2 Years Bio Sow - SPN 21

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(YEAR 9 )



1. Cell Structure (a) examine under the microscope an animal * Expt 1.1-Use of the
and Organisation cell (eg. from fresh liver) and a plant cell microscope * Biology: The
(eg. from Elodea, a moss, onion epidermis, Living Science
1.1 Plant and or any suitable, locally available material), (practical
animal cell using an appropriate temporary staining * Expt 1.2-Examining wkbk), p 1-4
1.2 Specialised techniques, such as iodine or methylene animal cells * GCE O-Level
cells, tissues blue. Biology Matters 3 WEEKS
and (b) draw diagrams to represent observations of * Expt 1.3-Examining (practical
organs the plant and animal cells examined plant cells wkbk), p1- 3
above. * GCE O-Level
(c) identify, from fresh preparations or on Biology Matters
diagrams or photomicrographs, the cell (practical
membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm in an wkbk), p 5-6
animal cell.
(d) identify, from diagrams or
photomicrographs, the cell wall, cell
membrane, sap vacuole, cytoplasm,
nucleus and chloroplasts in a plant cell.
(e) compare the visible differences in structure
of the animal and the plant cells
(f) state the function of the cell membrane in
controlling the passage of substances.
/cont’d (g) state, in simple terms, the relationship
between cell function and cell structure for * Expt 1.4- * Biology
the following: Specialised cells Expression:
absorption – root hair cells Practical wkbk
conduction and support – xylem vessels O-Level
transport of oxygen – red blood cells Science
(h) identify these cells from preserved material (Biology),
under the microscope, from diagrams and p 21-23
from photomicrographs.
(i) differentiate cell, tissue, organ and organ
system as illustrated by examples covered
in sections 1 to 12, 15 and 16.

2. Diffusion and (a) define diffusion as the movement of * Expt 2.1-Diffusion * Biology: The 3 WEEKS
Osmosis molecules from a region of their higher Living Sc, p 17-
concentration to a region of their lower 22, (practical
2.1 Diffusion concentration, down a concentration * Expt 2.2-Osmosis wkbk)
2.2 Osmosis gradient. in visking tubing * Biology
2.3 Active Transport (b) define osmosis as the passage of water Expression:
molecules from a region of their higher Practical wkbk
concentration to a region of their lower * Expt 2.3-Osmosis O-Level
concentration, through a partially on plant cells Science
permeable membrane. (Biology),
(c) describe the importance of a water * Expt 2.4-Osmosis p 29-31
potential gradient in the uptake of water in plant tissue * Biology: The
by plants and the effects of osmosis on Living Sc,
plant and animal tissues. * Expt 2.5-Water p 26- 29,
Potential (practical
(d) define active transport and discuss its * Expt 2.6-Surface wkbk)
importance as an energy-consuming area/volume * GCE O-Level
process by which substances are ratio, absorption Biology
transported against a concentration & diffusion Matters
gradient, as in ion uptake by root hairs and (practical
glucose uptake by cells in the villi. wkbk),
p 13-16
* Biology: The
Living Sc,
p 30- 32,
* GCE O-Level
wkbk), p

* Biology: The 2 WEEKS

3. Enzymes (a) define enzymes as proteins that function as * Expt 3.1-Watching Living Sc, p 33-
biological catalysts. an enzyme in 35, (practical
3.1 Enzyme action (b) explain enzyme action in terms of the ‘lock action wkbk)
3.2 Effects of and key’ hypothesis. * GCE O-Level
temperature and (c) investigate and describe the effect of * Expt 3.2-Effect of Biology Matters
pH temperature and of pH on enzyme activity. temperature on (practical
enzyme activity wkbk), p
* Expt 3.3-Effect of * GCE O-Level
pH on enzymes Biology Matters
wkbk), p
4. Plant Nutrition (a) understand that photosynthesis is the fundamental * Expt 4.1-Starch in a 4 WEEKS
process by which plants manufacture carbohydrates leaf * Biology
4.1 Photosynthesis rom raw materials. Expression:
4.2 Leaf structure (b) investigate the necessity for chlorophyll, light and Practical wkbk
4.3 Mineral nutrition carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. O-Level Science
(c) state the equation (in word or symbols) for * Expt 4.2-Is light (Biology), p 75-
photosynthesis. necessary for 77
(d) investigate and state the effect of varying light photosynthesis?
intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and * Biology
temperature on the rate of photosynthesis. Expression:
(e) understand the concept of limiting factors. * Expt 4.3-Is CO₂ Practical wkbk
(f) describe the intake of carbon dioxide and water by O-Level Science
necessary for
plants. (Biology), p 79-80
(g) understand that chlorophyll traps light energy and
converts it into chemical energy for the formation of * Biology
carbohydrates and their subsequent storage. Expression:
(h) explain why most forms of life are dependent on * Expt 4.4-Is Practical wkbk
photosynthesis. chlorophyll necessary O-Level Science
(i) identify and label the cellular and tissue structure of for photosynthesis? (Biology), p 85-86
a dicotyledonous leaf, as seen in cross-section * Expt 4.5-Effect of
under the microscope, and describe the significance different light * GCE O-Level
of these features in terms of function, ie. intensities on the rate Biology Matters
distribution of chloroplasts – photosynthesis of photosynthesis (practical bk), p 69-
stomata and mesophyll cells – gas exchange 70
vascular bundles – transport * Expt 4.6-Internal * GCE O-Level
(j) understand the effect of a lack of nitrate and structure of a leaf Biology Matters
magnesium ions on plant growth. (practical bk), p 73-
* Expt 4.7- Leaf 76
* Biology: The
Living Sc, p 70-71,
(practical wkbk)

