the
rates for the different components in Schedule of Rates shall remain valid till the
respective components in Schedule of rates and the Job is 100% completed is
accepted. No escalation whatsoever will be entertained on any ground.
Page 20 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
These special terms and conditions shall be read in conjunction with the technical
specifications, drawings, GCC and any other document forming a part of the tender,
wherever the tender so requires.
Description of works % Payment
Page 21 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
23.1 Payment to the bidder/contractor will be made through Electronic Clearing System
(ECS). For this option Contractor to confirm and submit details of Bank Accounts as per
given format along with a cancelled cheque.
23.2 Final bill shall be released only after successful completion of all the activities and after
the Final Acceptance by IOCL for the work in its entirety with joint final measurement
23.3 There shall be no restriction in value for submission of RA bills. In normal
circumstances, payment shall normally be made within 30 days from the date of receipt
of bills along with measurement sheets, provided the bills are legitimate and free from
any dispute.
23.4 The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all applicable considerations of bidders including
any duties, cess or statutory levies levied by central or state authorities except GST
which is payable extra, as applicable. No extra payment shall be made under the
contract/individual work order on account of any variation whatsoever throughout the
pendency of the contract except GST. Variation, if any, only in respect of GST shall be
paid from time to time.
23.5 The future Rate variation in Taxes shall be governed by the Standard Taxation
Condition (STC).
23.6 The Bidder is required to submit valid documents for taking GST credits if applicable
during execution of contract. Following documents/ activities shall be completed before
submission of final bills:
Page 22 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
24.0 VALIDITY OF TENDER: The tender will be valid as specified in NIT. IOC reserves the
right to place work order at anytime as per validity mentioned in NIT from date of
opening of tender. Once work order is placed the rates shall remain firm till completion
of entire work in all respects.
The successful tenderer, upon placement of work order, shall pay security deposit,
within 10 days from the date of LOA, an amount equivalent to 10% of work order value
in line with the Clause, Section- 2 of the GCC and associated clauses
All the works carried out by the Contractor shall be covered under defect liability period
for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of handing over of completed work to
26.0 NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work has been detailed under heading
“Scope of Works” in this document.
The project site is located at IOCL Lube plant at Taloja as per details given in scope
of work.
To carryout the tendered job water required (if any) shall be supplied by IOCL free of
cost. In case sufficient water is not available at site, contractor has to make the
arrangement for it without any cost to IOCL.
Page 23 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Page 24 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
36.2 The Contractor shall take care for cleaning the working site from time to time for easy
access to work site and also from safety point of view.
36.3 Working site should be always kept cleared up to the entire satisfaction of the Site
Engineer. Before handing over any work to owner, the contractor in addition to other
formalities to be observed as detailed in the document, shall clear the site to the entire
satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
37.1 Contractor shall have to take all safety precaution for carrying out hot work in the
premises after obtaining hot work permit from location in charge at his own cost as
directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. Necessary safety equipment such as safety belts,
helmets and other equipments are to be positioned by the contractor and use as per
37.2 Safety distance as per PESO Rules and Oil Industry Safety Directorate shall be
maintained strictly during construction.
37.3 Any casualty or damage caused to property or person by any untoward incidents while
executing this contract will be at the contractor’s risk and cost.
37.4 The contractor shall also abide by hot work permits to be taken on day to day basis
from the location as per policy of the Corporation.
37.5 The successful tenderer shall be responsible for observance of all conditions as per
Appendix furnished along with GCC with regard to safety.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Rules 2015 ( hereinafter referred to the “said Rules” ) as amended from time to time. The
said Rules may be downloaded from the owners website at and if not
available, a copy thereof may be obtained from the owner on written request.
If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the Parties in
connection with or arising out of this Agreement, such dispute or difference shall be resolved
through arbitration as per the procedure mentioned herein below:
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Recovery for Non-deployment per
Sr. m of QC/ QA/
Nature of Project HSE Month
No Work Planning
Work Manager Engineer
. in Rs./ Engineer Project QC/ QA HSE
Lakhs Manager Engineer Engineer
Page 27 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Page 28 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
44.3 Many works executed may need clearance from an Acceptance Committee formed by
Corporation at any stage of the work. Contractor shall render full cooperation and comply
with all the observations, instructions of the Committee at no extra cost to IOC.
Clause Description
1 Contractual period / Work Completion Period /Contractual Delivery Date / Contractual
Completion Period shall mean the Scheduled Delivery / Completion Period as mentioned in
the LOA (Letter of Acceptance) or Purchase Order or Work Order and shall also include
approved extensions, if any.
1 Where any portion of the GCC/any other section of tender, is repugnant to or at variance
with any provision of the Standard Taxation Condition (STC), then the provision of the STC
shall be deemed to override the provisions of the GCC and shall, to the extent of such
repugnance or variations, prevail.
2 For the purpose of this STC, the term “tax” in addition to tax imposed under CGST (Central
Tax)/SGST (State Tax)/IGST (Integrated Tax)/UTGST (Union Territory Tax)/ GST
Compensation Cess Acts, also includes any duties, cess or statutory levies levied by central
or state authorities.
3 Rate variation in Taxes and any new promulgated taxes after last date of the submission of
price bid only on the final product and/or services (applicable to invoices raised on IOCL)
within the contractual delivery date /period (including extension approved if any) shall be on
IOCL’s Account against submission of documentary evidence.
Further , in case of delay in delivery of goods and/or services, any upward rate variation in
Taxes and any new promulgated taxes imposed after the contractual delivery date shall be
to the Seller’s / Contractor’s Account.
Similarly in case of any reduction in the rate(s) of the Taxes between last date of submission
of price bid relevant to the Contract and the date of execution of activities under the
contract, the Contractor shall pass on the benefit of such reduction to IOCL with the view
that IOCL shall pay reduced duty/Tax to Govt.
4 Wherever any escalation / de-escalation linked to raw material price (Basic price excluding
taxes) is allowed as per terms of the contract, Variation to the extent related to escalation /
de-escalation of value of material shall be allowed without Tax unless specified otherwise.
5 It would be the responsibility of the contractor to get the registration with the respective Tax
authorities. Any taxes being charged by the Contractors would be claimed by issuing proper
TAX Invoice indicating details /elements of all taxes charged and necessary requirements as
prescribed under the respective tax laws and also to mention his correct and valid
registration number(s) along with IOCL’s registration number as applicable for particular
supply on all invoices raised on IOCL.
Contractor to provide the GSTIN number from where the supply is proposed to be under
taken. Further the HSN Code / Service Accounting Code (SAC) as applicable for the subject
tender needs to be provided in the columns provided in the technical bid.
In case the contractor is opting for Composition scheme under the GST laws (i.e Section 10
of the CGST Act, 2017 and similar provisions under the respective State / UT law), the
contractor should confirm the same. Further the contractor to confirm the issuance of Bill of
Supply while submission of tender documents and no GST will be charged on IOCL.
In case the contractor is falling under Unregistered category, the contractor should confirm
the same.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Clause Description
6 The contractor would be liable to reimburse or make good of any loss/claim by IOCL towards
tax credit rejected /disallowed by any tax authorities due to non deposit of taxes or non
updation of the data in GSTIN network or non filling of returns or non compliance of tax laws
by the Contractor by issuance of suitable credit note to IOCL. In case, contractor does not
issues credit note to IOCL, IOCL would be constrained to recover the amount including
interest payable alongwith Statutory levy/Tax, if any, payable on such recovery.
7 Tax element on any Debit Note / Supplementary invoice, raised by the contractor will be
reimbursed by IOCL as long as the same is within the permissible time limit as per the
respective taxation laws and also permissible under the Contract terms and conditions.
Contractors to ensure that such debit Notes are uploaded while filing the Statutory returns
as may be prescribed from time to time.
8 The contractor will be under obligation for quoting/charging correct rate of tax as prescribed
under the respective Tax Laws. Further the Contractor shall avail and pass on benefits of all
exemptions/concessions/benefits/waiver or any other benefits of similar nature or kind
available under the Tax Laws. In no case, differential Tax Claims due to wrong classification
of goods and/or services or understanding of law or rules or regulations or any other reasons
of similar nature shall be entertained by IOCL.
9 In case, IOCL’s Input Tax Credit (ITC) is rejected on account of wrong levy of tax i.e.
payment of Integrated Tax in place of Central Tax+ State/Union Territory Tax or vice versa,
the contractor is liable to make good the loss suffered by IOCL by issuance of suitable credit
note to IOCL. In case, contractor does not issue credit note to IOCL, IOCL would be
constrained to recover the amount including interest payable alongwith Statutory levy, if
any, payable on such recovery.
10 In case the contractor is opting for Composition scheme under the GST laws, in such event
the evaluation of his bid will be based on the Quoted Price.
In case the contractor is falling under Unregistered category, then GST liability, if any, on
IOCL will be included for the purpose of evaluation.
11 In case, IOCL is eligible to avail Input TAX Credit (ITC), the same shall be reduced from the
delivered price to arrive at the net landed cost.
12 IOCL shall reimburse GST levied as per invoice issued by the Contractor as prescribed under
section 31 of the CGST Act and respective states and Rules.
13 To enable IOCL to avail ITC, the contractor/supplier shall furnish/submit any and all
certificates, documents and declarations as are required by IOCL to avail of the ITC with
respect to GST reimbursed by IOCL on materials sold to IOCL.
14 Invoice should be raised as per Tax Rates mentioned in the BIDs and in case at the time of
raising Invoice if the invoices raised are not as per Tax rates mentioned in the bid, payment
will be limited to the rate quoted as per BID subject to increase /decrease in Rates after last
date of submission of Price Bid provided delivery is within the Contractual period.
Wherever provisions of Tax deduction at Source (TDS) are applicable under the CGST / SGST / UTGST/IGST
Act ,2017 on supplies of goods or services or both to IOCL , tax will be deducted from the invoice raised and
deposited with the authorities by IOCL. TDS certificate as per provisions of CGST / SGST / UTGST/IGST Act,
2017 shall be issued by IOCL.
15.1 IOCL will issue Road Permit/Way Bill, by whatever name it is called, to the Contractor only in
those cases where materials is purchased by IOCL directly and/or IOC is statutorily required
to issue the Road permit/Way Bill, by whatever name it is called. Contractor will be under
obligation for proper utilization of road permits for the specific supply and in case of seizure
of goods/vehicle; the Contractor will be wholly responsible for release and reimburse the
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Clause Description
litigation cost to IOCL.
15.2 IOCL shall on no account be responsible for delay or hold up due to the timely non
availability of such documents as are required to be furnished by the owner to obtain the
Road Permit/Way bill, by whatever name it is called. However, IOCL shall make best efforts
to provide sufficient number of Road Permits/way bill, by whatever name it is called. on
demand to avoid any delay or Hold up.
16 Works Contract / Composite Supply / Mixed Supply
16.1 Works contracts as defined under the GST law includes Contracts for Building, Construction,
Fabrication, Completion, Erection, Installation, Fitting out, Improvement, Modification,
Repair, Maintenance, Renovation, Alteration or Commissioning of any immovable property
wherein transfer of goods is involved in the execution of such contracts.
Composite Supply has been defined as supply in which two or more supply of goods or
service or both or any combination are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with
each other in the ordinary course of Business, and then the rate as applicable for principal
supply will be applicable on the entire transaction.
Mixed supply has been defined as supplies of goods or service or both which are made in
conjunction with each other for a single price and which does not constitute a composite
supply then the rate as applicable for the highest rate will be applicable.
In view of the above various definitions under GST law, bidders are required to evaluate the
jobs to be undertaken covered under the tender and quote accordingly by taking in to
account the nature of Job read with the legal provision.
16.2 In case, IOCL is eligible to avail Input TAX Credit (ITC), the same shall be reduced from the
delivered price to arrive at the net landed cost. IOCL shall reimburse GST levied as per TAX
invoice issued by the Contractor as prescribed under respective GST Acts and Rules. In case
the contractor is not permitted to issue Tax Invoice the same should be clearly mentioned in
the price Bid.
16.3 To enable IOCL to avail ITC, the contractor/supplier shall furnish/submit any and all
certificates, documents and declarations as are required by IOCL to avail of the ITC with
respect to GST reimbursed by IOCL on materials sold to IOCL.
16.4 Invoice should be raised as per Tax Rates mentioned in the BIDs and in case at the time of
raising Invoice if the invoices raised are not as per Tax rates mentioned in the bid, payment
will be limited to the rate quoted as per BID subject to increase /decrease in Rates after last
date of submission of Price Bid provided delivery is within the Contractual period.
17.1 Resident Bidders:
a) The contractor shall be exclusively responsible and liable to pay Taxes on Income
arising out of payment made out of the contract.
b) Wherever withholding tax i.e. Tax deduction at source (TDS) is applicable under the
Income tax Act, 1961 the same will be deducted from the Invoices raised and TDS
Certificate as per provision of the Income tax Act and Rules shall be issued to the
c) PAN is mandatory. If PAN is not provided TDS would be deducted at higher rate as
per the provisions of Income Tax Act.
Page 31 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
from the approved vendors of IOCL. However, on the specific request of the
Contractor, IOCL may approve name of any other vendor not included in the approved
46.2 IOCL may at a later date , at its discretion and its own cost, appoint a Project
Management Consultant for multiple projects (including the subject work) for
monitoring this project as well.
46.3 Over and above the inspections carried out by TPI (to be appointed by the vendor) ,
the work will also be inspected by the Engineer / Engineers from LC Mumbai/ Head
Office or any other IOCL Office as the case may be of IOCL.
46.4 Contractor shall provide all necessary assistance to the TPI / IOCL engineers for
carrying out inspections/ tests / measurements of work without any extra cost to
46.5 All the materials shall be got approved before use. In case defective/sub standard
materials are brought at site and rejected by TPI / IOCL site Engineer, the same shall
have to be removed immediately within 3 days from the site at their own cost. IOCL
shall not entertain any claim from the Contractor on this account. In case, Contractor
fails to remove such materials from the site, within 15 days after issue of notice in
writing, IOCL reserves the right to dispose off such materials at the entire risk and
cost of the Contractor.
46.6 The Contractor shall make arrangements for retention of samples of approved
materials till completion of work.
46.7 Contractor shall bear all expenses towards testing of materials as per QAP and IOCL
specifications. Repeat tests if required, as per the opinion of IOCL/TPI shall also be
conducted by the Contractor at no extra cost. The lab tests shall be carried out at any
Govt Engg College/Govt University/Labs with NABL accredition /Govt. Labs, Govt.
recognized test houses and test houses with ISO accredition. However, at its
discretion, IOCL may advise to carry out tests at a particular laboratory, which shall
be binding on the Contractor.
46.8 Contractor shall provide all the necessary equipments required for field tests to
maintain the quality of work as per QAP and IOCL specifications.
Page 32 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
47.3 In case of failure to do so by the Contractor, the Corporation shall have the right to get
the site cleared at the risk and cost of the Contractor.
52.0 The Corporation reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part and reject
any or all tenders without assigning any reasons. The Corporation reserves the right to
accept one or more tenders in part.
53.0 Any conditional / incomplete offer or failure to follow above instructions shall lead to
disqualification. Providing any details of rates offered in the technical commercial bid
section will lead to disqualification of the bidder.
Document verification with originals shall be carried out after opening of price bids for
the short listed bidder(s) only. Since documents are submitted by the bidder(s) in the
tender, the responsibility of authenticity of documents shall be with the bidder(s).
Shortlisted bidder(s) shall be required to present their original documents to the tender
inviting authority within a period of 7 days from the date of intimation by IOCL. In the
event of failure of such bidder(s) to get the documents verified as per the specified time
schedule, the EMD of the bidder(s) shall be forfeited. In case it is observed that if any
bidder(s) submitted forged documents / credentials, necessary action for holiday listing
of the bidder(s) shall be carried out including forfeiture of EMD.
A party may be put on holiday list for any one or more of the following reasons:
(i) Has indulged in malpractices such as bribery, corruption, fraud and pilferage
(ii) Is bankrupt or is being dissolved or has resolved to be wound up or proceedings
for winding up or dissolution have been instituted.
(iii) Has submitted fake, false or forged documents / certificates
(iv) Has substituted materials in lieu of materials supplied by IOCL or has not
returned or has short returned or has unauthorizedly disposed off materials /
documents / drawings / tools or plants or equipment supplied by IOCL.
(v) Has obtained official company information or copies of documents, in relation to
the tender / contract, by questionable methods / means.
(vi) Has deliberately violated and circumvented the provisions of labour laws /
regulations / rules, safely norms or other statutory requirements.
(vii) Has deliberately indulged in construction and erection of defective works or
supply of defective materials.
(viii) Has not cleared IOCL’s previous dues.
(ix) Has committed breach of contract or has failed to perform a contract or has
abandoned the contract.
Page 33 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
(x) Has refused to accept fax of Acceptance / Letter of Acceptance / Purchase Order
Work Order after the same is issued by IOCL within the validity period and as
per agreed terms and conditions.
(xi) After opening of Price Bid, on becoming L1, withdraws / revises his bid upwards
within the validity period.
(xii) Has parted with, leaked or provided confidential / proprietary information of
IOCL given to the party only for his use (in discharge of his obligations against
an order) to any third party without prior consent of IOCL.
(xiii) Any other ground for which in the opinion of the Corporation makes it
undesirable to deal with the party.
In case if a party put on holiday list, no tender enquiry / bid / work order will be issued to
the party as long as the party’s name is on the holiday list. The period of holiday listing
may be for one or more years depending on the sole discretion of IOCL. The holiday listing
will be party specific and when the party is put on holiday list, all the offices of the party
shall be on holiday for all locations of IOCL and for all services / locations of the party. If
the party placed on holiday, is proprietary concern, all the concerns of the same proprietor
shall also be considered to be on holiday and if that proprietor is the managing partner of
any firm, such firm shall also be considered to be on holiday. The Functional Director may
however, if he considers this to be in the interest of the Corporation, remove the bar in
respect of any specific service / location.
Every bidder shall, at the time of submission of bid, give a declaration the bidder has not
been placed on holiday list by IOCL or its Administrative Ministry. If the bidder is a
Proprietary Concern, the Proprietor shall also give a declaration at the time of submission
of the bids that none of the other concerns of which he is a Proprietor or Managing Partner
has been placed on holiday by IOCL or its Administrative Ministry. In case the declaration
of a party indicates that either the company or a proprietorship concern of the same
proprietor or a partnership firm in which the proprietor is also a managing partner has
been placed on Holiday either by IOCL or its Administrative Ministry, the party shall be
considered to be on holiday.
Each bidder shall give a declaration in the prescribed format annexed to the Form of
Tender that he/it/they is/are not under any blacklist declared by the OWNER or by any
Department of the State or Central Government or by any other Public Sector Organization
and that there is no inquiry in respect of any corrupt or fraudulent practice pending against
him/it/them. In case he/it/they are under any such list, or any inquiry is pending
he/it/they shall in the declaration give full details thereof. Such declaration in respect of a
partnership firm or association of persons shall cover every partner or member of the
association, and in the case of Company shall cover every Director and Principal
Shareholder of the Company and any Holding Company and/or Subsidiary Company(ies) if
If a bidder is on any such List or if any such inquiry is pending against it/him/them or if the
Bidder makes a false declaration, the OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid, and if
the Bid has resulted into a contract, the contract is liable to be terminated.
The tenders of the vendors falling in any one of the below will be summarily rejected.
Page 34 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Page 35 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The complete tender is for works at a Lube plant as per address given below. The scope of work is
to construct steel structure PEB shed and roofing of to be constructed PEB shed, Flooring, Plot
development, Platforms, mezzanine floor, elevator conveyor, smoke detection and sprinkler
system, toilets, Painting, Pipe Racks/Supports and RCC Road/Drainage network as per IOCL
instruction etc.
The work to be performed by the Contractor under the scope of this bid
shall include, BUT NOT LIMITED to the following:
1. Vendor should visit site and study the logistic to ascertain all parameters required to
complete the tendered items/works in all respect before bidding.
2. All equipments, manpower and material required for completing the tendered job is to
be arranged and supplied by the successful tenderer without any extra cost to IOCL
and complete as per the instructions of the site engineer.
3. Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, welding, erection and construction of PEB (PRE-
ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical &
instrumentation and mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
4. Construction of 1 nos. of Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) as per sizes mentioned below
having approximate height at Ridge not more than 12 M or as per design (provided by
IOCL/consultant) and layout drawing and other associated works including RCC foundation/
Galvalume roof sheeting of clip-on sheet/Cladding/ Transparent sheet/ Turbojet ventilators,
Flooring, canopy, Walls, Plastering & Painting, Electrical, Sanitary/Plumbing etc.
5. The drawings attached in the tender are for concept/reference only. The detailed
engineering/construction and fabrication drawings shall be prepared by contractor before
start of work. Vendor has to arrange the vetting of detailed engineering/construction and
fabrication drawings through reputed structural / civil consultants.
6. Obtaining statutory approvals for developmental works.
7. Work of Automatic Sprinkler system, smoke detection system has to be carryied out from
the Approved Licensed Agencies of Directorate of Maharashtra Fire Services, having license
for that work.
8. Third Party inspection of all the supplied items / material before dispatch through IOCL
approved agency from the details of TPI given in technical bid. All TPI charges shall be
borne by the bidder.
9. Construction of Truck Loading/unloading facilities as per design/layout drawing.
10. Construction of RCC flooring with vacuum dewatering system/WBM including sub-base etc.
in shed.
11. Drainage of roof water/surface water/gutter/Ridge/Down take pipes etc as per Scheme.
Page 36 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
1. Since, the work is of PEB Structures and work is required to be done at height, therefore,
utmost safety precaution is needed while carrying steel structure / roofing work in particular.
2. The work of excavation in all types of soil including back filling with excavated earth is in the
scope of excavation items.
3. All the items under schedule of rates are inclusive of all leads & lifts unless otherwise
4. In general, only specified material, Make & Model to be brought at site and used in project.
The equivalent material shall be used only against the consent and approval of the site in-
5. Material specifications and approved list of vendors for electrodes, shoe seal and steel
structure given in this tender are based on available information. In case other reputed
suppliers/ manufacturers can supply material as per the laid down specifications, their name
may be considered after evaluation and written clearance from us.
7. The work/contract under this tender is for a location engaged in a business of manufacturing
/ processing of Lubes etc. and so the Corporation is entitled for CENVAT claim for certain
duties for this location against expenditure incurred towards capital goods for construction of
processing plant. This aspect is to be kept while quoting and claiming bills enabling
Corporation to avail the benefit of CENVAT ( if applicable).
8. Clearing job sites of all surplus material, debris, scrap, construction equipment etc. are in
scope of work and to done as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Page 37 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
9. The scope of work is defined in general and is not limited to above. Bidder has also to carry
out job which is not listed here but required for completion and commissioning of facilities.
10. The tenderer shall note that the whole work shall be completed under supervision of our
authorized consultant/IOCL representative. However, tenderer is supposed to depute his
representative at site at his own cost for proper site supervision, recording of deviations,
taking any decision from Corporation, quality test of ongoing works and recording thereof,
getting work done as per Consultant / IOCL approved QAP within time schedule, recording of
measurements, DPRs and liaisoning with other Contractors/Agencies for proper quality
completion of whole work and any other works etc.
11. Contractors are advised to visit the site and assess the Scope/quantum of work, before
submitting their offer.
12. All debris generated by demolition of the existing foundations is to be disposed by the
contractor complying local laws.
13. IOCL shall allocate the space only for contractor within the plant area for storing their
material. All utilities/ facilities required for the work shall be arranged by them as per
14. Any item/job, which is not included in enclosed Schedule of rates but is required for
successful completion of any other item/job included in the schedule of rates, is also in the
scope of the Contractor.
Page 38 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
1.1 Technical Specification for Earthwork (Excavation & Filling)
1 Scope
1.1 This specification deals with earth work in excavation and filling in all kinds of soil
including murrum, hard murrum, soft rock (without blasting), hard rock (without
blasting), hard rock (with blasting) filling excavated earth in plinths, sand filling in plinth &
filling for general foundations.
