A Past Future Tense

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Future-in-past tense is an absolute-relative tense that refers to a time located in the future,
relative to a contextually determined temporal reference point that itself must be located in the
past relative to the moment of utterance.
John left for the front; he would never return.

c is time reference used to express an action will be done in the past 1.
Vominal Form:
 &$&&*& ('%()
1. Money would be given by me if you come to my shop
2. A letter would be sent by us day before, if you didn·t come

Verbal Form:
 &$&&*& ('%(+,
1. We shoud send a letter the day before, if you didn·t come.
2. You would visit my house a week before.

c   is used to express an action done in the future if the requisite has
been fulfilled
! he would give something if you come to her house.

c is used to express an action that will be done in the past

! We should go to Lampung the next day.

c   !"#

! Would money be given by me if you come to my shop?
! hould we send a letter the day before, if you didn·t come?
c  !"
! § should not give money if you come to my shop.
! he would not follow the travelling the month before.
Êhe next day before
Êhe day before
Êhe month before
Ú"   $
!  "%  " typically consist of an § -Clause (which present a condition)
and a result Clause2.
1. c    here refers to the use of Conditional sentence. §t is represented by
the use of ´ifµ clause. Compare with this example.

Rudy Haryono. Kamus Lengkap 1 Milyar, p. 339
Betty chrampfer Azar. Understanding and Using, p.412
 Ú  -  Ú *c 

(a) §f § taught this class, § wouldn·t give a §n (a): §n truth, § don·t teach this class.
test. §n (b): §n truth, he·s not here right now.
(b) §f he were here right now, he would help §n (c): §n truth, §·m not you.
(c) §f § were you, § would accept their
* table 1 3
2. Past Future Êense here exceptionally refers to express habitual action happens in the
past. Compare with this example.
 .6  /c c  Ú  *c 

(a) When § was a child, my father would 6ould can be used to express an action that
read me a story at night before was repeated regularly in the past. When
bedtime. would is used to express this idea, it has
(b) When § was a child, my father used to the same meaning as %  m abitual
read me a story at night before action)
* table 24

Key 6ords:
: Êense is a grammatical category, typically marked on the verb, that deictically refers to the time of
the event or state denoted by the verb in relation to some other temporal reference point.
) ! :
that refers to a time in relation to a temporal reference point that, in turn, is referred to in
relation to the moment of utterance
in which the time and the reference point are not identical, and
the reference point and the moment of utterance are not identical.
Ú  a group of phrases, usually centred around a verb. Êhe valency of the verb decides how any
clause elements need to be present. Clauses can be main clauses or subordinate clauses , and
they can be finite or non-finite . Usually, a finite clause contains at least a subject in
addition to the verb. A main clause can be a complete sentence, or clausescan combine to
form complex or compound sentences.

Azar, Betty chrampfer (Ed). nderstanding and sing Englis Grammar mrd). UA: Pearson Education §nc.
Haryono, Rudy. Kamus engkap 1 Miliar. Pusaka §ndonesia: Jakarta
Krohn, Robert. Englis Sentence Structure: the successor to English entence Patterns. UA: Êhe
University Michigan. 1971
Mas·ud, Fuad. Essentials o Englis Grammar: a Practical Guide medisi ke 2). YPFE: Jogjakarta. ________
Murphy, Raymon (Ed). Englis Grammar in se: a reference anf practice book for intermediate students.
Cambridge University Press. 1998

yafi·i, §mam

§bid, p. 415 (conditional sentence)
Betty chrampfer Azar. Understanding and Using, p. 195

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