Fin611 GDB by Zeb........ (Idea)
Fin611 GDB by Zeb........ (Idea)
Fin611 GDB by Zeb........ (Idea)
Fin611 gdb take idea write in ur own words dnt copy paste
1st solution
Zee ltd is Favorable financial statements are prepared assuming that the company can and will
continue its business in the foreseeable future. The assumption that a business is expected to
continue in future affects the timing, nature and amount on which accounting transactions are
recorded. For example, one criteria for classification assets and liabilities into current and non-
current is whether they are realized/settled within normal course of business
Zee LTd is required to assess at the date of financial statements whether a business is a going
concern. Some accounting frameworks require management to disclose their assessment of going
concern. Indicators that jeopardize the going concern status of a business include: (a) situation
where liabilities exceed assets, (b) default of a loan(s), (c) tax penalties, heavy fines, etc., (d) very
adverse regulations, (e) negative cash flows, (f) extremely adverse legal claims, etc.
2nd solution
Zee ltd is in favorable; zee ltd should prepare financial statements that a business entity will
continue to operate in the foreseeable future without the need or intention on the part of
management to liquidate the entity or to significantly curtail its operational activities. Therefore,
it is assumed that the entity will realize its assets and settle its obligations in the normal course of
the business.
It is the responsibility of the management of a company to determine whether the going concern
assumption is appropriate in the preparation of financial statements. If the going concern
assumption is considered by the management to be invalid, the financial statements of the entity
would need to be prepared on break up basis. This means that assets will be recognized at amount
which is expected to be realized from its sale (net of selling costs) rather than from its continuing
use in the ordinary course of the business. Assets are valued for their individual worth rather than
their value as a combined unit. Liabilities shall be recognized at amounts that are likely to be settled
Vu strength