Slab Thickness Design For Factory o R Wa PDF
Slab Thickness Design For Factory o R Wa PDF
Slab Thickness Design For Factory o R Wa PDF
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not only the stresses t o which t h e floor will b e subjected under loads,
of f a c t o r s . A m o n g the m o r e i m p o r t a n t of t h e s e are:
2 . Quality of t h e concrete.
3. Adequacy of s t r u c t u r a l capacity.
5 . Workman ship
s i d e r a t i o n s , t h i s p a p e r d e a l s only with ensuring adequate s t r u c t u r a l
. . *.
1. Expansive soils.
, -
2. Hard spots and soft spots.
3. Backfilling.
Expansive Soils
expansion and softening of the sub grade. When expansive soil subgrades
.. are too wet prior t o casting a floor slab, subsequent drying and shrink-
,!\ it poseible to obtain uniform conditions in the upper part of the subgrade.
loaded will tend to t l r i d e t lon the hard epots and bridge o v e r soft, soil
localized hard o r soft spots with soils like those surrounding the spot.
t a p e r e d t r a n s i t i o n zone.
uniformity of t h e subgrade.
The primary function of a subbase under concrete highway pave-
<-- -
i Because a
ments is to prevent mud-pumping of fine-grained spils.
design and foundation engineering a r e directly applicable t o floor design.
T h e load carrying capacity of a slab on grade and its service life depend
the concrete has enough strength in flexure to distribute the heavy con-
centrated loads over a considerable supporting a r e a even though the
allowable flexural s t r e s s in the concrete to the wheel load and other pave-
* steel plates and for this reason a r e known as plate bearing t e s t s . A
strength, and wheel loading a r e the basis for the PCA floor design method.
in this paper.
floor will be uneconomical. Overdesign will give good service but will
Superimposed Load s
distributed loads r a r e l y produce flexural s t r e s s e s of the same magnitude.
However , before a design wheel load is adopted, it is n e c e s s a r y to
consider not only the total weight of the load but also the area over which
Society of C i v i l Engineers.
that the bearing capacity of the soil i s not exceeded and that loads a r e
Concentrating the heavy uniform loads in rows with wide a i s l e s may cause a
enough to bend the slab and cause it to c r a c k in the middles of the aisle.(’)
Flexural strength
produce both compressive and flexural s t r e s s e s in the concrete slab.
the flexural s t r e s s e s and the flexural strength of the concrete must be used
(ASTM C78, Flexural Strength of Concrete Using Simple Beam with Third-
Point Loading). Where the size of the job does not warrant the extra cost
M R = k qc
where M R = flexural strength (modulus of rupture, pai)
k = a constant between 7 and 10
f', = compressive strength, psi
The selection of concrete quality also must be governed by the require-
ments of durability and wear resistance under severe conditions, The
concrete floor should be at least 1800 psi a t 3 days and 4000 psi at 28 days.
only a slight effect on thickness design. The values used in this design
on concrete slabs indicates that a s the safety factor increases, the number
of repetitions to cause failure increase. Fatigue effects a r e reflected in
Other properties
wear resistance, (4) finish well under the trowel, and ( 5 ) have a low
Subgrade -Subbase Strenp;th
i' In the design analysis assumptions a r e made regarding the action of
repetitive Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components
slab under expected loads. When it is not feasible t o perform plate bearing
tests at'the site, the k value can be estimated from laboratory strength
~- ..
f r o m any free edge of the slab. When the slab edges at all joints are
Safety F a c t o r
The safety f a c t o r ( r a t i o of design modulus of rupture, MR , t o working
s t r e s s , i t ) used for i n d u s t r i a l - c o m m e r c i a l floor design depends on the
be s u m m a r i z e d a s follows:
are d r a s t i c a l l y changed.
C r i t i c a l Areas:
Forklift a i s l e s
T r u c k a i s l e s & d r i v e ways 1.7 - 2.0
Non-Critical Areas:
Uniformly loaded s t o r a g e
areas 1.4 - 1.7
C h a r t s for C o n c r e t e Floors on G r a d e
t r u c k s with a rated capacity of 6000 lbs. or more. The floor slab thick-
Fig. 1 is used for trucks with single wheels, both pneumatic and
For axles equipped with dual wheels, Figs. 1 and 2 a r e used together
dual wheel axle load t o a n equivalent single wheel axle load. Then, with
such as Table 2.
( 1 kip = 1 , 0 0 0 lb. )
t i r e inflation pressure,
thickness for the slab s t r e s s per 1,000 lb. of axle load determined
thi c kne s s .
Design Example
Axle Load 40 k i p s
No. of Wheels 2
1. Properties of Subgrade
5. T i r e contact area
thick slab.
factor, F, for single wheel axle load. Enter the chart with the
6. Determine working s t r e s s in concrete by multiplying equivalent
No. of Wheels
2. T i r e contact , a r e a
. .I
Axle load -
= 50000 = 100
(No. of wheels)(Tire p r e s s u r e ) 4x125
4. Equivalent load factor,F, (from Fig. 2) for single wheel axle load.
Dual axle load x load factor, F = equivalent single axle wheel load.
6. Slab stress x equivalent load = working stress
8 . 8 x 3 8 . 3 = 337 psi 320 psi
(Slightly exceeds allowable working stress of 320 psi. )
7. Repeat steps 1 - 6 for trial slab thickness = 10. 5 in. This gives
Table 2. Relationships Betweei ;oil Types and Bearir Values
( 2 ) California Bearing Ratio, ASTM D1883, Standard Method of Test for Bearing Ratio
of Laboratory - Compacted Soils
I ,
Fig. 1. Design Chart for A x l e s with Single Wheels.
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Fig, 2. Design Chart for Axles with Dual Wheels.