Lista Lucrărilor Elaborate Și/Sau Publicate Dr. Violeta Mangalagiu (Vasilache)
Lista Lucrărilor Elaborate Și/Sau Publicate Dr. Violeta Mangalagiu (Vasilache)
Lista Lucrărilor Elaborate Și/Sau Publicate Dr. Violeta Mangalagiu (Vasilache)
1) Matei E., Enculescu I., Vasilache V., Teodorescu C.M., (2010), Cobalt doped ZnO prepared by
electrochemistry: chemistry, morphology, and magnetism, Physica Status Solidi, Phys.Status Solidi A, 207(11),
pg.2517-2522, ISSN 1862-6300, (ISI 1.458)
2) Vasilache V., Filote C., Cretu M.C., Sandu I., Coisin V., Vasilache T., Maxim C., (2012), Monitoring of
groundwater quality in some vulnerable areas in Botosani county for nitrates and nitrites based pollutants,
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol.11(2), pag.471-481, ISSN: 1582-9596 (ISI 1.117)
3) Vasilache V., Apostol N.G., Lungu A., Macovei D., Teodorescu C.M., (2012), Manganese-based room
temperature ferromagnetism in gallium arsenide, Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials – Rapid
Communications Vol. 6, No. 11-12, Nov. – Dec. 2012, p. 1054 - 1060, ISSN:1842-6573, (ISI 0.304)
4) Preda N., Enculescu M., Zgura I., Socol M., Matei E., Vasilache V., Enculescu I., (2013), Superhydrophobic
properties of cotton fabrics functionalized with by electroless deposition, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 138,
p.253-261, ISSN: 0254-0584, (ISI 2.385)
5) Vasilache V., Lungu G.A., Logofatu C., Medianu R.V., Teodorescu C.M., (2013), Ferromagnetism and
reactivity of Fe deposited on GaAs(001) by magnetron sputtering, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and
Biostructures, Vol. 8, No. 1, January - March 2013, p. 255 - 261, ISSN 1842 - 3582 (ISI 1.2)
6) Vasilache V., Moldoveanu C., Fărtăiș L., Rîșca M.I., (2014), Effect of Some New Imidazole Derivatives on
Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Germination, Revista de Chimie, București, 65 (2), p.177-180, ISSN 0034-7752, (ISI
7) Moldoveanu C., Vasilache V., Risca I.M., (2015), Biological Effects of Some New Imidazole Derivatives on
Spruce (Picea Abies) Germination, 66 (1), p.104-108, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752, (ISI
8) Danac R., Daniloaia T., Antoci V., Vasilache V. , Mangalagiu I., (2015), Design, Synthesis and
Antimycobacterial Activity of Some New Azaheterocycles: Phenanthroline with p-halo-benzoyl Skeleton. Part V,
Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 12, p.14-19, (ISI 0.974)
9) Marusic G. , Sandu I., Vasilache V. , Filote C., Sevcenco N. , Cretu M.-A. (2015), Modeling of Spacio-
temporal Evolution of Fluoride Dispersion in “River-type” Systems, REV. CHIM. (Bucharest), 66 (4), pag.503-
506, (ISI 0.956)
10) Mantu D., Antoci V., Vasilache V., Luca C.M.,(2016), Structure and anticancer activity of some bis-
pyridazine derivatives,67(1), p. 127-130, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752, (ISI 0.956)
11) Ciobanu C.I., Drochioiu G., Carlescu I., Lisa G., Antoci V., Vasilache V., Scutaru D., (2016), Thermal
behavior of some bent-core resorcinol derivatives with azo-Type spacers and variable flexible chain, Letters in
Organic Chemistry, Volume 13, Issue 2, 1 February 2016, Pages 156-161, (ISI 0.756)
12) Zbancioc Gh., Moldoveanu C., Humelnicu I., Vasilache V., Mangalagiu I.I.,(2016), Pyridine/quinoline