2 Applicable Codes
Following Indian Standards including all Amendment and Revisions form the part of this
Specification Alternative equivalent National Specifications to suit the country in which the
works are being executed, may be used but only with the written approval of the
IS: 1200 (PART Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works –
1) : 1992 Earthwork
3 Classification of Soil
All materials to be excavated shall be classified into one of the classes listed below. The
engineer’s decision regarding classification of excavated material is binding on the
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
less than 1 metre in any dimension & not more than 200 mm in any of the other two
4 Backfilling Material
4.1 Backfilling material shall be as approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
4.2 Backfilling of excavation in trenches, foundations and elsewhere shall consist of one of the
following materials as shown on drawing, or directed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-
i) Soil
ii) Selected earth from heaps or brought from borrow areas.
In case (i) or (ii) are not available, the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge may
approve use of any of the following:
ii) Stone/gravel
iv) Sand
v) CNS material.
4.3 The material shall be free from rubbish, roots, hard lumps and any other foreign organic
material. The compaction of filling shall be carried out as specified in drawings or as
directed by engineer in charge.
4.4 All operations for structural fill & backfill which will support footings & slabs shall be
conducted in the dry with suitable on - site taken from excavated stock piles designated
for such use.
5 Preparation of Area
5.1 Prior to the commencement of earthwork operations, areas to be excavated, or on which
embankment is to be placed, shall be cleared, grubled and scalped as required. Earthwork
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
shall not start until an area has been prepared which is suitable to allow efficient and
uninterrupted progress.
5.2 CONTRACTOR shall carry out the survey of the site before excavation and set properly all
lines and establish levels.
5.3 Before excavation work begins the contractor shall check all underground utilities such as
electrical cables, pipelines, tanks etc.
5.4 The CONTRACTOR shall not remove any tree without the prior permission of the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-charge. Adjacent tree/shrubs subject to possible damage
shall be properly marked and/or protected during construction.
5.5 The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain barricades, guard rails, fences and other
protective devices necessary for prevention of injury to persons/property around all work
areas and at other locations where such potential hazard exists.
5.6 The CONTRACTOR shall preserve all Bench marks, Boundary and reference pillars.
6 Weather Limitations
6.1 During the periods when weather conditions are such or have previously been such, as to
preclude satisfactory execution of the work, earthwork operations shall be suspended or
shall be limited to those activities which can be successfully executed under prevailing
conditions. For this purpose excavation can be carried out in such area or depth where
concrete will be poured immediately after the excavation has been completed. The
CONTRACTOR may if he wishes cover the bottom of excavation with suitable material to
keep off the frost/rain from affecting the exposed earth surface. The material for this
purpose shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR and removed by him immediately before
pouring concrete at his cost.
8 Drainage
8.1 The CONTRACTOR shall take suitable precautions to prevent ingress of water into the
excavated areas during construction. CONTRACTOR shall ensure positive drainage at all
time or all areas affected by the work.
8.2 Areas to be fixed or to have the placement of dikes shall be drained of all surface water
and such ground water as may impair the construction of embankment or areas fill. The
area may be drained by well points and/or temporary ditches, sumps and pumps.
Pumping and bailing from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such a
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
9 Setting Out
9.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the work in
relation to original points, lines and levels of reference and for the correctness of the
levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the work. If at any time during progress of
the work any error appears or arises in the position of level, dimension, or alignment of
part of the work, the Contractor at his own expense shall rectify such errors to the
satisfaction of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. The checking of any line or
level by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge shall not in any way relieve the
Contractor of his responsibilities.
9.2 The Contractor shall lay out, and construct one or more permanent bench marks in some
central place before the start of the work, from which all important levels for the
excavations will be set.
The contractor shall provide all material & labour for establishing permanent benchmark
at his own cost. These permanent bench marks shall consist of masonry pillars with top
neatly plastered and levelled as per the directions of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
Charge. These permanent benchmarks shall be properly founded to ensure no
settlements. Bench marks shall be well connected with triangular grid system or any other
bench mark approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
10 Earthwork In Excavation
10.1 Excavation shall be carried out in any material met on the site to the lines, levels and
contours shown on the detailed drawings and the Contractor shall remove all excavated
materials to spoil heaps on site or transport for use in filling on the site or stack them for
reuse as directed:
10.2 Excavated material shall not be deposited within 1.5m from the top edge of the
10.3 The sides of the excavation may be cut sloping, or shored and strutted to hold the face of
earth as per site requirements and as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge.
10.4 Foundation pits/trenches shall not be excavated to the full depth unless construction is
imminent. The last fifteen (15) cm depth of the excavation shall not be done until
concreting work is imminent. The full depth may at the discretion of the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge be excavated and the bed covered with a fifty
(50) mm (minimum) thick (or as indicated on drawing) layer of lean concrete 1:4:8 mix
(1 cement: 4 coarse sand: 8 crushed stone aggregate) or as specified in schedule of
rates/shown on drawing, after watering if required, and consolidating the bed.
10.5 If the bottom of any excavation has been left exposed by the Contractor and in the
opinion of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge, that has become badly affected by
the atmosphere or by water, then the Contractor shall remove such portions of the
deteriorated material as the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge may direct and shall
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
make good with lean concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 Cement: 4 Coarse Sand: 8 Crushed Stone
Aggregate). All expenses for such additional concrete and excavation shall be borne by
the Contractor.
10.6 Where excavation is made in excess of the depth required, the Contractor shall, at his
own expense, fill upto required level with lean concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 Cement : 4 Coarse
Sand : 8 Crushed Stone aggregates ) or as decided by CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
10.7 The Contractor shall provide suitable drainage arrangement to prevent surface water from
any source entering the foundation pits at his own cost.
10.8 The Contractor shall make all arrangements for dewatering during excavation and
subsequent works, the accumulated water from any source (including subsoil water) in
the excavated pits/trenches and keeping the excavated pits/trenches dry for subsequent
10.9 The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements for lighting, fencing and other suitable
measures for protection against risk of accidents due to open excavation.
10.10 Where the excavation is to be carried out below the foundation level of an adjacent
structure, the precaution to be taken such as under pinning, shoring and strutting etc.
shall be determined by the Engineer- in-Charge. No excavation shall be done unless such
precautionary measures are carried out as per directions of the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-Charge. The payment for such precautionary measures shall, however, be
made separately.
10.11 Loose or soft bed ground encountered in excavation at the required depth shall on the
Engineers-in-Charge's instructions be excavated to a firm bed and difference made up to
required level with lean concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 Cement : 4 Coarse Sand : 8 Crushed Stone
10.12 In those cases where during excavation, side slips occur for reasons not attributable to
Contractor (e.g. side slips which take place on their own but not due to surcharge of earth
kept near the edge of excavation and cracking of excavation top strata due to clay drying
out leading to collapse of excavation sides), the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge
shall admit payment at his discretion.
10.13 Any obstacle encountered during excavation shall be reported immediately to the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge and shall be dealt with as instructed by him.
Removal of buried pipes or cables shall not be done without prior permission of the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor shall provide all measures to
protect the same. Cost of such protective measures are deemed to be included in the
rates for various items of excavation.
10.14 The Contractor shall not undertake any concreting in foundation until the excavation
pit/trench is approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
10.15 The specification for earth work shall also apply to excavation in rock in general.
10.16 Payment
10.16.1 Payment for earthwork in excavation shall be made on cubic meter (m3) basis on the
measurement of volume of pit / trench of excavation with working space as per relevant
Indian Standard (IS:1200) and slopes / stepping as permitted by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-charge. The rate shall include cost of all the operations of blasting with
explosives & accessories, making of all arrangements for dewatering the accumulated
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
water from any source in the excavated pit or trench, removal and disposal of surplus
excavated soil within a lead of 100m from construction areas. The rate shall also include
setting out and line out work required for the excavation.
10.16.2 The following works shall not be measured separately and allowance for the same shall be
deemed to have been made in the description of main item:
a) Setting out works, profiles, etc.;
b) Site clearance, such as cleaning grass and vegetation;
c) Unauthorized battering or benching of excavation;
d) Forming (or leaving) ‘dead men’ or ‘tell-tales’ in borrow pits and their removal after
e) Forming (or leaving) steps in sides of deep excavation and their removal after
f) Excavation for insertion of planking and strutting;
g) Unless otherwise specified, removing slips or falls in excavations;
h) Baling out or pumping of water in excavation from rains;
i) Baling out or pumping of water in excavation from sub-soil water, and
j) Slinging or supporting pipes, electric cables, etc, met during excavation.
10.16.3 Special pumping other than what is included in 10.16.2 (h and i) and well point
dewatering where resorted to, shall each be measured separately, unless otherwise
stated, in kilolitres of water against separate specific provision(s) made for the purpose.
10.16.4 The Contractor shall intimate to the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge as soon as
different classification of soils are met with. The measurements of various soil
classifications then shall be worked out by either of the following alternatives in the order
of their decreasing importance.
a) Joint levels shall be taken as to the levels of different soil classifications and volume
worked out on the basis of levels only.
b) Where levels of different strata cannot be clearly marked and defined the Contractor
shall stack different soils of various classifications separately for measurement
purpose and then dispose it off.
c) If the quantum of work involved in (b) above is extensively large & time consuming,
then the total area may be divided into various zones and reasonable representative
samples as in (b) above may be taken and quantities of soils of various
classifications finalized for the entire zone based on the representative.
If soil of any classification other than that specified in the Schedule of Rates is met with
during excavation, the decision of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge as to the
classification of soil, levels of the strata of different classifications and their location shall
be binding.
In above case, the total quantity of excavation shall be computed from the measurement
of the pit / trench excavated. The hard rock and soft rock shall be measured separately
from the relevant stacks and each shall be reduced by fifty percent of voids, and paid
under the relevant items. The balance, that is the total quantity of excavation minus the
reduced (for voids) quantity of excavation for rocks shall be paid as soft / hard soil as per
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
11 Excavation of Rock
11.1 Should rock be encountered above contract levels, it shall be immediately brought to the
notice of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-charge. When directed the rock surfaces
shall be uncovered and CONTRACTOR shall submit a survey report indicated the levels of
rock surface on a 3.0 M grid.
11.2 Blasting for rock excavation shall be carried out by persons skilled in such work and only
with prior approval of CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-charge. It shall be performed in
strict accordance with the requirements of Explosives Rules 1940, Indian Explosive act
1844 and other local and Governmental laws. The CONTRACTOR shall remain totally
responsible for any accident arising out of blasting operations or driving storage and
transport of blasting materials.
11.3 Excavations in rock shall be cut as close as practical to the lines required for the
installation of the full thickness of floors, footings and trenches or a indicated on the
construction drawings.
11.4 Blasting
11.4.1 Storing and Transport
Explosives shall be stored in clean, dry, well ventilated magazines to be built for the
purpose by the CONTRACTOR at his own cost. Fuses and detonators shall be stored in
separate magazines, detonators and explosives shall be transported separately to the
blasting site.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
at least 15 minutes before the firing time by sounding a warning siren. The area shall be
encircles by red flags.
All operations shall be carried out by competent and experienced licensed supervisors.
The firing shall be conducted by a supervisor and the number of shorts fired at one time
shall not exceed the permissible limits. In case of misfires, the unexploded charged shall
be carefully located after half an hour and shall be exploded by drilling a fresh hole along
side of the misfired hole (but not nearer than 600 mm from it) and by exploding a new
charge. The workmen shall not return to the site of firing until at least half an hour after
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
13.3 Backfilling around liquid retaining structures and pipes shall be done only after approval of
the Engineer-in- Charge is obtained.
13.4 Payment
Payment for backfilling with earth shall be based on volume in cubic meters (m3) of
consolidated fill. This volume shall be derived from the difference between the volume of
excavation and the structure or trenches as the case may be. The rate shall include cost
of extracting suitable approved earth from available excavated soil from spoil heaps within
a lead of 100m, placing, watering, rolling, ramming compacting in layers, trimming and
dressing finished surface and disposal of surplus material up to a lead of 100 m.
However, backfilling done with material other than earth shall be paid separately under
relevant items.
16 Clean - Up
16.1 At the conclusion of all fill and back fill operations, the CONTRACTOR shall clear away
from the job site as well as from private and public roads, ditches and surrounding areas,
all rubbish and construction materials and all CONTRACTOR’S tools, equipment and other
properly, before the work is finally accepted.
1. Scope
This Specification covers the materials and workmanship requirements for the
construction of brick masonry.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
This specification also defines the materials and workmanship requirements for cement
pointing sand faced plaster, pebble faced plaster, neat cement punning and water proof
2. Applicable Codes
The following Indian Standards including all amendments and revisions shall be
considered as part of this Specification. Alternative equivalent National Specifications to
suit the Country of Origin of the Material, or the country in which the works are
constructed may be used but only with the written approval of the Engineer
IS:2386 (Part I) : Method of Test for Aggregate for Concrete: Particle Size and Shape.
IS:2386 (Part II) : Method of Test for Aggregate for Concrete: Estimation of deleterious
1963 materials and organic impurities.
IS:2386 (Part III) : Method of Test for Aggregate for Concrete: Specific Gravity, Density
1963 Voids, Absorption and Bulking.
IS:2250 : 1981 Code of Practice for Preparation and Use of Masonry Mortar.
IS:1661 : 1972 Code of Practice for Application of Cement and Cement Lime Plaster
IS:1597 (Part 1 : Code of Practice for Construction of Stone Masonry - Rubble Stone
1992) Masonry.
3. Material
3.1 Bricks
Bricks used shall be of class 3.5 designation conforming to IS:1077. All bricks shall be
hand or machine moulded and of first class quality, sound, hard, well burnt, of regular
and uniform size, shape and colour (generally deep red or copper), homogeneous in
texture and free from flaws & cracks. They shall have plain rectangular faces with parallel
sides and square straight and sharply defined arises. A fractured surface shall show a
compact, fine grained uniform and dense texture free from lumps of lime, laminations,
Page 48 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
cracks, air holes, grits, soluble salts causing efflorescence, or other defects which may in
any way impair the strength durability, appearance and usefulness of the brick. A clear
metallic sound shall be emitted when two bricks are struck together. After 24 hours
immersion in cold water, water absorption by weight shall not exceed 20% of the dry
weight of the brick. They shall not break when thrown on ground on their flat surface in
saturated condition from height of 1600 mm.
Good bricks locally available and conforming to above can also be used. The tolerance
permitted in the accepted size of bricks shall be plus or minus 3 mm in any dimensions.
Only bricks of one standards size shall be used on one work unless specifically permitted
by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. Each brick shall have the manufacturer's
identification mark or initial mark clearly in the frog. Representative samples of full size
bricks shall be submitted for approval before commencing the work.
The compressive strength of bricks shall be minimum of 35 kg per sq. cm. All bricks
proposed to be used shall conform to the approved samples in all respects. Any brick
found not up to the specification shall be removed from the site immediately by the
CONTRACTOR at his own cost.
3.2 Cement
Slag cement shall be used conforming to IS:269 (latest)
3.3 Sand
The sand used shall be natural sand from one approved source. The sand shall be hard,
durable, clean and free from adherent coatings, mica, shale, organic matter and
appreciable amount of clay,. The sand shall not contain impurities like iron pyrites, alkalis,
salts, coal, mica, shell etc. Sand for masonry mortars shall have particle size grading
conforming to IS:2116 (latest edition). The grading of sand for used in mortar for un-
reinforced and reinforced brick work shall be within the specified limited for respective
works. The fineness modulus of sand for mortar in un-reinforced brickwork shall be
between 2.1 to 2.3. A sand who’s grading falls outside the specified limited due to excess
or deficiency of course or fine particles may be processed to comply with the standard by
screening and blending.
3.4 Water
Water shall be clean and free from oil, acid, salt and other injurious materials, Water of
soluble quality as per clause 4.3 of IS:456 shall be used.
3.5 Specification of Sand for Masonry and for Plaster
Sand or fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone sand or crushed gravel
sand or a combination of any of these. Sand shall be hard, durable, clean and free from
adherent coatings and organic matter and shall not contain the amount of clay, silt and
fine dust more than specified as under.
3.6 Test for Fine Aggregates
Sand or fine aggregate shall be tested for organic impurities, particle size, silt content and
bulking in accordance with IS: 2386 Part I, II and III.
4. Storage of Materials
4.1 Bricks
Bricks shall not be dumped at site. They shall be stacked in regular tiers, even as they are
unloaded to minimise breakage and defacements. The supply of bricks shall be so
arranged that at least three days requirements of bricks are available at site at any point
Page 49 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
of time. Bricks selected for use in different location of use in the work shall be stacked
4.2 Cement & Sand
Cement and sand shall be stored as specified in clause 4.0 of specification for plain and
reinforced concrete.
5. Mortar
5.1 Cement Mortar
Mortar for brick work shall be prepared in accordance with IS: 2250.
5.1.1 Proportioning
Cement bag weighing 50 kg shall be taken as 0.035 cubic metres. Other ingredients in
specified proportion shall be measured using boxes of size 40 x 35 x 35 cm. Sand shall be
measured on the basis of its dry volume.
5.1.2 Mixing
The mixing of mortar shall be done in mechanical mixers operated by power or manually
as decided by the Engineer. The Engineer may however, permit hand mixing at his
discretion taking into account the nature, magnitude and location of the work and
practicability of the use of mechanical mixers or where item involving small quantities are
to be done or if in his opinion the use of mechanical mixers is not feasible.
In cases, where mechanical mixers are not to be used, the Contractor shall take
permission of the Engineer in writing before the commencement of the work.
5.1.3 Mechanical Mixing
Cement and sand in the specified proportions shall be mixed dry thoroughly in a mixer.
Water shall then be added gradually and wet mixing continued for at least three minutes.
Only the required quantity of water shall be added which will produce mortar of workable
consistency. Only the quantity of mortar which can be used within 30 minutes of its
mixing shall be prepared at a time. Mixer shall be cleaned with water each time before
suspending the work.
5.1.4 Hand Mixing
The measured quantity of sand shall be levelled on a clean masonry platform and cement
bags emptied on top. The cement and sand heap shall be thoroughly mixed dry by being
turned over and over, backwards and forwards, several times till the mixture is of a
uniform colour. The quantity of dry mix which can be used within 30 minutes shall then be
mixed in a masonry trough with just sufficient quantity of water to bring the mortar to a
stiff paste of necessary working consistency.
5.1.5 Precautions
Mortar shall be used as soon as possible after mixing and before it begins to set, and in
any case within half an hour, after the water is added to the dry mixture.
6. Brick Masonry (Burnt Clay Brick)
6.1 Bricks used in masonry shall be common burnt clay bricks conforming to IS: 1077
Bricks shall have min. average compressive strength of.5 N/mm2 i.e. class 5
6.2 General Quality
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Bricks shall be hand moulded or machine moulded and shall be made from suitable soils.
They shall be free from cracks and flaws and nodules of free lime. The bricks shall have
smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in colour and shall emit
ringing sound when struck simply.
6.3 Burnt Clay Brick Work
Brick work shall generally conform to IS 2212.
6.3.1 Laying
Brick work shall be constructed in cement mortar 1:5 or as specified. Lime shall not be
used where reinforcement is provided in brick work.
6.3.2 Laying Bricks shall be laid in English Bond unless otherwise specified.
Half or cut bricks shall not be used except as closers to complete the bond. Closers in
such cases, shall be cut to the required size and used near the ends of the wall. Header
bond shall be used preferably in all courses in curved plan for ensuring better alignment.
Header bond shall also be used in foundation footings unless the thickness of walls (width
of footing) makes the use of headers impracticable. Where the thickness of footing is
uniform for a number of courses, the top course of footing shall be headers.
6.3.3 Curing
The brick work shall be constantly kept moist on all faces for a minimum period of seven
days. Brick work done during the day shall be suitably marked with the date on which the
work is done to monitor the curing period.
6.3.4 Scaffolding
Scaffolding shall be strong enough to withstand all dead, live and impact loads which are
likely to come on them. Scaffolding shall be provided to allow easy approach to every part
of the work.
6.4 Half Brick Work
Brick work in half brick walls shall be constructed in the same manner as described in
Clause 6.3.4 except that the bricks shall be laid in stretcher bond.
These walls shall be constructed in cement mortar 1:4. Lime mortar shall not be used.
75 mm thick RCC M15 beams (patli beams) with 2 numbers 8 mm dia high strength
deformed bars shall be provided at a vertical spacing of 1 metre.
The reinforcement shall be securely anchored at the end of the wall. The free ends of
reinforcement shall be keyed into the mortar of the main work to which the half brick
work is joined. Laps in reinforcement if any shall not be less than 30 cm.
Depending on the dimensions of the wall, 200 mm x 115 mm RCC mullions at every 3
metres and at corners shall be provided with reinforcement of 4 numbers 8 mm diameter
high strength deformed bars. The steel in the horizontal beams in such cases will run
through these mullions.
These partition walls shall be constructed in two stages. In the first stage, brick work with
binders shall be constructed leaving gaps equal to and at the locations of the mullions. In
the second stage mullions shall be constructed.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
IS: 3812:1981 Specification of fly ash for use as pozzolana & admixture ( first
IS:5454 : 1978 Methods for sampling of clay burnt building bricks (first revision)
7.2 Classification
Pulverized fuel ash lime bricks shall be classified on the basis of average wet compressive
strength. Bricks used shall be of class 5 (50 kgf/cm2) designation confirming to IS 12894-
7.2.1 Materials Pulverized Fuel Ash : Pulverized Fuel Ash confirm to Grade 1 or Grade 2 of IS: 3812 Bottom Ash : Bottom Ash used as replacement of sand shall not have more 12 % loss on
ignition when tested according to IS: 1727. Sand : Deleterious materials such as clay & silt in sand shall preferably less than 5 %. Lime : Lime shall confirm to class C hydrated lime of IS: 712. Additives: Any suitable additive considered not detrimental to the durability of the bricks
such as gypsum, cement, etc. may be used.
8. Fire Proof Brick Masonry
Bricks used in masonry shall be common Fire clay bricks conforming to IS:1526 or High
Alumina Brick as per Manufacturer Specification.
Bricks shall have min. average compressive strength of.25 Mpa
8.1 Materials
8.1.1 Fly Ash Bricks shall have min. average compressive strength of.25 Mpa
8.1.2 Brick shall be able to withstand a temperature of 1300 deg C.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
8.2 Mortar
Mortar shall conform to IS 195:1963 and compatible with fire proof brick to achieve
desired strength or as per Manufacturer specification.
8.3 Finishing work
Finishing work plastering etc. shall be as per fire proof brick manufacturer specification
and as directed by IOCL/Consultant-Engineer-in-charge
9. Plastering
Plastering shall generally conform to IS: 1661.
9.1 Sand Faced Plaster
9.1.1 Surface Preparation
The joints shall be raked out properly and dust and loose mortar shall be brushed out.
Efflorescence, if any shall be removed by brushing out and scraping. The surface shall
then be thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and kept wet before plastering is
9.1.2 Application of Plaster Plaster shall be applied in two coats namely, 12 mm undercoat and 8 mm finishing coat.
Ceiling plaster shall be completed before commencement of wall plaster. Plastering shall
be started from top and worked down towards floor. All holes shall be properly filled in
advance of plastering. Plaster shall be applied with force either manually or by mechanical means. 12 mm thick
undercoat - First plaster of 12 mm thick and 150 x 150 mm shall be applied horizontally
and vertically, at not more than 2 m intervals over entire surface to serve as gauges. The
plaster shall be applied in a uniform surface slightly more than 12 mm thick and then
brought to a true surface, by working a wooden straight edge reaching across the gauges,
with small upwards and sideways movements at a time. The surface shall be left rough
and furrowed 2 mm deep with scratching tool diagonally both ways, to form keys for the
finishing coat. The surface shall be kept wet till finishing coat is applied.
Mortar for undercoat shall be 1cement + 5sand (1:5) by volume. 8 mm Finishing Coat - The finishing coat shall be applied after the undercoat has
sufficiently set but not dried and in any case within 48 hours. Sand to be used for second
coat shall be sieved. Sand passing through 3 mm sieve shall be taken for the second
The sand shall be of uniform size so that when sieved through a sieve of 50 mesh not
more than 10% shall pass through. The second coat shall be struck uniformly over the
first coat and firmly pressed and levelled using a batten. The surface shall then be firmly
trowelled and sponge floated to remove excess moisture and bring the sand to the
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
surface. The surface thus prepared shall be uniformly roughened for texture, by running a
fine wire brush lightly over the surface if necessary.
Mortar to be used for this coat shall be 1cement + 2 sand (1:2), by volume.
