Number The Stars: By: Lois Lowry 15 Day Unit Plan By: Morgan Prouty

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Number the Stars

By: Lois Lowry

15 Day Unit Plan

By: Morgan Prouty

Types of reading:
 Independent reading (during class or homework)
 Whole group reading
WWII History Packet
 Each student will receive a World War II history packet that they will fill out through the
teacher’s guidance and instruction.
 Students will add more information to the packet as the teacher instructs them more
throughout the unit.
 At the end of the packet there is a space for the students to add their own thoughts and
reflections on WWII history. They will work on this on day 9. They can also work on this if they
finish their reading early or on their own time.
 At the beginning of each week the whole class will be discussing the vocabulary that will be
covered in that week’s reading.
 Once the students see the reading in the text, the whole class will discuss how the word is being
used in the text.
 Students will learn how to predict what will happen next in the story based off context clues.
Story bag
 At the end of the unit, the students will gather items from home that represent and retell the
 The students will also place a valued item in this bag so they can experience the feeling of
struggle and loss.
 The students will share with their peers how these items relate to the story.
Major Themes
 WWII history – overview of what happened and the impact of the holocaust
 Theme of darkness and light – illustrate to the students the theme of sadness and hope through
the book by changing the lighting in the classroom
 Imagery – through classroom instruction and draw what you see assessment
 Understanding of struggle and loss – through classroom discussion and taking away of valued
 What it means to be brave – through classroom discussion and finding other examples
 Character development – understanding characters and how they develop
 Story Parallels – learning of story parallels and practice making them.

Whole group Independent
Vocab Assessment
Small group Homework
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
History of WWII Chapter 1 reading Chapter 2 reading Chapter 3 reading Vocab included in
(20 min) (20 min) while (20 min) chapter
Holocaust (15 Vocab included in experiencing Vocab included in discussion (5 min)
min) chapter theme of chapter Chapter 5 reading
Introduction to discussion (5 min) light/dark (25 discussion (5 min) (20 min)
book (10 min) Discussion of min) Friends helping Read pg 45-49(5
Vocab list for background, Discussion of friends discussion min)
week (10 min) setting, theme (10 min) (10 min) Discuss end of
connection to Discussion of Would you lay chapter (5 min)
previous lesson theme (15 min) your life down? Think-pair-share
(25 min) (10 min) (15 min)
Take-aways (5
Chapter 4
reading, looking
for vocab
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Vocab list for Chapter 8 reading Chapter 9 reading Chapter 10 Chapter 11
week (10 min) (20 min) (20 min) reading (20 min) reading (20 min)
Imagery (5 min) Reflection on Bravery (15 min) History of star Theme change (5
As independently theme (5 min) Discussion of patches (15 min) min)
reading chapters Prediction (10 other examples Connection to the Vocab included in
6 and 7 students min) (15 min) book (15 min) chapter
draw the image of Think-pair-share discussion/pride
the farmland, if (15 min) (15 min)
not finish take
home and work
on (35 min)
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
Vocab list for Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Putting all the Recap of book
week (10 min) reading (20 min) reading (20 min) pieces together through
Chapter 12 and 13 Vocab included in Acting like activity (15 min) presentation of
reading (25 min) chapter someone else Chapter 17 bag reports (20
Character discussion (5 min) activity (30 min) reading (10 min) min)
development (5 Story parallels (15 Chapter 16 End of war history Experience of
min) min) (15 min) struggle and loss,
Discussion of Make own story Review all vocab take favorite thing
understanding parallel discussion (10 min) from bag (5 min)
characters (10 min) Vocab quiz (10
feelings (10 min) min)
Introduce bag Discussion of
report feeling of struggle
and loss
connected to the
book (15 min)


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

 WWII history  Number the  Number the  Number the  Number the
packet Stars for each Stars for each Stars for each Stars for each
 WWII power student student student student
 Vocab list for
the week
 Vocab image

Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

 Vocab image  Number the  Number the  Number the  Number the
examples Stars for each Stars for each Stars for each Stars for each
 Vocab list for student student student student
the week  WWII history
 Number the packet
Stars for each  Jewish star
student badge Power
 Plain paper point
Markers, pencils,
colored pencils, or
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
 Vocab image  Number the  Number the  Number the  Full vocab list
examples Stars for each Stars for each Stars for each
 Vocab list for student student student
the week  Puzzle pieces
 Number the for connecting
Stars for each story plot
student  WWII history
 Rubrics for packet
bag report for  Power point
each student

