Modelling of In-Pit Crusher Conveyor Alternatives
Modelling of In-Pit Crusher Conveyor Alternatives
Modelling of In-Pit Crusher Conveyor Alternatives
J. G. Londoño, P. F. Knights* and M. S. Kizil
As open cut mines become progressively deeper, mining operations face increased operating
costs and technical challenges. In-Pit Crusher Conveyor (IPCC) systems offer advantages in the
form of continuous operation, reduced labour requirements and decreased energy consumption
resulting in lower cost per bank cubic metre. Nevertheless, IPCC systems are associated with
high capital costs, lack of flexibility to adapt to changing mine plans and low effective system
utilisation. This paper investigates alternative IPCC configurations for pre-stripping application in
an open pit coal mine. It demonstrates that system redundancy in the form of introducing parallel
conveyor lines with spreaders is capable of improving IPCC productivity by 9-4-12-6%. Parallel
conveying systems have higher Equivalent Unit Costs (EUCs) than do single conveyor IPCC
configurations. Nevertheless, introducing redundancy into IPCC systems enables higher
production and associated coal revenue. Using an indicative metallurgical coal price and
stripping ratio, it was demonstrated that parallel conveyor IPCC systems can provide higher profit
than single conveyor line IPCC alternatives.
Keywords: In-pit crusher conveyor, Reliability model, Effective utilisation. Belt conveyor
conveyors sections are named 'CV for the first line and
'CVP' for the parallel route.
Scheduled ! Unscheduled i
Available hours maintenance maintenance '
losses losses j
rScheduleTI Unscheduled
Utilised hours process | process
1 losses 1 losses
Estimation of WeibuU parameters Utilisation and production of the DHCC system utilising
The parameters defining the Weibull failure distribu- a parallel conveyor was compared to that with single
tions for the eonveyor and spreader were estimated from belt conveyor line.
similar conveyor and spreader equipment operating in a
heap leaching operation in Chile (Madariaga and DHCC Alternatives comparison
Pascual, 2011). The resulting Weibull parameters of
each component are summarised in Table 2. It is Single line [5 Conveyors) ^ |
acknowledged that the size distribution and bulk density
of crushed copper ore may differ from the sized coal Single line (4 Conveyors ) H|
overburden considered in this study, and that this may Singleline (3 Conveyors) HI • MIn
affect resultant failure parameters. A sensitivity analysis
• Ave
was run using the AWB software to assess the suitability Paralle lines (4 CV. 5 parallel CV) •
• Max
of the failure parameters.
Paralle lines (3 CV. 4 Parallel CV) Él
Results 40 45 50 55 60 65
One hundred simulations were run in order to obtain
accurate values over 1 year. The predicted effective 6 DHCC alternatives effection utiiisation comparison
Tabie 2 Primary event parameters (conveyor and spreader data from Madariaga and Pascual, 2011)
ß V
IPCC component Primary events Form factor Scale factor MTTR (h)
Calendar .
¿Hours i
Effective utilisation results for the IPCC alternatives The UDD dragline productivity was taken into
are shown in Fig. 6. The respective minimum, average account to estimate the productivity of the entire system.
and maximum values are shown. It can be seen that the Operating and capital costs were based on IPCC
use of redundant parallel conveyors increases effective equipment such as crushing plant, belt conveyors, tripper
system utilisation by 9-4-12-6%, dependent on the car and spreader. Figure 7 shows the economic variables
selected base case. used to estimate system capital and operating costs.
.» SINGLE-5CV/11.1 Km
Overburden Value -10 years provided by the single conveyors alternative, whereas
the red underlined area shows the value of parallel
conveyors. The parallel IPCC configuration is capable of
providing AS376m additional value over the single
12 5
valu*. S/t conveyor system. It is recommended that a sensitivity
analysis be undertaken of the impact of increasing coal
extraction rates on the life of the mine. If the increased
extraction rates coincide with periods of high coal prices,
net present value is more likely to be favourably
• Single Conveyors
Parallel Conveyors Conclusions
This paper has evaluated the use of parallel conveying
alternatives for IPCC systems for overburden removal
applications in open cut mines. It has demonstrated that
a parallel conveyor and spreader configuration is
1.22 capable of improving systems productivity by 9-4--
12-6%. An economic model was developed for both
180 200 220 240 260
single and parallel conveying configurations. Parallel
Overburden Production (Mt)
conveying systems have higher EUCs than do single
9 DHCC alternatives value comparison conveyor configurations. The parallel configuration with
three and four conveyors costs A$0-17/t more than a
An Equivalent Unit Cost (EUC) model was used to single configuration with three conveyors. Nevertheless,
compare the economic performance of system alter- introducing redundancy into IPCC systems enables
natives. This is calculated by dividing Net Present Cost higher production and associated revenue. Using an
by the Net Present Production, considering a ten year indicative metallurgical coal process and stripping ratio,
operating horizon. EUC evaluation is commonly used it was demonstrated that parallel conveyor IPCC
by a number of major mining houses, as prestrip systems can provide a higher profit alternative to mining
production is a proxy variable to represent the value operations than single IPCC alternatives.
add of exposed coal.
A total of five IPCC system configurations were References
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Koehler, F. 2003. Economical and environmental operation of open cut
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USA, November, AusIMM, 1-5.
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have lower associated EUC than their parallel conveyor tion of power system with different redundant elements, Electr.
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ability of the DHCC system. A more appropriate means Suprakash, G. and Jayanta, B. 2006. Reliability analysis of a conveyor
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Assuming a metallurgical coal price of A$100/t, and an Suprakash, G. and Uday, K. 2010. Maintenance resource prioritzation
overburden stripping ratio of 8:1, The value-add for in a production system using cost-effective importance measure,
Proc. 1st Int. Workshop and Cong, on 'eMaintenance', University
stripping overburden is therefore $12-50/t. of Luleâ, Sweden, June, 196-204.
Figure 9 shows a comparison between the most cost The Shell Company of Australia, & CSR Limited. 1990. 'Dragline
effective single IPCC alternative (three conveyors) and loading into Hopper/Crusher/Conveyor System for prestripping'.
its competing parallel configuration. The single con- National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration
veyor line IPCC option produces 203 Mt of overburden Council,
The Shell Company of Australia Limited. 1991. Further evaluation of
over a 10-year period at an EUC of Sl-22/t. Conversely, dragline hopper concepts. National Energy Research,
the parallel alternative produces 240 Mt at an EUC of Development and Demonstration Council, http://www.acarp.
$l-39/t. The blue underlined area represents the value