Online Assignment 5

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Manila Adventist College

School of Nursing
Online Assignment

Name: __________________________

Instruction: Write the correct answer on the space provided and then write your rationale cited from
textbooks, manuals, etc., as a support to your answer.

1. Hydrostatic pressure, which pushes fluid out of capillaries, is opposed by colloid osmotic
pressure, which involves:
A. Reduced renin secretion
B. The pulling power of albumin to reabsorb water.
C. An increase in ADH secretion
D. Aldosterone production
Answer: ___B_____ Rationale:
2. When a person’s blood pressure drops, the kidney respond by:
A. Secreting renin C. producing aldosterone
B. Slowing the release of ADH D. increasing urine output
Answer: ____A____ Rationale:
3. Extravasation of I.V. fluid is associated with administration of which of the following?
A. Hypertonic fluid C. An Anti-neoplastic
B. D5W D. Normal Saline solution
Answer: ____C___ Rationale:
4. In teaching about pain management, the nurse will discuss:
A. The need to use pain medication only when absolutely necessary.
B. That pain medication will be ordered according to the patient’s needs.
C. How the method of pain medication administration can’t be altered after surgery.
D. The use of a patient controlled device that will deliver medication to the patient whenever
he wants.
Answer: _____B____ Rationale:
5. What is balanced anesthesia?
A. Medication that enhances certain reflexes and provides good muscle tone.
B. The use of narcotic medication preoperatively, intraoperatively, an postoperatively.
C. A combination of narcotics, sedative-hypnotics, nitrous oxide, and muscle relaxant.
D. The use of both local and general anesthesia
Answer: ___C___ Rationale:
6. Discharge planning begins:
A. On the day of Admission C. the day after surgery
B. The day of discharge D. the day of surgery
Answer: ____A___ Rationale:
7. A patient complains of unilateral eye inflammation an pain, pressure over his eye, blurred and
decreased visual acuity, seeing halos around lights, and nausea and vomiting. He most likely has;
A. Acute angle-closure glaucoma C. Cataracts
B. Chronic open-angle glaucoma D. trauma
Answer: ___A____ Rationale:
8. Modifiable risk factors associated with CAD include:
A. Age, weight, cholesterol level
B. Smoking, diet, blood pressure
C. Family history, weight, blood pressure
D. Blood glucose level, activity level, family history
Answer: ___B___ Rationale:
9. Primary goal in the treatment of MI is to:
A. Prevent blood loss C. decrease blood pressure
B. Relieve pain D. administer IV fluids
Answer: ___B___ Rationale:
10. One sign of arterial occlusive disease is:
A. Bounding pulse C. high blood pressure
B. Abdominal pain D. intermittent claudification
Answer: ___D___ Rationale:
11. Which of the following breath sounds are medium-pitch, continuous, occur over the third of the
sternum in the interscapular area, and are equally audible during inspiration and expiration?
A. Vesicular C. Bronchovessicular
B. Bronchial D. Tracheal
Answer: ___C___ Rationale
12. Your patient’s ABG analysis shows a pH less than 7.35, HCO3 greater than 26 mEq/L, and PaCO2
greater than 45 mmHg. The patient is diaphoretic, has tachycardia, and is restless. Which of the
following conditions does he probably have?
A. Respiratory alkalosis C. Metabolic alkalosis
B. Respiratory acidosis D. Metabolic acidosis
Answer: ___B____ Rationale:
13. When suctioning a patient you should do which of the following?
A. Apply suction intermittently as you insert the catheter.
B. Suction the patient for longer than 10 seconds at a time.
C. Oxygenate the patient’s lungs before and after suctioning.
D. Apply suction continuously as you suction.
Answer: ___C____ Rationale:
14. When performing abdominal assessment, do the four basic steps in which order?
A. Inspection, percussion, palpation, auscultation
B. Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation
C. Palpation, inspection, percussion, auscultation
D. Percussion, auscultation, palpation, inspection
Answer: ___B____ Rationale:
15. Your patient has severe midepigastric or right upper quadrant pain radiating to the back or
referred to the right scapula, belching that leaves a sour taste in the mouth, and flatulence. She
most likely has:
A. Appendicitis
B. Acute cholecystitis, acute cholelithiasis
C. Diverticular disease
D. Acute gastritis
Answer: ___B___ Rationale:
16. In patient with suspected appendicitis, which of these interventions are appropriate?
A. Give I.V. fluids, give the patient nothing by mouth, and apply heat to his abdomen
B. Give I.V. fluids, give the patient nothing by mouth, and give an enema to clean his bowel
before surgery
C. Give I.V fluids, give the patient nothing by mouth, but give analgesic judiciously, and place
him in fowler’s position to reduce pain.
D. Give clear liquids only along with heat applied to the abdomen for comfort.
Answer: ___C____ Rationale:
17. Which statement about diabetes mellitus is false?
A. Type 2 Diabetes commonly occurs in adults after age 40.
B. Type 1 diabetes usually occurs before age 30
C. Type 1 diabetes is treated with exercise, meal planning and antidiabetic drugs.
D. An increasing number of adolescents are being diagnosed with type diabetes.
Answer: __C___Rationale:
18. Irreversible changes in the distal joints of the fingers caused by osteoarthritis are known as:
A. Bouchard’s nodes C. Heberden’s nodes
B. Lymph nodes D. Subclavicular nodes
Answer: ______ Rationale:
19. Which type of anemia results from deficiency of all blood’s formed elements, caused by failure
of the bone marrow to generate enough new cells?
A. Sickle-cell anemia C. Folic acid deficiency anemia
B. Aplastic anemia D. Iron-deficiency anemia
Answer: __B____ Rationale:
20. Which disorder results from a deficiency of circulating platelets?
A. Hemophila C. Von Willebrand’s disease
B. Sickle cell anemia D. Thrombocytopenia
Answer: ___D___ Rationale:
21. If a patient who’s allergic to peanut butter eats five peanut butter cookies, which antigen-
specific immunoglobulin will his body produce?
A. IgA C. IgE
B. IgD D. IgG
Answer: _______ Rationale:
22. Conditions that increase the risk of pressure ulcers include:
A. Altered mobility and inadequate nutrition
B. Obesity and high blood pressure
C. High blood pressure and altered mobility
D. Skin breaks and increased metabolism
Answer: ___A___ Rationale:
23. A nurse should emphasize to the parents of a child who underwent tonsillectomy to report
which of the following most important observation?
A. Frequent swallowing and coughing
B. That the child has gone back to school after 5 days of surgery
C. That they gave chewable paracetamol for pain
D. That the child use saline gargle for sore throat
Answer: __A____ Rationale:
24. A 6 year old child with acute lymphocytic leukemia is hospitalized because of acute exacerbation
of symptoms. What is the single most effective means of preventing transmission of infection to
this child?
A. Placing the child in reverse isolation
B. Observing universal precautions
C. Requiring the visitors to wear complete set of personal protective equipments
D. Meticulously practicing hand hygiene
Answer: ___D____ Rationale:
25. The nurse is preparing a 10 y.o. child for an emergency appendectomy. She should clarify which
written preoperative order to the surgeon?
A. Insert an IV access and infuse normal saline solution at KVO rate.
B. Maintain NPO status for at least 8-12 hours
C. Give fleet enema until return flow is clear
D. Administer Cefuroxime 750mg 30 minutes prior to operation

Answer: __C___ Rationale:

Test II: Read and write a journal or online review regarding Corona Virus Disease, SARS, and related
diseases. Make 5 nursing diagnoses with Nursing Intervention in every problem. With reference in each

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