Number the Stars Unit Plan

I. Introduction
A. Title
i. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
ii. Historical Fiction
B. Grade level
i. This unit is intended for a 5th grade classroom.
ii. Reading Level 4.5, Guided Reading Level U
C. Duration
i. Fifteen days
ii. See Block Plan (attached) for pacing
II. Content
A. Goals
i. Students will read chapter 1-17 of this story during this unit through whole-
group and independent reading.
ii. Students will develop an understanding of character development through
observing change in the story.
iii. Students will develop an understanding of how to predict based off text
iv. Students will be able to understand the meaning of unknown words based
on context clues.
v. Students will gain knowledge of World War II.
vi. Students will develop understanding on how text context can help them
understand the theme.
vii. Students will develop an understanding of imagery in text.
viii. Students will understand what it means to struggle and to be brave.
ix. Students will develop an understanding of character development in a text.
x. Students will develop an understanding of story parallels through practice
and reading in the text.
xi. Students will create story bags where they will choose several objects that
represent the book and share them in class.
B. Concepts
i. Students will investigate how the text relates to history.
ii. Students will investigate how the text relates to their personal lives.
iii. Students will study character development.
iv. Students will study theme.
v. Students will study imagery.
vi. Students will study story parallels.
vii. Students will study vocabulary words throughout the story
C. Vocabulary
i. Resistance (8) – (n) an attack consists of fighting back against the people
who have attacked you.
ii. Kroner (20) – (n) the standard monetary unit of Denmark
iii. Tivoli (30) – (n) city in central Italy
iv. Rabbi (35) – (n) Jewish religious leader, usually one who is in charge of a
synagogue, one who is qualified to teach Judaism, or one who is an expert
on Jewish law.
v. Relocation (36) – (v) taking people out of their hometown and moving them
to a different area.
vi. Imagery – (n) can refer to the descriptions in something such as a poem or
song, and the pictures they create in your mind
vii. Bravery (76) (n) - the quality shown by someone who decides to do
something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid.
-  willing to do or say things which are new or which might shock or anger
other people.
- courage that you need in order to do something difficult or dangerous.
viii. Pride (94) – (n) feeling of satisfaction that you have because you or people
close to you have done something good or possess something good.
ix. Vivid (108) – (adj) very clear and detailed.
D. Skills
i. Ability to identify character development
ii. Ability to predict based off context clues.
iii. Ability to identify theme.
iv. Ability to identify imagery.
v. Ability to identify and create story parallels.
vi. Ability to relate to story historically and personally.
vii. Increase vocabulary.
viii. Ability to retell story through objects.
III. Standards/Objectives
A. Standards
i. Standard - CC.1.2.5.A Determine two or more main ideas in a text and
explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
ii. Standard - CC.1.2.5.C Explain the relationships or interactions between two
or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a text based on specific
information in the text.
iii. Standard - CC.1.2.5.D Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic,
noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they
iv. Standard - CC.1.2.5.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they
are used in grade-level text, including interpretation of figurative language.
v. Standard - CC.1.2.5.K Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade-level reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.
vi. Standard - CC.1.3.5.A Determine a theme of a text from details in the text,
including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how
the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
vii. Standard - CC.1.3.5.E Explain how a series of chapters, scenes or stanzas fits
together to provide the overall structure of a particular story, drama, or
viii. Standard - CC.1.3.5.G Analyze how visual and multimedia elements
contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel,
multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).
B. Overall Objectives
i. Given teacher support, TSWBAT read chapter 1-17 of Number the Stars
during this unit plan.
ii. Through direct instruction, discussion, and completion of packet, TSWBAT
discuss knowledge about World War II through their packets with 100%
iii. Through direct instruction, guiding questions and discussion, TSWBAT
identify character development to the teacher’s satisfaction.
iv. Through guided questions and discussion, TSWBAT predict based off context
clues in the text to the teacher’s satisfaction.
v. Through guided practice and discussion, TSWBAT identify theme in the text
