Frindle Unit Plan

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 CC.1.1.5.E
 Frindle by Andrew Clements
 CC.1.2.4.A
 CC.1.2.4.B  Unit folders
 CC.1.2.4.C  Unit slideshow
 CC.1.2.4.E  Promethean/projector board
 CC.1.2.4.J  Student packet
 CC.1.2.5.B  Laptops/computers
 CC.1.2.5.C  (newspaper)
 CC.1.2.5.E  (radio)
 CC.1.2.5.J  (newscast)
 CC.1.3.5.A
 CC.1.3.5.D
 CC.1.3.5.F
 CC.1.4.4.F
 CC.1.4.4.M


DAY ONE: Students will become introduced to the book Frindle by making predictions, having discussion, and completing the chapter one student packet pages
DAY TWO: Beginning with review, students will recall the events, plot, and characters from chapter one. Following, they will read chapter two in discussion
groups, highlighting key points and then tackling overall comprehension questions following.

DAY THREE: Starting first with a review of yesterday’s chapter reading and discussion, students will recall important plot points, characters, and connections
made. After this, students will participate in guided reading of chapter three followed by discussion, character evaluation, vocab, and summary comprehension. To
wrap up, students will complete a comprehension check of the past three chapters that will be tracked, not graded to monitor chapter recall and understanding.

DAY FOUR: To begin, the class together will review and recall key points, characters, and predictions made from chapter three before moving into character
discussion groups. In groups, the students will read chapters four and five together while discussing comprehension questions in the chapter followed by discussing
the chapter as a whole afterwards and working on summarizing and vocabulary building

DAY FIVE: Beginning with review of chapter five, students will work to recall key plot points, ideas, and characters from the chapter before moving onto reading
chapter six as a whole class. During and after the reading of chapter six, students will engage in discussion to deepen comprehension followed by the completion of
summary and vocab about the chapter. Having to recall key plot points from chapters four through six, students will work on a comprehension check for those

DAY SIX: Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter six and then move onto reading chapters seven and eight in discussion groups and engaging in
comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read and vocab
learned in that chapter.

DAY SEVEN: Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapters seven and eight and then move onto reading chapters nine and ten in discussion groups
and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just
read and vocab learned in that chapter. Following reading and work in packets, students will be introduced to a press release project that they will complete over the
next two days.

DAY EIGHT: Students will engage in a review of the project as introduced yesterday and then meet with their assigned groups and begin working on a press
release of their choice. Students will self-record and self-monitor their progress on the project at the end of the period by using a game plan made before they began.

DAY NINE: At the conclusion of class, the students will have completed their press release projects, making sure that they have tied in elements appropriate to
the novel and its setting and characters.


DAY TEN: Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter ten and then move onto reading chapters eleven and twelve in discussion groups and
engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read
and vocab learned in that chapter.

DAY ELEVEN: Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapters eleven and twelve and then move onto reading chapters thirteen in discussion groups
and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just
read and vocab learned in that chapter

DAY TWELVE: Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter thirteen and then move onto reading chapter fourteen in discussion groups and
engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read
and vocab learned in that chapter.

DAY THIRTEEN: Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter fourteen and then move onto reading chapter fifteen in discussion groups and
engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read
and vocab learned in that chapter.

DAY FOURTEEN: Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter fifteen and then move onto a summary quiz on Kahoot. Following the game,
students will tie up all loose ends on their student packets, using their book to complete any missing parts before turning in

DAY FIFTEEN: As an end of unit wrap-up, students will engage in a gallery walk of all of their classes press release projects. As students go around, they will
leave sticky notes of positive critique on each project they visit.




- BEFORE: Introduce Frindle, students make predictions - BEFORE: Review key points from chapters six - BEFORE: Review chapters eleven and twelve
- Read chapter one together as a class - Read chapters seven & eight together in character - Read chapter thirteen together in character discussion
discussion groups groups
- DURING: Comprehension questions on pg. 3
- DURING: Comprehension questions on pgs. 40 , 43, 45, - DURING: Discussion questions on pg. 87
- AFTER: Discuss chapter one and assigned character in
and 47
character groups - AFTER: Discuss chapter thirteen and assigned character in
- AFTER: Discuss chapters seven and eight and assigned character groups
- Student packet pages (Summary, Vocab)
character in character discussion groups
- Have character discussion groups brainstorm their new
- Teacher begins Mrs. Granger Word Wall
- Have character groups brainstorm their new word for the word for the day
- Student packet (Summary, Vocab)
- Student packet pages (Summary, Vocab)
- BEFORE: Review key points from chapter one - BEFORE: Review chapters seven and eight - BEFORE: Review key points from chapter thirteen
- Read chapter two together in character discussion groups - Read chapters nine & ten together as a class - Read chapter fourteen together in character discussion
- DURING: Comprehension questions on pgs. 51, 55, 63
- DURING: Comprehension questions on pgs. 9, 10, and 11 and 65 - DURING: Comprehension questions on pg. 92
- AFTER: Discuss chapter two and assigned character in - AFTER: Discuss chapter ten and assigned character in - AFTER: Discuss chapter fourteen and assigned character
character groups character discussion groups in character groups
- Student packet pages (Summary, Vocab) - Student packet (Summary, Vocab) - Have character discussion groups brainstorm their new
word for the day
- Teacher adds to the Mrs. Granger word wall - Chapters 7-9 Comprehension Check
- Student packet (Summary, Vocab)
- Have discussion groups brainstorm their new word for
the day
- Introduce and begin press release project
- BEFORE: Review key points from chapter two - BEFORE: Review press release project with students - BEFORE: Review key points from chapter fourteen
- Read chapter three together as a class - DURING: Monitor progress as students work - Read chapter fifteen together as a class
- DURING: Comprehension questions on pg. 13 - AFTER: Students continue - DURING: Comprehension questions on pg., 96 and 98
- AFTER: Discuss chapters three and assigned character in - Continue work on press release project - AFTER: Discuss chapter fifteen and assigned character in
character discussion groups character discussion groups
- Student packet pages (Summary, Vocab) - Have character discussion groups brainstorm their new
word for the day
- Chapters 1-3 Comprehension Check
- Teacher adds to the Mrs. Granger word wall - Student packet (Summary, Vocab)