* Biology: The
Living Sc, p 68-69,
(practical wkbk)

5. Animal Nutrition (a) list the chemical elements that make up: * Expt 5.1-Food test 1 * Biology 4 WEEKS
carbohydrates, fats, proteins. Expression:
5.1 Nutrients (b) describe tests for: starch (iodine in potassium iodide Practical wkbk
5.2 Diet solution), reducing sugars (Benedict’s solution), O-Level Science
5.3 World food protein (biuret test), fats (ethanol-emulsion test). (Biology), p 37-39
supplies (c) list the principal sources of, describe the dietary * Expt 5.2-Food test 2
5.4 Human importance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins * As above, p 43-44
alimentary canal (C and D only), mineral salts (calcium and iron
5.5 Chemical only), fibre (roughage) and water. * Expt 5.3-What is in a
digestion (d) describe the deficiency symptoms of vitamins C and banana? * As above, p 45-47
5.6 Absorption and D and mineral salts calcium and iron.
assimilation (e) understand the concept of a balanced diet. * Expt 5.4-Food tests
(f) explain why diet, especially energy intake, should be on peanut * As above, p 49-51
related to age, sex and activity of an individual.
(g) state the effects of malnutrition in relation to
starvation, heart disease, constipation and obesity.
(h) discuss the problems that contribute to famine
(unequal food distribution, drought and flooding,
increasing population).

(i) identify the main regions of the alimentary canal and

the associated organs; mouth, salivary glands,
oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall
bladder, liver, ileum, colon, rectum and anus.
(j) describe the main functions of these parts in relation
to ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and
egestion of food, as appropriate.
(k) identify the different types of human teeth and
describe their structure and functions.
(l) state the causes of dental decay and describe the
proper care of teeth.
(m) describe peristalsis.
(n) explain why most foods must be digested. * Expt 5.5-Why digest * As above, p 69-
(o) describe: food? 71
digestion in the alimentary canal;
the functions of a typical amylase, protease and
lipase, listing the substrates and end-products;
(p) describe the structure of a villus, including the roles
of capillaries and lacteals.
(q) describe the significance of villi in increasing the
internal surface area.
(r) state the function of the hepatic portal vein as the
route taken by most of the food absorbed from the
small intestine.
(s) state:
that large molecules are synthesized from smaller
basic units: glycogen from glucose; proteins from
amino acids; lipids (fats and oils) from glycerol and
fatty acids;
the role of the liver in the metabolism of glucose and
amino acids;
the role of fat as a storage substance;
that the formation of urea and the breakdown of
alcohol occur in the liver.

