Modelling of In-Pit Crusher Conveyor Alternatives

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Modelling of In-Pit Crusher Conveyor

J. G. Londoño, P. F. Knights* and M. S. Kizil

As open cut mines become progressively deeper, mining operations face increased operating
costs and technical challenges. In-Pit Crusher Conveyor (IPCC) systems offer advantages in the
form of continuous operation, reduced labour requirements and decreased energy consumption
resulting in lower cost per bank cubic metre. Nevertheless, IPCC systems are associated with
high capital costs, lack of flexibility to adapt to changing mine plans and low effective system
utilisation. This paper investigates alternative IPCC configurations for pre-stripping application in
an open pit coal mine. It demonstrates that system redundancy in the form of introducing parallel
conveyor lines with spreaders is capable of improving IPCC productivity by 9-4-12-6%. Parallel
conveying systems have higher Equivalent Unit Costs (EUCs) than do single conveyor IPCC
configurations. Nevertheless, introducing redundancy into IPCC systems enables higher
production and associated coal revenue. Using an indicative metallurgical coal price and
stripping ratio, it was demonstrated that parallel conveyor IPCC systems can provide higher profit
than single conveyor line IPCC alternatives.
Keywords: In-pit crusher conveyor, Reliability model, Effective utilisation. Belt conveyor

Introduction and maintenance data were collected from several

sources, including failure distributions from similar
The mining industry is facing many environmental and mining equipment and utilisation information from a
productivity challenges related to operating large surface mine in central Queensland.
mines. Truck haulage can account for approximately The system studied comprises an IPCC system with
40% of the total mining costs in a surface coal mine parallel belt conveyors and stacker/spreaders linked to a
(Koehler, 2003). In-Pit Crusher Conveyor (IPCC) hopper/crusher and a walking dragline retrofitted with
systems offer continuous operation, reduced labour Universal Dig and Dump (UDD) technology. This sys-
requirements and energy consumption, resulting in tem is known as a 'Dragline/Hopper/Crusher/Conveyor'
lower cost per bank cubic metre (bcm) (Moore, 2010). (DHCC) system. The productivity of the system is
In certain situations, higher capital investment of IPCC driven by the operation of the UDD Dragline interfaced
systems can be offset against lower operating costs to with a mobile hopper and crusher (sizer) station. Hence,
become more cost effective over time than truck/shovel a simulation is carried out utilising '3D-Dig' dragline
haulage systems. Figure 1 shows an IPCC system in a simulation software to determine the optimal location of
coal operation that was supplied to Yimin Hi in the hopper/crusher station relative to the dragline. It
Northern China. subsequently determines whether it is feasible to apply a
Savings as a result of reduced operating costs rely on parallel conveyor belt and stacker arrangement with the
systems performance. For instance: if the IPCC does not DHCC system for prestripping applications.
function as expected and productivity targets are not
achieved, higher unit costs will result. This study Dragline and IPCC overview
investigates the feasibility of alternative configurations
of an IPCC prestripping operation in an open cut coal The material handling system under study is based on
mine. An IPCC system must deliver high system previous investigations involving similar equipment
reliability, availability and effective utilisation in order utilised in open cut coal mines for prestripping opera-
to deliver high productivity and low cost operation. To tions. The system configuration comprises of: a walking
evaluate this, a reliability block model was constructed dragline, a mobile receiving hopper and crushing
to simulate the system's operation and determine the station, belt conveyors, a tripper car and spreader,
system's effective utilisation and production. Operating known as a DHCC system. The present study extends
existing analyses by equipping the DHCC system with a
parallel belt conveyor system and spreader arrangement,
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of and a walking dragline fitted with UDD technology.
Queensland, and CRC Mining, Brisbane, Qld, Australia DHCC systems were widely investigated in the mid
•Corresponding author, email [email protected] 1980s and early 1990s as evident from several studies