The surface of plaster shall be kept wet for at least 7 days and shall be protected from the
sun. General - All corners, angles, arises and junctions shall be truly vertical and horizontal as
the case may be and shall be carefully finished. Rounding or chamfering corners, arises,
angles etc. where required shall be done. Such rounding or chamfering shall be carried
out with proper templates to the size required.
When work is suspended at the end of the day, the plaster shall be left, cut clean to line
both horizontally and vertically. When plastering is resumed, the edge of the old work
shall be scraped, cleaned and wetted with water before plaster is applied to the adjacent
areas. Plastering work shall be closed at the end of the day on the body of the wall and
not nearer than 150 mm to any corners or arises.
It shall not be closed on the body of features like bands, cornices etc. and not at the
The curing shall be started as soon as the plaster has hardened sufficiently not to be
damaged when watered. The plaster shall be kept wet for a period of at least 7 days.
During this period, it shall be suitably protected from damage by such means as the
Engineer may approve. The dates on which plastering is done shall be legibly marked on
the various sections plastered to help monitor the curing period.
For plastering work, double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be
provided so that scaffolding is independent of walls. The Contractor shall provide and
maintain scaffolding sufficiently strong to withstand all likely loads.
9.2 Neeru Plaster
This plaster shall be applied in two coats namely first undercoat of 17 mm for walls and
12 mm for ceiling and second finishing coat of 3 mm.
Undercoat - Surface preparation application and curing shall be same as that for the
undercoat of sand faced plaster except that the mortar shall be 1 cement + 4 sand (1:4)
by volume.
Finishing Coat - This coat shall consist of neat chunam paste (Neeru). Finely chopped jute
shall be added to this paste at the rate of 4 kg per m3 of paste. The second coat shall be
applied immediately after the first coat has obtained the initial set (about 4 hours). The
second coat shall be well trowelled into the first coat.
Trowel marks shall be removed and the surface made plain, even and level. The surface
then shall be cured for 10 days. The curing shall commence after an initial period during
which the surface is allowed to shed its excess moisture.Ceiling plaster shall be done
before wall plaster and wall plaster shall commence at the top and worked downwards.
9.3 Rough Cast Plaster
The surface preparation, application and curing shall be same as described for sand faced
plaster for the undercoat. Mortar for the finishing coat shall consist of one part of cement
plus one part of well graded sand plus one part of gravel of 3 mm to 6 mm size.
Mortar shall be thrown on the wall by means of a scooper or plasterer's trowel. The
thickness of the coat shall be about 10-12 mm. Curing shall be carried out for seven
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
1. Scope
The work covered under this specifications consists of supplying and erecting stone
masonry walls with available best quality of stone in strict compliance with this
specifications and applicable drawings.
2. Random Rubble Masonry
2.1 Material: The rubble shall be of the best quality trap/granite/ballast stones obtained from
the approved quarry. All Stone shall conform to IS 1127 :1970.The sample of the stone,
to be used shall be got approved from the IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-Charge. All stones
shall, generally, be freshly quarried and shall be sound, dense, hard, free from
segregation, cracks, weathered portions and other structural defects or imperfections,
tending to off set soundness and strength. The percentage of water absorption shall
generally not exceed 5% by weight. Stones shall be neatly worked to requisite sections
and forms and shall have fully dressed beds and joints. At least 50% of the stones shall
be 0.015 cum. in content when reckoned individually. The length of stones for stone
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
masonry shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth or base shall not be
greater than three fourth the thickness of wall, or not less than 15 cm. The height of
stone may be up to 30 cm. Stones shall be laid on the natural beds and shall run
sufficiently inside the wall thickness. No hollow space shall be left out and inter spaces of
stones being filled with mortar and stone chips, driven hard and not with mortar only.
2.2 All mortar to be used shall be of the type and proportion mentioned in the item. Cement,
sand and water to be used shall conform to their relevant specifications as described
under cement concrete. The masonry shall be laid to plumb, lines levels, curves, shapes
as shown in drawings. All required holes for passage of water or pipes are to be
embedded during construction as specified. All work shall be carried out as per IS 1597
Part 1:1992
2.3 Concrete surfaces of columns, beams, lintels, chajjas etc. coming in contact with
masonry shall be properly chipped, washed .The concrete surface coming in contact of
masonry shall be given a thick coat of cement slurry as the masonry work progresses in
height. Clean chips and spawls carefully selected to fit in the space shall be wedged into
the mortar joints and beds wherever necessary to avoid thick beds or joints or mortar.
However, proper shaping and dressing of stones shall be done prior to their laying in
masonry and hammering shall not be resorted to often after the stones are laid in
position. The bond stones shall be used in every square meter area of masonry wall and
shall extend from front to back to thin walls having width of 600 mm. and shall overlap by
at least 150 mm. in walls having thickness more than 600 mm. when laid from both sides.
When the work has to be started on the old or the one completed a long while ago or in
the previous working seasons, care shall be taken to roughen and clean old surface
satisfactorily without disturbing the masonry before laying the new.
2.4 When practicable, the whole masonry in any structure shall be carried out upto a
uniform level throughout. But when breaks are unavoidable in carrying the work
continuously in uniform level, sufficiently long steps shall be left. All junction of walls shall
be formed at the time when walls are being built. Cross walls should be carefully bonded
into the main walls. All masonry built in cement mortar shall be kept continuously wet for
10 days from the date of laying. Should the mortar perish i.e. becomes dry, white or
powder through neglect of watering and if the masonry shows hollow joints or non
adherence of mortar to the stones or if the work does not conform to drawings and
specifications, the work shall be pulled down and rebuilt by the contractor at his own cost
and risk. All masonry shall be thoroughly cleaned and washed down on completion and all
stains, adhering mortar removed from the surface and raking of joints carried out as the
scaffolding is being lowered and removed. Holes left in masonry for supporting scaffolding
shall be filled and made good before pointing/ plastering.
3.0 Cement Pointing
Pointing shall be of raised type with 1:3 cement mortars
The joints of masonry shall be raked at least 12 mm deep. The dust shall then be brushed
out of the joints and the wall washed with water.
Mortar shall be filled into joints and well pressed with special steel trowels. The joints shall
not be touched again after it has once begun to set.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The joints of the pointed work shall be neat. The lines shall be regular and uniform in
breadth and the joints shall be flat as directed. No false joints shall be allowed.
The work shall be kept wet for seven days after the pointing is complete
4.2 All pointing work shall be measured in square meters. It shall be the surface area of
Stone Masonry wall .Unit rate shall include cost of mortar scaffolding, curing, form work
etc. to complete the job in all respect as directed by Consultant/IOCL Engineer-in-charge.
IS: 269 : Specification for Ordinary. Rapid hardening & Low heat Portland
1989 cement
IS: 383 : Specification for Coarse & fine aggregates from natural sources
1970 for concrete
IS: 432 : Specification for mild steel and (Part I & II) medium tensile
1982 steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement.
IS: 455 : Specification for Portland Blast Furnace Slag cement.
IS: 456 : Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete.
IS: 516 : Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete.
IS: 650 : Specification for standard sand for testing of cement.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
IS:1139 : Specification for hot rolled mild steel and medium tensile steel
1966 deformed bars for concrete reinforcement.
IS:1199 : Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete.
IS:1200 : Methods of measurement of building works.
IS:1489 : Specification for Portland Pozzolona Cement.
IS:1566 : Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete
1982 reinforcement.
IS:1786 : Specification for High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and Wires
1985 for Concrete Reinforcement.
IS:1791 : Specification for Batch Type Concrete Mixers.
IS: 2386 : Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete: Part 3, Specific
1963 gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking.
IS: 2396(I) : Flakiness index of aggregates
IS:2502 : Code of Practice for Bending and Fixing of Bars for Concrete
1963 Reinforcement.
IS:2505 : Specification for concrete vibrator immersion type.
IS:2645 : Specification for integral cement water proofing material.
IS:2750 : Specification for steel scaffolding
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
IS:14687 : Guidelines for Formwork for Concrete Structures.
3 Materials
3.1 Cement
Ordinary Portland Cement shall conform to IS: 269, Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement
shall conform to IS: 455. Use of Portland Pozzolana Cement shall be only with prior
approval of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
3.2 Aggregates
Aggregates in general designate both fine and coarse inert materials used in the
manufacture of concrete. The fine aggregate is aggregate which passes through 4.75 mm
IS Sieve. Coarse aggregate is aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75 mm IS Sieve.
All aggregates shall conform to IS: 383. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, i.e.
river or pit sand. Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed gravel, natural gravel, crushed
stone or combination thereof conforming to requirements of grading and physical
properties called for. However, bank run gravel shall not be permitted for coarse
The fineness modules of sand should be between 2.2 to 3.2 for concrete works.
The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be 38 mm except for slabs and walls less
than 250 mm thick which shall have a maximum size of 19 mm.
Blast furnace slag and manufactured sand shall not be used as aggregates.
3.3 Water
Water used for both mixing and curing shall be free from injurious amounts of deleterious
materials and shall be of potable quality conforming IS: 456.
3.4 Brick Aggregates
The brickbats shall be new bricks well burnt, hard durables, broken to sizes and well
graded. It shall be free from dust, earth and any other impurities.
3.5 Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall be of tested quality M.S. round rods conforming to IS: 432, IRC wire
mesh fabric conforming to IS: 1566, mild steel and medium tensile steel deformed bars
conforming to IS:1139 and cold twisted steel bars conforming to IS:1786 as shown in
All reinforcement shall be clean, free from grease, oil, paint, loose mill scale, loose rust,
dust, bituminous material or any other material or substance that will destroy or reduce
the bond.
16 SWG (1.6 mm) approved soft annealed steel wire shall be used for binding the
reinforcement bars.
3.6 Water Stoppers
Metallic water stopper shall be fabricated from 22 gauge G.I. sheet of specified width and
bent, folded to shape, soldered and fixed. The transverse joints of the sheets shall either
be welded, brazed or overlapped. In case of overlapping of the stoppers the minimum
overlap should be equal to width of such water stopper.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
PVC and rubber water stops shall be either ribbed or serrated type having a minimum
thickness of 6 mm. These can be of approved make, such as "PASK", "CALICO" or
approved equivalent. They shall be accurately cut, fitted and integrally joined as per
manufacturer's specifications.
3.7 Jointing/Sealing Materials
All joint fillers, sealing materials etc. used for joints in concrete shall be from approved
standard manufacturer and shall conform to relevant IS codes. The extent, type, method
of use and control shall be as per manufacturer's recommendation, subject to approval of
the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
3.8 Admixtures
Admixtures shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
shall conform to the relevant IS codes (for eg. IS: 9103). Vendor's instruction shall be
successfully incorporated in the trial mix. The extent, type, method of use and control
shall be subject to approval of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge in all cases.
Integral water proofing compound shall conform to IS: 2645.
4 Storage of Materials
4.1 Cement
Cement shall be stored in a damp-proof hopper or in sealed bags in a weather proof shed,
on a floor above ground and shall be used in the order of its delivery. Different types or
brands of cement shall be stored separately. Not more than 12 bags shall be stacked in
any tier.
4.2 Aggregates
Aggregates of different sizes shall be kept separately. Aggregates of similar grading but
from different sources or different types shall not be stored together unless approved. All
aggregates shall be stored in such a way that they are free from contact of deleterious
4.3 Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing steel members and wire mesh which are stored at the project site shall be
above ground on platforms, skids or other supports.
Steel shall be protected from rain, moisture and kept free from dirt, oil or contaminant
4.4 Miscellaneous
All other materials shall be stored in a weather tight and dry place and be protected from
open flame or sparks.
All packed materials shall be stored in their original unbroken package or container.
5 Grades of Concrete
Unless otherwise noted on the drawings, or called for in the schedule of rates, the grades
of concrete shall generally be as per Table-1.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
M 7.5 7.5
M 10 10
M 15 15
M 20 20
M 25 25
M 30 30
M 35 35
M 40 40
M 45 45
M 50 50
M 55 55
Quantity of water per 50 kg of cement
Nominal mix of concrete (by mass)
(max) Litres
1:5:10 60
1:3:6 34
M 15(1:2:4) 32
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
M 20(l:1l/2:3) 30
1. The proportions
1. The proportions of the
of the fine to fine to aggregates
coarse coarse aggregates should
should be be adjusted
adjusted fromlimit
from upper upper
limit to lower limit progressively as the grading of the fine aggregates becomes finer
lower limit progressively as the grading of the fine aggregates becomes finer and the and the
maximum size of of
size coarse
becomes larger.Graded
larger. Gradedcoarse
aggregates shall be
shall be
2. The cement content of the mix shall be proportionately increased if the quantity of water
in a mix has to be increased to overcome the difficulties of placement and compaction,
so that the water-cement ratio, as specified, is not exceeded.
Page 62 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge shall verify the strength of the concrete mix,
before giving his sanction of its use. However, this does not absolve the Contractor of his
responsibility as regards achieving the prescribed strength of the mix. If during the
execution of the work, cube tests show lower strengths than required, the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge shall order fresh trial mixes to be made by the
Contractor. No claim to alter the rates of concrete work shall be entertained due to such
changes in mix variations. Any variation in cement consumption shall be taken into
consideration for material reconciliation. Preliminary mix designs shall be established well
ahead of start of work.
7.1 Maximum Density
Suitable proportions of sand and the different sizes of coarse aggregates for each grade of
concrete shall be selected to give as nearly as practicable the maximum density. This shall
be determined by mathematical means, laboratory tests, field trials and suitable changes
in aggregate gradation. The contractor shall submit to the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-
in-Charge at least three sets of mix design and corresponding test results after varying
the mix proportions and / or grading of aggregate so as to establish the maximum density
of any particular grade of concrete.
7.2 Free Water Cement Ratio
Once a mix, including its free water cement ratio, has been determined and approved for
use by the Engineer-in- Charge, that free water cement ratio shall be maintained. The
Contractor shall determine the water content of the aggregates frequently as the work
progresses, and the amount of mixing water shall be adjusted so as to maintain the
approved free water cement ratio.
7.3 Consistency
The concrete shall have a consistency such that it shall be workable in the required
position and when properly vibrated it flows around reinforcing steel, all embedded
fixtures, etc.
The consistency of concrete shall have to be controlled as per IS: 456 and the slump tests
shall be carried out by the contractor in accordance with IS: 1199.
7.4 Workability
7.4.1 The concrete mix proportion shall be such that the concrete is of adequate workability for
the placing condition and can be properly compacted with the means available. Use of
additives of approved make shall be taken recourse to where required for attaining proper
workability as specified under Cl. 7.4.2.
7.4.2 The suggested ranges of values of workability of concrete measured in accordance with
IS:1199 are indicated in Table-2 below. However, the actual values to be followed shall be
established depending on aggregate sizing, mix proportions, placing conditions, etc and
shall be got approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. At least one slump
test shall be carried out per every compressive test performed. More frequent tests shall
be made if there is a distinct change in work conditions, if required by CONSULTANT/IOCL
Page 63 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Values of Workability
Degree of
Placing conditions Slump (mm)
Lightly reinforced sections in slabs,
beams, walls, columns, footings and Low 25-75
7.5 Durability
For achieving sufficiently durable concrete, strong, dense aggregates, low water-cement
ratio and adequate cement content shall always be used. Workability of concrete shall be
such that concrete can be completely compacted with the means available. Leak-proof
formwork shall be used so as to ensure no loss of cement-slurry during pouring and
compaction. Cover to reinforcement shall be uniform and as shown on drawings. Concrete
mix design shall always take into account the type of cement, minimum cement content
irrespective of the type of cement and maximum free water cement ratio and minimum
grade of concrete conforming to the exposure conditions as given in Table-2A.
Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Free Water Cement Ratio and
Minimum Grade of Concrete for Different Exposure Conditions
Generally, the following types of cement shall be used for Plain and Reinforced concrete
a) 33 Grade Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 269.
b) 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 8112: 1989
c) Portland Slag Cement conforming to IS:455.
d) Portland Pozzolana Cement conforming to IS: 1489.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Page 65 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Hand mixing of concrete shall not be permitted. However, for non-critical applications
namely foundations for crossovers, isolated operating platforms etc. using concrete of
maximum grade M20 and located at far away isolated places, this may be permitted by
the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge as a special case.
9.2 Additives
Additive in concrete shall be used only with the prior approval of the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-Charge and shall comply with IS: 456. Any additive used for obtaining proper
workability or leak-proofness of concrete or repair/rendering works of concrete due to
non-conformance to the specifications, shall not be measured and paid for. All costs
relating to such usage shall be borne by the Contractor.
10 Transportation, Placing and Compaction
10.1 General
The entire concrete placing programme including transportation arrangements,
deployment of equipment, layout, proposed procedures and methods, shall be submitted
to the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge 24 hours prior to concreting for approval.
No concreting shall be placed until his approval has been received. Approval of the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge for pouring concrete shall be taken as 'conveyed',
when the concrete pour card is signed by him.
10.1.1 Vibrators In placing concrete in layers which are advancing horizontally as the work progresses,
great care shall be exercised to ensure adequate vibration, bonding and moulding of the
concrete between the succeeding batches. The vibrator shall penetrate the layer being placed and also penetrate the layer below
while the under layer is still plastic to ensure good bond and homogeneity between the
two layers and prevent the formation of cold joints. Care shall be taken to prevent contact of vibrators against all embedded reinforcing steel
or inserts. Vibrators shall not be allowed to come in contact with forms.
10.1.2 Transportation All concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to the place of final deposit such as
formwork as early as possible using suitable buckets, dumpers, pumps, transit mixers
containers or conveyors which shall be mortar leak tight. Care shall be taken to prevent
the segregation or loss of the ingredients and maintaining the required workability. For
structural concrete produced from Ready Mixed Concrete Plants as per Cl. 9.1, concrete
shall be transported from the plants to the sites only by transit mixers.
10.1.3 Placing and Compaction Before placing concrete, all soil surfaces upon which or against which concrete is to be
placed shall be well compacted and free from standing water, mud or debris. Soft or
yielding soil shall be removed and replaced, with lean concrete or with selected soils/sand
and compacted to the density as directed by CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. The
surface of absorptive soil (against which concrete is to be placed) shall be moistened
thoroughly so that moisture is not drawn from the freshly placed concrete. Similarly, for
concrete to be placed on formworks, all chippings, shavings and sawdust etc. shall be
removed from the interior of the forms before the concrete is placed.
Concrete shall be placed within a maximum period of 25 minutes of its removal from
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja. Concrete shall not be placed until the formwork, the placement of reinforcing steel,
embedded parts, pockets etc. have been inspected and approved by the Engineer- in-
Charge. Any accumulated water on the surface of the bedding layer shall be removed by
suitable means before start of placement. No concrete shall be placed on a water
covered surface.
10.1.4 Items Embedded in Concrete Concreting shall not be started unless the electrical conduits, pipes, fixtures etc.,
wherever required, are laid by the concerned agency. The Contractor shall afford all the
facilities and maintain co-ordination of work with other agencies engaged in electrical and
such other works as directed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. Before concreting, the Contractor shall provide, fabricate and lay in proper position all
metal inserts, anchor bolts, pipes etc. (which are required to be embedded in concrete
members) as per relevant drawings and directions of CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
Charge. Anchor bolts shall be set to template and firmly tied/fixed in vertical & horizontal line at all
required positions. All embedment, inserts etc. shall be fully held and secured in their respective positions by
the concerned agencies to the entire satisfaction of CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
Charge so as to avoid any dislocation or displacement during the concreting operations.
The Contractor shall take all possible care during concreting to maintain these
embedment/inserts in their exact locations.
11 Construction Joints
11.1 Construction joints shall be provided in position as shown or described on the drawings or
as directed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. Such joints shall be kept to the
minimum. These shall be straight and at right angles to the direction of main
reinforcement and shall be placed at accessible locations to permit cleaning out of
laitance, cement slurry and unsound concrete.
11.2 In a column, the joint shall be formed about 100mm to 150mm below the lowest soffit of
the beams framing into it. Concrete in a beam and slab shall be placed throughout without
a joint but if the provision of a joint is unavoidable, the joint shall be vertical and located
within 1/3 to 1/4 of the span, unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
11.3 When stopping the concrete on a vertical plane in slabs and beams, an approved stop
board shall be placed with necessary slots for reinforcement bars. The construction joints
shall be keyed by providing a triangular or trapezoidal fillet nailed on the stop board.
Inclined joints shall not be permitted. Any concrete flowing through the joints of stop
board shall be removed soon after the initial set. When concrete is stopped on a
horizontal plane, the surface shall be roughened and cleaned after the initial set and a
triangular or trapezoidal groove shall be provided for keying with the new concrete later.
12 Expansion Joints / Isolation Joint
12.1 Expansion/ Isolation joints in structures shall be formed in the positions and to the shapes
shown in the relevant drawings. Joints shall be filled with joint filling material as stipulated
in the drawings/schedule of rates. Isolation joints shall be provided around all equipment
foundations, columns, pedestals, trenches etc. on grade.
13 Protection of Freshly Laid Concrete
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
13.1 Newly placed concrete shall be protected, by approved means, from rain, sun and wind.
Concrete placed below the ground level shall be protected from falling earth during and
after placing. Surface shall be kept free from contact with such ground or with water
draining from such ground during placing of concrete for a period of at least 3 days,
unless otherwise directed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. The ground
water around newly poured concrete shall be kept to an approved level by pumping or
other approved means of drainage and adequate steps shall be taken to prevent floatation
and flooding. Steps shall be taken to protect immature concrete from damage by debris,
loading, vibration, abrasion, mixing with deleterious materials that may, in the opinion of
the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge, impair the strength and/or durability of the
14 Curing
14.1 Concrete shall be cured by keeping it continuously moist wet for the specified period of
time to ensure complete hydration of cement and its hardening. Curing shall be started
after 8 hours of placement of concrete in normal weather, and in hot weather after 4
hours. The water used for curing shall be of the same quality as that used for making of
Curing shall be assured by use of an ample water supply under pressure in pipes, with all
necessary appliances such as hose, sprinklers etc. A layer of sacking, canvas, hessian, or
other approved material, which will hold moisture for long periods and prevent loss of
moisture from the concrete, shall be used as covering. Type of covering which would
stain, disfigure or damage the concrete, during and after the curing period, shall not be
used. Only approved covering shall be used for curing.
Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be maintained continuously in a damp or wet condition
for at least the first 7 days after placing of concrete.
14.2 For concretes containing Portland pozzolana cement or Portland slag cement, the curing
period as given in 16.1 shall be doubled. Curing by ponding shall, however, commence
after the first 24 hours of concreting.
15 Field Tests
15.1 Workability
15.1.1 The concrete mix proportion so chosen, shall be such that the concrete is of adequate
workability for the placing condition and can be property compacted with the means
15.12 The suggested ranges of values of workability of concrete measured in accordance with
IS: 1199 are indicated in Table-5.
Degree of
Placing Conditions Value of Workability
20-10 seconds, Vee Bee time
Concreting of shallow section with
Very Low or
0.75 - 0.80, Compacting factor
10-5 seconds, Vee Bee time
Concreting of lightly reinforced
Low or
sections with vibration
0.8 - 0.85, Compacting factor
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Mass Concrete Foundations : For every 100 Cu. M of concrete placed, one
set but not less than one set for each pouring
of concrete
Equipment and building Column : For every 50 Cu. m of concrete placed one set
foundations but not less than one set for each
: pouring of concrete
Frame & thin walled Structural : For every 30 Cu. m of concrete placed one set
components Columns, beams, but not less than one set for each pouring of
slabs etc. concrete The test cubes shall be sampled in presence of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
Charge./Owner's representative, who will also sign the record of testing in an agreed
format. For testing the cube specimen contractor shall establish his own construction laboratory at
site and the cost of testing of cubes shall be borne by him. Supply of all required consumables, construction and erection materials including but not
limited to gauges, welding, brazing, gasses and rods, electrodes, oxygen, acetylene, fuel,
bolts, nuts and temporary support etc. shall be by contractor at no extra cost.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
16 Finishing of Concrete
16.1 General
On striking the formwork, all surface defects such as bulges, ridges and honey-combing
etc. observed shall be brought to the notice of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
Charge. The CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge may, at his discretion allow
rectification by necessary chipping and packing or grouting with concrete or cement
mortar. However, if honey-combing or sagging are of such extent as being undesirable,
the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge may reject the work totally and his decision
shall be binding. No extra payment shall be made for rectifying these defects, demolishing
and reconstructing the structure. However, quantity of cement actually used for this
purpose may be considered for reconciliation of materials. All burrs and uneven faces shall
be rubbed smooth with the help of carborundum stone.
