To Mars - The Odyssey of Mariner IV
To Mars - The Odyssey of Mariner IV
To Mars - The Odyssey of Mariner IV
Landfall at Mars 1
Another World 2
The Spacecraft 7
In -Flight Events 20
Long-Distance Communication 24
Mars-and After 30
The Odyssey of Mariner IV
vacationers might tend to regard the four Mars seasons as little more than
variations in a bad winter: a hot midsummer afternoon might bring the
ground temperature up to 85-100°F, but during the night it would drop
to a hundred below, and six feet off the ground the air wouldn’t get above
freezing all day.
Like the Moon, Mars abounds with what we now know to be waterless
seas, bays, and the like. However, by this century, when it was realized
that they weren’t water, the names had already been established, and the
smaller bluish regions remained “mare,” “sinus,” and “lacus.”
Even with the most powerful telescopes and under the most favorable
atmospheric conditions, astronomers cannot get high-resolution pictures of
Mars. To appreciate the difficulties under which the observers of Mars
labor, imagine yourself watching moonrise a t the end of a hot day. The 3
Moon rises above an asphalt road still warm from the afternoon’s baking.
The faint, glowing disk wavers and dances in the warm rising air. Your
impression of the Moon might be compared to the way astronomers see
Mars. Mars is never closer to Earth than about 35 million miles, and that
only about every 15 years. At opposition (the Sun and Mars a r e opposite,
E a r t h and Mars adjacent), which occurs every 25 months, it may be as
f a r a s 62 million miles, as it was on March 5, 1965. And our atmosphere
is always in the way.
Two and a half centuries after Galileo had been barely able to distin-
guish the disk of Mars in the first astronomical telescope, Guido Schiaparelli,
working a t Milan Observatory in 1877, noted surface features which have
been argued about ever since. He called them ca~zali-“canals” or “chan-
nels”-because they were dark and seemed to reach across the “lands” from
“sea” to “sea.” Thus began a great international dispute which was to make
Mars famous to the public and somewhat infamous among astronomers. M a r s 1777 ( H e m c h e l )
Schiapawlli’s wiap (1877-88)
be measured only by very indirect means from Earth, related to the effects
of the atmosphere on light. Some of the methods have involved studying DIFFRACTION
the diffusion of various colors, the polarization, the variation of color across GRATING/’
the disk, and the brightness of surface spots as they rotate from one limb --
of the disk to another and are seen through different slant thicknesses of
30% hours
1967 opposition
Mars and its moons Mars receives from 36% 55.8 million miles
t o 52% as much solar
radiation as Earth does.
Its equatorial plane is 24-25"
from its orbital plane
(23%' for Earth).
1973 opposition
40.4 million miles
photographs of Mars and other planets. The 1965 Mars opposition will add
considerably to t h e collection. JPL's Table Mountain Observatory and other
nearby facilities a r e being used in a special effort in conjunction with
Mariner. I n addition, here and abroad, spectrographic searches f o r new
and supplementary information about the surface and atmospheric com-
position and properties a r e being carried out. Thus, Mariner is not alone
in investigating Mars.
7 1
When the Mariner Mars 1964 Project was authorized by the National
Aeronautics a n d Space Administration in late 1962, i t was recognized a s
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Mariner’s Pedigree
The Mariner Mars system would be the first of its kind, but not the first
of its family. The dynasty was founded in late 1958 and 1959, when NASA
and JPL worked out a linked series of unmanned lunar and pIanetary
missions which would advance the technology of space exploration while
accumulating basic and practical knowledge about the Moon, the planets,
and the solar system.
A three-stage launch-vehicle system would have been needed, but the
development of restartable second-stage rockets (which in effect made two
stages out of one) made this unnecessary. Atlas/Agena was to be the launch
vehicle f o r Ranger, the first. lunar member of the series; early Mariner
planetary and the Surveyor lunar spacecraft developments were first asso-
ciated with AtlaUCentaur, a higher-performance system then being de-
signed. Subsequent schedule changes, together with advancements in Agena
Ranger I ( 1 9 6 1 )
and spacecraft technology, necessitated and made possible the quick devel-
opment of a n Atlas/Agena-boosted, lightweight planetary spacecraft and
its successful use in the Mariner I1 mission to Venus.