to the teacher’s satisfaction.
vi. Through guided and independent practice, TSWBAT illustrate imagery to the
teacher’s satisfaction.
vii. Through guided and group discussion, TSWBAT identify and create story
parallels to the teacher’s satisfaction.
viii. Through guided instruction the students will be able to place all the pieces
of the story together with 100% accuracy.
ix. Through direct instruction and discussion, TSWBAT explain the definitions of
vocabulary terms with 80% accuracy.
x. Through independent practice and discussion, TSWBAT to retell story
through objects with 90% accuracy.
C. Daily Objectives
i. Day 1
a. Through direct instruction, TSWBAT to discuss knowledge about
World War II to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through direct instruction and discussion, TSWBAT explain the
definitions of vocabulary terms for that week to the teacher’s
ii. Day 2
a. Given context of the passage and class discussion TSWBAT define
first vocabulary word to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Given the reading of chapter one TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
c. Through discussion, TSWBAT relate the first chapter to WWII history
that was taught the day before to the teacher’s satisfaction.
iii. Day 3
a. Given the reading of chapter two TWSBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through guided practice and discussion, TSWBAT identify theme in
the text to the teacher’s satisfaction.
iv. Day 4
a. Given context of the passage and class discussion TSWBAT define
second vocabulary word to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Given the reading of chapter three TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
c. Through whole and small group discussion, TSWBAT understand the
magnitude of laying down your life for a friend to the teacher’s
v. Day 5
a. Given context of the passage and class discussion TSWBAT define
the third through fifth vocabulary words in the homework reading
to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Given the reading of chapter five TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
c. Through whole group and small group discussion, TSWBAT
understand the intensity of the end of chapter four and five to the
teacher’s satisfaction.
vi. Day 6
a. Through direct instruction and discussion, TSWBAT explain the
definitions of vocabulary terms for that week to the teacher’s
b. Given the reading of chapters six and seven TSWBAT discuss the
chapter context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
c. Through guided and independent practice, TSWBAT illustrate
imagery to the teacher’s satisfaction.
vii. Day 7
a. Given the reading of chapter eight TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through guided practice and discussion, TSWBAT identify theme in
the text to the teacher’s satisfaction.
c. Through guided questions and discussion, TSWBAT predict based off
context clues in the text to the teacher’s satisfaction.
viii. Day 8
a. Through direct instruction and discussion, TSWBAT explain the
definition of bravery and finding other examples to the teacher’s
b. Given the reading of chapter nine TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
ix. Day 9
a. Given the reading of chapter ten TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through discussion, TSWBAT relate the tenth chapter to WWII
history that was taught the day before to the teacher’s satisfaction.
x. Day 10
a. Given the reading of chapter ten TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through discussion, TSWBAT identify theme change in the text to
the teacher’s satisfaction.
c. Through discussion, TSWBAT explain the definition of pride and
finding other examples to the teacher’s satisfaction.
xi. Day 11
a. Given the reading of chapters twelve and thirteen TSWBAT discuss
the chapter context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through direct instruction and discussion, TSWBAT explain the
definitions of vocabulary terms for that week to the teacher’s
c. Through direct instruction, guiding questions, and discussion,
TSWBAT identify character development to the teacher’s
xii. Day 12
a. Given context of the passage and class discussion TSWBAT define
first vocabulary word to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Given the reading of chapter fourteen TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
c. Through guided and group discussion, TSWBAT identify and create
story parallels to the teacher’s satisfaction.
xiii. Day 13
a. Given the reading of chapter fifteen TSWBAT discuss the chapter
context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through direct instruction and group work TSWBAT demonstrate
their understanding of acting like another character to the teacher’s
xiv. Day 14
a. Given the reading of chapters sixteen and seventeen TSWBAT
discuss the chapter context to the teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Through guided instruction the students will be able to place all the