derivates bearing a imidazole/ benzimidazole moiety: a LC-MS approach of structure determination, 67(8),
p.1516-1519, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752, (ISI 0.956)
13) Antoci V., Humelnicu I., Vasilache V., Mantu D., (2016), Synthesis, structure and biological activity of some
hybrid benzimidazole/quinoline derivatives, 67(9), p.1713-1716, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752,
(ISI 1.23)
14) Mantu D., Antoci V., Nicolescu A., Deleanu C., Vasilache V., Mangalagiu I.I., (2017), Synthesis,
stereochemical studies and antimycobacterial activity of new acetylhydrazines pyridazinone, Curr. Org. Synth.,
14(10), 112-119 (FI=2.05)
15) Humelnicu I., Vasilache V*.,(2017), Synthesis and Structure of a New class of Fused Heterocycle with
Pyridazino-triazine Skeleton, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 68 (6), 1159-1162 (ISI 1.23)
16) Olaru A., Vasilache V., Danac R., Mangalagiu I.I., (2017), Antimycobacterial activity of nitrogen
heterocycles derivatives: 7-(pyridine-4-yl)- indolizine derivatives. Part VII, J. Enzym. Inh. Med. Ch., 32(1), 1291-
1298 (ISI 4.28)
17) Vasilache V., Cretu M-A. , Sandu I., Risca M.I., Vasilache T., (2017), A statistical study about photocatalytic
properties of titania crystals deposited by sputtering, Rev. Chim (Bucharest) (2017), 68 (7), 1578-1580, (ISI
18) Vasilache V., Cretu A.M., Pascu L.F., Risca M., Ciornea E., Maxim C., Sandu I.G., Ciobanu C.I., (2015),
Dehydrogenases activity In sludge samples of Suceava river, International Journal Of Conservation Science, 6,
(1), pag. 93-98
A. Teza de doctorat
1. Vasilache V., Sandu I,, (2009), Sisteme disperse şi fizico-chimia suprafețelor, Editura Universității
Ștefan cel Mare Suceava, ISBN 978-973-666-319-2, pag. 324
2. Vasilache V., (2009), Electrodepunerea nichelui și a aliajelor sale, Editura Universității Ștefan cel Mare
Suceava, ISBN 978-973-666-320-8, pag. 420
3. Vasilache V., (2012), Chimie anorganică. Îndrumar de laborator, format electronic disponibil pe web-ul
Platformei DidaTec: Proiectul “Şcoală universitară de formare inițială și continuă a personalului didactic și a
trainerilor din domeniul specializărilor tehnice şi inginerești”, POSDRU/87/1.3/S/6089, cursant în cadrul
proiectului, Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca, pag. 60
4. Vasilache V., (2012), Chimie anorganică (Curs), format electronic disponibil pe web site-ul Platformei
DidaTec: Proiectul “Şcoală universitară de formare iniţială şi continuă a personalului didactic și a trainerilor din
domeniul specializărilor tehnice şi inginerești, POSDRU/87/1.3/S/6089, cursant în cadrul proiectului,
Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca, pag.148
C. Lucrări indexate ISI/BDI publicate în ultimii 10 anii
1.Vasilache V., Gutt Gh., Vasilache T., (2008), Electrochemical researches about influence of the aditives of
Watts s solutions on throwing power and brightness, Revista de Chimie, București, 59(8), p.912-919, ISSN
0034-7752,, (FI=0,693)
2. Vasilache V., Gutt Gh., Vasilache T., (2008), Studies about electrochemical plating with zinc- nickel alloys-
the influence of potential through stoichiometric composition, Revista de Chimie, București, 59(9), p.1005-1009;
2008, ISSN 0034-7752,, (FI=0,693)
3. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Gutt G., Vasilache T., Filote C., Sandu I, (2009), Studies of hardness for the
electrodeposited nickel from Watts Baths with addition of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), Revue Roumaine de
Chimie, 54(3), p.245-248, ISSN: 0035-3930,, (FI=0,418)
4. Vasilache V., Gutt G., Vasilache T., Sandu I., (2009), Studies Concerning Nickel Electrodeposition from
Watts bath with Addition of PolyvinylPyrolidone (PVP), Revista de Chimie, București, 60(1), p.15-19, ISSN
0034-7752,, (FI=0,693)
5. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Gutt G., Vasilache T., Sandu I., Sandu G.I., (2009), Determination of the Dimension of
Cristalline Grains of Thin Layers of Zinc - Nickel Alloys Electrochemically Deposited, Metalurgia International,
vol.XIV, no.3, p.49-53, ISSN 1582-2214,, (FI=0.173)
6. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Gutt G., Vasilache T., (2010), Studies about magneto-optic kerr effect on
electrodeposited nickel layers, Revista de Chimie, București, 61(5), pag. 471-474, ISSN 0034-7752,, (FI=0,693)
7. Matei E., Enculescu I., Vasilache V., Teodorescu C.M., (2010), Cobalt doped ZnO prepared by
electrochemistry: chemistry, morphology, and magnetism, Phys.Status Solidi A, 207(11), pg.2517-2522, ISSN
and-magnetism-0, (FI=1.463)
8. Vasilache V., Filote C., Cretu M.C., Sandu I., Coisin V., Vasilache T., Maxim C., (2012), Monitoring of
groundwater quality in some vulnerable areas in Botosani county for nitrates and nitrites based pollutants,
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol.11(2), pag.471-481, ISSN: 1582-9596,, (FI=1.435)
9. Vasilache T., Stamate M., Sandu I., Lazar G., Vasilache V*., (2012), Influence of Working Parameters on
Some Properties of TiO2 Thin Layers Deposited through Sputtering Method, 63(11), p.1116-1119, Revista de
Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752,,
10. Vasilache V., Apostol N.G., Lungu A., Macovei D., Teodorescu C.M., (2012), Manganese-based room
temperature ferromagnetism in gallium arsenide, Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials – Rapid
Communications Vol. 6, No. 11-12, Nov. – Dec. 2012, p. 1054 - 1060, ISSN:1842-6573,, (FI=0,304)
11. Preda N., Enculescu M., Zgura I., Socol M., Matei E., Vasilache V., Enculescu I., (2013), Superhydrophobic
properties of cotton fabrics functionalized with by electroless deposition, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 138,
p.253-261 (FI = 2,385), ISSN: 0254-0584,,
12. Vasilache V., Lungu G.A., Logofatu C., Medianu R.V., Teodorescu C.M., (2013), Ferromagnetism and
reactivity of Fe deposited on GaAs(001) by magnetron sputtering, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and
Biostructures, Vol. 8, No. 1, January - March 2013, p. 255 - 261, ISSN 1842 - 3582,, (FI=1.2)
13. Vasilache V., Moldoveanu C., Fărtăiș L., Rîșca M.I., (2014), Effect of Some New Imidazole Derivatives on
Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Germination, Revista de Chimie, București, 65 (2), p.177-180, ISSN 0034-7752, (FI = 0,677)
14. Moldoveanu C., Vasilache V., Risca I.M., (2015), Biological Effects of Some New Imidazole Derivatives on
Spruce (Picea Abies) Germination, 66 (1), p.104-108, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752,, (FI=0,693)
