Week 2 - The Battle For Value, 2004 Questions

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Seminar Questions for The Battle for Value, 2004 Case

1. Prepare to describe in class the competition in the overnight package delivery

industry, and the strategies by which those two firms are meeting the competition.
What are the enabling and inhibiting factors facing the two firms as they pursue
their goals? Do you think that either firm can attain a sustainable competitive
advantage in this business?
Fedex in Chinese market from 1990s but UPS only from 2000s --› competitive advantage for
UPS is the world market leader, large but slow, rests on laurels, switching costs thinks to high
(inhibiting factors for growth)
Fedex: dynamic growth, enabling factors: deregulation, IT innovation, globalization,
transforming of industry
stockholders has more trust in UPS, that signs higher stock market value and higher growth of
stock price
(stock price = present value of future expected dividend or higher share price + risk managing
ability of firm)
I think, UPS has more chance to sustainable growth because of higher size of firm, and better
shareholders expectation

2. Why did FedEx’s stock price outstrip UPS’s during the initiation of talks over
liberalized air cargo routes between the U.S. and China? Assuming a perfectly
efficient stock market, how might one interpret a 14% increase in FedEx’s market
value of equity?
First because Fedex is since a long time ago in Chinese market, growth rapidly, less rigid and
more innovative as UPS. It means better market expectations of customers, but also a bit
worry: 14% rapid increase is not sustainable in long time perspective. To held advantage
Fedex have to decrease costs, acquire lot of new customers and concentrate to keep price,
quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction advance in Chinese segment of world package
delivery market (China is one of the biggest segment of this market)

3. How have FedEx and UPS performed since the early 1990s? Which firm is doing
better? In class, prepare to discuss the insights you derived from the two firms’
financial statements, financial ratios, stock-price performance, and economic profit
(economic value added or EVA). Also, prepare to describe how EVA is estimated,
and its strengths and weaknesses as a measure of performance.
Financial statements & ratios show trends and good for comparison, but don’t look forward
and uses book values (influenced by GAAP criteria) and not market values.
EPS (equity per share) P/E price per earnings ratio, share price and dividend are more
important for investors. There show also market valuation and cash flow-based processes.
Fedex has better growth indicators based on financial statements and ratios and it produced a
rapid growth in EPS after the opening of liberalized Chinese market. But in long perspective
this growth is not sustainable.
UPS indices were not so good this time but produced from beginnings a 35% EPS growth. It
is 8-more higher as Fedex 7%. UPS earned 20% on equity with 8% assets growth rate. Fedex
can earn only 10% earn on equity but it need also 10% growth of assets and it shows, that
dynamic growth rate of Fedex is not sustainable.
UPS uses also money of investors more efficiently: 1 invested dollar in 1992 means 5 dollar
in 2003. in case of Fedex 1USD from 1992 was 7 USD in 2003. It is a same picture in
opportunity costs (compared to S&P 500 investigation). UPS produced 5,5 Fedex produced
3,7 multiplier.
In corporate finance analysis EVA is also frequently used method. Economic value added
(EVA) is an estimate of a firm's economic profit, or the value created in excess of the required
return of the company's shareholders. Value is created when the return on the firm's economic
capital employed exceeds the cost of that capital according to GAAP bookkeeping. This gives
one of the methodological problems: GAAP is only one of methods to financial calculations
and there is not only one perfect method. Other problem is that financial statements analyse
only the past and don’t look forward an and ignore uncertain or probabilistic outcomes like
discounted cash flow (DCF) method. Comparising EVA data UPS has significant better
positions as Fedex.

4. If you had to identify one of those companies as excellent, which company would
you choose? On what basis did you make your decision? More generally, what is
excellence in business?

According to UPS-definition excellence means:

“We remain constructively dissatisfied in our pursuit of excellence”
UPS and Fedex I can compare to US and Japan in World War II. Fedex (like Japan) used the
opportunities to acquiring market leadership in Chinese pocket delivery segment, because
UPS (like) was rigid and slow. But in a long time perspective UPS is stable and has also
reserves to win the competition. Long, persistent work and constructive dissatisfaction, I think
there are the keys of economical excellence

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