® 2013 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and The AusIMM

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute and The AusIMM
Received 13 May 2013; accepted 2 September 2013
DOl 10.1179/1743286313Y.0000000048 Mining Technology 2013 VOL 122 NO 4 193
Londoño étal. Modelling of IPCC alternatives

reliability model for the main gate belt conveyor system

transporting coal away from a longwall face. A fault tree
diagram was constructed by dividing the system into
manageable components in order to understand the
failure logic of the system.
Reliability models incorporating redundant systems in
1 Fully mobile crusher, bridge conveyor, belt wagon and
mining applications have been modelled in the past.
bench conveyor supplied to Yimin He, Northern China
Levitin et al. (1996) analysed redundant systems alter-
(Harcus, 2011)
natives for conveyor systems supplying a power station.
Their paper proposed a procedure to determine the
carried out by the Australian Coal Association Research minimal cost of series/parallel configurations.
Program (The Shell Company of Australia & CSR
Limited, 1990). Mountain States Mineral Enterprises Modelling parallel conveyors in DHCC
Inc. carried out an evaluation of several DH systems in systems
the USA. The 'DHCC System conceptual study and
capital cost estimate' project assessed the feasibility of a This study considers a multiseam open cut coal mining
conventional dragline feeding a crusher conveyor system operation located in Central Queensland, Australia. The
(The Shell Company of Australia Limited, 1991). Poor mine consists of three coal seams referred to as the
productivity resulting from the need to continually lower, middle and upper seams. The mine includes
relocate the hopper to effect dumping from a conven- several pits which are mined using a combination of
tional dragline resulted in the project being abandoned. truck and shovel methods for prestripping of the upper
seam and interburden removal from the middle seam,
UDD dragline and draglines for the lower seam. Draglines are
A major dragline innovation occurred in the mid to late employed on the lower seam because the interburden
1990s with the introduction of UDD technology (Jones, material can be moved to its final destination.
2007). UDD technology has successfully been retrofitted The focus for modelling the DHCC system with
to six machines in Australia. Developed by the parallel conveyors and spreaders is for potential
Cooperative Research Centre for Mining in Australia, application to prestripping operations in the mine's
UDD draglines overcome the digging and dumping three northern pits. The northern pits are facing issues
constraints of conventional rigged draglines by fitting related to increasing pit depth, increasing waste volumes
independent ropes to the front and back of a dragline and increasing truck cycle times. The major components
bucket, controlled via a split hoist drum and motor of the DHCC systems are as follows:
arrangement. As a result of eliminating the weight of a (i) a modified Marion 8050 dragline fitted with
conventional bucket's jewellery, larger capacity buckets UDD technology with a rated suspended load
are able to be fitted to UDD machines. A modification of 134 t, equivalent to 48 bcm of overburden
of the boom point sheave arrangement is also necessary (ii) a fully mobile crusher equipped with a receiving
whereby the conventional parallel sheave arrangement is hopper, an apron feeder, twin shaft sizer,
replaced with an inline arrangement. UDD draglines are transfer and discharge conveyor and crawler
able to pick up and dump a bucket at any radius up to track with a maximum capacity of 10 000 t h~'
and including the maximum operating radius of the (iii) a parallel belt conveyor system with a combined
boom. The combination of increased payload and maximum capacity of 8000 t h~'
reduced filling distances and subsequent cycle times (iv) two crawler mounted tripper cars and sprea-
enable significant dragline productivity increases. ders.
Since UDD technology allows the dragline to dump
the bucket at positions within the dragline operating DHCC options for the Northern Pits
radius, the hopper/crusher does not have to be relocated DHCC options for the northern pits were identified by
every time the dragline is moved. This extends the considering typical excavation blocks, spoil dump
periods of operation between the dragline and Hopper/ locations, conveyor routes and interaction between the
Crusher movements, potentially increasing system DHCC with other pit processes. A DHCC option was
productivity. identified for Northern Pits 1 and 2, and two possible
DHCC options were identified for the Northern Pit 3 as
Parallel belt conveyors there is an additional spoil dump option (Fig. 2). The
The second innovation in this study is consideration of respective DHCC options are as follows: Option 1 is
parallel conveyor and spreader configurations in DHCC essentially the same for both first and second northern
systems. This aspect was considered as it provides higher pits as they use the same spoil dump locations (A and B).
systems reliability and facilitates the planning of These locations represent the shortest distances from the
operations in open cut coal mines. A reliability model prestrip operation to the spoil dump area. For the third
of the system was constructed in order to simulate the pit, this option is similar; however, the distance to the
potential productive performance of DHCC system. A spoil dump location is longer as this is the furthest pit.
review was conducted of open literature related to To visualise one of the configurations, the DHCC
reliability models developed for continuous material option in the Northern Pit 1 is illustrated. The shaded
handling systems. Suprakash and Jay anta (2006) devel- orange areas represent possible spoil dump locations;
oped a reliability model for an armoured face conveyor the green areas represents the spoil dump zones of the
in an underground longwall mine for Singareni DHCC system; the red lines depict the belt conveyors
Collieries Company Limited in India. Suprakash and and yellow and blue points represent the dragline and
Uday followed up this study in 2010 by developing a the fully mobile crusher plant respectively. The belt

