Slab Thickness Design For Factory o R Wa PDF

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PCA R&D Serial No.


Old Orchard Road, Skokie, Illinois 60076 . .- . .- ...


This p a p e r was written by Robert'G. P a c k a r d , F r i n c i p a l Paving

Engineer, Paving and Transportation Department, and Ralph E. S p e a r s ,

National Accounts Executive, Midwestern Region, Portland Cement

Association. It contains information that m a y be open t o revision o r

in s o m e other form.
m a y b e used in a future_eublicatio%n
-.- -


The c o n c r e t e floor in a factory or warehouse building (*) is

expected t o give good service for many y e a r s without d e t e r i o r a t i n g under

the action of heavy loads, h a r d wear and chemical attack. Therefore

the objective in c o n c r e t e floor construction must be t o build, with the

g r e a t e s t possibly economy, a floor that will endure all functional r e q u i r a -

ments throughout its anticipated life-cycle. The d e s i g n e r must consider

not only the stresses t o which t h e floor will b e subjected under loads,

but a l s o the m a n n e r and p a r t i c u l a r purpose for which the floor will be

used. The s e r v i c e a b i l i t y of a c o n c r e t e floor will be affected by a number

( * ) Although the subject of this paper is f l o o r s in factories and warehouses,

t h e discussion can be applied to any floor on grade in other building types.
. I

of f a c t o r s . A m o n g the m o r e i m p o r t a n t of t h e s e are:

1. Uniformity and load b e a r i n g capacity of the subgrade.

2 . Quality of t h e concrete.

3. Adequacy of s t r u c t u r a l capacity.

4. Type and spacing of joints.

5 . Workman ship

6. Surface t r e a t m e n t for a b r a s i o n and c o r r o s i o n protection.

Although all of t h e s e f a c t o r s m u s t be recognized in t h e design con-

s i d e r a t i o n s , t h i s p a p e r d e a l s only with ensuring adequate s t r u c t u r a l

capacity by providing sufficient floor slab thickness to keep t h e stresses

caused by load within safe limits.


The subgrade is t h e n a t u r a l ground, graded t o t h e d e s i r e d p r o f i l e , o n

which the floor is built. T h e r e i s l i t t l e opportunity t o modify the sub-

g r a d e except by compaction and drainage. Because of t h e rigidity of

c o n c r e t e floor s l a b s , concentrated loads f r o m vehicles o r p o s t s are s p r e a d

o v e r l a r g e a r e a s of t h e subgrade and p r e s s u r e s on t h e subgrade are v e r y

low. A S a r e s u l t , c o n c r e t e floors are relatively insensitive t o t h e

p r o p e r t i e s of t h e subgrade and d o not n e c e s s a r i l y r e q u i r e s t r o n g support

f r o m below. However, it i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t the support be reasonably

u n i f o r m with no abrupt changes i n t h e d e g r e e of support.

To c o n s t r u c t a reasonably u n i f o r m subgrade. special c a r e m u s t be

taken t o e n s u r e that t h e r e a r e no weak a r e a s , and that the following m a j o r

c a u s e s of non-uniform support a r e controlled:


. . *.

1. Expansive soils.
, -
2. Hard spots and soft spots.

3. Backfilling.

Expansive Soils

Excessive differential shrinkage and swelling of high- volume change

Boil8 in a subgrade will create non-uniform support. As a result, the

. .
concrete floor may become distorted and warped. Compaction of
. .
highly expansive soils when they are too dry can lead t o detrimental

expansion and softening of the sub grade. When expansive soil subgrades

.. are too wet prior t o casting a floor slab, subsequent drying and shrink-

age of the soil may leave slab edges unsupported.

Selective grading, cross-hauling and mixing of subgrade soils make

,!\ it poseible to obtain uniform conditions in the upper part of the subgrade.

. . Compaction at 1 t o 3 percent above standard optimum moisture (*)

. .
minimizes subsequent changes in moisture and thereafter the subgrade

will retain uniform stability needed for good floor performance.

Hard Spots and Soft Spots

If the subgrade is not of uniform hardness throughout,the slab when

loaded will tend to t l r i d e t lon the hard epots and bridge o v e r soft, soil

pockets. Special care must be taken to excavate and backfill these

localized hard o r soft spots with soils like those surrounding the spot.