- Chapter 13-15 Comprehension Check

- BEFORE: Review key points from chapter three - BEFORE: Check up on students’ progress on press release - BEFORE: Review chapter fifteen
- Read chapters four and five together in character - DURING: Summary Quiz (Kahoot)
discussion groups - DURING: Students work on press release project
- AFTER: Review results, finish up loose ends on packets
- DURING: Comprehension questions on pgs. 18, 21, 23 and - AFTER: Students turn in press release projects and turn in
- Have character discussion groups brainstorm their new
- AFTER: Discuss chapters four and five and assigned word for the day
character in character groups
- Student packet pages (Summary, Vocab)
- Teacher adds to the Mrs. Granger word wall
- BEFORE: Review key points from chapters four and five - BEFORE: Review chapter ten - BEFORE: Explain how the gallery walk will work
- Read chapter six - Read chapters eleven and twelve and assigned character - DURING: Students do a gallery walk of their classmates
in character discussion groups press release projects
- DURING: Comprehension questions on pgs. 36 and 38
- DURING: Discussion questions on pg. 71, 78, and 83 - AFTER: Students talk about some of their favorite projects
- AFTER: Discuss chapters six and assigned character in
character discussion groups - AFTER: Discuss chapters eleven and twelve and assigned that they saw
- Student packet pages (Summary, Vocab) character in character groups
- Give students their own class dictionary full of the words
- Chapters 4-6 Comprehension Check - Have discussion groups brainstorm their new word for they created during the unit
the day
- Introduce the Mrs. Granger bulletin board and have
character groups brainstorm their new word for the day - Student packet pages (Summary, Vocab)

- Introduce “Frindle Time” -Chapters 10-12 Comprehension Check


Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.5.J
Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
With class discussion and sharing of ideas, students will converse and make predictions about the book followed by
reading the first chapter with discussion during and after.
Anticipatory Set
a. Begin by writing the word frindle on the board. Then, ask students if they have ever heard the word before
and/or what they think it could mean
b. Put up the word pogor on the board. Ask students what the two words have in common
a. Answers should follow the lines of the fact that they are both nonsense words
Guided Practice
c. Pass out student folder with their individual copies of book inside. Ask students to look at the front cover only
and make predictions on the prediction sheet in their packet.
d. Using the Beginning/Middle/End chart, display them on the front board and have the students take some ideas
from their prediction sheets in their packet and give examples to fill in the chart as a class
e. Invite students over to the carpet with their copies of the book as well. Together, the teacher will read, and
students will follow along
a. On page three, discuss with students how they think their teacher/principal would react if they created
a beach in the classroom. Have student explain why they think that reaction would occur
f. After reading is finished, ask for student thoughts about the chapter and have them make predictions about
future chapters
Independent Practice
g. Break students into their five discussion groups with four students to a group
a. NICK GROUP: located on the carpet d. JUDY MORGAN GROUP: located at the desks in the
b. MRS. GRANGER GROUP: located at the kidney bean front of the room
table e. BUD LAWRENCE GROUP: located at the desks in the
c. MRS. CHATHAM GROUP: located at the back table back of the room

h. Explain the concept of character groups

a. The groups also serve as discussion groups
b. You will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
c. After your group has talked about the discussion questions, each group is assigned a character according
to the color of their folder
d. If your group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some
notes in your character packet
e. If your character has not been brought up yet, they will be brought up in the next few days as we read
f. When your group finishes discussing your character OR if your character has not been brought up yet,
move onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as
well on the vocab sheet.
g. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)
h. As students complete their packet, add the word discussed earlier (pogor) to the Mrs. Granger bulletin


Guided Practice
i. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
j. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class
k. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin

Monitor students during character groups

Encourage discussion during review with comments such as “Who can add onto that?” “Would anyone like to take their
answer further?” “Was anyone thinking the same? How about differently?”