Now the same switch was suggested for the Mars mission: marry the
best elements of the Ranger-Mariner II-Atlas/Agena system with the
heavy Mars-spacecraft development and launch a Mars mission in 1964.
There were less than two years to do the job, and a rigid deadline was
imposed by the Mars launch opportunity. The Venus mission had been
developed in less than a year. It could be done-just barely.
On a larger Scale
Low-gain antenna
High-gain antenna
T h e r m a l control louvers ( s i x s e t s ,
11 pairs of louvers p e r s e t , about
TV scan p l a t f o r m and c a m e r a
Propulsion s u b s y s t e m (51 l b ) :
50.7-lb-thrust ?nonopropellant h y -
drazine e n g i n e capable of t w o sep-
a r a t e t h r u s t periods.
LSolar panel ( a b o u t 21 lb e a c h ) :
7056 solar cells p e r panel.
A sophisticated thermal-control device, a set of polished aluminum shut-
ters which could open to expose a radiating surface beneath, was tested
on one compartment of Mariner I1 in its flight to Venus. The shutters
are activated by bimetallic strips, like inexpensive dial thermometers or
the thermostat in an electric blanket. As the temperature rises, the strip
uncoils, the shutters open, and heat radiates away to space. Then, as the com-
partment cools, the strip coils up again, closing the shutters to conserve heat.
Thermal-control louvers of this type were designed for six of Mariner’s
electronics trays ; they would keep the temperature inside between 55 and
85°F. An aluminized-Mylar shield would protect the sunny upper deck
and the shady lower deck; the upper blanket was surfaced with black
Dacron. The backs of the solar panels, which absorb a great deal of solar
heat in the process of tapping the Sun for photoelectric power, were black-
ened to re-radiate heat and keep the solar cells within their operating range
of 10 to 130°F.Most other exposed metallic surfaces were polished ; exposed
cables were wrapped with fiberglass or aluminized-Mylar tape. The fixed
high-gain antenna dish was painted green: i t would cool from its upper
operating limit near Earth to about room temperature a t Mars.
Some philosopher has remarked that you can’t get from “1 1” to “2”
just by understanding the “1.” Systems engineering might be likened to
the “+” sign. It started with a job to be done. Each of the Systems of the
Mariner Mars 1964 Project (Launch Vehicle, Spacecraft, Deep Space Net,
and Space Flight Operations) was divided into subsystems or units.
I n the case of the Mariner Mars spacecraft, the functional units a r e :
structure, radio, command, telemetry, central computer and sequencer,
power, attitude control, pyrotechnic-actuator control, thermal control,
12 cabling, and postinjection propulsion ; these make up what is often called
the spacecraft “bus.” The scientific-experiment “passenger” units are
I +
M a r i n e r M a r s t e m p e r a t w e model
p r e p a r i n g f o r test in JPL’s 2.5-foot
space simiclator.
science data automation, planetary scan system, television and its recorder,
and six interplanetary-environment instruments : magnetometer, plasma
probe, ionization chamber, trapped-radiation and cosmic-dust detectors, and
cosmic-ray telescope.
All in all, nearly 140,000 parts were carefully screened and put together,
inspected, subsystem-tested and system-tested, and re-tested. All members
of the Mariner team labored long and hard in the development and fabri-
cation of the components and the assemblies they constitute ; Mariner IV is
the sum of these parts.
vacuum of space and the blazing radiance of the Sun. Correction factors
learned from the flight of Mariner Venus had been engineered into this test
device to achieve the best possible Earth-surface reproduction of space
Before the flight spacecraft were built, a prototype or proof-test model
was put together. Serving as a final test bed in subsystem development,
as well as the initial system-test vehicle, this spacecraft was a t one end
of the development loop : modifications found necessary in proof testing
were themselves retested on the same craft. At the end of the design evolu-
tion and after 1100 hours of system test, the proof-test model had evolved
into a functional duplicate of the flight spacecraft; they, in turn, were
14 spared the rigors of prolonged design evaluation by the existence of
the test spacecraft which could never fly a mission. The proof-test space-
craft was also used for inter-system testing, verifying compatibility of the
spacecraft with ground equipment. It then. supported both flight missions
by simulating observed flight situations so that they could be studied at
close range.
r .