The surface of non-shuttered faces shall be smoothened with a wooden float to give a
finish similar to that of the rubbed down shuttered faces. Concealed concrete faces shall
be left as from the formwork except that honey-combed surface shall be made good as
specified above. The top faces of slabs not intended to be covered shall be levelled and
floated to a smooth finish to the rises or falls shown on the drawings or as directed. The
floating shall not be executed to the extent of bringing excess fine materials to the
surface. The top faces of slabs intended to be covered with screed, granolithic or similar
finishes, shall be left with a rough finish.
17 Form Work
17.1 General
17.1.1 Forms for concrete shall be of plywood conforming to IS: 6461 or steel or as directed by
the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge and shall give smooth and even surface after
removal thereof.
17.1.2 If it is desired by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall
prepare, before commencement of actual work, design and drawings for formwork and get
them approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. For details regarding
design, detailing etc., reference may be made to IS: 14687.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
agents shall be, applied so as to provide a thin uniform coating to the forms without
contaminating the reinforcement.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
2. The number of props left under, their sizes, supporting arrangement, and disposition
shall be such as to be able to safely carry the full dead load of the slab, beam or
arch as the case may be together with any live load likely to occur during curing or
further construction.
3. Where the shape of the element is such that the formwork has re-entrant angles, the
form work shall be removed as soon as possible after the concrete has set, to avoid
shrinkage cracking occurring due to the restraint imposed.
4. For rapid hardening cement, 3/7 of the above mentioned periods shall be considered
subject to a minimum of 16 hours.
19 Reinforcement
The Contractor shall develop the bar bending schedule for all RCC structures/ structural
parts at no extra cost to the Owner and shall get it reviewed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-Charge. Reinforcement shall be cut and bent to shape as per dimensions
shown in the bar bending schedule/ drawings.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The uncoated reinforcement bars shall be tied at every intersection by two strands of 16
SWG black soft annealed binding wire. Crossing bars shall not be tack welded for
assembly of reinforcement.
19.3 Splicing/Overlapping
Only bars of full length shall be used as shown in the drawings. But where this cannot be
done, overlapping of bars shall be done as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge. Where
practicable, the overlapping bars shall not touch each other, but these shall be kept apart
by 25mm or 1.25 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate whichever is greater.
But where this is not possible, the overlapping bars shall be tied with two strands of 16
SWG black soft annealed binding wire for uncoated bars GI 18 SWG wire. The overlaps
shall be staggered for different bars and located at points along the span where neither
shear nor bending moment is maximum.
21 Grouting
21.1 Before placing the grout, the concrete surface shall be thoroughly cleaned, preferably with
compressed air and the surface shall be thoroughly wetted with water for several hours.
Grouting concrete shall be of grade M20 or more unless otherwise shown in the drawing
with 6 mm down stone aggregates. Before placing the grout all free water shall be
removed and the flat surface shall be coated with thin cement slurry.
The grout shall be carefully observed for initial settlement. If any settlement is observed,
further grout is to be poured and compacted by rods.
For base plates having ribs underside the base plate, proper care is to be taken to ensure
filling of the cavities between the ribs. In case of wide base plates or bed plates having
ribs underside, it may be necessary to do pressure grouting as directed by the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
21.2 Graving
The grout must not dry out after it is placed in position. The surface shall be kept moist
with wet sacks for at least seven days.
21.3 Admixtures
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
If any admixtures is to be used with the grout, it shall be with prior approval of the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
21.3.1 Non-Shrinking Grout
Non shrinking grout where required shall be used in accordance with the methods
specified by the manufacturer. Material shall be as approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
21.3.2 The placement of grout shall be continuous so as to avoid "cold joints" under base plate
and thoroughly worked under so as to eliminate air bubbles and voids. Rods or chains may
be used to expedite this procedure.
Grout shall be placed so as to provide full and uniform bearing under all bearing surfaces.
Where forms are used for grouting, they shall remain in place for a period of 24 hours
unless directed otherwise. All exposed grout with a thickness of 25 mm or more shall be
sloped at about 45 degree unless otherwise noted.
22 Clean Up
Upon the completion of concrete work, all debris, scraps of wood etc. resulting from the
work shall be removed and the premises left clean.
23 Payment
23.1 Plain and Reinforced Concrete
23.1.1 Payment for plain and reinforced cement concrete (cast- in-situ) shall be made on cubic
metre basis of the volume of the actual finished work done or as per approved
construction drawings, whichever is less and shall be inclusive of providing pockets,
openings, recesses of all sizes, chamfers, fillets, grooves, separation/ expansion/
isolation/ construction/ movement joints, cement wash, curing by normal moist curing or
using curing compound etc. as directed by CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge etc.
The rates shall be deemed to include complete cost of getting the respective mix designs
approved, making and testing concrete cubes and carrying out other tests including tests
of various ingredients, as per specifications and as directed by CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-Charge. Payment shall, however, be separately made for tests on concrete
cubes done by accelerated methods of curing as defined in IS: 9013.
23.1.2 No separate payment shall be made for any additive/ admixture used by the contractor
for accelerating or retarding the strength of concrete or for achieving specified
workability/water tightness. The rate quoted shall be deemed to be inclusive of all costs
related to any such additive/ admixture.
23.1.3 The rate shall however be exclusive of reinforcement, metal inserts, pipe sleeves and any
filler material in expansion/isolation joints.
23.1.4 Where the strength of concrete mix (nominal or design) as indicated by tests, lies in
between the strengths of any two grades given in Table-1 and it is accepted by the
Owner/ CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge, such concrete shall be classified as a
grade belonging to the lower of the two grades between which it lies. In case the cube
strength shows higher results than those specified for the particular grade of the concrete,
it shall not be placed in the higher grade nor shall the Contractor be entitled for any extra
payment on such account. The concrete giving lower strength than specified may be
accepted at reduced rates after satisfying the safety of the structure by checking it with
tests as specified or rejected entirely at the discretion of the Engineer-in- Charge. The
rejected concrete shall be dismantled at no extra cost to the owner and no payment or
extension of time shall be granted for the concrete so rejected and the formwork and
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
reinforcement used for the same. Cost of any material supplied by the Owner free of cost
shall be recovered from the Contractor at double the prevailing market rate. In case the
concrete of lower strength can be improved by carrying out some strengthening measures
entirely at the discretion of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge, then the said
measures including all related tests shall be carried out by Contractor at his own cost. If
the Contractor is able to make up the strength to the required grade by such
improvement measures to the entire satisfaction of CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
Charge, payment shall be made for the grade achieved. However, if the strength of
concrete is not made up to the strength of required grade, payment shall be made only
for the lower strength if such concrete is accepted by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
23.1.5 Deductions for openings, pockets etc. shall be as specified in relevant Indian Standard
23.1.6 Payment under continuous concreting item in the schedule of rates shall be made only
where the total quantity of concrete between two consecutive construction joints
specifically called-out on the drawings exceeds 250 cubic metres. For any
foundation/structure involving concrete quantity upto 250 cubic metres between two
consecutive construction joints shown on drawings, the concrete shall not be measured or
paid for under this category (i.e. continuous concreting), although the same is required to
be constructed in single pour. The rate quoted against this item shall be inclusive of all
extra costs incurred by the Contractor for arranging continuous pouring of concrete and
others as specified complete.
23.2 Reinforcement
23.2.1 Payment for plain round mild steel reinforcement bars and high strength deformed steel
bars shall be on the basis of weight of bare steel irrespective of any coating applied in
metric tons. The weight of the bar shall be derived from the sizes and corresponding unit
weights given in handbook of Bureau of Indian Standards. Standard hook lengths, chairs,
spacer bars and authorised laps only shall be included in the weight calculated. Binding
wire shall not be weighed nor otherwise measured. Measurements for weight shall not
include cutting allowance etc.
23.2.2 Rate quoted for uncoated reinforcement shall include cost of supplying, decoiling,
straightening, cleaning, cutting, bending, placing, binding, welding, if required, and
providing necessary cover blocks of concrete.
23.2.3 Payment for mechanical threaded couplers shall be made on number basis (each). The
rate shall include supply of complete assembly, fixing, testing etc. all complete.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
IS: 802 Part Code of Practice for use of Structural Steel in Overhead
2 : 1978 Transmission Towers-Fabrication, Galvanizing, Inspection and
IS: 806 : Code of Practice for USE OF Steel Tubes in General Building
1968 Construction
IS: 808 : Dimensions for Hot Rolled Steel Beam, Column, Channel and
1989 Angle Sections
IS:816 : Code of Practice for use of Metal Arc Welding for General
1969 Construction in Mild Steel.
IS:1363 Part Black Hexagonal Headed Bolts, Screws, Nuts & Locknuts of
1 & 3 : 2002 Product Grade C- Hexagon Head Bolts (M5-M64)
IS:1852 : Rolling and Cutting Tolerances for Hot Rolled Steel Products
Page 76 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
IS:3658 : Code of Practice for Liquid Penetrant Flaw Detection
IS:3757 : High Strength Friction Grip Structural Bolts
IS:4260 : Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Butt Welds in
2004 Ferritic Steel
IS:5334 : Code of Practice for Magnetic Flaw Detection of Welds
IS:5369 : General Requirements for Plain Washers and Lock Washers.
IS:5372 : Specification - Taper Washers for Channels.
IS:5374 : Specification - Taper Washers for I - Beams
IS:6639 : Specification for Hexagon Bolts for Steel Structures
IS:7205 : Safety Code for Erection of Structural Steel Work
IS:7215 : Tolerances for Fabrication Of Steel Structures
IS:7307 Part Approval Tests for Welding Procedures Part 1- Fusion Welding
1 : 1974 of Steel
IS:7310 Part Approval Tests for Welders working to Approved Welding
1 : 1974 Procedures Part 1- Fusion Welding of Steel
IS:7318 Part Approval Tests for Welders when Welding Procedure Approval
1 : 1974 is not required. Part 1- Fusion Welding of Steel
IS:8500 : Weldable structural steel (Medium and High Strength
1991 qualities)
IS:9595 : Recommendation for metal arc welding of carbon manganese
1996 steel
IS:12843 : Tolerances for Erection Of Steel Structures
2.2 In case of conflict between the clauses mentioned in this specification and those in the
Indian Standards, this specification shall govern. Any special provision as shown or noted
on the design drawings shall govern over the provisions of this specification.
3 Materials
3.1 Structural Steel
3.1.1 All structural steel shall be of tested quality. The Plate Material for all Sheds shall conform
to IS 8500 of Gr Fe540B.Plate Material for Pipe Rack/Pipe Supports & Other Structure
shall conform to IS 2062 of Grade Fe410WA/WB.All rolled section shall conform to IS
8500 IS 2062 of Grade –Fe410WA.
3.1.2 The contractor shall submit the test certificates for all steel material procured. All
structural steel shall be free from blisters, rust, scales, seams, lamination, cracks, fissures
and other surface defects.
3.1.3 Carbon steel pipes/tubes for structural purposes shall be as per IS: 1161 grade YST-25.
In case mild steel is available according to latest IS: 2062, steel to grade A, B & C will be
used as applicable.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
Bolts and nuts shall conform to IS: 1363 or IS: 1364: 2002 as applicable and as shown in
the drawing. Unless otherwise specified nuts and bolt heads shall be hexagonal. Property
class of nuts and bolts shall be compatible. The contractor shall submit test certificates
when called for. Wherever shown in the drawing high strength friction grip bolts (HSFG
bolts) and nuts conform to IS: 3757 and IS: 6623: 2004 respectively shall be used. Nuts
shall be of at least the strength grade appropriate to the grade of bolts or other threaded
elements with which they are used.
3.3 Washers
Plain washers shall be made of mild steel conforming to IS: 5369 unless noted otherwise.
Minimum one washer shall be supplied for each bolt and in case of special types of bolts
more than one washer as required for the purpose shall be supplied. Helical spring washer
conforming to IS: 6755: 1980 shall be provided for bolts carrying dynamic or fluctuating
loads and those in direct tension. Tapered washers conforming to IS: 5372 & IS: 5374
shall be used for channels & beams respectively. Washers for high strength friction bolts
shall conform to IS: 6649: 1985
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
the instructions given by the Engineer-in-Charge. Electrodes shall be kept perfectly dry to
ensure satisfactory operation and weld metal soundness.
3.6.5 Each lot of electrodes, bolts, nuts etc. shall be accompanied by manufacturer's
quality/test certificates.
3.6.6 All bolts (including nuts & washers) shall be checked, sorted out and arranged diameter-
wise by grade and quality in the store.
4 Fabrication Drawings
4.1 Fabrication and erection drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor on the basis of
"Approved for Construction (AFC)" design drawings, CONSULTANT Standards issued to the
Contractor. These drawings conforming to IS: 800 shall be prepared by the Contractor or
by an agency appointed by the Contractor and approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
4.2 Fabrication and erection drawings shall be thoroughly checked, stamped "Approved for
Construction" and signed by the Contractor's own responsible Engineer irrespective of the
fact that such drawings are prepared by the Contractor or his approved agency, to ensure
accuracy and correctness of the drawings. Unchecked and unsigned drawings shall not be
used for the purpose of proceeding with the work. The Contractor shall proceed with the
fabrication and erection work only after thoroughly satisfying himself in this regard.
4.3 All fabrication and erection drawings shall be issued for construction by the Contractor
directly to his work- site. Six copies of such drawings shall simultaneously be submitted to
the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge who may check/ review some or all such
drawings at his sole discretion and offer his comments for incorporation in these drawings
by the Contractor.
However, the Contractor shall not proceed with the fabrication of such structures whose
fabrication drawings are required to be reviewed before taking up the fabrication work as
noted on "Approved for Construction (AFC)" design drawings issued to the Contractor or
as conveyed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. The fabrication of such
structures shall be done only as per the reviewed fabrication drawings.
The review of such drawings by CONSULTANT shall be restricted to the checking of the
following only:
i) Structural layout, orientation and elevation of structures members,
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
ii)Sizes of members,
iii) Critical joint details.
4.4 Fabrication drawings shall be drawn to scale and shall convey the information clearly and
adequately. Following information shall be furnished on such drawings:
- Reference to design drawing number (along with revision number) based on which
fabrication drawing has been prepared.
- Structural layout, elevations & sections (with distinct erection marking of all
- Framing plans, member sizes, orientation and elevations.
- Layout and detailing of rain water pipes and gutters showing all necessary levels,
connections and provisions wherever required.
- Detailing of field joints, connections, splices, for required strength and erection.
Location, type, size and dimensions of welds and bolts.
- Shapes and sizes of edge preparation for welding.
- Details of field joints/welds.
- Bill of materials/D.O.D. Lists.
- Quality of structural steel, plates etc., welding electrodes, bolts, nuts and
washers to be used.
- Erection assemblies identifying all transportable parts and sub-assemblies with special
erection instructions, if required.
- Method of erection and special precautions to be taken during erection as required.
- The design of ladders, platforms, handrails, stairways & the like shall be as per
standard drawings.
4.5 The Contractor shall additionally ensure accuracy of the following and shall be solely
responsible for the same :
i) Provision for erection and erection clearances.
ii) Marking of members
iii) Cut length of members
iv) Matching of joints and holes.
v) Provision kept in the members for other interconnected members.
vi) Bill of materials/D.O.D. Lists.
4.6 Connections, splices and other details where not shown on the design drawings shall be
suitably designed and shown on the fabrication drawings based on good engineering
practice developing full member strength. Design calculations for such connections/splices
shall be submitted to the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge along with the
fabrication drawings.
4.7 Any substitution or change in section shall be allowed only when prior written approval of
the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge has been obtained. Fabrication drawings shall
be updated incorporating all such substitutions/changes by the Contractor at no extra cost
to the Owner.
4.8 In case during execution of the work, the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge on
review of drawings
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
5 Fabrication
5.1 General
5.1.1 Fabrication of structures shall be done strictly as per "Approved for Construction"
fabrication drawings (prepared by the Contractor based on the latest design drawings)
and in accordance with IS: 800, 9595 & other relevant BIS Codes and BIS Hand Book SP:
5.1.2 Prior to commencement of structural fabrication, undulations in the fabrication yard, if
any, shall be removed and area leveled and paved by the Contractor.
5.1.3 Any defective material used in the work shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own
expense. Necessary care and precautions shall be taken so as not to cause any damage
to the structure during any such removal and replacement.
5.1.4 Any faulty fabrication pointed out at any stage of work by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-Charge, shall be made good or replaced by the Contractor at his own cost.
5.1.5 Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures shall be as per IS: 7215.
5.2.2 Clearances
The erection clearance for cleated ends of members shall be not greater than 2mm at
each end. The erection clearance at ends of beams without web cleats and end plates
shall be not more than 3mm at each end but where for practical reasons, greater
clearance is necessary, suitably designed seatings approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-Charge shall be provided.
5.2.3 Cutting Prior to cutting, all members shall be properly marked showing the requisite cut
length/width, connection provisions e.g. location and dimensions of holes, welds, cleats
etc. Marking for cutting shall be done judiciously so as to avoid wastages or unnecessary
joints as far as practicable. Marking shall be done by placing the members on horizontal
supports/pads in order to ensure accuracy. Marking accuracy shall be limited to + 1mm.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja. Cutting may be affected by shearing, cropping or sawing. Gas cutting by mechanically
controlled torch shall be permitted for mild steel. Hand flame cutting may be permitted
subject to the approval of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. Except where the material is subsequently joined by welding, no loads shall be
transmitted into metal through a gas cut surface. Shearing, cropping and gas cutting shall be clean, square, free from any distortion &
burrs, and should the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge find it necessary, the edges
shall be ground afterwards, to make the same straight and uniform at no extra cost to the
5.2.4 Holing Holes for bolts shall not be formed by gas cutting process. Holes through more than one thickness of material of members such as compound
stanchions and girder flanges shall, where possible, be drilled after the members are
assembled and tightly clamped/bolted together. Punching may be permitted before
assembly, provided the thickness of metal is less than 16 mm and the holes are punched
3 mm less in diameter than the required size and reamed, after assembly, to the full
diameter. Punching shall not be adopted for dynamically loaded structures. Holes may be drilled in one operation through two or more separable parts and burrs
removed from each part after drilling. Holes in connecting angles and plates, other than splices, also in roof members and light
framing, may be punched full size through material not over 12 mm thick, except where
required for close tolerance bolts or barrel bolts. All matching holes for black bolts shall register with each other so that a gauge of 2 mm
less in diameter than the diameter of hole shall pass freely through the assembled
members in the direction at right angle to such members. Finished holes shall be not
more than 2 mm in diameter larger than the diameter of the black bolt passing through
them, unless otherwise specified by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. Holes for turned and fitted bolts shall be drilled to a diameter equal to the nominal
diameter of the shank or barrel subject to H8 tolerance specified in IS: 9I9. Parts to be
connected with close tolerance or barrel bolts shall be firmly held together by tacking bolts
or clamps and the holes drilled through all the thicknesses in one operation and
subsequently reamed to size. Holes not drilled through all the thicknesses in one operation
shall be drilled to a smaller size and reamed out after assembly. Where this is not
possible, the parts shall be drilled and reamed separately. To facilitate grouting, holes shall be provided in column bases or seating plates exceeding
300mm in width for the escape of air. To avoid accumulation of water in gusseted column bases of laced, battened or box type
stanchions, suitable reverse U-type holes shall be provided at the junction of base plate
and column section in the vertical gussets for draining out of any water.
5.2.5 Assembly
The component parts shall be assembled and aligned in such a manner that they are
neither twisted nor otherwise damaged, and shall be so prepared that the required
camber, if any, is provided. Proper clamps, clips, jigs and other fasteners (bolts and
welds) shall be placed in a balanced pattern to avoid any distortion in the members and to
ensure their correct positioning (i.e. angles, axes, nodes etc.). Any force fitting,
pulling/stretching of members to join them shall be avoided. Proper care shall be taken
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
for welding shrinkage & distortion so as to attain the finished dimensions of the structure
shown on the drawings.
5.2.6 Welding General
a) All joints shall be welded unless noted otherwise on the design drawings.
b) Welding shall be in accordance with IS: 816, IS: 819: 1957, IS: 1024: 1999, IS:
1261: 1959, IS: 1323: 1982 and IS: 9595 as appropriate.
c) The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement for providing sufficient number of
welding sets of the required capacity, all consumables, cutting and grinding equipment
with requisite accessories/ auxiliaries, equipment & materials required for carrying out
various tests such as dye penetration, magnetic particle, ultrasonic etc.
d) Adequate protection against rain, dust, snow & strong winds shall be provided to the
welding personnel and the structural members during welding operation. In the
absence of such a protection no welding shall be carried out. It shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all welding is carried out in accordance
with the terms of this specification and relevant BIS codes. The Contractor shall
provide all the supervision to fulfill this requirement.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
shall be taken so that these are fixed with such accuracy that they are not reduced
in thickness by grinding by more than 2 mm.
ii. Ends of all bearing stiffeners shall be ground to fit tightly at both top and bottom.
Similarly bottom of the knife edge supports along with the top surface of column
brackets shall be accurately ground to provide effective bearing with a tolerance
not exceeding 0.2 mm locally at any place.
iii. Slab bases and caps shall be accurately ground over the bearing surfaces and shall
have effective contact with the ends of stanchions. Bearing faces which are to be
grouted direct to foundations need not be ground if such faces are true & parallel
to the upper faces.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The Contractor shall carry out procedure tests in accordance with IS: 7307 / ASME Section
IX-2007 to demonstrate by means of a specimen weld of adequate length on steel
representative of that to be used, that he can make welds with the welding procedure to
be used for the work to the complete satisfaction of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-
Charge. The test weld shall include weld details from the actual construction and it shall be
welded in a manner simulating the most unfavorable instances of fit-up, electrode
condition etc., which are anticipated to occur on the particular fabrication. Where material
analysis is available, the welding procedure shall be carried out on material with the
highest carbon equivalent values.
After welding, but before the relevant tests given in IS: 7307 / ASME Section IX- 2007 are
carried out, the test weld shall be held as long as possible at room temperature, but in any
case not less than 72 hours, and shall then be examined for cracking. The examination
procedure shall be sufficiently rigorous to be capable of revealing significant defects in both
parent metal and weld metal.
After establishing the welding method, the Contractor shall finally submit to the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge for his approval the welding procedure
specification in standard format given in IS: 9595 / ASME Section IX- 2007 before starting
the fabrication.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
welding is practicable from one side only, suitable backing steel strip shall be used
and joint shall be arranged in such a way as to ensure that complete fusion of all the
parts is readily obtained.
d) While welding is in progress care shall be taken to avoid any kind of movement of the
components, shocks, vibrations to prevent occurrence of weld cracks.
e) Any deviation desired from the recommended welding technique and electrodes shall
be adopted only after obtaining written approval of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The mechanical testing (such as tensile load tests, bend tests, impact tests etc.) shall
be done in accordance with the relevant standards and as per the instructions of the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
C. Magnetic Particle/Dye Penetration/Ultrasonic Examination:
The examination shall be done at random as directed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-in-Charge. Whenever such tests are directed, the tests shall be carried out
on joints chosen by him. The tests shall be carried out by employing approved testing
procedure in accordance with IS: 822 / ASME Section V- 2007.
D. Radiographic Examination
Radiographic examination shall be carried out only in special cases for random joints
as directed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall be
paid extra for such examination except for penalty radiographic tests for which the
cost shall be borne by him. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement at his
own expense for providing the radiographic equipment, films and all other necessary
materials required for carrying out the examination. The tests shall be carried in the
presence of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge by employing approved
testing procedure in accordance with IS: 822/ ASME Section V- 2007. The Contractor
shall fulfill all the statutory safety requirements while handling X-ray and Gamma-ray
equipment and provide the Engineer- in-Charge all the necessary facilities at site such
as dark room, film viewer etc., to enable him to examine the radiographs.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
5.2.7 Bolting All bolts shall be provided such that no part of the threaded portion of the bolts is within
the thickness of the parts bolted together. Washers of suitable thickness shall be used
under the nuts to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within the thickness of
parts bolted together. The threaded portion of each bolt shall project through the nut at least one thread. Flat washers shall be circular and of suitable thickness. However, where bolt heads/nuts
bear upon the beveled surfaces, they shall be provided with square tapered washers of
suitable thickness to afford a seating square with the axis of the bolt.