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), scribe sheets, student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

a. Was the student’s interest in the book developed early on? By having discussion both during and after the
chapter reading, did it allow for the students to gain a deeper comprehension of the chapter and its elements?
b. Did I spark the students interest in the anticipatory set? Did I get them excited enough about the book as a
whole? When in discussion groups, did I spend an even amount of time with each group?


Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

Beginning with review, students will recall the events, plot, and characters from chapter one. Following, they will read
chapter two in discussion groups, highlighting key points and then tackling overall comprehension questions following.
Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter one with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Independent Practice:
c. Break students up into their designated character groups
d. Instruct students to read chapter two in character groups
a. Each student will read a page. When they finish reading their page, the person to their right will read the
next page and so on and so forth
b. Place in-text discussion questions up on the board (with the slideshow). Explain to students that as they
finish each page with a discussion question pertaining to it to stop before moving onto the next and
discuss it as a group.
e. Have students begin reading chapter two in their discussion groups. Monitor groups and discussions by
circulating the room

Independent Practice 2:
f. As groups finish up, have students transition into post-reading discussion
a. Groups will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
b. After each group has talked about the discussion questions, each group is assigned a character according
to the color of their folder (displayed on the board)
c. If your group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some
notes in your character packet
d. If your character has not been brought up yet, they will be brought up in the next few days as we read
e. When your group finishes discussing your character OR if your character has not been brought up yet,
move onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as
well on the vocab sheet.
f. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)
g. As students complete their packet, add the new word (jafid) to the Mrs. Granger bulletin board.
Guided Practice:
g. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
h. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class
i. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom


 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
As students are reading together in discussion groups, monitor the reading, sit in on a few groups and add to the
conversation that students have on pages 9 and 11

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packets, point out shareable answers from group and let
them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

*Use this especially with students that are typically more hesitant to share*

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

a. Were the students more or less engaged in the reading during small groups versus whole group reading? Was
there too much time spent in groups today or did the students prefer to work with their peers? Were there any
groups that don’t seem to be working out? How can this be fixed without altering the organization of groups?
b. By monitoring the discussions of students, were you able to expand on or help the students expand on what
they were saying. Did the activities and discussion questions provided help students gain more comprehension
of the chapter versus if they just read it themselves?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K Standard - CC.1.2.4.C
Standard - CC.1.2.4.A Standard - CC.1.2.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B Standard - CC.1.2.5.J

Starting first with a review of yesterday’s chapter reading and discussion, students will recall important plot points,
characters, and connections made. After this, students will participate in guided reading of chapter three followed by
discussion, character evaluation, vocab, and summary comprehension. To wrap up, students will complete a
comprehension check of the past three chapters that will count for ten points while also monitor understanding of past
chapters read.

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter two with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Guided Practice
c. Invite students over to the carpet with their copies of the book as well. Together, the teacher will read, and
students will follow along
a. On page 13, ask students about some typical feelings and emotions they have on the first day of school.
Ask if they share some of the same feelings the Nick is described to have.

Independent Practice
d. After reading, instruct students to head into the character discussion groups
e. First, students will discuss the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
f. After this, if their character was mentioned in the chapter read, they will fill in more information on their
character charts
g. When done with their character charts, they are to work on the summary and vocab sheets for the chapters
read during that class session
h. Students can work alone or in groups
i. Monitor group discussion by circulating the classroom and popping in on groups
j. As students are working, add the new word (dren) to the Mrs. Granger Word Wall

Guided Practice
k. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
l. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class
Independent Practice
m. Brief students to the Comprehension Checks that will soon be passed out
a. First, have students pack up their packets and books and return them to the ELA bin at the front of the
room. Then, discuss the Comprehension Checks
b. Comprehension Checks are not something to stress over! Their main goal is to see what the students
know and how much, not how well they can recall information from the previous chapters. They only
count for 10 points in total, meaning each question is only worth one point.
n. Hand out Comprehension Checks to students and instruct them to begin



o. As students finish up their Comprehension Checks, have them turn them over on their desks and go around and
collect them
p. When a student is completed with their Comprehension Check, they may free read

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
 Comprehension Checks
 Free read books

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packet pages, point out shareable answers from group and
let them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

*Use this especially with students that are typically more hesitant to share*

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz
a. Was there a difference in comprehension of chapters between group reading days and guided reading days? Do
the students have a preference? Are the discussion questions thought-provoking enough to get the students to
think about the chapter on a deeper level? Did explaining the Comprehension Checks before handing them out
decrease student anxiety about the formative assessment?
b. Was the review well structured that the students were able to recall key points and topics from the previous
chapter? When reading aloud, did I keep the students engaged? How can I better monitor that students are truly
following along with guided reading?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

To begin, the class together will review and recall key points, characters, and predictions made from chapter three
before moving into character discussion groups. In groups, the students will read chapters four and five together while
discussing comprehension questions in the chapter followed by discussing the chapter as a whole afterwards and
working on summarizing and vocabulary building