15. Danac R., Daniloaia T., Antoci V., Vasilache V. , Mangalagiu I., (2015), Design, Synthesis and
Antimycobacterial Activity of Some New Azaheterocycles: Phenanthroline with p-halo-benzoyl Skeleton. Part V,
Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 12, p.14-19,, (FI=0,974)
16. Marusic G. , Sandu I., Vasilache V. , Filote C., Sevcenco N. , Cretu M.-A. (2015), Modeling of Spacio-
temporal Evolution of Fluoride Dispersion in “River-type” Systems, REV. CHIM. (Bucharest), 66 (4), pag.503-
506,, (FI=0,956)
17. Mantu D., Antoci V., Vasilache V., Luca C.M.,(2016), Structure and anticancer activity of some bis-
pyridazine derivatives,67(1), p. 127-130, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752 ,, (FI=0,956)
18. Ciobanu C.I., Drochioiu G., Carlescu I., Lisa G., Antoci V., Vasilache V., Scutaru D., (2016), Thermal
behavior of some bent-core resorcinol derivatives with azo-Type spacers and variable flexible chain, Letters in
Organic Chemistry, Volume 13, Issue 2, 1 February 2016, Pages 156-161,, (FI=0,756)
19. Zbancioc Gh., Moldoveanu C., Humelnicu I., Vasilache V., Mangalagiu I.I.,(2016), Pyridine/quinoline
derivates bearing a imidazole/ benzimidazole moiety: a LC-MS approach of structure determination, 67(8),
p.1516-1519, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752,, (FI=0,956)
20. Antoci V., Humelnicu I., Vasilache V., Mantu D., (2016), Synthesis, structure and biological activity of some
hybrid benzimidazole/quinoline derivatives, 67(9), p.1713-1716, Revista de Chimie, București, ISSN 0034-7752,, (FI=1,23)
21. Mantu D., Antoci V., Nicolescu A., Deleanu C., Vasilache V., Mangalagiu I.I., (2017), Synthesis,
stereochemical studies and antimycobacterial activity of new acetylhydrazines pyridazinone, Curr. Org. Synth.,
14(10), 112-119 (FI=2.05)
22. Humelnicu I., Vasilache V*.,(2017), Synthesis and Structure of a New class of Fused Heterocycle with
Pyridazino-triazine Skeleton, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 68 (6), 1159-1162, (FI=1,23)
23. Olaru A., Vasilache V., Danac R., Mangalagiu I.I., (2017), Antimycobacterial activity of nitrogen
heterocycles derivatives: 7-(pyridine-4-yl)- indolizine derivatives. Part VII, J. Enzym. Inh. Med. Ch., 32(1), 1291-
1298 (FI=4.28)
24. Vasilache V., Cretu M-A. , Sandu I., Risca M.I., Vasilache T., (2017), A statistical study about photocatalytic
properties of titania crystals deposited by sputtering, Rev. Chim (Bucharest) (2017), 68 (7), 1578-1580, (FI=1,23)
25. Vasilache V., Cretu A.M., Pascu L.F., Risca M., Ciornea E., Maxim C., Sandu I.G., Ciobanu C.I., (2015),
Dehydrogenases activity In sludge samples of Suceava river, International Journal Of Conservation Science, 6,
(1), pag. 93-98,
26. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Rusu O.E., Vasilache T., Sasu G., Gutt G., (2010), Studies regarding the
eutrophication of the Negreni reservoir in Botosani county, International Journal Of Conservation Science, Vol.
I(1), pg.40-47, ISSN 2067-533X,,
Articole in volume indexate ISI proceedings
27. Vasilache T., Gutt S., Vasilache V., Gutt G., (2010), Studies regarding nickel electrodeposition from Watts
bath with addition of polyvinylpirrolidone and sodium lauryl sulfate, 19-th International Conference on Metallurgy
and Materials May 18-20 th 2010 Roznov pod Rodhostem, Czech Republic, EU, ISBN 978-0-87294-15-4, pg.
28. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Vasilache T., Gutt G., (2010), The influence of working parameters against
composition of zinc-cobalt alloy co-deposited layers, 19-th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials
May 18-20 th 2010 Roznov pod Rodhostem, Czech Republic, EU, ISBN 978-0-87294-15-4, pg. 173,,
29. Vasilache V., Popa C., Vasilache T., (2012), Studies about Structure and Some Physical Properties of
Nickel and Zinc-Nickel Alloy Layers Electrochemically Deposited, 21-th International Conference on Metallurgy
and Materials May 23-25 th 2012 Brno, Czech Republic, EU,,
30. Vasilache V., Vasilache T., (2007), Studiul procesului de nichelare prin metoda spectroscopiei de
impedanţă electrochimică, Lucrări Științice. USAMV Iași Seria Agronomie, vol.50(2), pg.86-92, ISSN 1454-7414
31. Vasilache V., (2009), Advanced characterization methods for nickel layers electrochemically deposited -
reflectance of the films, Annals of the Suceava University, Food Engineering, VIII(2), pg. 37-40, ISSN 1842-
32. Gutt S., Gutt G., Vasilache V., (2010), Messung und Bestimmung wichtiger Grőβen und Indikatoren bei
galvanischen Prozessen, Teil1, Galvanotechnik, Germania, 101(2), pg.268-272, ISSN. 0016-4232 [Google],
33. Vasilache T., Gutt S., Sandu I., Vasilache V., Gutt G., Rișca I.M., Sandu A.V., (2010), Electrochemical
Mechanism of Nickel and Zinc-Nickel Alloy Electrodeposition, Recent Patents on Corrosion Science, No.2, pg.1-
5, ISSN: 1877-6108,
34. Vasilache V., (2010), The present state of researches regarding electroplating problems, Food and
Environment Safety-Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Suceava, IX(3), pg. 50-59, ISSN 2068-6609,
35. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Sandu I., Gutt Gh., Vasilache T., (2010), Electrodeposition and Characterization of
Zinc-Cobalt Alloy Coatings, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX. Metallurgy and
Materials Science N 0 . 1 – 2010, ISSN 1453 – 083X, p.37-40,
36. Vasilache V., Popa C., Filote C., Cretu M.A., Benta M., (2011), Nanoparticles applications for improving the
food safety and food processing, Recent, Vol. 12, No.1(31), pg. 77-81, ISSN 1582-0246,
37. Vasilache V., Cretu M. A., Sandu I., Vasilache T., (2011), Pesticides use in Botosani County. Regional
informations and perspectives, The Annals of „Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle IX Metallurgy and
Materials Science, Year XXIX(XXXIV), Special Issue, pg. 175-179, ISSN 1453-083X, [Google]
38. Benta M.D., Mihai C., Pearsica M., Strambu C., Vasilache V., (2011), Ways of working the data obtained
through atomic force microscopy technology, Review of the Air Force Academy, The Scientific Informative
Review, Brasov, vol. IX, No.1(18), pg. 21-25, ISSN-L 1842-9238 ,
39. Vasilache V., Popa C., Vasilache T., (2011), New materials for photocatalytic purification of air – a review,
Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ștefan cel Mare University, X(4), pg.
42-48, ISSN 2068-6609,
40. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Gutt G., Vasilache T., (2009), EQCM uses for the study in situ of nickel and zinc-
nickel alloy electroplating process, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași, Tomul LV(LIX), Fasc.4, Secţia Știința
și Ingineria Materialelor, pg.461-467, ISSN: 1453-1690,
1. Marusic G., Sandu I., Moraru V., Filote C., Ciufudean C., Beșliu V., Vasilache V., Stefanescu B., Șevcenco
N., (2012), Fluoride dispersion modeling for ”River-type” systems, Meridian Ingineresc, nr.4, pag. 28-32, ISSN
1683-853X, [Google Academic],
2. Benta D.M., Strambu C., Nedelcu St., Vasilache V., (2011), The description of metallic layers throung
sensor-surface interaction, The 13-th International Conference of Stiintific Papers AFASES 2011, 26-28 May,
Brasov, pg.856-860, ISSN 2247-3173, ISSN-L 247-3173,
3. Vasilache V., Crețu A-M., Sandu I., (2014), Evaluation of the methodology of case study used at the lessons
of chemistry, Rev. Tehnocopia, 2(11),2014, p.60-70, ISSN 1857-4904, Chișinău , Republica Moldova,
4. Vasilache V., Gutt S., Gutt G., Vasilache T., Influence of polyvinilpyrolidone and sodium lauryl sulfate as
additives in Watts baths against nickel electrodeposition, International Conference of Applied Sciences.