194 Mining Technology 2013 VOL122 NO 4

Londoño et al. Modelling of IPCC alternatives

2 DHCC system for first northern pit (source: Google


conveyors sections are named 'CV for the first line and
'CVP' for the parallel route.

Dragline/hopper dumping simulation

The study focused on the evaluation of three alternatives 3 Overburden excavation of subbtock 1 showing in-pit
for locating the hopper/crusher relative to the dragline. hopper location
These include: low wall dumping with the hopper
located in advance of the pit; in-pit hopper dumping;
and high wall hopper dumping. Simulations were (ii) subblock 2, of 25 m width and 30 m length
developed using the '3D-Dig' software package to nearer the highwall.
analyse these alternatives. The option capable of
providing the highest productivity was found to be the Dragline walk times
in-pit hopper alternative. The simulation results provide the dragline walking
This alternative involves locating the dragline on the distances every time the machine moves as well as the
surface of the working bench with an IPCC system in- walking speed (Table 1), It is estimated that the dragline
pit. The crusher is positioned in order to minimise would require an average of 25 min to walk from the
relocations, and is essentially limited to linear move- completion of subblock 1 to begin excavating subblock
ments along the strike of the pit. Figure 3 illustrates the 2, The hopper/crusher has to be capable of being
proposed excavation sequence for a block. The dragline relocated within this time in order not to affect dragline
sits on the highwall and excavates subblock 1, swinging productivity. After the dragline completes subblock 2, it
in an anticlockwise direction to dump material into the requires only 12 min to relocate to subblock 1, The
hopper. Once subblock 1 has been excavated, the hopper/crusher station remains stationary throughout
dragline moves back off the highwall to position itself this move.
for excavating subblock 2, The hopper is repositioned to
Dragline swing angles
the toe of the next block, and the dragline begins to
dump in a clockwise sense into the hopper. The advantage of in-pit hopper dumping is that the
The hopper/crusher moves along the strike of the pit dragline can achieve high productivity by maintaining
discharging material into the conveyor system. As the relatively short swing angles. In addition, the dragline
system is intended for application to prestripping of the operator is afforded with good visibility in order to
upper seam, there is limited interaction with other truck- ensure consistent hopper dumping and minimise the risk
of collision with the bucket. The average dragline swing
shovel operations, 3D-Dig simulations were carried out
angle when excavating the subblock 1 was found to be
for three overburden bench depths: 30, 40 and 50 m
22°, The average swing angle for subblock 2 was found
respectively. The simulations enabled determination of:
to be 26°,
average walking times; average swing angles; average
cycle time; dig time; and volume excavated per dig hour.
The 30 m alternative was determined to provide the Reliability modelling of IPCC alternatives
highest productivity based on adequate reach of the In order to model the systems reliability of parallel
dragline to the hopper. This bench depth was used in conveyors in IPCC systems, aspects such as the number
subsequent DHCC productivity scenarios. of conveyor sections; length of conveyors and direction
need to be defined. The following conveyor options were
Dragline btock characteristics considered:
Several block configurations were simulated for each (i) parallel conveyors for an IPCC in Northern Pit 1
depth alternative. The best configuration was deter- (ii) parallel conveyors for an IPCC in Northern Pit 2
mined by considering the maximum reach of the (iii) parallel conveyors for an IPCC in Northern Pit
dragline to the hopper. The excavation block was 3, Options 1 and 2,
determined to be of 60 m width by 30 m length and The parallel conveying configurations for Northern Pit
30 m depth. The block was divided into two subblocks: 1, 2 and 3 (Option 1) each require four conveyor
(i) subblock 1, of 35 m width and 30 m length close segments in each parallel route. Transfer points were
to the edge of the total block modelled as major sources of downtime however