Moisture and density conditions for the replacement soil should be as

similar as possible t o the adjacent soils. At the edges of the a r e a , the

(*) ASTM Designation, D698


replacement s o i l should be mixed with t h e surrounding soil t o f o r m a

t a p e r e d t r a n s i t i o n zone.


The places w h e r e t h e r e a r e pipelines, foundations and utility t r e n c h e s

should be backfilled with s o i l s like t h o s e surrounding t h e t r e n c h and c o m -

pacted i n 6-in. l a y e r s a t optimum m o i s t u r e and m a x i m u m density(*).

E v e r y attempt should b e m a d e t o r e s t o r e a s much as possible the original

uniformity of t h e subgrade.


The subbase is a l a y e r of m a t e r i a l placed between the subgrade and

the floor slab. Because a loaded c o n c r e t e floor slab e x e r t s v e r y little

p r e s s u r e on the subgrade, it i s seldon n e c e s s a r y or economical t o build

up the supporting capacity of t h e subgrade with a thick subbase. Tests made

by t h e Portland Cement Association show that because of the rigidity of

the concrete, the effect of i n c r e a s i n g subbase thickness r e s u l t s i n only

minor changes i n subgrade p r e s s u r e s . Minor changes i n subgrade

p r e s s u r e s have a minor effect upon the thickness of a c o n c r e t e slab for

given loading conditions. Since uniform support r a t h e r than strong support

i s the most important function of subgrades and subbases for c o n c r e t e

floors, it follows that floor strength is achieved m o s t economically by

building strength into the c o n c r e t e slab itself -- with the optimum u s e

of low-cost m a t e r i a l s under the slab.

("1 ASTM Designation, D698

The primary function of a subbase under concrete highway pave-
<-- -
i Because a
ments is to prevent mud-pumping of fine-grained spils.

floor slab is subjected t o a much l e s s arduous range of temperature,

humidity and weather, a subbase of granular material under a floor

slab primarily serves as a capilliary action b a r r i e r . a levelling course,

and as a cushion f o r obtaining uniform bearing support by equalizing

minor surface irregularities. Where eubbasee a r e needed, a

relatively thin layer -- 4 t o 6 inches -- is suggested. With m o r e than

a 6-inch layer there is increasing r i s k of poor floor performance due

t o subbase consolidation under heavy loads. To prevent detrimental

consolidation, subbases must be compacted t o very high densities: a

minimum of 100 percent standard density at optimum moisture.

Substantial benefits can be derived from the u s e of a cement-treated

subbase (CTSB)under h very l a r g e a r e a concrete floor slab subject t o

ektremely high loading conditiods. The high support value of CTSB


1. Provide impermeable, uniform an d strong support.

2. Eliminate subbase consolidation.

3, I m p r o v e load transfer a c r o s s the joint.

' 4. Expedite construction because the stable working base

eliminates shutdowns due t o bad weather.

5. P e r m i t use of thinner concrete slabs for given load conditions.


F e w if any of the analytical methods developed for use in structural

design and foundation engineering a r e directly applicable t o floor design.

T h e load carrying capacity of a slab on grade and its service life depend

on the nature of the underlying'soil and on the slab construction. The

design of floors on ground closely parallels concrete highway pavement

practice, hence a brief description of this practice is a prerequisite for

understanding the discussion of concrete floor design that follows.

Highway Pavement Design Practice

While t h e r e are important differences between highway and floor load-

ings and the environmental conditions in which they a r e constructed and

perform, the basic principles of highway design a r e used f o r floor design

because they have been time tested and performance proven.

A concrete highway pavement functions like a spread footing, that is,

the concrete has enough strength in flexure to distribute the heavy con-
centrated loads over a considerable supporting a r e a even though the

supporting material itself is somewhat non-uniform. Concrete pavements

can be constructed directly on the subgrade, but for various reason8 a

subbase course of sand, gravel or crushed stone usually is placed on the

subgrade first and the concrete pavement constructed on the subbase.

The thickness of concrete pavement required to support a given wheel

load is determined by application of equakions developed for this purpose

by H. M. Westergaard. Westergaard's equations relate the maximum

allowable flexural s t r e s s in the concrete to the wheel load and other pave-

ment characteristics, such as the radius of relative stiffness. The value

of this latter t e r m depends on the supporting capacity of the subgrade, a s

indicated by the modulus of subgrade reaction, k. Field t e s t s to determine

the value of the subgrade modulus a r e always conducted on 30 inch diameter

* steel plates and for this reason a r e known as plate bearing t e s t s . A

general expression for the modulus could b e written:

. k = loading intensity on 30 inch plate
specified deflection

in which k = subgrade modulus in psi per inch (pci)

The range of k values is f r o m about 50 to 700 psi p e r inch o r more,

Several factors normally considered in determining the required

thickness of concrete pavement, namely subgrade characteristics, concrete

strength, and wheel loading a r e the basis for the PCA floor design method.

For practical application, PCA has reduced concrete pavement theory to

easily used design charts. These charts a r e used to determine the

thickness f o r concrete floors by applying the design method presented

in this paper.


The required thickness of a concrete floor slab on ground will depend


1. The nature and frequency of the superimposed loads.

2. The strength and quality of the concrete to be used.

3. The bearing capacity and uniformity of the subgrade.

Should one or m o r e of these f a c t o r s be disregarded, the resulting

floor will be uneconomical. Overdesign will give good service but will

have an excessive first c o s t . Underdesign will give poor service and

be both unsatisfactory and uneconomical throughout i t s life-cycle.

Superimposed Load s

Concentrated loads such a s the wheel loads of forklift trucks a r e

generally the controlling factor i n concrete floor design since uniformly

distributed loads r a r e l y produce flexural s t r e s s e s of the same magnitude.
However , before a design wheel load is adopted, it is n e c e s s a r y to

consider not only the total weight of the load but also the area over which

it is applied. To illustrate, a loaded forklift equipped with solid rubber

tires will have a smaller contact a r e a on the slab and will c r e a t e g r e a t e r

e t r e s s e s in the slab than the s a m e load on pneumatic tires. Also, the

s t r e s s e s caused by a n axle loading transmitted to the floor through two

t i r e s will be m o r e eevere than the s a m e load tranamitted through two

s e t s of dual t i r e s . The effect of contact a r e a is included in the Design

Charts for Concrete F l o o r s on Grade, Figs. 1 and 2. Designers with

special problems f o r which these design charts a r e not adequate can

u s e influence charts for deflections and moments of pavement slabs a s

/’ ( I ) * a t the Spring Meeting of the American
i originally presented in a paper

Society of C i v i l Engineers.

Where heavy dead loads a r e stored on a floor, c a r e must be taken

that the bearing capacity of the soil i s not exceeded and that loads a r e

distributed with reasonable uniformity. Particularly with weak soils,

Concentrating the heavy uniform loads in rows with wide a i s l e s may cause a

combination of soil compression and l a t e r a l soil displacement great

enough to bend the slab and cause it to c r a c k in the middles of the aisle.(’)

Strength and Quality of Concrete

Flexural strength

When a load is applied t o a floor on ground, it will cause bending and

f N u m b e r s in parenthesis designate references at and Qf paper.

produce both compressive and flexural s t r e s s e s in the concrete slab.

Of the two, it is thetengile s t r e s s that is more critical because at the

point where the tensile s t r e s s e s approach the ultimate tensile strength of

the concrete (modulus of rupture) the compressive stressea are small

compared t o the ultimate compressive strength of the concrete, Consequently,

the flexural s t r e s s e s and the flexural strength of the concrete must be used

in floor slab design for the most accurate determination of thickness.

Flexural strength is determined by modulus of rupture (MR) tests

(ASTM C78, Flexural Strength of Concrete Using Simple Beam with Third-

Point Loading). Where the size of the job does not warrant the extra cost

of making flexural strength tests, compression test results can be used

as a means of assessing probable flexural strength. An approximate '

I relationship between flexural and compressive strength is shown in Table 1.

Flexural strength can be approximated f r o m the formula:

M R = k qc
where M R = flexural strength (modulus of rupture, pai)
k = a constant between 7 and 10
f', = compressive strength, psi


Approximate Relationship Between Compressive and Flexural Strength

hfodulus of Rupture, Flexural Strength

Compr e s sive (ACI318-71)

Strength - ftc When k-7.5 When k = 8 . 0 When k = 10.0
3 5 00 445 470 590
4000 480 5 10 640
4500 500 535 6 70
5000 535 5 70 710
6000 585 625 780
7000 630 6 70 840

The selection of concrete quality also must be governed by the require-

ments of durability and wear resistance under severe conditions, The

minimum compressive strength for any type of industrial-commercial

concrete floor should be at least 1800 psi a t 3 days and 4000 psi at 28 days.

Considerably higher strengths a r e necessary when the floor must support

heavy loads and r e s i s t severe abrasion.