6. Transport in (a) relate the structure and functions of root hairs to * Expt 6.1- * GCE O-Level 3 WEEKS
Flowering Plants their surface area and to water and ion uptake. Investigating Biology Matters
(b) state that transpiration is the loss of water vapour transpiration in (practical bk), p
6.1 Water and ion from the leaves through the stomata. leaves 111-112
uptake (c) describe: and stem
6.2 Transpiration how water vapour loss is related to cell surfaces, air * Expt 6.2-Comparing * GCE O-Level
and spaces and stomata; the transpiration Biology Matters
translocation the effects of variation of temperature, humidity rates (practical bk), p
and light intensity on transpiration rate; of the upper and 115-116
how wilting occurs. lower surfaces of
(d) investigate, using a suitable stain, the pathway of leaves * GCE O-Level
water in a cut stem. * Expt 6.3- Biology Matters
(e) explain the movement of water through the stem in Transpiration through (practical bk), p
terms of transpiration pull. the upper and lower 117-118
(f) identify the positions of xylem and phloem tissues as surfaces of leaves * Biology
seen in transverse sections of unthickened, * Expt 6.4-Rate of Expression:
herbaceous, dicotyledonous roots, stems and leaves. transpiration Practical wkbk O-
(g) state the functions of xylem and phloem. Level Science
(Biology), p 113-

* Expt 6.5- * Biology

Investigating the Expression:
functions of xylem Practical wkbk
and phloem O-level Special
Express, p 83-85
* Expt 6.6-Internal
structures of a * GCE O-Level
dicotyledonous stem, Biology Matters
root and leaf (practical bk), p

7. Transport in (a) describe the circulatory system as a system of tubes * Expt 7.1-The * Biology
Humans with a pump and valves to ensure one-way flow of mammalian heart Expression: 4 WEEKS
blood. Practical wkbk
7.1 Circulatory (b) describe the double circulation in terms of a low O-Level Science
system pressure circulation to the lungs and a high (Biology), p 117-
pressure circulation to the body tissues and relate 119
these differences to the different functions of the * Expt 7.2-Looking at
two circuits. blood cells * Biology
(c) name the main blood vessels to and from the heart, Expression:
lungs, liver and kidney. Practical wkbk
(d) describe the structure and function of the heart in O-Level Special
terms of muscular contraction and the working of Express, p 53-56
(e) compare the structure and function of arteries, veins
and capillaries.
(f) investigate and state the effect of physical activity on
pulse rate. * Expt 7.3-To measure
(g) describe coronary heart disease in terms of the pulse rate while
occlusion of coronary arteries and state the possible resting and after
causes (diet, stress and smoking) and preventive exercise
(h) identify red and white blood cells as seen under the
light microscope on prepared slides, and in
diagrams and photomicrographs.
(i) list the components of blood as red blood cells,
white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
(j) state the functions of blood:
red blood cells – haemoglobin and oxygen
transport; white blood cells – phagocytosis,
antibody formation and tissue rejection;
platelets – fibrinogen to fibrin, causing clotting;
plasma – transport of blood cells, ions, soluble food
substances, hormones, carbon dioxide, urea,
and plasma proteins.
(k) describe the transfer of materials between capillaries
and tissue fluid.

8. Respiration (a) define respiration as the release of energy from * Expt 8.1- * Biology
food substances in all living cells. Investigating Expression:
8.1 Aerobic (b) define aerobic respiration as the release of a respiration Practical wkbk
respiration relatively large amount of energy by the breakdown O-Level Science
8.2 Anaerobic of food substances in the presence of oxygen. (Biology), p 127-
respiration (c) state the equation (in words or symbols) for aerobic * Expt 8.2-Is CO₂ given 129
8.3 Human gas respiration. *GCE O-Level
off during
exchange (d) name and state the uses of energy in the body of Biology Matters
humans: muscle contraction, protein synthesis, cell (practical bk), p
division, active transport, growth, the passage of 125-126
* Expt 8.3-To find out
nerve impulses and the maintenance of a constant
what gas is given off
body temperature. * Practical Biology:
during fermentation
(e) define anaerobic respiration as the release of a A course for O-
relatively small amount of energy by the breakdown Level, p 97-98
of food substances in the absence of oxygen.

(f) state the equation (in words or symbols) for * Expt 8.4-Comparing * GCE O-Level
anaerobic respiration. the amount of carbon Biology Matters
(g) describe the effect of lactic acid production in dioxide in inspired (practical bk), p
muscles during exercise. and expired air 135-136
(h) investigate and state the differences between
inspired and expired air.
(i) investigate and state the effect of physical activity * Expt 8.5-Effect of
on rate and depth of breathing. exercise on rate and
(j) identify on diagrams and name the larynx, trachea, depth of breathing
bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and associated
(k) state the characteristics of, and describe the role of,
the exchange surface of the alveoli in gas exchange.
(l) describe the role of cilia, diaphragm, ribs and
intercostals muscles in breathing.