Chemistry and Chemical Enginnering, CISA 2010, 8-10 aprilie 2010, Slanic Moldova, Bacau, ISSN 2066-7817,
p.305-311, [Google]
1. Vasilache V., Mantu D., Antoci V., Mangalagiu I.I., (2017), Polyfused azaheterocycles compounds of
potential interest in leishmaniasis, 4th COST Action CM1307 Conference / SOCEPA / SEFIG Joint Meeting
“Antiparasitic Chemotherapy for Human and Veterinary Use”, October 25-27, Laussane, Elvetia. Pag. 37
2. Mantu D., Loiseau P.M., Cojean S., Mangalagiu I.I, Vasilache V., (2017), Dazine derivatives of potential
interest in leishmaniasis, 26th ISHC Congress, September 3 – 8, Regensburg, Germany
3. Mangalagiu I., Vasilache V., (2016), New podants with azaheterocycles skeleton as smart versatile building
blocks for multiple task, European Chemistry Congress
June 16-18, 2016, Rome, Italy, ScientificTracks Abstracts: Chem Sci J, DOI: 10.4172/2150-3494.C1.002,
4. Mangalagiu I., Vasilache V., (2016), New podants with azaheterocycles skeleton as smart versatile building
blocks for multiple task, 6-th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, 11-15 sep.2016, Seville, Spania,
5. Vasilache V., Mantu D., Antoci V., Mangalagiu I.I., (2016), New bis-pyridazine derivatives of potential
interest in leishmaniasis, 3rd COST Action CM1307 Conference / SOCEPA / SEFIG Joint Meeting
“Antiparasitic Chemotherapy for Human and Veterinary Use”, October 24-26, 2016, Madrid, Spain. P.-2,
6. Vasilache V., Amariucai-Mantu D., Antoci V., Mangalagiu I.I., (2016), New ZnO/Ag nanomaterials based
of gelatine and azaheterocyclic skeleton of potential interest in tissue engineering, XXXIV-th Romanian
Chemistry Conference, 4-7 October 2016, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, P.S.II-12, pag.12,
7. Ciobanu C-I., Stefanescu R. , Jureschi M., Antoci V., Niculaua M., Vasilache V., Drochioiu G., (2016),
Binding of redox-active metals to peptides, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Days, Faculty of Chemistry
Conference, 27-29 October 2016, Iaşi, România. P44, pag. 67,
8. Sandu I., Cretu A.M, Sieliechi J., Vasilache V., Sandu A.V., Vasilache V., Sandu I.G., (2016), Ceramic
materials used for a new procedure of potabilization of surface and ground water, Proceedings of The 8-th
edition of EuroInvent, 19-21 mai, Iasi, Romania, ISBN: ISBN: 978-606-775-212-0, p.478,
9. Antoci V., Mantu D., Vasilache V., Bratanovici B.I., Mangalagiu I., (2016), Higly sensitive chemosensors for
Zn2+ and its coordination complexes based on podants with azaheterocycles skeleton, Proceedings of The 8-
th edition of EuroInvent, 19-21 mai, Iasi, Romania, ISBN: ISBN: 978-606-775-212-0, p.302,
10. Vasilache V., (2016), Noi materiale hibride pe baza de ZnO/Ag, gelatin si azaheterocicli cu potentiale
aplicatii practice, Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei din Chisinau, 15-18 noiembrie 2016 Chisinau, R.Moldova,
(Dispozitia nr.404/10.11.2016 a Univ.Stefan cel Mare din Suceava)
11. Vasilache V., Filote C., Cretu A., Sandu I., Coisin V., Vasilache T., (2011), Monitoring of groundwater
quality in some vulnerable areas in Botosani county – nitrates and nitrites based pollutants, ICEEM 06, 6th
international Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, 1-4 September 2011, Lake
Balaton, Hungary,
12. Tanase S.I., Pinzaru (Tanase) D., Vasilache V., Georgescu V., (2012), Effect of nitrogen impurities on the
magnetic and magneto-transport properties of cobalt-nickel alloys thin films, 6th International Workshop on
Multi-Rate Processes and Hysteresis in mathematics, physics, engineering and information sciences, May 21-
24 th 2012 Suceava, Romania,