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter three with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Independent Practice:
c. Break students up into their designated character groups
d. Instruct students to read chapters four and five in character groups
a. Each student will read a page. When they finish reading their page, the person to their right will read the
next page and so on and so forth
b. Place in-text discussion questions up on the board (with the slideshow). Explain to students that as they
finish each page with a discussion question pertaining to it to stop before moving onto the next and
discuss it as a group.
e. Have students begin reading chapters four and five in their discussion groups. Monitor groups and discussions
by circulating the room

Independent Practice 2:
f. As groups finish up, have students transition into post-reading discussion
a. Groups will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
b. Once finished talking about the Daily Discussion Questions, groups will move onto character analysis. If a
group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some notes in
your character packet
c. When a group finishes discussing your character OR if their character has not been brought up yet, move
onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as well on
the vocab sheet.
d. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)
e. As students complete their packet, add the new word (spith) to the Mrs. Granger bulletin board.
Guided Practice:
g. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
h. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class


i. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin

As students are reading together in discussion groups, monitor the reading, sit in on a few groups and add to the
conversation that students have on pages 18, 21, 23, and 25

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packets, point out shareable answers from group and let
them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

*Use this especially with students that are typically more hesitant to share*

As students work on summary and vocab sheets, do the same as above and inform students who have great answers
that you are going to call on them to share out when going over as a class

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

a. How was the students recall of chapter three? How well did students do with reading two chapters versus the
regular one chapter per day. How well are the students doing with the vocabulary in each text? Were there too
many in-text discussion questions?
b. By monitoring the discussions of students, were you able to expand on or help the students expand on what
they were saying. Would it have been beneficial to also review the in-text comprehension questions or was
there enough monitoring to evaluate progress and comprehension?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.2.4.A
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.C Standard
- CC.1.2.5.E Standard -

Beginning with review of chapter five, students will work to recall key plot points, ideas, and characters from the chapter
before moving onto reading chapter six as a whole class. During and after the reading of chapter six, students will
engage in discussion to deepen comprehension followed by the completion of summary and vocab about the chapter.
Having to recall key plot points from chapters four through six, students will work on a comprehension check for those

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapters four and five with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why,

Guided Practice
c. Invite students over to the carpet with their copies of the book as well. Together, the teacher will read chapter
six and students will follow along
a. On page 36, ask and discuss with the students if they have ever created a made-up word and used it
b. On page 38, ask students if they would sign the loyalty oath and why or why not
d. After reading, introduce the concept of “Frindle Friday”
a. Explain how each day as the students have been working, you have added a new word to the bulletin
board in the room
b. This board is the Mrs. Granger’s Word Wall and starting today each group will come up with one new
word on the “Create-your-own Word” sheet per day and have it added to the word wall
c. Each Friday, like today, we will be able to use our new words in the classroom during ELA time. Students
should be encouraged to use them as often as possible and be creative and try to fit it into as much of
the discussion as they can
d. Go over each of the words already added onto the board and what they mean before sending student to
break out into their discussion groups

Independent Practice
e. Break students into discussion groups
f. First, students will discuss the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board via the slideshow
g. After this, if their character was mentioned in the chapter read, they will fill in more information on their
character charts


h. When done with their character charts, they are to work on the summary and vocab sheets for the chapters
read during that class session

i. Students can work alone or in groups
j. Monitor group discussion by circulating the classroom and popping in on groups
k. As groups finish, give a “Create-your-own Word” sheet to the group for them to work on
l. As students are working, add the new word (mopple) to the Mrs. Granger Word Wall

Guided Practice
m. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
n. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class
Independent Practice
o. Brief students to the Comprehension Checks that will soon be passed out
a. First, have students pack up their packets and books and return them to the ELA bin at the front of the
room. Then, discuss the Comprehension Checks
b. Comprehension Checks are not something to stress over! Their main goal is to see what the students
know and how much, not how well they can recall information from the previous chapters. They only
count for 10 points in total, meaning each question is only worth one point.
p. Hand out Comprehension Checks for chapters 4-6 to students and instruct them to begin

q. As students finish up their Comprehension Checks, have them turn them over on their desks and go around and
collect them
r. When a student is completed with their Comprehension Check, they may free read

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 “Create-your-own Word” Worksheet
 ELA Bin
 Comprehension Checks
 Free read books

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packet pages, point out shareable answers from group and
let them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

*Use this especially with students that are typically more hesitant to share*


During the Comprehension Checks, walk around and be available to answer questions. Do not directly give students the
answer, but rather work with them to recall the information regarding the topic as best as they can and seeing if they
can pull out any more information that way

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading) , student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz
c. How did the students react and respond to the first “Create-your-own Word” activity? Do the students seem to
prefer one style of reading (whole group v. discussion group) over the other? How can further lessons be
adapted to reflect this change? How did the students preform on this Comprehension Check versus the first one
for chapters 1-3?
d. Was my explanation of the Mrs. Granger Word Wall clear enough? How did the students respond to the first
Frindle Friday? Were they able to use some of the words they came up with that day in their discussions and
casual conversations during class? How well were the students prepared for the Comprehension Check?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter six and then move onto reading chapters seven and eight in
discussion groups and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will
complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read and vocab learned in that chapter.