Variation8 in modulus of elasticity, E, and Poisson's ratio, u, have

only a slight effect on thickness design. The values used in this design

procedure a r e E = 4,000,000 psi and u = 0.15.


Concrete is affected m o r e by repetitive loads than by a single load of

the same magnitude. This effect is called "fatigue. It A flexural fatigue

failure occurs when the concrete ruptures under continued repetitions of

loads that cause flexural stress-strength ratios of l e s s than one, R e s e a x h

on concrete slabs indicates that a s the safety factor increases, the number
of repetitions to cause failure increase. Fatigue effects a r e reflected in

the design procedure by:

1. Selection of a conservative safety factor, 1. 7 to 2 . 0

(Unlimited stress repetitions for safety factor of 2 . 0 )

2. A more detailed analysis when specific forecasts of loads and

volumes have been determined.

Other properties

The concrete mix should be designed to (1) produce adequate flexural

strength, ( 2 ) give satisfactory durability, (3) provide a surface with good

wear resistance, (4) finish well under the trowel, and ( 5 ) have a low

magnitude of volume change (especially drying shrinkage).

Subgrade -Subbase Strenp;th
i' In the design analysis assumptions a r e made regarding the action of

the subgrade o r subgrade-subbase combination. Most concrete pavement

designs have been based on Westergaard's modulus of subgrade reaction, k,

as determined by load tests with a 30 inch diameter plate. The k value on

the subgrade and on the subbase, if one is used, should be determined on

repreeentative Soil8 under conditions that will approximate service con-

ditions under the floor.

By using a system of circular plates, a large calibrated jack, and a

system of anchors or very heavy loads, the subgrade is subjected t o

known pressures at a predetermined rate of speed. The displacement of

the bearing plate on the subgrade is measured by means of calibrated gages

! and recorded at regular intervals of load or time. The load-deformation

data obtained f r o m the tests can be plotted in the f o r m of a curve.

Modulus of subgrade reaction, k, is the ratio of load in psi t o displacement

of the bearing plate in inches.

A more detailed description of the t e s t is given i n ASTM D1196, Non-

repetitive Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components

for U s e in Evaluation and Design o€Airport and Highway Pavements.

The displacement of the plate approximates the deflection of the floor

slab under expected loads. When it is not feasible t o perform plate bearing

tests at'the site, the k value can be estimated from laboratory strength

t e s t s or f r o m charts, such as Table 2, showing the interrelationship

of soil types and bearing values.

~- ..

I Stresses Due To Loads

The f l e x u r e stresses used in t h i s design p r o c e d u r e a r e t h o s e at t h e

i n t e r i o r of a slab, a s s u m i n g that the load is applied a t s o m e d i s t a n c e

f r o m any free edge of the slab. When the slab edges at all joints are

provided with adequate load t r a n s f e r , it h a s been found that a c o n c r e t e

floor area a c t s a8 a continuous large slab.

At f r e e edges without adequate load transfer, load stresses a r e s o m e -

what g r e a t e r than those for the i n t e r i o r load condition. Because of t h i s ,

the slab thickness at undoweled butt joints, e. g. , where f l o o r m e e t s

driveway at t r u c k d o o r , is i n c r e a s e d t o compensate f o r the a b s e n c e of load

t r a n s f e r , thus keeping the load stresses a t t h e s e s l a b edges within safe


Safety F a c t o r
The safety f a c t o r ( r a t i o of design modulus of rupture, MR , t o working
s t r e s s , i t ) used for i n d u s t r i a l - c o m m e r c i a l floor design depends on the

expected frequency of traffic. Estimating the t r a f f i c is a n important factor

i n floor design. The design considerations should include a n u m b e r of

additional f a c t o r s relevant t o the conditions appertaining to f l o o r s , which may

be s u m m a r i z e d a s follows:

a. A moving load c a u s e s smaller s t r e s s e s than when it is stopped.

An allowance is included in the safety f a c t o r for the reduced

speed of forklift t r u c k s , impact and a c c e l e r a t i o n and braking


b. It i s unlikely that t r a f f i c on the f l o o r will i n c r e a s e appreciably

throughout the life- cycle of the building unless operating conditions

are d r a s t i c a l l y changed.


c. The l i f e - c y c l e of t h e floor is a t h e o r e t i c a l figure. A properly

designed and constructed c o n c r e t e floor should r e m a i n

virtually maintenance free during the whole of that time.

