Complete The Table With The Correct Forms. Affirmative Negative

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1. Complete the table with the correct forms.

  affirmative negative question

I am not w orking am i w orking?

I I am working.

you are not jumping are you jumping?

you You are jumping.

he is dreaming is he dreaming?
he He is not dreaming.

she is sleeping she is not sleeping

she Is she sleeping?

it is not know ing is it know ing?

it It is snowing.

w e are singing w e are not singing

we Are we singing?

you are fighting are you fighting?

you You are not fighting.

they are readi they are not read

they Are they reading?

1. Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.

1. I / to read a book - 
2. it / to rain - 
3. he / to repair his bike - 
w atching
4. they / to watch a film - 
5. the cat /to sleep on the chair - 
6. Jane and Emily / to do their homework - 
w aiting
7. Bill / to wait at the bus stop - 
8. we / to listen to the radio - 
9. the children / to play a game - 
w alking
10. Laura / to walk the dog - 

2. Transform the sentences below into negative sentences.

I am not w atching
1. I am watching TV. - 
I am not talking
2. I am talking. - 
They are not draw
3. They are drawing. - 
he is not opening the
4. He is opening the window. - 
Angela is not clea
5. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. - 
We are not helpin
6. We are helping in the garden. - 
You are not singi
7. You are singing. - 
it is not raining
8. It is raining. - 
she is not joking
9. She is joking. - 

3. Write questions with the words below.

is peter going to the cinema?
1. Peter / to go / to the cinema - 
are they playing a game?
2. they / to play / a game - 
is she listening to the radio?
3. she / to listen /to the radio - 
am i to dreaming?
4. I / to dream - 
are they packing their bags?
5. they / to pack / their bags - 
are you do the w ashing up
6. you / to do / the washing-up - 
are w e taking too fas
7. we / to talk / too fast - 
are cleaning the w indow s?
8. they / to clean / the windows - 
is she w atching the new s?
9. she / to watch / the news - 
are you pulling my leg?
10. you / to pull / my leg - 

4. Exercise on questions with interrogative particles

Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

w here is Ashley going?

1. Ashley is going to a restaurant. - 
w ho is reading the paper?
2. Gareth is reading the paper. - 
w here is Stacey playing?
3. Stacey is playing in the garden. - 
w ho is w earing a red dress?
4. She is wearing a red dress. - 
w hat is Britney doing?
5. Britney is doing her homework. - 
w hat is mandy leaving?
6. Mandy is leaving at nine. - 
w hat is joe repairong?
7. Joe is repairing his bike. - 
w ho is going uot w ith Dan?
8. Amanda is going out with Dan. - 
w hen are they meeting?
9. They are meeting at two o'clock. - 
w hat is Sandy going?
10. Sandy is looking for Phil. - 

The use of the "ing"

1) el "ing" se pone al final de una acción para denotar "ando, endo".
Ex:       read (wri..d) (leer) ... Reading (wri..ding) (leyendo).
             speak (spi..k) (habla)...... speaking (spi..king) (hablando).
2) si la acción termina en "e", esta se omite y luego se pone el "ing".
Ex:  give (giv) (dar); giving (giving) (dando).
         live (liv) (vivir) ; living (living) (viviendo).
         have (jav) (tener) ; having (javing) (teniendo).

3) si la acción es de una o dos silabas, termina en consonante, antes de la consonante va una

vocal y además la pronunciación de la ultima silaba es fuerte, entonces la consonante se
duplica y luego se le añade el "ing".
Ex:           stop (stop) (parar, impedir) ........ Stopping.
                 omit (omit) (omitir) ... Omitting.                         
                 run (ron) (correr) ... Running.
                 begin (biguin) (comenzar) ........... Beginning.

4) cuando una acción termine en " e ", pero una " i " vaya antes, entonces se quita primero la
"e ", luego se cambia la  " i " por la " y "  y finalmente se agrega "ing

Ex:               lie (lai) (mentir) ... Lying (laing) .

                     tie (tai) (atar) ... Tying (taing)

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