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter six with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Independent Practice:
c. Break students up into their designated character groups
d. Instruct students to read chapters seven and eight in character groups
a. Each student will read a page. When they finish reading their page, the person to their right will read the
next page and so on and so forth
b. Place in-text discussion questions up on the board (with the slideshow). Explain to students that as they
finish each page with a discussion question pertaining to it to stop before moving onto the next and
discuss it as a group.
e. Have students begin reading chapters seven and eight in their discussion groups. Monitor groups and
discussions by circulating the room

Independent Practice 2:
f. As groups finish up, have students transition into post-reading discussion
a. Groups will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
b. Once finished talking about the Daily Discussion Questions, groups will move onto character analysis. If a
group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some notes in
your character packet
c. When a group finishes discussing your character OR if their character has not been brought up yet, move
onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as well on
the vocab sheet.
d. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)


e. As groups finish, pass out todays “Create-your-own Word” sheet
Guided Practice:
g. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
h. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class

i. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
 “Create-your-own Word” worksheets

As students are reading together in discussion groups, monitor the reading, sit in on a few groups and add to the
conversation that students have on pages 40, 43, 45, and 47

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packets, point out shareable answers from group and let
them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

As students work on summary and vocab sheets, do the same as above and inform students who have shareable or
noteworthy answers that you are going to call on them to share out when going over as a class

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

c. How well were the students able to recall chapter six after the weekend? Did they need more review because of
the time off or were they unaffected? Was the number of in-text discussion questions too many for the small
group setting? Would it have been better off done as a whole class read?
d. There were a lot of in-text discussion questions this time around; how well were you able to deepen the groups’
knowledge and understanding of each question as it relates to the book? What kinds of words are the students
creating each day and how could they be used further during the unit?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.2.4.A
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.C Standard
- CC.1.2.5.E Standard -

Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapters seven and eight and then move onto reading chapters nine
and ten in discussion groups and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following,
students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read and vocab learned in that chapter.
Following reading and work in packets, students will be introduced to a press release project that they will complete
over the next two days.

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapters seven and eight with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when,
why, how)

Guided Practice
c. Invite students over to the carpet with their copies of the book as well. Together, the teacher will read chapter
six and students will follow along
a. On page 51, ask students to picture themselves in Nick’s shoes when Mrs. Chatham came to visit his
house. Then, have students explain how they would be feeling in that moment.
b. On page 55, have students make a text-to-self connection with this question: Clearly Nick’s mom and
dad have different opinions on the whole “frindle” situation. If you were Nick’s mom/dad, what would
you do?
c. On page 63, have students think about the “tall boy with reddish-brown hair and glasses.” Ask students
why they think the boy says Nick probably would not want to talk to the reporter?
d. On page 65, ask students who they think sent the package to Judy Morgan?

Independent Practice
d. Break students into discussion groups
e. First, students will discuss the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board via the slideshow
f. After this, if their character was mentioned in the chapter read, they will fill in more information on their
character charts
g. When done with their character charts, they are to work on the summary and vocab sheets for the chapters
read during that class session
h. Students can work alone or in groups
i. Monitor group discussion by circulating the classroom and popping in on groups
j. As groups finish, give a “Create-your-own Word” sheet to the group for them to work on

Guided Practice:
k. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
l. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class
Independent Practice:
m. Brief students to the Comprehension Checks for chapters 7-9 that will soon be passed out
a. First, have students pack up their packets and books and return them to the ELA bin at the front of the
room. Then, discuss the Comprehension Checks
b. Comprehension Checks are not something to stress over! Their main goal is to see what the students
know and how much, not how well they can recall information from the previous chapters. They only
count for 10 points in total, meaning each question is only worth one point.
n. Hand out Comprehension Checks for chapters 7-9 to students and instruct them to begin
o. As students finish up their Comprehension Checks, have them turn them over on their desks and go around and
collect them
p. When a student is completed with their Comprehension Check, they may free read
q. When all students have finished, draw their attention to the front board as you begin to explain the press
release project
a. In the book, Nick’s new word of “frindle” seems to be gaining a lot of popularity. With Judy Morgan now
involved, it seems like “frindle” might just make the headlines. Picture yourself as a news reporter in
Nick’s town who is looking to make a press release about the new word. You can write a newspaper
article, record a news cast like you see on TV, or even record it like you’re on a local radio station
reporting on it.
b. Students may work by themselves or in groups of up to three
c. Give a brief intro into platforms that students may use for this project (Canva, Vimeo, VoiceThread)
r. Hand out half sheets of paper to students and have them write down
a. Which type of press release they would want to do
b. If they want to work in a group or if they’d rather work alone
i. If they want to work in a group, write down 1-2 names of people that you would want to work
s. Have students turn in their half sheets of paper as an exit slip before the day ends

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 “Create-your-own Word” Worksheet
 ELA Bin
 Comprehension Checks
 Free read books
 Half sheets of paper



When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packet pages, point out shareable answers from group and
let them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

*Use this especially with students that are typically more hesitant to share*

During the Comprehension Checks, walk around and be available to answer questions. Do not directly give students the
answer, but rather work with them to recall the information regarding the topic as best as they can and seeing if they
can pull out any more information that way

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading) , student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

e. How did the students react and respond to the first “Create-your-own Word” activity? Do the students seem to
prefer one style of reading (whole group v. discussion group) over the other? How can further lessons be
adapted to reflect this change? How did the students preform on this Comprehension Check versus the first one
for chapters 1-3?
f. Was my explanation of the Mrs. Granger Word Wall clear enough? How did the students respond to the first
Frindle Friday? Were they able to use some of the words they came up with that day in their discussions and
casual conversations during class? How well were the students prepared for the Comprehension Check?