Mining Technology 2013 VOL122 NO 4 195

Lot^doño et al. Modelling of IPCC alternatives
conveyor segment distance was assumed not to affect
reliability. A second reliability model was established for
the Northern Pit 3 (Option 2), which considered four
mo conveyors in one route and five in the other.
E " -- o
o S ^ _o
CD o ^
m System losses
c u o Z3 Figure 4 illustrates a simplified time accounting system.
*= _g ^
.^ .Q .a CO CO CO o - ^ n System availability (sometimes called system physical
LÔ '=¿1' LO LÓ L Ó rö 8-Q
CM CM CM CM Cvl availability) is defined by the ratio of available time
to scheduled calendar time. Availability losses include
scheduled and unscheduled maintenance losses.
Scheduled maintenance delays include preventive main-
^ tenance, inspections and scheduled component change-
outs. Unscheduled delays are cause by system defects
g) CD - ^ - o CT) CTl o o
b LÓ LÓ b O> CO CO Ó) C3) resulting in the failure of components. A WeibuU
distribution is often employed to model the time
between successive failures. This is because the distribu-
tion is capable of emulating constant, decreasing or
o increasing failure rates dependent on the value of its two
u Ü
(V principal parameters, the shape factor ß and the
CO Cfl characteristic life ri.
m "25
^1 System utilisation is defined as the ratio of utilised
time over available time. Effective utilisation is the
product of system utilisation and system availability.
Utilisation losses are composed of both scheduled and
o o unscheduled process losses. These time losses have been
E J«
(B CD taken from a typical IPCC operating times as measured
2 E -" by Harcus (2011). The percentage allocated for each
CO CO r ^ cp lo ! o <J CO ^ O)
ô cô ci) ô LÓ ^ s cb CÖ cb CÍ> cb
operating delay represents the percentage of the calendar
o ^ C\J CM ti^
CO CO CO CO CO r n ^ CD I-- h - time when the system is not functioning (i.e. loss of
CO CO CO CO CO .— 3 ( ^ h^ r— CO CO
T3 o CO CO CO effective utilisation). The allocated process delays are as
(i) weather/storms or fog: 3%
EI (ii) not manned: 1%
(iii) safety training: 1%
LO C p O ) CO > o
(iv) meal break: 2%

73 o -^ o -^ (v) shift change: 3%
2 =5 Ü
(vi) conveyor relocations: 1%
(vii) wait IPCC: 1%
(viii) fuelling/checks: 2%
=5 E (ix) cable positioning: 2%
0) u -•- -^ o CM ,- CM - r - CM -îf
E ó 'à" 1^ 0^ irj (x) equipment positioning: 6%
en o o -^ o - ^ m CD CO
o o
> x;
O O O O (xi) wait dozer/clean up: 3%.
<N Total time losses sum to 25% of calendar time. This
value was used to represent process delays in each
n G)
reliability model.
C To analyse the systems reliability of parallel conveyors
CD o
in IPCC systems, the Isograph Availability Workbench
E (AWB) software package (supplied by ARMS reliabil-
CM o "5) ( D - ^ C\J O ) CM
fc CO CD CO o ity) was utilised. This software enables reliability block
i < models to be constructed of different IPCC system
Figure 5 shows the reliability configuration of the
£ c parallel IPCC system for the first, second and third pits
i3 n (Option 1). Each block defines a component of the
o CO
(D .E CD c
system. As an example, the first block on the left is the
dragline followed by the fully mobile crusher station.
The two belt conveyor lines represent redundancy in the
CO CO o N - CO - ^ N . CO CO O)
-T^ - - ^ CM -V^ - ^ CM - ^ -v^ --^ ^
Io system. Further development of the reliability block
diagrams enables a fault tree diagram to be constructed
D for the primary failure events of each component block
0) (mechanical, electrical, instrument failure, etc.) The
B Ol
O software enables the influence of these primary events
ë O to be modelled across entire system.
196 Mining Technology 2013 VOL122 NO 4
Londoño et al. Modelling of IPCC alternatives