13. Vasilache V., Tanase S.I., Vasilache T., (2012), Studies about hysteresis loops on magneto-optic Kerr
effect of electrodeposited nickel layers, 6th International Workshop on Multi-Rate Processes and Hysteresis in
mathematics, physics, engineering and information sciences, May 21-24 th 2012 Suceava, Romania,
14. Sandu I., Vasilache V., Sandu I. C. A., Branzilă M., Mircea O., (2011), Archaeometric structures from
ancient bronzes, Conference International Archèomètrie 2011, Colloque du G.M.P.C.A., 11-15 avril 2011,
Université de Liege,Belgique, [Google Academic]
15. Vasilache V., Cretu M. A., Sandu I., Vasilache T., (2011), Pesticides use in Botosani County. Regional
informations and perspectives, International Conference TEME 2011, New Trends In Inveronmental And
Materials Engineering, 18-20 May, Galați, Romania, [Google]
16. Vasilache V., Sandu I., Vasilache T., Cretu M. A., (2011), Studies regarding the quality of waters for
some rivers from Suceava County, International Conference TEME 2011, NEW Trends In Inveronmental And
Materials Engineering, 18-20 May, Galati, Romania, [Google]
17. Sasu G., Blanaru C., Onofrei O., Nechifor R., Vasilache V., (2010), Assessment of water quality in the
upper course of Siret river (N-E Romania), Large River Basins – Danube meets Elbe, Challenges – Strategies
– Solutions, 22–25 June, Dresden, Germany The “Blockhaus”, Neustädter Markt,,
18. Marusic G., Sandu I., Moraru V., Vasilache V., Creţu A.M, (2012), Software for modeling spatial and
temporal evolution of river-type systems, 11th International Conference on Development And Application
Systems, May 17-19, Suceava, Romania, [Google Academic],
19. Marusic G., Sandu I., Filote C., Moraru V., Şevcenco N., Ştefănescu B., Vasilache V., Creţu M., (2012),
The modeling of spacial-temporal evolution of fluoride dispersion in “river-type” systems, International
Conference IC-ANMBES 2012 – May 24-27, 2012, Brașov, Romania, [Google Academic],
20. Tanase S.I., Tanase D., Vasilache V., (2013), Morphology and magnetic properties of
magnetoelectrodeposited cobalt-nickel-nitrogen thin films, 8thInternational Conference on Materials Science
and Engineering – BRAMAT 2013, 27.02 – 02.03 February- March, Brașov, România,
1. Patent MD 4298 (B1): Process for water treatment of ground and surface waters,
Inventor(s): Sandu I.(UAIC-RO), Cretu A.M.(UAIC-RO), Lupașcu T.(ASM-MD), Sielienchi Joseph-Marie(CM),
Koume I.K.(CM), Guifo K.J.(CM), Sandu A.V.(TUIASI), Vasilache V.(USV-RO), Sandu I.G.(TUIASI), Vasilache
2. Patent MD MD4106 (B1): Process for the obtaining of an injection oil silver nanodispersion
Inventor(s): Hagiu B. A. [Ro]; Sandu I. [Ro]; Lupascu T. [Md]; Vasilache V. [Ro]; Tura V. [Ro]; Mangalagiu
I.[Ro]; Sandu A. V. [Ro]; Gonchyar V. [Md];
• Nationale
1. Patent Number(s): RO125793 (B1) Galvanic cell for automatically measuring the lustre and the thickness of a
layer, Inventor(s): Gutt Gh., Gutt S., Vasilache V., Gutt A.
2. Patent Number(s): RO125457 (B1), Process for the micro crystalline phosphate-coating of iron-based metal
pieces Inventor(s): Bejinariu C., Sandu I., Sandu I.G., Predescu C., Munteanu C., Sandu A.V., Vasilache V.,
Bejinariu M.G.
3. Patent Number(s): RO125456 (B1) Process for micro-crystalline phosphate-coating of ferrous metal pieces
Inventor(s): Bejinariu C., Sandu I., Vasilache V., Sandu I.G., Bejinariu M.G., Sandu A.V.
4. Patent Number(s): RO127723 (B1), Procedeu de obținere a unei nanodispersii uleioase cu capacitate
regenerativă, Inventor(s): Hagiu B.A., Sandu I., Vasilache V., Țura V., Mangalagiu I.I., Mungiu O.C., Filote C.,
Sandu A.V.,
Data: Semnătura: