Case Study On Business Policy & Strategy Adopted by Airtel
Case Study On Business Policy & Strategy Adopted by Airtel
Case Study On Business Policy & Strategy Adopted by Airtel
policy &
adopted by
Current Scenario:-
The telecommunication industry in India has taken a disruptive trend in
Green Telecom, Expansion to Rural Areas, launch of BWA Technologies,
Internet of things, increase in investment, mobile banking and more
(AirtelWebsite, n.d.). These trends have brought rising competition and
hence, to serve the large consumer base, the companies have to take in
more debt burden and high operating cost. Airtel has brought in a certain
set of mission and Goals to build and maintain its existing market share
(India Brand Equity Foundation, 2017).
Vision Statement:-
“Our vision is to enrich the lives of customers. Our obsession is to win
customers for life through an exceptional experience” (Annual17-18,
Increase Market Share, increase revenue and build new revenue streams,
reduce cost, provide a good quality network, be more sustainable
(Annual17-18, 2019).
Airtel is market leader and had 24.31 percent market share whereas other
competitors had below it (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2017). It has
highest revenue, market share and presence in India (FFUniversity, n.d.).
It has wide distribution platforms such as: Mobile money, Airtel TV
(Annual17-18, 2019). It has huge placements of its Network towers and
base stations, hence, better customer support and quality (AirtelSWOT,
As there are increased account receivables hence, Improper Credit
Management can impact company’s financial position in case of any
default or economic slowdown (AirtelSWOT, 2019).
Increased competition in industry (decreasing Average revenue per user),
currency fluctuations and regulations bring in potential threats. They
could be seen with PESTEL and Porters Model discussed ahead (Annual17-
18, 2019).
The Government of India planned Digital Drive to bring opportunities for
data consumption growth, Digital payments (expected to grow by 5 folds
in 2023), More penetration in new customers. The other revenue stream
of “sharing infrastructure” is also big opportunity (Annual17-18, 2019).
Airtel has borrowings in foreign currencies and floating interest rates
hence, this involves high market risk and impacts it. Also, if economic
slowdown occurs the consumer spending can reduce and can bring
slowdown in telecom sector (AirtelShareholderLetter, 2019). The
interconnection charges to be paid 6 paise/min will be zero from 1st
January, 2020, this will impact Airtel revenue (Dua, 2018).
The continuous change in business environment demands Airtel for quick
adaptation. The company has to rapidly come out with new products and
services. To be competitive in a short span company had to upgrade itself
from CDMA=>WCDMA=>3G=>4G technolog3.
Porter 5 Forces
Threat of New Entrants-
Airtel is struggling to achieve its economies of scale, this would be tough
for new entrants too. There are huge cost of infrastructure investment
and certain government regulations to abide too. This decreases the
threat of new entrants (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2017).
Power of buyers-
With Mobile number portability in place, least ways to differentiate in
services a, more quality dependency and less switching cost for customers
leads to high customer bargaining power (India Brand Equity Foundation,
Power of suppliers-
High Cost to switch from one supplier to another and less supplier
availability in the market. But, with shared infrastructure technology
coming in place, reduces the burden of Airtel operating expenditure (India
Brand Equity Foundation, 2017).
Degree of rivalry-
The competition is huge and there are big players in each region. As the
customer is price sensitive and switching cost is low and the exit barriers
for companies are high hence, provokes intense competition (India Brand
Equity Foundation, 2017).
In existing market the company is transforming itself into the digital
service provider. The company is going for market consolidation and the
future of telecom industry would be - big three major private telecom
giants (Airtel, Jio, Vodafone) and one public sector giant (BSNL) to
dominate the market. To Capitalize the emerging opportunities company
is consolidating the market by recent huge acquisitions (Cisco, 2012). By
offering new products and services in existing market, company looks into
making the customer stick to it and also increase average revenue per
user. The company is steadily developing it’s b2b services market by
offering cloud based, digital media, network, voice services and Data
Centre Based services (Annual17- 18, 2019).
• Network Infrastructure – Siemens, CISCO, Intel And Bharti Infratel. Buy
Software – IBM, Infosys, Tata, Financial Investment, Purchase Licenses
• Build Infrastructure, Integrate The Network, Right Supplier, Innovation
• Global System For Mobile Communication, Broadband, Value Added
Services, DTH, B2B Services, Digital Innovations.
Marketing and Planning-
• Build Enhanced Distribution Network, Pioneer In Market, Build Brand
Story And Advertise.
After Sale-
• Customer Service Support And Build Brand Loyalty
We at bharti airtel limited (hereinafter mentioned as "airtel") are
committed to protect our customers’ personal information and/or
sensitive personal data and strive to maintain the privacy of your personal
For your information, “Personal information” is any information that can
be used by itself to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a person, or can
be used with information available from other sources to uniquely identify
an individual. For the purpose of this policy, sensitive personal data or
information has been considered as a part of personal information.
airtel does collect your personal information for a variety of regulatory
and business purposes. These include, but are not limited to:
airtel reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy at any
time, as and when the need arises.
To be a market leader Airtel has to look into following aspects:
Pricing Strategy – Customer is more price focused, hence, Airtel
need to come with tariff plans which could look attractive and generates
impulse for switching to Airtel.
More Market Penetration Especially Rural Markets
- This will help it to build more customer base and higher market share,
hence, more Average revenue per user. It can be achieved with a good
marketing plan which has a good core creative idea.
Build More Strategic Partnerships and
Distribution Channels – To serve its customers better a well-
established distribution channel can help Airtel to increase its market
presence. The strategic partnerships in technology and infrastructure
could help it to innovate and minimize cost.
Better Sales Offer – Airtel should provide certain offers which
could help them retain customers for long term. Hence, customer has to
give a second thought before, heading towards competitors. Also, they
need to add moments of delights to their sales strategy.
Just in Time Customer Service- Today’s customer demands
issues to be resolved real time. Hence, a customer support which is highly
customer focused and providing in time solutions should be the goal of
Airtel is an old pioneer in the telecom industry and to transform itself for
more revenues and growth in digital space will take effort and right
strategic decisions. The competition surfacing is at a rapid pace. Hence, to
be a market leader it has to be on its toes and face the competition with
emergent strategies.
As method of investigation in this report is secondary basis and industry
has a very dynamic change, hence, we cannot say how the presented
recommendations will act in the real time scenario.
The future of Airtel looks bright but, will it be able to survive the
disruptive turbulence of industry and what new strategies it will develop?
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