Running Head: GUN CONTROL 1
Running Head: GUN CONTROL 1
Running Head: GUN CONTROL 1
Gun control refers to the stricter regulation of firearms regarding ownership, possession
and acquiring. Many groups advocate and campaign for gun control whereas there are others
who oppose and stand against gun control. Both teams have their point of view and perception
on the move on gun legislation. This has bred a duel and debate over the years between the two
sides with each arguing in support of its grounds. The contest is observed in law legislation and
enforcement, in media and public platforms as well as in courts. This essay will explore the duel
debates that occur and the basis of the argument for each group.
To begin with, possession of a gun a gun can be dangerous and risky. Lives are put on a
vulnerable spot with more injuries and deaths being attached to gun attacks. The availability of
firearms is likely to increase cases of homicides where people execute the mass murder. With
many people having guns at their disposal, people may turn against one other over slight and
amicable issues. The ownership of firearms is likely to encourage war since many people are
armed and ready to fight. This can be seen in cartels which turn against each other to achieve
dominance. Having powerful guns under their control encourages them to challenge rivals.
Research studies have conclusively found that guns and homicides are correlated and go hand in
hand with each other (Jones & Stone, 2015). People are likely to kill each other when they own
Law legislation is also in support of gun control. In the US, there is the most debated
section of their federal laws known as the Second Amendment. The amendment is seen
controversial as if in support or opposition of gun control proposition. It states that the rights of
militia. This possession is of weapons is considered a necessity for their safety. Most people,
when debating on the section concentrate more on the acquiring and bearing of firearms rather
than on the militia which is the keyword. The amendment is said to have been legislated in 1971
when it was unpredictable if the idea of a union would prevail and the security of citizens was
paramount. It is a wrong perception when one thinks that the law permits every person to acquire
and own a firearm (Coates & Pearson-Merkowitzz, 2017). The rule should be interpreted and
In the recent past, there has been an extensive spread link and connection between
possession of guns and suicidal cases. According to research studies, it has been concluded that
people tend to commit suicide in a spur of the moment. The decisions to take out one's life is not
rational. This means that the absence of a gun at a person's disposal can make the whole
difference between life and death the moment a person gets suicidal thoughts. According to
reports, the regions which have many people bearing firearms report the highest number of cases
regarding suicide under guns. Most of the people who commit suicide are said to have weapons
at their homes as compared to the people with no arms (North, 2013). This has disputed the
notion people have that such regions have common mental and psychological health concerns as
Most of the mass murders, terror attacks, and massacres are executed using guns. There
have been reported cases of mass murders where rogue gun holders go on a shooting spree in
public places killing dozens of people. Such people tend to kill themselves after such acts. Most
of these executions use potent guns which have high-capacity magazines and capabilities to
shoot many rounds at once (Coates & Pearson-Merkowitzz, 2017). Most of the acts are either
terror driven by radical groups or cartels, but in other instances, people may develop
Many people term the possession of firearms as their own decisions driven by their
interests such as going on hunting expeditions or ensuring the safety and protection of their
families. With gun control advocates calling for the total banning of guns and other weapons, the
opposers argue that this would be limited to guys who love going on hunting expeditions or who
acquire firearms for the protection of their families. However, it is dangerous and risky as well as
entirely insensible when a person possesses an assault rifle and the perception of its own as for
sporting and leisure activities may be dead wrong and deceiving (Woldoff, Litchfield &
Sycafoose Matthews, 2016). Such a lethal weapon can be turned into a mass killing machine by
In the 21st century, nations and states own many guns per capita. This, however, does not
explain the love and affection for firearms. Gun possession is reportedly high in the US than in
any other country in the world making them the heavily armed nation in comparison to Russia.
The drug cartels were known of overrunning Latin American countries which led to high rates of
murder in comparison to war dominated places such as Mexico, Columbia, and Guatemala. This
affirms the fact that there are many weapons already in various countries (Eller, 2016). This calls
for gun control since it would create an excess that can lead to lethal consequences such as
suicides, homicides, mass murders and the rise of divisions, radical groups and cartels.
From the above discussions, it is evident that the possession of guns could be risky and
dangerous. The regulation, control, and enacting of stricter and more limiting requirements are
likely to reduce if not eliminate the deaths that occur as a result of ownership of guns and
firearms. It should also be noted that the proper interpretation of laws and regulations put in
place regarding bearing weapons and firearms is necessary as it would also take part in the
reduction of cases of gunshots and injuries and deaths brought about by such incidents.
Coates, M., & Pearson-Merkowitzz, S. (2017). Policy Spillover and Gun Migration: The
Eller, W. (2016). Review of:The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Liesby
Hsiao, T. (2015). Against Gun Bans and Restrictive Licensing. Essays In Philosophy, 16(2), 180-
Jones, M., & Stone, G. (2015). The U.S. Gun-Control Paradox: Gun Buyer Response To
Woldoff, R., Litchfield, R., & Sycafoose Matthews, A. (2016). Unpacking Heat: Dueling
Identities and Complex Views on Gun Control among Rural Police. Rural Sociology, 82(3),