India'S GDP: For Daily Updates Join Telegram Channel
India'S GDP: For Daily Updates Join Telegram Channel
India'S GDP: For Daily Updates Join Telegram Channel
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Agriculture, forestry & fishing > • PPP exchange rates are relatively stable over
Manufacturing time.
GDP (Nominal) Vs GDP (PPP) • Drawbacks of PPP is that PPP is harder to
• GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the total measure than nominal.
market value of all final goods and services • Out of 192 countries/economies, about 178
produced in a country in a given period. have higher GDP in PPP basis and 13 have
• Each country reports its data in its own higher in nominal.
currency. • Nominal and PPP are identical in the US,
• To compare the data, each country's statistics because USD is used as the benchmark.
must be converted into a common currency. • 30 economies has higher PPP values by
• The two most common methods to convert more than 3 times.
GDP into a common currency are nominal • South Sudan has highest difference between
and purchasing power parity (PPP). PPP and nominal GDP calculation. This value
GDP (nominal) is lowest for Iceland (0.74).
• Nominal GDP estimates are commonly used • There is a large gap between nominal and
to determine the economic performance of a PPP based GDP in emerging market and
whole country or region, and to make developing countries. But for advanced
international comparisons. countries, difference is much closer.
• It is the original concept of GDP. • In GDP (PPP), India is the third largest
• In Nominal method, market exchange rates economy after China and US and is followed
are used for conversion. by Japan, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil,
• It does not take into account differences in the UK and France.
cost of living in different countries. • In top 10, Eight countries are common in both
• Fluctuations in the exchange rates of the methods. Others two Italy and Canada are in
country's currency may change a country's top 10 on nominal basis, while Russia and
ranking from one year to the next, even Indonesia are in top 10 on PPP basis.
though they often make little or no difference • In the long run, the market exchange rates
to the standard of living of its population. gradually converge to the PPP exchange rate.
GDP (PPP) This is called the theory of purchasing
• PPP basis arguably more useful when power parity (PPP).
comparing differences in living standards • Note: India ranks 141st in Nominal GDP per
between nations. capita and 123rd in GDP per capita at PPP.
• PPP is an exchange rate at which the o GDP per capita is calculated by dividing
currency of one country is converted into that the GDP by the total population of a
of the second country in order to purchase the country.
same volume of goods and services in both o It measures the average income of a
countries. country.
• If a hamburger is selling in London for £2 and o It is used as an indicator of living
in New York for $4, this would imply a PPP standards.
exchange rate of 1 pound to 2 U.S. dollars.
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