FORM DPX-1 Along With Annexures
FORM DPX-1 Along With Annexures
FORM DPX-1 Along With Annexures
A. Instructions :
B. Documentation:
Certified copies of the documents, listed in item XII of the application form.
I. Exporter
Name & Address
(other details as per Annexure I).
IV. Export Contract
a) Date of signing b)
b) Effective date c)
c) Completion / maintenance
period (if any)
d) Total value
I. In foreign currency II.
II. Equivalent Indian rupees III.
III. Exchange rate
e) In Rupees
e) Break-up of contract value
Supplies Services Total
Third country *
Total value
* (Goods directly imported into
Buyer’s country)
f) Goods to be exported from India
(i) Description
(ii) value (specify whether the value is
F.O.B.,C&F or C.I.F. or on other
terms giving the actual or
estimated F.O.B value where the
price is on non-F.O.B. terms. If the
price is fixed in a foreign currency,
state the price in terms of foreign
currency, and its rupee equivalent.)
(vi) Deferred receivables (vi)
(1) Moratorium/grace period, if any, on (1)
principal amount (please also
indicate the date from which the
period will start).
(2) Period of deferred payments (2)
inclusive of moratorium
(3) Number and amount of instalments (3)
(principal and interest separately)
(4) Whether the instalments will be (4)
linked to the date of contract /
individual shipment / date of mean
shipment / date of commissioning /
any other date.
(5) Security for deferred receivables (5)
(6) Rate of interest on deferred (6)
(7) Moratorium, if any, on interest (7)
(8) Will bills / pronotes be drawn/ made (8)
in respect of deferred receivables
and interest thereon? When will they
be available to the exporter?
(vii)(a) Currency/ies of payment (vii) (a)
(b) Is there an exchange variation (b)
clause? If not, will the exchange
risk be covered under ECGC
(Cost of forward cover, if any, should
be built into the tender/offer)
V. Status of exporter V.
State whether Prime Exporter/
Consortium Member
(a) If a Prime Exporter
(1) Name/s & Address/es of major (a)
(2) Nature of goods/services relating (1)
to each sub-supplier and value
thereof (2)
(3) Payment and other back-to-back
arrangements with sub-supplier/s
(4) Past experience of major sub- (3)
(5) Details of banking arrangements (4)
made by sub-suppliers for the
offer (5)
(Note: If prime exporter is a sub-supplier to
a foreign principal other than the overseas
buyer, Annexure II may be completed).
(b) If a member of a consortium/joint bid (b)
(1) Name/s & Address/es of the
Leader/ Other members (1)
(2) Nature of goods/services relating
to leader/each consortium (2)
member, and value thereof
(3) Payment and other back-to-back
arrangements with leader/other (3)
consortium members
(4) Past experience of
leader/consortium members (4)
(5) Details of banking arrangements
made by leader/consortium (5)
members for the offer
(Note: If the offer is jointly with a foreign
party, information as in Annexure II may be
VI. Foreign Exchange outgo
(a) (i) CIF cost of raw materials and (a) (i) Item Amount Percentage
components proposed to be imported
into India for the execution of the
order or value of import
replenishment entitlements
whichever is higher
VIII. Cost & Profitability
Estimated profit - amount and %
(Annexure III to be completed )
IX. ECGC cover
Nature of the ECGC insurance proposed to
be obtained. (State whether ECGC
quotations have been obtained. If so,
furnish rates quoted and certified copies of
the relevant correspondence with the
X. Arrangement for Bank Finance
a) Name/s of the exporter/s banker/s a)
b) Arrangements made or proposed to b)
be made for obtaining finance
during the pre and post shipment
stages and guarantee facilities for
executing the export order.
XII. Documents to be attached with the
Application(Attach certified true copies)
We apply for grant of approval for exports on deferred payment terms/turnkey basis as per
details furnished above.
We hereby certify that the particulars given above are true to the best of our knowledge and
STAMP …………………………………….
(Signature of Authorised Official)
Place : …………………… Name:___________________________
Date: ……………………… Designation :______________________
Note : Where applicable, amounts are to be stated in foreign currencies and also their
Indian rupee equivalent.
Enclosure to Form DPX 1
(Item XII(f)(ii) of Form DPX 1)
Projections of post-shipment credit requirements
Quarter Quarter Quarter Half Half Half year Total
year year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Outstanding at
the beginning
2. Advances availed
of during the
1. Total of 1 & 2
2. Less instalments,
if any, received
from the importer
3. Outstandings at
the end of the
N.B. Quarterly figures to be given till the limit is expected to be fully drawn,
thereafter, figures may be furnished quarterly/half-yearly/yearly depending
upon the receipt of the deferred instalments.
Annexure I to Form DPX 1
(Item 1 of Form DPX 1)
Annexure II to Form DPX 1
( Notes to Items V(a) & (b) of Form DPX 1 )
Annexure III to Form DPX 1
( Items VIII & XII(f)(i) of Form DPX 1 )
2. Direct labour 2.
3. Depreciation 3.
4. Factory overheads 4.
5. Packing Charges 5.
6. Other administrative & selling expenses 6.
7. Taxes and duties – 7.
(i) Excise duties (i)
(ii) Import duties (ii)
(iii) Taxes (to be specified) (iii)
14. Miscellaneous (including cost of forward 14.
15. Contingencies 15.
(i) Provision for cost escalation (i)
(ii) negotiating margin, if any (ii)
(iii) any other (iii)
16. Sub-total 16.
17. (i) Freight (outward) 17. (i)
(ii) Insurance (ii)__________________________
18. Total cost 18. __________________________
19. Sales value 19.
20. Net profit/loss (19 minus 18) 20.
21. Export Incentives 21.
(a) Duty draw-back
(b) Others (to be specified)
*Net of lower rate, if any, charged to buyer than the prevailing interest rate on the
post-shipment deferred credit in India should be indicated as cost.
I. Exporter I.
Name and address
II. Export contract covered by the report II.