Scheduled calendar hours

Scheduled ! Unscheduled i
Available hours maintenance maintenance '
losses losses j

rScheduleTI Unscheduled
Utilised hours process | process
1 losses 1 losses

4 Simplified time accounting model

CVl (Parallel CV2 (Parallel CVB (Parallel CV4 (Parallel Spreader [

corivevor 1) conveyor 2) conveyor 3) conveyor 4) 2)

5 Reiiabiiity model for Northern Pit Option 1

Estimation of WeibuU parameters Utilisation and production of the DHCC system utilising
The parameters defining the Weibull failure distribu- a parallel conveyor was compared to that with single
tions for the eonveyor and spreader were estimated from belt conveyor line.
similar conveyor and spreader equipment operating in a
heap leaching operation in Chile (Madariaga and DHCC Alternatives comparison
Pascual, 2011). The resulting Weibull parameters of
each component are summarised in Table 2. It is Single line [5 Conveyors) ^ |
acknowledged that the size distribution and bulk density
of crushed copper ore may differ from the sized coal Single line (4 Conveyors ) H|

overburden considered in this study, and that this may Singleline (3 Conveyors) HI • MIn
affect resultant failure parameters. A sensitivity analysis
• Ave
was run using the AWB software to assess the suitability Paralle lines (4 CV. 5 parallel CV) •
• Max
of the failure parameters.
Paralle lines (3 CV. 4 Parallel CV) Él

Results 40 45 50 55 60 65
One hundred simulations were run in order to obtain
accurate values over 1 year. The predicted effective 6 DHCC alternatives effection utiiisation comparison

Tabie 2 Primary event parameters (conveyor and spreader data from Madariaga and Pascual, 2011)

IPCC System Weibull parameters

Beta Eta (h)

ß V

IPCC component Primary events Form factor Scale factor MTTR (h)

Belt conveyor Conveyor takeup 0-48 36-99 0-3

Conveyor electrical 0-7 31-04 0-6
Conveyor mechanical 0-64 50-96 1-0
Spreader Spreader mechanical 0-5 72-97 1-0
Spreader crawler 0-47 236-77 0-3
Spreader hydraulic 0-66 307-32 0-7
Spreader electrical 0-47 39-45 0-7
Crusher Crusher failure 1 18-7 2-0
Dragline Dragline failure 1 13-5 3-0
Lognormal parameters
/i/h (T/h
Mean Standard deviation
Process delays 6-9 5-5 1-0

Mining Technology 2013 VOL 122 NO 4 197

Londoño et ai Modelling of IPCC alternatives

Calendar .
¿Hours i

Scheduled & tJnshceduted

Maintenance Time

7 DHCC economic model

Effective utilisation results for the IPCC alternatives The UDD dragline productivity was taken into
are shown in Fig. 6. The respective minimum, average account to estimate the productivity of the entire system.
and maximum values are shown. It can be seen that the Operating and capital costs were based on IPCC
use of redundant parallel conveyors increases effective equipment such as crushing plant, belt conveyors, tripper
system utilisation by 9-4-12-6%, dependent on the car and spreader. Figure 7 shows the economic variables
selected base case. used to estimate system capital and operating costs.