Three Mariner Mars spacecraft began the journey to the planet Mars
from a canyon north of Pasadena, California, a t the Jet Propulsion Labora-
tory, where they had been designed, assembled, and tested for months. Two
of the three would fly; the third was a spare. They were partly disassem-
bled, carefully packed, and loaded on moving vans. On September 11, 1964,
a f t e r a four-day journey, the last van reached the Air Force Eastern Test
Range, Cape Kennedy, Florida.
Here each spacecraft was carefully inspected and retested. There were
spare parts for the individual plug-in units of the Mariner spacecraft. The
calendar and the high quality standards would allow no tinkering o r repair Nose f a i r i n g 13 5 M f t diameter
in t h e conventional sense : replacement of modules, if necessary, should Weight about 350 I spacecraft inside
On November 27, the first countdown of the new Mariner was inter-
rupted by radio difficulties. On Saturday, November 28, at 1:37 in the
morning, EST, the launch countdown began for the Atlas and Agena; the
spacecraft was activated at 4 :32 a.m. Launch operations crews went
through the long list, establishing and checking communications, forecast-
ing the flight weather, monitoring spacecraft and launch vehicle condition,
filling the Agena oxidizer tank, and switching equipment into a state of
readiness. At 9 :22 a.m. EST, the clock had counted to zero without a hitch;
the report was “clear to launch.” Liftoff occurred 1.309 seconds later.
As i t rose, the space vehicle rolled to an azimuth of 91.4 degrees, just
South of due East, and began to pitch over from its vertical ascent. Shed-
ding its two massive booster engines, Atlas carried on with the single sus-
tainer. A ground computer fed guidance commands to the vehicle until
the sustainer engine was shut down and the velocity properly adjusted with 17
two small rocket engines. Then the huge, empty Atlas was detached and
Agena took over. Before the Agena engine was started, the aerodynamic
nose cover had to be jettisoned. As designed, it came off easily.
Agena’s 16,000-pound-thrust engine couldn’t lift the weight of the
Agena vehicle and the encapsulated Mariner spacecraft if they were on
the ground. But starting a t a n altitude of 100 nautical miles and a velocity
nf 13,nOn miles per hour, it could and did thrust Mariner to orbital velocity,
about 17,500 miles per hour. The Agena engine then shut off, and the
vehicle coasted for almost 41 minutes. Swinging around E a r t h to bear on
its target, Agena flamed into action again. When Agena shut down for
good, the spacecraft was traveling a t 25,598 miles per hour along a path
that led within 150,000 miles of Mars. The application of one-fifth of the
spacecraft on-board propulsion power would bring that path within the
desired target zone, between 4000 and 8000 miles above the planet’s surface.
Launch operations were described as nominal; it was a good shot.
6 7
4 5
13 14
A minute and a half after entering the path to Mars, Mariner and Agena
passed into Earth’s shadow for a period of almost 12 minutes. There, in
the dark, spacecraft and Agena separated. A three-minute timer was
started, and: simiiltqnen~?s!y,tbc spacecraft radio power was switched up
and the interplanetary scientific instruments were turned on. When the
three-minute timer ran out, electric current was applied across the solar-
panel pin-puller squibs.
Under spring tension, the panels hinged away to the deployed position.
At the end of each opening panel, a silver fan unfolded and spread. These
fans are solar pressure vanes, a new attitude-control trim device in a first
flight test ; they were designed to balance the spacecraft against the endless
pressure of sunlight, saving attitude-control-jet gas and permitting a longer
stable flight.
Now the spacecraft came back into the sunlight, and, the attitude-
control system having already been switched into a Sun-seeking operation
by the central computer and sequencer, Mariner turned toward the Sun.