Standard - CC.1.2.4.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C
Standard - CC.1.3.5.A

Students will engage in a review of the project as introduced yesterday and then meet with their assigned groups and
begin working on a press release of their choice. Students will self-record and self-monitor their progress on the project
at the end of the period by using a game plan made before they began.

Anticipatory Set:
a. As students come in, instruct them to come and grab their folders with their books from the front table
b. On the board, display the groups and individual groups made from the exit slips students turned in yesterday
a. There may be groups made that were in between projects, so when they get together, meet with them
and help them discuss which project they would like to do
c. Display the sites recommended for students to use and have them make an account with the according website
by using their school email and password
d. Take a few moments for students to ask any questions that they may have regarding the project
e. Before students break off into groups or individual workspaces, suggest that they may want to make a game
plan for how they plan to tackle the project for the next two days (display a sample on the board)

Independent Practice:
f. Break students into groups and pass out the rubrics for the students to use as a guide as they work
g. Students will work on the press release projects for the whole class time
h. At the end of the class period, have students put checks next to steps on their game plan that they completed
that day and turn it in as an exit slip. Use this to see how much progress groups have made in the first day and if
extra time needs to be given or if students are on track to completing the project tomorrow

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides

As groups are working, make sure you are circulating the room monitoring progress and helping out groups and giving
them ideas
Make sure groups are staying on task


If groups seem to be needing more time, adjust class time tomorrow and even go into day ten if needed

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading) , student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

i. How are students progressing with the project? Are the platforms to which they are using working well? How
are students working in groups? How are the students working by themselves progressing? Does it look like
students will finish early or need more time?
j. How can the project and time allotted to do it be altered based on the first day progress reports? Did the groups
made by the teacher seem to be working well together? Which kind of press release was most chosen?



Standard - CC.1.2.4.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C
Standard - CC.1.3.5.A

At the conclusion of class, the students will have completed their press release projects, making sure that they have tied
in elements appropriate to the novel and its setting and characters.

Anticipatory Set:
a. As students come in, instruct them to come and grab their folders with their books from the front table and
immediately break into groups or head to their individual work spaces

Independent Practice:
b. Students will work on the press release projects for the whole class time
c. Have a white sheet hanging over the word wall for those recording a news report for a clean background with a
table with a laptop on it able to record footage
d. As students work, walk around and monitor their progress throughout the class period
a. For groups or individuals that look like they will be needing more time to finish, have them come in
during lunch/recess or come in early tomorrow to finish

e. At the end of the class period, make sure that students have turned in links to their project on Google
Classroom/Microsoft Teams

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides

Continuously monitor students progress as they work on their projects
If students need more time, work with them to find a time in which they can get together to finish it (lunch, recess,
before class tomorrow…)


Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading) , student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

a. How did students seem to like the project? How did the rate of progress differ from those working alone to those
working in groups? What percentage of the class needed more time to finish? What percentage of the class finished on
b. How could this project be altered in the future based on the feedback of students?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter ten and then move onto reading chapters eleven and twelve in
discussion groups and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will
complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read and vocab learned in that chapter.

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter ten with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)
c. Remind students that it’s Frindle Friday

Independent Practice:
d. Break students up into their designated character groups
e. Instruct students to read chapters seven and eight in character groups
a. Each student will read a page. When they finish reading their page, the person to their right will read the
next page and so on and so forth
b. Place in-text discussion questions up on the board (with the slideshow). Explain to students that as they
finish each page with a discussion question pertaining to it to stop before moving onto the next and
discuss it as a group.
f. Have students begin reading chapters eleven and twelve in their discussion groups. Monitor groups and
discussions by circulating the room

Independent Practice 2:
g. As groups finish up, have students transition into post-reading discussion
a. Groups will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
b. Once finished talking about the Daily Discussion Questions, groups will move onto character analysis. If a
group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some notes in
your character packet
c. When a group finishes discussing your character OR if their character has not been brought up yet, move
onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as well on
the vocab sheet.
d. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)
e. As groups finish, pass out todays “Create-your-own Word” sheet


Guided Practice:
h. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
i. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class
Independent Practice
j. Brief students to the Comprehension Checks that will soon be passed out
a. First, have students pack up their packets and books and return them to the ELA bin at the front of the
room. Then, discuss the Comprehension Checks
b. Comprehension Checks are not something to stress over! Their main goal is to see what the students
know and how much, not how well they can recall information from the previous chapters. They only
count for 10 points in total, meaning each question is only worth one point.
k. Hand out Comprehension Checks for chapters 4-6 to students and instruct them to begin

l. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
 “Create-your-own Word” worksheets

