شرح كتابة مقال
شرح كتابة مقال
شرح كتابة مقال
Introductory paragraph:
Thesis statement: the main idea for the whole
essay, and it frequently shows (directly or
indirectly) the number and the content of the
body paragraphs of the essay.
The thesis statement must be statement,
not question.
It must be a complete sentence.
It is an opinion, it cannot be a simple
statement of fact.
It must state the controlling idea.
It should have only one controlling idea.
Topic sentence: the subject of the essay ,what
the essay is about.
Controlling idea: It is what you are going to
talk about the topic.
Predictor: tells the reader how many body
paragraph will be in the essay and what their
content will be.
Body paragraph: it depends on type of the essay
There are three ways to write a concluding
In a narrative essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience. While telling a story may
sound easy to do, the narrative essay challenges students to think and write about themselves.
When writing a narrative essay, writers should try to involve the reader by making the story as
vivid as possible. The fact that narrative essays are usually written in the first person helps
engage the reader. “I” sentences give readers a feeling of being part of the story. A well-crafted
narrative essay will also build towards drawing a conclusion or making a personal statement.
Introdctory paragraph must be story, and in the end of it called " thesis statement" which contains
the porpuse or the goal of writing this Essay.
Each body paragraph must contain one explicit general idea with considering puncuation marks and
subordinating conjunction.
The Essay is ended by " conclusion ", as an opinion or The effect of the story.
Note: Narritive Essay has to be in present simple even it is past, to make Essay more Realistic.
Example :
October 17, 1989, was a day that I will never forget. It was the day I experienced my first
earthquake. I had just gotten home from school and was lying on the living room sofa watching
the news on TV. My little brother was in his room playing, and my older sister was in the
kitchen preparing our dinner. Our parents were still at work.
At exactly 5:04 P.M., the earthquake struck. Our apartment started shaking violently as if it
were a small wooden boat being tossed by giant waves in the ocean. At first, none of us
realized what was happening. Then my sister yelled, "Earthquake! Get under something!" I was
too stunned' to move, but the shaking was so strong that I soon fell off the sofa onto the floor. I
half rolled, half crawled across the floor to the dining table and got under it. My sister was
sitting on the floor in the kitchen, holding her arms over her head to protect it from falling
dishes. She yelled at my little brother to get under his desk, but he wanted to be near us. He
tried to get out of his room, but he kept falling down. The earthquake lasted less than a minute,
but it seemed like a year to us
At last, the shaking stopped. For a minute or two, we were too scared to move. Then my
sister and I cautiously got up and went to help our little brother, who was crying. As soon as he
saw us, he began to calm down. There was no electricity, so I looked for my transistor radio and
turned it on. Unfortunately, it didn't work because the batteries were too old. Next, we
checked the apartment for damage, but we didn't find any We felt very lucky, for nothing was
broken and no one was hurt. After a while, we started worrying about our parents. I tried to call
them at work, but the phone lines were busy.
Two hours later, our parents finally arrived home. They were unhurt, but they had had to
walk home because the electric streetcars were not working. We were so happy to see them!
Our first earthquake was an experience that none of us will ever forget, but it taught us a
lesson, too. Now we keep emergency supplies such as fresh batteries for my radio available,
and we have an emergency plan for communication with one another.
A cousin of the narrative essay, a descriptive essay paints a picture with words. A writer might
describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. However, this type of
essay is not description for description’s sake. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a
deeper meaning through the description. In a descriptive essay, the writer should show, not tell,
through the use of colorful words and sensory details. The best descriptive essays appeal to the
reader’s emotions, with a result that is highly evocative.
Example :
Havasu Canyon
At the end of the trail, you arrive at Havasupai village. It is a quiet place.
Dogs are sleeping in the streets, and the villagers are standing in the
doorways of their small homes silently watching you, a stranger, pass by.
They aren't smiling, yet they don't seem unfriendly.
Beyond the village, a trail leads to the top of a steep cliff overlooking
Havasu Canyon. Your first view of the canyon takes your breath away.'
Directly in front of you, the trail disappears straight down the two hundred-
foot cliff. There are deep steps cut into the rock, and there is a strong chain
bolted to the cliff. You have to hold the chain when you climb down, or you
might fall. On your right, you see a beautiful waterfall. Water is falling
straight down into a bright blue-green pool below. Directly across the
canyon, hundreds of small waterfalls are gushing from the cliff face, and
little green ferns9 are growing everywhere. Below, the water in the pool is
cascading from one bright turquoise" pool into another until it disappears
into the trees on the left. As you view this scene, you can only think that
Havasu Canyon is truly a magical place.
A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb. Some
clauses can stand alone as a sentence. This kind of clause is an
independent clause.
2. To tell when and where: when, whenever, since, while, as soon as,
after, before, wherever
When they are separated from their natural predators whenever the
animals are sick
Kinds of sentences
A sentence is a group of words that contains at least one
subject and one verb. A sentence expresses a complete
There are four kinds of sentences in English: simple sentences,
compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-
complex sentences.
The first type is a simple sentence:
A simple sentence has one subject and one verb and includes a
complete meaning. The subject tells who or what did
something. The verb tells the action (or condition).
Subordinating Conjunction!
After He goes to school after he
finishes work.
As Several overcrowded busses
passed as they were waiting.
As soon as She felt better as soon as she
took the medicine.
Before Before you apply to college, you
have to take an entrance exam.
Since It has been a year since I left
until We can't leave the room until
everyone finishes the test.
Because Jack excels at sports
because he trains hard.
To make a contrast:
although I love my brother
although we disagree
about almost
even though even though I love my
brother even though
we disagree about
almost everything.
though though I love my
brother though we
disagree about
almost everything.
while My brother likes
classical music, while
I prefer hard rock.
whereas whereas He dresses
whereas I like to be a
little shocking.
Kinds of complement
The complement completes the meaning of the verb or
adds more information to the sentence. There are many
types of complements. A complement in a simple
sentence may be a noun, pronoun, adjective, or adverb.
Subject Verb Complement
I study English, (noun) I
don't understand you. (pronoun) His girlfriend
is smart, (adjective) It isn't
raining now. (adverb)
(Don't use a comma when the (The men played soccer while
the dependent clause follows the women watched.)
independent clause
Rules Examples
* Put a period (full stop) at My name is Jennifer Wong.
the end of a statement. I I don't like to give interviews
don't like to give interviews.
3. Put an exclamation
It sure is hot today !
mark at the end of a
I'm crazy about soccer!
sentence to show strong
BUT NOT a title without a name. the general, the prime minister
the math professor, the prince,
the king
Introducing Myself
j. Titles of compositions, stories, Introduction to Academic Writing
books, magazines, newspapers, All Quiet on the Western Front
plays, poems, and movies. Star Wa