9. Excretion (a) define excretion as the removal of toxic materials * Expt 9.1- * GCE O-Level 1 WEEK
and the waste products of metabolism from Investigating the Biology Matters
9.1 Structure and organisms. different regions of a (practical bk), p
function of (b) describe the removal of carbon dioxide from the human kidney 145-146
kidneys lungs.
9.2 Kidney dialysis (c) identify on diagrams and name the kidneys, ureters,
bladder, urethra and state the function of each (the
function of the kidney should be described simply as
removing urea and excess water from the blood;
details of kidney structure and nephron are not
(d) describe dialysis in kidney machines as the diffusion
of waste products and salts (small molecules)
through a membrane; large molecules (eg. protein)
remain in the blood.

10. Homeostasis (a) define homeostasis as the maintenance of a * Expt 10.1-Simulating * GCE O-Level 1 WEEK
constant internal environment. temperature Biology Matters
10.1 Structure and (b) explain the concept of control by negative feedback. regulation during (practical bk), p
function of the (c) identify, on a diagram of the skin, hairs, sweat sweating 147-150
skin glands, temperature receptors, blood vessels and
fatty tissue.
(d) describe the maintenance of a constant body
temperature in humans in terms of insulation and
the role of temperature receptors in the skin,
sweating, shivering, blood vessels near the skin
surface and the coordinating role of the brain.

12. Support, (a) identify and describe, from diagrams, photographs 1 WEEK
Movement and and real specimens, the main bones of the forelimb
Locomotion (humerus, radius, ulna and scapula) of a mammal.
(b) describe the type of movement permitted by the ball
12.1 Bones and socket joint and the hinge joint of the forelimb. * Expt 12.1-The action * Qn 2, Paper 3
12.2 Joints (c) describe the action of the antagonistic muscles at of the antagonistic Biology, June
12.3 Antagonistic the hinge joint. muscles at the hinge 1991
muscles joint
(YEAR 10)



11. Coordination and (a) state that the nervous system – brain, spinal cord * Expt 11.1-Examining * GCE O_level 3 WEEKS
Response and nerves, serves to coordinate and regulate a sheep’s eye Biology Matters
bodily functions. (practical bk), p
11.1 Nervous system (b) identify, on diagrams of the central nervous system, 155-156
11.2 Receptors the cerebrum, cerebellum, pituitary gland and
11.3 Reflex action hypothalamus, medulla, spinal cord and nerves. * Expt 11.2-Examining * GCE O-Level
11.4 Hormones (c) describe the principal functions of the above the human eye Biology Matters
structures in terms of coordinating and regulating (practical book),
bodily functions. p 157-158
(d) describe the gross structure of the eye as seen in
front view and in horizontal section.
(e) state the principal functions of component parts of
the eye in producing a focused image of near and
distant objects on the retina.
(f) describe the pupil reflex in response to bright and
dim light.
(g) outline the functions of the sensory neurons, relay
neurons and motor neurons.
(h) discuss the function of the brain and spinal cord in
producing a coordinated response as a result of a
specific stimulus (reflex action).
(j) define a hormone as a chemical substance,
produced by a gland, carried by the blood, which
alters the activity of one or more specific target
organs and is then destroyed by the liver.
(j) state the role of the hormone adrenaline in boosting
the blood glucose concentration and give examples
of situations in which they occur.
(k) describe the signs (increased blood glucose
concentration and glucose in urine) and treatment
(administration of insulin) of diabetes mellitus.

13. The Use and (a) define a drug as any externally administered 2 WEEKS
Abuse of Drugs substance that modifies or affects chemical
reactions in the body.
13.1 Antibiotics (b) describe the medicinal use of antibiotics for the
13.2 Effects of treatment of bacterial infection.
heroin (c) describe the effects of the abuse of heroin: a
13.3 Effects of powerful depressant, problems of addiction, severe
alcohol withdrawal symptoms and associated problems such
13.4 Effects of as crime and infection eg. AIDS.
tobacco smoke (d) describe the effects of excessive consumption of
alcohol: reduced self-control, depressant, effect on
reaction times, damage to liver and social
(e) describe the effects of tobacco smoke and its major
toxic components (nicotine, tar and carbon
monoxide) on health: strong association with
bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and heart
disease, and the association between smoking
during pregnancy and reduced birth weight of the
(f) recognize the fact that many people regard smoking
as no longer socially acceptable.