As students are reading together in discussion groups, monitor the reading, sit in on a few groups and add to the
conversation that students have on pages 71, 77, 83

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packets, point out shareable answers from group and let
them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

As students work on summary and vocab sheets, do the same as above and inform students who have shareable or
noteworthy answers that you are going to call on them to share out when going over as a class

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz


a. How well were students able to recall chapter ten after not reading for a couple of days? Do the results from the
comprehension checks show that chapter ten may need to be reviewed more? How are students progressing on the
student packets? How are the character charts going in the different groups?
b. Was there adequate monitoring of discussion both during and after reading? Should chapter ten have been reviewed
more before the Comprehension Check or was the review at the start of class enough?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapters eleven and twelve and then move onto reading chapters
thirteen in discussion groups and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following,
students will complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read and vocab learned in that chapter.

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapters eleven and twelve with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when,
why, how)

Independent Practice:
c. Break students up into their designated character groups
d. Instruct students to read chapter eleven in character groups
a. Each student will read a page. When they finish reading their page, the person to their right will read the
next page and so on and so forth
b. Place in-text discussion questions up on the board (with the slideshow). Explain to students that as they
finish each page with a discussion question pertaining to it to stop before moving onto the next and
discuss it as a group.
e. Have students begin reading chapters seven and eight in their discussion groups. Monitor groups and
discussions by circulating the room
Independent Practice 2:
f. As groups finish up, have students transition into post-reading discussion
a. Groups will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
b. Once finished talking about the Daily Discussion Questions, groups will move onto character analysis. If a
group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some notes in
your character packet
c. When a group finishes discussing your character OR if their character has not been brought up yet, move
onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as well on
the vocab sheet.
d. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)
e. As groups finish, pass out todays “Create-your-own Word” sheet


Guided Practice:
g. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
h. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class
i. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom
 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
 “Create-your-own Word” worksheets

As students are reading together in discussion groups, monitor the reading, sit in on a few groups and add to the
conversation that students have on pages 87

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packets, point out shareable answers from group and let
them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

As students work on summary and vocab sheets, do the same as above and inform students who have shareable or
noteworthy answers that you are going to call on them to share out when going over as a class

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

a. How did students do in recall of chapters eleven and twelve after the weekend? How are the character groups
doing in developing a comprehensive summary of their assigned character on their worksheet? Since we are
almost at the end of the book, how well do you think the students can recall information from the earlier
chapters? How could you assess this before the end of unit quiz?
b. Since students have mainly transitioned to reading in discussion groups for the rest of the book, does it seem to
be working well? Are there some students that you think benefited more from the whole group reading? What
is a way you could encompass elements of both whole group reading and discussion group reading into the rest
of the chapters?



Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter thirteen and then move onto reading chapter fourteen in
discussion groups and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will
complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read and vocab learned in that chapter.

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter thirteen with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Independent Practice:
c. Break students up into their designated character groups
d. Instruct students to read chapter fourteen in character groups
a. Each student will read a page. When they finish reading their page, the person to their right will read the
next page and so on and so forth
b. Place in-text discussion questions up on the board (with the slideshow). Explain to students that as they
finish each page with a discussion question pertaining to it to stop before moving onto the next and
discuss it as a group.
e. Have students begin reading chapters seven and eight in their discussion groups. Monitor groups and
discussions by circulating the room

Independent Practice 2:
f. As groups finish up, have students transition into post-reading discussion
a. Groups will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
b. Once finished talking about the Daily Discussion Questions, groups will move onto character analysis. If a
group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some notes in
your character packet
c. When a group finishes discussing your character OR if their character has not been brought up yet, move
onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as well on
the vocab sheet.
d. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)
e. As groups finish, pass out todays “Create-your-own Word” sheet
Guided Practice:
g. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
h. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class


i. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
 “Create-your-own Word” worksheets

As students are reading together in discussion groups, monitor the reading, sit in on a few groups and add to the
conversation that students have on page 87

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packets, point out shareable answers from group and let
them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

As students work on summary and vocab sheets, do the same as above and inform students who have shareable or
noteworthy answers that you are going to call on them to share out when going over as a class

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

c. The last few chapters are longer than some of the previous ones; how are students handling this? Do they seem
to be able to comprehend the same amount or do these last few chapters need more review and analysis?
d. Since students have mainly transitioned to reading in discussion groups for the rest of the book, does it seem to
be working well? Are there some students that you think benefited more from the whole group reading? What
is a way you could encompass elements of both whole group reading and discussion group reading into the rest
of the chapters?

Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter fourteen and then move onto reading chapter fifteen in
discussion groups and engaging in comprehension questions both during and after reading. Following, students will
complete a student packet involving a summary of the chapter just read and vocab learned in that chapter.