.» SINGLE-5CV/11.1 Km

J PARALLEL-3PCV&4CV/14.6Km I Maximum Utilisation

lAverage Utilisatioii
I Minimum Utilisation


1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80

$/ Overburden Tonne
8 EUC comparison of iPCC configurations

198 Mining Technology 2013 VOL122 NO 4

Londoño et al. Modelling of IPCC alternatives

Overburden Value -10 years provided by the single conveyors alternative, whereas
the red underlined area shows the value of parallel
conveyors. The parallel IPCC configuration is capable of
providing AS376m additional value over the single
12 5
valu*. S/t conveyor system. It is recommended that a sensitivity
analysis be undertaken of the impact of increasing coal
extraction rates on the life of the mine. If the increased
extraction rates coincide with periods of high coal prices,
net present value is more likely to be favourably
• Single Conveyors
Parallel Conveyors Conclusions
This paper has evaluated the use of parallel conveying
alternatives for IPCC systems for overburden removal
applications in open cut mines. It has demonstrated that
a parallel conveyor and spreader configuration is
1.22 capable of improving systems productivity by 9-4--
12-6%. An economic model was developed for both
180 200 220 240 260
single and parallel conveying configurations. Parallel
Overburden Production (Mt)
conveying systems have higher EUCs than do single
9 DHCC alternatives value comparison conveyor configurations. The parallel configuration with
three and four conveyors costs A$0-17/t more than a
An Equivalent Unit Cost (EUC) model was used to single configuration with three conveyors. Nevertheless,
compare the economic performance of system alter- introducing redundancy into IPCC systems enables
natives. This is calculated by dividing Net Present Cost higher production and associated revenue. Using an
by the Net Present Production, considering a ten year indicative metallurgical coal process and stripping ratio,
operating horizon. EUC evaluation is commonly used it was demonstrated that parallel conveyor IPCC
by a number of major mining houses, as prestrip systems can provide a higher profit alternative to mining
production is a proxy variable to represent the value operations than single IPCC alternatives.
add of exposed coal.
A total of five IPCC system configurations were References
analysed. Three system configurations correspond to
single conveying systems, while two alternatives are Harcus, M. 2011. Back to the future, Min. Mag., Jun., 45-59.
parallel conveying systems. Figure 8 summarises the Jones, B. T. 2007. Dragline maintenance engineering. Unpublished
Final Year BEng thesis. University of Southern Queensland,
EUC of the IPCC alternatives. Toowoomba, Qld, Australia.
Koehler, F. 2003. Economical and environmental operation of open cut
Discussion mines, Proc. 5th Large Open Pit Mining Conf., Kalgoorlie WA,
USA, November, AusIMM, 1-5.
The IPCC configurations having single conveyor lines Levitin, G., Lisnianski, A. and Elmakis, D. 1997. Structure optimiza-
have lower associated EUC than their parallel conveyor tion of power system with different redundant elements, Electr.
alternatives. Mining companies might be tempted to Power Sysl. Res., 43, 20-27.
select these lower cost alternatives. However, designing Madariaga, R. and Pascual, R. 2011. Optimisation of production lines
using asset management, in CD Proc. 8th Plant Maintenance
in system redundancy in the form of parallel conveyor Conf. (MAPLA), Antofagasta, Chile, September, Gecamin S.A.
and stacker significantly enhances the productive cap- Moore, P. 2010. A new dawn for IPCC, Min. Mag., Jun., 8-13.
ability of the DHCC system. A more appropriate means Suprakash, G. and Jayanta, B. 2006. Reliability analysis of a conveyor
of comparison is via the value potential of both systems. system using hybrid data, Qual. Reliabil. Eng. Ini., 23, 867-882
Assuming a metallurgical coal price of A$100/t, and an Suprakash, G. and Uday, K. 2010. Maintenance resource prioritzation
overburden stripping ratio of 8:1, The value-add for in a production system using cost-effective importance measure,
Proc. 1st Int. Workshop and Cong, on 'eMaintenance', University
stripping overburden is therefore $12-50/t. of Luleâ, Sweden, June, 196-204.
Figure 9 shows a comparison between the most cost The Shell Company of Australia, & CSR Limited. 1990. 'Dragline
effective single IPCC alternative (three conveyors) and loading into Hopper/Crusher/Conveyor System for prestripping'.
its competing parallel configuration. The single con- National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration
veyor line IPCC option produces 203 Mt of overburden Council,
The Shell Company of Australia Limited. 1991. Further evaluation of
over a 10-year period at an EUC of Sl-22/t. Conversely, dragline hopper concepts. National Energy Research,
the parallel alternative produces 240 Mt at an EUC of Development and Demonstration Council, http://www.acarp.
$l-39/t. The blue underlined area represents the value

Mining Technology 2013 VOL122 NO 4 199

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