Service Marketing

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Muh Ryan Fitrah


1. Explain how to make a good services on digital marketing and what factors to be
consider to make a good service will be satisfaction for customer ?

technology has a tremendous impact. Not only in terms of communication, but also beneficial
in customer service. The fast-paced nature of technology also impacts customers'
characteristics. Customers certainly want a quick response when dealing with transaction
processes and other problems. All of that they can convey through social media from related
companies.Today, many companies have evolved to understand their customers through a
more efficient, digital process. Communicating through social media is considered more
effective than using old methods such as face-to-face or consumer complaints via telephone
or email. Some old methods applied have their own weaknesses.
some tips for good digital services:
1. Conversation is more transparent
If you complain about something about a product or service, you can convey it through social
media such as Twitter, Facebook, and even Instagram. That way, your conversation with the
customer service can be seen by the public.Complaints will be supported by other customers
who have the same problem. However, the thing to note is not to start a conversation with a
dispute. Often customers submit complaints with words of scolding or bad-mouthing the

2. Fast customer service response

When customers report complaints they expect to be quickly handled by customer service.
They feel the problem reported is important and must be resolved quickly.Therefore, it is
important for companies to pay attention to any complaints raised by their customers.
3. Personal Interaction
In this day and age, has developed a technology called artificial intelligence or chat form in
the form of a bot that is able to serve questions or complaints from customers.Besides that,
there is also a template that can be chosen by the customer regarding the complaint to be
conveyed. But behind all that sophistication, customers still prefer to be served by humans.
Lots of media choices that can be utilized for the benefit of customer service.

4. Strengthens branding
With the help of social media, it can also help make quality products produced by producers
from each customer testimonial. The character of customers in the digital era is more
talkative than in previous eras.Through social media, they can make a brand fall or on one
side it makes other brands become positive. As good as any of the products produced there
must be a complaint of one or more of these items. This is the right time to prove the quality
of service, especially in handling complaints. When the problem can be solved, it will make
the brand name more credible. The use of social media in serving customers is very important
to maintain good communication between producers and consumers. The key is the speed and
professionalism of customer service in handling customer complaints. Directly, this will
make the brand become more trusted and developed.

To know customer satisfaction this needs to be known :

1. Optimize Employee Performance, especially Customer Service
So that your products have loyal customers because they are satisfied using a product or
service, then what is done is to prepare the best employees to be able to serve customers. Of
course, to be able to have customer service like that, you must create criteria that match the
job desk. After that, do the selection until you get the best customer service as desired. If you
already have employees in the customer service department, then you don't need to hiring.
But optimize their abilities and provide direction and appropriate training in their fields.

2. Follow up after the transaction

A good way to follow up is to ask for your buyer's email address or contact number at the
beginning of the transaction. You should prepare paper that already contains the email
address column or contact number. If your buyer is reluctant to provide a contact number,
they will usually fill in the e-mail column. After getting the contact number or e-mail, it
should be given to another customer service team that specializes in handling services over
the air in other words over the phone or e-mail. prepared more than two people, if possible.
The next step is to save the important data, then send an SMS or email starting from a thank
you to the customer. Can send questions or poll about their satisfaction in buying your
product or service.

3. Improving the quality of goods and services

Adjust according to the number of their desires, so that the goods or services can be accepted
in the hearts of your customers. The improvement of the product can be done in stages,
namely from the taste, appearance, facilities and so on. Customer satisfaction is the main
thing, then provide the best product that suits with the desires of your target market. In
addition to improving the quality of the results of consumer recommendations and polls, do
not hesitate to also discuss and ask matters relating to your product to the experts. Because by
discussing something with the experts, the customer will be more satisfied and loyal. No
longer the prices and products sold, but sell products with the best quality.

4. Give a Special Message when the Moment is Important

The next way to make a customer satisfied is to give a special message when an important
moment, for example when they have a birthday. To get that data, of course you have to ask
for detailed data when he buys your product or when they want to make a member card. After
customer data can, the customer service in the maintenance must save it. Then, the next step
is to give a congratulatory message or a special message at an important moment. Maybe, it
feels tiring and complicated, but do not give up because now there are many applications that
can be set up to be able to send emails by themselves.
Believe me, your commotion will produce the best "fruit", one of which is to make customers
feel satisfied with the service and products you offer. They will also feel noticed, may be able
to reactivate customers who were previously inactive. This method is highly recommended
for those of you who are engaged in services. Considering that the field must prioritize
excellent service for employees.

6. Make Interesting Programs on Social Media

Social media is currently the main media for people to get the latest information both in the
city and abroad. Social media that are developing at this time are very numerous and
increasingly varied. Currently social media has also been used to reap profits if done
optimally. Because it is used as the main source of information, many people and companies
use social media to interact with customers and also promote their products. Well, with the
rise of social media you can use to give satisfaction to the customer. How to make interesting
programs so that they become loyal customers. Many programs can be done such as giving
away product vouchers, inviting bloggers and YouTubers to make a review of your product
or service, making videos or useful quotes, and so on. The more active in social media, the
more people will glance at your account so that many new and old customers who follow
your program on social media. Thus, the more customers who are loyal and satisfied because
service performed.

2. Second, What Factors need to be considered to improve services for customer

satisfaction ?

What are the factors that influence customer satisfaction? The following information:
1. Product quality
The most important thing that every company must pay attention to is customer satisfaction
offered from the products used. For that, make you always choose and use a quality product,
so customers can be satisfied and do not need to buy back the product you offer. The
influence of the quality of this product can also be one of the best quality marketing
strategies, because often encountered customers will improve the quality of your product to
family or friends.

2. Quality of service
Factors that concern customers can also come from the quality of service provided by you
and all existing employees. This is very important for those of you who are engaged in
services. Because the customer's perception of the business will slightly affect the quality of
service itself. Thus, your agreement always provides the best quality of service, including
after a sale transaction is approved.

3. Pricing
Before deciding to buy a product, the customer will certainly replace the price of the same
product from several brands. That is, price fixing is also agreed on customer satisfaction. So,
always ask for market research before you agree on the price for the product / service to be
sold. If possible, provide a relatively affordable price, with good quality so it should not be

4. A pleasant shopping experience

Customer experience or customer shopping experience also affects satisfaction. This
experience is directly proportional to the ease during the purchase process. That is, an easy,
fast, and flexible shopping process is in high demand by customers. Free additional facilities,
free shipping, and a variety of payment methods, can also be a factor that increases customer

5. Testimonials from other people

Other people's experiences will affect the interests and perceptions of your new customers.
This factor will determine the shopping experience obtained. This concerns the customer who
will directly compare the testimony of others with the experience gained by himself. If he
also receives the same experience as someone else, then he will also receive satisfaction and
always choose your product among other competing-wins.

6. Marketing strategy
One more factor that increases customer satisfaction when buying products that you offer,
namely marketing strategies. Unwittingly, your strategy for creating advertisements and
promotions is also in line with the expectations of your customers. When you exaggerate in
supporting the superiority of products and services, without arguing with such factual
circumstances, then the customer is opposed to questioning what is obtained is not in
accordance with what they see and believe from your offer.

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