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter fourteen with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Independent Practice:
c. Break students up into their designated character groups
d. Instruct students to read chapter fifteen in character groups
a. Each student will read a page. When they finish reading their page, the person to their right will read the
next page and so on and so forth
b. Place in-text discussion questions up on the board (with the slideshow). Explain to students that as they
finish each page with a discussion question pertaining to it to stop before moving onto the next and
discuss it as a group.
e. Have students begin reading chapter fifteen in their discussion groups. Monitor groups and discussions by
circulating the room

Independent Practice 2:
f. As groups finish up, have students transition into post-reading discussion
a. Groups will first talk about the Daily Discussion questions displayed on the board
b. Once finished talking about the Daily Discussion Questions, groups will move onto character analysis. If a
group’s character was introduced or part of the chapter read today in class, take down some notes in
your character packet
c. When a group finishes discussing your character OR if their character has not been brought up yet, move
onto the chapter we read in class’ summary sheet and fill in the vocab that was in the chapter as well on
the vocab sheet.
d. You may work alone or with another member from your group (groups of three are acceptable if only
one student in the group wants to work alone and the other three want to work with another)
e. As groups finish, pass out todays “Create-your-own Word” sheet
Guided Practice:
g. Bring the class back together and discuss the Daily Discussion questions
h. After this, display the summary and vocab sheets that each group worked on and go over them as a class


i. To pack up, have students place their student packet and book in their folder and then to place the folder in the
ELA bin at the front of the classroom

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
 “Create-your-own Word” worksheets

As students are reading together in discussion groups, monitor the reading, sit in on a few groups and add to the
conversation that students have on page 87

When monitoring discussion groups and going over student packets, point out shareable answers from group and let
them know that you are going to call on them to share during the whole-class discussion

As students work on summary and vocab sheets, do the same as above and inform students who have shareable or
noteworthy answers that you are going to call on them to share out when going over as a class

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

e. The last few chapters are longer than some of the previous ones; how are students handling this? Do they seem
to be able to comprehend the same amount or do these last few chapters need more review and analysis?
f. Since students have mainly transitioned to reading in discussion groups for the rest of the book, does it seem to
be working well? Are there some students that you think benefited more from the whole group reading? What
is a way you could encompass elements of both whole group reading and discussion group reading into the rest
of the chapters?

Standard - CC.1.3.5.K
Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.2.5.B
Standard - CC.1.2.4.J
Standard - CC.1.2.5.C

Students will begin by reviewing key points from chapter fifteen and then move onto a summary quiz on Kahoot.
Following the game, students will tie up all loose ends on their student packets, using their book to complete any
missing parts before turning in

Anticipatory Set:
a. Prior to students coming in, place their unit folders with their books in them on their desks
b. Begin by reviewing chapter fifteen with the questions on the slideshow (who, what, where, when, why, how)

Guided Practice:
c. Have students grab a Chromebook and sign onto
d. Have students use their real names so that you can assess the data later on responses
e. Begin the game
f. For answers that do not have at least 80% of the correct answer chosen, review the question all together

Independent Practice/Closure:
g. After the game is finished, have students flip through their student packets and tie up any loose ends
h. When the packet has been checked by the student, have them turn both their book and folder into the front of
the classroom at the ELA bin
i. Have groups meet once more to come up with their new word for the day

 Class set of Frindle
 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Chromebooks
 Student packets
 Student folders
 ELA Bin
 “Create-your-own Word” worksheets


Make sure the time limit on each question is 0:60 seconds or more so that students have adequate time to read the
question and think about it before solving it

Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

a. How did the students perform on the review Kahoot? On average, how much more did the students have to do
in their packets to complete it
b. Was the Kahoot structured and phrased in a way that all students could understand it?



Standard - CC.1.1.5.E
Standard - CC.1.3.5.K

As an end of unit wrap-up, students will engage in a gallery walk of all of their classes press release projects. As students
go around, they will leave sticky notes of positive critique on each project they visit.

Anticipatory Set:
a. As students come in, have them get together with their groups and pull up their projects on one laptop per
group or individual
b. Explain the gallery walk that the students will be doing in class today
a. Today, students will be presenting their press release projects that they made in the week before. Each
group has pulled up their project on one laptop per group. Each group/individual will get up from their
current spot in the room and move one laptop to the right. Depending on which project the group did
you will either watch, listen to, or read their press release. The timer on the front board will start at
three minutes when everyone gets to their first laptop and when it goes off, move to the next laptop
until you have returned back to your laptop.
b. Each student will get a total of 5-10 sticky notes that they can use to put a positive comment on each
project that they view

Guided Practice:
c. Students will go through the gallery walk for about 30 minutes or so
d. When there has been one full rotation, have students return to and settle back at their desks and read some of
the sticky notes that they got
e. Ask for volunteers to share some of their favorite projects that they saw

f. Wrap up the day by passing out a class dictionary filled with all of the new words that they created as a class

 Promethean board
 Daily slides
 Chromebooks
 Sticky notes



Predictions, discussion questions (both during and after reading), student packet

Chapter Comprehension Checks, Press Release project, end of unit quiz

a. Did the students enjoy the gallery walk? Was all technology functional? Were only positive comments left on
their peers project?
b. How well did I manage behavior during the gallery walk?



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