Usually called CC&S, a central computer and sequencer serves as com-
bination brain and alarm clock for the Ranger-Mariner family. It provides
the master synchronization for spacecraft operations, the rhythm for telem-
etry transmission and command interpretation, and a number of set com-
mands (such as Sun search, s t a r search, and midcourse maneuver), and ,
conducts complex maneuvers in accordance with instructions sent from
Searching f o r the Sun consists of placing the pitch and yaw control
systems under the command of the Sun sensors. The spacecraft is treated
a s though i t were a ship or aircraft traveling in the direction in which the
solar panels face : yawing moves the prow o r nose to the left or right, pitch-
ing moves i t up or down, and rolling spins the ship around. Mariner left
this mode of travel behind with the launch vehicle, and normally moves
almost at right angles to the “nose” direction, but the names stuck. I n
Mariner’s cruise mode, pitching or yawing means rotating around one or
the other pair of solar panels, and rolling means turning like a propeller.
There a r e Sun sensors on Mariner’s upper and lower decks ; their output
signals drive control-amplifier chains, which use puffs of nitrogen gas from
paired jets on the tips of the solar panels to t u r n the spacecraft until the
panels face the Sun, and to stop i t in that position. This process took
12 minutes.
Now Mariner’s 28,224 solar cells were converting sunlight into 700
watts of raw electrical power, which, in turn, was converted to various
forms to run t h e spacecraft and recharge the battery. A t Mars’ distance
from the Sun, the spacecraft would still generate 300 watts, leaving a good
margin in case of solar cell damage in the space environment.
Like a big jewelled windmill, the spacecraft rolled slowly through space
f o r the next fifteen hours; the known roll rate was used to calibrate the
magnetometer, one of the interplanetary sensors, so t h a t the spacecraft’s
own magnetic field could be subtracted from the magnetometer readings.
Lock on Canopus
Imagine a weight suspended from a single long cord : i t spins and spins.
A second cord, approximately a t right angles, will steady i t in a moment. A 21
line of sight on the s t a r Canopus, second brightest in the sky, and located
near the ecliptic south pole, was to be Mariner’s second stabilizing cord.
Mariner Mars was the first space mission using o r needing a s t a r a s a
reference object ; earlier missions, remaining near E a r t h or traveling
to Venus, had sighted on the home planet. But during this flight, E a r t h
would transit across the face of the Sun, and through much of the flight
:+ ..7,..,,l,a
v v u u i u appcui an 2 1,I c i ~t
nnnnnr n” :
- crescent. A bright r e f e ~ e n c cSGUYCC,
,L i v c ld~ i i ~
at a wide angle away from the Sun, was necessary. Canopus filled the
requirements f o r such a reference source.
Mariner’s Canopus sensor is mounted on the shady side of the space-
craft ring, pointing outward a t a n angle, so t h a t its field of view covers
a n area in the shape of a shallow cone. As the spacecraft moves around the
Sun, the angle between the Sun line and the Canopus line changes slowly ;
one of the tasks of the CC&S is to alter the sensor’s angle four times during
< ,
\ I
Trajectory Adjustment
A lunar or planetary mission has too great a range and too small a
- 00- target to be accurately guided from the brief initial powered flight. Thrust
must be applied later, in what has come to be called the “midcourse cor-
rection” maneuver-a double misnomer, in that it occurs earlier than the
midpoint of the flight, and, rather than correcting a mistake, increases the
possible accuracy. All members of the Ranger-Mariner family used essen-
tially the same type of small rocket engine to apply this thrust. Mariner
IV’s propulsion system was modified so that i t could be used twice if neces-
sary, and its thrust was calibrated so accurately that the resulting change
of velocity could be metered by the burning time alone.
After about a week of tracking to determine the flight path and Mars
arrival time, the thrust maneuver was scheduled for December 4. All
the necessary ground commands had been received by the spacecraft, when
it suddenly “lost lock” with Canopus, though Sun lock was not disturbed.
