Baliza & Sirens - Serie - 757

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757 Series Temporal Horn

Continuous Integrity Family

n Synchronized temporal audible output
Select for self-synchronizing temporal signal or steady tone.
External “synch-control” module is not required.
n Synchronized strobe flash
Self-synchronizing flash from multiple strobes improves the
safety for photosensitive people. External “synch-control”
module is not required.
n Mounts to two-gang box
Flush mount to standard North American two-gang or four inch
square electric box.
n Adjustable high or low dBA output
Select for 98 dBA or 94 dBA sound output. wire are provided for field connection of the strobe and horn.
n True horn tone Matching Integrity Speakers, Chimes, and Strobe combinations are
Low pitch “growling” sound demands attention. also available.
n ADA/UL1971/ULC listed strobe HORN: During installation, the horn is configured for steady or
All strobe models provide “Equivalent Facilitation” allowed temporal tone signal and either low or high dB output. When
under ADA Accessibility Guidelines, satisfy NFPA codes and are temporal output is selected all horns on a common two-wire
UL1971 listed as Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired. circuit are self-synchronized (see specifications). External “sync-
n Easy installation control” modules are not required.
A universal mounting plate allows Integrity to be wired then left Integrity Series horns emit a low frequency “growling” tone to
hanging “free” to allow easy V.I. and testing before it is fastened really demand attention. Select ‘high’ output for 98 dBA; choose
to electrical box. ‘low’ output for 94 dBA. (Average measurement at 10 ft (3.05 m) in
n Screw terminal wire connection anechoic chamber.)
Large terminals speed installation and accept up to #12 AWG STROBE: EST strobes are self-synchronized to flash at one fps
(2.5mm2) wire. across their full operating voltage range. The strobe operates on
n Field changeable lens markings any existing two-wire signal circuit. Separately installed “sync-
Standard “FIRE” strobe marking/language is easily changed with control” modules are not required. A very small portion of the
optional snap-on Lens Kits. population have a condition which may cause them to become
n UL/ULC rated outdoor option disoriented from multiple random flashes of light. This risk is
minimized with Integrity’s strobe.
The flash from EST strobes can be noticed from almost any
Description position in the room, corridor, or large open space. The output
is controlled using a specially shaped reflector to disperse the
EST’s 757 Integrity Series Temporal Horn and Temporal Horn/ light in all viewing directions. EST strobes are UL1971 listed
Strobe are perfect for life safety applications as an alert and alarm with both wall and ceiling cd intensity ratings (see Specifica-
signal, especially to notify the hearing impaired. The horn emits a tions). This is useful in areas where the Authority Having
piercing low frequency sound that is easily heard above moderate Jurisdiction (AHJ) permits ceiling mount strobes.
ambient noise levels. 757 Series Temporal Horn/Strobes are shipped with wall mount
Integrity’s rugged plastic housing is available with a red or white style “FIRE” lens markings. Where ceiling mount, other languages
textured finish. With its ingenious mounting sub-plate, the horn is or different lens markings are required, optional LKW and LKC
firmly held in place with a single screw ensuring a quick, attractive series Lens Marking Kits are offered. Lens marking sleeves snap
installation. A separate trim plate is not required for flush right over the strobe lens providing quick, easy, change. Consult
mounting. Separate terminals to accept up to #12 AWG (2.5mm2) EST for availability of other languages or special markings.