5.2.8 Splicing Splicing of built up/compound/latticed sections shall be done in such a fashion that each
component of the section is joined in a staggered manner. Where no butt weld is used for splicing, the meeting ends of two pieces of
joist/channel/built up section shall be ground flush for bearing on each other and suitable
flange and web splice plates shall be designed and provided for the full strength of the
flange/ web of the section and welds designed accordingly. Where full strength butt weld is used for splicing (after proper edge preparation of the
web and flange plates) of members fabricated out of joist/ channel/ angles/ built up
section, additional flange and web plates shall be provided, over and above the full
strength butt welds, to have 40% strength of the flange and web. Where a cover plate is used over a joist/channel section the splicing of the cover plate and
channel/joist sections shall be staggered by minimum 500mm. Extra splice plate shall be
used for the cover plate and joist/channel section as per clause or Prior approval shall be obtained by the Contractor for locations of splices where not shown
on design drawings. Only a single splice at approved location shall be allowed for
members up to a length of 6 to 7m. Maximum two numbers of splices shall be allowed for
members exceeding this length.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used shall be to the complete
satisfaction of the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
6.4 Tolerances
Tolerances for erection of steel structures shall be as per Annexure 'A'
8 Field Connections
8.1 Field Bolting
Field bolting shall be carried out with the care as explained above.
8.2 Field Welding
All field assembly and welding shall be executed in accordance with the requirements
for shop assembly and welding. Holes made for all erection bolts- where removed
after final erection shall be plugged by welding. Alternatively erection bolts may be left
and secured.
10 Payment
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
so as to ensure a continuous and uniform film without "holidaying". Special care shall be
taken to cover all the crevices, corners, edges etc. However, in areas which are difficult to
reach by brushing, daubers/mops shall be used by dipping the same in paint and then
pulling/ pushing them through the narrow spaces. The primer coat shall be air dried and
shall have a minimum film thickness of 75 microns or (tolerance + 10%) after drying, as
11.4 Payment
Payment for painting of structural steel works shall be made on the basis of admissible
weight in metric tons of the painted structures accepted by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
The rate shall include supplying & applying two coats of epoxy paint of first quality
and shade over a base prepared etc. all complete to the entire satisfaction of the
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-in-Charge.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
A. Columns
1. Deviation of column axes at foundation top level with respect to true axes.
i) In longitudinal direction ±5 mm
2. Deviation in the level of bearing surface of columns at foundation top with respect to true
±5 mm
3. Out of plumb (Verticality) of column axis from true vertical axis, as measured at top:
B. Trusses
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
in mm or ± 10mm whichever is
4. Deviation in the crane rail level at any point from true level. ±10mm
6. Relative shift of crane rail surfaces at a joint in plan and 2 mm subject to grinding
Elevation surfaces for smooth
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
6. Grating Black
Note: These colours are provisional and should be confirmed with IOCL before execution.
The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer-in-Charge that the welders are suitable for the work
upon which they will be employed. For this purpose the welders shall have satisfied the
relevant requirements of IS: 7318. If the welders will be working to approved welding
procedures, they shall have satisfied the relevant requirements of 1S: 7310.
Adequate means of identification shall be provided to enable each weld to be traced to the
welder by whom it was made. The Contractor shall intimate the Engineer-in Charge
sufficiently in advance, the commencement of tests, to enable him to be present to witness
the same. Approval & Testing of Welding Procedures
The Contractor shall carry out procedure tests in accordance with IS: 7307 to demonstrate by
means of a specimen weld of adequate length on steel representative of that to be used, that
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
he can make welds with the welding procedure to be used for the work to the complete
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The test weld shall include weld details from the
actual construction and it shall be welded in a manner simulating the most unfavorable
instances of fit-up, electrode condition etc., which are anticipated to occur on the particular
fabrication. Where material analysis is available, the welding procedure shall be carried out
on material with the highest carbon equivalent values.
After welding, but before the relevant tests given in IS: 7307 are carried out, the test weld
shall be held as long as possible at room temperature, but in any case not less than 72 hours,
and shall then be examined for cracking. The examination procedure shall be sufficiently
rigorous to be capable of revealing significant defects in both parent metal and weld metal.
After establishing the welding method, the Contractor shall finally submit to the Engineer-in-
Charge for his approval the welding procedure specification in standard format given in IS:
9595 before starting the fabrication. Sequence of Welding
a) As far as practicable, all welds shall be made in a sequence that will balance the applied
heat of welding while the welding progresses.
b) The direction of the general progression in welding on a member shall be from points
where the parts are relatively fixed in position with respect to each other towards points
where they have a greater relative freedom of movement.
c) All splices in each component part of a cover-plated beam or built up member shall be
made before the component part is welded to other component parts of the member.
d) Joints expected to have significant shrinkage shall be welded before joints expected to
have lesser shrinkage.
f) The Contractor shall choose the welding sequence after carefully studying each case such
as to minimize distortion and shrinkage & submit the same to the Engineer-in- Charge
for comments and approval.
g) The welding seams shall be left to cool slowly. The CONTRACTOR shall not be
allowed to cool the welds quickly by any other method.
h) For multipass welding, before welding the following layer the formerly welded layer
shall be cleaned metal bright by light and wire brushing.
a) After the fusion faces are carefully aligned and set with proper gaps, the root pass of butt
joints shall be executed properly so as to achieve full penetration with complete fusion of
the root edges.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
b) On completion of each run all slag and spatters shall be removed and the weld and the
adjacent base metal shall be cleaned by wire brushing and light chipping. Visible defects
such are cracks, cavities and other deposition faults, if any, shall be removed to sound
metal before depositing subsequent run of weld.
c) All full penetration butt welds shall be completed by chipping/gouging to sound metal
and then depositing a sealing run of weld metal on the back of the joints. Where butt
welding is practicable from one side only, suitable backing steel strip shall be used and
joint shall be arranged in such a way as to ensure that complete fusion of all the parts is
readily obtained.
d) While welding is in progress care shall be taken to avoid any kind of movement of the
components, shocks, vibrations to prevent occurrence of weld cracks.
e) Any deviation desired from the recommended welding technique and electrodes shall be
adopted only after obtaining written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
The method of inspection shall be according to IS: 822 and extent of inspection and testing
shall be in accordance with the relevant applicable standard or, in the absence of such a
standard, as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge. Welds shall not be painted or otherwise
obscured until they have been inspected, approved and accepted.
The Engineer-in-Charge or his representative shall have access to the Contractor's work at all
reasonable times and the Contractor shall provide him with all facilities necessary for
inspection during all stages of fabrication and erection with, but not limited to, the following
i) To check the conformity with the relevant standards and suitability of various
welding equipments and their performance.
ii) To witness/approve the welding procedure qualification.
iii) To witness/approve the welders performance qualification.
iv) To check whether shop/field welding being executed is in conformity with the
relevant specifications and codes of practice.
Inspection and testing of all fabricated structures shall be carried out by the Contractor by
any, or, a combination of all the following methods as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
and no separate payment shall be made, unless otherwise mentioned, for inspection and
testing of welds/fabricated structures:
A. Visual Inspection
a) All finished welds (i.e. 100 percent) shall be visually inspected for identification of the
following types of weld defects & faults.
b) Weld defects occurring at the surface such as blow holes, exposed porosity, unfused welds
c) Surface cracks in the weld metal or in the parent metal adjacent to it.
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
e) Profile defects such as excessive convexity or concavity, overlapping, unequal leg lengths,
excessive reinforcement, incompletely filled grooves, excessive penetration beads, root
grooves etc.
f) Distortion due to welding i.e., local shrinkage, camber, bowing, twisting, rotation, wariness
h) Dimensional errors.
B. Mechanical Tests
The mechanical testing (such as tensile load tests, bend tests, impact tests etc.) shall be done in
accordance with the relevant standards and as per the instructions of the Engineer-in Charge.
No repair of defective welds shall be carried out without proper permission of the Engineer-
inCharge and his approval for the corrective procedure.
Welds not complying with the acceptance requirements (as specified by BIS Codes & the
Engineer-in-Charge), as revealed during inspection & testing of welds or erection or in-situ
condition shall be corrected either by removing & replacing or as follows:
a. Excessive convexity Reduced to size by removal of excess weld metal.
b) Shrinkage cracks, cracks in parent Defective portions removed down to sound plates and
craters metal and rewelded
Page 98 of 197
Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
d) Improperly fitted/ misaligned parts. Welding cut & edges suitably prepared and parts.
Temperature of such area shall be less than 650 degree Centigrade (dull red heat).
In removing defective parts of a weld, gouging, chipping, oxygen cutting or grinding shall not
extend into the parent metal to any substantial amount beyond the depth of weld penetration,
unless cracks or other defects exist in the parent metal. The weld or parent metal shall not be
undercut in chipping, grinding, gouging or oxygen cutting.
Any fabricated structure or its component which in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge is
defective and/or beyond any corrective action shall be removed forthwith from the site as
instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge without any extra claim. The owner reserves the right to
recover any compensation due to any loss arising out of such rejections.
1.1.2. Bolting All bolts shall be provided such that no part of the threaded portion of the bolts is within the
thickness of the parts bolted together. Washers of suitable thickness shall be used under the nuts to
avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within the thickness of parts bolted together. The threaded portion of each bolt shall project through the nut at least one thread. Flat washers shall be circular and of suitable thickness. However, where bolt heads/nuts bear upon
the beveled surfaces, they shall be provided with square tapered washers of suitable thickness to
afford a seating square with the axis of the bolt.
1.1.3. Splicing Splicing of built up/compound/latticed sections shall be done in such a fashion that each component
of the section is joined in a staggered manner. Where no butt weld is used for splicing, the meeting ends of two pieces of joist/channel/built up
section shall be ground flush for bearing on each other and suitable flange and web splice plates
shall be designed and provided for the full strength of the flange/ web of the section and welds
designed accordingly. Where full strength butt weld is used for splicing (after proper edge preparation of the web and
flange plates) of members fabricated out of joist/ channel/ angles/ built up section, additional
flange and web plates shall be provided, over and above the full strength butt welds, to have 40%
strength of the flange and web. Where a cover plate is used over a joist/channel section the splicing of the cover plate and
channel/joist sections shall be staggered by minimum 500mm. Extra splice plate shall be used for
the cover plate and joist/channel section as per clause or Prior approval shall be obtained by the Contractor for locations of splices where not shown on
design drawings. Only a single splice at approved location shall be allowed for members up to a
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Tender No : HCC/LUBES-70/PT-205/2018-19
Name of work – Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, erection and construction of PEB
(PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING) shed / warehouse with mezzanine floor with smoke detection &
Sprinkler system along with the associated allied civil, structural, electrical & instrumentation and
mechanical works at LBP Taloja.
length of 6 to 7m. Maximum two numbers of splices shall be allowed for members exceeding this
length. All slab bases and slab caps shall be accurately machined over the bearing surfaces and shall be in
effective contact with the ends of column sections (shafts). For slab bases and slab caps, ends of column shafts shall be accurately machined. However, for
gusseted bases and caps, the column shafts shall be ground flush for effective contact with parts
connected together. Gusseted bases and caps shall be ground flush for effective contact with ends of column sections. End of all bearing stiffeners shall be machined or ground to fit tightly at top and bottom without any
air gap. While machining or grinding care shall be taken so that the length or thickness of any part does not
get reduced by more than 2.0 mm. For all machining or grinding works for gusseted base and cap plates, the clearance between the
parts joined shall not exceed 0.2 mm at any location.
8.1 Each component shall be distinctly marked (with paint) before delivery in accordance with the
marking diagrams and shall bear such other marks as will facilitate erection.
8.2 For small members which are delivered in bundles or crates, the required marking shall be done
on small metal tags securely tied to the bundle.
9. Shop Erection
The steel work shall be temporarily shop erected complete or as directed by the Engineer-in
Charge, so that the accuracy of fit may be checked before dispatch.
10.1 The Engineer-in-Charge (or his authorized representative) shall have free access at all times to
those parts of the Contractor's works which are concerned with the fabrication of the steel work
and shall be provided with all reasonable facilities for satisfying himself that the fabrication is
being undertaken in accordance with the provisions of these specifications & other relevant BIS
10.2 Should any structure or part of a structure be found not to comply with any of the provisions of
this specification (or relevant BIS Codes as referred to), it shall be liable to rejection. No
structure or part of the structure, once rejected shall be resubmitted for inspection, exception
cases where the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative considers the defect as
10.3 Defects which may appear during/after fabrication/ erection shall be made good only with the
consent of the Engineer-in-Charge and procedure laid down by him.
10.4 All necessary gauges and templates shall be supplied free to the Engineer-in-Charge by the
Contractor whenever asked for during inspection. The Engineer-in-Charge may at his discretion,
check the test results obtained at the Contractor's works by independent tests at a test house, and
the cost of such tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
The grit blasting of the surface shall be carried out by compressed air and blasting gun. Clean
screened grit of uniform size shall be used for blasting purpose.
For grit blasting, the surface shall be made free from mill scale, rust, grease, oil or other foreign
material and shall appear to have foreign white base metal roughened texture to form good
adhesion of the primer coating, conforming to Swedish Standards "Sa 2 ½".
Compressed air should be free from moisture and oil. The grit blasted surface shall be applied
with primer coat within 3 to 4 hours or before any trace of oxidation appears on the cleaned
11.2 Primer Application
All components and members of steel work shall be given one coat of Inorganic Zinc Silicate
Epoxy primer. Primer coat shall be applied immediately after the surfaces have been properly
prepared by grit blasting as explained above and cleaned. The primer coat shall be applied over
completely dry surfaces (using brushes of good quality) in a manner so as to ensure a continuous
and uniform film without "holidaying". Special care shall be taken to cover all the crevices,
corners, edges etc. However, in areas which are difficult to reach by brushing, daubers/mops
shall be used by dipping the same in paint and then pulling/ pushing them through the narrow
spaces. The primer coat shall be air dried and shall have a minimum film thickness of 75
microns or (tolerance + 10%) after drying, as applicable.
11.3 Final Paint Application
11.3.1. After the primer is hard dry, the surfaces shall be lightly sand the primer surface with emery
paper no.320 and clean the dust with dry cloth. Apply two coats of compatible Phinolic based
epoxy paint coats at an interval of 16 – 20 hours.
Paint shall be applied by brushing/spraying so that a film free from "holidaying" is obtained.
The colour & shade of first coat of paint shall be slightly lighter than the second coat in order
to identify the application of each coat. The second coat of paint shall be applied after the first
coat is hard dry. The minimum thickness of each film shall be 75 microns (+ 10% tolerance)
after drying.
The Contractor shall carry out the painting work in all respects with the best quality of
approved materials (conforming to relevant BIS Codes) and workmanship in accordance with
the best engineering practice. The Contractor shall furnish characteristics of paints (to be used)
indicating the suitability for the required service conditions. The paint manufacturer's
instructions supplemented by Engineer-in-Charge's direction if any shall be followed at all
times. Particular attention shall be paid to the following:
- Proper storage to avoid exposure & extremes of temperature,
- Surface preparation prior to painting.
- Mixing & thinning.
- Application of paint and the recommended limit on time intervals between consecutive coats.
11.3.2. Painting shall not be done in frost or foggy weather, or when humidity is such as to cause
condensation on the surfaces to be painted.
11.3.3. Primers & finish coat paints shall be from the same manufacturer in order to ensure
compatibility. Painting colour code shall be as per Annexure-'B'.
11.3.4. Surfaces which are inaccessible after shop assembly, shall receive the full specified protective
treatment before assembly (this shall not apply to the interior of sealed hollow sections).
11.3.5. Steel surfaces shall not be painted within a suitable distance of any edges to be welded if the
paint specified would be harmful to welders or impair the quality of the welds.
11.3.6. Welds and adjacent parent metal shall not be painted prior to deslagging, inspection and
approval by the Engineer-in-Charge.
11.3.7. Parts to be encased in concrete shall have only one coat of primer and shall not be painted after
12. Packing
12.1. All items shall be suitably packed in case these are to be dispatched from the fabrication shop to
the actual site of erection so as to protect them from any damage/distortion or falling during
transit. Where necessary, slender projecting parts shall be temporarily braced to avoid warping
during transportation.
12.2. Small parts such as gussets, cleats etc., shall be securely wired on to their respective main
13. Transportation
Loading and transportation shall be done in compliance with transportation rules. In case, certain
parts cannot be transported in the lengths stipulated on the drawings, the position details of such
additional splice joints shall be got approved by the Engineer-in- Charge.
14. Site (Field) Erection
The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used shall be to the complete satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-Charge.
14.2. Storing & Handling
All steel work shall be so stored and handled at site so that the members are not subjected to
excessive stresses and any damage.
14.3. Setting Out
One set of reference axes and one bench mark level shall be furnished to the Contractor. These
shall be used for setting out of structures.
The Contractor shall assume complete responsibility for correct setting out of all steel work,
erecting it correctly as per alignment / levels shown in the drawings and plumb (verticality) of
vertical members.
14.4. Tolerances
15.1. The contractor shall comply with IS: 7205 for necessary safety and adhere to safe erection
practices and guard against hazardous as well as unsafe working conditions during all stages of
15.2. During erection, the steel work shall be securely bolted or otherwise fastened and when
necessary, temporarily braced/guyed to provide for all loads to be carried by the structure during
erection till the completion, including those due to the wind, erection equipment & its operation
etc. at no extra cost to the owner. For the purpose of guying, the Contractor shall not use other
structure in the vicinity without prior written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.
15.3. No permanent bolting or welding shall be done until proper alignment has been achieved.
15.4. Proper access, platform and safety arrangement shall be provided for working and inspection, (at
no extra cost to the owner) whenever required.
a) Field Bolting
Field bolting shall be carried out with the same care as required for shop bolting.
b) Field Welding
All field assembly and welding shall be executed in accordance with the requirements for shop
assembly and welding. Holes made for all erection bolts- where removed after final erection
shall be plugged by welding. Alternatively erection bolts may be left and secured.
17. Scheme and Sequence of Erection
The Contractor shall furnish the detailed scheme and sequence of erection to match with the project
schedule and get the same approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. All necessary coordination and
synchronization shall be done with the civil contractor where civil works are not included in the
scope of structural contractor at no extra cost so as to match with the project schedule.
18. Payment
a) Payment shall be made on Lump sum basis. In case of change in overall size of the unit(s),
contractor shall be paid on higher/lower side on prorata basis of area .
b) Welds, bolts, nuts, washers, shims, pack plates, wedges, grout and shop painting shall not be
separately measured. The quoted rate shall be deemed to include the same.
c) The rate shall include all expenses related to safety & security arrangements during erection and
all plants & tools required for fabrication, transportation & erection.
18.1. General
a) Only touch up painting shall be applied as necessary after erection and the Contractor shall
obtain written instruction in this regard sufficiently prior to taking up any procurement of paint
and execution of painting work after erection of steel structures.
b) The procedure of touch up painting shall be followed same as described earlier for applying
primer coat and final paint application.
a) All painting materials including primers & thinners brought to site by the Contractor for
application shall be procured directly from reputed and approved manufacturers and shall be
accompanied by manufacturer's test certificates. Paint formulations without certificates shall not
be accepted.
b) The Engineer-in-Charge at his discretion may call for additional tests for paint formulations. The
Contractor shall arrange to have such tests performance including batch wise test of wet paints
for physical & chemical analysis. All costs shall be borne by the Contractor.
c) The painting work shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge at all times. In
particular, the stage inspection will be performed and Contractor shall offer the work for
inspection and approval at every stage before proceeding with the next stage. The record of
inspection shall be maintained. Stages of inspection are as follows:
- Surface preparation
- Primer application
- Each coat of paint
d) Any defect noticed during the various stages of inspection shall be rectified by the Contractor to
the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge before proceeding further. Irrespective of the
inspection, repair and approval at intermediate stages of work the Contractor shall be responsible
for making good any defects found during final inspection/guarantee period/defect liability
period, as defined in General Conditions of Contract. Dry film thickness (DFT) shall be checked
and recorded after application of each coat. The thickness shall be measured at as many locations
as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall provide standard thickness
measuring instrument such as Elko meter (with appropriate range for measuring dry film
thickness of each coat) free of cost to the Engineer-in-Charge whenever asked for.
18.3. Payment
Payment for painting of structural steel works shall not be made separately and shall be included
in Lump sum price.
Annexure A: (Clause 12.4) Maximum Permissible Erection Tolerances
A. Columns
1. Deviation of column axes at foundation top level with respect to true axes.
i) In longitudinal direction ±5 mm
ii) In lateral direction ±5 mm
2. Deviation in the level of bearing surface of columns at foundation top with respect to true level
±5 mm
3. Out of plumb (Verticality) of column axis from true vertical axis, as measured at top:
i) Up to and including 30m height ±H/1000 or ±25 mm Whichever is less
ii) Over 30m height ±H/1200 or +35 mm Whichever
is less.
4. Deviation in straightness in longitudinal & transverse ±H/1500 or ±10 mm
Whichever is less.
planes of column throughout the height.
5. Difference in the erected positions of adjacent pairs of columns along length or across width of
building prior to connecting trusses/beams with respect to true distance. ±5 mm
6. Deviation in any bearing or seating level with respect to true level ±5 mm .
7. Deviation in difference in bearing levels of a member on adjacent pair of columns both across &
along the building. ±5 mm
Note: 1. Tolerance specified under 3 should be read in conjunction with 4 & 5.
Note: 2. 'H' is the column height in mm.
B. Trusses
1. Shift at the centre of span of top chord member with respect to the vertical plane passing through the
centre of bottom chord.
±1/250 of height of truss in mm at centre of span or ± 15 mm whichever is less.
2. Lateral shift of top chord of truss at the centre of span from the vertical plane passing through the
centre of supports of the truss. ±1/1500 of span of truss in mm or ± 10mm
whichever is less.
3. Lateral shift in location of truss from its true position. ±10mm
4. Lateral shift in location of purlin from its true position. ±5mm
5. Deviation in difference of bearing levels of truss from the true level. ±1/1200 of span of truss in
mm or 20mm whichever is less.
2 Scope
The work described herein shall cover providing and installing metal Galvalume clip on”
sheeting of self crimping type sheet roofing and cladding including translucent sheets and
all accessories such as flashings, cappings, gutters, trims, supporting straps, brackets,
foam fillers, sealants and the work shall be carried out in strict accordance with this
specification and applicable drawings. Supplier shall prepare shop drawings for roofing,
cladding, gutters etc and shall take the approval of CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer In
Charge prior to manufacturing and supply. Based on roof slope Purlin spacing and wind
speed, supplier shall propose the type of profiled sheet to be used and the proposal shall
be justified through proper calculations.
3 Technical Requirements
3.1 Material
Material for sheets and accessories shall strictly conform to BIS/BS/ASTM/AS
specifications as mentioned. Supplier shall furnish test certificates for verification of the
same and shall make arrangements for inspection and marking of the materials at his
works. Erection shall not be started before approval of materials including all accessories.
Length shall be such that number of joints are minimum. Wherever specified, to avoid
longitudinal overlaps for larger span, sheets shall be of single length and shall be site
2 mm thk sheet of milky white colour profile to match with steel sheet profile.
2 General
2.1 Base: The base to receive the finish either formed concrete sub-base or floor slab covered
under other relevant specifications.
2.2 Commencement, scheduling and sequence of the finishing works shall be planned in detail
and must be specifically approved by the Engineer, keeping in view the activities of other
agencies working in the area. However, the contractor shall remain fully responsible for all
normal precautions and vigilance to prevent any damage whatsoever till handing over.
2.3 Only workers specially experienced in particular items of finishing work shall be engaged;
where such workers are not readily available, with the Engineer’s permission, experienced
supervisors recommended by the manufacturer shall be engaged. In particular cases
where the Consultant so desire, the Contractor shall get the finishing items installed by
the manufacturer.