F l i g h t t e l e m e t r y is m o n i t o r e d
closely before midcourse maneuver.
Since the spacecraft had no baseline from which t o orient its rocket motor,
the maneuver was postponed with another ground command until Canopus
lock could be re-established.
It was theorized that a dust particle of pin-point size, floating a few
feet from the Canopus sensor and shining fiercely in the sunlight, might
have so increased the brightness registered in the attitude-control system
that the spacecraft released its lock on Canopus and began to track the
dust particle. As the particle drifted out of the field of view of the sensor,
the spacecraft was left in a star-searching mode. After several days of
observation - the phenomenon repeated itself a number of times - the
excessive-brightness reaction was removed by ground command. The reac-
tion had been intended to prevent Earth-lock, and Earth was moving well
out of the way.
On December 5, the thrust maneuver was successfully carried out.
Three quantitative commands from Earth had the CC&S store in its elec-
tronic memory the dimensions of the required maneuver, which were a
negative pitch t u r n of 39.16 degrees, a positive roll turn of 156.08 degrees,
and a thrusting time of 20.07 seconds. Then three direct commands told
the spacecraft t o cock the system, take off the electrical safety catch, and
ignite the engine. Since the motor was initially pointed almost along the
direction of flight, the turns aimed it back in the general direction of E a r t h
but high above the plane of the orbit. The pitch and roll were performed
with better than 1 per cent accuracy, the velocity change with about 2%
per cent accuracy. As planned, the angle of flight was changed less than
% degree, and the velocity was increased a little more than 37 miles per
hour. Mariner was headed straight for its target.
M idcourse motor
Keeping in Touch
Starting before liftoff a t the Cape and throughout its flight mission,
Mariner I V has been and will be sending a steady stream of information
back to Earth. Its radio, putting out about 10 watts of power a t about 2300
megacycles in the “S-band,” has two transmitting amplifiers ( a Mariner-
II-type cavity amplifier and a longer-life traveling-wave tube), and two
antennas : a low-gain, omnidirectional broadcast antenna and a high-gain,
24 narrow-beam elliptical reflector dish. Either antenna can be used for com-
mand reception as well as transmission ; the dish, whose direction is fixed
on the spacecraft, was switched into the transmission link on March 5,
when the range became extreme f o r the “omni” and the E a r t h entered the
narrow beam of the reflector.
The 10 watts transmitted by Mariner IV has shrunk t o a s little as
.0000000000000000001 watt (10 1:) watt) a s measured a t the input to
the receiver. Signals of such low power call for extremely sensitive
receiving equipment on the ground. The Deep Space Stations, spotted a t
about 120-degree intervals around the globe, are equipped with steerable
reflector antennas 85 feet in diameter. The heart of the traveling-wave-
maser receiving amplifier fed by each of these antennas is a synthetic ruby
crystal immersed in liquid helium; this radical design keeps the internal
o r “system” noise low enough that the faint spacecraft signal can be heard.
The direction o r angular position of Mariner in its flight is calculated
from the pointing angles of the narrow-beam ground antennas. The velocity
of the spacecraft is determined by tracking the radio carrier frequency
very precisely and then measuring the amount of “stretching” of the fre-
quency due to the doppler effect. The operating frequency is controlled
either by a n oscillator on the spacecraft or, for more precise determination,
a stable oscillator on the ground, which generates a signal that is trans-
mitted to the spacecraft, multiplied by a known factor (240/221), amplified,
and sent back t o Earth.
I n 1958 and 1959 the first Deep Space Station was constructed in the
Southern California desert near Goldstone Dry Lake. Its huge 85-foot-
diameter reflector antenna is mounted like a telescope so that it can track
a spacecraft a t planetary distance. This Pioneer Station, modified with the
advances of technology, is in service today, tracking Mariner IV almost 12
hours per day. There are two more stations a t Goldstone now, capable of
handling multiple missions (in February and March, Ranger and Mariner
missions were tracked simultaneously) and carrying out research and
development in telecommunications.