pieces of the story together with 100% accuracy.
c. Through discussion, TSWBAT explain the definitions of vocabulary
terms to the teacher’s satisfaction.
d. Through direct instruction, discussion, and completion of packet,
TSWBAT discuss knowledge about World War II through their
packets with 100% accuracy.
xv. Day 15
a. Through direct instruction and discussion, TSWBAT explain the
definitions of vocabulary terms with 80% accuracy.
b. Through independent practice and discussion, TSWBAT to retell
story through objects with 90% accuracy.
c. Through discussion, TSWBAT understand the feeling of struggle and
loss that the characters did to the teacher’s satisfaction.
IV. Learning Experiences
A. Day 1
i. Introduction
a. Give the students a brief overview of the different types of activities
we will be doing throughout the next couple of weeks.
ii. WWII History
a. Handout out the WWII Workbook to the students. Explain to them
that through out the unit they will be adding information to the
b. Direct instruction of WWII, going through power point. While
teaching the students will fill in the blanks, circle countries that are
bring talked about, and draw an image of the Jewish star patch.
iii. Holocaust
a. Watch YouTube video of Holocaust survivor.
b. Discuss the different struggles the man went through.
iv. Vocabulary
a. Vocabulary list for the rest of the week
b. Explain each word through the use of pictures
v. Introduction to the book
a. Setting – Østerbrogade, Denmark
b. Happening During WWII
vi. Closer
a. Have students tell their neighbor something they are looking
forward to in the unit.
B. Day 2
i. Read chapter 1
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
b. Vocabulary
a. On page 8 pause and discuss vocab word.
b. Explain word through the use of pictures
c. Resistance – (n) an attack consists of fighting back against
the people who have attacked you.
ii. Discussion of background, setting, connection to previous lesson
a. Background – WWII
b. Setting – Denmark
c. Soldiers in the streets
d. Ellen’s family being Jews
e. Shortage of supplies
iii. Closure
a. Based on what was learned in the history lesson have the students
think through what might happen to Kristi’s family.
C. Day 3
i. Have the students popcorn read chapter 2
a. As the students are reading, adjust the lighting of the room as the
theme changes.
ii. Discussion of theme
a. Sadness=darkness
b. Hope/joy=light
iii. Closure
a. Tell the students throughout the book they are going to look for the
theme changing relating to the brightness of the environment.
D. Day 4
i. Read chapter 3
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
b. Vocabulary
a. On page 20 pause and discuss vocab word.
b. Explain word through the use of pictures
c. Kroner – (n) the standard monetary unit of Denmark
ii. Lay down life for friend?
a. Discuss what this means?
b. Have the students discuss the severity of this question.
c. Have the students discuss if they would lay down their life for a
iii. Homework
a. Have students read chapter 4
iv. Closure
a. Have the students share their take-aways.
E. Day 5
i. Vocabulary
a. Discuss the vocabulary that was in in chapter 4
b. Explain each word through the use of pictures
a. Tivoli (30) – (n) city in central Italy
b. Rabbi (35) – (n) Jewish religious leader, usually one who is in
charge of a synagogue, one who is qualified to teach
Judaism, or one who is an expert on Jewish law.
c. Relocation (36) – (v) taking people out of their hometown
and moving them to a different area.
ii. Have students read chapter 5 independently
iii. Read pages pg 45-49 again as a whole class
a. Discuss the intensity of this last chapter
b. Think-pair-share
iv. Closure
a. Have the students share their take-aways.
F. Day 6
i. Vocabulary
a. Vocabulary list for the rest of the week
b. Explain each word through the use of pictures
ii. Imagery
a. Imagery – (n) can refer to the descriptions in something such as a
poem or song, and the pictures they create in your mind
b. Have students independently read chapters 6 and 7
c. As the students are reading these chapters have them draw what
they see in their mind based off the text.
iii. Closure
a. Have students share their drawings.
G. Day 7
i. Read chapter 8
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
ii. Discuss how the theme change in the chapter.
iii. Prediction
a. Explain making predictions
b. Have students make predictions on what they think will happen
iv. Closure
a. Have the students share their take-aways.
H. Day 8
i. Read chapter 9
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
ii. Bravery
a. Bravery (76) (n) - the quality shown by someone who decides to do
something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid.
-  willing to do or say things which are new or which might shock or
anger other people.
- courage that you need in order to do something difficult or dangerous.
b. Discuss other examples of bravery
iii. Closure
a. Have the students share their take-aways.
I. Day 9
i. Read chapter 10
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