Data on p a s t and future plant or warehouse operating and floor loading

conditions can be gathered from s e v e r a l sources, including plant main-

' tenance and engineering d e p a r t m e n t s , and planning and operations. Based

on this information, a n adequate safety f a c t o r can be selected and used

t o d e t e r m i n e t h e allowable working stress with which t o e n t e r the

design c h a r t s . The following r a n g e s of safety f a c t o r s a r e suggested:

Installation Safety Factor

C r i t i c a l Areas:
Forklift a i s l e s
T r u c k a i s l e s & d r i v e ways 1.7 - 2.0
Non-Critical Areas:
Uniformly loaded s t o r a g e
areas 1.4 - 1.7
C h a r t s for C o n c r e t e Floors on G r a d e

Because of the l a r g e variation in t h e sizes, axle loads, and wheel

spacings of lift t r u c k s , it is not p r a c t i c a l t o p r e p a r e and use s e p a r a t e

design c h a r t s f o r each vehicle. Consequently. two design c h a r t s ( s e e

Figs. 1 and 2 ) have been p r e p a r e d that reliably d e t e r m i n e floor s l a b

s t r e s s e s f o r any axle load and axle-wheel configuration on i n d u s t r i a l

t r u c k s with a rated capacity of 6000 lbs. or more. The floor slab thick-

ness can be reduced t o a m i n i m u m of 5 i n c h e s for forklift t r u c k s of less

than 6000 lbs. r a t e d capacity.

Fig. 1 is used for trucks with single wheels, both pneumatic and

solid (cushion) tires.

For axles equipped with dual wheels, Figs. 1 and 2 a r e used together

t o d e t e r m i n e floor slab thickness. First, Fig. 2 is used t o convert the

dual wheel axle load t o a n equivalent single wheel axle load. Then, with

the equivalent load, Fig. 1 is used t o d e t e r m i n e the flexural stress in the


The following examples i l l u s t r a t e the use of the c h a r t s i n the design


Design P r o c e d u r e - Single Wheels

Follow t h e s e s t e p s t o d e t e r m i n e a floor slab thickness for single


1. T h e subgrade modulus, k, i s determined by plate bearing tests or

by estimation f r o m laboratory soil strength t e s t s o r from c h a r t s

such as Table 2.

2. A c a r e f u l estimate of operating and floor loading conditions is

made and a n appropriate safety f a c t o r is selected.

3. Working stress f o r a specific materials handling (traffic) situa-

tion is determined by dividing the flexural strength ( M R )of the

concrete by t h e safety f a c t o r (SF)chosen.

4. Convert the working s t r e s s into stress p e r 1000 Ib. of axled

load by dividing the working stress by the axle load i n kips.

( 1 kip = 1 , 0 0 0 lb. )

5. Tire contact area i s determined by dividing the wheel load by

t i r e inflation pressure,

6. V e r i f y wheel spacing for industrial truck t o be used.

thickness for the slab s t r e s s per 1,000 lb. of axle load determined

in step 4. Proceed horizontally f r o m s t r e s s to contact area,

vertically to wheel 'spacing, then horizontally to floor slab

thi c kne s s .
Design Example

Data for Lift-Truck A

Type Axle with single wheels

Axle Load 40 k i p s

Wheel Spacing 40 in.

No. of Wheels 2

T i r e Inflation P r e s s u r e 100 psi

Subgrade Modulus, k 100 pci

Concrete Compressive Strength, fk 4000 psi @' 28 days

1. Properties of Subgrade

Subgrade Modulus, k = 100 pci

2. Safety Factor (SF)

For frequent operations of f o r k l i f t trucks in channelized

a i s l e traffic, SF = 2. ( P e r m i t s unlimited s t r e s s repetitions

without fatigue failure. )

3. Concrete Working Stress, (WS)

W S = Flexural strength (MR, Table 1 ) = 640 = 320 psi

Safety Factor (SF) 2
4. Slab s t r e s s per 1000 lb. of axle load:

Axle load, kips 40

Working stress = 320 = 8 . 0

5. T i r e contact area

Axle load = wheel load = 40,000 = 20,000 lb,

No. of wheels 2

Wheel load-= contact area = 20,000 = 200 sq. in, ,

T i r e inflation 100
pr e s s u r e

6. Verify wheel spacing, 40 in. ( s e e data above)

7. Enter left with slab s t r e s s equals 8 and k equal 100.

M o v e right to contact area, 200 sq. in. Next up to wheel spac-

ing, 40 in. Now right t o s l a b thickness, 9 . 8 in. Use 10 in.

thick slab.

