Number The Stars: By: Lois Lowry 15 Day Unit Plan By: Morgan Prouty
Number The Stars: By: Lois Lowry 15 Day Unit Plan By: Morgan Prouty
Number The Stars: By: Lois Lowry 15 Day Unit Plan By: Morgan Prouty
Types of reading:
Independent reading (during class or homework)
Whole group reading
WWII History Packet
Each student will receive a World War II history packet that they will fill out through the
teacher’s guidance and instruction.
Students will add more information to the packet as the teacher instructs them more
throughout the unit.
At the end of the packet there is a space for the students to add their own thoughts and
reflections on WWII history. They will work on this on day 9. They can also work on this if they
finish their reading early or on their own time.
At the beginning of each week the whole class will be discussing the vocabulary that will be
covered in that week’s reading.
Once the students see the reading in the text, the whole class will discuss how the word is being
used in the text.
Students will learn how to predict what will happen next in the story based off context clues.
Story bag
At the end of the unit, the students will gather items from home that represent and retell the
The students will also place a valued item in this bag so they can experience the feeling of
struggle and loss.
The students will share with their peers how these items relate to the story.
Major Themes
WWII history – overview of what happened and the impact of the holocaust
Theme of darkness and light – illustrate to the students the theme of sadness and hope through
the book by changing the lighting in the classroom
Imagery – through classroom instruction and draw what you see assessment
Understanding of struggle and loss – through classroom discussion and taking away of valued
What it means to be brave – through classroom discussion and finding other examples
Character development – understanding characters and how they develop
Story Parallels – learning of story parallels and practice making them.
Whole group Independent
Vocab Assessment
Small group Homework
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
History of WWII Chapter 1 reading Chapter 2 reading Chapter 3 reading Vocab included in
(20 min) (20 min) while (20 min) chapter
Holocaust (15 Vocab included in experiencing Vocab included in discussion (5 min)
min) chapter theme of chapter Chapter 5 reading
Introduction to discussion (5 min) light/dark (25 discussion (5 min) (20 min)
book (10 min) Discussion of min) Friends helping Read pg 45-49(5
Vocab list for background, Discussion of friends discussion min)
week (10 min) setting, theme (10 min) (10 min) Discuss end of
connection to Discussion of Would you lay chapter (5 min)
previous lesson theme (15 min) your life down? Think-pair-share
(25 min) (10 min) (15 min)
Take-aways (5
Chapter 4
reading, looking
for vocab
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Vocab list for Chapter 8 reading Chapter 9 reading Chapter 10 Chapter 11
week (10 min) (20 min) (20 min) reading (20 min) reading (20 min)
Imagery (5 min) Reflection on Bravery (15 min) History of star Theme change (5
As independently theme (5 min) Discussion of patches (15 min) min)
reading chapters Prediction (10 other examples Connection to the Vocab included in
6 and 7 students min) (15 min) book (15 min) chapter
draw the image of Think-pair-share discussion/pride
the farmland, if (15 min) (15 min)
not finish take
home and work
on (35 min)
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
Vocab list for Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Putting all the Recap of book
week (10 min) reading (20 min) reading (20 min) pieces together through
Chapter 12 and 13 Vocab included in Acting like activity (15 min) presentation of
reading (25 min) chapter someone else Chapter 17 bag reports (20
Character discussion (5 min) activity (30 min) reading (10 min) min)
development (5 Story parallels (15 Chapter 16 End of war history Experience of
min) min) (15 min) struggle and loss,
Discussion of Make own story Review all vocab take favorite thing
understanding parallel discussion (10 min) from bag (5 min)
characters (10 min) Vocab quiz (10
feelings (10 min) min)
Introduce bag Discussion of
report feeling of struggle
and loss
connected to the
book (15 min)
V. Assessment
A. Formative
i. World War II Packet will be checked for being complete at the end of the
unit. The complete journal will be worth 20 points
ii. Imagery projects will be graded based off bring complete. The student will
show what they see when they are reading the text. This assignment will be
worth 20 points.
B. Summative
i. Story puzzle will be graded based of completion. This will be worth 10
ii. The students will take a vocabulary quiz that will be worth a total of 10
points. They can define the word either through explaining it or drawing a
iii. Story bags will be graded based of how well they tell the story and how the
students present. This will be worth 40 points. Look at rubric for more
VI. Evaluation (answer these questions for each day focusing on specific examples)
A. Student
B. Teacher
iii. To the students who were struggling, were the right scaffolds provided?
VII. Resources
H. Lowry, L., & Roland, N. (2019). Number the Stars. ER.