In Australia there are two stations. The one at Woomera tracked
Mariner until it was converted to another frequency t o support two Ranger
flights in February and March. A brand-new station a t Tidbinbilla, near
the capital city of Canberra, stepped into the breach, and has covered
Mariner IV since that time.
The first Deep Space Station t o track Mariner IV was the one near
Johannesburg, South Africa. Johannesburg tracked Mariner 10 hours a
day until the Ranger missions were flown. After the Ranger flights, Johan-
nesburg reconverted to the S-band, and Mariner was again in touch with
E a r t h 24 hours a day. A new station being built in Spain will alleviate such
conflicts in the future,
The international tracking network is woven together by means of land
lines, undersea cables, and radio links ; at the hub of the net, in Pasadena,
is the Space Flight Operations Facility, whose computers and data-handling
and control equipment support Mariner’s crew. Here operations teams
specializing in the flight path, spacecraft performance, and space science
monitor the information received from Mariner IV and translated by the
computers. From these data the command decisions a r e made. The scientific
.Cfi...‘.+:n. IllablW,l is
* concerted into tabdar ani: graphic f o r m for analysis am?
interpretation by the scientists.
S F O F computers
Dropping the Lens Cover
One of the major events that took place during Mariner’s flight was
the removal of the television camera lens cover, originally scheduled for
the latter part of the mission. Because of the problem with the Canopus
sensor, the engineers believed that removing the cover might release dust
particles, which, in turn, might drift past the sensor and cause a n abnormal
reaction. To prevent such a n occurrence just before encounter, they decided
to play it safe. By conducting the “clear-for-action” earlier, closer to Earth,
they would gain more time to absorb and rectify any possible after-effects.
The operation was rescheduled for February 11, during the Goldstone
tracking shift. First, a “verification” series of five commands was taped,
proofread, and sent from Goldstone ; the spacecraft’s reaction to each was
carefully monitored before the next was sent. The telemetry mode was
shifted, and power distribution in critical areas was checked. With all
systems g o , the operational series of five commands went off, leaving the
lens uncovered, the shutter closed, and the scan platform aimed in the best
direction for encounter-ready for action.
Space F l i g h t Operations Diyector
S F O F Mission Control
The commands were sent to the spacecraft in the form of binary words,
each word consisting of an arrangement of 26 zeroes and ones (bits). The
command signal was superimposed on the radio-f requency carrier ; when
it reached the spacecraft, it was “demodulated” from the carrier and sent
t o the particular subsystem for which it was intended. By means of elec-
tronic logic circuits, the commands could activate various mechanisms
aboard the spacecraft, and the results could be determined by monitoring
the telemetry signals received back on the Earth.
Engineering Telemetry
Goldstone Control
Mariner’s signals back to Earth outnumber Earth’s infrequent words
of command. Exclusive of scientific data (packaged separately by the data
automation system for transmission), Mariner reports almost 90 spacecraft
measurements : temperatures, voltages, currents, pressures, angles, and the
like, described in a seven-bit word each. There are four event counters,
which note receipt of commands and the passage of time. Up to January 3,
the spacecraft chattered away a t 33% bits per second; on that date, the
rate was slowed down by a factor of four, due to the lengthening range to
E a r t h (about six million miles) .
The spacecraft data encoder gathers these measurements into “decks”
of ten measurements, sampling each in turn. Most of the decks are
multiplexed-time-shared, so that they are sampled every tenth, or every
hundredth, or every two-hundredth time rather than each time around.
Some measurements, most of them temperatures, which change very
slowly, may be sampled only every 2y’ hours ;others, more critical or faster- SFO F Space Science Area
changing, come as often as once a minute. These rates are based on the
encounter data rate of 81$ , bits per second.
Spacecraft Analysis A r e a
Interplanetary Experiments
Six scientific instruments were turned on a few minutes after the launch
of Mariner last November ; the helium magnetometer, the solar-plasma
probe, the ionization chamber, the trapped-radiation detector, the cosmic-
ray telescope, and the cosmic-dust detector. For the past 7 months, these
A b o v e awd b e l o w : E x p e r i m e x t e r s instruments have been gathering scientific data about the interplanetary
magnetic field, the cosmic dust found in space, the solar wind, solar flares,
and other deep-space phenomena. By the time Mariner reaches Mars, it
will have taken approximately 18 million scientific measurements-enough
to keep scientists busy for the next several years.