ii. History of the star
a. Discuss how the Jew star was used during WWII through the WWII
workbook and power point.
iii. Closure
a. Ask students how the history relates to the book and the chapter
that was just read.
J. Day 10
i. Read chapter 11
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
ii. Discuss how the theme changed in the chapter.
iii. Pride
a. Pride (94) – (n) feeling of satisfaction that you have because you or
people close to you have done something good or possess
something good.
b. Discuss the different kinds of pride
iv. Closer
a. Have the students share their take-aways.
K. Day 11
i. Vocabulary
a. Vocabulary list for the rest of the week
b. Explain each word through the use of pictures
ii. Students independently read chapters 12 and 13
iii. Character Development
a. Discuss character development that happens in the chapter
iv. Introduce story bags
a. Handout rubric
b. Explain the assignment to the students
v. Closure
a. Have the students share their take-aways.
L. Day 12
i. Read chapter 14
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
b. Vocabulary
a. Vivid (108) – (adj) very clear and detailed.
ii. Story Parallels
a. Discuss what story parallels are
b. Have students create their own story parallels
iii. Closure
a. Have students share their story parallels
M. Day 13
i. Read chapter 15
a. While reading the chapter ask questions on what the author is
ii. Acting like someone else
a. Discuss how in the text Annemarie pretends to be like Kristi
b. Discuss why Annemarie does this
c. Have students act out them pretending to be someone else
iii. Homework
a. Read chapter 16
iv. Closure
a. Have the students share their take-aways.
N. Day 14
i. Placing all the pieces of the story together
a. Through group work of putting the pieces together
a. The fishermen boats were used to hide Jews underdeck
b. Peter is in the Resistance
i. Brings the De Frei Danske
c. Baby was drugged to not wake and cry
d. Soldiers are searching the boats so will put fish on top of the
e. The handkerchief ruins the dog’s sense of smell so they
could not find the hidden Jews
ii. Have the students independently read chapter 17
iii. History of boats and end of WWII
a. Direct instruction, going through power point. While teaching the
students will fill in the blanks in their World War II Workbook.
iv. Vocabulary
a. Review all the words from this unit through discussion and
reviewing the images that go with them
v. Closure
a. Have students write connections between the history they learned
and the text
O. Day 15
i. Story bags
a. Students will present their story bags that they prepared at home in
small groups
b. As the students are presenting, the teacher will walk around taking
c. Take the most valued item and place it in basket for time being
ii. Vocabulary quiz
a. Have students take vocabulary quiz
a. Students can write out meaning of word or draw a picture
b. Looking for understanding of the term
iii. Feeling of lose/struggle
a. Discuss what the students felt when their item was taken away
iv. Closer
a. Ask students how what they feel relates to what happened in the
P. Post field
i. Send feedback back to the school with a thank you note for the students.
Q. Adaptations
i. If students finish work early let them write in their World War II workbook
on the last page about how the history relates to the book with citing where
they find it.
ii. If students do not finish tasks in time, the teacher will cut out different parts
of the lesson out that do not meet the objectives.
iii. If behavior issues occur, try to engage the student participate. If challenging
behavior stop the lesson and address it. If not challenging behavior, do
something small such as tapping on the student’s desk or mention name in

V. Assessment

A. Formative

i. World War II Packet will be checked for being complete at the end of the
unit. The complete journal will be worth 20 points

ii. Imagery projects will be graded based off bring complete. The student will
show what they see when they are reading the text. This assignment will be
worth 20 points.

B. Summative
i. Story puzzle will be graded based of completion. This will be worth 10
ii. The students will take a vocabulary quiz that will be worth a total of 10
points. They can define the word either through explaining it or drawing a

iii. Story bags will be graded based of how well they tell the story and how the
students present. This will be worth 40 points. Look at rubric for more

VI. Evaluation (answer these questions for each day focusing on specific examples)

A. Student

i. Were the students engaged?

ii. Did the students meet each daily object?

iii. Did the student enjoy the unit?

B. Teacher

i. Was the classroom environment kept under control?

ii. Did it reach the students ZPDs’?

iii. To the students who were struggling, were the right scaffolds provided?

iv. If I were to teach this lesson again what would I change?

VII. Resources



H. Lowry, L., & Roland, N. (2019). Number the Stars. ER.

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