Electrical Drives & Control Lab.
Electrical Drives & Control Lab.
Electrical Drives & Control Lab.
Part - A
1) Perform the experiment for speed control of single phase induction motor using micro
Part – B
2) What are the methods for speed control of induction motor.
3) What are the types of induction motor.
4) How to control speed of induction motor.
5) Draw the block diagram for speed control of induction motor using pic microcontroller
6) How to reduce speed of single phase motor.
7) Which motor has poorest speed.
8) How you control speed of split phase motor.
9) Which motor has wide range of speed control.
10) Which speed control method is used in food mixture motor.
11) What is the cause & effect behavior in speed control is correct when field resistance is
S.K.Chaudhary Educational Trust’s
B.Tech.VIII Sem Mid Term Exam-2020
Electrical Drive & Control Lab.
Part - A
1) Perform the experiment for speed control of separately excited dc motor using chopper.
Part - B
2) Plot the graph to show how does the power varies with the variation in the speed for a dc
shunt motor?
3) How can the speed of a dc motor be controlled.
4) Which speed can be obtained from field control of dc shunt motor.
5) Which motor has the poorest speed control.
6) What is the cause & effect behavior in speed control is correct when field resistance is
7) How the speed control is achieved in separately exited dc motor?
8) How will the speed of a separately exited dc motor change with increasing armature
9) What is difference between self excited & separately excited machine?
10) How is the chopper used in speed control of dc motor?
11) Which motor has wide range of speed control.
S.K.Chaudhary Educational Trust’s
B.Tech.VIII Sem Mid Term Exam-2020
Electrical Drive & Control Lab.
Part - A
1) Perform the experiment for Speed control of dc motor using closed loop & open loop.
Part - B
2) What are the methods for speed control of dc motor.
3) How to control speed of dc motor.
4) Draw the block diagram for speed control of induction motor.
5) Which motor has poorest speed.
6) Which motor has wide range of speed control.
7) Which speed control method is used in food mixture motor.
8) What is an open loop and closed loop control
9) How do you write an open loop transfer function.
10) How to tune PI current and PID speed control loops with FOC.
11) What is the cause & effect behavior in speed control is correct when field resistance is
S.K.Chaudhary Educational Trust’s
B.Tech.VIII Sem Mid Term Exam-2020
Electrical Drive & Control Lab.
Part - A
1) To perform Micro controller based speed control of 3 phase induction motor by stator
voltage control method.
Part - B