The interplanetary experiments will be of special interest as Mariner
approaches the vicinity of the planet ; they may tell us, for instance, whether
Mars is surrounded by a magnetic field like the E a r t h is, and whether there
are intense radiation belts around the planet like the Van Allen belts
28 around Earth.
The plasma probe suffered a component failure in December, 1964,
making its readings unintelligible until the telemetry rate change early in
January, 1965, made a partial recovery possible. Decreasing temperature
slowly made the crippled instrument unreadable again by early May.
The Geiger tube, one of two sensors in the ionization-chamber experiment,
failed after a n apparent overdose of ionizing radiation, and the ex-
periment stopped returning data in March.
Planetary Experiments
The science data automation system serves as a control center and data
handler for the seven scientific instruments carried by Mariner IV. In the
cruise mode, the science data automation system assembles data from the
six interplanetary experiments, translates the information into constant-
rate form, and transmits it to the data encoder, where it is passed on to
the transmitter, and eventually to Earth. During the encounter, some
science data will be sent directly to Earth while the picture data a r e being
recorded. 29
1 2 1 4
30 Several hours after it leaves Mars’ vicinity, Mariner will slowly play
back its tape recording through the data encoder, transmitting the pictures
in digital-bit form to the E a r t h at the rate of more than 8 hours per picture.
Intervals of engineering telemetry will be sandwiched between pictures.
The whole picture-and-telemetry series will take almost 10 days to send. The
plan is to repeat the series a second time to ensure receiving every bit on
Earth ; then Mariner will be ordered back to interplanetary investigation.
Coming so close to Mars will influence Mariner’s orbit. The current
prediction for the post-Mars orbit is that it will be longer (in period and
s p a n ) , less elongated, and more sharply tilted relative to Earth’s orbital
plane. Traveling in this far-flung ellipse between Earth’s orbit and t h a t of
Mars, Mariner will be a satellite of the Sun forever.
Next autumn, E a r t h will pass from the beam of the high-gain antenna.
Mariner’s telemetry will go on transmitting-no one really knows how
long-but we shall not receive its signal. Perhaps in 1967, when the space-
craft again approaches Earth, we shall hear from Mariner once more.
Experiment Data
Description Experimenters
TV subsystem: up t o 21 pictures of Martian surface R. 6. Leighton,* B. C. Murray. and R. P. Sharp, all of CIT,
and R. K. Sloan and R. D. Allen of JPL
E. J. Smith* of JPL,
Helium magnetometer: planetary and interplanetary p, J, coleman J ~ of
, ucLA,
magnetic fields L. Davis Jr. of CIT. and
D. E. Jones of Brigham Young University and JPL
Solar-plasma probe: quantity rate and energy of H. L. Bridge* and A. Lazarus of MIT, and
positive ion “wind” C. W. Snyder of JPL
Trapped-radiation detector: low-energy solar charged J. A. Van Allen,* L. A. Frank, and S . M. Krimijis, all of
particles and planetary “radiation belts” State University of Iowa
Cosmic-ray telescope: high-energy charged particles J. A. Simpson’ and J. O’Gallagher of University of Chicago
Occultation (no instrument): Martian atmosphere as A. J. Kliore,‘ 0. L. Cain, and G . S . Levy, all of JPL,
deduced from its effect on spacecraft’s signal V. R. Eshelman of Stanford Electronics Laboratory, and
during occultation b y the planet F. Drake of Cornell University
*principal investigator
. '
Orbit Data