2 0 1 C I T Y C E N T R E D R I V E S U I T E 1 1 0 5 , M I S S I S S A U G A , O NTARIO, C A N A DA L 5 B 2 T 4
P H O N E : (001) 9 0 5 -2 7 0 - 1 7 1 1 • F A X : (001) 9 0 5 -2 7 0 - 9 5 5 3 • W O R L D W I D E W E B : W W W. E S T I N T E R N AT I O N A L . C O M
U.S. SALES: SARASOTA, FL; PHONE 941-739-4200; FAX 941-727-0740 • CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON; PHONE 519-376-2430; FAX 519-376-7258
Issue 3 Literature Sheet #85001-0341 Page 1 of 4
Audible Signal Application
Suggested sound pressure levels in each signaling zone for alert or 12.2 m). In large rooms or spaces (such as auditoriums) that exceed
alarm signals are at least 15 dB above the average ambient sound 100 ft (30.4 m) across and without obstructions more than 72 inches
level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of (1.8 m) above the finished floor, strobes may be placed around the
at least 60 seconds, whichever is greater, measured five feet (1.5 m) perimeter, spaced a maximum of 100 ft (30.4 m) apart, in lieu of
above the floor. The average ambient sound level is the rms, suspending them from the ceiling.
A-weighted sound pressure measured over a 24-hour period. Sleeping Rooms: EST model 757-8A is rated at 110 cd. It is intended
Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear will theoretically for use in sleeping rooms and should be installed along with a smoke
cause a 6 dB reduction in the received sound pressure level. The detector. It must be wall mounted at least 80 inches (2.03 m) above
actual effect depends on the acoustic properties of materials in the floor level, but no closer than 24 inches (610 mm) to the ceiling. The
space. A 3 dBA difference is a “just noticeable” change in volume. distance from the strobe to the pillow must not exceed 16 ft (4.8 m).
Typical Sound Output Distribution Sleeping Rooms Use ONE Wall Mounted - EST Model:
dBA measured at 10 ft in anechoic chamber
Any Size 757-8A 110 cd @ 219 mA
757 Series Temporal Horn (‘HIGH’ output)

Application Notes - USA

In any case, audible signals cannot have a sound level less than 75
dBA at 10 ft (3m) per NFPA 72 and cannot exceed 120 dBA per ADA
(130 dBA per NFPA 72) at the minimum hearing distance to audible
appliance. Audible signals shall be installed with the top of the
device above the floor not less than 90 inches (2.3 m) and below the
finished ceilings at least six inches (150 mm) (per NFPA 72).
Strobes must be used to supplement audible signals wherever the
average ambient sound level exceeds 105 dBA. Combination
Audible/Visible signals must be installed per NFPA guidelines
established for strobes.
ADA suggests that the following areas may require Visual Alarm
- rest rooms, meeting rooms, and other general usage areas.
Visible Signal Application - lobbies, hallways, and other common use areas.
These guidelines are based on ANSI/NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm - sleeping rooms intended for use by persons with hearing
Code (1993). When applied and installed in accordance with that impairments.
code, EST strobes meet or exceed the illumination produced by - work areas used by a person with a hearing impairment (per
the ADA specified 75 candela (cd) strobe at 50 ft. However, Title 1 of ADA).
optimum performance is obtained by providing “Equivalent
Facilitation” as allowed by the Americans with Disabilities Act
Accessibility Guidelines [ADA(AG)]. Contact EST for exact Application Notes - CANADA
spacing requirements. (Based in part on 1995 Canada National Building Code)
Use ONE Wall Mounted The fire alarm signal sound pressure level shall not exceed 110 dBA
Non-Sleeping Rooms - EST Model: in any normally occupied area. The sound pressure level from an
Up to 20' x 20' (6.1 x 6.1m) 757-5A 15 cd @ 70 mA or audible signal in a floor area used for occupancies other than
757-7A* 15/75 cd @ 105 mA residential occupancies shall be not less than 10 dBA above the
Up to 30' x 30' (9.1 x 9.1m) 757-3A 30 cd @ 105 mA ambient noise, and never less than 65 dBA. The sound pressure
Up to 50' x 50' 757-8A 110 cd @ 219 mA level in sleeping rooms from an audible signal shall not be less
(15.2 x 15.2m) than 75 dBA when any intervening doors between the device and
Corridors Wall Mounted - EST Model: the sleeping room are closed. Audible signal devices shall be
Any Length x Max. 20' 757-5A or 757-7A* spaced @ 100'
installed not less than 1.8 m to the center of the device above the
(6.1m) Wide (30.5 m) never exceeding 15' (4.5 m) floor (per CAN/ULC S524).
from end wall The fire alarm audible signal shall be supplemented by fire alarm
* Model 757-7A is rated at 15 cd (wall or ceiling mount) per UL1971, and 75 cd strobes in any floor area where the ambient noise level exceeds
UL1638. 87 dBA, or where the occupants of the floor area use ear protective
devices, are located within an audiometric booth, or are located
Non-Sleeping Rooms and Corridors: EST strobes rated at less than within sound insulating enclosures. This also applies to assembly
110 cd per UL1971 are intended for use in non-sleeping areas only. occupancies in which music and other sounds associated with
Install them 80 inches (2.03 m) above floor level OR within the space performances could exceed 100 dBA.
between six inches (150 mm) to 24 inches (610 mm) below the ceiling, Strobes shall be installed in a building so that the flash from not
whichever is lower. No point in any space (including corridors) less than one device is visible throughout the floor area or portion
required to have strobes shall be more than 50 ft (15.2 m) from the thereof in which they are installed. For maximum safety, EST
signal (in the horizontal plane). The 110 cd strobe should be used in recommends that strobes be installed as per the guidelines shown
non-sleeping areas only when the room exceeds 40' x 40' (12.2 m x here under Strobe Application.