2.4 The surface to the treated shall be thoroughly examined by the Contractor.
Any rectification necessary shall be brought to the notice of the Consultant and his
approval shall be obtained regarding method and extent of such rectification work. For all
types of flooring, skirting, dado and similar works the base to receive the finish shall be
adequately roughened by chipping, raking out joints and cleaning thoroughly all dirt,
grease etc., with water and hard brush and (detergent if required, unless otherwise
directed by the manufacturer of any special finishing treatment, the base shall be
thoroughly soaked with water and all excess water mopped up. The surface shall be done
dry where adhesive are used for fixing the finishes. Prior to commencement of actual
finishing the approval of the Consultant shall be taken as to the acceptability of the
IS : 13753:1993 Specification for dust pressed ceramic tiles with water absorption
3.2 General
Flooring in any Industrial Structure may have to be done in discontinuous strips or areas
to suit the equipment erection. The flooring shall be done in close co-ordination with other
agencies and shall keep pace with the requirements of erection.
4 Materials
4.1 Materials required for individual finishing items are specified under respective items. In
general, all such materials shall be as per relevant IS Codes where available. In all cases
these materials shall be of the best quality available indigenously unless specified
4.2 The materials for finishing items must be procured from well-reputed specified
manufacturers and on the basis of approval of samples by the Engineer. The materials
shall be ordered, procured and stored well in advance to avoid compulsion to use
substandard items to maintain the construction schedule.
aggregates by volume and uniformly mixed. Minimum quantity of water shall be added to
make it workable.
5.8 Laying
The concrete floor shall be laid in panels of 1m x 1m or as directed by the Engineer.
Alternate panels shall be laid on one day followed by the other group of alternate panels
the next day. The edges of the panels shall be supported either by wooden strips or flat
angle iron pieces fixed in position property. The concrete floor shall be laid upto the
required grade. The forms if any shall remain sufficiently projecting to take the finish. The
surface shall be roughened by wire brush as soon as possible.
The junction of floor and walls, floors and dado or skirting shall be rounded off as
Wooden strips or flat iron pieces shall be removed from their places before the succeeding
alternate layers are laid. The finish shall be laid while the concrete underbed is still very
‘green’ within about 3 hours of laying of the later. The finish shall be of uniform thickness
and even dense surface without trowel marks, pinhole etc. The topping layer shall be
pressed firmly and worked vigorously and quickly to secure full bond with the concrete
base. Just when the initial set starts the surface shall be finished and smoothened with
steel trowel. The finish floor shall be cured for 7 days by keeping it wet.
6 Ceramic Tile
6.1 Ceramic Tiles for flooring
The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to IS:15622. They shall
be flat and true to shape and free from blisters, crazing, chips, welts, crawling or other
imperfections detracting from their appearance. The tiles shall be tested in accordance
with IS:13630.
The tiles shall be square or rectangular of nominal size such as 150 x 150 mm, 200 x 200
mm, 300 x 300 mm or as directed by the Engineer. The thickness of the tiles shall be 7
mm as specified
Tolerance in Size
The length of all four sides shall be measured correct to 0.1 mm and average length /
breadth shall not vary more than ± 0.8 mm from the specified dimension. The variation of
individual dimension from average value of length/breadth shall not exceed ± 0.5 mm.
Tolerance in thickness shall be ± 0.4 mm.
The actual size of tiles supplied shall be 1 mm less so that with 1 mm joint, the tile when
laid shall conform to the nominal size.
The top surface of the tiles shall be glazed and the glaze shall be either glossy or matt as
specified. The underside of the tiles shall not have glaze on more than 5% of the area in
order that the tile may adhere properly to the base. The edges of the tiles shall be
preferably free from glaze. However, any glaze if unavoidable, shall be permissible on
only upto 50 per cent of the surface area of the edges.
Preparation of Surface and Laying
Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted
and mopped. The bedding for the tile shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) or as specified. The average thickness of the bedding shall be 10 mm
while the thickness under any portion of the tiles shall not be less than 5 mm.
Mortar shall be spread, tamped and corrected to proper levels and allowed to harden
sufficiently to offer a fairly rigid cushion for the tiles to be set and to enable the mason
to place wooden plank across and squat on it.
Over this mortar bedding neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be
spread at the rate of 3.3 kg of cement per square metre over such an area as would
accommodate about twenty tiles. Tiles shall be soaked in water washed clean and shall
be fixed in this grout one after another, each tile gently being tapped with a wooden
mallet till it is properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. The joints shall be
kept as thin as possible and in straight lines or to suit the required pattern.
The surface of the flooring during laying shall be frequently checked with a straight edge
about 2 m long, so as to obtain a true surface with the required slope.
Where full size tiles cannot be fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size, and
their edge rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints.
Tiles which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 10 mm under
the plaster, skirting or dado.
After tiles have been laid surplus cement slurry shall be cleaned off.
7.2 Laying
12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mix or as
specified shall be applied and allowed to harden. The plaster shall be roughened with
wire brushes or by scratching diagonally at close intervals.
The tiles shall be soaked in water for one day, washed clean, and a coat of buttery
cement slurry applied liberally at the back of the tiles and set in the bedding mortar. The
tiles shall be tamped and corrected to proper plane and lines.
The tiles shall be set in the required pattern and jointed. The joints shall be as fine as
possible. Top of skirting or dado shall be truly horizontal and joints truly vertical except
where otherwise indicated.
Skirting and dado shall rest on the top of the flooring. Where full size tiles cannot be
fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size and their edges rubbed smooth.
8.2 Dressing
Every tile shall be cut to the required size and shape and fine chisel dressed on the sides
to the full depth. The edges shall be table rubbed with coarse sand or machine rubbed
before placing. All angles and edges of the tile shall be true, square and free from
chippings and the surface shall be smooth and plane.
The thickness of the tile after it is dressed shall be 30 mm as specified in the description
of the item. Tolerance of ± 2 mm shall be allowed for the thickness. In respect of
length and breadth of slabs, tolerance of ± 5 mm for hand cut slabs and ± 2 mm for
machine cut slabs shall be allowed.
The top surface of the mortar shall then be corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows.
The mortar is allowed to harden a bit and cement slurry of honey like consistency shall
be spread over the same at the rate of 4.4 kg of cement per sqm.
The edges of the tile already laid shall be buttered with grey or white cement with or
without admixture of pigment to match the shade of the kotah tiles as specified.
The tile to be laid shall then be lowered gently back in position and tapped with a
wooden mallet till it is properly bedded in level with and close to the adjoining tiles with
as fine a joint as possible. Subsequent tiles shall be laid in the same manner. After
each tile has been laid, surplus cement on the surface of the tiles shall be cleaned off.
The flooring shall be cured for a minimum period of seven days. The surface of the
flooring as laid shall be true to levels and slopes as instructed by the Engineer.
Due care shall be taken to match the grains of tiles which shall be selected judiciously
having uniform pattern of Veins/streaks or as directed by the Engineer.
The tiles shall be matched as shown in drawings or as instructed by the Engineer.
Tiles which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 12 mm under
the plaster skirting or dado. The junction between wall plaster and floor shall be finished
neatly and without waviness.
The finished floor shall not sound hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet. No loose
stone shall be accepted. Joints shall not be too wide or too narrow and shall be in
straight line. Joints shall be parallel to the rectangular wall.
9.2 Laying
12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mix or as
specified shall be applied and allowed to harden. The plaster shall be roughened with
wire brushes or by scratching diagonally at close intervals.
The tiles shall be soaked in water for one day, washed clean, and a coat of buttery
cement slurry applied liberally at the back of the tiles and set in the bedding mortar. The
tiles shall be tamped and corrected to proper plane and lines.
The tiles shall be set in the required pattern and jointed. The joints shall be as fine as
possible. Top of skirting or dado shall be truly horizontal and joints truly vertical except
where otherwise indicated.
Skirting and dado shall rest on the top of the flooring. Where full size tiles cannot be
fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size and their edges rubbed smooth.
The tiles shall conform to the relevant standards in all respects. Samples of tiles shall be
got approved from the Engineer-in-charge before bulk procurement for incorporation in
the work.
The tiling work shall be done as per the pattern shown in the drawing or as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge. As a general practice laying of tiles shall be commenced from
the centre of the area and advanced towards the walls. Cut tiles, if any, shall be laid
along wall with necessary border pattern as shown / directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Tiling work shall be completed by pressing tiles firmly into place along the wall / floor. A
white cement slurry to the back of the tile to be applied to ensure proper and full
bedding. The tiles shall be laid on the bedding mortar when it is still plastic but has
become sufficiently stiff to offer a fairly firm cushion for the tiles. Tiles, which are fixed
on the flooring adjoining the wall, shall be so arranged that the surface on the round
edge tiles shall correspond to the skirting or dado. Press gently the tile with wooden
mallet for even adherence at the back of the tile. Do not use an iron hammer or some
heavy material to press the tile.
The edges of the tiles shall be smeared with neat white cement slurry and fixed in this
grout one after the other, each tile being well pressed and gently tapped with a wooden
mallet till it is properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. There shall be no
hollows in bed or joints. The joints shall be kept as close as possible and in straight line.
Unless otherwise specified, joint-less tiling shall be done butting the tiles with each
other. If joint is specified, the same shall not exceed 1.00 mm. in width. The joint shall
be grouted with white / matching colour cement slurry. After fixing the tiles, finally in an
even plane or slope, the flooring shall be covered with wet sand and allowed undisturbed
for 14 days.
10.5 Cleaning:
As directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the tiles shall be cleaned by mild acid (However,
Hydrofluoric acid and its derivatives should not be used). After the tiles have been laid in
a room or the days fixing work is completed, the surplus cement grout / adhesive that
may have come out of the joints shall be cleaned off before it sets. The dado / skirting
shall be thoroughly cleaned. In the case of flooring, once the floor has set, the floor shall
be carefully washed clean and dried. When drying, the floor shall be covered with oil free
dry sawdust. It shall be removed only after completion of the construction work and just
before the floor is used.
of required size and shall be approved by the Engineer in-charge before incorporation in
the work.
12.3.2 Preparation of Surface & laying:
12.3.3 The bed on which rubble soling is to be laid shall be cleared of all loose materials,
levelled, watered and compacted and got approved by the Engineer In-charge before
laying rubble soling. Cable or pipe trenches if shown in the drawing and as required
by the Engineer in-charge shall be got done before the soling is started.
12.3.4 Over the prepared surface, the stone shall be set as closely as possible and well
packed and firmly set. The stones shall be of full height and shall be laid so as to have
their bases of the largest area resting on the sub-grade. Soling shall be laid in one
layer of 230mm or 150mm or other specified thickness and no stones shall be less
than 230mm or 150mm depth or specified thickness of soling with a tolerance of
12.3.5 After packing the stones properly in position, the interstices between them shall be
carefully filled with quarry spoils of stone chips of larger size possible to obtain a hard,
compact surface. Spreading of loose spoils or stone chips is prohibited.
12.3.6 The entire surface shall be examined for any protrusions and the same shall be
knocked off by a hammer and all interstices shall be filled with approved murrum.
Excess murrum if any over the surfaces shall be removed. Unless otherwise specified,
the murrum shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost from the selected
areas. The surfaces shall then be watered and consolidated with mechanical or
sufficiently heavy wooden tampers and log- rammers as approved by the Engineer in-
charge to give the required slope or level and dense sub-base. After compaction, the
surface shall present clean look. Adequate care shall be taken by the contractor while
laying and compacting the rubble soling to see that concrete surfaces in contact with
soling are not damaged.
12.3.7 The payment shall be on Sq.m. basis. The rate shall include supply of rubble, stone
chips,murrum,quarryspoil,handling,labour,watering, rolling compaction etc. complete.
IS:1537:1976 Vertically cast iron pressure pipe for water, gas & sewage.
IS:5329:1983 Code of Practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings
IS:3989:1984 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron spigot & socket soil waste and
ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories.
IS:1729:2002 Cast iron/ Ductile iron Drainage pipes and pipe fittings for over
ground Non- pressure pipeline socket and spigot series
IS:5219 Specification for cast copper alloys traps: Part 1 'P' & 'S' traps
IS:771 Part Specification for Glazed fire-clay sanitary appliance Part 1- General
1:1979 requirements
IS:774:2004 Flushing cistern for water closets & urinals (Other them plastic
Cistern)- Specification
IS:2548:1996 Specification for Plastic water & cover for water closet
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Materials
f) The work shall include all the primary works such as cutting, excavating pits in ground
floor for fixing closet pan and similar other work necessary for satisfactory working of
the closet.
4.2.3 Wash Basin
This shall be the best available type of wash basin of approved Manufacturer and shall
consist of the following approved accessories :
a) Wash basins of size as specified in the material schedule and shall be in vitreous
Chinaware with or without antisplash rim with tap holes, overflow split.
b) Supporting Cast Iron Brackets with premier & 2 or more finishing coats.
c) 12mm chromium plated tap with appropriate marks for cold or hot water.
d) 32 mm chromium plated brass waste coupling with rubber plug and chain.
e) All the accessories wherever necessary shall be painted in 2 coats or more with
approved enamel paint.
f) The wash basin shall have glazed chinaware pedestal whenever so specified in the
material schedule.
g) All the necessary work that will be necessary for its satisfactory working.
4.2.4 Urinals
These shall be of the approved make and shall consist of the following :
a) Vitreous Chinaware urinal stall as specified in the material schedule.
b) 5 litre capacity automatic flushing cistern with all accessories.
c) 32mm Chromium plated brass waste coupling.
d) 12 mm dia C.P. brass, flush pipe.
e) Suitable supporting arrangement using Rawl plugs with C.P. brass screws used for
fixing the urinal .
f) All other necessary work for satisfactory working.
4.2.5 Shower Rose
This shall be of R 51 Jet flow type of approved make & colour of appropriate length and
wall flange etc., wherever necessary.
4.2.6 Mirror
The mirrors shall be of size specified in the material schedule with or without bevelled
edges. The mirrors glass shall be free from all defects & shall give clean undisturbed
image at any distance & angle. This shall normally be of approved make. The mirror shall
be mounted on 6mm plywood with brass counter sunk screws with washers and
detachable G.P.caps.
4.2.7 Soap Dispenser
This shall be either clear glass or chinaware type or as specified in the material schedule
and shall be of approved type. This shall include all the necessary accessories such as
fixing bracket with easy rotatory moment of the dispenser. Chromium plated brass
screwed-in-type of cap with a central orifice.
4.2.8 Stop Cocks & Bib Taps
These shall be chromium plated brass heavy quality of approved make and shall be easy
type with capston head.
4.3 Sanitary Fittings
4.3.1 P.V.C Connectors
These shall be of specified size, of appropriate length with brass unions and wiped solder
joint, shall be bent to correct shape without any distortions, and work shall include all the
operations, such as fixing, as necessary for satisfactory working of the same.
4.3.2 Towel Roads
The towel roads shall be of chromium plate brass tube with a pair of C.P. brackets.
Material shall be of approved type and the size shall be as indicated in the Bill of
Quantities or drawing. The towel roads shall be fixed to wall by Rawl plugs and C.P. brass
counter sunk screws.
4.3.3 Toilet Paper Holder
Toilet paper holder shall be of chromium plated brass as approved by the Engineer. It
shall be 150 mm long. It shall be fixed on wooden cleats as directed by Engineer.
Payment shall be made on unit basis. Rate shall include providing paper holder cleats
walls and making good the same, all labour etc. complete.
4.3.4 Granite Partitions Partitions
These shall be of the sizes specified in the relevant drawings or Bill of Quantities and shall
be machine cut and polished from both the sides with rounded edges. This shall be fixed
in the brickwork with appropriate groove made good to match after fixing.
4.3.5 Nahani Traps or Deep Seal Traps
These traps shall be of Cast Iron Type of outlets of required sizes. The work shall include
fixing the trap in P.C.C. 1:2:4, and shall be provided with Chromium plated brass hinged
type heavy grating on the top. The deep seal traps shall have generally 50mm water seal.
4.3.6 Automatic Ball Float Valves
These shall be best Indian make and available for high pressure quality. The connecting
rod from valve to copper float shall be brass and shall withstand high pressure
encountered on it. The float shall be of copper unless otherwise specified. This shall be
soldered and brazed to render it leakproof. The material shall be approved by the Owner /
Consultants prior to installation.
4.3.7 Measurements
All the above items shall be measured, paid on number basis. Rates of these items shall
include providing and fixing with all necessary materials and labour cost as per
4.4 Miscellaneous Fixtures
All miscellaneous fixtures such as robe hooks, soap trays, shelves, tumbler and tooth
brush holder shall be as specified and work shall cover supply & fixing of the same with
approved methods.
4.4.1 Inspection Chambers
a) Necessary Excavation, refilling for the construction of the chamber.
b) Bed concrete PCC 1:3:6, 150mm thick with 150mm offsets on all sides beyond the
c) Brick Masonry 230/ 345 thick all round as per depth in cement mortar 1:4.
d) 20mm thick plaster in cement mortar 1:4 on inside (with water proofing compound)
and outside and other exposed surfaces of the chamber, plaster shall be rendered
smooth by cement floating of 2mm thick, finish smooth by trowell.
e) Cast Iron heavy duty Manhole cover and frame suitable to the size of the chamber.
The cover shall be painted in 2 coats of bitumastic anti-corrosive paint. Cover shall be
close fitting so as to prevent gases form coming out.
f) Concrete screed benching to suit the pipe size and the benching shall be finished
smooth for easy flow.
h) All necessary work required for satisfactory working of the same.
i) PCC 1:3:6 coping, 100mm thick on the top of the chamber to house the C.I. cover
frame. (Dimensions to suit the brickwork).
4.4.2 Gully Trap Chambers
The Gully Trap Chambers shall consist of brick masonry chambers suitable for the
specified size of the Gully Traps. The traps shall be glazed stoneware of approved make.
Construction of Gully Trap Chambers shall consist of the following :
a) Excavation and refilling after construction of chamber.
b) 1:3:6 PCC bed concrete required for embedding the Trap.
c) 230mm thick Brick Masonry in C.M. 1:4.
d) 20mm thick W.P plaster from inside and smooth from outside in C.M. 1:4 trowell
smooth by cement floating on all surfaces.
e) PCC 1:3:6 coping 100mm thick for having cast iron cover frame. (Dimensions shall
suit the brickwork).
f) Cast iron frame and cover size fixed in coping & painted in 3 coats of anti-corrosive
bitumastic paint.
g) All the work necessary for satisfactory working of the same.
4.4.3 Cast Iron Covers
The Cast Iron cover for manholes, Inspection Chambers, Valve Chambers, Gully Traps,
Pits shall be of the size & duty as specified in the Material Schedule. The Cast Iron cover
shall conform to IS 1726. The rate shall include painting with three coats of anti-corrosive
bitumastic paint.
4.4.4 G.I. Pipe Work
The galvanised pipework shall include cutting to required lengths, threading, jointing,
fixing, testing, and commissioning the water lines. Any leakages found during testing, or
after commissioning the lines shall be removed and replaced. The pipes when fixed to
walls shall be fixed with wooden packing and G.I. clamps and screws. They shall be kept
at least 12mm away from the walls. The piping as done shall be tested for water pressure
of 10Kg / Sqm, maintained for 12 hours. The measurement of the pipings shall be done
along the longitudinal axis of the pipeline. The rate of the pipeline shall include the
following items :
The joint in lead pipe shall be made as wiped solder joints. The minimum and the
maximum length of the wiped solder joints shall be 8 mm and 9 cm respectively. The
solders shall consist of two parts of Portland cement and one part of clean sharp sand.
All pipes shall be fixed 25 mm clear off the wall with M.S Holder bat clamps or as
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Where any water closet pan or earthenware trap
connected to such pan is to be jointed with a cast iron pipe, the joint between the
stoneware spigot and the cast iron socket shall always be of a flexible (non-rigid) nature,
such joints shall be made with a mixture of bitumen and chopped asbestos fibre (nut
4.5.6 Testing of pipes
All tests shall be conducted by the contractor at his own expense in the presence of the
Engineer and as guided by the Engineer. Testing for water supply system
When the service is complete, it shall be slowly and carefully charged with water, allowing
all air to escape and avoiding all shock or water hammer. The services shall then be
inspected under working conditions of pressure.
When all draw of points are closed, the service pipe shall be absolutely water tight. All
piping, fittings and appliances will be checked over for satisfactory support, and protection
from damage and corrosion. Because of the possibility of damage in transist, cisterns
shall be retested for water tightness on arrival at the site, before fixing. Testing for Sewer System
Comprehensive tests of all appliances shall be made by simulating conditions of use
before the final approval. Over flow shall also be examined for obstruction. Smoke Test
All soil pipes, waste pipes, vent pipes and rain water drain pipes and all other pipes which
are above ground shall be gas-tight. To ensure gas-tightness, smoke test shall be
conducted. The smoke can be produced by burning oily waste or tar paper or similar
material in the combustion chamber of smoke machine. Water Test
The drains pipes shall be subject to test pressure of at least 1.5 M head of water at the
highest point of the section under test. The tolerance figure of two litres per centimeter
of diameter per kilometer (or one gallon per inch of diameter per mile) shall be allowed
during a period of ten minutes. The test shall be carried out by suitably plugging the low
end of the drain and the ends of connections if any and then filling the system with water. Sterilization
All building water supply system before connected to the street main shall be thoroughly
and efficiently disinfected by the contractor under the supervision of Engineer and as
guided by the Engineer. The system shall be first flushed out with water and a does of 50
parts of chlorine to one Million parts of water. If ordinary powder is used, the proportions
shall be 150 grams to 1000 litres of water.
4.6 Measurements & Rates
In addition to the normal Scope of Work (i.e. supply of materials and labour including
auxiliary works), and the various items of works specified in the preceding paragraph, the
rates shall include the following :
b) Rate of plain cement concrete shall include providing all the materials, mixing, laying,
compacting, necessary formwork, curing and finishing.
c) Rates of RCC above shall include provision of all materials, mixing, laying, compacting,
necessary formwork, curing and reinforcement as specified above.
f) The installation of sanitary units such as European or Indian type W.C. wash basins
mentioned under the sanitary fixtures shall be measured on individual Number Basis,
and shall include all the various items of work mentioned under the relevant
g) Manhole & Inspection Chambers, Gully Trap Chambers shall be measured on Individual
Number Basis for various depths, and Rates shall include all the various operations
described above.
h) Rates are included for giving satisfactory testing for the function of the system.
i) Back-filling or making surfaces good after testing is over shall be covered in rate.
j) Connection with the existing drain, including cutting hole in manhole, jointing and
making it good after joint is done, shall also be covered in rates.
2 Applicable Codes
IS :2645: 2003: Specification for Integral Waterproofing Compounds for cement mortar
and concrete.
4 Testing
Waterproofing of slabs shall be tested by ponding the surface with water to a depth of 25
mm for 24 hours or longer. The waterproofing shall be considered satisfactory, if no
leaks or damp patches show on the soffit.
5 Mode Of Measurement
The payment shall be made on Sq.M¨ basis of finished area. The rate shall include all
materials, labours, tools and tackles, making vatas, curing etc. complete as specified.
6 Guarantee
The Contractor shall guarantee the installation for the period of 10 years for the water-
tightness and any other defects.
7.1. Material
PU waterproof coating shall consist of 2 pack clear/pigmented Aliphatic Polyurethane
using Polyether Polyols (Polyster or Castor oil based Polyols are not acceptable) with
ISO-cynorate for rendering flame resistant characteristic. The 2 pack system consisting
of pigment and the solvent (Xylene/Toulene, no filter) shall be mixed in definite ratio by
weight strictly as per approved manufacturers specification for preparing the coating for
application. The coating shall have physical features like high resistance to impact,
abrasion and cracking, superior tensile strength (80 Kg/Sq. cm after 4 weeks at ambient
temperature) and perfectly smooth, dust free glossy finish retained at least upto 3 years.
It should also be resistant to acid, alkalies and have a very low water absorption rate
(0.5% maximum at ambient temperature after 7 days).
The packs shall not be older than 9 months after the date of manufacture and packing.
7.2. Workmanship
7.2.1. Preparation of Surface
The roof surface shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush and all foreign matter etc.
shall be removed. Well defined cracks on the surface shall be cut to "V section, cleaned
and filled up with a past of 2 component Polyurethane based crack filling compound and
white cement in a ratio of 1:2.
1 Scope
This specification defines the requirements regarding material, surface preparation,
workmanship and finish for painting, varnishing and polishing of metal, masonry,
concrete and wood surfaces of Civil and Structural works.