14. Microorganisms (a) list the main characteristics of the following groups: * Expt 14.1- * Biology: The 3 WEEKS
and viruses, bacteria and fungi. Investigating how Living Science
Biotechnology (b) outline the role of microorganisms in decomposition. dough rises (practical wkbk),
(c) explain the role of yeast in production of bread and p 95-97
14.1Microorganisms alcohol.
14.2Food (d) outline the role of bacteria in yoghurt and cheese
Biotechnology production.
14.3Industrial (e) describe the use of fermenters for large-scale
biotechnology production of antibiotics and single cell protein.
(f) describe the role of the fungus Penicillium in the
production of penicillin.

15. Relationships of (a) state that the Sun is the principal source of energy
Organisms with input to biological systems. 4 WEEKS
One Another (b) describe the non-cyclical nature of energy flow.
and (c) define the following terms and establish the
with the relationship of each in food webs: producer,
Environment. consumer, herbivore, carnivore, decomposer, food
15.1 Energy Flow (d) describe energy losses between trophic levels and
15.2 Food chains infer the advantages of short food chains.
and (e) describe and interpret pyramid of numbers and of
food webs biomass.
15.3 Carbon cycle (f) describe and state the importance of the carbon
15.4 Nitrogen cycle cycle.
15.5 Parasitism (g) describe the nitrogen cycle as making available
15.6 Effects of nitrogen for plant and animal protein, including the
humans on the role of bacteria in nitrogen fixation, decomposition
ecosystem and nitrification (details of denitrification and the
15.7 Pollution names of individual bacteria are not required).
15.8 Conservation

(h) understand the role of the mosquito as a vector of

(i) describe the transmission and control of the malarial
pathogen (details of the life cycle of the pathogen
are not required).
(j) describe the effects of humans on the ecosystem
with emphasis on examples of international
importance (tropical rain forests, oceans and
important rivers).
(k) describe the consequences of deforestation in terms
of its effects on soil stability, climate and local
human populations.
(l) evaluate the effects of:
water pollution by sewage, by inorganic waste and
by nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
air pollution by sulphur dioxide and by oxides of
nitrogen (acid rain);
pollution due to insecticides.
(m) discuss reasons for conservation of species with
reference to maintenance of biodiversity,
management of fisheries and management of
timber production.
(n) discuss reasons for recycling materials, with
reference to named examples.
16. Development of (a) define mitosis as cell division giving rise to * Expt 16.1-Examining * GCE O-Level 6 WEEKS
Organisms and genetically identical cells in which the chromosome organs of vegetative Biology Matters
Continuity of number is maintained and state the role of mitosis reproduction (practical bk), p
Life in growth, repair of damaged tissues, replacement 159-163
of worn out cells and asexual reproduction.
16.1 Asexual (b) define asexual reproduction as the process resulting
reproduction in the production of genetically identical offspring
16.2 Sexual from one parent and describe one named,
reproduction in commercially important application of asexual
plants reproduction in plants.
16.3 Sexual (c) state that gametes are a result of a reduction
reproduction in division in which the chromosome number is halved * Expt 16.2-Structure
humans from diploid to haploid. of a flower * Biology
16.4 Sexually (d) define sexual reproduction as the process involving Expression:
transmitted the fusion of haploid nuclei to form a diploid zygote Practical wkbk O-
diseases and the production of genetically dissimilar Level Science
offspring. (Biology), p 143-
(e) identify and draw, using a hand lens if necessary, * Expt 16.3-Examining 145
the sepals, petals, stamens and carpels of one, an insect-pollinated
locally available, named, insect-pollinated, flower * GCE O-Level
dicotyledonous flower, and examine the pollen Biology matters
grains under a light microscope. (practical bk), p
(f) state the functions of the sepals, petals, anthers and 165-168
(g) use a hand lens to identify and describe the anthers *Expt 16.4-Examining
and stigmas of one, locally available, named, a wind-pollinated
wind-pollinated flower, and examine the pollen flower * GCE O –Level
grains under a light microscope. Biology Matters
(h) outline the process of pollination and distinguish (practical bk), p
between self-pollination and cross-pollination. 169-171