Page 2 of 4 Literature Sheet #85001-0341 Issue 3
Standalone Synchronization Strobe flash at 1 per second within 200 milliseconds on common circuit
Characteristics (note 5) Horn pulses at temporal rate within 200 milliseconds on common circuit
Operating Volts Strobe: 20-24 Vdc Continuous; Horn: 20-31 Vdc Continuous
Anechoic: High Setting - 104 dBA (peak)/98 dBA (avg); Low Setting - 99 dBA (peak)/94 dBA (avg)
Horn Output (note 1) Reverberent: High Setting - 85 dBA (continuous)/82 dBA (temporal);
Low Setting - 82 dBA (continuous)/75 dBA (temporal)
Horn Current High Output: 40 mA @ 24 Vdc; 55mA @ 24 Vrms FWR; Low Output: 20 mA @ 24 Vdc; 28 mA @ 24 Vrms FWR
Rated Strobe Output - candela (cd) 757-5A- 757-7A- 757-3A- 757-8A-
15 cd wall 30 cd wall 110 cd wall
UL 1971 15 cd wall mount only
15 cd ceiling 15 cd ceiling 60 cd ceiling
UL 1638 not UL 1638 rated 75 cd 30 cd 120 cd
ULC S526 15 cd 75 cd 30 cd 120 cd
24Vdc: 70mA 24Vdc: 105mA 24Vdc: 105mA 24Vdc: 219mA
Average Strobe Current (note 2)
20Vdc: 80mA 20Vdc: 125mA 20Vdc: 125mA 20Vdc: 272mA
Peak Strobe Current (note 2) 20Vdc: 208mA 20Vdc: 208mA 20Vdc: 208mA 20Vdc: 352mA
24Vdc: 84mA 24Vdc: 168mA 24Vdc: 168mA 24Vdc: 325mA
Average Strobe Current (note 3)
20Vdc: 99mA 20Vdc: 204mA 20Vdc: 204mA 20Vdc: 355mA
Peak Strobe Current (note 3) 20Vdc: 360mA 20Vdc: 594mA 20Vdc: 594mA 20Vdc: 876mA
Supplied with LKW-1 "FIRE" red letters, vertical both sides (Wall Mount)
Strobe Marking
- see LKW and LKC series for ceiling style and optional markings.
Flash Tube Enclosure Clear LEXAN with white marking sleeve
Housing Textured, color impregnated engineered plastics - exceeds 94V-0 UL flammability rating
Wire Connections Terminals - separate, polarized inputs for Horn & Strobe, #12 AWG (2.5mm²) maximum
INDOOR Operating Environment 93% @ 40°C relative humidity; 32-120°F (0-49°C) ambient temperature
98% @ 40°C relative humidity; -35-150°F (-31-66°C) ambient temperature
OUTDOOR Operating Environment
(757-7A: rated at 50 cd @ -35°C per UL/@ -40°C per ULC)
(must use weatherproof box)
(757-8A: rated at 100 cd @ -35°C per UL/@ -40°C per ULC)
Flush: North-American 2-gang box, 3" high x 4" wide x 2¾" (69 mm) minimum
Mounting - INDOOR Surface: 757A-SB Back box
Bi-directional: 757A-BDF Mounting Frame
Mounting - OUTDOOR Surface: 757A-WB Weatherproof Box
UL 1971, UL 1638, UL 464, ULC S526, ULC S525, MEA, CSFM, FM. CE
Agency Listings
(All models comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule)
Note 1 - Measured at 10 ft (3m) @ 24 Vdc. Subtract 3 dBA for models with strobes
Note 2 - Connected to FILTERED dc source.
Note 3 - Connected to UNFILTERED (Full Wave Rectified) dc source.
Note 4 - Use the average current rating to establish the maximum number of strobes, wire gauge and standby power requirements.
Note 5 - Temporal audible pattern is defined as: ½ sec ON, ½ sec OFF, ½ sec ON, ½ sec OFF, ½ sec ON, 1½ sec OFF, then repeat cycle.