3 Material
Material shall be the highest quality products of well known manufacturers and shall be
delivered to the job site in unbroken packages, bearing the brand and name of the
manufacturers with labels intact and seals unbroken and shall be subject to inspection
and approval.
Samples of all colours shall be approved by the Engineer before any work is started.
4 Scaffolding
Scaffolding where required shall be erected on double supports tied together by
horizontal pieces, over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed. The contractor
shall ensure that all scaffoldings are adequately safe. Where ladders are used,
cloth shall be tied on their tops to avoid damage or scratches to surfaces.
5 Oil Bound Distempering
Oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and conforming to IS:428 shall be
used. The primers where used as on new work shall be cement primer or distemper
Surface Preparation
The primer coat shall be applied with a brush. The surface shall be finished as uniformly
as possible leaving no brush marks.
After the primer coat has dried for at least 48 hours, the surface shall be lightly sand
papered to make it smooth for receiving the distemper, taking care not to rub out the
priming coat. All loose particles shall be dusted off after rubbing. One coat of distemper
diluted with thinner, as stipulated by the manufacturer, shall be applied with brushes in
horizontal strokes followed immediately by vertical ones which together constitute one
coat. The subsequent coats shall be applied in the same way. Two or more coats of
distemper shall be applied over the primer coat to obtain an even shade.
1 Scope
This Specification defines the requirements regarding material, sizes, construction,
workmanship, finishes and installation for doors, windows, ventilators and rolling
2 Applicable Codes
The following Indian Standards and Codes including all amendments and revisions shall
be considered as part of this specification. Alternative equivalent National Specifications
to suit the country of origin of the material or the country in which the works are
constructed, may be used but only with the written approval of the Engineer.
Sashes shall be square and flat. Sashes shall be constructed of sections which have
been cut to the required length, mitred and welded at corners. All the corners shall be
through right angles and welds shall be neatly cleaned off. Tee sections for glazing shall
be tennoned and riveted into the frames and where they intersect, the vertical tee shall
be broached and the horizontal tee threaded through it, and the intersection closed by
hydraulic pressure.
3.4 Tolerance
The sizes of doors, windows and ventilators shall not vary by more than + 1.5 mm than
the size specified on drawings.
3.5 Finish
After the fabrication of units all the steel surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned free of
rust, mill-scale, dirt, oil, etc. and two coats of red oxide zinc chromate primer shall be
applied. Two coats of approved synthetic enamel shall be applied after installation of the
door, window or ventilator.
4.2 Material
4.2.1 Aluminium Alloy Extruded Sections
Aluminium alloy used in the manufacture of doors, windows and ventilators shall
conform to IS designation HE 9-WP of IS:733. The sectional properties of extruded
sections shall be as given in IS:733 or as manufactured by approved manufacture. The
section shall be uniform in appearance, free from die lines and handling marks.
Glass panes shall be clear float glass / Obscure glass panes with 6 mm thick. Glass
panes shall also be free from flaws, specks or bubbles. All panes shall have properly
squared corners and straight edges. The sizes of glass panes for use shall be in
accordance with Table I of IS:1948.
4.3.2 Tolerances
The sizes for doors, windows or ventilator frames shall not vary by more than ± 1.5 mm
from overall size as specified in drawing.
4.3.3 Designation
Doors, windows and ventilators shall be designated by symbol denoting their width, type
and height in succession as per IS : 1948.
4.5 Fabrication
4.5.1 Frames
Frames shall be square and flat, the corners of the frame being fabricated to a true right
angle. Both the fixed and opening frames shall be constructed of sections which have
been cut to length, mitred and screwed at the corners.
4.5.2 Shutters
All hinges, pivots, etc. shall be provided and fabricated in accordance with provisions
given in IS:1948. However, reference standards and drawings are also to be read in
conjunction with the
4.6 Finishing
The aluminium sections to be used shall be properly buffed, cleaned by using mild acids
and water. Then the same shall be anodised to have average anodic film thickness of 25
To prevent damage to metal surfaces, a protective tape shall be applied after
manufacturing and same shall be removed at site only after completion of rough trades.
4.8 Installation
The fabricated and assembled windows or door units (without glazing) shall be fixed in
masonry opening properly plastered and finished. Straightness and diagonal dimensions
of the opening shall not have tolerance more than ± 2 mm.
Stainless steel screws or bolts are to be used with teak wood block on the back of the
sections to avoid dents and other mechanical damages during tightening of screws/bolts.
All gaps between the aluminium section and the masonry surface must be sealed with
gun grade polymer based sealant viz., silicone compound, polysulphide compound.
Cement mortar grout or cement mortar finishing of gaps after installation of aluminium
units shall strictly be restricted to protect the surface treatments given to the aluminium
like anodising, precoating etc.
All glass panes shall be fixed only after major activities are over in the area.
4.9 Hardware
Necessary hardware for aluminium doors and windows shall be compatible with the basic
material and shall be provided along with the doors, windows and ventilators.
4.10 Drawings/Documents
Prior to fabrication, Contractor shall submit 3 copies of shop drawing indicating details of
all members, sections and hardware for Engineer’s approval. All certificates against tests
for anodising and other physical properties of material shall be produced to the Engineer
for acceptance.
5.2 Materials
5.2.1 Cold Rolled Steel Strips
Cold Rolled Steel Strips used for rolling shutter lath sections shall conform to temper
No. 5, Dead soft quality of IS:4030.
5.2.2 GI Sections
GI Sheets and Plates used for manufacturing the guide channels, brackets and lock plate
shall be of hot rolled steel of thickness not less than 18 gauge conforming to IS:5986.
These shall be free from surface defects and the edges shall be cleanly sheared.
5.2.5 Springs
The springs used in the roller for counter balancing the rolling shutter shall be made
either from high tensile spring steel wire or flat spring steel strip.
The spring steel wire used or helical spring shall conform to Grade 2 of IS:4454.
Flat spring steel strip used for spiral spring shall be from 0.8 to 1.0 percent carbon steel
strip especially hardened and tempered.
5.3 Fabrication
5.3.1 Curtain
This shall be built up from interlocking lath sections. The lath sections shall be from 18
gauge section. The lath section shall be rolled so as to have interlocking curls at both
edges and a deep corrugation at the centre with a bridge depth of 16 mm to provide
sufficient curtain stiffness for resisting manual pressure and normal wind pressure.
Each lath section shall be continuous single piece without any welded joint. When
interlocked, the lath section shall have a distance of 75 mm between rolling centres.
Each alternate lath section shall be fitted with a malleable cast iron or mild steel clips
securely riveted at either end, thus locking the lath section at both ends and preventing
lateral movement of the individual lath sections. The clips shall be so designed as to fit
the contour of the lath sections.
of the guide should be such that there is sufficient clearance between curtain and inner
surface of guide.
The curtain shall project into the guide at least 40 mm for shutters upto 3.5 m width and
60 mm for greater widths. There shall be a clearance of 10 mm between guide wall and
the end clips of the curtain.
Where the shutter is installed in heavy windy zones, special wind locking arrangements
shall be provided to prevent the curtain coming out of the guide. The clear gap on either
side of the curtain and inner faces of the guide channel shall be 5 mm. The depth and
width of the guide channel shall be as follows:
Upto 3.5 m 65 mm
3.5 m to 8 m 75 mm
b) Width of Guide Channel shall be 25 mm for lath sections with bridge depth of about 12
mm and 32 mm for lath sections with bridge depth of 16 mm.
Fixing Cleats : Each guide shall have a minimum of 3 fixing cleats. The spacing of
cleats shall not exceed 0.75 m. Alternatively, the guide channels may also be
provided with suitable dowels hooks or pins for embedding in the walls. The guide
channel shall be attached to the wall plumb and true.
5.3.5 Roller
The suspension shaft of the roller shall be made of steel pipe conforming to heavy duty
of IS:1161. The diameter shall be sufficient to limit deflection of shaft under the weight
of the rolling shutter. The deflection of the shaft shall not exceed 5 mm per metre width
of the shutter. Diameters of the steel pipe for various widths upto 6 m and height 5 m
shall be as per IS:6248. Sizing of pipe diameter for greater widths and heights shall be
designed giving due consideration for deflection limit mentioned above.
The pipes of the suspension shaft which are clamped to the brackets shall be fitted with
rotatable cast iron pulleys to which the curtain is attached. The pulleys and the pipe
shaft shall be connected by means of pretensioned helical springs to counterbalance the
weight of the curtain and to keep the shutter in equilibrium in any partly opened
cover shall be stiffened with angle or flat stiffeners at top and bottom edges to retain
shape. The hood cover shall be fixed to the bracket plate by means of angle cleats. The
hood cover shall also be supported all along the top at suitable intervals to prevent
6 PVC Doors
Doors shall have robust frames and stiffeners all of plastic made out of UV-stabilised
special compounds / grades of PVC of approved make, reinforced with steel sections
concealed inside the cavity of PVC sections with EDPM weather sealing strips, along with
fixed PVC sheets and sliding / (brass) hinged openable PVC shutters with or without
glazing at top. PVC doors shall be obtained from reputed and approved manufacture.
1.0 Scope
This specification covers the material and construction details for earthwork in filling,
filling with sand/murrum, WBM sub-base, WBM base course and shoulders for roads and
flexible pavements.
i) Mechanical analysis or grain size analysis as per IS: 2720 Part IV.
ii) Liquid limit as per IS: 2720 Part V.
iii) Plastic limit as per IS: 2720 Part V.
iv) Moisture density relationship as per IS: 2720 Part VIII.
The material (soil) used for filling shall be free from boulders, lumps, tree roots, rubbish or
any organic deleterious matter.
Material (soil) having plasticity index less than 20 shall be used for filling purposes. Soil
having laboratory maximum dry density of less than 1.5gm/cc shall not be used.
Care shall be taken to see that unsuitable waste material is disposed off in such a manner
that there is no likelihood of its getting mixed with the materials proposed to be used for
The work shall be so planned and executed such that the best available material (soil) is
reserved for the top portion of embankment.
3.2.2. Approved fill material shall be spread in uniform layers not exceeding 20 cms in loose depth
for embankment filling. Shoulder construction shall be so organised as to keep pace with
the construction of different layers of the pavement, which may require earth fill thickness
less than 20 cm. All clods, lumps etc. shall be broken before compaction.
3.2.3. In general the soil shall be spread uniformly over the entire width of embankment or
shoulder as the case may be. For large embankments, the spreading of soil shall be as
directed by IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-charge-in-Charge.
3.2.4. Successive layers of filling shall not be placed until the layer under construction has been
thoroughly compacted to satisfy the requirements laid down in this specification.
3.2.5. Prior to rolling, the moisture content of material shall be brought to within plus or minus 2%
of the optimum moisture content as described in IS:2720 - Part-VIII. The moisture content
shall preferably be on the wet side for potentially expansive soils.
3.2.6. After adjusting the moisture content as described in Clause 3.2.6, the layers shall be
thoroughly compacted by means of rollers till 90% of maximum laboratory dry density is
obtained as per IS:2720 Part VIII.
3.2.7. Each layer shall be tested in field for density and accepted by IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-
charge-in-Charge subjected to achieving the required density before laying the next layer. A
minimum of one test per 500 sqm area for each layer' shall be conducted.
3.2.8. All type of rollers that should be employed for compaction shall be as per direction of
IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-charge-in-Charge.
3.2.9. If the layer fails to meet the required density, it shall be reworked or the material shall be
replaced and method of construction altered as directed by IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-
charge-in-Charge to obtain the required density.
3.2.10. The filling shall be finished in conformity with alignment, levels, cross-sections and
dimensions as shown in the drawings.
3.2.11. Extra material shall be removed and disposed off as directed by IOCL/Consultant
3.3 Tolerance
Embankment and shoulders for roads, units etc. shall be carried to within a tolerance of
centimeter. from final lines but shall be of required grades and slopes.
4.1 Sand for filling shall preferably he locally available sand, clean and free from any chemical
or other impurities. Murrum for filling shall be clean and well graded. Sand/Murrum shall not
contain any vegetation, organic, clayey or other material and shall be obtained from a
source approved by IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-charge-in-Charge.
4.2 Murrum/Sand shall be spread in layers not exceeding 15 cm in loose thickness over the
areas. Each layer shall be uniform in density, quality of material and ' moisture content
before compaction. The moisture content shall be within two percent of the optimum
moisture content as per IS:2720 Part VIII.
4.4 Subsequent layers shall be placed only after the layer already laid has been compacted to
the required density-and approved by IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-charge-in-Charge.
4.5 The finished surface must be dressed to required grade and slope. Excess material must be
removed from compaction site, as directed by IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-charge-in-
The grading of the coarse aggregates for the sub-base course shall be as below:
Size Range Sieve Designation % by weight passing
(IS:460) the sieve
90mm to 45mm 125mm 100
Grade-I 90mm 90-100
63 mm 25-60
45mm 0-15
22.4mm 0-5
The grading of the coarse aggregate for the base course shall be as below:
Size Range Sieve Designation % by weight passing
(IS:460) the sieve
63 mm to 45mm 90mm 100
Grade-2 63 mm 90-100
53mm 25-75
45mm 0-15
22.4mm 0-5
5.1.2. Physical requirement of coarse aggregates for sub-base course shall be as below:
Samples of test shall be representative of the material to be used and collected as per
5.1.3. The aggregates shall be stacked at the road side on firm, well drained ground in regular
stacks, as directed by IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-charge-in-Charge. The various grade
shall be stacked separately and contamination by earth and other extraneous matter shall
be prevented effectively.
5.3.2. The coarse aggregate shall be spread uniformly and evenly on the prepared base in required
quantities from the stacks. The aggregate shall be spread to proper profiles by using
templates across the road about 6m apart.
5.3.3. The surface of the aggregate spread shall be carefully, trued up and all high or low spots
remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may be required. The surface shall be
checked from time to time, during the spreading and rolling of the coarse aggregate to
ensure a finished surface without variation greater than 12 mm, when a 3 meters long
straight edge is laid parallel to centre line of the road.
5.3.4. The WBM layer shall be tested by depth blocks. No segregation on large or fine particle shall
be allowed and the coarse aggregate as spread shall be of uniform gradation with no pocket
of fine materials.
5.3.5. The coarse aggregate shall not be spread in lengths more than 3 days average work in
advance of the rolling, spreading murrum and bonding of the preceding section.
5.4.2. The rolling shall begin from edges with roller running forward and backward until the edges
have been firmly compacted. The rolling shall then progress gradually from edges to the
centre parallel to the centre line of the road lapping uniformly each preceding rear wheel
track by one half width and shall continue until the entire area of the course has been rolled
by the rear wheel. On the super elevated portions of road, the rolling shall commence from
the lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge of the road.
5.4.3. Rolling shall be discontinued when aggregate are thoroughly keyed and creating of stone
wheel of roller is no longer visible partially compacted with sufficient void space in them to
permit application of screenings. Slight sprinkling of water may be done if required.
5.5 Screenings
5.5.1 Material
Screenings to fill the voids in the coarse aggregates shall, as far as possible be the same
material as the coarse aggregates. Where it is decided by the IOCL/Consultant Engineer-in-
charge-in-Charge to use other materials, the same shall be predominantly non plastic
materials such as Kankar nodules, gravel (other than river-borne rounded aggregate) or
murrum, provided that the liquid limit and plasticity index of such material is below .20 and
6 respectively, and the fraction passing 75 micron sieve does not exceed 10 per cent.
11.2mm 95-100
5.6mm 15-35
This grading, however, shall not be mandatory, in case either murrum or gravel is used as
5.6.2. The screenings shall not be dumped in piles on coarse aggregate but shall be spread
uniformly in successive thin layers either by the spreading motion of hand shovels or by
mechanic spreaders.
5.6.3. The screenings shall be applied at a uniform and slow rate ( in three or more applications so
as to ensure filling of all voids. Rolling and brooming shall continue with the spreading of
the screenings. Either mechanical brooms or hand brooms or both may be used. In no case
shall the screenings be applied so fast and thick as to form cakes or ridges on the surface
making the filling of voids difficult or preventing the direct bearings of the roller on the
coarse aggregates. The spreading, rolling and brooming of screenings shall be performed on
sections which can be completed within one day's operation and shall continue until no
more screenings can be forced into the voids of the coarse aggregates. Damp and wet
screening shall not be used under any circumstances.
5.6.4. The quantity of screenings used shall be such as to fill all voids in the water bound
macadam courses.
5.8.2 Application of binding material shall not be necessary where murrum or gravel is used as
5.8.3 Binding material shall be obtained from quarries/sources approved by the IOCL/Consultant
5.9.2 The quantity of binding material used shall be such as to fill all voids in the water bound
6.1 After the WBM course is laid and compacted, the existing surface at side berms or shoulders
of the roadway must be scarified. Fresh quantity of approved earth must be spread in layers
for building up of berms up to the required level and scope.
6.2 The earth must be consolidated by at least three passes of an 8-10 tonnes road roller. The
edges must be well consolidated by suitable means to prevent edge slips and the work
properly trimmed and dressed.
1. I.S. 1081-1960 Code of practice for fixing and glazing of steel and
aluminum doors, windows and ventilators.
2. IS: 1477 (Part 1) Code of practice for painting ferrous metals in buildings
-1971 – Pre treatment
3. IS: 1477 (Part 2) Code of practice for painting ferrous metals in buildings
– Painting
4. IS: 513:-1994 Cold rolled low carbon steel sheets & strips
3 General
3.1 Generally all steel doors shall be standardized flush type or as specified and shall be
supplied by the approved steel manufacturers, properly machine welded, adequately
stiffened and prepared for all hardware attachments including fixing, fixtures, and fittings
as specified in the drawing.
3.2 The contractor shall submit shop drawings for all types of steel doors, for approval of
CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-In-charge.
3.3 Fabrication of door shall be commenced only after the drawings are approved.
3.4 The shop drawing shall indicate all dimensions, details of fabrication, the gauge of the
sheets, stiffeners, reinforcing anchorages, installation and other works required for
complete installation.
3.5 The contractor should note that he has to get the fabrication work from some established
and good firm and shall inform the name of the firm immediately to CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer-In-charge for his concurrences.
3.6 A sample of each type of finished door complete with fittings and fixtures shall be
submitted for approval of CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-In-charge. Sample shall be the
property of the contractor.
3.7 The contractor shall submit 6 copies of shop drawing covering all types of work under this
specification before manufacture. The drawing shall show all dimensions, details of
construction, installation, relating to adjoining and related work etc
4 Fabrication
4.1 The pressed steel frames and shutter shall be fabricated with CRCA steel sheets of
different gauges as indicated in relevant drawings and as specified in the item of schedule.
4.2 The shutter frame and stiffeners shall be fabricated with standard M. S. sections. The
rebates in the door frames shall have sharp right angle corners.
4.3 All the joints shall be continuously reinforced at the back, fitted and continuously welded
along the abutting edges.
4.4 For installing the pressed steel frames against the concrete like R.C.C. columns, lintels,
walls etc. the hold fasts shall be welded to reinforcements or anchor plates provided in the
concrete members and the pockets shall be grouted with cement concrete of strength
specified for the concrete member. The anchor plates shall be paid separately.
4.5 The pressed sheet of steel frames for opening wider then one metre shall be properly
reinforced to prevent sagging. Necessary reinforcement for attaching different hardwares
shall be provided and frames and shutters shall be cut and suitably stiffened with steel
plates to suit the hardware templated for securing butts, strikes checks and other
4.6 Necessary hardware fittings and fixtures such as butt hinges mortice lock with handles,
tower bolts, etc. will not be supplied by the department.
4.7 All hardware items shall be fixed in a good workmanlike manner with requisite galvanized
M. S. counter sunk machine screws or as specified and directed by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
4.8 The contractor shall also see properly that the stains, grease, rust etc. is thoroughly
removed before application of one coat of steel primer.
4.9 All the steel doors shall be approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer-In-charge before
shop painting work is undertaken by the contractor or manufacturer regarding the quality
of work.
4.10 Suitable neoprene linings shall be provided around the frames as well as on intermediate
hinge lines and meeting styles as shown in the drawings to make the doors perfectly
5 Mode of Measurement
5.1 The length and breadth of the doors in complete finished position shall be measured for
outside dimensions of the frame.
5.2 The rate shall include for all materials, labour for fabrication and erection, all fittings and
fixtures including locks, neoprene lining, T.W. fillers for the frames and a coat of approved
steel primer.
5.3 Where there are no thresholds the height shall be measured from the finished floor levels.
6 Materials
The Mild Steel sheets for frames, shutters, etc. shall be of approved quality and of gauge
mentioned in this specification. Hardware and fixtures of the best quality from approved
manufacturers shall only be used. The Contractor shall specifically state the particular
manufacturer’s materials he proposes to use. All hardware and fixtures shall be able to
withstand repeated use.
The Contractor shall submit samples of each type of hardware to the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer In Charge. The approved samples shall be retained by the CONSULTANT/IOCL
Engineer In Charge for comparison with bulk supply. The mastic for caulking shall be of
best quality from a manufacturer approved by the CONSULTANT/IOCL Engineer- In-
d) All frames on external walls shall be mastic caulked to prevent leakage through joint
between frames and masonry.
e) All open able sections shall operate smoothly without jamming.
f) Locks, fasteners etc. shall engage positively. Key shall be non-interchangeable.
g) Cutting to concrete or masonry shall be made good and all abrasions to shop paint
shall be touched up with paint of same quality as shop paint.
h) Alkali Reactivity
i) Flakiness index
5 Reinforcem a) Physical properties I.S. 1608 I.S. 1786 Each lot from each
ent steel b) Chemical test source for each dia.
c) Bend & rebend test
d) Elongation test Min. Qty 50 MT. Test to
e) 0.2% Proof stress be repeated for every 50
f) Tensile strength MT or part thereof.
6. Cement a) Slump test I.S. 1199 I.S. 456 15 Cum or part thereof
(For PCC)
7 Cement a) Slump test I.S. 1199 I.S. 456 Every 15 cum
concrete Qty. No. of
b) Cube test ( three Samples
(For RCC) cubes for 7 days strength 1-5 M3 : 1
and 3 cubes for 28 days 6-15 M3 : 2
strength for every sample 16-30 M3 : 3
) 31-50 M3 : 4
51& above: 4 plus one
additional sample for
each additional 50 M3 or
part thereof.
8 Bricks a) Compressive strength IS 3495 IS 1077 1 no. per lot of 2000 nos
b) Water absorption IS 5454 5 nos. per lot of 2001-
c) Efflorescence 10000
10nos per lot of 10001-
15nos per lot of 35001-
9 Structural a) Tensile strength IS 1599 IS 226 1 Test per every 20 Tonne
Steel b) Bend Test IS 1894 or part thereof.
Note :
1. Above approved brand along with additional make if any indicated in any other part of tender
document like Specification, SOQ etc shall also hold good.
2. Equivalent make will be approved when none of the above mentioned makes are available.
Recommended Makes :
WORK) 1985, 6649 : 1985
6 Pumps
2 Flame proof cable glands Baliga / Sudhir Switchgear / FCG / Flexpro / Comet / Gripwell
13 PVC/M. S /G. I. Conduits BEC / B.I. ./ Prakash / VIP / Universal / Avon Plast
Servo controlled stabilizer/ Logicstat, Jindal, AE, Bhurji, Spectron, Power Tech or
CVT equivalent
[NB] : Inspection may be carried out through any branch of the above mentioned
(To be filled by the tenderer)
1. Incorrect/ false declaration will result in disqualification.
2. Necessary supporting documents to be enclosed.
3. Corporation reserves the right to assess the tenderer’s capacity and capability if
necessary by visiting/ inspecting recently executed / under execution of works.
5. E Mail ID :
(Give Name of the Proprietor)
(Give names of the Partners and enclose scan copy of Partnership deed)
I Names of Partners:
I. Names of Directors:
(C) Details of Completed Work Orders of minimum value as per Pre- qualification
criteria (PQC) during last 5 years as specified in PQC of the tender:
Particulars WO-1 WO-2 Wo-3
a Party’s Name to whom executed,
Clear Postal Address, Telephone/Fax
Nos and E-Mail Address.
b Work Order (WO) Details-
WO Reference No.
