Sample Prenup 29jan2020

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This Pre-Nuptial Agreement is executed by and between:

JUAN DELACRUZ, Filipino, of legal age and a resident of

_____, hereinafter known as the “Future Husband”;


JUANA DELACRUZ, Filipino, likewise of legal age and a

resident of _____, hereinafter known as the “Future Wife”
(collectively, the “Parties”);


WHEREAS, the Parties hereto are about to enter into a contract

of marriage, scheduled to take place on _____, at _____,;

WHEREAS, the Parties hereby agree that their property

relations as future spouses shall be under the regime of COMPLETE
SEPARATION OF PROPERTY during their marriage;

WHEREAS, the Parties have made a complete and accurate

disclosure of their respective assets and liabilities;

WHEREAS, the Parties are each desirous of formalizing their

respective joint and several financial and legal rights, obligations,
liabilities and property rights arising from their marriage;

IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the parties agree as follows:


1. All the property, real and personal, which belongs to each

of the above Parties shall be, and shall forever remain, their personal
estate, including all interest, rents, and profits which may accrue
from said property, and said property shall remain forever free of
claim by the other;
2. The Parties shall have at all times the full right and
authority, in all respects the same as each would have if not married,
to use, sell, enjoy, manage, gift and convey all property that presently
belongs to him or her;

3. Obligations, liabilities and debts of each future spouse
shall be entirely separate. Each Party hereby irrevocably declares that
they will indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless the other
Party in respect of any and all legal and financial obligations and
debts incurred by that Party;


4. Each future spouse shall bare the family expenses as


4.1. The rearing and education of future children

that may be begotten or that may be adopted during the
marriage shall be borne by both future spouses

4.2. The payment of city services such as water

supply service, electric connection service, internet
connection service, and land line telephone service for
their future home shall be borne by both future spouses

4.3. The payment of compensation for house

helpers, nannies and family drivers shall be borne by both
future spouses proportionately, provided, that both
future spouses or their future children benefit from the
services of the said house helpers, nannies and family

4.4 In connection with these expenses, the future

spouses shall undertake to have a common or joint bank
deposit or savings account wherein they shall contribute
a portion of their separate incomes for the purpose of
payment for the forgoing proportionate expenses;


5. Future donations to either spouse, if any, shall pertain

exclusively to the done spouse unless otherwise specified in the Deed
of Donation;


6. This AGREEMENT shall take effect upon the celebration

of the marriage.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have signed
their names unto this document this _____ in ______.

___________________________ _____________________________
Future Husband Future Wife

Signed in the presence of:

___________________ _____________________

(witness) (witness)

Republic of the Philippines)
City of Makati ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of Quezon

City, Philippines, on this _____ day of _____, personally appeared the

Name Competent Evidence of Identity Date/Place of Issue

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed

the foregoing instrument and they acknowledge to me that the same
is their own free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place above


Doc. No. ;
Page No. ;
Book No.
Series of 2020.

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