Light Output Patterns

Issue 3 Literature Sheet #85001-0341 Page 3 of 4
Installation and Mounting
All models fit to a standard flush mounted, North-American two-
gang electrical box, 2¾ inch (69 mm) minimum. Optional flush
trims are not required. For surface mount, use EST’s custom indoor
and outdoor surface boxes painted in color-matched red or white
epoxy. EST recommends that fire alarm horn/strobes always
be installed in accordance with
the latest recognized edition of
national and local fire alarm codes.

Typical Wiring
The strobe must be connected to signal circuits which output a
Ordering Information
constant (not pulsed) voltage. The horn can be connected to Catalog Ship Wt.
continuous voltage circuits. Number Description lb. (kg)
Temporal Horns
757-1A-T* Temporal Horn, Red 1.7(.8)
Temporal Horn/Strobes
757-5A-T* Temporal Horn/Strobe, 15cd, Red
757-7A-T* Temporal Horn/Strobe, 15/75cd, Red
757-3A-T* Temporal Horn/Strobe, 30cd, Red
757-8A-T* Temporal Horn/Strobe, 110cd, Red
Mounting Accessories
757A-SB* Surface Box, Red, Indoor 1.5(.7)
757A-WB* Weatherproof Box, Red, Surface 1.5(.7)
757A-BDF* Bi-directional Frame, Red 4(1.8)
Lens Marking Kits (see note 1)
LKW-1 “FIRE”, Wall Orientation (supplied)
LKW-1R “FIRE”, Wall Orientation, RED
LKW-2 “FEU”, Wall Orientation
LKW-3 “FIRE/FEU”, Wall Orientation
LKW-4 “SMOKE”, Wall Orientation 0.1
WARNING: These devices will not operate without electrical
LKW-5 “HALON”, Wall Orientation (.05)
power. As fires frequently cause power interruptions, we suggest
you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection LKW-6 “CO2”, Wall Orientation
specialist. These visual signal appliances’ flash intensity may not LKW-7 “EMERGENCY”, Wall Orientation
be adequate to alert or waken occupants in the protected area. LKW-8 “ALARM”, Wall Orientation
Research indicates that the intensity of strobe needed to awaken LKW-9 “FUEGO”, Wall Orientation
90% of sleeping persons is approximately 100 cd. EST recom-
* Add Suffix “W” to catalog no. for WHITE. (e.g. 757-7A-TW)
mends that strobes in sleeping rooms be 110 cd minimum.
Note 1 - Change “W” to “C” for CEILING mount. (e.g. LKC-1)

It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST International.
Printed in Canada
© 1999 EST
Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet #85001-0341 Issue 3

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