(i) compare, using fresh specimens,an insect-pollinated

and a wind-pollinated flower.
(j) describe the growth of the pollen tube and its entry
into the ovule followed by fertilization (production of
endosperm and details of development are not
required). * Expt 16.5- Seed * Practical Biology:
(k) investigate and describe the structure of a non- Structure A course for O-
endospermic seed in terms of the embryo (radicle, Level, p 139-140
plumule and cotyledons) and testa, protected by * Expt 16.6-Wind * Practical Biology:
the pericarp (fruit wall). dispersed fruits and A course for O-
(l) state that seed and fruit dispersal by wind and by seeds Level, p 129-130
animals provides a means of colonizing new areas. * Expt 16.7-Fruits and
(m) describe the external features of one, locally seeds dispersed by * Practical Biology:
available, named example of a wind-dispersed fruit animals A course for O-
or seed and of one named example of an animal- * Expt 16.8-Fruits Level, p 133-136
dispersed fruit or seed. dispersed by animals * Practical Biology:
(n) investigate and state the environmental conditions A course for O-
that affect germination of seeds: suitable * Expt 16.9-Seeds Level, p 137-138
temperature, water and oxygen. dispersed by
(o) describe the uses of enzymes in the germination of explosive mechanism * Practical Biology:
seeds. A course for O-
(p) identify on diagrams of the male reproductive Level, p 131-132
system and give the functions of the testes,
scrotum, sperm ducts, prostate gland, urethra and
(q) identify on diagrams of the female reproductive
system and give the functions of the ovaries,
oviducts, uterus, cervix and vagina.
(r) compare male and female gametes in terms of size,
numbers and mobility.

(s) describe the menstrual cycle, with reference to the

alternation of menstruation and ovulation, the
natural variation in its length and the fertile and
infertile phases of the cycle.
(t) describe fertilization and early development of the
zygote simply in terms of the formation of a ball of
cells that becomes implanted in the wall of the
(u) state the function of the amniotic sac and amniotic
(v) describe the function of the placenta and umbilical
cord in relation to exchange of dissolved nutrients,
gases and excretory products (no structural details
are required).
(w) describe the special dietary needs of pregnant
(x) describe the advantages of breast milk compared
with bottle milk.
(y) describe the following methods of birth control:
natural, chemical (spermicides), mechanical,
hormonal and surgical.
(z) explain that syphilis is caused by a bacterium that is
transmitted during sexual intercourse.
(aa) describe the symptoms, signs, effects and
treatment of syphilis.
(bb) discuss the spread of human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) and methods by which it may be
17. Inheritance (a) describe the difference between continuous and
discontinuous variation and give examples of each.
17.1 Variation (b) state that a chromosome includes a long molecule of
17.2 Chromosomes DNA.
and DNA (c) state that DNA is divided up into sections called
17.3 Monohybrid genes.
inheritance (d) explain that genes may be copied and passed on to
17.4 Selection the next generation.
17.5 Genetic (e) define a gene as a unit of inheritance and
engineering distinguish clearly between the terms gene and
(f) describe complete dominance using the terms
dominant, recessive, phenotype and genotype.
(g) describe mutation as a change in the structure of a
gene (sickle cell anaemia) or in the chromosome
number (47 in Down’s syndrome instead of 46).
(h) name radiation and chemicals as factors that may
increase the rate of mutation.
(i) predict the results of simple crosses with expected
ratios of 3:1 and 1:1, using the terms homozygous,
heterozygous, F₁ generation and F₂ generation.
(j) explain why observed ratios often differ from
expected ratios, especially when there are small
numbers of progeny.
(k) explain codominance by reference to the inheritance
of the ABO blood group phenotypes (A, B, AB, O,
gene alleles IA, IB , and IO ).

(l) describe the determination of sex in humans (XX

and XY chromosomes). * Expt 17.1-Variation * GCE O-Level
(m) describe variation and state that competition leads in seed length I (long Biology Matters
to differential survival of organisms, and bean) (practical wkbk),
reproduction . p
by those organisms best fitted to the environment. * Expt 17.2-Variation 177-178
(n) assess the importance of natural selection as a in seed length II
possible mechanism for evolution. (rice) * GCE O-Level
(o) describe the role of artificial selection in the Biology Matters
production of economically important plants and (practical wkbk),
animals. * Expt 17.3-Extracting p
(p) explain that DNA controls the production of DNA from living 179-180
proteins. material * GCE O-Level
(q) state that each gene controls the production of one Biology Matters
protein. (practical wkbk),
(r) explain that genes may be transferred between cells p
(reference should be made to transfer between 181-182
organisms of the same or different species).
(s) explain that the gene that controls the production of
human insulin can be inserted into bacterial DNA.
(t) understand that such genetically engineered bacteria
can be used to produce human insulin on a
commercial scale.
(u) discuss potential advantages and dangers of genetic

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