WO Date
WO Value ( Rs. in Lakhs)
Note: a. Tenderer should upload copy of the above-referred work orders and completion
certificates/proof of payment as applicable
(D) Annual Turnover ( as per Signed and Audited Balance Sheet including P&L
account or as per NIT ) in following last THREE financial years:
Value (Rs. In
SL No. Financial Year
1 2015-16
2 2016-17
3 2017-18
Income Tax Returns Acknowledgement Filed for last three assessment years
(i.e. corresponding financial years ):
i. If paid Online :
(Strike out, whichever is not applicable)
State whether
Name of Central
Central Govt./
Govt./ State PSU / JV CIN
(J) Details of Documents uploaded along with Tender documents in technical bid
and confirmation required to be furnished by tenderer:
Single page declaration for
undertaking of acceptance of To be uploaded by
tender as required, to be tenderer
Confirm that scan copy of EMD To be confirmed by
instrument is uploaded. tenderer
Confirm that all Declarations/
Undertakings/ Addendum To be confirmed by
required as per tender are tenderer
Confirm that there are no
To be confirmed by
4 deviations from tender
Site Organogram
To be confirmed by
5 (to be submitted by successful
Note: Above declaration is to be signed by the same person, who is duly authorized to sign
all the required declarations, documents to bid for subject tender
D E C L A R A T I O N - `A'
We declare that we have complied with all the conditions of the tender including technical
specifications, drawings, GCC & all the documents etc., forming part of tender.
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
D E C L A R A T I O N - `B'
We declare that we do not have any employee who is related to any officer of the Corporation/
Central/ State Governments of India.
We have the following employees working with us who are near relatives of the Officer/
Director of the Corporation/ Central/ State Government in India.
Name of the employee of the Tenderer Name & designation of the Officer of the
Corporation/ Central/ State Governments
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
D E C L A R A T I O N - `C'
The Tenderer is required to state whether he is a relative of any Director of Indian Oil
Corporation or the Tenderer is a firm in which any Director of our Corporation or his relative is
a partner or any other partners of such a firm or alternately the Tenderer is a private company
in which Director of Indian Oil Corporation is a member or Director.
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
Tenderer is required to state whether they have employed any retired Director and above rank
officer of Indian Oil Corporation Limited in their firm. If so, details hereunder to be submitted.
3 Date of retirement
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
a. A separate sheet may be attached, if the above is not sufficient.
b. Strike out whichever is not applicable. If the tenderer employs any person
subsequent to signing the above declaration and the employee/s so appointed
happens to be the near relatives of the Officer/Director of the
Corporation/Central/State Governments, the tenderer should submit another
declaration furnishing the name/s of such employee/s who is/are related to the
officer/s of the Corporation/ Central/ State Governments.
c. List of Directors of IOC Board is attached.
Bidders should give the Declaration “A” “B” “C” & “D” based on the list of Board of Directors
mentioned as per the link.
I hereby declare that neither I in my personal name or in the case of my Proprietary concern
M/s _________________________________________, which is submitting the
accompanying Bid/Tender, nor any other concern in which I am proprietor nor any partnership
firm in which I am involved as a Partner, are presently or having during the past three years,
been placed on any black list or holiday list declared by Indian Oil Corporation Limited or by
any department of any Government (State, Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any Public
Sector Organization in India or in any other country nor is there pending any inquiry by Indian
Oil corporation Ltd. or any Department of Government or by any other Public Sector
Organization in India or in any other country, in respect of any corrupt or fraudulent
practice(s) against me or any other of my proprietorship concern(s) or against any partnership
firm(s) in which I am or was at the relevant time involved as a partner, except as indicated
(Here give particulars of blacklisting or holiday listing, and/or inquiry in absence thereof state
(Here give particulars of black listing or holiday listing, and in absence thereof state “NIL”).
We hereby declare that neither we or a parent, subsidiary or other Company under direct or
indirect common parent (associate company) are presently nor have within the past three
years been placed on black list or holiday list declared by Indian Oil Corporation Limited or by
any Department of any Government (State, Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any Public
Sector Organization in India or in any other country; and that there is no pending inquiry by
Indian Oil corporation Ltd. or any Department of any Government (State, Provincial, Federal
or Central) or by any other Public Sector Organization in any country against us or a parent
or subsidiary or associate company as aforesaid, in respect of corrupt or fraudulent
practice(s), except as indicated below:
(Here give particulars of black list or holiday listing, and in absence thereof state “NIL”)
It is understood that if this declaration is found to be false in any particular, Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd., shall have the right to reject my/our/bid, and if the bid has resulted in a
contract, the contract is liable to be terminated without prejudice to any other right or remedy
(including black listing or holiday listing) available to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Place :
Date :
Note: Copy to be uploaded along with tender and original to be submitted during documents
• I/We have not tampered or modified the subject tender document in any manner and
before uploading, same has been cross-checked with documents hosted on your e-portal In case, if same is found to be tampered/modified, I/We
understand that my/our tender will be summarily rejected and EMD/SD may be forfeited and I
am/We are liable to be banned from doing business with and/or prosecuted.
• I/We, hereby confirm that if any discrepancy observed in the submitted tender even at
a future date, I/We will abide by all the terms and conditions as per all the documents hosted
including Addendums/Changes/Corrigendum, on your e-portal related with subject tender.
I/We further assure that we agree to all the decisions confirmed in Pre-Bid Conference of the
subject tender.
1) Name & Address: ____________________________________
2) Name & Address: ____________________________________
“Our Bid is in exact accordance with the data, specifications and other technical & commercial
requirements of the Bid, with no exceptions other than those listed below:”
Ref of Document Deviation/ Exception/
S. No. Subject
Page No. Clarification/ Assumption
Cl. No. Para No.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Any clarifications/ deviation/ exception appearing elsewhere in the bidder’s offer shall not be
considered. Failure to clearly define Bid exceptions may be cause for Bid rejection.
Name of Work :
Sl Natur Date Date Perio Overla Net Extensio Signat Signa Rem
. e of of of d of pping Exten n ure of ture arks
N Hindr Occurr Rem Hindr Period sion Recomm Contr of
o. ance ence oval ance ended actor Site-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Payment system to Vendors through Electronic Modes such as EFT, RTGS etc has been
introduced by the Corporation. For availing this facility, a consent letter from the Vendor as
also the Bank Account details of the Vendor is required.
Tenderers are requested to submit their Consent Letter as per the format given below along
with the enclosures as required:-
Dated :
To ,
M/s Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Dear Sir ,
With reference to your advise, we hereby agree to accept the payment of our bills through
“RTGS/NEFT/Electronic Mode” .
The desired bank account details are given below :
1. Vendor Code allotted by IOCL in SAP
2. Name of Beneficiary (i.e IOCL Vendor )
3. Name of the Beneficiary’s Bank
A blank cancelled cheque leaf relating to the above bank account is enclosed for verifying the
accuracy of the bank account details.
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. I agree to receive
transactional SMS / E-Mail Alerts from IOCL with regard to my bill payments.
**** Verification required only in case vendors name is not printed/appearing on the
cancelled cheque leaf being submitted to IOCL office
I/We hereby declare and confirm that;
1. I/we shall strictly adhere to safety standards stipulated in the Safety Practices during
construction stipulated in the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) without exception.
2. I/we shall provide, without any exception, safety helmets & safety shoes to all our
employees/workmen/ labourers working at IOC locations (Retail Outlets, Consumer
Outlets, Depots, Terminals, AFS’s or any other location not specified here) for the purpose
of rendering services to the Corporation under the subject Contract
3. I/ We shall provide, without any exception, Safety Belts to all our workmen/ labourers
working at heights (Including building roof top, canopy roof top etc) for the purpose of
rendering services to the Corporation under the subject Contract
4. I/We have read and understood the provisions of Clause 16 of the Special Terms &
Conditions of Contract regarding safety at worksites.
5. I/We shall be bound to pay a penalty of Rs. 5000/- for every incident of non-provision of
safety shoes/ safety helmet/ safety belts occurring during the pendency of the contract.
6. I/We shall take safe height working permit for working at heights.
7. I/We shall be solely responsible for any accident resulting from unsafe practices or due to
non-adherence to safety standard stipulated by the OISD. Any injury / loss of life resulting
from the above shall be solely at our risk & cost and we shall bear and pay solely and
absolutely all costs, charges and expenses including legal charges incurred in this
8. That the Corporation is not bound to be responsible, legally or otherwise, for any acts
and/or consequences of unsafe practices during execution of works during the pendency of
the contract.
AND WHERE the Contractors are bound by law to comply with the provisions of various Labour
Laws like State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act
1979, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, Workmens Compensation Act
1923, Employees State Insurance Act as also the Provident Fund Act by the Contractors but in
the event of violation of the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the workers under
the different labour laws, not only the Contractors but also the Corporation as the principal
employer becomes liable for the acts of omissions and commission by the Contractors.
1. The Contractors hereby undertake to furnish a certificate with regard to the number of
labourers employed by them in Corporation / in other organization throughout the
country to the Location In Charge of the Corporation where the work is undertaken by
the Contractors.
2. The Contractors hereby confirm and state that they are duly registered under Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 as amended from time to time and that
they undertake to furnish a certified copy of the requisite Licence obtained by the
Contractors from the competent authority to the Corporation’s representative.
3. The Contractors hereby undertake to keep proper record of attendance of his labourers
and will give opportunity to the officers of the Corporation to supervise the same and
confer upon the Corporation’s representative the right to countersign the said register if
so required by the Corporation. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the pay sheets
to the Location In Charge of the Corporation nominated by the Corporation for
supervision of the payment of wages made to the labourers by the contractors and also
confer the right on the Corporation for supervision of the payment of wages made to
the labourers by the Contractors and also confer the right on the Corporation’s
representative to supervise the payment of wages to the labourers on the spot
whenever required by the Corporation.
4. The Contractors state they are fully aware of the provisions of the ESIC Act, and the
rules made thereunder. The Contractors hereby confirm that the said act and the rules
made thereunder are not applicable to them since the labourers so far employed were
not on continuous basis and that they are exempted from the purview of the said Act
and the rules made thereunder and they are therefore not required to obtain a separate
Code Number from the Regional ESIC Office.
5. The Contractors hereby undertake and agree that in event of any claim on account of
ESIC liabilities arising in future, they shall keep the Corporation duly indemnified
against all losses, damages, charges, expenses, penalties, suits or proceedings which
the Corporation may incur, suffer or to be put to on that account.
6. The Contractor hereby agree, confirm and declare that they have fully complied and will
comply with the provisions of various labour laws, particularly those referred to herein
above and that no violation of the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the
workers under different laws has been done by them and in the events of any past or
future violation of the various labour laws the contractors shall indemnify and keep the
Corporation duly indemnified against all losses, damages, costs, expenses, penalties,
suits or proceedings which the Corporation may incur, suffer or be put to.
7. The Contractor hereby agree that the aforesaid indemnity undertaking are in addition
to and not in substitution of the terms and conditions contained in the Empanelment
documents and the Agreement executed by the Contractors with the Corporation.
8. The Contractor hereby confirm, agree and record that these terms of undertaking and
indemnity shall be irrevocable and unconditional and shall be binding on their heirs,
executors, administrators and legal representative and shall ensure for the
Corporation’s benefit and for the benefit of its successors and assigns.
9. That all question, disputes and differences between the Contractor and the Corporation
arising under the bond/undertaking shall be referred to arbitration in the same manner
as indicated in the contract to be entered into between the Contractors and the
Corporation for the above Tender.
Name & Address Seal:
(On acceptance of tender, this undertaking shall be submitted on stamp paper of appropriate
value or min Rs. 500/-)
1) Deploy trained and competent employees who are physically fit and are not suffering from
any chronic or contagious diseases.
2) Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, wages and other legal dues of our
employees for the purpose of rendering the services required by the Corporation under the
above contract and shall maintain proper books of account, records and documents. We
shall however as the employer, have the exclusive right to terminate the service of any of
our employees and to substitute any person instead.
3) Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, wages and other legal dues of our
employees for the purpose of rendering the services required by the Corporation under the
above contract and shall maintain proper books of account, records and documents. We
shall however as the employer, have the exclusive-right to terminate the services of any of
our employees and to substitute any person instead.
4) Comply in all respects with the provisions of all statues, rules and regulations applicable to
us and /or to our employees and in particular we shall obtain the requisite license under
the Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act 1970 and the rules made there under.
5) Ensure that our employees while on the premises of the Corporation or while carrying out
their obligations under the contract, observe the standards of cleanliness, decorum, safety
and general discipline laid down by the Corporation or its authorized agents and the
Corporation shall be the sole Judge as to whether or not we and/or our employees have
observed the same.
6) Personally and exclusively employ sufficient supervisory personnel exclusively to
supervise the work of our employees so as to ensure that the services rendered under this
contract are carried out to the satisfaction of the Corporation.
7) Ensure that our employees will not enter or remain on the Corporation's premises unless
absolutely necessary for fulfilling our obligations under the contact.
8) Not do or suffer to be done in or about the premises of the Corporation anything
whatsoever which in the opinion of the Corporation may be or become a nuisance or
annoyance or danger or which may adversely affect the property, reputation or interest of
the Corporation.
9) Not do so suffer to be done in or about the premises of the Corporation any thing whereby
any policy of insurance taken out by the Corporation against loss or damage by fire or
otherwise may become void or voidable.
10) Be liable for and make good any damage caused to the Corporation's properties or
premises or any part thereof or to any fixtures or fittings thereof or therein by any act,
omission, default or negligence on our part or on the part of our employees or our agents.
11) Indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation, its officers and employees from and
against all claims, demands, actions, suits and proceedings, whatsoever that may be
brought or made against the Corporation by or on behalf of any person, body, authority
and whatsoever and all duties, penalties, levies, taxes, losses, damages, costs, charges and
expenses and all other liabilities of whatsoever nature which the Corporation may now or
hereinafter be liable to pay, incur or sustain by virtue of or as a result of the performance
or non-performance or observance or non-observance by us of the terms and conditions of
the contact. Without prejudice to the Corporation's other rights, the Corporation will be
entitled to deduct from any compensation or other dues to us the amount payable by the
Corporation as a consequence of any such claims, demands, costs, responsible for death,
injury or accidents to out employees which may arise out of or in the course of their duties
on or about the Corporation's property is made liable to pay any damages or compensation
in respect of such employees, we here by agree to pay to Corporation such damages or
compensation upon demand. The Corporation shall also not be responsible or liable for any
theft, loss, damages or destruction of any property that belongs to us our employees lying
in the Corporation's premises from any cause whatsoever.
12) It is hereby declared that we are, for the purpose of this contract independent contractors
and all persons employed or engaged by us in connection with our obligations under the
Contract shall be our employees and not of the Corporation.
13) On the expiration of the contract or any earlier termination thereof, we shall forthwith
remove our employees who are on the Corporation's premises or an part thereof failing
which, our employees, agents, servants etc. shall be deemed to be trespassers and on their
failure to leave the Corporation's premises, the Corporation shall be entitled to remove all
persons concerned (if necessary use of force) from the Corporation’s premises and also to
prevent them (if necessary by use of force) from entering upon the Corporation's premises.
14) We hereby undertake and declare that, in the event the workmen / employees /
person engaged by us ("the Contractors' employees") to carry out the purpose hereof,
attempt to claim employment with the Corporation or attempt to be declared as employees
of the Corporation or attempt to become so placed, then in all such cases, we shall assist
the Corporation in defending all such attempts of the Contractor's employees AND we shall
bear and pay solely and absolutely all costs, charges and expenses including legal charges
incurred or which may be incurred in defending all such attempt and in any appeal or
appeals filed by the Corporation therein or relating thereto AND we hereby indemnify
forever the Corporation against all such costs, charges and expense including legal charges
and against all and any loss, expenses or damages whether recurring or not, financial or
otherwise, caused to or incurred by the Corporation; as a result of such attempt by the
Contractors' employees.
15) It is hereby agreed that the Corporation shall be entitled to set off any debt or sum payable
by us either directly or as a result of vicarious of vicarious liability to the Corporation
against any monies payable or due from the Corporation to us against any monies lying or
remaining with the Corporation and belonging to us or any of our partners or directors.
1. In consideration of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (hereinafter called ‘The Corporation’)
having agreed to accept from________________ (name of the tenderer) ( hereinafter
called `the said tenderer’) Earnest money in the form of Bank Guarantee, under the terms
and conditions of tender No._______________________dated _________ in connection
with _________________________________________________ (mention the details of
the tender) (hereinafter called “the said tender”), for the due observance by the said
tenderer of the stipulation to keep the offer open for acceptance for a period of _______
days from the date of the opening of the tender and other stipulations of the tender we,
___________________________________(indicate the name of the bank) hereinafter
referred to as ‘the Bank’ at the request of
___________________________________________(mention the name of the tenderer)
do hereby undertake to pay on demand to the Indian Oil Corporation Limited an amount
not exceeding Rs. ____________________ in the event of the said tenderer having
incurred forfeiture of earnest money as aforesaid or for the breach of any of the terms or
conditions or the stipulations of the said tender and/ or the contract if awarded including
but not limited to non performance of the contract caused due to revision in price/ pricing
basis after close of the pricing part of the tender under an order of the Indian Oil
Corporation limited.
4. We _________________(indicate the name of the bank) further agree that the guarantee
herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken
for the performance of the terms, conditions or stipulation of the said tender and that it
shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited under
or by virtue of the said tender/ contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or
discharged or till Indian Oil Corporation Limited certifies that the terms and conditions of
the said tender have been fully and properly carried out by the said tender and accordingly
discharge this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in
writing on or before _______ we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee
5. We____________________(indicate the name of the bank) further agree with the Indian
Oil Corporation Limited that the Indian Oil Corporation Limited shall have the fullest liberty
without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary
any of the terms and conditions of the said tender or to extend time of performance by the
said tenderer from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the
powers exercisable by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited against the said tenderer and to
forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said tender and shall not
be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to
the said tenderer or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of Indian Oil
Corporation Limited or any indulgence by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited to the said
tenderer or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to
sureties would, but for this provisions have effect of so relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the bank or
the tenderer.
7. We, _________________(indicate the name of the bank) lastly undertake not to revoke
this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Indian Oil
Corporation Limited in writing.
Place :
Date :
1. In consideration of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited having its Registered Office at
_________________ (hereinafter called “The Corporation”) having agreed to exempt
________ (hereinafter called “The said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / -Seller(s)”) from the
demand under the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated _______ made between
________ and ___________ for ____________ (hereinafter called “The said Agreement”),
of Security Deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / -
Seller(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement, on production of a
Bank Guarantee for Rs. _______ (Rupees _________ only), we ___________ (hereinafter
referred to as “The Bank” at the request of ___________ Contractor(s) /Supplier(s) / -
Seller(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the Corporation an amount not exceeding Rs.
____________ against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or
suffered by the Corporation by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) /Supplier(s)
/ - Seller(s), of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement.
2. We __________ ( indicate the name of the bank) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts
due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the
Corporation stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or
would be caused to or suffered by the Corporation by reason of breach by the said
Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the
said Agreement or by reason of the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) ‘ failure to perform the said
Agreement. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the
amount due and payable by the bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under
this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs._________.
The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment there under and the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) shall have no claim
against us for making such payment.
4. we, ____________ further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full
force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said
Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation
under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or
discharged or till ___________ office / department at _____________ certifies that the
terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the
said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) and accordingly discharge this guarantee.
Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before
_______ we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.
5. We, __________(indicate the name of Bank) further agree with the corporation that the
corporation shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / -
Seller(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the
powers exercisable by the corporation against the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / -
Seller(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
agreement and shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) or forbearance,
act or omission on the part of the corporation or any indulgence by the corporation to the
said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever
which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provisions have affect of so
relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the constitution of the Bank or the
Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s).
7. We, __________(indicate the name of Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee
during its currency except with the previous consent of the corporation in writing.
b) Neither we nor any of our nominated sub-contractor(s) are engaging Child Labour in any of
our work(s) in terms of the provisions of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act,
1986 and other applicable laws.
d) It is understood that if I/We, either before award or during execution of Contract, commit a
transgression through a violation of Article b /c above or in any other form, such as to put
my/our reliability or credibility in question, the Owner is entitled to disqualify us from the
Tender process or terminate the Contract, if already executed or exclude me / us from future
contract award processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by
the severity of transgression and determined by the Owner. Such exclusion may be for a period
of 1 year to 3 years as per the procedure prescribed in the guidelines for holiday listing of the
e) I/We accept and undertake to respect and uphold the Owner's absolute right to resort to and
impose such exclusion.
Signature of Bidder:
Name of Signatory :
THIS CONTRACT made at Mumbai this ___________ day of ____________ 201 BETWEEN
INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD., a Government of India Undertaking registered in India under
the Indian Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg,
Bandra (East), Bombay- 400 051 and the Headquarters at G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra
(East), Bombay- 400 051 Mumbai (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER" which expression
shall include its successors and assigns) of the One Part; AND _____________ carrying on
business in sole proprietorship/ carrying on business in partnership under the name and style
of ______________________ a Company registered in India under the Indian Companies Act,
1913/ 1956 having its registered office at _______________________ (hereinafter referred
to/ as collectively referred to as the "Contractor" which expression shall include his/ their/ its
executors, administrators, representatives and permitted assigns/ successors and permitted
assign) of the other part:
The OWNER desires to have executed the work of _______________________________
more specifically mentioned and described in the contract documents (hereinafter called the
'work' which expression shall include all amendments therein and/ or modifications thereof)
and has accepted the tender of the CONTRACTOR for the said work.
1.2 A copy of each of the Tender Documents is annexed hereto and the said copies have
been collectively marked Annexure 'A' while a copy of the letter of Acceptance of
Tender along with annexures thereto and a copy of Fax/Telegram of Intent dated
________ are annexed hereto and said copies have been collectively marked as
Annexure 'B".
Work to Be Performed
2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall perform the work upon the terms and conditions and within the
item specified in the Contract documents,
3.1 Subject to and upon the terms and conditions contained in the Contract documents, the
OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR compensation as specified in the Contract documents
upon the satisfactory completion of the work and/ or otherwise as may be specified in
the Contract documents.
4.1 Notwithstanding any other court or courts having jurisdiction to decide the question(s)
forming the subject matter of the reference if the same had been the subject matter of a
suit, any and all actions and proceedings arising out of or relative to the contract (including
any arbitration in terms thereof) shall lie only in the court of competent civil jurisdiction in
this behalf at ________ (where this Contract has been signed on behalf of the OWNER)
and only the said Court(s) shall have jurisdiction to entertain and try any such action(s)
and/ or proceeding(s) to the exclusion of all other Courts.
Entire Contract
5.1 The Contract documents mentioned in Article - I hereof embody the entire Contract
between the parties hereto, and the parties declare that in entering into this Contract
they do not rely upon any previous representation, whether express or implied and
whether written or oral, or any inducement, understanding or agreements of any kind
not included within the Contract documents and all prior negotiations, representations,
contacts and/ or agreements and understandings relative to the work are hereby
6.1 Subject to any provisions in the Contract documents to the contrary, any notice, order
or communication sought to be served by the CONTRACTOR on the OWNER with
reference to the Contract shall be deemed to have been sufficiently served upon the
OWNER (notwithstanding any enabling provisions under any law to the contrary) only if
delivered by hand or by Registered Acknowledgment Due Post to the Engineer in-
Charge as defined in the General Conditions of Contract.
6.2 Without prejudice to any other mode of service provided for in the Contract Documents
or otherwise available to the OWNER, any notice, order or other communication sought
to be served by the OWNER on the CONTRACTOR with reference to the Contract, shall
be deemed to have been sufficiently served if delivered by hand or through Registered
Post Acknowledgement Due to the principal office of the CONTRACTOR at
___________________ or to the CONTRACTOR's representatives as referred to in the
General Conditions of Contract forming part of the Contract Documents.
7.1 No failure or delay by the OWNER in enforcing any right or remedy of the OWNER in
terms of the Contract or any obligation or liability of the CONTRACTOR in terms thereof
shall be deemed to be a waiver of such right, remedy, obligation or liability, as the case
may be, by the OWNER and notwithstanding such failure or delay, the OWNER shall be
entitled at any time to enforce such right, remedy, obligation or liability, as the case
may be.
8.1 The Contract and benefits and obligations thereof shall be strictly personal to the
CONTRACTOR and shall not on any account be assignable or transferable by the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract in duplicate the place,
day and year first above written
in the presence of
SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of
.......................................... (CONTRACTOR)
(this day of _____________ 20___)
in the presence of