Design Procedure - Dual Wheels

Follow these steps to determine floor slab thickness for dual wheels:

1. Verify dual wheel spacing, sd-

2. Tire contact area is determined by dividing the load on a single

wheel by the t i r e inflation pressure.

3. Choose a t r i a l slab thickness.

4, F r o m the design chart i n Fig. 2 determine the equivalent load

factor, F, for single wheel axle load. Enter the chart with the

dual wheel spacing, Sd, and proceed horizontally t o the contact

a r e a , vertically to the t r i a l slab thickness, then horizontally t o

the equivalent load factor, F. Multiply F b y the dual axle load to

obtain the equivalent single wheel axle load.

5. Use F i g . 1 t o determine flexural s t r e s s in the floor slab. From

slab thickness proceed left, horizontally t o wheel spacing, S,

vertically down to contact area, then horizontally left to slab s t r e s s

per 1000 lb. axle load (for proper k value).

6. Determine working s t r e s s in concrete by multiplying equivalent

single wheel axle load times slab s t r e s s .

Design Example

Data for Lift-Truck B

Type Axle with dual wheels

Axle Load . 5 0 kips

Wheel Spacing 18x40~18in.

No. of Wheels

T i r e Inflation P r e s s u r e 125 psi

' Subgrade Modulus, k 100 pci

Concrete Compressive Strength, fk 4000 psi @ 28 days

1. Verify dual wheel spacing, s d = 18 in.

2. T i r e contact , a r e a
. .I

Axle load -
= 50000 = 100
(No. of wheels)(Tire p r e s s u r e ) 4x125

3. T r i a l slab thickness = 10 in.

4. Equivalent load factor,F, (from Fig. 2) for single wheel axle load.

Enter Fig. 2 at left with dual wheel spacing s d = 18 in. M o v e right

t o contact a r e a , 100 sq. in. Then up to the trial slab thickness,

10 in. Next right, to read the equivalent load factor, F = 0.775.

Dual axle load x load factor, F = equivalent single axle wheel load.

50x0. 775 = 38. 3 kip axle load (single t i r e )

5. Slab s t r e s s per 1000 lb. axle load.

Enter Fig. 1 with slab thickness, 10 in. M o v e left, to wheel

spacing, Sd , 40 in. D o w n t o contact a r e a , 100 aq. in. Next left

t o slab s t r e s s per 1000 lb. axle load, read 8.8.

6. Slab stress x equivalent load = working stress

8 . 8 x 3 8 . 3 = 337 psi 320 psi
(Slightly exceeds allowable working stress of 320 psi. )

7. Repeat steps 1 - 6 for trial slab thickness = 10. 5 in. This gives

stress 311 p s i <320 psi.0. K.

8. Slab thickness = 10. 5 in.


( 1 ) "Influence Charts for Concrete Pavements'' by G. Pickett and G . K. Ray,

Transactions, ASCE, 1 9 5 1 , Vol. 116, page 49. Available f r o m Portland
Cement A ssociation, Skokie, Il. 60076

( 2 ) "Design of Concrete F l o o r s on Ground for Warehouse Loading" by

Paul F. Rice, ACI Journal, August 1957, page 105.

Table 2. Relationships Betweei ;oil Types and Bearir Values

Subgrads CBR, (2) Design k-value,

Type of Soil Strength percent pci

- Silts and clays of high

compressibility at Low 2 or less 50
natural density

- Silts and clays of high

compressibility(1) Ave'ra ge 3
at compacted density
- Silts and clays of low
- Sandy silts and clays, gravelly
silts and clays
- Poorly-graded sands

- Gravelly soils, well-graded

sands, and sand-gravel High 10 200
mixtures relatively free
of plastic fines.

(1) High compressibility, liquid limit equal to or greater than 50

Low compressibility, liquid limit less than 50.
(liquid limit by ASTM D423, Standard Method of Test for Liquid Limit of Soils)

( 2 ) California Bearing Ratio, ASTM D1883, Standard Method of Test for Bearing Ratio
of Laboratory - Compacted Soils
I ,
Fig. 1. Design Chart for A x l e s with Single Wheels.

. . I . . . .
Fig, 2. Design Chart for Axles with Dual Wheels.

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