Mariner IV Mariner IV Mariner IV
Earth Mars Mariner 111 after launch after maneuver after encounter
Dec I, 1964 525 782 517.870 126 953 200 91 824 713 7 288 61.438
Dec 11 22 649,177 2,203,995 116,862.720 92,624,158 6,973 57,050
Dec 21 40,241,575 3,873,488 106,848,830 94,011,320 6.977 52,869
Dec 31 57,574,471 5,575,079 97,078.054 95.924.270 7,406 48,672
Jan 10 1965 74,583,451 7,450,269 87,615,436 98,281,742 8,586 44.548
Jan 20 91,219,961 9,670,634 78,740.116 100,994,350 10,362 40,573
Jan 30 107,451,878 12.394.127 70,342,943 103,372,235 12,748 36,801
Feb 9 123,261.850 15,769,341 62,528.068 107,131.110 15,561 33,269
Feb 19 138,644,479 19,858,102 55,316,411 110,394,380 18,561 29.996
March 1 153,605,290 24,680,278 48,709,726 113,695,700 21,815 26,987
March 11 168.155.150 30,232,660 42,634,447 116,378,530 25,167 24,243
March 21 182,311,410 36,456,459 37,244,945 120.195.680 28,501 21,759
March31 196,094,740 43,301,215 32.326.122 123.308.240 31,929 19.528
April 10 209,528220 50.705.889 27,835,443 126,284,444 35.320 17,544
April 20 222,636.480 58,579,830 23,904.586 129,038,570 38,621 15,804
April 30 235,445,090 66,823,342 20,315,235 131,719,930 41.944 14,308
May IO 247,980,100 75,427,220 17,042,164 134,151,990 45,190 13,043
May 20 260,267,760 84,264,046 14,044,672 136,371.970 48,342 12,010
May 30 272334,370 93,270,057 11,266,975 138,368.640 51,521 11.202
June 9 284,206,150 102,362,020 8,655,916 140,133,630 54.598 10.608
June 19 295,909,130 111,453,380 6,162,774 141,660,360 57,610 10.206
June 29 307,469,390 120,485.400 3,744,829 142,943,780 60,667 9.971
July 9 313,123,300 123,375,820 1,366,265 143,980,310 63,632 9,872
July 14 325,741.140 134.398.880 5,675 144,468,580 66,678 11,518
The Log of Mariner IV
November 28,1964
1422 :01.39 GMT Liftoff.
1504:28 Space separation.
1510:lO Solar panels deployed.
1531 :04 Sun lock completed.
November 29
0659 :03 Canopus search started.
November 30
1102:47 Canopus lock completed.
December 4
1305-2402 Midcourse maneuver attempted by ground command ; Canopus
lock lost. Maneuver cancelled from E a r t h ; Canopus reacquired
after 7 ground-commanded “star-hops.”
December 5
1305-1658 Successful midcourse maneuver (6 ground commands).
December 6 Component failure in plasma probe ; scientific data unintelligible.
December 7 Canopus lock lost, Gamma-Vela acquired.
December 9 S t a r lock lost, Gamma-Vela reacquired twice.
December 13 Transmitting amplifiers switched (to traveling-wave tube) by
ground command ; star lock lost, reacquired.
December 17 Star lock lost, reacquired. “Star-hop” commanded from E a r t h ;
Canopus reacquired. Star sensor desensitized to excess bright-
ness by ground command.
J a n u a r y 3,1965 Telemetry bit rate switched by on-board command from 33% to
8% bits per second (most frequent readouts every 50 seconds).
Plasma-probe data partly recoverable at new rate.
J a n u a r y 10-13 Johannesburg ground station assigned t o Ranger t e s t 6 W -hour
daily telemetry blackout.
February 5 Solar flare detected by science instruments.
February 7-22 Johannesburg station assigned to Ranger VI11 test flight
February 11 TV lens cover dropped, planetary science equipment checked
and prepared by 12 ground commands.
March 5 Spacecraft transmission switched from omni t o high-gain
antenna by on-board command.
March 10-25 Johannesburg station assigned t o Ranger I X test and flight
March 17 Ionization-chamber/Geiger-tube system fails.
April 16 Solar-flare phenomena detected.
May 3 Plasma-probe data below threshold due t o decreasing temperature.
May 26 Solar flare detected.
June 5 Solar flare detected.
J u n e 15 Solar flare detected.