Assignment Chapter 5 (Part 1) : Technology

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Nama : Hanosi Wazri

Nim : 1915051104
Rombel: 40


Which advice is true about being a good digital citizen? Tick (✓) six correct answers.

1.....................You believe all of what you see on the internet.

2. (✓) You are interested in modern technology.
3. (✓) You worry a lot about privacy settings.
4. (✓) You think carefully about each photo before you post it.
5..................... You are impolite to people online.
6. (✓) You share photos online sometimes.
7..................... You do not check the information you read online.
8. (✓) You know there are dangers online.
9. (✓) You care about your country’s online rules.
10................... You do not follow your country’s online rules.


Circle the correct definition.

1. a digital citizen a. a person who lives in a modern world

b. a person who is active online

2. polite a. having good manners and respectful

b. disrespectful and rude

3. safe a. in danger
b. free from danger

4. to worry a. to think that something bad might happen

b. to feel nervous about meeting new people

5. sensible a. having reasonable action & good judgement

b. reacting quickly to changes
6. privacy settings a. special places where you can be private
b. controls to make your information private

7. laws a. official rules of a country that says what

people should/should not do
b. information about how to behave

8. illegal a. not allowed by the law

b. breaking the law

Read the tips given about how to stay safe online then write the tips in the correct group.
Table 5.1

be polite and kind to tell your friends your think before you share talk to an adult if you
people. passwords. photos. have a bad experience

meet anyone in real life share bad photos of your write mean or horrible check your privacy
that you met online. friends. messages. settings regularly.

Table 5.2
When you are online, DO… When you are online, DO NOT…
 be polite and kind to people.  tell your friends your passwords.
 think before you share photos.  meet anyone in real life that you met
 talk to an adult if you have a bad online.
experience online.  write mean or horrible messages.
 share bad photos of your friends.
 check your privacy settings regularly.

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